Philosophy Epistemology
The term philosophy is taken from two Greek It is the branch of philosophy that deals with
words, philos and sophia which literally mean love of the theory of knowledge – its sources, kinds, and
wisdom. It seeks to find out the true meaning of life reliability. It is concerned with the definition, sources
and the importance of it, the desire to understand the kinds, and criteria of knowledge possible, and the
existence of everything. degree to which each is certain.
It is the division of philosophy that is good for It is a philosophical inquiry about beauty in all
real life application. It provides knowledge to be used or of its forms. It also deals with the question of whether
applied in concrete actions or situations. such qualities are objectively present in the things they
appear to qualify, or exist only in the mind of the
Branches of Speculative Philosophy individual.
Epistemology Theodicy
Metaphysics It is the branch of philosophy that deals with
Cosmology the study of Supreme Being, defined as both
omnipotent and good in the light of evil in the world.
Rational Philosophy
Rational Philosophy
It is primarily concern with the principles of Special Ethics
living things, especially that of man, focusing mainly on
the relevance of the soul and self-knowledge which
arises from common sense and natural reason. General Ethics
Social Philosophy It presents truths about human acts, and from these
truths deduce the general principles of morality.
It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the
General ethics is applied to individual in relation to
study of the nature of society, relation between the
himself, to God and to his fellow man.
individual, and social interaction that takes place in the
given community. Special Ethics
Political Philosophy This one is applied ethics. It applies to the
principles of general ethics in different departments of
It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the
human activity, individual and social. It includes man’s
study of the ultimate foundation of the state, the
relation to the family, to the state and to the world.
nature of legitimate authority, the form of government,
and the perfect form of society. Importance of Ethics
Branches of Practical Philosophy The importance of the study of ethics follows
immediately from the meaning of ethics itself.
Ethics means living in proper way and it is in the
development of a good moral character and virtues that
Logic man finds perfection and understands his purpose of
It is the formal and systematic study of the principles of
valid inference and correct reasoning. It is commonly The Greek triumvirate, the Christian teachings
known as the art and science of correct thinking. and majority of Oriental Philosophers affirmed that the
ultimate purpose of human existences is not acquisition
of material possession, power and prestige but in the
It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the development of moral qualities that make men unique
concepts and principles or morality. and supreme from all creation.
It is a normative science of the conduct of The Greek triumvirate, the Christian teachings
human being living in societies; a science which judges and majority of Oriental Philosophers affirmed that the
the conduct to be right or wrong, to be good or bad. ultimate purpose of human existences is not acquisition
of material possession, power and prestige but in the
Difference between Ethics and Morality development of moral qualities that make men unique
Etymologically, there is no difference between and supreme from all creation.
ethics and morality, because both Ethics and Morality
comes form the Latin word mos or moris, which means
custom. Confucius laid great emphasis on the cultivation
of character, the purity of heart and conduct. He
However, there is a slight difference between extorted to the people a good character first, which is a
ethics and morality. Ethics provides man with priceless jewel and which is the best of all virtues.
theoretical knowledge of the morality of human act
while morality actualizes the theory. Morality is nothing Relationship of Ethics to Other Sciences
else but doing of ethics.
Ethics and Logic
Division of Ethics
Logic is the science and art of correct reasoning.
General Ethics Ethics is the science of good and proper living. But good
living presupposes correct thinking and reasoning Ethics and Art
Doing follows thinking.
Man’s artistic creation must have a noble
Ethics and Psychology purpose, which should not be offensive to morality. A
piece of art should reflect beauty and must inspire
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior
every person who sees it.
and cognitive mental process. Both involve the study of
man, human nature, and human behavior. Ethics and Political Science
Education liberates men from ignorance not It is the willful act and decision that gives form
only from ethical standards but also from laws that are and shape to the actions and inclinations of the human
implemented by the society. Education is concerned person.
with the total human development.
The humn person himself/herself is significant
Ethics and Law only in considering the result in matters of to poiein or
Laws imposed by the society must be fair, just,
and humane. It must be for the welfare of the majority The Key Elements of Ethics
of the people and not offensive to morality. There is a
difference between what is moral and what is legal.
Moral Character
The legal covers only the external acts of man;
the moral governs even the internal acts of man, such Moral Courage
as the volitional and intentional activities of the will and
mind. Gawa and Gawi
Gawi refers to the kind of acts that human According to deontological theories, morality is
beings are used to accomplishing. It does not only refer primarily a function of duties or obligations, regardless
to particular acts of a person. A person’s habitual action of the consequences of acting in accordance with those
or kagawian reveals truth about himself/herself. duties.
It sets the course for making ethical and It gives primacy of importance not to rules, but
impartial decions especially in moral situations although to particular habits of character such as the virtue of
it is not the sole determining factor in coming up with courage and other types of virtue that the person is
such decision. personally inclined to perform.
Moral Standards Ethical Dilemma
It refers to the norms which we have about the It is a decision-making problem between two
types of actions which we believe to be morally possible moral imperatives, neither of which is
acceptable and morally unacceptable. unambiguously acceptable or preferable.
Specifically, it involve sets of recognized and In ethical dilemma, the complexity arises out of
permanently acceptable character or norms commonly the situational conflict in which obeying would result in
used as primary measure of quality, value, and extent. transgressing another.
It is a situation where a person is forced to In other words, under the epistemic dilemma,
choose between two or more conflicting options, the moral agent in this situation does not know which
neither of which is acceptable. As we can see, the key option is morally right or wrong.
here is that the person has choices to make that will all Self-imposed Dilemma
have results she does not want.
This is caused by the moral agent’s wrong
Obligation Dilemma
The Object
The Circumstances
The Object
The Circumstances