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A Study On Customer Satisfication Towards Swiggy

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© 2022 JETIR June 2022, Volume 9, Issue 6 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Assistant Professor, Student
Department of Commerce with Banking and Insurance
Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.


The evolution and revolution of technology have completely changed the customization of products and
services required by the consumers, especially in the e-commerce industry. E-commerce service providers are
reaping benefits by offering online technological support to the consumers who cherish to get various services
to their doorsteps quickly. Food delivery service through online booking is the latest version of e-commerce.
The strength of these services is embedded in the fact that one does not need any kind of technical skills or
proficiency of any particular language to avail the services. Having a minimum technical knowledge to place
the orders via web browsers or mobile apps will make a good business nowadays. Though the Covid
Pandemic has troubled this sector for the last one year, the
$126.91 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3%. (Mckinseyreport, 2020). In
India, we have major online food delivery channels like Zomato, Swiggy, Foodpanda, Travelkhana, and
Ubereats and so on... Among all, most of the customers prefer the services of Zomato or Swiggy due to their
availability across the country. This paper throws light on the perception and level of satisfaction of customers
towards online food ordering services through Swiggy. The data is collected through a structured
questionnaire and interviews. The study has come up with some interesting findings which are incorporated in
there port.

The rapid growth of information communication technology (ICT) and smart phones,
mobilefoodorderingapplicationshavebecomeextensiveandintegralpartofroutinelife.(Cha,2020)(Das M. S.,
2009) (Ahn, T., Ryu, S., & Han, I., 2007) (Bressolles, G., Durrieu, F., Senecal,
S,2014)(ShareefA.D.,2012)(ShareefK.K.,2016)(DasJ.,2018).Mobileappsaredesignedtobe downloaded by
people and a figure predicted that the users of the app downloads will
getincreasedby258.2billionby2022.1Mobilefoodorderingappscanbedefinedastheappsthatthe users can
download in their smart phones to access restaurant, view food menus with payment options available
online(Bressolles,G.,Durrieu,F., Senecal,S, 2014).

Online Food delivery actually refers to the process whereby food that was ordered online is prepared and
delivered to the consumer. The development of online Food Delivery has been carried by the development of
integrated online Food delivery platforms, such as Swiggy,Zomato etc. These platforms serve a variety of
functions including providing customers with a variety of food choices, the monitoring of payment, the
organization of the delivery of the food tracking facilities (Joshi & Bhatt, 2021). Food delivery apps function
within the extensive context of online food delivery as they enable the ordering of food through mobile

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© 2022 JETIR June 2022, Volume 9, Issue 6 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
apps(Joshi&Bhatt,2021).Therefore, this research paper directly aims to check the overall satisfaction of
consumers while using online food delivery application(taken-swiggy). In other words we can say this study
is being conducted on evaluating satisfaction of consumers towards online food delivery application-swiggy.
Advertising and sales promotion of these applications motivate customers through the lucrative perceived
benefits of price reduction (Joshi& Bhatt,2021).

Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how

productsandservicessuppliedbyacompanymeetorsurpasscustomerexpectation.Customersatisfaction is defined
as ‘the number of customers, or percentage of total customers,
In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customer whether their product or service hasmet or exceeded
expectations. Thus expectations are a key factor behind satisfaction. Whencustomers have high expectations
and the reality falls short they will be disappointed and willlikelyrate their experienceas less than satisfying.
The online ordering system can be defined as a simple and convenient way for customers topurchase food
online, without having to go to the restaurant. The system is enabled by theinternet that connects the
restaurants or the food company on one hand, and the customer onother hand. Therefore as per this system the
customer visits the restaurant’s app or website ,browses through the various food items, combos and cuisines
available there and those ahead and selects and purchases the items he or she needs. These items will be then
be delivered to the customer at his or her doorstep at the time they choose by a delivery person. Payments for
such online orders can be made through debit cards, credit cards, cash or card on delivery oreven through
digital wallets.

The study aims to gauze the customer reviews and satisfaction towards the availableonline food ordering and
delivery services bin swiggy. The study further
area.Basedonthesefactorsthefindingsofthestudycanhelpserviceprovidersmeetcustomerexpectationsin a better
way. On the other hand new customers of the online food ordering anddelivery servicescanchoose bestoutof
allavailable optionsintheirresidentiallocation. Therefore findings from the study can be helpful for residents as
well asserviceproviders throughswiggy.
Theprimaryobjectiveofthisstudyis,toknowtheconsumersperceptiononthefoodorderingand delivery
Toknowthestrategies offood delivery app swiggy.




 A small sample size of 26respondentshas been taken.

 The data has been collected with swiggy users.

Asamplesizeof26respondentsisenoughtogauzethereviewsandsatisfactionofcustomersusing swiggy app for

orderingsfoods from wherever.

 Asmall samplesizeof 26respondentshas been taken.

 Thedatahasbeencollectedwithswiggyusers.
JETIR2206700 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org g857
© 2022 JETIR June 2022, Volume 9, Issue 6 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

 Asamplesizeof26respondentsisenoughtogauzethereviewsandsatisfactionofcustomersusing swiggy
app for orderingsfoods from wherever.REVIEWOFLITERATURE

 Accordingto(Joshi&Bhatt,2021)priceconsciouscustomerscanreinforcecustomers regarding the

perceived benefits they can get by using such applications.Other than discounts, coupon plays a
crucial role in highlighting perceived benefit andincreating repeat customers.
 (Joshi&Bhatt,2021).Customersaremorelikelytocomparethebenefitsofusingthenew system with the
financial cost paid (Kapoor, A.P. and Vij, M., 2018)
Esatisfaction is defined “as the contentment of the customer with respect

Analysis and interpretation are the central step in the research process. Analysis of datameans studying
the tabulation material in order to determine inherent facts for meaning. Itinvolvesbreaking downcomplex
factor into sample units.
Thecollecteddata isclassified,processed andinterpretedusingthefollowing.


 Ageofrespondants
 Genderof therespondants
 Frequentlyorderingfood
 Averagespendinglimit
 Expensesofdeliverycharges
 Discountinorder
 Deliverypartnertime
 Deliverypersonbehaviour
 Expectedrestaurantsthroughservice
 Modeofpayment
 Salesservice
 Reason forchoosing onlinefoodorder
 Comparingothercompanyservicewithswiggy
 Navigatewebsite
 Experienceinswiggy
 Satisficationonswiggy
 Dealsanyproblem
 Recommandedanyservice

The following table shows that Satisfication on swiggy .

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© 2022 JETIR June 2022, Volume 9, Issue 6 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)


S.No Satisfication Percentage

1 Price 3%
2 Application 10%
3 Foodquality 23.1%
4 Packaging 26.9%
5 Responsitiveness 15.4%
6 Deliveryspeed 23.1%


The above table indicates that26.9% of respondants are choosingsatisfication forpackaging ,23.1% of
respondants are choosingsatisficationfor food quality
anddeliveryspeed,15.4%ofrespondantsarechoosingsatisficationforresponsitiveness,10% of
respondants are choosingsatisfication application ,3% ofrespondantsarechoosingsatisfication for





 84%of therespondentsbelong tothe agegroupof Above40 years

 Majorityof 80.8%of the respondentsarefemale.
 46.2%ofrespondantsare frequentlyorderforfoodat Monthly.

JETIR2206700 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org g859
© 2022 JETIR June 2022, Volume 9, Issue 6 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
 38.5%of respondants useaveragespending limitbetween 200-300.
 80.8%of respondantsexpenses ofdelivery chargesby choosingviableasyes .
 38.5%of respondantsprefer discountin orderbychoosingmaybe.
 73.1%ofrespondantschoosingdelivery partnertimeasyes.
 34.6%ofrespondantsare selectingdeliverypartnerbehaviourby rating5.
 50%ofrespondantsare choosingexpected restaurantthroughservicebyselectingyes.
 50%ofrespondantschoosingmodeof paymentascash ondelivery.
 40%ofrespondants choosingsales serviceby selectingyes.
 30.8%ofmajorrespondants selectingswiggywithquality asreason.
 42.3%ofrespondantsarecomparingtheserviceofswiggywithothercompanyasverygood.
 38.5%ofrespondantsare majorrating4fornavigatewebsite.
 30.8%of respondantsarechoosingin experiencein swiggybyselecting foodquality .
 26.9%ofrespondantsindicatessatisficationforpackaging.
 Major50%ofrespondansts arechoosenoforproblem facedin swiggy.
 57.7%ofrespondantschoosing servicerecommendedasyes

Thisstudyproposestofilltheresearchgaprelatedtomobilefoodorderingappsbysuggestinga model which is able to

catch the majority of factors related to, the satisfaction of consumerstowards using online food delivery
applications the factors such as Performance expectancy,payment methods, price value, description & effort
expectancy we have taken this variablesbecause this variables will add value to our research and this variables
have not been taken bythepreviousresearchers.Inthis5variablesareindependentvariablesandthereisonedependent
variable which is called satisfaction. Apart from it in this majority of the samplescollected from major swiggy
users and this study has been done post pandemic so the timeframetaken was different .

Theresearchaimstocontributekeyfactorsresponsibletoimprovecustomersatisfaction for Swiggy and also other online

delivery platforms. Swiggy has
providedmorepricediscountsandvoucherstothebuyersfromtheapplicationbutstillcustomersare equally inclined
towards zomato so the theoretical contribution is that swiggy canimprovise its user interface. In recent time that
food industry was highly impacted bythe pandemic globally. Post-pandemic when economies are gradually
recovering andfood industry is getting its market active again, it is very important for food
deliveryplatformstounderstandimpactedorchangedbehaviourorspendinghabitsofconsumerpost pandemic. This
research contributes practical knowledge toward how consumerbehaviour has changed recently and what new
parameters has to be added
beforemakinganydecisionsinanorganization.Theinformationcollectedandprovidedtotheorganization will help major
players in food delivery application to make strategies oftheir future promotional campaigns as well as for service
improvement. Now a day‟speople prefer online food ordering rather than walk-in to a café or restaurants. As
forsatisfactionfromonlinefooddeliveryapplicationsarethediscountsandcouponstheseplatformsareprovidingto their
customers. Thus it can be concluded that the variables like Performanceexpectancy, payment methods, description
of particular food item, discounts & offershasdirect impact on overall satisfaction.

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