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Electric Vehicle Conf

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Design Parameter and Simulation Analysis of Electric Bike Using Bi-Directional

Power Converter

Conference Paper · June 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ICECCE49384.2020.9179285

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6 authors, including:

Tausif Zahid Muhammad Zahid

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Muhammad Muzaffar Iqbal

University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila


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Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE)
12-13 June 2020, Istanbul, Turkey

Design Parameter and Simulation Analysis of Electric

Bike Using Bi-Directional Power Converter
Tehseen Ilahi Tausif Zahid Muhammad Zahid
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Riphah International University Riphah International University Riphah International University
Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan
tehseen.ilahi@riphah.edu.pk tausif.zahid@riphah.edu.pk muhammad.zahid@riphah.edu.pk

Muzaffar Iqbal Abdullah Sindhila Quqan Tahir

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
National University of Computer and Riphah International University Riphah International University
Emerging Sciences (FAST-NU) Lahore, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan
Lahore, Pakistan abdullah.sindhila@riphah.edu.pk quqan.tahir@riphah.edu.pk

Abstract - Energy and environment are the supreme priority of the Moreover, torque sensors and power control were also
21st century. Proliferating use of Electric vehicles introducing zero introduced. E-Bikes are attaining worldwide acceptance,
pollution transport system. Electric bikes are widely attractive due generally in Europe, Chine, US and Japan. China is the largest
to the affordability and compact size. Paper provides basic design developer of electric Bikes due to its population and pollution
analysis of electric bikes. The research analyzed and compute the problem. Chines E-bicycles design for slow a speed of 20Km/h
power requirement, battery capacity, maximum angular velocity,
converter parameters and filter values for the required electric
weighing nearly 40kg. Pedelec power E-bikes are more popular
bike. Simulation and calculation analysis are performed for both in Japan. In future electric vehicles are the main transport for
driving and regenerative mode using a bidirectional converter. urban roads. Power electronic research is also important to
The research concludes the power consumption, regenerative improve the steady state, transient and dynamic load variation
energy, charging current behavior while driving and the impact of of these vehicles. They also improve the efficiency and
regenerative braking on mileage. Results also provide a performance of the vehicle [2-3]. Study shows that electric
comparison of electric bikes with ICE bikes. bicycles save an average of 8.5L of gasoline for every 100km
and are an alternative means of transport to the car. Electric
Index Terms –Electric Bikes, bidirectional DC-DC converter, filter bikes are much popular today due to the increasing cost of
values, regenerative energy, quadrant operation, power electronic gasoline. Analysis advocate that the price of E-bikes is
converter, Energy and environment. decreasing rapidly because EB offers an economical traveling
cost [4].
This Environment Friendly Electric Bike, which of course has
Electrical vehicles (EV) are tending transport of the an electric motor attached to it comes with a battery as a source
21st century due to global environmental and energy dilemmas. of energy. Traditionally electric bikes use customized DC hub
Modern countries are focusing on zero pollution transport machines fitted in the rear wheel [5]. China, being an
system. Lahore, Pakistan marked topped in the ranking of cities excessively populated country, has benefited the most from this
with the disaster air quality index [1]. In generic two types of invention. As proof of the above statement, 31 million e-bikes
electric bikes (E-bike or EB) are available. One is entirely were sold in 2012. EB has both economic and environmental
electric which can work on motor power and pedaling benefits as its main advantages. The economic advantage is that
independently. Others are electric assist bikes which provide the total cost per km travelled by an electric bicycle is less than
the hybrid function of electric and human pedaling. 0.7 cents as compared to the gasoline scooter’s $0.031/Km [6]
Due to the rapid increase in Electric vehicles, the worldwide or $0.62 by a car and that too with the energy, purchasing and
chronological development in the research trends towards maintenance. Typically, EB needs 6-8 hours to recharge and has
Electric Bike is also increased. Research on electric bike a range of 35 to 70Km. It has been designed according to the
converted into a practical model back in 1890’s by Ogden needs and studies show a person travels average 15 km daily.
Bolton when he designed a battery fed DC motor for EB. In the
end of 1990’s the weight of EB was much reduced and the A regenerative power control circuit has also been included in
storage capacity of batteries was much increased which the EB to charge the battery from the rotation of the wheel. An
improved the performance. electric motor is fixed in the wheel of EB. As far as the
construction of the motor is concerned there is a permanent
magnet in the rotor and the stator has a coil winding. Now a

978-1-7281-7116-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE .

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day’s electric bikes use regenerative braking to convert their electronic circuitry to make it higher than battery voltage to
kinetic energy into electrical energy which is stored in the move the current from motor towards battery. Traditionally
battery to increase the travel time of the bike. In order to achieve permanent magnet direct current (PMDC) and brushless direct
higher voltage even at lower RPM an electronic circuit is current (BLDC) are used for Electric bikes depending upon the
designed in which the voltage output of the motor is increased power, torque and control scheme. Here, the general term of DC
by increasing the duty cycle of the MOSFET. machine is used for analysis. Research provides the basic
design calculation analysis and the buck & boost mode
II. METHODOLOGY operation of bidirectional converter. The battery pack provides
Electric bikes use an electric machine to power power to DC motor by means of throttle which controls the duty
cycle of MOSFET and converter is working in driving or buck
wheels. Normally motors are known as hub-motor in EB. The
mode. Paper uses a higher potential battery pack then the
system block description is briefly defined in figure [fig:1].
nominal voltage of DC machine. When the throttle is release or
Throttle input provides electrical energy from battery to DC
brakes are applied converter will be shifted to regenerative
machine by mean of the bi-directional power converter. The mode. As the back EMF is less than the battery voltages, boost
amount of energy is depending on the throttle setting, mode increase the machine EMF to higher potential then battery
increasing throttle regulator tends to raise the angular velocity potential.
of the DC machine. The battery pack is charged from external
charger or from the regenerative energy. For this purpose, III. SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATION
bidirectional converter is used, it provides a path to charge the
battery from the motor back EMF [7-8]. Normally 48volt small
The first step is to estimate the power requirement of the
form factor converter is used [9].
selected DC machine. Suppose motorbike speed should be
50Km/h with an acceleration of 1.16ms-2. Total weight
including driver is nearly 130Kg and tire of the radius (R)
Bike 0.28m. The twist movement in a tire can be thought of as a
Throttle/Braking torque that can be measure from the product of force and
movement arm for maximum value. Force is equal to mass into
acceleration given in equation (1). Bike Linear speed is the
Battery Bi-Directional E-Bike tangential component of rotational velocity, which is the
Pack converter Hub motor product of angular velocity and radius (2). Power required to
develop that much torque with required linear speed is found by
the relation (3). Required torque and power is computed as,

charging T = Rma (1)
Fig.1: System Block Diagram
= 0.28×130×1.16= 42.2Nm
A. First Quadrant
If we observe the motor operation, the first quadrant represents V = ωR (2)
forward motoring because in this quadrant, battery voltage is
greater than the motor’s EMF and the direction of current is ω= = 49.6 rad/sec
from battery to motor.

B. Second Quadrant P = ωT (3)

On the contrary, in second quadrant regenerative braking
phenomena occurs in which the voltage magnitude is positive = 49.6× 42.2 = 2093 watt
but the current direction is from the motor towards the battery.
In order to charge the battery, motor’s back EMF must be Approximately 2KW hub motor should be placed within a bike
greater than the battery voltage which in turn increases the tire. The Machine rated voltage should be less than the battery
electric bike mileage. terminal voltages. To move the machine with nearly 50 rad/sec
by providing 70 voltage, the required speed constant becomes
C. Four Quadrant 1.4 V/rad. As the customized machine is assumed, it has
Full controlled or four quadrant operation provides 4 modes i.e. negligible armature inductance of 0.1mH. The required
forward motoring, revere motoring, forward braking and parameter of the machine is shown in table 1. The basic bi-
reverse braking. directional power flow converter for E-bike is shown in figure
[fig: 2]. Two MOSFET S1 and S2 control the speed and
D. System working direction of power. Diode D1 is used as freewheeling and D2
Normally the back EMF of the machine is less than the battery helps to move power from machine to battery. C1, C2 and L are
terminal voltages then it has to be boosted with the help of the used as filter components.

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C. DC-DC power converter
Table 1: Machine parameters In driving mode converter is performing buck operation, the
desire duty cycle D will find as,
Parameter Value
Rated Voltage 72 V
V = D V (5)
Power 2000 Watt
Armature inductance 0.1mH
D = = 0.8
Resistance 0.2 Ω
Speed constant 1.37 V/Rad
For regenerative mode, converter will operate in 2nd quadrant
assuming transient back emf of 70V and to boost it to level
A. Battery Pack and Bike millage
100V for charging mode, duty cycly D should be,
Two packs of 48 Volt 30Ah (90 ~ 96V, 30Ah) batter is used to
drive 2000-watt machine. Latest Panasonic or Tesla Li-ion cells
pack can be used as a battery to power E-bike. Here 13p, 10s V = (6)
combination is used for a battery pack with a cell capacity of
3.7V, 3000mAh as shown in figure [fig:3]. The battery backup D =1− = 0.30
can be calculated with known total capacity, no of pack,
efficiency and load in watts [10]. 2880Wh battery bank ideally
able to drive E-bike for 1 hour 26 minutes at speed of 50Km/h. D. Required filter values
On single charge bike will cover nearly 75Km and Filter components are required for smooth operation for driving
approximately 45~50Km at acceptable SOC. and battery charging mode. Assuming switching frequency of
10Khz, ∆I ≈ 0.3A and ∆V ≈ 3.6V. L and L are calculated as,

( )
L =

D2 L
( . )
S1 L = ≈ 4.8 mH
Battery . × ×

L =

D1 ( . )
L = ≈ 7 mH
S2 . × ×

The inductor L , valve of 10mH is used for both modes.

Fig 2: Bi-directional converter for E-Bike
Machine internal reistance is 0.2Ω, For analysis capacitor value
of 5000uF is used.

C =
(∆ )

( . )
C= . ≈ 4000uF
. × × ×


The E-bike driving and regenerative analysis using

two quadrant power converter are perform on the simulation
Fig 3: E-Bike wheel and battery assembly
model (PSPICE/MultiSIM/PSIM). According to the design
calculation the final circuit is shown in figure [fig:4]. Switches
B. DC machine parameter are controlled by connector P1 and P2 which represents the duty
The required DC Machine constant K is 1.37V/rad and cycle of each mode. Both duty cycle can be controlled using a
operating potential of 72V. Its internal resistance and variable DC level. By feedback control system desire and
inductance are 0.2Ω and 0.1mH respectively [table:1]. EMF of optimum duty ratio can be achieved.
bike is related with angular velocity in following terms.
E = ωK (4)

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Fig 5: Current ( i ) response of DC machine (a) throttle driving mode (b)
driving to regenerative mode (c) regenerative charging

The reverse current value may affect with the uphill and
downhill direction of E-Bike. It also depends on the linear
angular speed, torque and total weight. The angular velocity of
the machine at different modes and intervals of time is shown
in figure [fig: 6]. Waveforms are closed to the calculated values.
When regenerative mode is applied, bike angular velocity
Fig 4: Simulation Circuit reduced to 45.8 rad/sec within the interval of 0.84s [fig: 6b].

Driving motor current consumption response is shown in figure

[fig: 5]. At steady state 29 ampere current (i ) is consumed by
a bike hub motor. Suppose at time 1.8s regenerative mode is
applied, now converter is working in 2nd quadrant and the
machine is start providing -28.3A regenerative current to charge
the battery with time interval of 15ms [fig:5b]. The figure
demonstrates nearly ripple free instantaneous charging current.




Fig 6: Angular velocity of DC machine (a) driving mode (b) regenerative

mode (deceleration)

A fully controlled four quadrant operation of DC machine is

also shown in figure [fig:7]. Connector P1, P2, P3 and P4 are
used for throttle, energy regenerative and braking of the E-bike.


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Electric bike design and simulation results shows the

performance of system. Steady state point is achieved within a
few seconds under ideal conditions. At rated angular speed
power consumed by machine is,

P = E i (10)

= 72 × 28.9
= 2080 watt

At stable position bike angular velocity is approximately 48

rad/sec as shown in figure [fig:6a]. Linear velocity can be found

Fig 7: Four quadrant mode of operation (a) circuit diagram (b) angular V = ωR (11)
velocity response
V = 48 rad ⁄ s × 0.288 m
Fig 8. Shows the power consumption of the machine in different
mode. Steady state power is 2122W that is nearly the same as = 13.824 m ⁄ s = 49.77 Km ⁄ h
calculated in (3). During constant speed when the throttle is
release and regenerative operation is start it regenerate negative Dynamic response of machine current is defined as,
1970W power within nearly 20ms and peak power of 3286W.
Negligible distortion shows the shifting of the machine in
regenerative mode [fig:8b]. V = L + Ri + E (12)

further solving for change of current at steady state with

negligible machine resistance is nearly zero.

= ≈ ≈0

Regerative power transfer to battery for 15ms decceleration can

be observe from figure [fig:5, fig:8b] .

P = −i E (13)

P ≈ −28.57 × 68 = −1942 watt

After 15ms of regenrative bike angular velocity reduce to 47
rad/sec [fig:6b] its linear velocity become,

V = ωR = 47 rad s × 0.28 m = 47.4 Km h

If only 15% regenrative braking is applied on single charge trip,

it will add approximately 11Km to total milage. The table 2
shows the comparison of EB with internal combustion engine
bike (ICE).

The paper helps to develop an understading of parameters while

(b) designing electric bikes. Filter components reduce transient and
Fig 8: Power consumption of DC machine (a) driving mode (b) regenerative increase the efficiency of the converter. Power and charging
mode current response provides the charging possibilities for the

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[7] R. Nick and S. H. Shahalami, "Quad quadrant bidirectional DC/DC
converter for electric vehicles with high gain voltage," 24th Iranian
Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), , pp. 406-411. Shiraz,
Table 2: Comparison 2016..
[8] P. Xuewei and A. K. Rathore, “Novel Bidirectional Snubberless Naturally
Particulars E-Bike 70 CC (ICE) Commutated Soft-Switching Current-Fed Full-Bridge Isolated DC/DC
Weight 50-60kg 82Kg Converter for Fuel Cell Vehicles” IEEE. Trans. Ind. Electron. Vol. 61,
No. 5, pp 2307-2315, , May 2014
Power/cc 2kW 72cc [9] D. Y. Jung et al., "48-to-5/12 V dual output DC/DC converter for high
Range (Km)/ unit 75Km/charge 55 Km/liter efficiency and small form factor in electric bike applications," 2017 IEEE
Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium
Cost/100 Km 57 PKR 212 PKR (EDAPS), Haining, 2017, pp. 1-3
Regenerative Yes No [10] T. Ilahi, A. Moqeet, H. Mukhtar, Y. Aziz, M. Inzmam and Y. Khalid,
Energy saving with 11km per charge "Analysis of Portable Solar Powered DC Air Conditioning System," 2018
No IEEE 21st International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC), Karachi,
regenerative braking with 15% braking
2018, pp. 1-6.
Emissions Nil 1.82 g CO2/km

Research provides the basic design approach of
analyzing the electrical parameters of E-bikes. The study shows
how to estimate the power requirement for specific desirable
linear speed. Impact of tire diameter and machine angular
velocity on E-bike linear velocity, the different trade-offs can
be implemented to achieve specific results. The converter
design parameter will help to reduce fluctuation in driving and
regenerative mode also produce reliable results for estimating
bike SOC.

Regardless of control scheme simulation analysis provides bike

power consumption and regenerative energy extraction from
DC machine. The required motor parameters can be computed
and help to manufacture machines for E-bikes. Basic equations
are help full to develop the effective electric bike and
bidirectional power converter. Transient and dynamic
responses of the machine during different modes provide a
better understanding of EB behavior. The comparison shows
that the Electric motorbikes are more suitable, economical and
environmentally friendly than the fuel-based bikes.


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