Introduction To Theodolite
Introduction To Theodolite
Introduction To Theodolite
Line of Sight
Vernier theodolite is
also known and
Alidade assembly transit.
A transit theodolite
Horizontal circle is one in which the
assembly telescope can be
rotated in a vertical
Levelling head assembly plane.
- Magnetic bearing
Method of traversing
Included angle method
Fast needle method (or magnetic bearing method)
Deflection angle
Free or loose needle method (performed by compass along
with a chain)
Methods of Tacheometry
Stadia Method: Parallactic angle ‘α’ is kept constant and
observations to staff intercept is varied .
Tangential Method: Observations are made for vertical angles
and staff intercepts are obtained by cross-wires only. Stadia wires
are not used at all. Similar to trigonometric leveling.