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Group Study in Mathematics 1 - Jplicuanan: Macro Integrated Training and Review Center

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Group Study in Mathematics 1

c. 2 11 d. 3 11
1. Solve for x: log (2X + 7) – log (X -1) = log 5
17. The directrix of a parabola is y = 5 and its focus is at (4, -3).
a. 4 b. 10
Find the length of the latus rectum
c. 8 d. 12
a. 16 b. 14
c. 12 d. 10
2. Two natural numbers are such that the difference of their
squares is 481 and the sum of their squares is 769. Find the
18. What is the area bounded by the curve x2 = 3y and the line y =
3 in sq. units
a. 25,12 b. 36,16
a. 12 b. 15
c. 24,12 d. 25,10
c. 8 d. 20
3. Given f(x) = (x – 4) (x + 3) + 4, when f(x) is divided by x – k, the
19. Find the area of a circle circumscribing a triangle having sides
remainder is k. Find k.
of 4, 5 and 6 cm respectively
a. -12 b. 8
a. 34.23 sq m b. 27.83 sq m
c. 4 d. 2
c. 22.87 sq m d. 28.73 sq m
4. .If the roots of an equation are zero, then they are classified as
20. How many times does the volume of the sphere increases if
a. Trivial b. Hyperbolic
the radius is doubled?
solution solution
a. 8 times b. 10 times c. 16
c. Zero d. Extraneous
times d. 4 times
functions roots
21. How many sides have an equiangular polygon if each of its
5. If log8 48 = x, solve for x
interior angles is 165 degrees?
a. 1.8616 b. 2.1486
a. 24 sides b. 20 sides
c. 3.7018 d. 2.2475
c. 12 sides d. 30 sides
6. Solve for x if: xy = -8 yz = -2 zx = 4
22. How many sides has a polygon if the sum of its interior angles
a. ± 4 b. ±2
equal to the sum of its exterior angles?
c. ± 1 d. ±3
a. 8 sides b. 4 sides c. 2
sides d. 6 sides
7. Roberto is 25 years younger than his father. However, his father
will be twice his age in ten years. How old is Roberto?
23. The vol of water inside an upright circular cone is 240 cu. cm
a. 12 yrs b. 18 yrs old
which is partially full. If the ratio of h/r is 2.5, compute for the value
of h:
c. 24 yrs d. 15 yrs old
a. 11.27 cm b. 12.17 cm
c. 17.21 cm d. 11.72 cm
8. A tank fitted with an intake pipe that will fill in it in 4 hours and an
24. The equation 7y +3x2 – 3x +8 = 0 is a
outlet pipe that will empty it in 12 hours. If both pipes are left open,
a. hyperbola b. circle
how long will it take to fill the empty tank?
c. line d. parabola
a. 4 b. 5
c. 6 d. 7
25. A polygon with 1000 sides is known as
a. kiloagon b. milliagon
9. b in the expression, cube root of b is called
c. chiliagon d. thouagon
a. Index b. Radical number
26. Helium is escaping from a spherical balloon at a rate of 2
c. Radicand d. Base number cm3/min. When the surface area is shrinking at the rate of 0.33
cm2/min, find the radius of the spherical balloon
a. 12 cm b. 14 cm
10. .In the expansion of (X + 4Y)12, the numerical coefficient of the c. 20 cm d. 13 cm
5th term is
a. 63360 b. 126720 27. What is the integral of sin6θcos4θdθ if the upper limit is pi/2 and
c. 206880 d. 253440 the lower limit is 0?
a. 3pi/512 b. 4pi/512
c. 3pi/312 d. 5pi/512
11. If 16 is 4 more than 4x, find 5x – 1 =?
a. 14 b. 3 28. A square sheet of galvanized iron 100 cm x 100 cm will be
c. 12 d. 5 used in making an open top container by cutting a small square
from each corner and bending up the sides. Determine how large
12. A ladder 10 m long is placed between two buildings so that it the square should be cut from each corner in order to obtain the
will reach a window 6 m high on one building. With its foot at the largest possible volume.
same point and turned over, it will reach a window 5 m high on the a. 10.26 cm b. 19.37 cm
other building. What is the distance between the buildings? c. 16.67 cm d. 21.28 cm
a. 16.66 m b. 14.24 m
c. 12.57 m d. 20 m 29. Find the point in the parabola y2 = 4x at which the rate of
change of the ordinate and abscissa are equal.
a. (1, 2) b. (2,1)
13. It takes Butch twice as long as it takes Dan to do a certain c. (-1, -2) d. (4,1)
piece of work. Working together, they can do the work in 6 days.
How long would it take Dan to do it alone? 30. . The depth of water in a cylindrical tank 4 meter in diameter is
a. 15 days b. 5 days increasing at the rate of 0.7m/min. Find the rate at w/c the water is
c. 9 days d. 19 days flowing into the tank.
a. 8.8 m3/min b. 4.4 m3/min
c. 2.2 m3/min d. 1.1 m3/min
14. In how many minutes after 2 p.m will the hands of the clock
31. At what point of the curve y = 2x – x2 is the slope equal to 4.
extend in opposite direction for the first time?
a. (-1,-3) b. (-1,3)
a. 40.522 b. 41.725
c. (-3,-1) d. (3,1)
c. 43.636 d. 45.575

15. The number 0.123123123 …… is “ The pain in Reviewing for the ECE Board Exam is TEMPORARY
a. Rational b. Irrational But
c. Surd d. Transcendental The pride in Passing the ECE Board Exam is FOREVER”
16. The volume of a right circular cone is 8pi cu. ft and its altitude
is 6 ft. find the slant height of the cone.
a. 3 10 b. 2 10

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Macro Integrated
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