Abstract FinalMEP
Abstract FinalMEP
Abstract FinalMEP
B.V.V Sangha’s
Bidadi Industrial Area, Bengaluru-562109
The invention of transistor made it possible for the very first use of radiometry capsules, which
utilised simple circuits for the internals study of gastro- intestinal (GI) tract. They could not be
utilised as they might transfer only from single channel and also due to the size of the
components .They likewise suffered from bad reliability, low sensitivity and brief life times of
the devices. This caused the application of single-channel telemetry pills for the detection of
illness and irregularities in the GI tract where limited location prevented using standard
They were later on modified as they had the disadvantage of using laboratory type sensing units
such as the glass pH electrodes , resistance thermometers. They were also of extremely large
size. The later modification is comparable to the above instrument but is smaller in size due to
the application of existing semiconductor fabrication innovations. These technologies led to
the development of “MICRO ELECTRONIC PILL” .
Combination of biology and electronics has led to many new inventions. These are useful to
combat deadly diseases. One such invention is microelectronic pill. This phenomenon is used
to detect diseases and abnormalities in the body. The microelectronic pill is completely harm-
free to the body.