Midterms Purpcom Reviewer
Midterms Purpcom Reviewer
Midterms Purpcom Reviewer
Communication is one of the important skills that you Organizational Communication. the focus is on the role
need to acquire when you start working. This skill gives that communication plays in organizational contexts.
you the edge to relate yourself and be understood. Organizations can be referred to as those groups of
individuals with structure.
Communication is very essential to us. It is the key to
misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Therefore, Intercultural Communication. communication between
understanding the concept of communication and or among people having different linguistic, religious,
appreciating it is very important to maintain healthy ethnic, social, and professional backgrounds.
relationships with each other.
Communication is the act of transferring information
Formal Communication. employs formal language
from one place to another. It can also be defined as the
delivered orally or in written form. This may be used in
transfer of information and ideas thru different mediums.
lectures, public speaking, research, business and others.
Hence, communication is the giving, receiving or
This may be used to inform, entertain or maybe to
exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages
persuade the receiver of the messages.
through appropriate media, enabling individuals or
groups to persuade, to seek information, to give Informal Communication. involves personal or ordinary
information or to express emotions. conversations with friends, family members or
acquaintances about any topic. This may be used in
personal, ordinary communication.
Sender. The one who delivers the message
Medium. The important platform over which the
Passive. Emotionally dishonest, indirect, inhibited, self-
information is conducted
denying, blaming, apologetic.
Receiver. The one who receives the information from the
Passive Aggressive. Emotionally dishonest, indirect, self-
source of the message
denying at first, self-enhancing at expense of others later.
Aggressive. Inappropriately honest, direct, expressive,
Verbal Communication attacking, blaming, controlling, self-enhancing at
expense of others.
Non-verbal Communication
Assertive. Appropriately honest, direct, self-enhancing,
expressive, self-confident, empathic to emotions
Intrapersonal Communication. means talking oneself.
Self-talk can be advantageous as it can enable you to
practice what you ought to say in times when you lack the The communication is a dynamic process that begins with
motivation and confidence to speak. the conceptualizing of ideas by the sender who then
transmits the message through a channel to the receiver,
Interpersonal Communication. means an interactive
who in turn gives the feedback in the form of some
exchange. An interaction such as greetings, getting to
message or signal within the given time frame. Thus,
know a person or ordinary conversations that happen
there are Seven major elements of communication
between or among the interactants.
Mass Communication. having to use different medium at
Sender: the communicator is the person who initiates the
the same time in order for the speaker to deliver the
conversation and has conceptualized the idea that he
message to a large group of people.
intends to convey it to others.
Extended Communication. involves the use of electronic
Encoding: the sender begins with the encoding process
media. With the use of electronic media, messages are
wherein he uses certain words or non-verbal methods
transmitted quickly.
such as symbols, signs, body
gestures, etc. to translate the information into a concept – the integration of markets, trade and
message. The sender’s knowledge, skills, perception, investments with few barriers to slow the flow of
background, competencies, etc. has a great impact on products and services between nations. There is also a
the success of the message. cultural element, as ideas and traditions are traded and
Message: once the encoding is finished, the sender gets
the message that he intends to convey. The message can Hence, Globalization is a process of interaction and
be written, oral, symbolic or non- verbal such as body integration among the people, companies, and
gestures, silence, sighs, sounds, etc. or any other signal governments of different nations, a process driven by
that triggers the response of a receiver. international trade and investment and aided by
information technology.
Communication Channel: sender chooses the medium
through which he wants to convey his message to the
recipient. It must be selected carefully in order to make
the message effective and correctly interpreted by the According to Matthews and Thakkar (2012), over the last
recipient. decade, there have been countless examples from the
business sector that demonstrate how poor
Receiver: the person for whom the message is intended. communication can lead to poor organizational
Decoding: receiver interprets the sender’s message and performance. As future employees or business owners,
tries to understand it in the best possible manner. you need to understand that communication is vital for
you to succeed in the process of globalization. It is
Feedback: final step of the process that ensures the important that you know how to communicate with
receiver has received the message and interpreted it others from different culture.
correctly as it was intended by the sender
Model. representation of a real-world phenomenon COMMUNICATION
applied in different forms and is represented graphically.
There are three general types of communication models Global communication is directly affected by the process
of globalization, and helps to increase business
Linear Model of Communication. simple one-way opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a
communication model. There is no concept of feedback. global village. Both globalization and global
The task of receiver is to receive the message. communication have changed the environmental,
Transactional Model. senders and receivers both are cultural, political and economic elements of the world.
known as communicators and both play equally Increased Business Opportunities. Many companies
important role in communication. It relates today hire employees that are located in other countries.
communication with social reality, cultural up-bringing Using communication vehicles such as video calling make
and relational context. Non-verbal feedback is also it simple to converse with colleagues across the globe,
considered as feedback in this model. almost making it feel as if they are in the same room.
Interactive Model or Convergence Model. Two-way Technology also makes it easier to connect with suppliers
communication model. It is mostly used for new media and customers all over the world, and to streamline those
like internet. relationship through improves ordering, shipment
COMMUNICATION AND GLOBALIZATION tracking and so on. With this kind of communication
technology, many businesses can take advantage of
Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and opportunities in different countries or cities, improving
technology have made the world into a more connected the economic outlook on a global level. Thanks to global
and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in communications, information itself can be transferred as
its scope the economic and social changes that have a valuable business asset from one country to another.
come about as a result.
This has the effect of making everyone's operations more
Globalization is the process by which people and goods modern and efficient, regardless of where they are
move easily across borders. Principally, it's an economic located.
Fewer Cultural Barriers. Many people perceive culture to and intercultural communication. Through globalization
be the root of communication challenges. When people and intercultural communication, both positive and
from two different cultures try to exchange information, negative impacts can happen.
the way they speak, their body language or their
mannerisms can be interpreted differently by the other
“Human beings draw close to one another by their
The way people approach problems and how they
common nature, but habits and customs keep them
participate in communities is all influenced by culture.
apart” – Confucius
Globalization has made it possible, for example, for
someone in Japan to understand how someone in the In order to understand communication in a multicultural
U.S. goes about their day. With television and movies, setting, it is necessary for you to recall culture. Culture is
cultural barriers are becoming less prevalent. Being able the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of
to communicate effectively and frequently with a racial, religious, or social group (Merriam-Webster).
colleagues or friends across the planet helps people The culture wheel is a graphic organizer to help you to
understand each other’s cultures a little better. identify the common traits that culture share.
Creation of a Global Village. "Global village," coined by Diversity is the exact word that applies in describing a
theorist Marshall McLuhan, the global village is created society. As definition according to Merriam-Webster,
when distance and isolation no longer matter because diversity is the inclusion of different types of people (such
people are connected by technology. Wide-spread as people of different races or cultures) in a group or
telephone and internet access have been life-changing organization.
for many people across the world, especially those in
developing countries. Diversity is related to culture, you can also consider that
communication plays an important role in each culture.
Many are now enrolling in universities across the world Thus, it is vital for you to understand multiculturalism.
without having to leave their desk chair. Virtual assistant Chu (2020) defined multiculturalism as the co-existence
jobs are becoming commonplace, where employees from of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial,
developing countries work with companies in North religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in
America or Europe, providing administrative customary behaviors, cultural assumptions and values,
patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.
Globalization and global communication have made it
easier to see people on the other side of the world as a Multicultural societies consisted of people of different
neighbor, instead of a stranger from a faraway land. nationalities, races, and ethnicities living together in the
There is so much knowledge about other countries and same or shared community.
cultures available online, that it’s no longer a complete
mystery. Communicating across cultures is challenging. Each
culture has set rules that its members take for granted.
COMMUNICATION AND GLOBALIZATION Few of us are aware of our own cultural biases because
INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION cultural imprinting is begun at a very early age. And while
some of a culture's knowledge, rules, beliefs, values,
We have understood that Intercultural Communication is
phobias, and anxieties are taught explicitly, most of the
the communication between two different cultures.
information is absorbed subconsciously (Goman, 2010).
Remember that in this process, you are accepting the
cultural differences between two different cultures. Local Communication. being able to communicate with
the members of your local area. It can either be in your
We can say that by Globalization, Intercultural
local language (mother tongue), or a common language
Communication is present. You will have to effectively
that you speak within your town.
communicate with other countries to be able to interact
and integrate the variances in two cultures. Global Communication. term used to describe ways to
connect, share, relate and mobilize across geographic,
We are communication to be able to overcome our
political, economic, social, and cultural divides.
differences. And that is possible through globalization
Today, the internet and advancement in technologies everyday lives (Wood, 2020). Technology can be so
have opened vast opportunities for people from other simple to complex and it has changed the way we
countries to communicate to communicate.
one another. However, not only are you going to face Mobile devices are one of the major sources of
technological challenges, but also you need to address communication for almost everybody these days.
language barriers and cultural distinctions. Communication is instant now. It is not just the
application of technology anymore that is important, but
Email is one of the most common forms of global
it is how to use it to communicate. Texting by nature
communication. The message is then encoded, which is
almost encourage poor grammar habits because it is less
sent across the internet to the recipient. In another
formal. Answer the activity below and let us see if you
country, the receiver decodes the message by opening
can decode the messages efficiently.
the email and retrieving the message.
Using technology to communicate effectively among
Multicultural. a society that contains several cultural or
people is a skill that you need to have. Nowadays,
ethnic groups. People live alongside one another, but
companies search for people who can apply technology
each cultural group does not necessarily have engaging
in communicating to others.
interactions with each other.
In 2018, Harankhedkar, H. cited the positive impact in his
Intercultural. describes communities in which there is a
article “Impact of Technology on Communication”. As
deep understanding and respect for all cultures.
quoted, “Technology has transformed the once big and
Cross-cultural. deals with the comparison of different far world into a tiny global village. Thanks to technology,
cultures. In cross-cultural communication, differences we now have the power to communicate with anybody
are understood and acknowledged, and can bring about on the other side of the world.”
individual change, but not collective transformations.
Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity. it is not enough that
No Barriers: Communication is now easy; in case of
you know about some cultural characteristics, history,
situations when you want to convey something urgently
values, beliefs, and behaviors of another ethnic or
to someone, mobiles and emails come in handy.
cultural group. That is only “Cultural Knowledge”. What
you need is to be open to the idea of changing cultural Strengthened Relations: Technology has made it easy to
attitudes. You need to be open to knowing that there are keep in touch with old contacts and has also helped
multiple different cultures – based on religion, ethnicity, strengthen relationships.
nationality, and other aspects like attitudes and
Better Solutions: Technology has brought the world
perceptions. That is “Cultural Awareness”. More so, you
closer and promoted exchange of thoughts to find better
need to know that differences exist between cultures,
solutions to any problem.
but not assigning values to the differences. That is what
you call Cultural Sensitivity. You need to accept others E-schools: Services like videoconferencing has made it
culture without insisting that yours is better. possible to give best education to students via expert
faculty on the web.
Gender Sensitivity. refers to the aim of understanding
and taking account of the societal and cultural factors Development: Technological advancements in the
involved in gender-based exclusion and discrimination in modes of communication have promoted faster decision-
the most diverse spheres of public and private life. making and led to the development and progress of the
world. Video conferencing has played a considerate role
Political Correctness. used to describe language, policies,
in promoting faster decision-making.
or measures that are intended to avoid offense or
disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. Most of the businesses depend on technology for