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Quality Plan

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1 Introduction
Zons Top Construction the Contractor employed by Brick Lane, the Employer, to carry out civil
SECURITY POST)” to the required specification as released by the Employer.

Zons Top Construction acknowledges that the successful execution of any project can be achieved
only if all members of the team are aware of the quality procedures and guidelines regarding their
specific assignments. This QMP aims at providing the construction and remedial procedures to
be performed in accordance with the plans and specifications of the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) and
Conditions of Contract.

The QMP establishes the methods of performing, organizational structure, record keeping and
documentation procedures, tests and inspections to be performed, and corrective actions to be
undertaken, in the execution of key site activities.

Quality Control methods will extend to field operations, staffing, types of materials and
equipment to be used, methods of performing, documenting and administration, inspection and
testing procedures.

The QMP shall serve as a management and communication tool for the project team. It defines
the responsibilities and authority of all key personnel with the project organization. The overall
management of the QMP will be the responsibility of the Quality Control Officer, under the direct
supervision of the Project Manager/Coordinator.

2 Definitions
2.1 Abbreviations
QMP Quality Management Plan

PM Project Manager

QCO Quality Control Officer

ITP Inspection & Test Plan

CR Client’s Representative

NCR Non-conformance Report

ER Engineer’s Representative


2.2 Standard References
Quality Management Plan (QMP): A narrative document describing the quality assurance
processes put in place to manage quality on engineering, procurement, design and construction

Risk Assessment / Method Statement: A document describing specific instructions and

methodology on how to safely perform a task to meet specifications and drawing requirements.

Project Main Parties

Contractor: Zons Top Construction Limited

Contact Person: Samuel Asante

Tel: 0249284988

Zons Top Construction’s team will include but not be limited to the following key personnel:

 Chief Executive Officer – Qianlei Zhu (Nick)

 Project Manager – Samuel Asante
 QC/QA Engineer – Richard Dadzie
 Quantity Surveyor – Jonas Sabbah

The functional responsibilities of key personnel are summarized as follows:

 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The CEO will oversee the project at a corporate level and will be the key contact between ZONS
TOP CONSTRUCTION and the client. He will be kept informed of the project’s progress by the
Project Manager/Coordinator and will resolve problems that are over and beyond the Project
Manager’s jurisdiction. He will visit the project site periodically.

 Project Manager (PM)/Project Coordinator (PC)

The Project Manager/Project Coordinator will be ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION’s primary contact
person at the site, and with whom all site representatives will interact on a daily basis. He/She
will have a full time presence on the project site. His/Her responsibilities lie in the overall
planning of activities aimed at achieving the delivery of the project on time, within budget, and of
expected quality. He/She will be reporting directly to the CEO on the progress of the project,
problems on site and issues relating to quality control, safety and security, labour, design,
subcontractors, variations, resource levels, and expenditures.

The CEO will establish a competent site team to carry out the implementation of the project
plan in accordance with Zons Top Construction’s QMP. The Project Manager (PM)/ Project


Coordinator (PC) will ultimately be in charge of all field operations through proper coordination,
resource allocation, procurement, and maintaining of a safe and secure site.

 Quality Control Officer (QCO)

The QCO will be responsible for overseeing the overall implementation of the Quality
Management Plan and will coordinate all project testing, inspections, and reporting matters
directly to the PM. It is his/her responsibility to ensure that all materials and work comply with
the contract plans and specifications and will have the authority to stop any operations
appearing to be out of compliance. His duties will include but not limited to:

 Performing and documenting daily field inspections and field testing of materials.
 Preparing daily Quality Control Reports which will be maintained on site at all times and
will be submitted to the Project Manager on a daily basis.
 Verifying materials and ensuring that supplies are provided as per project specifications.
 Ensuring that good workmanship is the norm of work execution.
 Coordination with laboratories for conducting different tests such as: tensile tests, soil
tests, compression tests, etc according to project specifications. Reviewing results and
submitting to the PM.
 Tracking construction deficiencies by documenting and ensuring timely corrective action.
 Reviewing calibration of test equipment as required.
 Updating the Quality Control Plan and distribution to all team members

The QCO will have Site Engineers and/or Supervisors available to assist with day to day on-site
inspections of construction operations.

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION has an experienced and highly professional staff and does not
anticipate issues arising from personnel or training complying with the quality control
requirements. If any such problems do occur, ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION will take whatever
actions are necessary to correct them including retraining, providing more supervision or removal
of poorly functioning personnel.


3 Quality Control Policy
3.1 Policy Statement
This policy statement outlines our governing principle and qualitative delivery to our projects in
all fronts.

The objectives which buttress the policy are:

 To develop a full understanding of the needs of our customers

 To work in close co-operation with clients, customers, suppliers and sub-contractors to
provide the right quality work and service, first time.
 Actively to seek customer feedback and to use this as a format for continuous
assessment and improvement.
 To ensure that all our personnel are trained in quality assurance and that this training is
ongoing at all levels in order to create and maintain a culture of quality within the
 To ensure that quality control and quality assurance procedures are strictly adhered to at
all times.
 To consistently review, improve and implement quality control and best practice
 To develop the potential of our employees to ensure all members of staff are capable of
undertaking work required in a safe and responsible manner, in accordance with the
Company’s Health, Safety and Environmental policies.

Achievement of this policy aims requires the involvement all staff, who shall be individually
responsible for the quality of their work, resulting in a continually improving working
environment for all.

Zons Top Construction is fully committed to delivering the objectives of this quality policy
statement within all of its activities and work undertaken by the Company. With each project we
undertake, a Quality Management Plan is implemented, encompassing control measures that
ensure the client’s requirements are met within the specified time, and in line with the budget.

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION management and supervisory staff have the authority to make
decisions, within the scope of their responsibilities, and are charged with working in
accordance with the documented procedures.


3.2 Policy Commitment
A summary of the above policy and its concrete actions for implementation can be found in the
Appendix of the QMP.

4 Materials, Equipment and Methods of Construction

All workmanship, materials and equipment shall be the best of their respective kind and only
new and undamaged materials shall be used for the works and same shall not be used for
temporary purposes on site subject to the approval of the consultants and shall be executed in
compliance with the relevant manufacturer’s written recommendations, specifications and
technical data.

Materials required on the drawings that are not stated in the specifications, but that are known
to be required for the project will similarly be of comparable quality having satisfied the
consultant that the technical, dimensional, aesthetic, functional, maintenance and construction
properties of the proposed materials are equal or superior to the specified product.

4.1 Access to the Work by Quality Control Personnel

Zons Top Construction is obligated to provide access to the work at all times to the
Architect/Engineer, and the Client’s Representatives and shall be responsible for their safety
while on site. All such persons coming into the site will be required by Zons Top Construction to
wear appropriate safety devices and conduct their operations in a safe manner.

4.2 Testing and Verifications

All Certified Laboratory Test Reports will be filed and logged accordingly. Copies will be made
available to the Client’s Representatives/ Consultants for their records.

The QCO will be responsible for all field testing and will:

 Arrange for or conduct field testing in accordance with applicable test parameters.
 Verify that facilities and testing equipment are available and comply with testing
 Ensure that all equipment or instruments used are calibrated by a specialist experienced
in such work.
 Verify that all tests are documented and submitted as part of quality control system
reporting; calibration certificates, field notes and reports are to be kept on the project
 Review all test documentation prior to being submitted to the Project Manager.

Types of Tests:


 Soil Bearing Capacity Tests will be under taken by a Certified Geotechnical Consultant.
 Pile load tests
 Steel reinforcing bars- samples will be submitted to the Ghana Highways Authority or
Ghana Standards Authority Materials Department for tensile tests and compared to
contract specifications. Test will occur at random for each supplier.
 Concrete supplied will be tested for strength using the rebound hammer test and the
crush test at the Laboratory. Tests will be conducted on daily batches.

4.3 Inspections and Control Procedures

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION will maintain an inspection system which assures compliance with the
contract requirements. The QCO will perform three types of inspection for each category of work:

4.3.1 Preparatory Inspection

Preparatory Meetings shall be performed prior to the beginning of any major definable feature
of work. A meeting shall be held for each crew performing such feature or when members of
the crew change. Preparatory Meetings shall be conducted by the Quality Control Officer and/or
designee after a complete review of all applicable construction drawings, specifications, shop
drawings and related submittals has been made. At the Preparatory Meeting, the Site Engineers
and Supervisors (involved in this phase of construction) shall coordinate with Quality Control and
Safety personnel and shall introduce their plan for accomplishing the work.

The following items shall be discussed at such meetings:

 Review of the applicable specifications.

 Review of applicable blueprints and shop drawings.
 Review of related submittals and a check that all related submittals, shop drawings and
materials have been tested (if applicable), submitted and approved.
 Review of the detailed sequence of the execution of the work.
 Discuss required testing and frequency.
 Review provisions to ensure controlled inspection and testing.
 Examination of the work area to ensure that all required preliminary work has been
completed and is in compliance with the contract.
 Examination of the related material, review of the Receiving Inspection Reports and
verification that the items received are in compliance with the contract and are properly
 Review of the Risk assessment/Activity Hazard Analysis Report to ensure that all safety
precautions are met and the required safety equipment has been purchased and is


 Review and document the workmanship expected for the definable feature of work.

4.3.2 Initial Inspections

This shall be performed at the beginning of any definable feature of work and must be repeated
any time new workmen are assigned to the work or if the required standard of work is not being
met. The same personnel who attended the Preparatory Meeting shall also attend the initial
inspection. These shall include; the Site Engineers and Supervisors, Safety Personnel and the
Quality Control Staff.

The following shall be accomplished during such meetings;

 Review the minutes of the Preparatory Meeting and verify that the work complies with
the design documents; i.e., submittals, specifications, construction drawings and/or shop
 Resolve all differences.
 Verify adequacy of inspection and testing.
 Quality of workmanship should be examined and addressed. Establish a level of
workmanship and verify that it meets the requirements.
 Provide documentation of the previous inspection of the work area.
 Re-examine the work area for compliance.

Preparatory and Initial Inspections are intended to prevent non-conformances from occurring.

4.3.3 Follow up Inspections

 Shall be performed daily by the Quality Control Officer to ensure that the controls
established during Preparatory and Initial Inspections continue to provide a product that
conforms to the contractual requirements.
 Construction activities shall be inspected in accordance with Quality Control Procedures.
 Forms for various activities shall be filed and attached to the Contractor’s Quality Control
 Installation and testing activities which do not comply with the requirements shall be
documented on a Non-Conformance Report (NCR).
 Modifications, repairs and/or replacement of materials and/or parts performed
subsequent to Final Inspection shall require re-inspection and/or retest to verify
acceptability. Inspection and testing documents shall be filed and maintained in project
files and made available for review by any member of the team.


4.4 Equipment and Methods of Construction
The selection of equipment type required to do a job is the responsibility of Zons Top
Construction. However, if it can be clearly established that the use of a certain piece of equipment
to do a specified job will in all probability result in inferior construction quality, it is within the
authority of the client to require that appropriate changes be made. These instructions will be
issued through the QCO. If the QCO notes that certain material moving equipment is overloaded
and can possibly lead to a serious accident, there is an obligation to interrupt the use of the
particular piece of equipment until the hazard is eliminated.

Zons Top Construction has the sole responsibility to select equipment and methods as long as
they are capable of doing a satisfactory job within the terms of the Specifications. The Client’s
representative/ Consultants can influence the methods of construction to be used by Zons Top
Construction only if it can be proven that the proposed method of Zons Top Construction will not
provide a satisfactory product.

4.5 Document Control on Site

To maintain effective quality control during construction, samples, technical data sheets and
catalogues shall be prepared and submitted to the consultants for approval.

4.6 Submittals
All submittals shall be reviewed, certified and managed by the Design Team and the Project
Manager. Copies of the manufacturer’s data (material, equipment, fixtures, etc.), including
catalogue cut-sheets showing dimensions, performance characteristics, capacities, wiring
diagrams, schedules, operation and maintenance manuals and any other relevant information
shall be submitted to the Consultants with a Transmittal Cover Form attached to the documents.
A copy of all submittals shall remain with Zons Top Construction. Any product variation from the
Specifications shall be noted on the transmittal and the following shall be addressed and noted
on the transmittal;

 Reason or purpose for the proposed variation, substitution or revision.

 Technical quality between specified and proposed item.
 Certification by a licensed engineer or architect that the revision meets or exceeds the
original design.


5 Definable Features of Work
5.1 Excavation
 Preparatory phase

The QCO will review the extent of excavation with the Site Engineers and Surveyors. Items to be
discussed include the clearing limits and slopes to attain. The type of plant/equipment necessary
to execute the works will be formally requested from Zons Top Construction Plant and Transport
Department, two weeks before the project starts.

All employees will be reminded by the Health and Safety Officer to adhere to the safety protocols
as elaborated in the HSMP.

The Project Manager in consultation with the QCO will designate an area to temporarily store
excavated soil prior to transporting to an approved external facility. This information will be
communicated to the Site Engineers for further action.

 Startup phase

The Site Engineer shall be the sole authority directing plant and equipment Operators to start
excavation works. Surveyors will establish all corners for the area to be excavated. Site Safety
Notices will be installed by the Health and Safety Officer to direct movement of vehicles in and
around the site.

 Production Phase

The QCO and Site Engineers will be responsible for continuous monitoring of quality control. The
total depth of excavation will be equivalent to the bottom of foundation structure from agreed
elevation plus depth of blinding and depth of suitable fill.

Soil at depth of suitable fill will be inspected by the Quality Control Officer. If it is determined to
be structurally unsound or soft spots are encountered, the QCO will alert the Project Manager.
The decision to excavate further than the suitable fill depth will be made and communicated by
the Project Manager. Once the acceptable depth is reached the Site Engineer will authorize the
grader Operator to level the excavated pit. Depending on the total depth of excavation the
necessary shoring methods will be built as per the structural engineers design to ensure safe
working areas. Water pumps will be available at the site stores in the event of rains or
underground water.


If required and as per the Engineer’s drawings, further trenches will be dug within the excavated
pit to allow for placement of underground water drainage systems and other mechanical,
electrical and plumbing pipe works.

The QCO will inspect the chippings ordered and delivered to site for correct size and quality
before the Site Engineer will be allowed to use as fill for the trenches. The plumbing crew will lay
the approved perforated pipes wrapped in geotextile fabric into the trenches. Pipes will be
covered with chippings before backfilling. All other non-perforated MEP pipes will be placed in a
bed of fine quarry dust.

5.2 Grading/Fill
 Preparatory phase

Surveyors will establish profiles in and around the excavated pit. Approved fill material and a
roller compactor will be requested by the Site Engineer within a minimum period of one week
before start of works. QCO will be notified of delivery of fill material by the Stores Manager. QCO
will then inspect the delivery and ensure that it conforms to contract specifications.

 Startup phase

QCO will go over contractual requirements with Site Engineers. Laboratory testing determining
moisture content of soil will be performed. If necessitated, more water will be added to the stock
pile of fill and mixed well to ensure uniformity in moisture content.

 Production Phase

Soil/fill will be spread in layers in accordance with the lift thickness indicated. Each layer will be
compacted either by a plate or roller compactor depending on compaction required and
accessibility of area. Surveyors will continue to check the backfill levels and advise the Site

5.3 Concrete Works for Substructure and Superstructure

 Preparatory phase

Project Manager will order all materials such as steel reinforcement bars, formwork (metal and
timber), concrete, waterproofing, and all accessories, allowing enough time for delivery before
construction commences. The Project Manager will hold a meeting and review all construction
drawings with the QCO, Site Engineers, Surveyors, Carpenter Supervisor, Masonry Supervisor and
MEP Engineers and Supervisors.


 Startup phase

QCO will hold a mini workshop to educate selected workers and Site Engineers on the proper
applications and installation of the sub-base waterproofing products delivered to the site. QCO
will organize and send samples of reinforcement bars delivered to site to an authorized Material
Testing Laboratory for the tensile test to be performed. Results will be compared to the contract
specifications and appropriate action taken.

 Production Phase

After achieving the required excavation levels the foundation works shall commence as per
approved design. Waterproofing encasing shall be done using the approved waterproofing
materials. Preparation and installation of reinforcement bars will be conducted by an approved
ironwork subcontractor. Sites Engineer will monitor this operation and ensure that all bar
lengths, sizes, bends and cages conform to the bending schedule issued by the Structural

Carpenters will prepare and install all formwork according to the structural drawings. The
decision on the use of timber or metal panels will be made at the site level by the Site Engineers
taking into consideration the ease and speed of work to be performed and the availability of
materials. The Carpenter Supervisor will be responsible for proper and adequate bracing and
support of all formwork with the use of props, clamps and whalers.

Surveyors and Site Supervisors will cross check all formwork for size, square, plumb and position.

The Carpenter Supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that all formwork being reused is clean
and free of stuck concrete or any other debris. Both timber and metal panels are to be brushed
with a minimum of two (2) coats of shutter release chemical before panels are assembled onto
the reinforcement, for ease of removal after casting of concrete. QCO is to monitor and ensure
that panels are not, under any circumstance, oiled after assembly around the reinforcement.

The Masonry Supervisor will prepare the various sizes of spacer blocks depending on concrete
coverage structures as per the structural drawings. Masonry Supervisor will be responsible for
the installation of the correct size of spacers and ensuring that all boxes ready for casting are
cleaned and 100% free of any litter and debris. A high pressure compressor with air hose and/or
high pressure water hose will be used for cleaning.

Requests for Inspection (RFI) will be filled by the QCO and submitted to the Consultants for
inspection and authorization. The Consultants will sign attesting to the fact that installations were
monitored and all/any corrective works have been completed.


Project Manager, upon receipt of RFI will make the necessary arrangements for the required
design and amount of concrete to be delivered to the project. Concrete order forms issued to
batching plants will indicate the following; date and time requested, placement location, mix
design, slump required, quantity required and any admixtures to be added.

The method of discharge of concrete will be arranged by the QCO. Methods available to Zons Top
Construction include; Static Concrete Pumps, Mobile Chutes or Direct Pour, depending on the
height and/or speed requirements. Placing of the concrete will be supervised by the QCO who
will ensure all quality control measures are followed. A vibrator poker machine will be utilized as
required to ensure even distribution of aggregates. Extensive use of the poker must be avoided.

A compressive strength test will be performed on all concrete cast to determine the strength of
concrete supplied. The slump test will be performed at the point of batching/delivery to
determine the ease of placement and ability to obtain required finishing.

Test cubes will be taken on site and cured but tested at the laboratory. Curing will involve
complete submersion in water. Six (6) cubes will be taken for every batch of 50 cubic concrete
cast, three (3) cubes will be tested at 7 days and three (3) tested at 28 days. The average of the
test results will be used to determine the strength.

Post concrete casting, QCO will direct and monitor curing operations. Methods available to Zons
Top Construction include; covering with jute sacks and daily watering for 7 days.

When using precast concrete slabs, the QCO, Structural Supervisor and Site Engineer will ensure
that slabs are placed with the required length at the end of the slabs sitting on the main beams.
All BRC Mesh placed over the slabs must overlap and be bound together. Spacer blocks placed
between the slab and mesh should be spaced out evenly by 7cm in every direction and properly
bound to the mesh using binding wire.

Precast slabs must be adequately watered not more than 20 minutes before casting is set to start.
Formwork on vertical structures will be removed after 48 hours of casting. Formwork on
horizontal structures will be removed 14 days after casting.

5.4 Masonry
 Preparatory phase

Floor areas receiving block work or screeds will be cleaned thoroughly to the satisfaction of the
QCO. Props and panels will be removed from areas in order to create a safe and organized work


 Startup phase

The required cement blocks will be ordered from an approved supplier. Store keeper will ensure
that all blocks delivered to the site stores are properly cured before they are issued to the site.
Blocks will be distributed to the floors as the structural works are progressing.

Storekeeper will inspect all sand and aggregates delivered to site. Any deliveries which are
deemed to be inferior will be rejected. A designated area will be used for storage of sand and

 Production Phase

Surveyors will be responsible for setting out all interior and exterior lines for the block walls. The
width, length and squares of all lines must be checked and signed off by Site Engineers before
start of block work.

Masons are to lay only the first course of block work and request for an inspection from the Site
Engineer and the Surveyor.

Masons are to resume work only after receiving the authorization to proceed from the Site
Engineer. Masons must again call the Site Engineer and Surveyor to check the wall for accurate
positioning, plumb and squares. Periodic checks by Surveyor is mandatory, Site Supervisors are
to ensure to get full services from Surveyors.

Areas of walls receiving additional weights from heavy fixtures must be built of solid blocks or
filled with compressed mortar if hollow. Mason Supervisor will be responsible to ensure that the
proper design mix is used in mixing the mortar for the block work.

Plaster Mesh must be installed at all concrete and block joints, around columns, walls, lintels, and
sills. Site Engineers are to ensure this is accurately secured with galvanized or stainless steel
mechanical fixings before plastering commences. Plaster thickness will be as specified on plans.
Appropriate spirit levels are to be used to check the straightness of all walls. Sound tests are to
be performed to determine any hollow spots after the plaster mortar dries.

Screed levels will be provided by the Surveyor, taken from the highest level of the entire floor
area. Surveyors are to ensure clear and legible markings of all points.

Site Engineers are to create permanent teams who will take full responsibility for mixing of
mortar for block work, plastering and screed so as to ensure good consistent quality mixes.


5.5 Painting
 Preparatory phase

QCO, Site Engineers and Painters will meet and review the paint finishes schedule issued by the

 Startup phase

PM will authorize the Procurement Officer to procure all materials and ensure timely delivery.

 Production phase

Quality checks for painting works are categorized as follows; surface preparation, paint
preparation, and paint application.

Site Engineers must allow a minimum of 14 days after application of plaster to block walls before
painting can commence. Works by other trades that might affect the painting quality, such as
chiseling and cutting of walls by MEP, should be satisfactorily completed. Surfaces must be dry
and free from foreign and unstable matters such as dust, dirt, rust, spatter and oils/grease. High
pressure air compressor and/or brooms should be used to remove all foreign matters.

The specified skimming product will be applied to the surface in 2 coats or as specified by the
Architect. Each coat will be sanded to obtain a smooth finish.

In compliance with specifications and manufacturer’s recommendations, sufficient stirring of the

skimming and paint products will be required to achieve uniformity. Site Engineers are to ensure
that the proper technique is utilized.

Paint application will consist of 3 coats or as specified by the Architect. Final coat will be applied
only after the completion of all other trades. All surfaces should be protected before any paint
application. Care should be taken when protecting surfaces that are sensitive to adhesive tapes.

Painters must be warned not to interchangeably use brush and roller applications. All wall and
ceiling paint are to receive roller applied paint so as to achieve a consistent finish.

5.6 Other Finishes & Miscellaneous Works

Works such as metal works, joinery, window and door installations will be closely monitored by
the QCO and Site Engineers. The manufacturer’s instructions for installations will be followed
unless it is determined that some modification will be required. The Construction team will send
in writing, a recommendation to the Design team and seek approval before installation proceeds.


5.7 Health, Safety and Environment
A project specific Health, Safety and Environmental Plan will be submitted by ZONS TOP

5.8 Manufactured Materials

The Site Stores Manager and the QCO will jointly inspect and verify that the materials received
by the site are as required by the contract plans and specifications. If materials do not conform,
the Project Manager must be alerted for immediate actions to be taken such as the rejection,
return or replacement of such materials.

5.9 Records and Documentation

The QCO will record daily site activities, site inspections, and field testing of materials. Report will
be signed by the QCO and submitted to the Project Manager. A copy will be kept on site at all

A quality control meeting will be conducted weekly as part of the construction progress meeting
to review performances and discuss upcoming activities. In attendance at these meetings will be
the PM, QCO, Health, Safety and Environment Officer, all Site Engineers and Supervisors.
Meetings with the Client’s Representative will be scheduled on a request basis.

All drawings from the Design Team if stamped as ‘Issued for Construction’ will be distributed to
all members of the Construction Team for easy reference. Drawings bearing the ‘Information’
stamp will be reviewed and kept by the Project Manager and discussed with appropriate
members of the Team.

Upon receipt of revised drawings, the Project Manager will stamp all previous versions as

5.10 Project Coordination

 Kick-off Meeting:

During the mobilization phase, the Chief Executive Officer or the Project Manager/Coordinator
shall organize a kick-off meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be to give the team members
an introduction to the project and to ensure that the team members are aware and understand
the concepts of the project, and to promote a common understanding of goals and scope of the


 Project Co-ordination Meetings:

Weekly or Bi-Weekly project co-ordination meetings shall be held with the participation of
relevant Project Team Members. The purpose is to co-ordinate ongoing activities and to plan up-
coming activities. Minutes of project meetings shall be prepared and distributed by the Project

 Co-ordination with the Employer:

At the request of the Consultants, Zons Top Construction will be available to make presentations
or hold meetings directly with the Contractor to discuss technical or administrative matters and
elaborate on project progress and issues.

Every meeting shall be reported by minutes of meetings or by a letter addressing the main issues
discussed at the meeting. Specific letters or minutes of meetings with the Contractor shall be
prepared by the Project Manager/ Coordinator.

5.11 Warranties & Guarantees

At the close of the project a binder of warranties for all equipment installed on the project will
be submitted to the Consultants. The Defects and Liability Period as stipulated in the Contract
covers guarantees on all workmanship and installations.

5.12 Revisions to Work

Zons Top Construction will be responsible for ensuring full compliance of field installations with
the project documents. In the event that a modification or revision to the specifications or
drawings become necessary, Zons Top Construction will make the request, in writing, to the
Design Team. Approval must be received prior to allowing the modifications or revisions to be
implemented in the field.

5.13 Audit
The aim of Internal Quality Audits is to monitor, that the QMP is complied with and that the
system is adequately structured and functions as intended.
The performance of ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION’s site team will be evaluated by the following
 Quality of Work
 Timely Performance


 Effectiveness of Management
 Compliance with Labor Standards
 Compliance with Safety Standards

Evaluations will be performed by the Executive Director/ Project Manager on a semi-annual basis.
The results will be shared with the project site team. Areas with less than favorable ratings will
be corrected immediately.



Statement of general policy and arrangements for: ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION
Overall and final responsibility for Quality is that of:
Qianlei Zhu (Nick), Chief Executive Officer

Statement of General Policy Responsibility/ Delegated Duty Holders Responsibility/ Delegated Duty Holders

To develop a full understanding of the CEO, HSEQC Contract Documents – Specifications,

needs of the customers Correspondences

To work in close co-operation with HSEQC, CEO Quality Management Plans, Relevant
clients, customers, suppliers and sub- ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION Company
contractors to provide the right quality Procedures, ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION
of work and service the first time Company Forms

To ensure that quality assurance and PM, QCO, Site Supervisors, HSEQC, CEO ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION Procedures –
quality control procedures are adhered Material Submittals, Method
to at all times Statements, QC Inspections Concrete,
Reinforcement Installation
Forms – RFA, RFIs, Site Instruction Book
& Registers

To develop the potential of our PM, Site Supervisors, QCO, HSEQC, CEO Training – Toolbox Meetings, PSI, etc.
employees to ensure all members of Guidance – ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION
staff are capable of undertaking work Procedures, In-house training
required in a safe and responsible
manner, in accordance of the company’s

Health, Safety and Environmental

To consistently review, improve and QCO, HSEQC, CEO QC Inspections, Audits,

implement quality control and best Correspondences, GAP Analysis
procedures Forms – Inspection Forms, Site Audit
Forms, Weekly QC Reports


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