Wave Due To Rock Fall
Wave Due To Rock Fall
Wave Due To Rock Fall
Netsanet Nigatu Tessema, Fjóla G. Sigtryggsdóttir, Leif Lia and Asie Kemal Jabir
Special Issue
Tsunami Science and Engineering II
Edited by
Dr. Valentin Heller
Journal of
Marine Science
and Engineering
Case Study of Dam Overtopping from Waves
Generated by Landslides Impinging Perpendicular to
a Reservoir’s Longitudinal Axis
Netsanet Nigatu Tessema 1, *, Fjóla G. Sigtryggsdóttir 2 , Leif Lia 2 and Asie Kemal Jabir 1
1 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, P. O. Box 385,
Addis Ababa 1000, Ethiopia
2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
7491 Trondheim, Norway
* Correspondence: Netsanet.nigatu@aait.edu.et; Tel.: +251-913-77-15-74
Received: 29 May 2019; Accepted: 25 June 2019; Published: 15 July 2019
Abstract: Landslide-generated impulse waves in dammed reservoirs run up the reservoir banks as
well as the upstream dam slope. If large enough, the waves may overtop and even breach the dam
and cause flooding of the downstream area with hazardous consequences. Hence, for reservoirs in
landslide-prone areas, it is important to provide a means to estimate the potential size of an event
triggered by landslides along the reservoir banks. This research deals with landslide-generated
waves and the overtopping process over the dam crest in a three-dimensional (3D) physical model
test, presenting a case study. The model set-up describes the landslide impacting the reservoir in a
perpendicular manner, which is often the case in natural settings. Based on the experimental results,
dimensionless empirical relations are derived between the overtopping volume and the governing
parameters, namely the slide volume, slide release height, slide impact velocity, still-water depth,
and upstream dam face slope. Predictive relations for the overtopping volume are presented as
applicable for cases relating to the specific model set-up. Measured overtopping volumes are further
compared to a two-dimensional (2D) case reported in the literature. An important feature regarding
the overtopping process for the 3D case is the variation in time and space, resulting in an uneven
distribution of the volume of water overtopping the dam crest. This observation is made possible by
the 3D model set-up, and is of value for dam safety considerations as well as for foundation-related
issues, including erosion and scouring.
1. Introduction
Dam sites suitable for impounding of a reservoir are often found in mountainous regions or
highlands, often in narrow valleys or canyons (see Figure 1). Mountain slopes are generally susceptible
for landslides, including rockslides. There are infamous cases of a landslide impinging reservoirs, in
turn generating impulse waves overtopping the dam with catastrophic consequences downstream.
This includes the Vajont dam tragedy in 1963 where nearly 2000 fatalities occurred [1]. The general
process describing such events has been grouped into three phases [2]: (1) slide impact with wave
generation; (2) wave propagation with wave transformation; and (3) run-up of the impulse wave and
overtopping of a dam (see Figure 2). However, a dam is not overtopped if the wave run-up height is
lower than the freeboard f, the elevation difference between the dam crest, and the reservoir still-water
level, when the landslide impinges. Still, mountainous slopes surrounding a dam reservoir poses a
threat to dam safety. Consequently, a mean of estimating the associated hazard from landslide waves
overtopping a dam is of importance. In such an evaluation, the reservoir settings, such as the geology
and topography, are important. The shape of a reservoir in a narrow mountain valley is usually longer
than its width (see Figure 1), and thus with a potential landslide threat from the mountain slopes along
the length of the reservoir. In other words, a potential landslide may fall from these mountain slopes,
i.e., approximately perpendicular to the reservoir’s longitudinal axis (see e.g., Figure 2b).
Figure 1. Mountain reservoir in Aurland Municipally Norway (Photo from E-CO Energi / Aerosport,
with permission, 2019).
Figure 2. The three phases of landslide-generated waves with the relevant parameters for this study:
(1) slide impact with wave generation; (2) wave propagation; and (3) wave run-up and overtopping of
a dam; (a) a section showing the three phases based on Heller et al. [2]; (b) an example plan view of
a reservoir.
modeled with granular and cobble material, and investigation into the effect of different landslide
parameters such as landslide geometry and energy, on the wave generated. One recent relevant study
is that of Evers [16], who investigated, for example, the effect of slide impact velocity, slide mass, slide
impact angle, slide width, and still-water depth in 2D and 3D models. Evers [16] found that for the
same slide mass (volume) the wave generation is influenced by the landslide geometry, with a wider
landslide generating larger waves. Furthermore, he found that the initial wave amplitude and shape
are influenced by the slide impact angle. These findings are mentioned here since in the current study
the geometry of the slide is not directly considered in the formulations provided, and the slide impact
angle is constant.
Only a few studies consider dam overtopping (Phase 3 in Figure 2) and include formulas for the
overtopping volume based on wave and dam parameters. These studies are mainly those of Huber et
al. [17] in the case of an erodible granular dam model, and Kobel et al. [18] as well as Müller [19] in the
case of a solid, non-erodible dam model. The resulting formula for the overtopping volume is based on
(2D) experimental tests. Kobel et al. [18] used rectangular prismatic water wave channels with solitary
waves propagating directly towards a dam (set-up similar to shown in Figure 3b), thereby simulating
waves generated by a landslide impinging from one end of the reservoir directly towards the dam.
Kobel et al. [18] point out that the solitary wave type represents an extreme case.
Figure 3. General layout of slide impact into a reservoir: 1 is the slide impact zone, 2 is the wave
propagation zone and 3 the wave run-up and dam overtopping zone for (a) slide impacting from the
side of a gorge; (b) solitary wave generated moving directly towards the dam’s upstream face.
Depending on the geometry of a particular reservoir, the wave parameters can be computed with
a 3D or 2D approach (e.g., [11,16]) and fed into a 2D run-up equation, such as provided by Kobel et
al. [18], to obtain an estimate of the volume of water overtopping a dam. Heller et al. [2] discuss the
effect of the reservoir shape with two extreme cases. The first case considers a long reservoir and a
slide that impacts longitudinally into this reservoir. The second case considers that a slide mass can
impact at any possible location into the reservoir and the slide width is less than the reservoir width. In
the second case the reservoir geometry is such that the impulse wave can propagate radially and freely
from the slide impact zone. In 3D settings the wave parameters depend on the wave propagation
angle. The distribution of the overtopping wave along the dam crest, e.g., at the inner and outer flanks
(see e.g., [2]), can be considered by dividing the dam crest in appropriate number of sections for the
calculation of wave run-up and subsequent overtopping. However, the quality of the prediction would
depend on the geometry of the reservoir and may be limited in the case of a very narrow reservoir as
in the present study.
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The above-mentioned studies do not directly investigate the 3D effect relating to narrow valleys
and a landslide falling into a narrow dammed reservoir perpendicular to the reservoir’s longitudinal
axis, i.e., setups related to this shown in Figure 3a. Thus, further studies are required to investigate
directly dammed reservoirs in narrow valleys with mountain slopes prone to landslide impinging
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the reservoir (Figure 3a). The current study aims at shedding
light on the mentioned 3D effect; however, application of the results must consider the limitations of
the model set-up of this case study, as later described.
The current study continues an experimental study program initiated in 2014 with focus on
landslide-generated waves resulting from lateral slides into a narrow reservoir, as well as the effect of
different dam related parameters on wave overtopping. The study uses a 3D physical model that was
extracted and modified from a model used by Lindstrøm et al. [20], to study rockslide generated waves
into fjords. The same slide blocks are used as in Lindstrøm et al. [20], i.e., essentially modeling rockslides.
Other researchers have studied landslide-generated impulse waves using granular deformable slides,
e.g., Fritz et al. [21,22] used a 2D physical model and Mohammed and Fritz [23] used a 3D tsunami wave
basin. Furthermore, there are studies available, e.g., Ataie-Ashtiani and Nik-Khah [7], Zweifel [24]
and Heller and Spinneken [25], comparing the waves generated by granular and block slides. The
findings of Zweifel [24] and Ataie-Ashtiani and Nik-Khah [7] was that rigid blocks (as in the present
study), result in more extreme waves compared to granular slides. However, Heller and Spinneken [25]
revealed that block slides can generate not only larger waves in a wave channel, but also identical
or smaller waves than granular slides, depending on certain parameters or features. The identified
influential parameters in this regard were the ratio of the slide width to the channel width, the slide
front angle and the slope transition from the inclined landslide ramp used in the tests to the horizontal
channel bottom. They explain the discrepancy from the previous studies that these parameters were
not varied, and their effect thus not recognized.
The main objective of this article is to use the experimental data from the 3D laboratory scale
test set-up to propose a formula for estimating the total volume of water overtopping a dam from
impulse waves generated by a landslide impinging perpendicular to the reservoir longitudinal axis
as shown in Figure 3a. An important part of this objective is to investigate the distribution of the
overtopping volume along the dam crest, a feature that can, as described above, only be obtained
indirectly through 2D modeling of previous studies essentially using experimental setups relating to
that shown in Figure 3b. The experimental set-up of the present study has a fixed reservoir geometry
as well as a fixed landslide ramp slope and location, which must be considered in the application
of the results. The formula derived is dependent on both the landslide and dam parameters. The
dam parameters considered, for the upstream slope and freeboard, relate e.g., to those relevant for
embankment dams. However, the dam model used is non-erodible as in the case of Kobel et al. [18].
Considering this, an important further objective of this study is to compare, the overtopping volume
measured in this study to predictions based on the formula of Kobel et al. [18].
In the following, the experimental set-up, instrumentation, and test program is outlined, followed
by a description of the wave propagation and overtopping process. The experimental data is analyzed
to obtain a formula for predicting the overtopping volume based on the landslide and dam parameters.
The formula is obtained with data regression analysis resulting from test runs with systematic variation
of slide, basin, and dam parameters such as the slide volume, slide release height, slide speed, wave
amplitude and upstream dam face slope for cases with freeboard f > 0. Following this, the distribution
of the overtopping along the dam crest is extracted. Finally, the measured overtopping volumes are
compared to results using the prediction formula proposed by Kobel et al. [18]. The analysis chapter is
supported with discussions on the limitations of the study and the results. Finally, the main conclusions
are stated.
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2. Methodology
Figure 4. (a) Experimental set-up with the main components; slide, reservoir, dam and (b) ultrasonic
sensors used for measuring the run-up height and buckets for collecting the overtopping water. The
wave gauges, which were installed in the reservoir, are not shown on this figure.
The slide was modeled with blocks (see Figure 5) placed on a 2 m long slide ramp inclined at
a constant angle of αα = 50◦ , where it was possible to place rectangular blocks of different sizes and
arrangements. This model represents a reservoir in a narrow valley formed by steep rock mountain
slopes. Furthermore, the slide ramp was modeled as a natural extension of the sides of the model
reservoir. The inclination of the slide ramp mainly affects the slide speed, along with the friction
between the ramp and the blocks. The friction resistance was represented with a friction angle of about
25◦ . In this study, the slide speed was varied by using different slide release heights. The shapes and
sizes of the blocks used in the experiments are shown in Figure 5. Different slide block arrangements
were made for each test set-up. For each arrangement the blocks, impinging the water first, were
tapered at an angle of 45◦ at the front to simulate a slide that has a smaller front and a larger body [26].
The slide blocks were attached to each other with chains, the sliding body was then attached to a
steel panel with a hook. When the hook was removed, the blocks slid into the reservoir generating
impulsive waves.
Figure 5. Rigid blocks used to model the landslide (measurement in m): (a) trapezoidal solid;
(b) rectangular solid.
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The reservoir was modeled with a fixed trapezoidal basin with sidewalls of water-resistant
plywood covered with concrete paste to increase the roughness. It was 4.5 m long, 1.7 m wide at the
bottom and 2.2 m at dam crest level, with a total reservoir capacity of 2.5 m3 . The model dam was
placed at one end of the reservoir with a constant height of Hd = 0.32 m. The model was conceptual and
a scale of 1:190 has been selected relative to prototype, considering that this results in a moderate height
of the prototype dam (60.8 m) and a range of landslide volumes from the blocks, representing medium
sized slides (0.2 to 1 million m3 ) to large slides (1 to 5 million m3 ). At this scale (1:190) the model
represents an 860 m long reservoir, 320 m wide at the bottom with a reservoir capacity of 17 Mm3 .
Dams with upstream slopes of 1:1.5, 1:2 and 1:2.25 were used for the analysis representing
embankment dams. The dam crest was divided into five different sections (labeled Channels (CH)
11 to 16 in Figure 4b) to measure the distribution of the overtopping volumes along the crest. The
corresponding overtopping volume for each dam section was collected in five buckets with pipes of
100 mm diameter (see Figure 4b).
2.2. Instrumentation
Nine wave gauges of type ‘DHI wave-meter 102E’ were placed at the surface of the trapezoidal
basin to measure the wave height at different locations. The principle of this wave meter is to measure
the conductivity between two parallel electrodes partly immersed in water. In addition, there were
five ultrasonic sensors (mic+35/IU/TC) placed at the top of each dam section to measure the height
of the water that overtopped the dam crest (see Figure 6). The water that overtopped the dam was
collected in five calibrated buckets and recorded manually with an ultrasonic sensor. The initial level
of each bucket was measured before the test and the water level rise after the test. The measurement
was multiplied by a calibration factor to obtain the overtopping volume.
To measure the speed of the slide block, a rotational sensor (CH 10) was placed at the side of the
slide ramp. It was connected to the rigid sliding blocks through a hook with a rope which unrolled
together with the distance covered by the slide. A voltmeter recorded the voltage as the block slid
down the ramp and the rope unrolled. A calibration factor was required to change the measured
voltage into the distance covered by the slide. Then a time variable distance was used to extract the
slide impact velocity considering the impact velocity is the maximum.
The data from the wave gauges, ultrasonic sensors and rotational sensors were collected in ‘Agilent
Measuring Manager program’ with a sampling rate of 200 Hz.
Figure 6. Planar view of sensors placement in the model set-up (measurements in mm).
Block Arrangement
Slide Characteristics
2H Blocks 2V Blocks 4 Blocks 6 Blocks
Slide length lS (m) 0.50 1.08 1.08 1.66
Slide width b (m) ⁄ 0.90 0.45 0.90 0.90
Shape ratio lS /b (-) 0.56 2.40 1.20 1.84
Slide volume WS (m3 ) 0.072 0.074 0.149 0.225
Figure 7. Arrangement of block configurations used in the tests with slide release height ho parallel to
the ramp slope and measured from the still-water level.
A constant dam height Hd = 0.32 m, crest width bc = 0.053 m and length lc = 2.2 m were used
for the whole test series. However, three different upstream dam slopes were considered, i.e., β = 24◦
(1:2.25), 27 (1:2) and 34 (1:1.5) (see Figure 8). Additionally, two different freeboards were used: f =
◦ ◦
0.024 m (still-water depth: h = 0.296 m) and 0.032 m (h = 0.288 m). Considering a scale of 1:190, the
freeboard values correspond to 4.5 m and 6 m, respectively, associated with dams in Norway of high
and very high consequences for the downstream area should the dam breach.
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66 experiments were conducted with varying slide, reservoir, and dam parameters. To check
the test repeatability, each test with identical parameters was repeated three times and analyzed,
hence a total of 198 tests have been conducted. All test data are given as the average of these three
individual tests.
such as in the present study. Heller and Spinneken [11] further investigated the wave types for the
3D case. They concluded from their 3D test results that the lower boundary (T < 4/5F−7/5 ) remains
characteristic also for 3D waves, whereas in the intermediate range both Stokes- and cnoidal-like waves
were observed. Similar findings can be concluded from the 66 data points from the current 3D study
plotted in Figure 11 and identified by the number of blocks used in the tests. The waves in all the tests
conducted in the present study bear a resemblance to Stokes-like waves. This also applies to tests,
involving 6-block as well as some of the 4-block tests that are plotted in Figure 11 in the intermediate
zone defined for the 2D case for cnoidal- or solidary-like waves.
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Figure 9. Idealized impulse wave types with the most important wave parameters (from Heller et
al. [2], with permission from ETH, 2019).
Figure 10. Wave profiles measured with the wave gauge sensors (see Figure 6 for the locations of the
sensors) (Test no. 185_2.25s_4.5_2H_200).
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Figure 11. Plot of the wave type product T versus the Froude number F for the 3D tests conducted in
the present study. All waves observed were Stokes-like. The boundaries provided are from Heller and
Hager [27] observed for the 2D case using granular slides.
= ,ℎ , , , ℎ, , , , ,
Figure 12. Overtopping depth (mm) versus time (s) over the five dam crest sections (see Figure 6 for
the locations of the sensors) (Test no. 185_2.25s_4.5_2H_200).
π ρ
= , , , , ⁄90
ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7, 221 11 of 19
4. Experimental Results
The experimental results are presented in this section. First, equations for the overtopping volume
are derived for the experimental results. Furthermore, the uneven distribution of the overtopping
volume is addressed.
Ww = f (Ws , ho , g, vs , h, ρw , a, lb , bb , β) (1)
where Ww (m3 ) = overtopping volume, Ws (m3 ) = landslide volume, ho (m) = landslide release height,
g (m/s2 ) = gravitational acceleration, vs (m/s) = slide impact velocity, h (m) = still-water depth, a (m) =
wave amplitude, lb (m) = reservoir length, bb (m) = reservoir width and β (o ) = dam front face angle,.
In the model experiments a constant reservoir length, lb and reservoir width, bb were used; hence
their effect is considered constant.
Applying Buckingham’s π theorem, by selecting the repeating variables as; h, ρw and vs , a
relationship between dimensionless parameters is obtained:
Ww Ws ho vs a o
= f 3 , , p , , β/90
h 3 h h gh h
where the wave amplitude a is measured from the zero level to the maximum crest point. Equation (2)
can be rewritten: !
Ww Ws ho o
= f 3 , , F, ε, β/90 (3)
h3 h h
where ε = a/h is the relative wave amplitude.
Conducting a power fit regression, a predictive equation is found for the relative
overtopping volume:
Ww Ws h0
0 −0.01
2 0.04
= 0.21 3 F ε β/90 = 0.21E1 (4)
h3 h h
The following
apply: 2.67 < Ws /h3 < 9.52, 1.67 < ho /h < 6.97, 1.25 < F < 2.66, 0.18 < ε <
0.73 and 0.27 < β/90 < 0.37.
E1 is the overtopping volume parameter considering the relative wave amplitude described as:
Equation (4) includes a parameter relating to the wave crest; however, it also includes the relative
slide volume which is influential for the wave amplitude as well as the landslide speed through F.
However, the impact of ε, as well as β/900 and F, is quite small, indicating that these parameters can be
neglected in the analysis of the overtopping volume Ww . The model set-up had a fixed distance from
the dam to the slide impact zone. Thus, for this case a more direct relationship with the slide volume is
possible by neglecting the wave parameter ε. Rearranging the parameters in Equation (4), for a direct
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7, 221 12 of 19
relationship between Ww and the other parameters on the right-hand side of the equation, results in a
relationship for Ws , to the power of 1. Thus, the relationship between Ww and Ws is linear. For cases that
can be related to the model set-up, and where no information about the wave properties are available,
removal of the wave related parameter is advantageous for a clearer extraction of the relationship
between overtopping volume and slide parameters. This further simplifies the process of roughly
estimating the overtopping volume related to a known potential slide into a reservoir. Hence, in this
study, an additional analysis was made for a predictive equation of overtopping volume excluding
wave properties, such as ε. Accordingly, the overtopping volume prediction formula becomes
Ws h0 0.42 2 −0.03
Ww 0 −0.1
= 0.17 3
F β/90 = 0.17E2 (6)
h3 h h
The following limitations apply: 2.67 < Ws /h < 9.52, 1.67 < ho /h < 6.97, 1.25 < F < 2.66 and 0.27 <
β/90 < 0.37
E2 is the overtopping volume parameter without considering ε described as:
Ws h0 0.42 2 −0.03
0 −0.1
E2 = 3
F β/90 ; 3.7 < E2 < 17.8 (7)
h h
Based on the analysis the relative overtopping volume WW /h3 increases linearly and thus most
significantly with the relative slide volume WS /h3 , but moderately with the relative landslide release
height ho /h. Furthermore, the impacts of F and β/900 are again quite small. The exponents for F and
β/900 in Equation (6) are so small that they may be ignored in the analysis of the overtopping volume.
When excluding these parameters, the exponent of the remaining parameters, Ws /h3 and ho /h, remains
the same for Ws /h3 , but only slightly reduces for ho /h from 0.42 to 0.40. Furthermore, the constant in
front of E2 increases from 0.17 to 0.19. However, in the present study Equation (6) is considered for
further analysis.
Figure 13 shows the correlation between measured relative overtopping volume WW /h3 and the
overtopping volume parameters, E1 and E2 , each with R2 = 0.80. To investigate and compare Equation
(4) including, and Equation (6) excluding the relative wave amplitude, an analysis was performed
for the value of overtopping volume comparing the power regression fits (expressed by R2 = 0.80)
between the measured values from the tests and the results from Equations (4) and (6), respectively.
Figure 14 reveals large prediction errors for smaller measured overtopping volumes WW < 0.01 m3 for
both cases.
parameter E1 and E2 with and without relative wave amplitude, respectively, as well as with 10%
deviation (dashed line): (a) E1 according to Equation (5) (R2 = 0.80) and (b) E2 according to Equation
(7) (R2 = 0.80).
Figure 14. Prediction error for the measured overtopping volume: (a) predicted with Equation (4);
(b) predicted with Equation (6).
Figure 15. Overtopping volume distribution over the five dam crest sections (see Figure 6). The width
of each channel is one fifth of the total dam crest length lc .
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5. Discussion
0.25 0.7
h !(2/ε)(β/900 ) a 0.12
Ww w
= 1.35ε (8)
bb h 2 Hd bc
Figure 16. Predicted overtopping volume versus the total overtopping volume measured in the model
tests (in m3 ) of the present study. The total overtopping volume is predicted by Equations (4) and (6) of
the present study and the overtopping volume from a solitary wave using Kobel et al. [18]’s Equation
(8) using Approach 1 and 2.
The two Approaches 1 and 2 for the application of Kobel et al. [18]’s Equation (8) are compared in
Figure 16. The overtopping volume calculated using Approach 1 overestimates the experimental data
while Approach 2 generally underestimates the overtopping volume. For Approach 2, the measured
total overtopping volume versus the one predicted by Equation (8), has a mean value of 0.70 with a
standard deviation of +/−0.53. The tests that involve large landslide volumes of 4 or 6 blocks, and the
highest release height in each case, all result in more than one wave overtopping the dam in the case
study. Thus, for these tests the overtopping volume from Approach 2 considering only a single wave
largely underestimates the measured total overtopping volume.
5.2. 3D Effects
Figure 16 compares results from studies representing the two cases illustrated in Figure 3, i.e., a 2D
study using solitary waves through Approach 1, versus the present 3D study of landslide impinging
perpendicular to the reservoir’s longitudinal axis and inducing a more complex wave field (Figure 10).
Additionally, the 3D wave effects are considered for the 2D formulation with the Approach 2 described
above. Figure 16 confirms the statement by Kobel et al. [18] that 2D solitary wave represents the
extreme case, considering that the predicted overtopping volume is on average more than twice the
experimental results in Approach 1 applying Equation (8). However, Figure 16 also demonstrates
that given the relative wave amplitude close to the run-up zone as in Approach 2, the use of Kobel et
al. [18]’s, Equation (8) may underestimate the total overtopping volume in cases of narrow reservoirs.
Thus, in a risk assessment for the downstream area, threatened by the water overtopping a dam, the
water volumes estimated by Equations (4) and (6) are more appropriate for cases as those illustrated
in Figures 2a and 3a, but only if these cases can be represented by the physical model of this study
(Figures 4 and 6). Approach 1 for the application of Equation (8) by Kobel et al. [18] is appropriate for
cases as shown in Figure 3b in case of solitary waves, but is likely to give extreme values, and thus be
on the safe side for the cases shown in Figure 3a. Conversely, the 3D Approach 2 to the application
of Equation (8) is likely to underestimate the overtopping volume for reservoirs relating to this case
study, particularly involving large landslides. Thus, for Approach 2, Equation (8) must be applied
cautiously to cases of narrow reservoirs and large landslides because of the potential number of waves
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overtopping the dam. Combined application of Approaches 1 and 2 for predictions by Equation (8)
could be considered, but may give a wide range of potential overtopping volumes.
One important feature extracted from the present study of landslides impinging perpendicular to
the longitudinal axis of the reservoir (Figure 3a) is the uneven distribution of the overtopping volume
over the dam crest (Figure 15). Equations (4) and (6) provide the total volume of water overtopping
the dam. However, from a dam safety perspective the distribution of this along the dam crest is of
interest. This distribution can be estimated from Figure 15.
6. Conclusions
The research presented deals with the 3D case of a dam overtopped by waves generated as a
landslide impinges the reservoir perpendicular to its longitudinal axis (Figure 3a). The governing
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parameters include the slide volume, landslide release height, landslide speed, slide Froude number,
still-water depth, and upstream slope of the dam. In line with the main objective of the paper, an
empirical data analysis has been conducted to arrive at Equations (4) and (6) predicting the total
volume of water overtopping the dam, based on the fundamental governing variables. The result from
the analysis highlights the dominant effect of the slide volume followed by the still-water depth and
landslide release height whereas the effect of the upstream dam slope is small. Limitations for the
trend equations are stated enabling rough predictions, also in cases where information on some of the
parameters may be absent. Furthermore, limitations on the applicability relating to the fixed geometry
of the set-up are highlighted.
In line with one of the main objectives of the paper, the experimental data was compared to results
using prediction formula derived for the 2D case by Kobel et al. [18]. The comparison confirmed
the statement by Kobel et al. [18] that their approach with a 2D solitary wave represents the extreme
case, which for the case considered here through Approach 1, resulted in an average overestimation
of the measured value by more than a factor of two. However, if the 3D decay of a single wave is
considered, as in Approach 2, the prediction by Kobel et al. [18] ’s equation generally underestimates
the experimental data and may result in an undesirable underestimation in cases where the wave is
generated by a large rock slide into a narrow reservoir. In these cases, it is important to estimate the
potential number of waves overtopping the dam.
Equations (4) and (6) can, with consideration of the stated limitations, be used for predicting the
total volume of water that will overtop a specific dam due to landslide-generated waves with given
landslide and dam properties. However, in such an estimation it is of high importance to note the
limitation of Equations (4) and (6) arising from the fixed model set-up, i.e., geometry of the basin,
location of the landslide ramp, and that the landslide geometry is not considered. Still, the equations
can then be used to realize roughly the size of the event threatening the downstream area due to
potential landslide-generated waves. The results should only be used to support risk assessment,
assessment of mitigation measures, and decision making that is influenced by dam safety.
The overtopping process was described by figures and a quantitative data analysis. One important
feature extracted regarding the overtopping process for the 3D case is the variation in time and space
(Figure 12) resulting in uneven distributions of the volumes of water overtopping the dam crest
(Figure 15). This observation was made possible by the 3D model set-up and is of value for dam safety
considerations as well as for foundation-related issues, including erosion and scouring.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.N.T., F.G.S. and L.L.; Formal analysis, N.N.T.; Investigation, N.N.T.;
Project administration and Supervision, F.G.S.; Writing, N.N.T.; Writing, review and editing, F.G.S.; Review and
editing L.L. and A.K.J.
Funding: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) Project 80051.
Acknowledgments: The support and cooperation of the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
(NVE) and Grethe Holm Midttømme in the associated study and research program at NTNU is gratefully
acknowledged. The contribution of Kiflom W. Belete in the early model development and to technical issues
is appreciated. The important contribution of Jochen Aberle in the development of the model, particularly in
reducing model effects, is acknowledged. Furthermore, the contribution of Geir Tesaker and Joël Biedermann in
the laboratory, and of Ermyas Tamene Haile in the 3D drawing of the model set-up is acknowledged. The first
author would like to acknowledge the support from Addis Ababa University, School of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, as well as from NTNU, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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a (m) wave amplitude;
aw (m) effective wave amplitude;
b (m) slide width;
bb (m) reservoir width;
bc (m) dam crest width;
E (-) overtopping volume parameter;
F (-) Froude number;
f (m) freeboard;
g (m/s2 ) gravitational acceleration;
h (m) still-water depth;
ho (m) landslide release height;
H (m) wave height;
Hd (m) dam height;
lb (m) reservoir length;
lc (m) crest length;
ls (m) slide length;
M (-) relative slide mass;
ms (kg) slide mass;
s (m) slide thickness;
S (-) relative slide thickness;
T (-) wave type product;
vs (m/s) landslide speed;
WS (m3 ) slide volume;
WW (m3 ) overtopping volume;
α (o ) slide ramp angle;
β (o ) dam front face angle;
ε (-) relative wave amplitude;
ρw (kg/m3 ) density of water;
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