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Ptat Current Sources

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Basic and advanced current references

Afshin Haft-Baradaran University of Toronto E-mail: afshinhf@eecg.utoronto.ca

Abstract: Two main reasons for variation of current output of current source are temperature dependency and process dependency of output current. Therefore in current references we try to compensate these two major factors. This paper reviews some important current reference in bipolar and CMOS technolgy

I. Introduction

The current-mode approach in circuit design is becoming more common, because circuits designed using this approach will always work at higher speed, for a given technology, than its voltage-mode counterpart. Therefore many systems could take advantage of current-mode technology over a wide eld of applications like switched-current lters and current-feedback operational ampliers. Also current reference is a basic building block in analog circuits as a bias source for oscillators, ampliers, PLLs and etc. All mentioned applications make extensive use of current references and their accuracy is strongly related to the temperature and process stability of these references. In the voltage mode we can implement a bandgap circuit to ensure correct biasing over a wide temperature range, but in the current mode it is much more difcult to obtain this level of performance. This review paper describe some basic and advanced current references in bipolar and CMOS technology, also in low-voltage low-power design.

II. Bipolar Technology

Several current references have been proposed previously[1,13,14]. The building blocks of these circuits is the reference current which is obtaining by forcing, across an integrated resistor, a built in reference voltage such as the base-emitter voltage of bipolar transistor or the difference between the base-emitter voltage of two transistors. II.A. PTAT current Reference I1 Q1 V I2 Q2 Ra

Figure (1). PTAT current source

This circuit is shown in gure (1). It can be shown that [2] the output current I2 has the following relation with temperature: A1 A1 V T ln ----- ln ----- A 2 A 2 KT I 2 ------------------------ = ------- ---------------Ra q Ra and therefore: A1 K ln ----- A 2 dI 2 = --------------------- = C dT qR a



and C is clearly a positive constant. This current is generally called proportional to absolute temperature, PTAT. It can easily be demonstrated that the temperature dependence of Ra introduce second order effect, negligible in the normal range of temperature.

II.B. Inverse PTAT current reference I1



Q3 Rb Q1 VBE1

Figure (2). Inverse PTAT current source

It can be shown that in this circuit which has been shown in gure (2)[2]: V BE 1 I 3 ----------Rb Also: V BE 1 = V G0 V T ( ) ln ( T ) V T ln ( EG ) ) where , , E, G are independent of T, therefore: dI 3 1 1 = --------- [ V BE 1 V G0 V T ( ) ] = --------- F ( T ) Rb T Rb T dT (4)



Although variation of I3 is not a constant with regards to the temperature, it is always negative. So it can be used to compensate the PTAT current source positive dependence. We can add two previous currents and total current Ic can be temperature independence. dI dI dI c F (T ) = 1 + 2 = C + -----------Rb T dT dT dT dI c dT



= 0 , we have F(T)=-CRbT0, or:

T = T0

A1 Rb V BE 1 = V G0 + V T ( ) ----- V T 0 ln ----- A 2 Ra


Equation (7) depends on a resistor ratio, which implies good reproducibility and temperature stability in microelectronic design. One circuit was proposed based on this idea in [2]. Figure (3) shows a temperature regulation of less than 3% over 0-80 C..

Figure (3). Ratiometric temperature stable current reference [2]

III. CMOS Technology Because current reference in CMOS technology has received little attention in the literature we try to consider these circuits. We review the ideas in bipolar current references. Their principles relies on the fact that the voltage VBE across a p-n junction that is forward biasing by a constant current increases fairly linearly with decreasing temperature. This voltage across resistor results in current which increases with decreasing temperature (Inverse PTAT). If a current that is proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) is added to that current, one obtains a current reference that is independent of temperature. But in MOS transistors, the temperature dependence of the drain current originates mainly from its mobility dependence on temperature. To compensate this mobility dependency, bipolar PTAT or MOS PTAT source have been used.

III. A. CMOS temperature-compensated current reference

The principle of this circuit is shown in gure (4). In this circuit, the current through M1 is given by [3]: ( V + V th2 V th1 ) ( V + V th2 V th1 ) W I = n C ox ---- ------------------------------------------ = 1 -----------------------------------------2 2 L1 (1 m) (1 m) 1 3 W and m = ----------- and = C ox ---- . L 2 4 we know that temperature dependence of n of a MOS transistor is T-1.5. By using a PTAT voltage source for V, a current is obtained which is proportional to T.5 and therefore slightly increase with temperature. A PTAT voltage source is usually obtained by using vertical bipolar devices as depicted in gure (5).
2 2


M3 M1 V

M4 M2

Figure (4). Principle of the current reference

Figure (5). Current ref. with PTAT voltage source [3]

But for economic reasons, analog circuits must be realized without additional steps in process for bipolar transistors. Realization of PTAT and inverse PTAT in CMOS technology is difcult. Solution of this problem may be found by considering in weak inversion [4].

III.B. PTAT circuits in CMOS technology III.B.1. PTAT CMOS circuit using resistor I1 M2 M1 I3 M4 M3 R

Figure (6). CMOS PTAT current source

A circuit which uses MOSFETs only and one resistor is shown in g (6). P-channel MOSFETs M2 and M4 act as a current mirror and are in strong inversion and M1 and M3 are in weak inversion region. Therefore for M3[4]:
VG V S 1 3 --------- ---------nV T V T V D 3 ----------- VT VG V S 1 3 --------- ---------nV T V T V D 3 ----------- VT

W I 3 = n C ox ---- J D0 e L3 if Vds3 >> VT:

= 3 J D0 e


W I 3 = n C ox ---- J D0 e L3 also for M1:

V G V S 1 3 --------- ---------- nV T V T

1 e

V DS 3 -------------- VT

3 J D0 e

V G V S 1 3 --------- ---------nV T V T


I 1 = 1 J D0 e But I 3 = I 4, I 1 = I 2 , therefore:

VG 1 --------nV T


3 2 V R = V T ln ----------- 1


III.B.2. PTAT CMOS circuit without using resistor The presence of a resistor is a drawback for some application. If a low current is required, a high value resistor needed, which takes along surface area if it is made with drain diffusion or high doped polysilicon. The resistivity is not guaranteed by some foundries with technology. Also temperature coefcient of resistor is not well dened and does not compensate for the temperature dependence of VR. The basic cell of PTAT voltage source wothout resistor is shown in g (7). The two transistors M1 and M2 are in weak inversion therefore[5]: 2 V 0 = V T ln 1 + ---- 1 (13)

values of Vo practically obtainable with this cell are limited to about 100 mv. Higher values may be obtained by stacking a certain number of cells. I M2 Vo M1
Figure (7). CMOS PTAT current source without resistor

III.C. All CMOS temperature compensated current reference We can return to circuit section (III.A) with using mentioned PTAT circuit which shown in gure (7). In practical realization of gure (8)[3] M28-M37 form a PTAT voltage source composed of a series of ve cells.

Figure (8). All CMOS temperature-compensated current reference[3]

In this gure the transistors M1-M4 form the reference circuit and M28-M37 form the voltage source. The currents through the PTAT voltage source are derived from the reference current through M9, M12 and M18-M22. The current reference is available from the terminals IN and IP through M13-M16. To obtain low supply and load regulation sensitivities cascode transistors are added to every current mirror. Start-up network formed by M17 and M38 and M39 is added to avoid latch-up state due to leakage current. Results shows that the temperature dependence of the current output is less than 3% between 0 and 80 C . This is caused by the overcompensation of the temperature dependence of channel mobility and from nonideal behavior of the PTAT voltage source.

III.D. All CMOS temperature independent current reference Although mentioned circuits have low temperature dependence, it can not completely elimi-

nate the mobility dependence or its temperature dependence. The mobility dependence term can completely cancelled out in the output current by multiplying a current component which is proportional to mobility and a current component which is inversely proportional to mobility with a CMOS square root circuit as shown in g(9)[6].

I2 M1 M2 I1 R M3


Figure (8). CMOS current reference using square root circuit[6]

The CMOS square root circuit was derived from its bipolar counterpart and it consist of four PMOS transistor M1-M4 which operating in weak inversion region. Because

VGS1+VGS2=VGS3+VGS4, the output current Io can be derived as follows: Io = 3 4 where: m 1 = ----------1 2 gure (10) shows a complete circuit schematic of the CMOS current reference circuit [6] using this idea. The eight transistors M5-M12 generate the current component I1 which is proportional to mobility. The seven transistors M13-M19 and the resistor R generate the current component I2 which is inversely proportional to mobility. The four PMOS transistors M1-M4 used in the square root circuit are operating in the weak inversion region and all the others in gure are operating in strong inversion saturation region. An ordinary current mirror circuit M5 and M8 generates I5 such m1 I 1 I 2 (14)

that[6]: 5 ( V DD 3 V tp ) I 5 = -------------------------------------------2 2 ( 1 + 2 m2 )


5 where m 2 = ---- . Also since voltage drop across the resistor R is equal to the potential difference 6 between the source nodes of M16 and M18, I16 can be derived as follows by using the strong inversion current equation[6]: 2 ( 1 m3 ) = ----------------------------2 R 18

I 16


18 where m 3 = ------- . The current component I1 and I2 can be obtained easily from I5 and I16 by mul 16 tiplying the transistor size ratios of the cascoded current mirror circuit (M9-M12) and the simple current mirror circuit (M13-M15, M17). Hence the nal output current Io can be derived as: 1 m3 ( V DD 3 V tp ) I o = ---------------------- m 1 m 4 ----------------------------------R 1 + 2 m2


5 10 13 15 where m 4 = ------------------------------ . As shown in this equation the mobility dependence terms are com 9 14 17 18 pletely cancelled out in Io if we assume the mobility of the same devices is the same for all the transistors in the circuit. The temperature dependence of Io comes from temperature dependences of Vtp and R. These parameters tend to cancel each other since diffusion resistor R and the PMOS threshold voltage have positive and negative temperature coefcient respectively. Results shows 1.7% variation for a temperature range 0-75 C.


Figure (10). Circuit diagram of CMOS current reference and measured output current[6]

III.E. Switched capacitor CMOS current reference In current reference circuits have been proposed previously the value of generated current depends on physical parameters such as MOS transistor threshold voltage and conduction factor, sheet resistance of resistor layer and etc. which display wide dispersion range in production. The switched capacitor technique allows resistor equivalent structure to be realized where the resistance value is determined by the value of a capacitor and the switching frequency[7,8]. The integrated capacitor per unit area shows typical dispersion in the range of 20% and is independent of temperature[9]. The operating principle of an SC-based current reference is shown in gure (11)


where Io is reference current generated.

Figure (11). Principle of SC based current reference[10]

It can be shown that [10]: C 1 V ref I o = ---------------T 1 (18)

Therefore the value of Io depends on an on-chip capacitor, a constant voltage reference and time interval derived from a crystal-controlled oscillator. This circuit has a limited temperature dependency because an integrated capacitor has the temperature coefcient in the range of a few tens of ppm/ C [9]. Figure (12) shows the circuit schematic of a complete current reference. results show 3% spread when measuring 25 samples demonstrating effectiveness of the discussed approach.

Figure (12). Circuit diagram of SC-based current reference [10]


IV. Low voltage Low-power design

The advent of portable electronics yields an important increase in low-voltage low-power circuits demand. Also improvement of microelectronic process lead to reduction of component dimension and therefore a need for low supply voltage. But some mentioned circuits can not operate in low-voltage case. For example inverse PTAT part of circuit section (II.B) can not operate with lower 1 volt power supply. Because generally 1-volt power supply only allows the sum of a single base-emitter voltage and two collector-emitter voltages. Therefore changing in inverse PTAT circuit is required for operating with low-voltage power supply.

IV.A. Low-voltage bipolar current reference The principle of the idea shown in gure (13). the current owing Ri is the sum of Ii and . Because Ii is controlled by with a high current gain feedback, therefore is negligible. Then we have: V BE Q1i I i = -------------Ri Complete schematic of the inverse PTAT circuit is shown in gure (14)


Figure (13). Principle of modied inverse PTAT Figure (14). Low-voltage inverse PTAT circuit[11]


In this circuit there are not more than one base-emitter voltage and one collector-emitter voltage.This topology can be used with power supply lower 1 volt. One complete 1-volt ratiometric temperature stable current reference is shown in gure (15)[11]. Experimental results in gure (16) show temperature coefcient about 250 ppm/ C. This circuit can work with power 875 mv power supply.

Figure (15). Circuit diagram of low-voltage current reference[11]

Figure (16). Result of output current of low-voltage current reference[11]

IV.B. Low voltage CMOS current reference CMOS current references which previously presented can not work in low voltage power supply. For example minimum power supply for circuit section (III.C) is 3.5 v [3] and for circuit sec-


tion (III.D) is 3 V tp . One low-voltage current reference which has been proposed [12] uses PTAT circuit section (III.B.1), but resistor R has been replace with n-channel MOSFET work in triode region. It has shown that [12] temperature dependence of output current is T.5. Also it can work with power supply as low as 1.2 v and produce 1-100 nA output current.

Figure (17). Low-voltage CMOS current reference[12]

[1] P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer, Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits, New York, Wiley, 1993. [2] Y. Deval et al., Ratiometric temperature stable current reference, Electron. lett., vol. 29, pp. 12841285, July 1993. [3] W. M. Sansen et al., A CMOS temperature-compensated current reference, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-23, pp. 821-824, June 1988. [4] E. Vittoz and J. Fellrath, CMOS analog circuits based on weak inversion operation, IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. SC-12, pp. 224-231, June 1977. [5] E. A. Vittoz and O. Neyroud, A low-voltage CMOS bandgap reference, IEEE J. Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-14, pp. 573-577, June 1979 [6] C. H. Lee and H. J. Park, All-CMOS temperature independent current reference, Electron. lett., vol. 32, pp. 1280-1281, July 1996. [7] E. A. Vittoz, The design of high-performance analog circuits on digital CMOS chips, IEEE J. Solidstate Circuits, vol. SC-20, pp. 657-665, June 1985. [8] H. W. Klein and W. L. Engl, A voltage-current-converter based on a switched-capacitor controller, Proc. of 9th european Solid-state circuits conference, pp. 119-122, September 1983. [9] J. L. McCreary, Matching properties and voltage and temperature dependence of MOS capacitors, IEEE J. Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-16, pp. 608-616, December 1981. [10] G. Torelli and A. de la Plaza, Tracking switched-capacitor CMOS current reference, IEE proc. circuits, devices and syst., vol. 145, pp. 44-47, February 1998 [11] Y. Deval et al., 1-Volt ratiometric Temperature stable current reference, IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems, pp. 1984-1987, June 1997. [12] H. J. Ogueye and D. Aebischer, CMOS current reference withot resistance, IEEE J. Solid-state Cir-


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