CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study.......................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................6
2.1. Theoretical review.................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................15
3.1. Description of the Study Area.............................................................................................15
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................17
BUDGET PLAN AND WORK PLAN.........................................................................................17
This study is conducted on the title of assessment of credit management Practices in cooperative
bank of Oromia in case of chiro branch. The main objective of the study is to examine the credit
management in cooperative bank of Oromia chiro branch. In this study both primary and
secondary source of data will be used and the researchers would be used open ended and close
ended questionnaires and structured interview to collect data from the employee, customers and
management body of the bank. Researchers will use convenience non probability technique to
select customers and census technique to select target population among employee and
management body of cooperative bank of Oromia chiro branch. And also the researchers used
descriptive method of data analyzing. The data will be analyzed through descriptive method by
using table and percentage forms. Finally some sort of conclusions and recommendation will be
forwarded for all of the cooperative bank of Oromia chiro branch, customers and staffs of the
bank based up on the identified problems.
COOP Cooperative Bank of Oromia
CSA Center of Statistics Agency
CBO Cooperative Bank of Oromia
E.C Ethiopian Calendar
G.C Gregorian calendar
WWW World Wide Web
1.1. Background of the Study
A credit management system is a system for handing credit accounts from assessing risk and
determining how much credit to offer to send out bill to collect payments. Credit management
systems are available through a number of companies, and they can be necessary in cases where
a system needs to communicate with a financial institutions existing computer network, or in
other situations (Malcolm, 2003).
The credit management system provides connection to credit scores and other measures of
financial risk. This can be important for assessing new applications for credit as well as adjusting
accounts in response to changing financial risk. The system may automatically increase interest
rates and other expense associated with an account, if the person starts to default on other debt,
for example, or if someone is carrying unusually high level of debt (Ibid).
When effective credit management begins with accurately assessing the credit worthiness of
customer basis, several factories are used part of credit management process to evaluate and
qualify customer for the receipt of some form of commercial credit. This including current credit
score, the current ratio between income and outstanding financial obligation will also be taken in
to consideration of components of credit managements seeks to not only protect the customer
from crediting more debt obligation that can't be settled in clammy manner. (Corley, 1970;
Adeniyi, 1985).
Credit management is used to identify accounting function usually conducted under umbrella of
accounting receivable. Essentially, this collection in the process involves qualifying the
extension of credit to customer, monitors the recent and hanging of payments on out stand
invoice, intention collection procedure and the resolution of dispute or queries regarding charges
on customer invoice (Malcolm, 2003).
Adeniyi (1985) stated that credit is a crucial factor in growth process of any economy and that by
lending banks provide valuable services to the community as they serve to channel money from
those who have idle fund to those who put the money in to constructive use.
According to Nguta,, (2013) credit management is extremely important as granting credit is
considered to be the equivalent of investing in a customer .The objective of credit management
practice is to look at both the borrower and the lending facility being proposed and to assign a
risk rating. The risk rating is derived by estimating the probability of default by the borrower at a
given confidence level over the life of the facility, and by estimating the amount of loss that the
lender would suffer in the event of default.
Credit management procedure involves a wide variety of financial analysis techniques,
including ratio and trend analysis as well as the creation of projections and a detailed analysis of
cash flows. Credit analysis also includes an examination of collateral and other sources of
repayment as well as credit history and management ability. As much as banks want to increase
lending activities and generate more revenue through interest, banks have to recover the principal
loan amount granted to the borrower to ensure safety of depositor’s fund to prevent capital
erosion. For this reason banks have to adequately assess credit to minimize credit default rate.
Banks which are not able to recover the loans they grant to clients are left with small capital.
They are forced to cut down the staff strength and other operations which reduce the profit of the
bank and eventually wind up. A credit procedure is the blue print used by lending institution in
making its decision to extend credit to a customer (Ibid).
Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess credit management practice at cooperative bank of
Oromia chiro branch.
1.2. Background of the organization
Cooperative Bank is a share Company; it was established in October 29, 2004 G.C. It was
registered as a public share holding company in accordance with licensing and supervision of
banking business proclamation No. 84/1994 and the commercial code of Ethiopia. Cooperative
bank was opened the first branch and started its work publicly in March 8, 2005. Cooperative
Bank chiro branch was opened at chiro town in the year of 2016 G.C. currently the Cooperative
Bank have above 300 branches in the country.
Cooperative bank mission is to attract potential customers, create and sustain market leadership
by establishing networking of high performing work units, and also to generate high amount of
profit. Cooperative bank is committed for achieving its objectives by following core business
principles the bank stated at establishment, with loyal and committed staff members. These
principles are outstanding customer service, business integrity, prudent lending policy, and strict
control discipline. Oromia Cooperative Bank gives various type of service to their customers for
example the mobilization of financial resources and lending the resources to the business
community mobilization of financial resource arise from the fact that the amount of productive
investment is very low. In order to receive financial constraints on investment financial
intermediaries are expected to play a deceive role is bringing about efficient way of rising the
required level of funds through application of proper financial management system through
internal control over cash in the bank.
1.3. Statement of the Problem
Credit management is the most important activities in banks. An attending credit management
policies and procedures makes it sound at the time of managing credit risk and credit decisions.
Mulat (2003) argues that if you are not follow the credit management policies and procedures
one cannot think of managing credit risk and at the same time credit decision will become
arbitrary subject to individual discrimination and judgment.
According to the researcher Sharrafa,(2013) studies, he mentions the following problems of
credit management. There are the problems with the policy, procedure and process of credit,
limitation of credit on the bank, the bank diversification of credit loan and the bank applying for
proper and effective management of credit at the study area. These listed problems currently
exist in the cooperative bank of Oromia chiro branch.
Cooperative bank of Oromia plays an important role in the Ethiopian economy that means the
bank dominates participate in the country’s financial system. The credit contraction and
expansion mechanism to destabilize the economy as a whole is mainly done by the CBO. In the
provision of credit process to the customers, CBO undertakes pre-application interview,
accepting customers official application, collecting necessary documents, credit information
inquiry evaluating credit application customer classification, business visit, collateral evaluation,
risk analysis, decision on request informing the applicant the credit decision performing
administration works like registering the collateral offered by the customer, disbursing the loan
and follow up. However, this credit activity which is the important role vested to it, it’s
becoming area of serious attention.
The problems that may exist currently in CBO chiro branch on the lending practice of the bank
would be on; the collection of detail information about the borrower’s, the evaluation the
collaterals to counterfeit with the borrower’s request, in assessing the existing credit facility
compatible with the borrowers business as well as the market situation and in properly follow up
the same steps which is compliance with the bank credit policy and procedure.
Based on the above problems, the researcher initiated to conduct the study on the credit
management practice in Cooperative bank of Oromia chiro branch to investigate the problem
with the credit management practice of the bank.
1.4. Research Questions
The researcher will try to answer the following research questions:
1. What are the credit requirements for effective credit management of CBO chiro branch?
2. What are the factors affecting credit management practice of CBO chiro branch?
3. Does the organization use proper control of credit management policy at the study area?
1.5. Objectives of the Study
1.5.1. General Objective
The general objective of the study is to assess credit management practices of the Cooperative
Bank of Oromia in the case of chiro Branch.
1.5.2. Specific Objectives
- To examines credit management requirement in Cooperative Bank of Oromia chiro branch.
- To assess factors affecting credit management of Cooperative Bank of Oromia chiro branch.
- To identify the proper control of credit management policy in the study area.
1.6. Significance of the Study
The study will contribute significance to many people, organization, Government, and policy
makers as follows:
- It provides empirical data for policy makers that assisted towards formulating appropriate
policy environment for the operations of Cooperative Bank of Oromia in chiro Branch.
- It provides possible suggestion on the benefit derive from adopting credit
management practices in banking industry.
- It helps to investigate the challenges for adopting credit management practices in bank.
- The study will also of significance to future researcher as literature review, and further
provoked research in the area of credit management.
- It helps as additional sources for other researcher.
1.7. Scope of the Study
This study will be limited to assessment of credit management practices on Cooperative
Bank of Oromia chiro branch. This study will be focused on the credit management
practices in the period of 2010 - 2012 E.C. Because of no sufficient time and no enough
budgets to conduct study on all branches found in west Hararghe zone, the study is limited to
Cooperative Bank of Oromia chiro branch which is found in chiro town.
1.8. Limitation of the study
To carry out this study, in case of methodology there will be certain obstacle, such as
the data to be collected will not be sufficient because there will be a lack of
secondary data and the same time some of the respondents will not be reflect their
willingness to fill the questioners.
1. Boom and recession: under boom condition when industry and trade are expending. The
demand for credit increase the creditor lends more because the interest rising. They also know
that when the money will return due to high rate of profit in the industry, but when there is
recession the quantity of credit decreases.
2. Political condition: credit expends when there is political stability in the country it encourage
investment, which increases the demand for credit.
3. Currency conditions: the volume of credit expands or contract depending up on the current
conditions of the country if the currency system is stable; the quality of credit is increase.
4. Banking system: it is banking system is fully development with large number of commercial
cooperation and bank finance situation in the country the quality of credit expand such
banking. Institution provides large credit facility to trade and industry on the country on
undeveloped banking system to keep the quality of credit at low level.
5. Speculation: speculation and credit extension or contortion- goes together when speculative
activity is high credit expands when speculators lose credit contracts.
6. Credit policy: Central bank follow a cheap policy it reduce the interest rate and the demand
for credit increases on the country adore credit policy rising the interest rate contract the
quality of credit on the country.
7. Economic development: credit expands on the developing country in which new bank and
financial institutions are set up institution industries to agriculture in the poor country is low
because trade in agricultural and business industry in bank is weld. (Jhigan, 2007)
2.1.4. Credit control instrument in bank
1. Promissory note: is the earliest type of credit instrument promissory note is drawn the debtor
and had to accrete the credit can get its discounted from his bank at a premium by paying initial
duet by recovery. A promissory note is an instrument in writing (not being a bank note or
accuracy note) continuing an unconditional undertaking, signed by the maker, to pay a certain
sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person or the bearer of the instrument. The
essential requires of a promissory note are:
- It may be in writing
- It must contain an understanding to pay
- The understanding to pay must be unconditional
- The must be signed by the maker
- The under taking must be to pay in many only
- It must be undertaking to pay in money only
- The payee must be certain
2. Bill of exchange: is an instrument in writing an unconditional order. Signed by the maker,
directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of a certain
person or the bearer of the instrument. The essential requires of a promissory note are
- It must be in writing
- It must contain an order to pay
- The order to pay must be certain
- The sum payable must be certain
- The order must be to pay money only
- The payee must be certain.
3. Bank note: the central bank of country issue currency notes in strictly spanking bank note
currency and note credit instrument.
4. Cheque: is an order on the bank, written by the drawer who has his deposit with that bank to
pay no demand the stated sum of money to the person name with that institution. Cheque is a bill
of exchange drawn by a specified banker and expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand.
(Kumar,,2002) . The cheque had its origin in the ancient banking system in which bankers
would issue orders at the request of their customer to identified payees. Such an order was
referred to a bill of exchange. The use of bill of exchange facilitated trade by eliminating the
need for merchants to carry large quantities of currency to purchase goods and services.
5. A credit card: is a system of payment normal after the small plastic card issued to users of the
system. It is deferent a debit card in that it does not remove money from the users account after
every transaction. Credit card is a recent addition to credit instrument. Is the issue of credit cards
by banks credit card, holders are allowed credit facilities of by concerned bank for specified
period of time without any securely form them there are national and international credit card.
(Moral,and Edharan, 2009).
2.1.5. Effective credit management
Control can maybe effective if the credit manager was the authority to approve or reject orders.
Within the support of a proper credit policy with that power come the responsibilities to reject
the bare minimum, and accept the profitable majority, or find ways of accepting the majority,
which will earn profit. That power also requires the ability to communicate reasons fluently to
the affected and to do everything to arrange terms to be able to accept orders.
Long-term fraud is a commercial evil, which certainly requires good credit management controls
the order entry. Stage the stop list, accurate and regular risk analysis and attention top changing
patterns. These are all weapons in the fight against this kind of fraud, usually involving popular
consumer goods, which involves the purchasing of substantial amount of goods on credit with
deliberate intention of disappearing (deliberately going bust without paying for them).
Good credit management practice. Applying the stand and caution to newly formed Finns
and changes in owner ship will keep lesser to a minimum. Effective credit management remains
and will continue to be support from top management. The institution of credit management was
witness’s remarkable growth since 1996 in the member employees now looking for "trained and
qualified" credit managers. and the parallel growth of employee willing to invest in this
employees by way of training and staff development number of organization in the future will
be able to operate both effectively and profitably without company, wide agreed and
implemented polices including credit. (Musharraf, 2013)
Effect credit management would definite have significant in fact on coronaries performance this
workshop wills other contemporary strategies and techniques to deal with those in tractable
problems. The following is important or essential for effective credit management.
Understanding the strategist importance of credit management
August ,2020
July , 2020
June ,2020
1 Title selection
2 Writing proposal
3 Data collection
4 Data analysis
5 Research submission
6 Research presentation