Quant - Myoton
Quant - Myoton
Quant - Myoton
Research Methods
Date of Submission:
18 March 2024
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1. Introduction
The MyotonPro (Figure 1) is a relatively new piece of technology that can be used
to objectively measure skeletal muscles, ligaments and tendons by detecting
changes in the state and properties of tissues (Myoton AS, 2011). The device
records various muscular mechanical properties including: stiffness, tone and
elasticity. Assessment of these parameters has been shown to have beneficial
consequences in science, sport and medicine (Gavronski et al., 2007; Marusiak et
al., 2012; Bizzini and Mannion, 2003). However, a standardised protocol has not
yet been developed for assessment of contractile state and its effect on the
mechanical properties of muscle.
Muscles are made of long fibres containing force producing units known as
sarcomeres. These sarcomeres produce force through interactions between the
actin and myosin proteins that form them. The human quadriceps muscle has over
40,000 sarcomeres (Meijer, Bosch, Bobbert, Soest & Huijing, 1998a). Even at rest,
when the sarcomeres are not contracting, a muscle is in a state of tension known
as muscle tone. This is due to a combination of neural and non-neural factors such
as reflex excitability, the viscoelastic properties of the musculotendinous unit, and
the intrinsic properties of the contractile elements (Dietz, Quintern, and Berger,
1981). Tone and other mechanical properties of muscles can be recorded either at
rest or during contraction using the MyotonPro.
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myosin and actin filaments from cross bridges between parallel fibres and
sarcomeres shorten. When a muscle position is fixed e.g. in the Quadriceps
muscle during a square sit, tension builds up in the muscle but the muscle length
remains the same (Aidley, 1998). This is known as an isometric contraction and
will be utilised to standardise muscle length and joint position in this study.
Figure 2: Diagram illustrating sliding filament theory (All About Sports Medicine, no
1.2 Reliability
Various studies have been conducted into the reliability of the MyotonPro and its
earlier prototypes (Agyapong-Badu et al., 2013; Chuang, Wu, and Lin, 2012; Aird,
Samuel, and Stokes, 2012; Bizzini and Mannion, 2003; Pruyn, Watsford, and
Murphy, 2015; Mullix, Warner, and Stokes, 2012). These have shown that the
MyotonPro demonstrates excellent or very high within day and intra-rater reliability
and high or good interrater and between day reliability, particularly high in the
rectus femoris muscle of both older and younger males (Agyapong-Badu et al.,
2013). However, the aforementioned study by Agyapong-Badu et al. (2013) was
only tested on male volunteers who had been selected based on convenience.
This means that the results of the study may not be relevant to wider general
population demographics. Although the study does meet the recommended
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sample size for reliability, larger and more representative studies are needed
before any definitive conclusions can be drawn (Atkinson and Nevill, 2001).
The modified Ashworth scale is currently one of the most accepted clinical
measure of tone and involves subjective assessment of resistance to passive
stretch through a 6-point ordinal scale (Bohannon and Smith, 1987; Gregson et al.,
1999; Li, Wu, and Li, 2014). However, this assessment technique is subjective and
therefore makes it liable to bias introduced by the examiner as their own
experiences and opinions will serve to influence their judgements. This and other
factors have led to its reliability being questioned in the literature (Fleuren et al.,
2010). Various objective devices are available to test tone and the mechanical
properties of muscle (Gavronski et al., 2007; Tous-Fajardo et al., 2010; Gennisson
et al., 2005) but most are not clinically feasible. This highlights the need for
technology such as the MyotonPro.
1.5 Standardisation
It is commonly known that joint angle and muscle length have an effect on the
mechanical properties of muscle, therefore, a standardised square sit position
ensures these factors are controlled. During the square sit an isometric contraction
occurs in the quadriceps muscle as the length of the muscle and the angle of the
knee joint at 90 degrees do not change. The position allows for repeatable
readings to be taken between individuals and between assessments allowing
progress between treatments or effects of medications to be monitored.
This study aims to determine and test whether or not a protocol can be developed
to standardise the level of contraction in the quadriceps muscle without the use of
any strength testing equipment so that it can be utilised in a field setting..
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2. Methodology
The study will be cross sectional and quantitative for the following reasons; to be
representative of the general population and accurately represent the objective
tools we are using.
2.2 Participants
Other relevant equipment includes: a skin safe viscot pen for marking the test
point to ensure no harm or permanent damage is caused to the skin; a quadriceps
strength chair for measuring relaxed readings in a position similar to the wall sit
with hips and knees both at 90 degrees and providing support to the muscle during
testing; a football will be required for the ball kick test to ascertain leg dominance;
and as previously mentioned, salter weighing scales and a tape measure to allow
BMI to be calculated so entry criteria can be met. .
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2.5 Preparation
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Table 1: Order of testing
Protocol Test Time in
order minutes
1 Completing forms and rest period 10
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2.6 Procedure
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2.7 MyotonPro
3. Potential difficulties
Participants might feel pressured into joining the study – The studies will be
advertised publically to university students through social media to avoid
Standardizing joint angle – A 90 degree angle at the knee and hip joints is
required, using a goniometer would ensure this.
Getting all measurements done before muscle fatigue- Rest periods have
been factored in to attempt to combat this.
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4. Assumptions
Participants will fully relax whilst seated on the quad strength chair.
The short rest period will be long enough for the muscle to recover between
readings during square sitting so the results will not be effected by muscle
Participants will be able to reach and maintain the 90 degree wall sit for
long enough for readings to be taken.
If the data for this study provides significant results for testing the biomechanical
properties of the muscles in different states, there is potential for the technique to
be utilised in various field settings such as in clinic and sport. Research already
shows the MyotonPro device to be reliable, objective and non-invasive (Agyapong-
Badu et al., 2013; Chuang, Wu, and Lin, 2012; Aird, Samuel, and Stokes, 2012;
Bizzini and Mannion, 2003; Pruyn, Watsford, and Murphy, 2015; Mullix, Warner,
and Stokes, 2012) and these factors alongside its low cost, portability and
relatively easy to use nature mean that it has huge potential for use in clinical and
sport settings. If a standardised protocol for its use can be developed the device
could have the following uses:
Ultimately there is a lot of potential for the device out in the field once standardised
protocols have been established.
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Agyapong-Badu, S., Aird, L., Mooney, K., Mullix, J., Warner, M., Samuel, D.,
Stokes, M. and Bailey, L. (2013) ‘Interrater reliability of muscle tone, stiffness and
elasticity measurements of rectus femoris and bi- ceps brachii in healthy young
and older males’, .
Agyapong-Badu, S., Warner, M., Samuel, D. and Stokes, M. (2015) ‘Measurement
of ageing effects on muscle tone and mechanical properties of rectus femoris and
biceps brachii in healthy males and females using a novel hand-held myometric
device’, Archives of gerontology and geriatrics., 62, pp. 59–67.
Aidley, D.J. (1998) ‘Mechanics and energetics of muscular contraction’, in The
physiology of excitable cells. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press,
pp. 323–335.
Aird, L., Samuel, D. and Stokes, M. (2012) ‘Quadriceps muscle tone, elasticity and
stiffness in older males: Reliability and symmetry using the MyotonPRO’, Archives
of gerontology and geriatrics., 55(2).
All About Sports Medicine (no date) Sliding filament theory. Available at:
http://allaboutsportsmed.weebly.com/sliding-filament-theory.html (Accessed: 9
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doi: 10.1080/026404101317015447.
Bailey, L., Samuel, D., Warner, M.B. and Stokes, M. (2013) ‘Parameters
representing muscle tone, elasticity and stiffness of biceps brachii in healthy older
males: Symmetry and within-session reliability using the MyotonPRO’, Journal of
Neurological Disorders, 1(1), pp. 1–7.
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pp. 459–61.
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Chuang, L., Wu, C. and Lin, K. (2012) ‘Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of
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Appendix 1 – Participant Information Sheet
Study Title: Ultrasound imaging measurements and mechanical properties of
muscles for assessment of muscle health
Ethics number: ?
You are invited to take part in a research study. Please read this information
carefully before deciding to take part. Please ask questions if anything is
unclear or if you would like further information. Take your time to decide
whether or not you wish to take part. If you are happy to participate you will
be asked to sign a consent form.
This study will be carried out in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
You have been recruited as you responded to an email expressing interest in the
study. You are a student at the University of Southampton and have been chosen
to represent a healthy young adult.
You will be asked to complete a screening questionnaire to make sure that this
study will be safe for you. We need to ask you questions regarding your level of
physical activity to confirm that you are eligible for this study. There will also be
questions about medical conditions, medication use and any injuries you have had
in the past.
The study involves one visit to a research laboratory in Building 45 of the Faculty
of Health Sciences, University of Southampton. The data collection should take
approximately 45 minutes. You will be asked to complete a consent form to ensure
that you are happy to take part in the study. Additionally, you will be asked to wear
comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear to carry out physical testing. Your
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height and weight will be measured. Several sites will be marked on your lower
limb where the measurements will be taken from. You will then take part in three
stages of testing.
Firstly, you will be asked to lie on your front facedown on a plinth, a small device
called the MyotonPRO will be used to test how toned your calf muscles are. A
blunt probe will gently tap your muscles, causing the muscle to vibrate, although
this will be so gentle you will not be able to see the movement. The vibration of the
muscle will be detected and measured by the device to give recordings of muscle
tone and stiffness. Then another set of readings will be taken whilst your foot is
relaxed against a wall to allow for a passive stretch. Next, you will move from the
plinth to a chair where another two sets of readings will be taken using the myoton
device this time on your thigh muscle.
Following this, whilst still seated six ultrasound images will be taken at 3 points on
the thigh. Ultrasound is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to
create an image of part of the inside of the body. During the procedure some gel
will be placed on your skin and a probe will then be moved over your skin to take
the scan. The process is harmless and will not be painful but the gel may feel a
little cold. The ultrasound scans will be measured at a later date to examine how
thick your muscles are, as well as surrounding fat.
Next, you will be asked to perform a bodyweight squat against a wall with your
hips and knees and ankles at 90’ so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. From
here another two sets of 10 readings will be taken using the Myoton device with a
2 minute rest in between.
Following this you will be asked to resume the same position for two further holds
(2 minute break in between) where two ultrasound images will be captured whilst
performing the holds.
In total, data collection will take approximately 45 minutes. You will not be required
for anything else; there will be no additional testing days or follow ups.
It is anticipated that this study will provide a better insight into the use and
application of Ultrasound and myoton technology. There are no direct benefits for
you however there are a number of benefits for the healthcare profession and the
wider population.
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Are there any risks involved?
There are no known risks involved with either the ultrasound imaging or the
MyotonPro. Your leg muscles may feel sore after the wall sit Ultrasound scan and
this may last for up to 3 days however this is unlikely.
Yes. The study will comply with the Data Protection Act (1998) and the University
of Southampton policy to ensure that all personal information is kept confidential.
You will be provided with an ID number which will be used throughout the project.
The data will therefore remain anonymous and you name will not be disclosed,
thus your identity will be unknown. Personal information will be kept on a
password protected computer to which only the researchers have access. Any
written information will be stored in a locked filing cabinet. Data will be stored for a
maximum of 10 years and destroyed in accordance with the University of
Southampton regulations. You will not be personally identifiable in any written
work that is submitted for publication. We will ask for your permission to contact
your GP should any information come to light during the study which we feel
needs to be shared with them.
Participation in the study is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw at any
point during the study without your legal rights being affected. You do not have to
provide a reason for withdrawal. If you have any queries or concerns during the
study you are encouraged to speak to the researcher or another member of the
research team and you will be provided with any necessary information. If you
wish to withdraw from the study you can let the researcher know either in person
or by using the contact details provided.
In the unlikely event that you wish to make a complaint, or express any concerns,
you should contact: Diana Galpin (Head of Intellectual Property, Contracts and
Policy) Address: Building 37, University of Southampton, University Road,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ. Email: d.galpin@soton.ac.uk Telephone: 023 8059
The study will be written up and submitted for assessment. We also intend to
publish the findings in a research journal. All data will be managed, stored and
then destroyed in accordance with current University of Southampton policy.
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You may also contact the project supervisor:
Professor Maria Stokes
Faculty of Health Sciences, Building 45
University of Southampton, Highfield Campus
Southampton, SO17 1BJ
Tel: 02380 596868 Email: M.Stokes@soton.ac.uk
Thank you for considering participating and for taking time to read this
2- 2-
Dominant Quad (2/3 from ASIS to superior Relaxed: (Abi) Contracted: (Abi)
patella) (Point X)
1- 1-
Length= cm ( x 2/3) = cm
2- 2-
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Dominant 1: (Tom) 2: (Tom) Notes:
position 2cm
medial from
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Study title: Ultrasound imaging measurements and mechanical properties of
muscles for assessment of muscle health
Researchers names:
Study reference: ?
Ethics reference: ?
I have read and understood the information sheet (insert date /version
no. of participant information sheet) and have had the opportunity to
ask questions about the study.
I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be
used for the purpose of this study
Data Protection
I understand that information collected about me during my participation in this
study will be stored on a password protected computer and that this information
will only be used for the purpose of this study. All files containing any personal
data will be made anonymous.
Signature of participant……………………………………………………………..
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Appendix 5 – Search strategy
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