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Traverse Survey

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Siddikur Rahman
Associate Professor
Dept. of Farm Structure

Traverse: A traverse is a number of straight lines of known lengths making known angles with
each other.
Traverse survey or Traversing: Traversing is that type of surveying where a number of connected
straight lines form a frame work and both the length and direction of these lines are measured with
the help of an angle or direction measuring instrument and tape (or chain) respectively.
• It is also known as compass survey because the compass is used here.
Types: Traverse is two types-
Open Traverse: In open traverse the end point of the last line will not meet the starting point
of the first line. It is used for survey of irrigation channel, rail line etc.
Closed Traverse: In closed traverse a complete circuit is made. It is suitable for locating the
boundaries of lakes, rounded area and for the survey of large area.

Open traverse Closed traverse

Instrument for Angular Measurement:

1) Compass: a) Prismatic compass b) Surveyor compass
2) Theodolite: Generally give more accurate result than the compass.

Bearing: The bearing of a line is the angle which the line makes with a reference direction (or
magnetic meridian) and is always measured in clock-wise direction. N
)In figure N-S indicates the North-South line which is the
reference line.
)The angle α measured in clock-wise direction from North α β
line up-to AB is known as the bearing of the line AB A S
)Similarly, the bearing of the line BA is β W E

Types of Bearing:
a) Forward Bearing (F.B.): The forward bearing of a line is the bearing in the direction of
progress of survey.
• The angle α is the forward bearing of the line AB and the angle β is the forward bearing of BA
b) Backward Bearing (B.B.): The backward bearing of a line is the bearing in the reverse
direction of the progress of survey.
• The angle β is the backward bearing of AB and α is the backward bearing of BA.
c) Whole Circle Bearing (W.C.B.):
The angle between the magnetic meridian and the line B β
is called the whole circle bearing.
• It may have any value between 00 to 3600 α
• The bearing of a line observed in the field is A C
the whole circle bearing. γ
• in figure, the angle α, β, γ and δ are the whole
circle bearing of lines AB, BC, CD and DA respectively D δ

d) Reduced Bearing (R.B.): If the whole circle bearing of a line is greater than 900, it is
reduced to a corresponding angle less than 900 which has same value of trigonometrical
functions. The corresponding reduced angle is known as reduced bearing.
The procedure to obtain Reduced Bearing (R.B.) from Whole Circle Bearing (W.C.B.) is shown in
following table:
W.C.B. Reduced Cardinal Direction II(-+) N I(++)
Line E B
Between Bearing (R.B.) Or Quadrant
AB 00 and 900 R.B. = W.C.B. N-E (I)
AC 900 and 1800 1800 – W.C.B. S-E (IV)
AD 1800 and 2700 W.C.B. – 1800 S-W (III)
AF 2700 and 3600 3600 – W.C.B. N-W (II) III(--) S IV(+-)

When the forward bearing (F.B.) of a line is known, the backward bearing (B.B.) of the same line
can be obtained by the following relation:
Backward Bearing (B.B.) = Forward Bearing (F.B.) ± 1800
• If the forward bearing is less than 1800, plus sign is to be used
• If it exceed 1800, minus sign should be used
• The difference of the bearings of two lines at a station is their included or excluded angle at
that station.
If the difference between Forward and Backward bearing of a line is not 1800 (F.B. –B.B.= ±1800)
then there are errors in the measured angles. The errors may be due to:
a) Faulty instrument b) Observation and c) Local attraction.

Local attraction: The magnetic needle will be deviated from the magnetic meridian due to
influence of magnetic substances. This phenomenon is known as local attraction.
This is caused by the proximity of iron, steel structures, rails, electric post and cables, keys,
buttons, steel framed spectacles, chains, steel tapes and arrows.

Correction for Local attraction:

i) When the error is small i.e. the difference of backward and forward bearing is nearly 1800, the
backward bearing should be increased or decreased by 1800 in order to obtain the corresponding
forward bearing. Then the mean is taken between this and forward bearing.
If the forward and backward bearing of a line is 82018΄ and 262030΄ then the difference between
B.B. and F.B. = 262030΄ - 82018΄ = 180012΄
Hence 12΄ is the error which needs to be adjusted.
Half of the error (12΄/2) = 6΄
So, corrected F.B. = 82018΄ + 6΄ = 82024΄ and B.B. = 262030΄ - 6΄ = 262024΄
There difference = 262024΄ - 82024΄ = 1800
ii) When the error is considerable, then the following procedure is adopted:
• At first the included angles of affected stations are calculated from the observed bearing
• Starting from the unaffected line by using the calculated included angles
• The correct bearing of each line is then calculated.

Line F.B. B.B. Difference B
AB 52015' 232015' 1800 C
BC 140040' 320055' 180015'
CD 170030' 350010' 179040'
DA 290010' 110015' 179055'
From the above data it is found that the stations A&B are free from local D
attraction, as the difference between the fore and back bearings of AB is 1800
Included angles:
∠A = B.B. of DA – F.B. of AB = 110015' – 52015' = 58000'
∠B = B.B. of AB – F.B. of BC = 232015' – 140040' = 91035'
∠C = B.B. of BC – F.B. of CD = 320055' – 170030' = 150025'
∠D = B.B. of CD – F.B. of DA = 350010' – 290010' = 60000'
Sum = 36000'
Corrected bearings:
F.B. of BC = B.B. of AB – ∠B = 232015' – 91035' = 140040'
B.B. of BC = F.B. of BC + 1800 = 140040' + 1800 = 320040'
F.B. of CD = B.B. of BC – ∠C = 320040' – 150025' = 170015'
B.B. of CD = F.B. of CD + 1800 = 170015' + 1800 = 350015' we know, B.B. = F.B. ± 1800
F.B. of DA = B.B. of CD – ∠D = 350015' – 6000' = 290015' when F.B<1800, than +Ve
B.B. of DA = F.B. of DA – 1800 = 290015' – 1800 = 110015' when F.B>1800, than -Ve

Field Procedure:
Steps for field procedure of traverse surveying:
i) First the reconnaissance of the plot
ii) Fix the stations of the plot same as chain survey
iii) Place the compass over the station A (starting station) and level properly by setting the
ball and socket joints and the legs of the tripod stand
iv) The center of the compass and that of the station should be on the same vertical line and
this is checked by dropping a plumb bob from the bottom center of the compass
v) Turn the sight vane of the compass towards the ranging rod at station B and take the
forward bearing of line AB and measure the length of AB
vi) Take the offsets on both sides of AB with the help of chain, tape and optical squares as in
the case of chain survey
vii) Shift the compass at station B and level
viii) Turn the sight vane towards station A and take the bearing of AB
ix) This is the forward bearing of BA and backward bearing of AB
x) In this way, take the forward bearing, backward bearing, lengths and offsets of all lines
xi) To minimize the errors in readings of the angles, at least three readings of a line from the
same station should be taken and their mean will be the correct bearing.
Record keeping in the field book:
All the details of the plot to be traversed, is the same as in chain survey except that the forward
and backward bearings of each line should be recorded on the central column at start and end
Plotting of a Compass Traverse:
The following steps should be considered before plotting a traverse
i) Selection of a suitable scale
ii) A rough sketch of the traverse on the drawing sheet
iii) Correction of observed bearings

Methods of Plotting a Traverse:
a) By parallel meridian through each station: N
• Fix the station A (starting station) on the drawing sheet
• Draw the N-S line which represent magnetic meridian N B
through station A. N
• Draw the bearing of line AB with a protector and cut
its length from the chosen scale A N C
• Now locate the station B and again draw a magnetic
meridian N-S through B.
• Draw the bearing and length of the line BC in the same way as AB D
• Follow the same procedure for the station C and D.
b) By Included Angles:
• Draw a magnetic meridian N-S through the starting station A N B
• Draw the bearing of the line AB by a protractor and cut its
length from the chosen scale C
• Now fix the station B A
• Draw the included angle ABC at B D
• Cut the length BC from the chosen scale an fix the station C E
• Follow the same procedure at stations C, D and E.

Closing Error: In a closed traverse, the end of the last line should meet the starting point. But
while plotting, it will be observed that the last line does not generally meet at the starting point.
This discrepancy is termed as closing error.
Reasons of error: i) Incorrect measurement of angles
ii) Incorrect measurement of lines or sides in the field.
Permissible error: Per bearing should not more than 15 minutes, because the last value that can
be read in the graduated scale is 15 minutes.
Adjustment of Closing Error: If error is considerable, the adjustment can be done by the
following method.
A C d e a
b c
A1 e D A B C D E A2

In figure ABCDEA1 is a polygon which has been plotted from the measured field data, according
to definition of a closed traverse point A1 and A should be coincide. The distance AA1 is the
closing error which needs to be adjusted. The steps are as follows:
i) Draw a line AA2 to a suitable scale in such a way that AA2 equals the sum of the sides of
the traverse
ii) Draw a perpendicular A2a at A equals the closing error AA1
iii) Join Aa and erect perpendiculars Bb, Cc, Dd and Ee to cut Aa. These perpendiculars are
the respective distance through which the stations B,C,D and E should be moved upwards
in this case.
iv) Draw the lines parallel to AA1 at station B, C, D and E
v) Shift the station B, C, D and E upwards by the amounts Bb, Cc, Dd and Ee respectively
vi) Join Ab, bc, cd, de and eA. So AbcdeA is the corrected or adjusted traverse.

Adjustment of Angular Error:
In a closed traverse the sum of included angles must be equal to (2N – 4) × right angles, where N
is the number of sides. But in practical cases there is always angular error. This error can be
corrected by the following method.
If the total angular error in a traverse of 5 sides (N = 5) is 20΄, then the correction at:
1st station = 20/5 = 4΄, 2nd station = 2×20/5 = 8΄, 3rd station = 3×20/5 = 12΄,
4th station = 4×20/5 = 16΄ and 5th station = 5×20/5 = 20΄

Latitude: It is the distance measured parallel to the magnetic meridian (N-S direction).
• It is positive when measured northward from origin and this positive latitude is termed as Northing
• It is negative when measured southward from origin and this negative latitude is termed as Southing
Latitude = Length of the line × Cosine of its bearing (BC = AB×Cosθ)

Departure: It is the distance measured parallel to the line which is perpendicular to the magnetic
• It is positive when measured eastward from origin and this positive latitude is termed as Easting
• It is negative when measured westward from origin and this negative latitude is termed as Westing
Departure = Length of the line × Sine of its bearing (AC = AB×Sinθ)

θ Latitude Included angle
A Departure
Excluded angle

Characteristics of a Closed Traverse:

i) Sum of included angles = (2N – 4) × 900, where N is the number of sides
ii) Sum of excluded angles = (2N + 4) × 900
iii) Forward bearing and backward bearing of a line must differ by 1800
iv) Sum of Northings = Sum of Southings
v) Sum of Eastings = Sum of Weastings
vi) The difference between the bearings of two lines at a station is the included or excluded

Computation of Area of a Closed Traverse:

If the latitude and departures of the stations of a closed traverse are known, the area can be
calculated by the following expression:
(D2 + D1 )(L
Area, A = ∑ 2 − L1 )
Where, D1 and D2 are the departures, L1 and L2 are the latitudes at the beginnings and end of each line.

Advantages and Disadvantages of traverse surveying:

i) The compass needs much less time in setting as it is very light and portable
ii) The mechanism of the instrument is very easy
iii) It is very simple to take bearing with the instrument
iv) An error in the direction of one does not affect the other line
v) To retrace old survey it is very suitable

i) It is often subject to errors due to the needle is not perfectly straight
ii) Errors may also arise due to inaccurate leveling of the compass, imperfect sighting of the
ranging rods and mistakes in recording bearings and lengths
iii) There may be errors due to local attraction, variation of magnetic meridian and magnetic
changes in the atmosphere.

Rule: I) True bearing = Magnetic bearing ± Declination

Use plus sign when the declination is east and minus sign when it is west.
II) Magnetic bearing = True bearing ± Declination
Use minus sign when the declination is east and plus sign when it is west.
• These rules are applicable only for Whole Circle Bearing (W.C.B.)

Example: The magnetic bearing of a line AB is 130015'. Calculate its true bearing if the direction
of the magnetic north at A is 10015' West of true north and 7030' East of true north.
We know, True bearing = Magnetic bearing ± Declination
= 130015' – 10015' (West) = 1200
Again Magnetic bearing = True bearing ± Declination
True bearing = 130015' + 7030' (East) = 137045'

Example: In a closed traverse ABCDA the length of sides AB, BC, CD are 248, 320 and 180 ft
respectively and bearing of these sides are 300, 1400 and 2100 respectively. Calculate the length
and bearing of side DA.

Side Latitude Departure

AB 248×Cos300 = 214.77 248×Sin300 = 124.0
BC 320×Cos1400 = 245.13 320×Sin1400 = 205.69
CD 180×Cos2100 = 155.88 180×Sin2100 = 90.0

Side Length R.B. Cardinal Latitude Departure

(ft) direction N S E W
AB 248 30 N.E. 214.77 124.0
BC 320 400 S.E. 245.13 205.69
CD 180 300 S.W. 155.88 90.0
214.77 401.01 329.69 90.0
Difference of N-S = 401.01 – 214.77 = 186.24 (N)
Difference of E-W = 329.69 – 90.0 = 239.69 (W)
So, latitude of DA = 186.24 (N) N
Departure of DA = 239.69 (W) D
2 2
∴ DA = (186.24 ) + (239.69 ) = 303.54 ft. (Ans) Q
Let Q be the reduced bearing of DA Latitude Q
⎛ Dep. ⎞ − ⎛ 239.69 ⎞ = 52.150 = 5209' (N.W.)
∴ Q = tan − ⎜ ⎟ = tan ⎜ ⎟ W Departure A
⎝ Lat. ⎠ ⎝ 186.24 ⎠
So, W.C.B. of DA = 3600 – 52.150 = 307.850 = 307051' (Ans)

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