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Communication - process of exchanging Forms of Comm.

information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and

 Intrapersonal Comm - yourself-
emotions through speech, signals, writings, and
when you talk with, learn about, and
judge yourself
Communication is effective only when the  Interpersonal Comm - occurs when you
message is understood and when it interact with a person with
stimulates action or encourages the receiver to whom you have some kind of
think in new ways. relationship;
 Small-group comm - occurs when you
Characteristics of Comm.
interact with a person with
 Two or more persons whom you have some kind of
 Exchange of ideas relationship.
 Mutual understanding  Public Comm - communication
 Direct and indirect communication between a speaker and an audience.
 Continuous process  Computer mediated comm - includes all
 Use of words as well as symbols forms of communication between
people with the use of computer or
Skills of Human Comm. smartphones or internet.
 Self- presentation skills - enable you to  Mass Comm - refers to communication
present yourself as confident, from one source to
likable, approachable, and credible many receivers who may be scattered
person. throughout the world.
 Relationship skills - help you build Comm Context
friendships, enter into love
relationships, work with colleagues, and  Physical - tangible or concrete
interact environment.
with family members.  Cultural - lifestyles, beliefs,
 Interviewing skills - enable you to values, behavior, and communication of
interact to gain information, to a group.
successfully present yourself to get  Socio-psychological - has to do
the job with the status relationships among
 Group interaction and leadership - helps speakers,
you participate effectively in the formality of the situation, or the
relationship and task groups- norms of a group or organization.
informative, problem-  Temporal - message’s position
solving, and brain-storming groups, at within a sequence of events
home or at
Types of Comm
work- as a member and as a leader.
 Presentation or Public speaking -  Verbal - the form of communication in
enables you to manage your fear and which message is transmitted verbally.
make it  Oral - Spoken words are used.
work for you, rather than against you. It includes face-to-face conversations,
speech, telephonic conversation, video,
radio, television, voice-over The  Organizational – hierarchy and power
Internet. In oral communication,  Public/Rhetorical - Communication
communication influence by pitch, apprehension; delivery effectiveness;
volume, speed and clarity of speaking. speech and text criticism; ethical
 Written - written signs or symbols are speechmaking; popular culture analysis
used to communicate.  Mass/Media - Use of media;
 Non-verbal - sending or receiving affiliation and television programming;
of wordless messages like gestures, television and values; media and need
body language, posture facial fulfillment; effects of social networking
expression. sites
 Cultural - Culture and rule-setting;
Principles of comm
culture and anxiety; hegemony;
 Communication is purposeful ethnocentrism
 Communication involves choices
Communication apprehension- a generalized
 Communication is Ambiguous fear or anxiety regarding communicating in
 Communication involves content and front of others.
relationship dimensions
 Communication has a power dimension
Mass media-channels or delivery modes for
 Communication is punctuated
mass messages.
 Communication inevitable, irreversible,
and unrepeatable
Mass Communication- communication to a
7 contexts in comm field: large audience via various channels (e.g., radio,
Contexts - environments in which Internet, television, etc.)
communication takes place
New media- computer-related technology
Situational contexts - environments that are
limited by such factors as the number of Culture- a community of meanings with, among
people present, the feedback, the space other things, a shared body of knowledge.
between communicators, among others.

7 Contexts: Cultural communication- communication

between and among individuals whose cultural
 Intrapersonal - Impression formation backgrounds vary.
and decision making; symbols and
meaning; observations and attributions;
Co-cultures- groups of individuals who are part
ego involvement and persuasion
of the same larger culture, but who can be
 Interpersonal - Relationship classified around various identities
maintenance strategies; relational
intimacy; relationship
control; interpersonal attraction
 Small group - Gender and group
leadership; group vulnerability; groups
and stories; group decision making; task

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