Two Minute Walk Test
Two Minute Walk Test
Two Minute Walk Test
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Physiotherapy Section
Change of 2-Minute Walk Test among
Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis
Sheffaly Chaudhary1, Ammar Suhail2
Introduction muscle weakness, and low endurance [15]. Therefore, 2MWT can
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most ubiquitous form of arthritis [1,2]. be a better practical and tolerable test for KOA affected individuals.
Comparatively, knee is 41% more affected than other joints from 2MWT test’s measurement properties have been studied in various
OA [3]. The prevalence of KOA is reported as 28.7% among the populations [12,15-19]. To the best of our knowledge, the properties
Indian population [1]. Hip and KOA are significant contributors to of 2MWT have not been tested in KOA (bilateral) individuals.
disease burden and increased healthcare costs worldwide [2,4]. Therefore, the present study aimed at assessing the test-retest
KOA is associated with pain and can result in difficulty in daily reliability of 2MWT among patients with bilateral KOA. It also aimed
functional tasks such as stair climbing, walking, getting in and out to analyse the minimum detectable change of 2MWT.
of a chair [5,6]. Balance and gait impairments are frequent findings
in participants with KOA [7-9]. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Gait dysfunctions among KOA patients is associated with an The study was a prospective test-retest research designed to
increased risk of disease specific mortality [10]. These dysfunctions assess the reliability of 2MWT. Participants were recruited from the
can be measured using either patient-reported or performance- physiotherapy clinic, Department of Physiotherapy, Uni Hospital,
based outcome measures. Performance-based measures are Lovely Professional University and Vishwakarma Hospital, Phagwara,
analyser-observed measures of tasks that are assessed through Punjab, India. The study was conducted from January 2017 to April
timing, counting, or distance methods [11,12]. These outcome 2017. The study was approved by the project approval committee
measures assess what individuals can do instead of what they of Lovely Professional University.
perceive as they can do [13]. These tests assess physical functions Sample size calculation: Sample size was estimated using G
such as walking speed and capacity [11]. power version 3.1. The minimum sample size of included individuals
Walk tests are performance-based measures that measure to justify enough power was set at 80. A power analysis determined
individuals walking capacity. A range of walk tests are used in KOA that a minimum of 78 participants were required to establish a
individuals to estimate the walking capability, such as the 6MWT, 5 minimally acceptable reliability coefficient of 0.85 with α=0.05.
m (16.4 ft), multi-paced test, 13 m (42.7 ft) self-paced test. These Inclusion criteria: Eighty-two participants were recruited using
tests are usually time-based (6MWT or 2MWT) or distance-based purposive sampling in the study. They were included in the study if
(one-mile walk test) [14]. A 6MWT and 2MWT are modifications they: (1) were aged between 45 years or above; (2) had a diagnosis
of the 12MWT. High correlations have been reported for 12MWT, of bilateral KOA (Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) rating >1); (3) had knee
6MWT, and 2MWT in different populations [14]. It is suggestive that pain of ≥3 months; (4) NPRS score ≥3; (5) was able to walk with or
some individuals are unable to walk for six minutes because of pain, without an assistive device.
4 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Jul, Vol-15(7): YC04-YC07 Sheffaly Chaudhary and Ammar Suhail, 2MWT Test-retest Reliability
The baseline assessment was done on the first day of the
participant’s visit. Health status was assessed using WOMAC [20,
21]. The NPRS and WOMAC were assessed on two consecutive
days. On the first visit, their necessary information along with
pain and health status were assessed. A familiarisation session
of 2MWT was conducted before the initial testing. There were
two trials of 2MWT to assess the test-retest reliability, with 48
hours interval. The trial sessions lasted for approximately 45
minutes. First author did all the data collection procedures.
During the testing procedure, an assistant was present to prevent
participants from falling. The scores obtained in the 2MWT were [Table/Fig-3]: Scatterplot showing relationship between BMI (kg/m2) and 2MWT
used to ascertain test-retest reliability and MDC. A 2MWT was distance.
Data was analysed using SPSS 20.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL, USA). Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the normality
of the data. The p-values of 0.05 or less were considered significant.
The calculation of test-retest reliability for 2MWT was done using the
ICC, and the SEM with a 95% confidence interval was determined
to confirm the accurateness of the measurement method. The
following formulae were used to calculate the SEM and MDC95.
SEM= SD baseline x √1-ICC
MDC 95%= 1.96X√2x SEM
The demographic characteristics of the sample are highlighted
in [Table/Fig-1]. The mean (SD) age of the participants was
60.42 (6.6). Twenty-seven participants were male, and 55
were females. The participant’s NPRS and functional status [Table/Fig-4]: Bland Altman plot of agreement between test-retest scores of
are shown in [Table/Fig-2], comparing both measurements. 2MWT.
The correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and 2MWT
[Table/Fig-3] (r=0.017), to see if the BMI affected the distance 1st trial 2nd trial Difference ICC
walked, was not significant with a p-value of 0.87. mean±SD mean±SD mean±SD (95% CI) SEM MDC95
2MWT 154.33± 156.69± 2.36±2.74* 0.98 2.76 5.52
Characteristics Mean SD (meters) 19.59 19.68 (0.9924-
Age (years) 60.43 6.65
[Table/Fig-5]: Test-retest reliability assessed by two trails of 2MWT
Weight (Kg) 71.55 11.57 *p<0.001; 2MWT: 2-minute walk test; ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient; CI: Confidence
Height (m) 1.62 0.082 interval; SEM: Standard error of measurement with a 95% confidence interval; MDC95: Minimal
detectable change at the 95% confidence level; SD: Standard deviation.
BMI (Kg/m2) 27.27 3.33
Gender (Male: Female) 27: 55 Limits of Agreement (LOA) Plots
[Table/Fig-1]: Baseline characteristics of the participants. The Bland Altman plot [Table/Fig-4] showed a high level of
Kg: Kilogram; m-meter; SD: Standard deviation agreement between the two measurements. There were only five
data points outside the +1.96 SD. The mean difference between the
1st day 2nd day measurements was 2.4.
Variable mean (SD) mean (SD) Wilcoxon (p)
Numeric pain rating scale (left) 5.5 (1.3) 5.4 (1.6) 0.56 DISCUSSION
Numeric pain rating scale (right) 4.6 (1.4) 4.6 (1.5) 0.73 The 2MWT showed excellent test-retest reliability in individuals with
WOMAC 42.3 (6.1) 43.1 (13.9) 0.18 bilateral KOA. Individuals walked more during the 2nd trial though
[Table/Fig-2]: Pain and functional status of the participants. there was no change in pain or WOMAC score between the two
Abbreviations: WOMAC: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index; SD: trials. This might be due to learning effect as individuals learned how
Standard deviation
to do the test.
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Jul, Vol-15(7): YC04-YC07 5
Sheffaly Chaudhary and Ammar Suhail, 2MWT Test-retest Reliability
Reliability of an outcome measure is critical as the information retest reliability for individuals with bilateral KOA. More than 5.52 m
provided should be consistent and responsive to changes in a changes can be confidently considered actual difference in the
patient’s condition. Reliability is reflected in terms of consistency patient’s ability to perform the task. Therefore, it is concluded that
and repeatability when administered properly under similar for functional evaluation in KOA, 2MWT is an excellent alternative to
circumstances [22]. Clinically, reliability is an essential construct as it other walk tests such as 6MWT and 12MWT.
helps clinicians correctly interpret the results of a test. In the present
study, the test-retest reliability of 2MWT was assessed using the Acknowledgement
ICC. Test-retest reliability measures test consistency; if the same Authors like to thank Sarah Quais (PT), Consultant Physiotherapist,
test is given to the same individuals at different times, it should New Hope Physiocare Physiotherapy Clinic New Delhi for proofreading
provide identical scores. the manuscript and helping in the final draft of the manuscript.
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1. Postgraduate Research Scholar, Department of Physiotherapy, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.
2. Assistant professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.
Ammar Suhail, • Plagiarism X-checker: Feb 20, 2021
Assistant professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Lovely Professional University, • Manual Googling: May 20, 2021
Jalandhar-Delhi Grand Trunk Road, Phagwara, Punjab, India. • iThenticate Software: Jun 02, 2021 (17%)
Author declaration:
• Financial or Other Competing Interests: None Date of Submission: Feb 19, 2021
• Was Ethics Committee Approval obtained for this study? Yes Date of Peer Review: Apr 09, 2021
• Was informed consent obtained from the subjects involved in the study? Yes Date of Acceptance: May 21, 2021
• For any images presented appropriate consent has been obtained from the subjects. NA Date of Publishing: Jul 01, 2021