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This study examines the effect of general election on the Malaysian stock market for the period of January 1994 to
December 2015. The empirical model used in this study follows the Threshold GARCH model developed by Glosten
et al. (1993), to investigate the stock returns and return volatility of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI and ten selected
main sectoral indices before and after the elections. The selection of the event window is in line with the Malaysian
general election process. Moreover, the full sample is divided into two sub-samples (1994-2005 and 2006-2015)
to avoid erroneous inferences, and to reflect the real stock market volatility under two different political situation.
Generally, results from statistical analysis uncover significant pre-general election effect and post-general election
effect from the five most recent general elections held in Malaysia. Interestingly, the two sub-samples showed
different election effect on stock market volatility. Most of the sectoral indices have lower volatility before general
election and higher volatility after general election in the sub-sample period of 1994-2005. Remarkably, during the
2008 and 2013 general election years, political uncertainty due to the close fight between the two major political
parties showed up its negative and significant influence in the stock market volatility before general election. The
major implication of these findings is that while investors seek abnormal returns on certain sectors during the next
general election, they will have to pay attention to the influence of political uncertainty on the stock market return
during the general election year.
Kajian ini mengkaji kesan pilihan raya umum di pasaran saham Malaysia untuk tempoh Januari 1994 hingga Disember
2015. Model empirikal yang digunakan dalam kajian ini mengikuti model Threshold GARCH yang dibangunkan oleh
Glosten et al. (1993), selaras dengan matlamat untuk menyiasat pulangan saham dan kemeruapan pulangan FTSE
Bursa Malaysia KLCI dan sepuluh indeks sektor utama yang terpilih sebelum dan selepas pilihan raya. Pemilihan
tetingkap acara adalah selaras dengan proses pilihan raya umum Malaysia. Selain itu, sampel penuh dibahagikan
kepada dua sub-sampel (1994-2005 dan 2006-2015) untuk mengelakkan kesilapan penilaian dan mencerminkan
kemeruapan pasaran saham sebenar di bawah keadaan politik yang berlainan. Secara amnya, hasil daripada analisis
statistik membukitkan kesan pilihan raya pra-pilihan raya umum dan kesan pos-pilihan raya umum dari lima pilihan
raya umum terdekat yang diadakan di Malaysia. Yang menariknya, kedua-dua sub-sampel menunjukkan kesan pilihan
raya yang berbeza terhadap kemeruapan pasaran saham. Kebanyakan indeks sektoral mengalami turun naik yang
lebih rendah sebelum pilihan raya umum dan ketidaktentuan yang lebih tinggi selepas pilihan raya umum dalam
tempoh sub-sampel 1994-2005. Pada pilihan raya umum 2008 dan 2013, ketidakpastian politik akibat perjuangan
antara dua parti politik utama menunjukkan kesan negatif yang ketara dalam kemeruapan pasaran saham sebelum
pilihan raya umum. Implikasi utama penemuan ini ialah apabila pelabur mencari pulangan yang tidak normal
pada sektor tertentu dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang, mereka perlu memberi perhatian terhadap pengaruh
ketidakpastian politik terhadap pulangan pasaran saham semasa tahun pilihan raya.
Kata kunci: Kemeruapan pasaran saham; Model GARCH Ambang; ketidakpastian politik
are affected by both the fundamental and behavioural influence of political events on the movement of sectoral
forces (Akerlof & Shiller 2009). During major political indices has not been thoroughly discussed. Moreover,
events, the combination of fundamental and behavioural recent research provided evidence that firms in different
forces in decision-making causes bounded rationality in sectors are reported to have different sentiment effect
market players which could induce uncertainty in the (Kaplanski & Levy 2010; Chen et al. 2013; Dash &
stock market. Mahakud 2013)). Hence, a comprehensive analysis of
In the literature, it is evident from several studies stock market performance based on sectoral indices
that the occurrences of major political events induced should be addressed to have a better understanding
higher stock market volatility. The recent empirical of political changes in relation to fluctuation in
evidence is found on the national election (Mei & Guo sectoral indices.
2004; Bialkowski, et al. 2008; Jones & Banning 2009; In behavioural finance, Asia suffers from a higher
Lean & Yeap 2017; Li, et al. 2018) among others, risk of behavioural biases than other developed markets
delay in election results (Nippani & Arize 2005), (Ritter 2003; Schmeling 2009). Nevertheless, emerging
change of ruling party (Lin & Wang 2007), as well financial markets are still attractive to investors because
as the political scandal (Lobo 1999). Previous studies of their relatively higher returns compared to developed
on the relationship between political events and stock financial markets (Kearney 2012). Among the emerging
market performance are largely centered on elections. markets, the Malaysian stock market is quite a developed
Earlier studies of Niederhoffer et al. (1970), Nordhaus capital market (Mohamad et al. 2007). Bursa Malaysia has
(1975), Allivine and O’Neil (1980), Peel and Pope steadily emerged as one of the top-performing markets
(1983), Huang (1985), Gemmill (1992) have examined in Asia. Its capitalization has reached USD 382 billion in
the stock price behaviours during national elections in December 2015 and the market ranked the second-highest
developed countries. These studies found that changes in ASEAN markets after the Singapore Exchange. In terms
in government administration after elections tend to of behavioural risk, empirical studies of (Statman et al.
affect financial policies or legislation, thereby stock 2008) and (Tuyon et al. 2016). (Statman et al. 2008)
prices were significantly impacted. Recent evidence in found that Malaysian investors are affected by sentiment
the area includes the study by (Wong & McAleer 2009) in their investment decision making. Furthermore, the
indicating the impact of U.S. presidential elections finding of (Tuyon et al. 2016) highlighted that investor
on its stock market. They found that the U.S. stock sentiment risks influence stock prices regardless of size
prices closely followed the four-year presidential and industry groups.
election cycle and the cyclical trend existed for the From the perspective of statistical analysis, single
last ten administrations from the year 1965 through country data analysis is preferred to mitigate the
2003, particularly when the incumbent is Republican1. heterogeneous effect of multiple country characteristics
However, the study on election effect in emerging such as differences in economics, political, institutional,
market only started in recent years, for instance, (Wang demographics and culture (Bekaert & Harvery 2002)
& Lin 2009; Hung 2011; Hung 2013; Shun et al. 2017) (Statman et al. 2008). Hence, taken all these facts, the
on Taiwanese stock market, (Lean H. H. 2010) and Malaysian stock market is chosen as a single country
(Lean & Yeap 2017) on Malaysian stock market. testing case to see the influence of political events on
The evidence found in previous studies is mostly the movement of stock prices and this study could be of
based on the examination of main composite indices, interest to international investors. Evidently, as a proxy
such as the Toronto 300 Composite and the I.P.C. All- of the Malaysian stock market, the key index of FTSE
Share in (Nippani & Arize 2005), the Taiwan Stock Bursa Malaysia KLCI experienced significant volatility
Exchange Value Weighted Index (TAIEX) in (Wang & during the general election years (Lean & Yeap 2017).
Lin 2009), and the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index Before the year 2005, the 9th, 10th, and 11th Malaysian
in (Lean & Yeap 2017). Besides information from the general elections have not resulted in unexpected
composite index, sector-specific information could be outcomes as the coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) won
useful for investors to narrow down their investments and continued ruling with a stable two-thirds majority.
option in the financial market. Nevertheless, the stock Hence, general ups and downs in the stock market are
return volatility due to changes in political may evolve well-anticipated by investors. On the other hand, the
differently in sectoral indices. Therefore, the evidence coalition BN experienced the close fight in the 12th and
found based on composite indices might not apply to the 13th general elections and consecutively lost the two-
individual sectors. thirds majority in parliament, which is never happened
In addition, there are recent studies on the sector- in political history since Malaysia’s independence.
specific analysis of the stock market in the Asian region Besides, the total percentage vote for BN experienced a
(Cao et al. 2013; Lakshmi 2013). The main focus of their significant drop from 63.8% in 2004, to 51.4% in 2008
studies is to investigate the sensitivity of the sectoral and 47.4% in 2013. Due to political uncertainty, a sharp
indices to market fluctuation and the performance of decline in the key indices of FTSE Bursa Malaysia was
the sectoral indices. Nevertheless, the aspect of the recorded prior to the general election and investors’
Stock Market Volatility during the General Election 45
confidence was badly shaken due to the potential shift Third, this study enhances the knowledge in the
of the ruling party. case of Malaysia by investigating the election effect
Therefore, in order to examine the election effect, in two different stages which represent the general up
the focus of this study is on the Malaysian sectoral and down and the drastic rise and fall period. Fourth,
indices for the general election years of 1995, 1999, the Morgan Stanley Capital International ( MSCI )
2004, 2008 and 2013. The sectoral index provides World Index is included as a control variable in the
a value for the aggregate performance of several model to account for the global market effect (Lean
companies of a particular sector and it serves as an & Yeap 2017). Moreover, this study also conducts an
indirect measure of the performance of the economy. array of robustness checks by replacing the control
There are ten main indices based on sectors or industries variable which included analyzing the model with the
at the Bursa Malaysia, each represents the sector of MSCI Emerging Market Index to control for emerging
Construction, Consumer Product, Finance, Industrial, market effect, Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
Industrial Product, Mining, Plantation, Property, Volatility Index (VIX) as the market uncertainty indicator
Trading and Services, Technology. A benchmark for global risk, and the US Federal Fund Rate for interest
index of FBMKLCI also included in the analysis for rate differentials effect. This study may be of interest to
comparison purposes. investors as the results will come up with information
In general, using a long history of aggregate stock that most investors require particularly in constructing
returns that incorporates a sharp decline may produce an effective equity portfolio investment during the times
erroneous inferences due to model misspecification. of election.
However, previous studies on the Malaysia election The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
effect did not address this issue. For example, (Lean & Section 2 describes the nature of the data sets and the
Yeap 2017) covered six general elections (the 8th to 13th methodology adopted in this study. Section 3 reports
general elections) under the same sample period. In fact, the estimation results and Section 4 concludes by
the market condition during the general election years highlighting some implications of the findings.
of 2008 and 2013 (the 12th and 13th general elections)
is clearly different from previous general elections. In
concern of the different effects of the general election DATA AND EMPIRICAL METHODOLOGY
on stock market volatility, this study divides the general
election periods into two stages. One stage represents This study uses daily closing values of the FTSE Bursa
the general ups and downs periods from 1994 to 2005 Malaysia KLCI Index and ten selected main sectors
(Ruling Coalition Barisan National won with a stable indices (Construction, Consumer Product, Finance,
two-thirds majority), and the other represents drastic Industrial, Industrial Product, Mining, Plantation,
shock periods from 2006 to 2015 (Ruling Coalition Property, Trade and Services, and Technology). The
Barisan National lost two-thirds majority in the full sample period covers from 4 January 1994 to 31
general election). December 2015, with a total of 5,738 observations,
In brief, the contributions of this study are, first, which covers the recent five Malaysia general elections.
the Threshold Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Furthermore, this study also divides the general election
Heteroscedasticity (Threshold GARCH / GJR GARCH ) periods into two sub-samples, (a) Sub-sample from 4
model developed by (Glosten et al. 1993) is applied to January 1994 to 30 December 2005 which included the
investigate the pre-general election and post-general stable two-third majority won and (b) Sub-sample from
election effect on sectoral indices of the Malaysian 2 January 2006 – 31 December 2015 which included
stock market. Previous studies in this interest (Nippani the lost in the two-third majority. All data are collected
& Arize 2005; Wang & Lin 2009; Lean H. H., 2010; from Bursa Malaysia (
Lean & Yeap 2017) examined the impact of the election For the control variable, the MSCI World Index and MSCI
on the composite index, while this study attempts to see Emerging Index, obtained from the S&P Capital IQ,
the election effect on the ten sectoral indices. Second, are used to control for the world market and emerging
the selection of the event window in this study is in line market effect, respectively. Besides, the Chicago Board
with the Malaysian general election process. Relevant Options Exchange (CBOE) Volatility Index (VIX) is
studies normally used trading day windows before and used as an indicator of global risk, and the US Federal
after the election, for example, 1 week, 2 weeks and Fund Rate is used for interest rate differentials. The
1 month, to see the different effects of the election. important dates of general elections are summarized in
This study precisely defines the pre-general election Table 1, which are the date of dissolution of parliament,
period as the trading days from the day of dissolution election date or voting date and the 1st parliament
of the parliament until the day before voting, while assembly after the election. The pre-general election
the post-general election period covers the trading period refers to the duration from the day of dissolution
days from the day after voting until the day of first of the parliament until the day before voting, while
parliament assembly. the post-general election period refers to the duration
46 Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia 53(3)
TABLE 1. Malaysia general election information 3. If the kurtosis exceeds 3, the distribution is peaked
(leptokurtic) relative to the normal. If the kurtosis is
1st less than 3, the distribution is flat (platykurtic) relative
Dissolution Election Date to the normal. From the descriptive statistics, the null
of Parliament and Day
hypothesis of normally distributed daily returns is
Election rejected by the Jarque-Bera normality test. This finding
summarizes that the nature of the data is in line with
9th General 6 April 1995 25 April 1995 7 June 1995
Election (Thursday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday)
most of the previous findings, saying that daily stock
returns are not normally distributed.
10th 11 November 29 November 20 December
Furthermore, the mean returns for the periods of pre-
General 1999 1999 1999
general election and post-general election are presented in
Election (Wednesday) (Monday) (Monday)
Table 3. It is observed that the mean returns prior to the
11th 4 March 21 March
17 May 2004 general election are mostly positive for the sub-sample
General 2004 2004
(Monday) period of 1994-2005. However, for the sub-sample period
Election (Thursday) (Sunday)
of 2006-2015, the mean returns are all negative prior to
12th 13 February 8 March 28 April the general election. On the other hand, for the period of
General 2008 2008 2008
post-general election, the mean returns for the indices
Election (Wednesday) (Saturday) (Monday)
are all negative for the sub-sample period of 1994-2005,
13th except for the sectoral indices of Consumer Product and
3 April 2013 5 May 2013 24 June 2013
(Wednesday) (Sunday) (Monday) Industrial. For the period of 2006-2015, all the mean
returns are positive after the general election. From the
Sources: Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya, Election Report, various years. descriptive statistics and mean returns for the two sub-
sample periods, it is notable that there could be different
election effects on the stock market between the general
from the day after voting until the day of the first elections from 1994 to 2005 and the general elections
parliament assembly. from 2006 to 2015. The preliminary statistics justify the
Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics for the daily aim of this study in dividing the full sample period into
returns series for the full sample period. Daily returns are two sub-samples in order to study the election effects
calculated as the first difference in the natural logarithms under different political conditions, specifically refer
of the stock market index, Rt = 100 × ln(It/It–1) where It to the market reaction on won in a two-third majority
and It–1 are the values of each index for periods t and comparing with lost in a two-third majority in the
t – 1, respectively. In the case of a trading day following general election.
a non-trading day, the return is calculated using the In this study, the test for stock market volatility
closing price of the last trading day. Besides, the during general elections is carried out by using the
characterization of the data includes skewness and Threshold Generalized Autoregressive Conditional
kurtosis are presented in Table 2. The skewness for a Heteroscedasticity (Threshold GARCH/GJR GARCH) model
normal distribution is zero, and any symmetric data developed by (Glosten et al. 1993). The conditional
should have a skewness near zero. Negative values variance of the Threshold GARCH model is defined as a
for the skewness indicate data that are skewed left and linear piecewise function and this model incorporates
positive values for the skewness indicate data that are the nonlinearity of the variables. The Threshold GARCH
skewed right. The kurtosis of the normal distribution is model relax the linear restriction on the conditional
TABLE 2. Descriptive Statistics for the Malaysian Sectoral Indices (Full Sample 1994 - 2015)
Mean 0.0047 -0.0075 0.0167 0.0084 0.0085 -0.0062 -0.0096 0.0120 -0.0185 -0.0003 -0.0446
Max 20.8174 23.9197 16.1281 22.6276 17.2483 18.9714 52.0143 16.9362 20.9022 22.3703 11.3668
Min -24.1534 -22.7828 -16.4773 -20.5651 -22.6965 -24.7880 -42.0379 -16.6592 -18.9174 -21.0987 -13.3861
Std. Dev. 1.3097 1.7787 1.0439 1.4683 1.2145 1.3035 2.9459 1.3692 1.5963 1.3945 1.5378
Skewness 0.4731 0.6526 0.1895 1.2226 -0.1577 -0.7173 0.7910 -0.2772 0.5177 0.8819 -0.0574
Kurtosis 58.5326 33.3929 51.6275 39.4080 54.3015 49.8949 46.6704 29.3345 24.8775 43.0376 11.2884
Jarque-Bera 737515.40 221254.80 565378.40 318344.50 629254.30 526268.20 456555.10 165878.50 114687.10 383997.20 11678.11
Probability 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Note: KLCI: FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index, CONST: Construction, CONPR: Consumer Product, FIN: Finance, IND: Industrial, INDPRO:
Industrial Product, MNG: Mining, PLANT: Plantation, PROP: Property, TRAD: Trade and Services, TECH: Technology (TECH data only
available since May 15, 2000).
Stock Market Volatility during the General Election 47
TABLE 3. Comparing the Mean Returns on Pre-General Election and Post-General Election for Sub-sample 1994 – 2005 and
2006 – 2015
PreGE-Mean 0.0762 0.0167 0.0157 0.0311 -0.0297 0.0261 0.1972 0.0663 -0.0425 0.0586 0.1484
Observations 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 39.0000 12.0000
PostGE-Mean -0.0123 -0.1253 0.0617 -0.0205 0.0363 -0.0250 -0.0380 -0.0899 -0.1742 -0.0055 -0.5105
Observations 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 87.0000 41.0000
PreGE-Mean -0.2039 -0.4886 -0.1524 -0.1920 -0.2428 -0.1513 -0.5291 -0.1223 -0.3323 -0.2182 -0.1881
Observations 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000 41.0000
PostGE-Mean 0.0340 0.0688 0.1195 0.0787 0.0311 0.1137 0.1909 0.0700 0.0765 0.0406 0.2037
Observations 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000 72.0000
Notes: KLCI: FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI Index, CONST: Construction, CONPR: Consumer Product, FIN: Finance, IND: Industrial, INDPRO:
Industrial Product, MNG: Mining, PLANT: Plantation, PROP: Property, TRAD: Trade and Services, TECH: Technology. Pre-General Election:
start from Dissolution of Parliament to the day before General Election, and Post-General Election: start from Day after the General Election
to the first day of the Parliament Assembly.
variance dynamics and it fits non-normal distributed stock is insignificant, then it can be concluded that the stock
market return series well. Threshold GARCH2 model with returns of the general election years are not influenced
dummy variables: by the MSCI World Index return.
In the Equation (2), Nt takes on value 1 when the
Rt = α0 + α1PGEt + α2PtGEt + α3Rt–1 + χ1RWMt–1 + εt
stock quote falls in a period and 0 for increments of
the stock quotation. Besides, the parameter ϕ is used to
σt2 = β0 + γ1σt–1 2
+ φεt–1 2
Nt–1 + β1εt–1 + α1PGEt + α2PtGEt capture the asymmetrical effect of bad news (decrease
(2) in stock indices, hence negative Rt) and good news
(increase stock indices, hence positive Rt ). If ϕ ≠ 0 by
where Rt is the logarithmic return of the market index at
the t-test of significance, then it can be concluded that
day t; PGEt and PtGEt are dummy variables which take
the impact of news is asymmetric. If the parameter ϕ is
on value 1 if the corresponding return for day t is the
positive, then good news has an impact of βi on volatility
period of the pre-general election, and the period of the
while bad news has an impact of (βi + φ) on volatility.
post-general election respectively, and 0 otherwise; εt is
Thus, the positive value of ϕ indicates the existence of a
the error term. Meanwhile, α0, ..., α3 are the parameters to
leverage effect in that bad news increases volatility. The
be estimated. Among them, α0 measures the mean return
additional parameters, α1 and α2 in the Equation (2),
(in percentage) on other trading days; whereas α1 and
which makes this specification different from the original
α2 capture the average return of the stock index for the
Threshold GARCH model, are employed to capture the
period of pre-general election and post-general election.
daily effect. Furthermore, a lagged value of the return
At the later part of the estimation, a lagged value return
variable is introduced in the equations to avoid serial
variable for the MSCI World Index (RWMt–1) is introduced
correlation error terms in the model, which may yield
into the mean equation and variance equation as control
misleading inferences.
variables to examine whether the returns of the general
election years are associated with the MSCI World Index
lagged return.
The null hypothesis of the test is H0: α1 = α2 = 0,
which implies that average daily returns (volatility)
Firstly, the results of the pre-general election and post-
for the period of pre-general election and post-general
general election effect on the sectoral indices for the
election are significantly different from zero. If the null
full-sample period of 1994-2015 are presented in Table
hypothesis does not hold, then it can be concluded that the
4(a) and Table 4(b). Table 4(a) reports the results of the
market index is characterized by statistically different on
mean equation and variance equation of the Threshold
average returns (volatility) for the period of pre-general
GARCH (1, 1) model for the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI
election and post-general election. In another word,
index and the sectoral indices of Construction, Consumer
this would imply that general election effect is indeed
Product, Finance, and Industrial. Meanwhile, Table 4(b)
present in the market. Besides, if the parameter of α3
48 Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia 53(3)
reports the estimation results for the sectoral indices of coefficient indicates insignificant stock returns for
Industrial Product, Mining, Plantation, Property, Trade both the pre-general election and post-general election
and Services, and Technology. The diagnostic test result periods. The finding of insignificant abnormal return
is included in the lower part of the tables to support the around the election period is consistent with the studies
validity of the models. of (Lean H. H. 2010) and (Lean & Yeap 2017). In terms
Under the mean equation, the dummy coefficients of control variables, the dummy coefficients of the MSCI
are all insignificant. The high p-value of the dummy World Index for the mean equation are all positive and
TABLE 4(a). Threshold GARCH Results for Pre-General Election and Post-General Election (Full Sample 1994 - 2015) -
Controlled by World Market Effect
TABLE 4(b). Threshold GARCH Results for Pre-General Election and Post-General Election (Full Sample 1994 - 2015) -
Controlled by World Market Effect
significant at 1%. The results indicate that the Malaysian coefficients for eight out of ten sectoral indices are
stock market returns are strongly affected by the global positive and highly significant. These eight sectoral
market environment. indices of Construction, Consumer Product, Finance,
The estimation results of the variance equations Industrial, Industrial Product, Property, Trade and
are also presented in Table 4(a) and Table 4(b). For Services, and Technology experienced significant high
the variance equation, the pre-general election dummy volatility in pre-general election periods. Besides,
50 Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia 53(3)
significant low volatility is found in the sectoral index Industrial Product (–0.0630), Mining (–0.3728),
of Mining during the pre-general election periods. Plantation (–0.0409), Property (–0.9755), and Trade
The plantation is the only sector with an insignificant and Services (–0.0896) experienced significant low
result. Thus, the results of Threshold GARCH estimation volatility before the general election. However, after the
on the pre-general election period show the existence announcement of the election result, the stock market
of a significant pre-general election effect in stock volatility increased significantly in these seven sectoral
market volatility in eight out of ten sectoral indices in indices. For the sector of Construction, this sector
the Malaysian stock market. Meanwhile, for the period recorded significant low volatility after the general
of the post-general election, the dummy coefficients election. Thus, it is evident that most of the sectoral
of the variance equations are positive and significant indices in the Malaysian stock market experienced
for the Construction, Plantation, and Technology significant volatility change due to the general election.
sectoral indices. Meanwhile, no significant result is found for the sectoral
The leverage effect term, ϕ, in the variance equation indices of Consumer Product.
is positive and statistically different from zero for all the The results of variance equations also confirm that
sectoral indices. The positive value of ϕ indicates that the there is an asymmetric effect of political elections on
leverage effect in bad news increases the volatility. In stock market volatility for the sub-sample period of 1994-
particular, the bad news has an impact of (βi + φ), while 2005. The positive value of the leverage effect term is
good news has an impact of (βi) only. For example, refer statistically significant, and this indicates the existence
to Table 4(a), bad news in the Construction sectoral index of an asymmetrical effect in the Malaysian stock market.
has an impact of 0.9682 (0.8926 + 0.0756), while good This finding implies that negative shocks or bad news
news has an impact of 0.8926 only. Hence, the results from the election have a larger impact on stock market
indicate the existence of the asymmetric effect on stock volatility than good news in the sub-sample period of
volatility in all ten sectoral stock indices of the Malaysian 1994-2005. Lastly, the validity of the model is checked by
stock market. In other words, bad news has a greater the diagnostic tests. No remaining ARCH effect and serial
impact on the sectoral stock indices in the Malaysian correlation are found in most of the estimated models.
stock market. For the second sub-sample period of 2006-2015,
Next, this study examines the presence of pre- Table 6(a) presents the results of the pre-general
general election effect and post-general election effect election and post-general election effect for the FTSE
in the sectoral indices for the first sub-sample period of Bursa Malaysia KLCI index and the sectoral indices of
1994-2005 and the results are presented in Table 5(a) and Construction, Consumer Product, Finance, and Industrial.
Table 5(b). For the stock return, the dummy coefficients Table 6(b) reports the estimation results for the sectoral
for the mean equations of the pre-general election are indices of Industrial Product, Mining, Plantation,
significantly positive for two out of ten sectoral indices, Property, Trade and Services, and Technology. From
which are Construction and Industrial Product. These the estimations of mean equations, the sectoral index of
two sectoral indices recorded a significant positive Consumer Product and Mining are the only two indices
return before the general election. On the other hand, that show the significant result for the period of pre-
for the post-general election, the dummy coefficients general election and post-general election. The Mining
are significantly negative for Technology sectoral index. index has a negative and significant return during the
The general election has negatively impacted this sector period of the pre-general election, while the Consumer
due to less emphasizing and developing in this sector by Product sectoral index has a positive and significant
the ruling Coalition Barisan National (BN) during that return during the period of the post-general election. The
period.3 Overall, the results indicate that the election finding indicates that the general election result brought
effect in stock return only exists in certain sectors in the a negative impact to the Mining sector and a positive
Malaysian stock market. From the dummy coefficients impact on the Consumer Product sector. Besides, the
of the control variables, it is evident by the positive dummy coefficients of the MSCI World Index for the
and significant coefficients that the Malaysian stock mean equations are positive and significant at 1% for
market returns are positively impacted by the MSCI all the sectoral indices. The positive sign of the dummy
stock return. coefficient indicates that the global index has a positive
Furthermore, the estimation results of the variance impact on the Malaysian sectoral indices.
equations with control variables are also presented in As explained earlier, the political condition in the
Table 5(a) and Table 5(b). For the sub-sample period 12th and 13th Malaysia general elections was different
of 1994-2005, the results are consistent among the from previous general elections due to the close fight
sectoral indices, compare to the results of the full sample between the two major coalition. Prior to the general
period. Among the ten sectoral indices, eight of them election, the market condition experienced significant
experienced significant volatility change before and volatility change as supported by the empirical results of
after the general election. In particular, the sectoral this study. From the estimation results of the Threshold
indices of Construction (–2.0862), Finance (–0.0785), GARCH variance equations, six out of ten of the sectoral
Stock Market Volatility during the General Election 51
indices encountered significant high volatility in pre- indices of Construction, Consumer Product, Industrial,
general election periods. The Mining sectoral index Mining, Plantation, Property, and Trade and Services.
is the only one that recorded significant low volatility Meanwhile, the Technology sectoral index is the only
during the period. On the other hand, this study also sector with significant high volatility in the post-general
finds evidence of the post-general election effect in election period. The result on the second sub-sample
stock market volatility. The results of the post-general period of 2006-2015 is clearly different between the
election show insignificant low volatility in the sectoral first sub-sample period which covers the 9th, 10th and
TABLE 5(a). Threshold GARCH Results for Pre-General Election and Post-General Election (Sub-Sample 1994 - 2005) -
Controlled by World Market Effect
TABLE 5(b). Threshold GARCH Results for Pre-General Election and Post-General Election (Sub-sample 1994 - 2005) -
Controlled by World Market Effect
11th Malaysia general elections, where most of the asymmetry coefficient (ϕ) strongly supports the
sectoral indices recorded significant low volatility before asymmetric effect in most of the indices. The leverage
general elections and significant high volatility after effect term, ϕ, is statistically different from zero for all
general elections. the indices, indicating the existence of the asymmetrical
The asymmetric effect of the general election is also stock returns in the Malaysian. Besides, the validity of
reported in Table 6(a) and Table 6(b). The significant the model is supported by the diagnostic test with no
Stock Market Volatility during the General Election 53
remaining ARCH effect and serial correlation in all of for all the three sample periods. Next, to consider
the estimated models. the possibility of other effects, this study extends the
In order to test the robustness of the model, this analysis by using the control variables of VIX () to
study extends the analysis by using the lagged value measure the market uncertainty and U.S. Federal Fund
of the MSCI Emerging Market Index () return as an Rate () for interest rate differentials. Higher volatility in
alternative control variable to test the impact of the the U.S. stocks could affect the expectations about the
emerging market on Malaysian stock market returns future monetary policy stances of major central banks,
TABLE 6(a). Threshold GARCH Results for Pre-General Election and Post-General Election (Sub-sample 2006 - 2015) -
Controlled by World Market Effect
TABLE 6(b). Threshold GARCH Results for Pre-General Election and Post-General Election (Sub-sample 2006 - 2015) -
Controlled by World Market Effect
resulting in shifts of capital out from the U.S. and into the VIX exhibits some degree of predictability in the
the Malaysia stock market. Furthermore, international sense that the lagged variable of VIX is statistically
investors might take the interest rate differentials significant in the empirical analyses. However, both
opportunity, to borrow in currencies with low-interest the control variables do not qualitatively change the
rates and invest in a potential growth market, such as main results.3
Malaysia, to gain some better returns. From the findings,
Stock Market Volatility during the General Election 55
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