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QAQC Guidelines

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses objectives, project organization, QA/QC administration, quality control inspection procedures, and quality control documentation for a construction project.

The purpose of the QA/QC guidelines is to provide a framework for managing work in compliance with design standards, requirements, and specifications and to outline the execution strategy and quality procedures.

The Program Manager is responsible for the overall management and coordination of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan and overseeing the performance of consultants and contractors in meeting their obligations.



O B J E C T I V E S & S C O P E 1 . 0



1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose of the QA/QC Guidelines Scope of QA/QC Guidelines Definitions


2.1 2.2 Project Team em!ers Project Team "esponsi!ilities # Authorit$


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.) 3.+ 3., Desi%n Coordination Site &or' (nstruction QA/QC eetin%s eetin%s Pre*(nstallation Qualit$ Audits Qualit$ Trainin%



).1 ).2 ).3 ).) ).+ )., (nspection "esponsi!ilities Schedule of Tests # (nspections (ndependent Testin% -a!orator$ .on*Conformances "e/ie0 of Test "esults aterial 1andlin%



+.1 Qualit$ Control Communication Procedures

!"#$%!& A !"#$' (A) A*$ M++&, & S+"& C+"-.,%-$"/ QA/QC T!,0.


O B J E C T I V E S & S C O P E 1 . 0

1.1 P1. +&! +2 -3! Q1,*$-4 C+"-.+* / Q1,*$-4 A&&1.,"%! G1$#!*$"!& The o!jecti/e of the Qualit$ Assurance / Qualit$ Control Guidelines is to pro/ide a frame0or' for the mana%ement of the e2ecuted 0or's in compliance 0ith prescri!ed desi%n standards3 statutor$ re4uirements3 and project dra0in%s # specifications. The QA/QC %uidelines outline the e2ecution strate%$ as 0ell as the s$stem and procedures throu%h 0hich this conformance is implemented3 documented3 administered and audited. These Qualit$ Control / Qualit$ Assurance 5QA/QC6 Guidelines are de/eloped to pro/ide the %eneral frame0or' and %uidance for the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 Qualit$ o!jecti/es and accepta!le re4uirements for the project. Processes3 documents3 and resources specified for the project and the criteria for acceptance. Procedures for /erification3 monitorin%3 inspection and test acti/ities specific to the project3 and the criteria for acceptance. 8sta!lishment of records as re4uired. To maintain a proper s$stem as per (S9 :;;1*52;;;6

The purpose is to unif$ and document the QA/QC procedures to !e applied !$ all parties 0ithin the Project Team< define the responsi!ilit$ and authorit$ of all project entities< and ensure that the 4ualit$ of all operations e2ecuted on the project meet the prescri!ed standards. The Pro%ram ana%er 0ill !e responsi!le for the o/erall mana%ement and coordination

of the Qualit$ Assurance / Qualit$ Control Plan and o/ersee the performance of the Consultants and the Contractors in meetin% their o!li%ations. The Construction and ana%er 0ill re/ie0 and supplement3 as necessar$3 the QA/QC Plan

anual that 0ill %o/ern QA/QC on all desi%n and construction contracts.

The Consultants shall ensure that the Contractors compl$ full$ 0ith all the prescri!ed procedures 0ith respect to 4ualit$ control and assurance3 and conduct inspections to ensure that the construction acti/ities are !ein% performed in accordance 0ith desi%n documentation and re4uirements. The Contractor is responsi!le for the preparation and implementation of his Qualit$


Control Plan3 0hich pro/ides detailed procedures for mana%in% the 4ualit$ of the su!mittal3 procurement and construction process3 testin% # commissionin%3 shall address the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 f6 %6 h6 i6 j6 '6 l6 Goals Qualit$ Control Team 9r%ani=ation # "esponsi!ilities Su!mittal Procedures Site Administration (nspection Procedures (nspection # Test Plan .on*Conformances (ndependent Testin% -a!orator$ 9ff*site (nspections Qualit$ Control Documents Contract Close*out Performance easurement
1 . 0 O B J E C T I V E S & S C O P E

m6 Continuous (mpro/ement 1.2 S%+ ! +2 -3! QA/QC G1$#!*$"!& This document addresses all 4ualit$ control 0or' in conjunction 0ith project specifications includin% all applica!le re%ulations and standards3 and 0ith contractor>s pro%rams %o/ernin% acti/ities and %ood en%ineerin% practices re%ardin% assurance aspects related to the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 f6 %6 h6 i6 j6 l6 Temporar$ ?acilities Documentation Procedures # Controls Pre*4ualification of Su!*contractors3 Su!mittal of Shop Dra0in%s3 Construction ethodolo%ies Plant and 84uipment ethod Statements Stores and Stora%e S$stems aterial Deli/er$ # 1andlin% (nspection of aterials # oc'*ups anufacturers3 Suppliers aterial Data3 Samples

'6 (nspection of Acti/ities # &or's Commissionin% # 1ando/er easurement # Continuous (mpro/ement m6 Performance


1.3 D!2$"$-$+"& Q1,*$-4 M,",/!0!"-5 The s$stems and or%ani=ation de/oted to the o/erall mana%ement of 4ualit$ related issues. Q1,*$-4 M,",/!0!"- S4&-!05 The or%ani=ational structure3 responsi!ilities3 procedures3 processes3 and resources for implementin% 4ualit$ mana%ement. Q1,*$-4 A&&1.,"%!5 Qualit$ assurance 5Q.A.6 is defined as a set of acti/ities3 0hose purpose is to demonstrate that an entit$ meets all 4ualit$ re4uirements. Q1,*$-4 C+"-.+*5 Qualit$ Control 5Q.C.6 is defined as a set of acti/ities or techni4ues3 0hose purpose is to promote that all 4ualit$ re4uirements are !ein% met. (n order to achie/e this purpose3 processes and procedures are monitored and performance de/iations 0ill !e addressed and rectified to the re4uired standards. Q1,*$-4 P.+%!#1.!&5 &ritten instructions for implementin% /arious components of the QA/QC mana%ement s$stem. Procedures should identif$ 0hat is to !e done3 0hat standards are to !e met3 0ho should do it3 ho03 0here3 and 0hen it should !e done. Q1,*$-4 P*,""$"/7 A set of acti/ities3 0hose purpose is to define 4ualit$ s$stem policies3 o!jecti/es3 and re4uirements3 and to e2plain ho0 these policies 0ill !e applied3 ho0 these o!jecti/es 0ill !e achie/ed and ho0 these re4uirements 0ill !e met. Q1,*$-4 P+*$%47 Statement that defines the or%ani=ation@s commitment to 4ualit$. Q1,*$-4 R!61$.!0!"-5 A characteristic that an entit$ must ha/e. Q1,*$-4 S4&-!0 E*!0!"-&5 (ncludes responsi!ilities3 authorities3 relationships3 functions3 plans3 policies3 procedures3 practices3 processes3 and resources. Qualit$ s$stem elements com!ine to form a 4ualit$ s$stem. C+"-$"1+1& Q1,*$-4 I0 .+7!0!"-5 "efers to a set of acti/ities 0hose purpose is to enhance the efficienc$ and effecti/eness of the or%ani=ation for the !enefit of
1 . 0 O B J E C T I V E S & S C O P E


!oth the or%ani=ation and its clients.
O B J E C T I V E S & S C O P E 1 . 0


2.1 P.+8!%- T!,0 M!09!.& The project team consists of the follo0in% principal parties and their associates7 a6 Client 5.a'heel6 !6 Pro%ram ana%er 5Turner Construction (nternational6 ana%er 5Turner Construction (nternational6 c6 Construction Associates6 e6 Contractors # Su!*Contractors 5(ncludin% !ut not limited to Tar%et3 Al 1uda3 Ali oosa3 Al .a!oodah3 Gantoot nominated Client Su!* contractors etc...6 2.2 P.+8!%- T!,0 R!& +"&$9$*$-$!& & A1-3+.$-4 2.2.1 T3! P.+/.,0 M,",/!. The primar$ responsi!ilities of the P include the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 f6 %6 h6 i6 Set the hi%her le/el direction of the project. (dentif$ and appro/e the re4uirements for the project. 8nsure that the project o!jecti/es remain consistent throu%hout the project. 9!tain Client>s appro/al for an$ chan%es in scope. "esol/e issues that ha/e !een ele/ated 0ithin the project team. (mplement all administrati/e and financial processes to support the 4ualit$ re4uirements of the project. onitor the resolution and implementation of desi%n issues. Coordinate 0ith the Consultant and other concerned staff re%ardin% the re/ie0 of shop dra0in%s3 material and other documents. aintain the project documents3 project plans3 and all issues related to pro%ress monitorin% and project mana%ement. 2.2.2 T3! C+"&-.1%-$+" M,",/!. The primar$ responsi!ilities of the Construction include !ut are not limited to the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 onitor all the performance of all 4ualit$ related resources. ana%e the assi%ned 4ualit$ resources accordin% to the defined scope of the project. onitor the Safet$3 1ealth and 8n/ironment Pro%rams and measures ana%er pertainin% to 4ualit$ pertainin% to 4ualit$ are to esta!lish the Qualit$ Polic$ and define the Qualit$ 9!jecti/es for the Pro%ram. The$ also
2 . 0 P R O J E C T O R G A N I Z A T I O N

d6 Consultants 58n%ineerin% Consultant Group # &il!ur Smith


operated !$ all concerned Contractors3 Su!*Contractors and Suppliers. d6 e6 f6 %6 h6 ana%e da$*to*da$ 4ualit$ issues3 and conduct 4ualit$ audits. "eport project status and performance 0ith respect to 4ualit$. ana%e 0ith the Consultant in preparation and implementation of the Qualit$ Control Documents. Contri!ute 0ith the Consultant in processin% the su!mittals of Qualit$ Assurance/ Qualit$ Control Documents3 contractors and i6 aterials from the Contractors. Arran%e for and chair 4ualit$ related meetin%s 0ith Contractors3 Su!* aterial Suppliers to define the action re4uired for follo0*up includin% the issue of the minutes. Preparation of the QA/QC %uidelines and appro/e an$ modifications.
2 . 0 P R O J E C T O R G A N I Z A T I O N

2.2.3 T3! C+"&1*-,"The primar$ responsi!ilities of the Consultant include !ut are not limited to the follo0in%7 a6 !6 c6 d6 e6 f6 %6 8sta!lishin% site super/ision re4uirements pertainin% to 4ualit$ acti/ities. (ssue re/ised dra0in%s3 specifications and other related documents follo0in% proper re/ie0 and appro/al. Coordinate re%ulator$ su!missions # appro/als. "e/ie0 and appro/e su!mittals and shop dra0in%s to ensure conformance to contract documents. Super/ise and inspect all 0or's to ensure that the 4ualit$ of 0or' and materials meet the re4uirements of contract documents. Conduct all t$pes of inspections includin% field inspection and factor$ tests. (dentif$ non*compliances and issue .on*Conformance "eports 5.C"6 as part of the dail$ 4ualit$ acti/ities. 82pedite the resolution of .C">s and monitor correcti/e 0or'. h6 i6 j6 '6 9r%ani=e3 conduct and document site inspections in accordance 0ith appro/ed procedures. Control of shop dra0in%s and re/isions of all desi%n documents. onitor Contractor implementation of its 4ualit$ control re4uirements. "e/ie03 comment and appro/e/disappro/e all 4ualit$ related su!missions includin% pre*4ualification su!missions3 reports3 materials/product data3 method statements and test reports su!mitted !$ Contractors3 Su!* Contractors and Suppliers to determine compliance 0ith the contract re4uirements.


l6 Pro/ide desi%n clarifications includin% responses to "e4uest ?or (nformation 5"?(6. m6 Conduct /isits to the Contractors/Suppliers premises to chec' compliance 0ith contract re4uirements. n6 o6 p6 8sta!lish a schedule for the re4uired inspections of the 0or's on site. 9/ersee the inspection or testin% conducted !$ 3 rd part$ testin% firms # re/ie0 of records. onitor the inspection of testin% e4uipment includin% cali!ration and re/ie0 of test procedures. 46 Conduct or attend meetin%s on 4ualit$ related issues as re4uired. r6 s6 "e/ie0 the Contractor>s &ee'l$ and 4ualit$ reportin% documentation. Plan3 schedule and conduct 4ualit$ audits. onthl$ Pro%ress "eports includin%
2 . 0 P R O J E C T O R G A N I Z A T I O N

2.2.4 T3! C+"-.,%-+.& The Contractor>s prime responsi!ilit$ is e2ecutin% the project in accordance 0ith the dra0in%s3 specifications and other contractual re4uirements and handin%*o/er the project to the Client in accordance 0ith the contract 4ualit$ re4uirements. The Contractor>s responsi!ilities include !ut are not limited to the follo0in%7 a6 Su!mit the Contractor>s Qualit$ Control Plan3 clearl$ indicatin% the 4ualit$ control team or%ani=ation3 the responsi!ilities3 the 4ualit$ control procedures and the associated documentation. !6 c6 d6 e6 82ecutin% the project in accordance 0ith the dra0in%s and specifications. 8nsurin% that the 4ualit$ of materials and the installation of 0or' are in accordance 0ith the criteria identified for the project. onitorin% all Su!contractor>s and Supplier>s 0or' / products closel$ to ensure that the 4ualit$ of the 0or' is as per specification. 8nsurin% that all technical documents are properl$ produced3 re/ie0ed3 controlled3 su!mitted in accordance 0ith the project specific re4uirements and appro/ed !$ the Consultants. f6 %6 8nsurin% that coordination of all materials3 dra0in% su!mittals and other documents ha/e !een conducted and properl$ documented. Preparation of the project specific 4ualit$ plan3 inspection and test plans3 chec' sheets and related procedures.


h6 i6 j6 '6 l6 (mplementation of the 4ualit$ mana%ement and control pro%ram for the project. Controllin% all inspection acti/ities on site. 8nsurin% that all test reports are /erified to meet the contract re4uirements. 8nsurin% that the 0or' is completed in accordance 0ith the 4ualit$ re4uirements and is inspected and appro/ed !$ the Consultants. 1ando/er the project to the Client in accordance 0ith the contract re4uirements.
2 . 0 P R O J E C T O R G A N I Z A T I O N


3 QA/QC ADMINISTRATION 3.1 D!&$/" C++.#$",-$+" P.+%!&& The Consultant shall ensure that all desi%n documents3 dra0in%s3 specifications and A9Q are full$ coordinated amon% themsel/es and the !et0een the separate disciplines. All rele/ant desi%n information re4uired for the Contractor to effecti/el$ dischar%e his o!li%ations3 should !e clearl$ and completel$ annotated. The Contractor shall ensure that all su!mittals of shop dra0in%s3 material data3 samples and test reports3 conform to the re4uirements of the contract documents. An$ am!i%uities3 omissions or contradictions should !e clarified !$ the Consultants throu%h the su!mittal of a "e4uest for (nformation !$ the Contractor. The purpose of this process is to achie/e an effecti/e coordination of documents amon% all disciplines and to de/elop a structured re/ie0 s$stem 0hich pro/ides a comprehensi/e approach to chec'in% the construction documents to eliminate interdisciplinar$ coordination pro!lems that ma$ result in un0arranted and costl$ /ariations durin% construction.
3 . 0 Q A / Q C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N

3.2 QA/QC M!!-$"/& The Construction ana%er 0ill con/ene QA/QC meetin%s once a month and ana%er3 These monthl$ attendees at this meetin% shall include the Consultant3 the Pro%ram the Contractor3 Su!*contractors and others as re4uired. Contractor 4ualit$ acti/ities3 documentation and field acti/ities. Additional technical or coordination meetin%s re4uired !$ the Pro%ram ana%er3

meetin%s shall address current 4ualit$ related issues includin% re/ie0 of

Consultant or the Contractor ma$ !e re4uested 0ith full details of a%enda and names of the attendees. Such meetin%s 0ill !e chaired !$ the Construction ana%er # attended !$ the Consultant and Pro%ram ana%er as re4uired.



3.3 P.!:I"&-,**,-$+" M!!-$"/& Prior to mo!ili=ation of a ne0 major acti/it$ or trade3 a pre*installation meetin% must !e held 0hich includes discussions concernin% the 4ualit$ mana%ement aspects of the acti/it$. This meetin% 0ill !e chaired !$ Contractor and attended !$ all appropriate Su!* Contractors responsi!le for o/erseein% or installin% 0or'. Construction meetin%s. The purpose of the meetin% is to discuss the technical aspects of the 0or' !ein% performed. Specific items to !e addressed include !ut are not limited to7 a6 9/er/ie0 of contract documents. !6 Constructa!ilit$ re/ie0 to include re/ie0 of construction method statement 0ith emphasis on construction techni4ues3 interface 0ith other material3 and construction tolerances as the$ relate to QA/QC. Potential pro!lems are to !e identified and the method statement amended if necessar$. c6 A re/ie0 of communication procedures and the roles and responsi!ilities of each mem!er associated 0ith the acti/ities. d6 Testin% and inspection criteria. e6 aterial handlin% mana%ement and deficienc$ procedures. f6 Qualit$ documentation and procedures. ana%er and Consultant representati/es 0ill attend desi%nated
3 . 0 Q A / Q C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N

3.4 Q1,*$-4 A1#$-& Qualit$ Audits are intended to ensure that all acti/ities are !ein% carried out as prescri!ed in the Qualit$ Control Plan. The Contractor shall perform3 at the least3 a monthl$ 4ualit$ control audit of the 4ualit$ control procedures. The audits are intended to accomplish the follo0in% o!jecti/es7 a6 Berif$ the implementation of the 4ualit$ mana%ement procedures and re4uirements. !6 easure the performance of the 4ualit$ mana%ement s$stem in meetin% the re4uirements of the Client and the contractual re4uirements.

c6 Stri/e for continuous impro/ement of the effecti/eness of the 4ualit$ s$stem.



C+"&1*-,"- / P.+8!%- M,",/!. A1#$-& The Construction ana%er 0ill arran%e and conduct 4ualit$ audits of the Contractors and Consultants on a monthl$ !asis to determine the performance of the implementation of 4ualit$ mana%ement responsi!ilities !$ the respecti/e parties. The audit 0ill !e conducted to ensure the follo0in%7 a6 Contractor Qualit$ Control Plans continue to compl$ 0ith the contract re4uirements and are !ein% ade4uatel$ implemented. !6 ana%ement responsi!ilities durin% the e2ecution of the 0or's are !ein% conducted in compliance 0ith the Qualit$ Control Plan. c6 Documents are !ein% issued and utili=ed in a effecti/e and controlled manner. d6 ?ield inspections are conducted !$ the Contractors and Consultants in an effecti/e manner and are properl$ documented. e6 .on*conformances are identified3 rectified and documented to demonstrate compliance 0ith the project re4uirements. f6 Areas re4uirin% specific attention and impro/ement ha/e !een identified and strate%ies prepared to address these issues. C+"-.,%-+.)& I"-!.",* A1#$The Contractor shall conduct internal 4ualit$ audits to /erif$ its compliance and that of its Su!*contractors and suppliers 0ith the re4uirements of the appro/ed Qualit$ Control Plan. These audits shall !e planned in such a manner to reflect the status3 importance and timin% of the acti/it$. The Consultant and the Construction su!mit to the Pro%ram ana%er 0ill monitor the internal 4ualit$
3 . 0 Q A / Q C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N

audit conducted !$ Contractors. Contractor shall record the audit results and ana%er / Consultant.

The Contractor shall ta'e timel$ correcti/e action on the deficiencies found durin% the audit and follo0*up to /erif$ and record the implementation and the effecti/eness of the correcti/e action ta'en. re4uirements. The Contractor shall audit the 4ualit$ control reportin% documentation to ensure compliance 0ith the contract



3.5 Q1,*$-4 T.,$"$"/ All personnel carr$in% out 4ualit$ related functions shall ha/e the s'ills and e2perience necessar$ for the tas's. (t is the responsi!ilit$ of mana%ement of the project team mem!ers to identif$ trainin% needs and to pro/ide appropriate trainin%. Trainin% is also essential in the implementation of 4ualit$ procedures includin% the mana%ement of 4ualit$ documentation. The Contractor shall conduct internal 4ualit$ trainin% 0hich addresses the follo0in% su!jects7 1 2 3 ) Contractor Qualit$ Plan (nspection and Qualit$ Control Documentation and Document Control .on*Conformance and Correcti/e Actions
3 . 0 Q A / Q C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N

The Contractor shall pro/ide continuous trainin% to staff and la!or at site 0hich shall include7 1 2 3 ) (nduction trainin% for ne0 staff co/erin% jo! descriptions and procedures related to the indi/idual>s scope of 0or'. 82ternal trainin% as re4uired follo0in% recommendations of staff appraisals (nternal trainin% !$ 4ualified staff in rele/ant areas. Tool !o2 tal's on a re%ular !asis that include 4ualit$ related issues.



4 QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION PROCEDURES 4.1 I"& !%-$+" R!& +"&$9$*$-$!& The Contractor shall de/elop and implement an effecti/e 4ualit$ control s$stem encompassin% all the procedures related to 4ualit$ control3 inspections and testin%3 and co/erin% all acti/ities 0ithin the contract documents3 includin% the 0or's of the Su!*contractors and Suppliers. The Contractor shall re/ie0 / appro/e and monitor the Su!*Contractor / Supplier>s 4ualit$ control procedures3 includin% internal auditin%. The Contractor>s Qualit$ Control Plan 5CQCP6 shall include a schedule of tests and inspections3 ensurin% that all construction 0or's compl$ full$ 0ith the re4uirements of the contract documents3 and shall !e su!mitted to the Consultant and Construction ana%er for appro/al. "eference shall !e made to the control forms manual for routin% procedures. ?or foundations and sla!s3 the Contractor shall su!mit re4uest to CA?DA for their inspection attachin% the "?(A appro/ed and si%ned !$ the Consultant. The Consultant shall ensure that all inspections and tests are !ein% implemented effecti/el$ and the re4uired certificates of conformit$ are !ein% documented and su!mitted. .on*conformance of 0or's shall !e dul$ notified and trac'in% of remedial actions !e closel$ monitored. An o/erall inspection summar$ plan 5Tests # (nspections6 is to !e su!mitted !$ the Contractor sho0in% e2pected test fre4uenc$ and chronolo%ic testin% re4uirements to allo0 calculation of lon% term super/ision/mana%ement re4uirement studies to ensure proper co/era%e for testin%. 4.2 I"& !%-$+" R!61$.!0!"-& P.! ,.,-+.4 I"& !%-$+"&5 To !e performed prior to !e%innin% an$ defina!le item/phase of construction in accordance 0ith the appro/ed pro%ram. The$ shall co/er the materials and deli/eries3 e4uipment3 moc'*ups 0here re4uired3 manpo0er3 stora%e and handlin%3 safet$ and house'eepin% conditions. (nspector shall ma'e sure that all preliminar$ 0or's ha/e !een completed. Scope of this inspection shall also co/er e2amination of materials and e4uipment to ensure compliance 0ith the re4uirements3 num!ers and cali!ration. The Contractor shall notif$ the Consultant at least 2) hours in
Q U A L I T Y 4 . 0 I N S P E C T I O N P R O C E D U R E S C O N T R O L


ad/ance of the planned preparator$ inspection.
I N S P E C T I O N P R O C E D U R E S 4 . 0 Q U A L I T Y C O N T R O L

I"$-$,* I"& !%-$+"&5 The initial inspection shall !e performed as per the appro/ed 4ualit$ control pro%ram esta!lished !$ the Contractor. "e4uest for (nspection and Appro/al 5"?(A6 forms are used to re4uest inspections. This document must !e su!mitted 2) hours prior to the re4uested time in order to allo0 the Consultant to coordinate super/ision staff. A hi%hli%hted la$out plan for area to !e inspected and specific details re%ardin% time and procedures shall !e included 0ith the "?(A3 as re4uired. The initial inspection includes a re/ie0 of e4uipment3 0or'shops3 stora%e s$stems3 materials3 0or'manship3 and safet$ measures. Procedures3 method statements3 inspection and testin% plans3 QC forms3 and other 4ualit$ control documentation shall !e prepared and su!mitted !efore startin% the e2ecution of the particular acti/it$. ;+**+<:U I"& !%-$+"&5 These are the dail$ routine inspections performed to ensure continuin% compliance 0ith contract re4uirements. Contractor>s Qualit$ Control staff shall perform these inspections re%ularl$ until completion of the particular phase of construction. The Contractor>s Qualit$ Control procedures shall ma'e reference to the appro/ed QA/QC procedures and related techni4ues. These inspections ma$ include addressin% issues identified in field memorandum or non*conformance reports. 4.3 S%3!#1*! +2 T!&-& & I"& !%-$+"& The Schedule of Tests # (nspections associated 0ith the project identifies the tests and inspections for the project as 0ell as the associated code references and the acceptance criteria. The schedule is de/eloped throu%hout the course of the project to include the fre4uenc$ of tests and identif$ the specific part$ 5includin% independent testin% la!oratories or 3rd parties6 responsi!le for performin% the test inspection. The schedule 0ill include information included 0ithin Section 1)+; of the contract specifications as 0ell as specific re4uirements else0here in the specifications and contract documents7 Specific testin% and inspection re4uirements and acceptance criteria 0ill !e included in indi/idual method statements and discussed at pre*installation meetin%s. 9ff*site inspections for items fa!ricated or assem!led off*site 0ill !e clearl$


identified3 outlinin% the procedures for the release and shipment of items. Epon receipt of materials on site3 inspection procedures shall !e esta!lished to inspect for dama%es durin% shipment3 compliance 0ith specifications3 pro/isions for proper stora%e and protection. specifications for applica!le standards. 4.4 I"#! !"#!"- T!&-$"/ L,9+.,-+.4 The Contractor shall esta!lish and utili=e testin% facilities in order to perform the routine testin% associated 0ith the implementation of the 4ualit$ control plan. The la!orator$/facilit$ 0ill !e responsi!le for inspection3 samplin% and testin% materials that are components of the project and to certif$ that the materials are in compliance 0ith the contract re4uirements. This facilit$ shall !e e4uipped to perform routine testin% includin%3 !ut not limited to3 the crushin% of concrete/cu!es and densit$/compaction testin%. The testin% la!orator$ 0ill !e inspected periodicall$ !$ third part$ testin% a%encies in order to /alidate the procedures and test results of the project facilit$. The fre4uenc$ of /alidation shall !e esta!lished !ased upon the t$pe and fre4uenc$ of testin%3 and this information 0ill !e added to the schedule of testin% # inspections throu%hout the course of the project. Cali!ration certificates shall !e re4uired in accordance 0ith an esta!lished schedule for testin% e4uipment. 9ther testin% re4uirements for the project that cannot !e performed in the site facilities shall !e conducted !$ accredited local3 re%ional and international facilities as re4uired to ensure compliance 0ith the re4uirements specified in the contract documents. The Contractor shall pro/ide su!missions for all remote testin% facilities to !e used and the appro/ed facilities shall !e listed on the schedule of tests # inspections. The testin% la!orator$ shall also !e responsi!le for coordinatin% the inspections re4uired !$ local authorities or re%ulations. -a!orator$ profile3 staff 4ualifications3 and particulars of the la!orator$ e4uipment shall !e su!mitted for appro/al !$ the Consultant and the Project ana%er and for0arded to the Client for re/ie0. The su!mittal shall clearl$ delineate the responsi!ilities of the la!orator$ 0ith respect to test samples3 ascertainin% compliance3 notif$in% non*conformance and conductin% additional
4 . 0 C O N T R O L Q U A L I T Y I N S P E C T I O N P R O C E D U R E S

The Contractor 0ill arran%e for factor$

inspections and tests as indicated in the contract documents. "efer to


tests. ?ormats of all la!orator$ reports indicatin% dates3 identifications3 location3 t$pe of test3 results3 conformance and interpretation of results shall !e clearl$ esta!lished. The Contractor shall also define his responsi!ilities 0ith respect to site access3 handlin% of samples3 stora%e and notification to Consultants. 4.5 N+":C+"2+.0,"%!& .on*conformances occur 0hen an$ product3 material or acti/it$ associated 0ith the 0or's de/iates from the project dra0in%s3 specifications3 appro/ed method statements3 shop dra0in%s3 su!mittals3 prescri!ed standards3 Qualit$ Control Plan or other related documents. a6 &hen the Consultant>s inspector or site super/ision staff o!ser/es an$ de/iation of a product3 process3 procedure3 s$stem or structure from these re4uirements3 a formal .on*Conformance "eport 5.C"6 is issued. !6 The .C" shall contain detailed description of the product and/or acti/it$ and the de/iation from the re4uirement. c6 The .C" shall state the issue date3 su!ject3 location3 reference document3 and descri!e the de/iation3 attached 0ith o!jecti/e e/idence if applica!le. d6 The Contractor shall respond to the .C" identif$in% the proposed action to !e ta'en to rectif$ the non*conformance. e6 Prior to commencement of the remedial 0or'3 the Contractor shall o!tain the appro/al of the Consultant. f6 The Consultant shall /erif$ the correcti/e action underta'en !$ the Contractor and if accepta!le3 certif$ and for0ard the .C" to the Project ana%er for concurrence. (t is then transmitted !ac' to the Contractor and the Consultant for final disposition. %6 The Contractor shall repeat tests and inspections after correctin% non*conformin% 0or' as re4uired to demonstrate compliance 0ith the contract re4uirements. h6 ajor non*conformances3 0hich ma$ entail si%nificant a!orti/e 0or's3 are to !e discussed !et0een the Consultant and the Project ana%er. i6 The .C" shall !e e/aluated to determine an$ pre/enti/e action or modification to the 4ualit$ mana%ement s$stems re4uired to a/oid the recurrence of the non*conformance.
4 . 0 C O N T R O L Q U A L I T Y I N S P E C T I O N P R O C E D U R E S


j6 A re%ister shall !e maintained3 !$ the Contractor3 to trac' the status of all non*conformance reports. '6 (f an$ non conformance report is outstandin%3 pa$ment for such items shall !e 0ith held until their "ectification. 4.= R!7$!< +2 T!&- R!&1*-& (n accordance 0ith the Project Contract Conditions and Specifications3 Contractors shall prepare and su!mit for appro/al an (nspection and Test Plan 5(TP6 to include acceptance criteria and fre4uenc$ for all re4uired tests. All test results shall !e reported to the Consultant immediatel$ upon receipt. Su!mittals shall !e transmitted throu%h proper channels and the re/ie0 shall !e carried out in accordance 0ith the rele/ant procedures. The Consultant staff responsi!le for the re/ie0 of the material product test report shall ensure that reference and acceptance criteria ha/e !een identified and confirmed. De/iations shall !e reported to the Construction pro/ided re%ardin% the necessar$ action. for follo0 up. 4.> M,-!.$,* ?,"#*$"/ An effecti/e material mana%ement s$stem 0ill facilitate the Contractor>s a!ilit$ to perform efficientl$ 0hile a/oidin% unnecessar$ errors in material procurement3 production3 in/entor$ control3 deli/er$ and installation. The s$stem shall facilitate the Contractor>s efforts to enter material order details includin% supplier3 items3 4uantities3 shipment details3 deli/er$ dates and costs. The s$stem shall allo0 contractor to trac' the shipment of materials from the /endor to the site. The Contractor shall de/elop a s$stem that 0ill ena!le him to control the flo0 of all materials to !e pro/ided !$ him and his su!*contractors under his contract. (t shall contain an in/entor$ listin% that pro/ides ade4uate information re%ardin% the t$pe of material3 finish3 color3 and include detailed references to the material>s final installation location on the project. 9nce materials ha/e !een deli/ered to the project3 Contractor shall use the
4 . 0 C O N T R O L Q U A L I T Y I N S P E C T I O N P R O C E D U R E S

ana%er and recommendations Su!mittals shall !e properl$

maintained !$ document control departments to ensure an$ necessar$ retrie/al


s$stem to maintain control of the deli/ered materials3 and a/oid F>lost>> or misplaced items durin% periods of material shiftin% and installation. The Contractor shall ensure proper stora%e of all deli/ered materials3 in conformance 0ith manufacturers> recommendations3 and ade4uatel$ protected a%ainst deterioration3 en/ironmental or accidental dama%es. The handlin% procedures shall !e desi%ned to pre/ent loss of identification or su!stitution. The Contractor shall identif$ e4uipment and material re4uirin% special handlin% and stora%e.
I N S P E C T I O N P R O C E D U R E S 4 . 0 Q U A L I T Y C O N T R O L


5 QUALITY CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 5.1 Q1,*$-4 C+"-.+* ;+.0& The Qualit$ Control forms are %enerated and utili=ed for 4ualit$ reportin% and monitorin% throu%hout the course of the project. Pro%ram ana%er3 Construction ana%er The$ are prepared !$ the and the Consultant for
D O C U M E N T A T I O N 5 . 0 Q U A L I T Y C O N T R O L

implementation !$ the Contractor. The content of the forms 0ill !e controlled !$ the Construction ana%er and ma$ !e re/ised as and 0hen re4uired to suit the re4uirements of the project. The project communication procedures 0ill !e de/eloped !$ the Pro%ram ana%er for all su!mittals3 includin% pre*4ualifications3 shop dra0in%s3 material data3 samples3 reports3 schedules3 and all other documents related to the 0or's performed !$ the Contractors and their Su!*contractors3 and mana%ed !$ the Consultants / Construction ana%ers.


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