Chain Surveying: Its Procedure, Instruments, and Principles
Chain Surveying: Its Procedure, Instruments, and Principles
Chain Surveying: Its Procedure, Instruments, and Principles
Table of Contents
Principles of Chain Surveying:
Base Line:
Check Line:
Tie line
(i) Perpendicular offsets.
(ii) Oblique offsets.
Principles of chain Surveying.
Chain Surveying Procedure:
Duties of the follower and leader During Chain Surveying.
The duties of the follower (Chain man at the rear end of the chain) are;
The duties of the leader (the chain man at the forward end or head) are;
Recording the measurements in the Field Book.
Amongst the various methods of surveying, the commonly used method is called chain
surveying. For less precise works chain is used whereas, for more accurate and precise work
other types of surveys are used.
Check Line:
The mistakes made in the measurements as well as in plotting any of the lines may
distort the actual figure. Which is liable to pass unnoticed. These mistakes could be avoided by
performing the whole survey twice or thrice, but this may also be discovered by making cross
measurements which are called proof lines or check lines.
For example, the quadrilateral ABCD in the below Figure can be plotted even if only the
lengths of AB, BC, CD, DA, and BD are known. But, the mistake in any line cannot be detected
unless it is significant enough to change the shape of the figure. Or it is such that two sides of
a triangle appear less than the third side.
For this reason, the length of the other diagonal AC scaled from the plan should be equal to its
length measured on the ground. This line will enable the checking of the plotting, and hence it
is called “check line”. The check lines indicate the correctness of the work. The location of
check lines depends upon the local circumstances, as well as on discretion of the surveyor. In
general, a check line is one who joins some fixed points on any two sides of a triangle.
Tie line
A “tie line” is that line which joins some fixed points called “stations” on the main
survey lines. The purpose of a tie line is two-fold, i.e., firstly it enables checking of the accuracy
of the network and secondly locating the interior details which are comparatively far away from
the main survey lines.
Offsets: The details like corners of buildings, roads, fences, etc., included within the sketch of
the survey, are measured by lateral measurements with respect to main survey lines. These
measures are called offsets. Offsets are of two types.
1. Perpendicular offsets.
This is the most common method of locating objects. The perpendicular distance
measured from a known chainage point on the main line to the object is called the
perpendicular offset.
2. Oblique offsets.
The measurements which are not made at right angles to the survey lines are called “tie-
line offsets” or “oblique offsets.”
i. First of all, the site should be inspected with a view to find a suitable location for
ii. The survey lines should be as few as practicable and such that the framework may be
iii. If possible, a base line should be run roughly through the middle of the area on which
the framework of triangles covering the major portion of the area may be built up.
iv. All the triangles should be well conditioned, i.e., no angle should be less than 30° or
greater than 120° in a triangle.
vi. The offsets should be short; particularly for locating features which are important.
vii. A number of subsidiary lines or tie lines should be run to locate the details and to avoid
long offsets.
ix. The obstacles to ranging and chaining should be avoided as far as possible.
xi. In lines lying along a road, the possibility of interruption during chain surveying, a line
at one side of the road should be drawn.
xii. The main Stations should be inter-visible and the main principle of surveying, i.e.,
working from the whole to the part, should be strictly observed.
xiii. The lines should be measured in an order avoiding unnecessary walking between
ii. The leader holds another end of the chain and goes along with the arrows and
ranging rods on the line.
iii. Nearly at the end of the chain length, he stops and aligns with the help of ranging
rod which he keeps vertical and faces the follower, who gives him instructions
by his arms.
iv. After alignment, the leader pulls the chain and inserts an arrow in to the ground
to mark the end.
v. The lateral measurements or offsets are taken from the chain line to any object
that is to be plotted on the plan.
vi. The chain line should be such that these offsets are as short as possible. While
pulling the chain, care should be taken.
vii. After taking the offsets, the leader picks up the staff rod and remaining arrows
keeping the chain a little away from the line so that the arrow placed is not
disturbed, starts moving ahead as before.
viii. As the follower reaches the arrow with the near end of the chain, he should
speak loud “chain” or “tape” to give a warning to the leader that he has nearly
reached the arrow or a chain length and immediately the leader stops.
ix. The follower holds the handle against the arrow and directs the leader to come
in line as before.
x. The leader again stretches the chain and fixes the arrow in the ground at another
chain length or make a cross if the ground is firm.
xi. Again, the leader walks in the line in the same manner and the follower now
picks up the first arrow, comes to the second arrow and gives instructions for
the third chain length.
xii. Thus, the whole process is repeated until the end of the line is reached.
xiii. The number of arrows with the follower is an indication of the number of full
chain lengths completed at any time.
xiv. After sometime the number of arrows should be checked mutually by the
follower and the leader so that no chain length is missed and no arrow is lost.
Generally, the number of arrows taken is ten and hence after fixing the tenth
arrow, the leader speaks out “arrows” which means that this was the tenth chain
xv. The follower then goes to the tenth arrow and picks it up after fixing a ranging
rod there. The arrows are then handed over to the leader, and a record is made
in the field book by the surveyor.
xvi. For the fractional length of the Chain, the leader stretches the chain beyond the
end station. While the follower holds the rear handle of the chain against the
last arrow. The leader reads the fractional chain length loudly, and the surveyor
notes the entire length of the line.
The duties of the leader (Chain man at the forward end or head) are:
The lines meeting at the station point are also marked, and the reference sketches are drawn on
field book, and after this line survey, lines are run by chaining. When a chain survey is to be
conducted the necessary equipment should be taken, and reconnaissance or preliminary
inspection, of the area, should be made. By this inspection, the surveyor can judge the network.
Wooden pegs & ranging rods mark the station points. Then, the stations are marked the
reference sketches are drawn on field book, and after this, the survey lines are run by chaining.
The following points should be kept in view while booking the field notes.
1. All the measurements should be recorded as soon as they are taken.
2. Each chain line should be recorded on a separate page of the field book.
3. Figuring and writing should be neat, and legible overwriting of the figures should be
avoided completely.
4. The notes should be complete, and nothing should be left to memory.
5. Notes should be so full and neat that the draftsman who is unfamiliar with the area
surveyed may plot easily
6. Neat reference sketches should be given in the field book, and explanatory notes should
be added.
7. The field book should be kept clean, and no entry should be made in it, nor it should be
8. If an entry is wrong, a line should be drawn through it, and the count entry is made over
9. if an entire page of the Field book is to be discarded, it should be crossed and marked
cancelled and reference of the other page in which the correct entries are made should
be given on the cancelled page.
2 +-1.5
3 +- 3.0
30 +- 15.0
50 +- 20.0
In addition, in the case of 20, 30, and 50meter tapes, the permissible error from the beginning
of the tape to the lengths specified below shall not exceed the following limits.
10 +- 10
20 +- 15
30 +- 20
The 10, 20, 30, and 50meter tapes are supplied in a case made of leather or corrosion-resisting
metal, fitted with a winding device. The handle for the winding device should be suitable for
Winding the tape on the reel. It shall fold against the reel and should have a crank length of not
less than 25 mm. On the un-graduated side and also on the ease of each tape when provided,
the name of the manufacturer or his registered trademark and the denomination is legibly
marked in English. The purchaser can also get the year of manufacture marked on the ease.
4. Invar tapes.
These types of surveying tapes are used for the highest precision works, e.g., for the
measurements of base lines, etc. in triangulation work. Invar is an alloy containing 36%
nickel and 64% steel. The main advantage of this alloy is that it has got a very low co-
efficient of thermal expansion. It is available in various lengths, the width being 6 mm.
It is wound on a metal reel of 25 cm in diameter. It is very costly and delicate and
therefore used with the greatest care. It should not be used for ordinary work.