New HSK 7-9 Vocab List
New HSK 7-9 Vocab List
New HSK 7-9 Vocab List
Word Pinyin English Part of speech1 2 3
阿拉伯语 ālābóyǔ Arabic n
哎 āi hey interjection
哎呀 āiyā oops interjection
哀求 āiqiú to beg v
挨家挨户 āijiā‐āihù every household
癌 ái cancer n
癌症 áizhèng cancer n
艾滋病 àizībìng AIDS n
唉 ài ugh interjection
to love something too much to part
爱不释手 àibúshìshǒu
with it
to look cold and indifferent;
爱理不理 àilǐ‐bùlǐ
standoffish; aloof
to be concerned with saving face; to
爱面子 ài miànzi be sensitive about how one is
regarded by others
爱惜 àixī to cherish v
碍事 ài//shì to hinder
安定 āndìng adj. stable; v. to stabilize adj v
安抚 ānfǔ to appease v
安眠药 ānmiányào sleeping pill n
安宁 ānníng peaceful adj
安稳 ānwěn stable adj
安心 ānxīn relieved adj
安逸 ānyì easy and comfortable adj
按键 ānjiàn button n
according to principle; it is
按理说 ànlǐ shuō
reasonable to say that
按说 ànshuō in accordance with adv
案件 ànjiàn case n
暗地里 àndì∙lǐ secretly adv
暗杀 ànshā to assassinate v
暗中 ànzhōng secret n
昂贵 ángguì expensive adj
凹 āo concave adj
熬 áo to boil v
熬夜 áo//yè to stay up
傲 ào proud adj
傲慢 àomàn arrogant adj
奥秘 àomì mystery n
奥运会 àoyùnhuì Olympic Games n
八卦 bāguà gossip n
to be eager for; only too anxious (to
巴不得 bābu∙dé v
do something)
扒 bā to pick up v
芭蕾 bālěi ballet n
把柄 bǎbǐng handle n
把关 bǎ//guān to check on
把手 bǎshou handle n
靶子 bǎzi target n
坝 bà dam n
罢免 bàmiǎn to fire someone; to dismiss v
罢休 bàxiū to give up; to abandon (a goal) v
霸占 bàzhàn to occupy v
掰 bāi to pry v
白白 báibái in vain adv
百分比 bǎifēnbǐ percentage n
百合 bǎihé lily n
百科全书 bǎikē quánshū encyclopedia
柏树 bǎishù cypress tree n
摆放 bǎifàng to place v
摆平 bǎi//píng to set
摆设 bǎishe decoration n
to pay an official call; to visit in an
拜会 bàihuì v
official capacity
拜见 bàijiàn to see v
拜年 bài//nián to pay a New Year's call
拜托 bàituō to ask someone to do something v
扳 bān to pull v
颁布 bānbù to promulgate v
颁发 bānfā to issue; to award v
颁奖 bān//jiǎng to confer an award
斑点 bāndiǎn spot n
搬迁 bānqiān to move v
板块 bǎnkuài section n
办不到 bàn bu dào not be able to do
半边天 bànbiāntiān half of the sky; womenfolk n
半场 bànchǎng halftime n
半岛 bàndǎo peninsula n
半路 bànlù halfway n
半num bànshù half n
半途而废 bàntú'érfèi give up halfway
半信半疑 bànxìn‐bànyí to be doubtful
半真半假 bànzhēn‐bànjiǎ not completely true
扮 bàn to dress up v
伴 bàn v. to accompany; n. accompany v n
伴侣 bànlǚ companion n
伴随 bànsuí to accompany v
to accompany (with musical
伴奏 bànzòu v
拌 bàn to mix v
帮手 bāngshou helper n
绑 bǎng to tie v
绑架 bǎngjià to abduct v
榜样 bǎngyàng example n
棒球 bàngqiú baseball n
磅 bàng (measure word) pound; lb.; n. scale MW n
包袱 bāofu burden n
包容 bāoróng to tolerate v
包扎 bāozā to bandage; to bind a wound v
剥 bāo to peel v
n. pot; v. to cook something in a pot
煲 bāo n v
for a long time; to slow‐cook
饱和 bǎohé to saturate v
饱满 bǎomǎn full adj
宝库 bǎokù treasure‐house n
宝藏 bǎozàng treasure n
v. to keep someone or something
保管 bǎoguǎn v n
under custody; n. custody
保姆 bǎomǔ nanny n
保暖 bǎo//nuǎn to keep warm
保鲜 bǎoxiān to preserve v
保修 bǎoxiū to warranty v
保佑 bǎoyòu to bless and protect v
保障 bǎozhàng v. to assure; n. assurance v n
保质期 bǎozhìqī shelf life n
保重 bǎozhòng to take care of yourself v
堡垒 bǎolěi fortress n
报 bào to report v
报仇 bào//chóu to take revenge; to avenge
报酬 bàochou remuneration n
to discard as useless; to be written
报废 bào//fèi
报复 bào∙fù to retaliate v
报社 bàoshè newspaper n
报亭 bàotíng newspaper pavilion n
报销 bàoxiāo to reimburse v
抱负 bàofù ambition n
豹 bào leopard n
暴风骤雨 bàofēng‐zhòuyǔ hurricane
暴利 bàolì huge profits n
暴躁 bàozào irritable adj
to expose (photography); to expose
曝光 bào//guāng
(a scandal); (advertising) exposure
n. an upset (in sports); unexpected
爆冷门 bào lěngmén turn of events; a breakthrough; v. to
pull off a coup
爆满 bàomǎn to be full v
爆竹 bàozhú firecracker n
卑鄙 bēibǐ mean adj
悲哀 bēi'āi sad adj
悲观 bēiguān pessimistic adj
joys and sorrows; partings and
悲欢离合 bēihuān‐líhé
悲痛 bēitòng sorrowful adj
碑 bēi monument; stele n
贝壳 bèiké shell n
备课 bèi//kè lesson planning; to prepare lessons
备受 bèishòu to suffer v
备用 bèiyòng to spare; to keep for future use v
背面 bèimiàn back n
背叛 bèipàn to betray v
背诵 bèisòng to recite v
被捕 bèibǔ to be under arrest; to be arrested v
奔波 bēnbō to rush about v
奔赴 bēnfù to rush to v
本分 běnfèn n. duty; adj. honest n adj
本能 běnnéng instinct n
本钱 běnqián capital n
inherent qualities; distinctive
本色 běnsè n
本性 běnxìng nature n
本意 běnyì original intention n
本着 bēnzhe based on; in conformity with prep
奔 bèn to run (in a particular direction) v
笨蛋 bèndàn fool n
笨重 bēnzhòng bulky adj
崩溃 bēngkuì to collapse v
绷 bēng to stretch v
绷带 bēngdài bandage n
蹦 bèng to jump v
逼近 bījìn to approach; to close in on v
逼迫 bīpò to force v
逼真 bīzhēn lifelike adj
鼻涕 bítì nasal mucus; snot n
比比皆是 bǐbǐ‐jiēshì abounding; found everywhere
比不上 bǐ bu shàng to not live up to
比起 bǐqǐ to compare
比试 bǐshì to compete; to have a competition v
n. simile; v. to draw an analogy; to
比喻 bǐyù n v
liken to
鄙视 bǐshì to despise v
必不可少 bìbùkěshǎo essential
必定 bìdìng must; have to; bound to; sure to adv
碧绿 bìlǜ dark green adj
弊病 bìbìng malady; drawback; disadvantage n
malpractice; abuse; systemic
弊端 bìduān n
壁画 bìhuà mural; fresco n
避难 bì/nàn to take refuge; to seek asylum
避暑 bì//shǔ to avoid the summer heat
边疆 biānjiāng frontier n
边界 biānjiè boundary n
边远 biānyuǎn remote adj
编号 biānhào numbering n
编剧 biānjù screenwriter n
编排 biānpái to arrange v
编写 biānxiě to write v
编造 biānzào to concoct; to fabricate; to compile v
鞭策 biāncè to spur on v
鞭炮 biānpào firecracker n
贬值 biǎnzhí to demote v
变革 biàngé to change (a social system or policy) v
变幻莫测 biànhuàn‐mòcè to be unpredictable
变迁 biànqiān v. to change; n. change v n
变异 biànyì to mutate; to vary v
变质 biàn//zhì to spoil; to go bad; to go off
便道 biàndào sidewalk n
便饭 biànfàn potluck; a simple meal n
便捷 biànjié convenient adj
便利店 biànlìdiàn convenience store n
to be found all over; to cover the
遍布 biànbù v
whole area
辨别 biànbié to distinguish v
辨认 biànrèn to identify v
辩 biàn to debate v
辩护 biànhù to defend v
to justify; to provide an explanation;
辩解 biànjiě v
to defend oneself
辫子 biànzi braid n
to put a mark, lable, or tag on; to
标 biāo v
标榜 biāobǎng to flaunt v
标本 biāoběn specimen n
标签 biāoqiān label n
标示 biāoshì to label v
标语 biāoyǔ slogan n
标致 biāo∙zhì beautiful; handsome adj
飙升 biāoshēng to surge (in price) v
表白 biǎobái to express or state clearly v
表决 biǎojué to vote v
表述 biǎoshù to express v
表率 biǎoshuài example n
表态 biǎo//tài to declare one's position
表彰 biǎozhāng to commend v
憋 biē v. to hold back; adj. suppressed v adj
别具匠心 biéjù‐jiàngxīn to show ingenuity; unique
别看 biékàn don't be fooled by the fact that conj
别墅 biéshù villa n
to say nothing of; not to mention; let
别说 biéshuō conj
别提了 biétí le Don't mention it
别致 biézhì unique; unconventional adj
别扭 bièniu awkward adj
彬彬有礼 bīnbīn‐yǒulǐ refined and courteous; polite
滨海 bīn hǎi coastal
缤纷 bīnfēn vast and various; rich and diverse adj
冰棍儿 bīnggùnr popsicle n
冰山 bīngshān iceberg n
third; third of the ten Heavenly
丙 bǐng n
秉承 bǐngchéng to take orders; to receive commands v
并非 bìngfēi not v
并购 bìnggòu to merge v
to stand side by side; to be
并列 bìngliè v
并行 bìngxíng to parallel; to run side by side v
病床 bìngchuáng bed n
病症 bìngzhèng disease n
拨 bō to dial v
拨款 bōkuǎn fund n
拨通 bōtōng to dial
波及 bōjí to spread v
波澜 bōlán waves; billows n
波涛 bōtāo waves; billows n
波折 bōzhé twists and turns n
剥夺 bōduó to deprive v
剥削 bōxuē v. to exploit; n. exploitation v n
伯伯 bóbo uncle n
伯父 bófù uncle n
伯母 bómǔ aunt n
驳回 bóhuí to turn down; to overrule v
脖子 bózi neck n
搏斗 bódòu to fight; to wrestle v
不定 búdìng adj. indefinite; adv. hard to predict adj adv
不见得 bújiàn∙dé not necessarily adv
不利于 búlì yú to be harmful to
不慎 búshèn careless adj
不适 búshì unwell; indisposed; out of sorts adj
不算 bú suàn does not count
不像话 búxiànghuà outrageous adj
to disdain; to feel it is beneath one's
不屑 búxiè v
dignity to do something
不懈 búxiè unremitting adj
不亚于 búyàyú no less than v
不亦乐乎 búyìlèhū to be happy
to disappear without a trace; to
不翼而飞 búyì'érfēi
vanish into thin air
不用说 búyòngshuō needless to say
不正之风 búzhèngzhīfēng unhealthy tendency
补给 bǔjǐ v. to supply; n. supply v n
补救 bǔjiù to remedy v
捕捉 bǔzhuō to capture v
哺育 bǔyù to nurture v
to not feel shamed to ask one's
不耻下问 bùchǐ‐xiàwèn
不辞而别 bùcí'érbié to leave without saying goodbye
不得而知 bùdé'érzhī unknown
不得已 bùdéyǐ as a last resort; to have no choice adj
不妨 bùfáng might as well adv
to be unwilling to obey or comply; to
不服 bùfú refuse to accept as final; to remain v
unconvinced by
不服气 bù fúqì unwilling to concede
without a second thought; to act
不假思索 bùjiǎ‐sīsuǒ
without thinking
不解 bùjiě to be puzzled v
不经意 bùjīngyì to be careless; not paying attention v
不景气 bùjǐngqì sluggish adj
不堪 bùkān v. to be unbearable; adj. unbearable v adj
不可避免 bùkě‐bìmiǎn inevitable
不可思议 bùkě‐sīyì incredible
不肯 bù kěn not willing
不理 bù lǐ to ignore
to leave a matter unsettled; to leave
不了了之 bùliǎo‐liǎozhī
loose ends
不难 bù nán not difficult
不平 bùpíng adj. uneven; n. unfairness adj n
不起眼 bùqǐyǎn inconspicuous
不容 bùróng to not tolerate v
不如说 bùrú shuō rather say
不同寻常 bùtóng‐xúncháng unusual
不为人知 bùwéirénzhī unknown
不惜 bùxī to not hesitate v
不相上下 bùxiāng‐shàngxià to be comparable; about the same
to be inappropriate; to be
不宜 bùyí v
不已 bùyǐ to be endless v
to not to accept as correct; to take
不以为然 bùyǐwéirán
exception to
不由得 bùyóude v. can't help but; adv. unavoidably v adv
不由自主 bùyóuzìzhǔ involuntarily
不予 bù yǔ to withhold; to not grant
不约而同 bùyuē'értóng to agree by chance
不知 bùzhī not to know v
不知不觉 bùzī‐bùjué unconsciously
不准 bù zhǔn to forbid; to prohibit
布局 bùjú n. layout; v. to lay out n v
步伐 bùfá pace n
步入 bùrù step into v
步骤 bùzhòu step n
部件 bùjiàn part n
部署 bùshǔ to deploy v
猜谜 cāi//mí to guess a riddle
猜想 cāixiǎng to guess v
才华 cáihuá talent n
财经 cáijīng finance n
财力 cáilì financial resources n
财务 cáiwù financial affairs n
财物 cáiwù property n
财政 cáizhèng financial; (public) finance n
裁 cái to tailor v
裁定 cáidìng to rule; to decide judicially v
裁决 cáijué to rule; to adjudicate v
采 cǎi to pick v
采集 cǎijí to collect v
采矿 cǎi//kuàng mining
彩电 cǎidiàn color TV n
彩虹 cǎihóng rainbow n
彩霞 cǎixiá pink clouds n
菜市场 càishìchǎng vegetable market n
参见 cānjiàn to see; to refer to v
参军 cān//jūn to join the army
v. to give advice; n. (military) staff
参谋 cānmóu v n
officer; adviser
参照 cānzhào to refer to v
餐桌 cānzhuō dining table n
残 cán to be disabled v
残留 cánliú to remain v
残缺 cánquē to be incomplete v
残忍 cánrěn cruel adj
惭愧 cánkuì ashamed adj
惨白 cǎnbái (of face) pale; (of scenery) faint adj
惨痛 cǎntòng bitter; agonizing adj
惨重 cǎnzhòng heavy; grievous adj
灿烂 cànlàn brilliant adj
苍蝇 cāngying fly n
沧桑 cāngsāng vicissitudes; ups and downs n
舱 cāng cabin (of a plane or ship) n
藏匿 cángnì to hide; to go into hiding v
藏品 cángpǐn collection n
藏身 cángshēn to hide oneself v
操控 cāokòng to control; to manipulate v
操劳 cāoláo to work hard v
操心 cāo//xīn to worry
槽 cáo trough; groove n
草案 cǎo'àn draft (of a plan, law, etc.) n
草坪 cǎopíng lawn n
侧面 cèmiàn side n
侧重 cèzhòng to place emphasis on v
测算 cèsuàn to calculate v
测验 cèyàn v. to test; n. test v n
层出不穷 céngchū‐bùqióng an endless stream
蹭 cèng to rub v
差错 chācuò error n
差额 chā'é difference n
插手 chā//shǒu to intervene; to meddle in
插图 chātú illustration n
插嘴 chā//zuǐ to interrupt
茶道 chádào tea ceremony n
茶馆儿 cháguǎnr teahouse n
查处 cháchǔ to investigate and deal with v
查明 chámíng to find out v
查找 cházhǎo to search for v
察觉 chájué to become aware of v
察看 chákàn look at v
诧异 chàyì surprised adj
掺 chān to mix v
搀 chān to mix v
馋 chán adj. greedy; v. to crave adj v
禅杖 chánzhàng a Buddhist monk's staff n
缠 chán to entangle v
产 chǎn to produce v
产地 chǎndì place of origin n
产物 chǎnwù product n
产值 chǎnzhí output value n
铲 chǎn to shovel v
铲子 chǎnzi shovel n
阐述 chǎnshù to expound v
颤抖 chàndǒu to tremble v
猖狂 chāngkuáng furious adj
长达 cháng dá long‐term
长期以来 chángqī yǐlái for a long time
长效 chángxiào n., adj. long‐term n adj
长征 chángzhēng Long March n
长足 chángzú by leaps and bounds; substantial adj
常理 chánglǐ common sense n
常人 chángrén ordinary person n
常态 chángtài normal n
常温 chángwēn room temperature n
偿还 chánghuán to repay v
嫦娥 Cháng'é Chang'e n
厂家 chǎngjiā factory n
敞开 chǎngkāi to open wide v
畅谈 chàngtán to talk freely and enthusiastically v
畅销 chàngxiāo to sell well v
倡议 chàngyì v. to initiate; n. suggestion; proposal v n
抄袭 chāoxí to plagiarize v
钞票 chāopiào banknote n
超标 chāo//biāo to exceed the standard
超车 chāo//chē to overtake (a vehicle)
超前 chāoqián adj. advanced; v. to advance adj v
超速 chāosù to speed; to exceed the speed limit v
朝pron cháodài dynasty n
朝着 cháozhē facing
嘲弄 cháonòng to mock v
嘲笑 cháoxiào to laugh at v
吵嘴 chǎo//zuǐ to quarrel
车道 chēdào (driving) lane n
车祸 chēhuò car accident n
车间 chējiān workshop n
车轮 chēlún wheel n
车速 chēsù speed (of a vehicle) n
车位 chēwèi parking space n
车厢 chēxiāng railroad car; carriage of a train n
车型 chēxíng model (of a car) n
车轴 chēzhóu axel n
扯 chě to pull v
彻夜 chèyè all night adv
撤 chè to withdraw v
撤换 chèhuàn to replace v
沉甸甸 chéndiàndiàn heavy adj
沉淀 chéndiàn v. to form a sediment; n. sediment v n
沉浸 chénjìn to immerse v
沉闷 chénmèn (of weather) dreary; gloomy adj
沉迷 chénmí to indulge in; to wallow in v
沉思 chénsī to meditate v
沉稳 chénwěn calm; untroubled adj
沉着 chénzhuó calm; cool‐headed adj
陈旧 chénjiù obsolete adj
陈列 chénliè to display v
陈述 chénshù to state; to assert v
衬托 chèntuō to set off; to serve as foil to v
趁 chèn taking advantage of prep
趁机 chènjī taking the opportunity adv
趁早 chènzǎo as early as possible adv
趁着 chènzhe taking advantage of
称呼 chēnghu v. to call, to address; n. address term v n
称作 chēngzuò to be called; to be known as
to become a useful person; to make
成才 chéngcái v
something of oneself
(of a man) to settle down and get
成家 chéng//jiā
成年1 chéngnián to grow up v
成年2 chéngnián throughout the year adv
成千上万 chéngqiān‐shàngwàtens of thousands
成群结队 chéngqún‐jiéduì in large numbers
成天 chéngtiān all day long adv
成问题 chéngwèntí to be a problem
成型 chéngxíng to be in finished form v
呈现 chéngxiàn to present (a certain appearance) v
诚恳 chéngkěn sincere; heartfelt adj
诚心诚意 chéngxīn‐chéngyì earnestly and sincerely
诚意 chéngyì sincerity; good faith n
诚挚 chéngzhì sincere adj
to make a legal agreement with
承包 chéngbāo v
someone to do work; to contract out
承载 chéngzài to carry v
城墙 chéngqiáng city wall n
take advantage of a person's
乘人之危 chéngrénzhīwēi precarious position; to strike in a
time of crisis
盛 chéng to flourish v
惩处 chéngchǔ to punish v
惩罚 chéngfá v. to punish; n. punishment v n
澄清 chéngqīng v. to clarify; n. clear v adj
橙汁 chéngzhī orange juice n
逞能 chěng//néng to show off one's skill
to show off; to flaunt one's
逞强 chěng/qiáng
秤 chèng scales n
吃不上 chībushàng to miss a meal v
吃喝玩乐 chī‐hē‐wán‐lè to eat, drink and make merry
吃苦 chī//kǔ to suffer hardships
吃亏 chī//kuī to suffer losses
痴呆 chīdāi stupid adj
痴迷 chīmí to be obsessed with v
痴心 chīxīn infatuation n
池塘 chítáng pond n
驰n chímíng to be well‐known v
迟迟 chíchí slowly adv
迟疑 chíyí hesitant adj
迟早 chízǎo sooner or later adv
持 chí to hold v
持久 chíjiǔ lasting adj
持之以恒 chízhī‐yǐhéng to persevere
尺度 chǐdù scale n
耻辱 chǐrǔ shame n
耻笑 chǐxiào to sneer v
赤字 chìzì deficit n
翅膀 chìbǎng wing n
冲刺 chōngcì to sprint; to make an all‐out effort v
冲浪 chōnglàng to surf v
冲洗 chōngxǐ to rinse v
冲撞 chōngzhuàng to collide v
充 chōng to charge (a battery or device) v
充当 chōngdāng to act as v
充沛 chōngpèi abundant adj
充实 chōngshí adj. rich; v. to enrich adj v
重播 chóngbō to replay v
重叠 chóngdié to overlap v
重返 chóngfǎn to return v
重合 chónghé to coincide v
重申 chóngshēn to reiterate v
重现 chóngxiàn to reappear v
崇高 chónggāo lofty adj
崇尚 chóngshàng to advocate v
宠 chǒng to dote on v
宠爱 chǒng'ài to dote on v
抽签 chōu//qiān to draw lots
抽屉 chōuti drawer n
抽象 chōuxiàng abstract adj
仇 chóu hatred n
仇恨 chóuhèn v. to hate; n. hate v n
仇人 chóurén personal enemy n
稠 chóu thick adj
稠密 chóumì dense adj
愁眉苦脸 chóuméi‐kǔliǎn to frown; to wear a worried look
筹 chóu to raise funds v
筹办 chóubàn to organize an event, activity, etc. v
筹备 chóubèi to prepare v
筹措 chóucuò to raise (money) v
筹划 chóuhuà v. to plan; n. plan v n
筹集 chóují to raise money v
筹码 chóumǎ chips used in a card game n
丑恶 chǒu'è ugly adj
丑陋 chǒulòu ugly adj
丑闻 chǒuwén scandal n
瞅 chǒu to look (in a secret and quick way) v
出版社 chūbǎnshè publisher n
to leave the factory (after
出厂 chū//chǎng
出丑 chū//chǒu to make a fool of
出道 chū//dào to make one's debut
出发点 chūfādiǎn starting point n
出风头 chū fēngtou to seek the limelight
出境 chū//jìng to leave the country
出局 chū/jú to be phased out
出具 chūjù to issue a document v
出口成章 chūkǒu‐chéngzhāngeloquent; articulate
出卖 chūmài to sell v
出毛病 chū máo∙bìng to malfunction
出难题 chū nántí to raise a difficult question
出人意料 chūrényìliào exceeding all expectations
出任 chūrèn to take office v
出山 chū//shān to leave the mountain area
v. to be born of; to come from; n.
出身 chūshēn v n
upbringing; family background
出示 chūshì to show v
出手 chū//shǒu to dispose of; to undertake a task
to get out of a predicament; to
出头 chū//tóu
appear in public
出土 chū//tǔ unearthed
出息 chūxi future prospects n
出血 chū//xiě to bleed
出演 chūyǎn to star v
出洋相 chū yángxiàng to make a fool of oneself
出游 chūyóu to travel v
出众 chūzhòng outstanding adj
to come up with ideas; to offer
出主意 chū zhǔyi
出资 chūzī to contribute (funds) v
出自 chūzì to come from v
出走 chūzǒu to leave home under force; to flee v
初次 chūcì first time n
初衷 chūzhōng original intention n
除此之外 chúcǐzhīwài besides
除去 chúqù v. to remove; prep. except v prep
除外 chúwài to exclude v
处方 chǔfāng v. to prescribe; n. prescription v n
处境 chǔjìng unfavorable situation n
处置 chǔzhì to dispose of v
v. to reserve for future use; n.
储备 chǔbèi v n
储蓄 chǔxù v. to save money; n. savings v n
to touch something and move it
触v chùdòng v
触犯 chùfàn to violate; to go against v
触觉 chùjué the sense of touch n
触摸 chùmō to touch v
触目惊心 chùmù‐jīngxīn shocking
揣 chuāi to surmise v
揣测 chuǎicè to speculate v
揣摩 chuǎimó to try to figure out v
踹 chuài to kick v
川流不息 chuānliú‐bùxī an unending flow
穿过 chuānguò to pass through v
to make things difficult for someone
穿小鞋 chuān xiǎoxié
by abusing one's power
穿越 chuānyuè to pass through v
穿着 chuānzhuó dress n
传承 chuánchéng v. to inherit; n. inheritance v n
传奇 chuánqí legend n
传染 chuánrǎn to infect v
传染病 chuánrǎnbìng infectious disease n
传人 chuánrén successor; descendant n
传授 chuánshòu to teach v
传闻 chuánwén v. to gossip; n. rumor v n
船舶 chuánbó shipping; boats n
船桨 chuánjiǎng paddle; oar n
喘 chuǎn to gasp; to pant v
喘息 chuǎnxī to gasp for breath; to take a breather v
串门 chuàn//mén to visit someone
创伤 chuāngshāng trauma; wound n
床位 chuángwèi bed n
创 chuàng to starte (doing something); to create v
创始人 chuàngshǐrén founder n
吹了 chuī le failed
吹牛 chuī//niú to boast
to tout; to laud someone's
吹捧 chuīpěng v
垂 chuí to droop v
垂头丧气 chuítóu‐sàngqì to be dejected
捶 chuí to hammer v
锤子 chuízi hammer n
纯粹 chúncuì pure adj
纯洁 chúnjié adj. pure; v. to purify adj v
纯朴 chúnpǔ simple; unsophisticated adj
醇厚 chúnhòu mellow adj
蠢 chǔn stupid adj
戳 chuō v. to stamp; to prick; n. stamp v n
绰号 chuòhào nickname n
瓷 cí porcelain n
瓷器 cíqì porcelain object n
辞 cí to resign v
辞呈 cíchéng (written) resignation n
辞去 cíqù to resign
辞退 cítuì to dismiss v
慈善 císhàn charitable adj
慈祥 cíxiáng kind adj
磁带 cídài (magnetic) tape n
磁卡 cíkǎ magnetic card n
磁盘 cípán magnetic disk n
此起彼伏 cǐqǐ‐bǐfú one after another
次日 cìrì the next day n
伺候 cìhou to serve v
刺耳 cì'ěr harsh; ear‐piercing adj
刺骨 cìgǔ bone‐piercing; biting adj
刺绣 cìxiù v. to embroid; n. embroidery v n
赐 cì to bestow v
赐教 cìjiào to enlighten; to impart one's wisdom v
匆匆 cōngcōng rushed adj
匆忙 cōngmáng hurried adj
葱 cōng onion n
从今以后 cóng jīn yǐhòu from now on
从来不 cónglái bù never
从容 cóngróng calm adj
从容不迫 cóngróng‐búpò calml and unhurried
从头 cóngtóu from the beginning adv
从未 cóngwèi never adv
to obtain employment; to practise a
从业 cóngyè v
从早到晚 cóngzǎo‐dàowǎn from morning to night
丛林 cónglín jungle n
to gather together; to happen by
凑 còu v
chance; to exploit an opportunity
凑合 còuhe to improvise; to make do v
凑巧 còuqiǎo luckily adj
粗暴 cūbào rough; crude adj
粗糙 cūcāo rough; coarse adj
粗鲁 cū∙lǔ rude adj
粗略 cūlüè rough; sketchy adj
粗心大意 cūxīn‐dàyì careless; negligent
促成 cùchéng to facilitate v
簇拥 cùyōng to cluster v
窜 cuàn to flee; to scurry v
催 cuī to urge v
催促 cuīcù to urge; to hasten v
催眠 cuīmián to hypnotize v
摧毁 cuīhuǐ to destroy v
脆弱 cuìruò fragile adj
翠绿 cuìlǜ emerald green adj
存放 cúnfàng to store v
v. to do something deliberately; adv.
存心 cúnxīn v adv
on purpose
存折 cúnzhé passbook; deposit book n
搓 cuō to twist v
磋商 cuōshāng to consult v
挫折 cuòzhé v. to experience adversity; n. setback v n
措手不及 cuòshǒu‐bùjí caught off guard
incorrectly written or mispronounced
错别字 cuòbiézì n
错觉 cuòjué illusion n
错位 cuò//wèi to dislocate
错综复杂 cuòzōng‐fùzá complex
搭乘 dāchéng to ride as a passenger v
搭建 dājiàn to build; to put up (a structure) v
达标 dábiāo to reach the standard v
答辩 dábiàn to reply; defend one's writing v
打岔 dǎ//chà to interrupt
打倒 dǎ//dǎo to knock down
打盹儿 dǎ//dǔnr to nap
打交道 dǎ jiāodao to have dealings with
打搅 dǎjiǎo to disturb v
打捞 dǎlāo to salvage v
打MW dǎliang to look somebody up and down v
打猎 dǎ//liè to hunt
打磨 dǎmó to polish v
打通 dǎ//tōng to get through
打仗 dǎ//zhàng to fight a battle
打招呼 dǎ zhāohu to greet
大包大揽 dàbāo‐dàlǎn to take charge of everything
pen; a large sum; your handwriting
大笔 dàbǐ n
大臣 dàchén minister n
大吃一惊 dàchī‐yìjīng to be greatly surprised
大大咧咧 dàdaliēliē careless adj
大地 dàdì land n
大队 dàduì brigade; regiment n
大幅度 dà fúdù largely; by a wide margin
大公无私 dàgōng‐wúsī selfless
大家庭 dàjiātíng extended family n
大街小巷 dàjiē‐xiǎoxiàng all the streets and roads; everywhere
大惊小怪 dàjīng‐xiǎoguài to make a fuss about nothing
大局 dàjú overall situation n
大款 dàkuǎn tycoon; very rich person n
large area; (of a problem) on a
大面积 dà miànjī
massive scale
大n鼎鼎 dàmíng‐dǐngdǐng famous
大模大样 dàmú‐dàyàng in an ostentatious manner
大棚 dàpéng greenhouse n
大片 dàpiàn blockbuster n
大气 dàqì atmosphere n
大厦 dàshà large building; mansion n
大num据 dàshùjù Big Data n
大肆 dàsì rampantly; without restraint adv
大体 dàtǐ in general adv
大体上 dàtǐ shang generally
大同小异 dàtóng‐xiǎoyì almost the same
大腕儿 dàwànr celebrity; big shot n
大选 dàxuǎn general election v
大雁 dàyàn wild goose n
大意 dàyì main idea n
大意 dàyi careless adj
大有可为 dàyǒu‐kěwéi well worth doing
大宗 dàzōng adj. large in amount; n. bulk adj n
歹徒 dǎitú gangster n
逮 dǎi to catch v
pron号 dàihào code n
pron理人 dàilǐrén agent n
pron言人 dàiyánrén spokesperson n
带队 dàiduì to lead a team v
带路 dài//lù to lead the way
带头 dài//tóu take the lead
带头人 dàitóurén leader n
待 dài to treat v
怠工 dài//gōng to slack off in one's work
to neglect; to give someone the cold‐
怠慢 dàimàn v
逮捕 dàibǔ to arrest v
担 dān to bear v
担当 dāndāng to take responsibility for v
担负 dānfù to bear v
单边 dānbiān unilateral adj
单薄 dānbó thin adj
单方面 dānfāngmiàn unilateral n
单身 dānshēn single n
耽搁 dānge to delay; to tarry v
耽误 dānwu to delay; to hold up v
胆怯 dǎnqiè timid adj
胆子 dǎnzi courage n
If only (something were possible); I
但愿 dànyuàn v
measure word for goods carried on a
担 dàn MW
shoulder pole
担子 dànzi burden n
诞辰 dànchén birthday n
淡化 dànhuà to dilute v
淡季 dànjì off‐season n
蛋白质 dànbáizhì protein n
当即 dāngjí immediately adv
当今 dāngjīn today; the present n
当面 dāng//miàn in person
当日 dāngrì that day n
当事人 dāngshìrén party (to a lawsuit) n
当务之急 dāngwùzhījí urgent matter
当下 dāngxià instantly adv
当心 dāngxīn to be careful v
当着 dāngzhe in front of
当之无愧 dāngzhīwúkuì well‐deserved
当众 dāngzhòng in public adv
当晚 dàngwǎn that night n
当真 dàngzhēn v. to take seriously; adv. really v adv
荡漾 dàngyàng to ripple v
档次 dàngcì grade n
导弹 dǎodàn missile n
导航 dǎoháng to navigate v
导火索 dǎohuǒsuǒ fuse n
导师 dǎoshī tutor n
导向 dǎoxiàng v. to guide; n. guide v n
岛屿 dǎoyǔ islands n
捣乱 dǎo//luàn to make trouble
倒卖 dǎomài to resell at a profit v
倒霉 dǎo//méi unlucky
倒塌 dǎotā (of a building) to collapse v
倒下 dǎoxia to fall down
到头来 dàotóulái in the end adv
到位 dào//wèi to be in place
倒计时 dàojìshí to count down v
倒num dàoshǔ to count backwards; to count down v
盗 dào to steal v
盗窃 dàoqiè to steal v
悼念 dàoniàn to mourn v
道具 dàojù prop n
稻草 dàocǎo straw n
得不偿失 débùchángshī The gains do not outweigh the losses
得当 dédàng appropriate adj
得力 délì capable adj
得失 déshī gain and loss n
得手 déshǒu handy; convenient adj
得体 détǐ decent adj
to be richly endowed by nature; to
得天独厚 détiāndúhòu
enjoy exceptional advantages
得益于 déyì yú benefit from
得意扬扬 déyì‐yángyáng to be immensely proud
得知 dézhī to learn of something v
得罪 dézuì to offend v
德 dé virtue n
灯笼 dēnglong lantern n
灯泡 dēngpào light bulb n
登机 dēngjī to board v
登陆 dēng//lù to land
蹬 dēng to step on v
凳子 dèngzi stool n
瞪 dèng to stare v
低调 dīdiào n. low‐key; adj. humble n adj
低估 dīgū to underestimate v
低谷 dīgǔ trough; valley n
低价 dījià low price n
blurred; low in spirit; in an economic
低迷 dīmí adj
低碳 dītàn low‐carbon adj
低下 dīxià under; below adj
堤 dī embankment n
堤坝 dībà dam n
提防 dīfang to beware of v
笛子 dízi flute n
抵触 dǐchù to conflict v
抵挡 dǐdǎng to withstand v
抵消 dǐxiāo to offset v
抵押 dǐyā to mortgage v
抵御 dǐyù to resist; to withstand v
抵制 dǐzhì to resist; to boycott v
底层 dǐcéng bottom layer n
底线 dǐxiàn bottom line n
底蕴 dǐyùn inside information n
底子 dǐzi foundation n
地步 dìbù degree; stage n
地道 dìdào tunnel; underpass n
地道 dìdao authentic; typical adj
地段 dìduàn location n
地理 dìlǐ geography n
地毯 dìtǎn carpet n
地下水 dìxiàshuǐ groundwater n
地狱 dìyù hell n
地域 dìyù area n
地质 dìzhì geology n
弟子 dìzǐ disciple n
帝国 dìguó empire n
帝国主义 dìguó zhǔyì imperialism
递交 dìjiāo to submit v
第一手 dìyīshǒu first‐hand adj
第一线 dìyīxiàn front line n
颠倒 diāndǎo to reverse v
颠覆 diānfù to subvert v
巅峰 diānfēng peak n
典范 diǎnfàn model n
点火 diǎn//huǒ to ignite
点击率 diǎnjīlǜ click rate n
点评 diǎnpíng v. to comment; n. comment v n
点心 diǎnxin dessert n
点缀 diǎnzhuì to embellish v
点子 diǎnzi idea n
电报 diànbào telegraph n
电铃 diànlíng electric bell n
电网 diànwǎng power grid n
电线 diānxiàn electric wire n
电信 diànxìn telecommunications n
电讯 diànxùn telecommunications n
垫 diàn to pad v
垫底 diàn//dǐ to put something on the bottom
垫子 diànzi mat n
淀粉 diànfěn starch n
惦记 diàn∙jì to remember with concern v
to establish; to settle; to lay (a
奠定 diàndìng v
殿堂 diàntáng hall (of a palace or temple) n
刁难 diāonàn to make trouble v
叼 diāo to hold in the mouth v
雕 diāo to carve v
雕刻 diāokè v. to sculpt; n. sculpture v n
雕塑 diāosù v. to sculpt; n. sculpture v n
吊销 diàoxiāo to revoke v
钓鱼 diàoyú to go fishing v
调度 diàodù v. to schedule; n. scheduler v n
掉队 diào//duì to fall behind
掉头 diào//tóu to turn around
爹 diē father n
to occur repeatedly; to arise
迭起 diéqǐ v
叠 dié to stack; to fold v
丁 dīng fourth; the fourth Heavenly Stem n
叮嘱 dīngzhǔ to exhort repeatedly v
盯 dīng to stare v
钉子 dīngzi nail n
顶多 dǐngduō at most adv
顶级 dǐngjí top‐level adj
顶尖 dǐngjiān n. apex; adj. top notch n adj
订单 dìngdān (purchase) order n
订购 dìnggòu to place an order v
订婚 dìng//hūn to get engaged
订立 dìnglì to reserve a seat v
钉 dìng to nail v
定金 dìngjīn deposit n
定居 dìng//jū to settle down
定论 dìnglùn conclusion n
定为 dìngwéi to set to; to set as
定向 dìngxiàng to direct; to orientate v
something that sets one's mind at
定心丸 dìngxīnwán n
定义 dìngyì definition n
定做 dìngzuò to customize v
丢掉 diūdiào to throw away v
丢脸 diū//liǎn shame; to lose face
丢弃 diūqì to abandon; to discard v
丢人 diū//rén to lose face; disgraced
丢失 diūshī to lose v
东奔西走 dōngbēn‐xīzǒu to run about busily
东道主 dōngdàozhǔ host n
to glance this way and that; to look in
东张西望 dōngzhāng‐xīwàng
every direction
董事 dǒngshì director n
董事会 dǒngshìhuì Board of Directors n
董事长 dǒngshìzhǎng chairman (of a committee or board) n
懂事 dǒng//shì sensible
v不v dòngbudòng at every turn adv
v荡 dòngdàng v. to be in turmoil; a.turbulent v adj
v感 dònggǎn dynamic; lively n
v工 dòng//gōng to start construction
v静 dòngjing movement n
v脉 dòngmài artery n
v身 dòng//shēn to leave
v弹 dòngtan to move v
v听 dòngtīng nice‐sounding; interesting to listen to adj
v向 dòngxiàng trend n
v用 dòngyòng to utilize v
冻结 dòngjié to freeze v
栋 dòng measure word for building MW
栋梁 dòngliáng pillar n
兜 dōu to carry in a pocket or bag v
兜儿 dōur pocket n
兜售 dōushòu to peddle; to hawk v
抖 dǒu to shake; to tremble v
陡 dǒu steep adj
斗 dòu to fight v
斗志 dòuzhì fighting spirit n
豆浆 dòujiāng soy milk n
豆子 dòuzi beans n
逗 dòu v. to tease; adj. teasing v adj
都会 dūhuì metropolis n
督促 dūcù to urge v
独 dú alone; lonely adv
独唱 dúchàng to sing solo v
独家 dújiā exclusive n
to maintain independence and
独立自主 dúlì‐zìzhǔ
control over one's affairs
to be single; to be separated from
独身 dúshēn v
one's family
独一无二 dúyī‐wú'èr unique
堵塞 dǔsè to be blocked up; to stop up v
杜绝 dùjué to put an end to v
妒忌 dùjì to be jealous v
度(知n度) dù(zhīmíngdù) degree (of popularity) aux
度假 dùjià to take a vacation v
渡过 dùguò to pass through
端正 duānzhèng adj. correct; v. to correct adj v
短缺 duǎnquē to lack v
短暂 duǎnzàn short; temporary; transient adj
段落 duànluò paragraph n
断定 duàndìng to determine v
断断续续 duànduànxùxù intermittent adj
断裂 duànliè to fracture v
堆砌 duīqì to pile v
队adj duìxíng formation n
对白 duìbái dialogue n
对策 duìcè countermeasure n
对称 duìchèn symmetrical adj
对得起 duìdeqǐ to be worthy of v
对联 duìlián couplet n
对弈 duìyì (literary) to play chess v
对照 duìzhào to compare v
对峙 duìzhì to confront each other v
n. (mechanical engineering)
对准 duìzhǔn alignment; v. to aim at; to be
directed at
兑换 duìhuàn to exchange v
兑现 duìxiàn to cash v
敦促 dūncù to urge v
敦厚 dūnhòu honest and sincere adj
炖 dùn to stew v
顿时 dūnshí immediately adv
多边 duōbiān multilateral adj
多功能 duōgōngnéng multifunctional adj
多亏 duōkuī thanks to; fortunately v
多劳多得 duōláo‐duōdé Work hard, earn much.
多年来 duō nián lái for many years
多心 duō//xīn suspicious; paranoid
多余 duōyú v. to exceed; adj. excessive v adj
多元 duōyuán pluralistic adj
哆嗦 duōsuo to tremble uncontrollably v
夺冠 duó//guàn to win the championship
夺魁 duó//kuí to win first prize
躲避 duǒbì to avoid v
躲藏 duǒcáng to go into hiding v
舵手 duòshǒu helmsman n
堕落 duòluò to degenerate v
讹诈 ézhà to blackmail v
俄语 éyǔ Russian language n
鹅 é goose n
额外 éwài additional adj
厄运 èyùn doom n
恶 è evil adj
恶化 èhuà to deteriorate v
恶劣 èliè odious; vile adj
恶性 èxìng malignant adj
恶意 èyì malicious intention n
遏制 èzhì to contain; to constrain v
鳄鱼 èyú crocodile n
恩赐 ēncì to bestow (a gift, favors, etc.) v
恩惠 ēnhuì grace; favour; kindness n
恩情 ēnqíng loving kindness n
恩怨 ēnyuàn resentment n
而已 éryǐ auxiliary word meaning "just" aux
耳光 ěrguāng a slap in the face n
耳目一新 ěrmù‐yìxīn refreshing
familiar; what is frequently heard can
耳熟能详 ěrshú‐néngxiáng
be repeated in detail
耳闻目睹 ěrwén‐mùdǔ what one sees and hears
二手车 èrshǒuchē second‐hand car n
二氧化碳 èryǎnghuàtàn carbon dioxide n
发布会 fābùhuì press conference n
发财 fā//cái to make a fortune
发愁 fā/chóu to worry
发电机 fādiànjī generator; dynamo n
发抖 fādǒu to tremble v
发愤图强 fāfèn‐túqiáng to set one's mind to work hard
发光 fā//guāng to give off light
发火 fā/huǒ to ignite; to get angry
发酵 fā//jiào fermentation; to ferment
发掘 fājué to excavate v
发愣 fā//lèng to be in a daze
发脾气 fā píqi to lose one's temper
发起人 fāqǐrén sponsor n
发热 fā//rè feverish
发誓 fā//shì to swear; to take an oath
发泄 fāxiè to give vent to; to release v
发扬 fāyáng to carry forward v
发扬光大 fāyáng‐guāngdà to carry forward; to develop
发育 fāyù to develop v
发源地 fāyuándì place of origin n
发作 fāzuò to have a fit of anger; to flare up v
阀门 fámén valve n
发型 fàxíng hairstyle n
帆 fān sail n
帆船 fānchuán sailboat n
翻番 fān//fān to double
翻来覆去 fānlái‐fùqù to toss and turn
翻天覆地 fāntiān‐fùdì ground‐breaking
凡 fán all adv
烦闷 fánmèn depressed; moody adj
烦恼 fánnǎo troublesome adj
烦躁 fánzào irritable adj
繁华 fánhuá bustling adj
繁忙 fánmáng busy adj
繁体字 fántǐzì traditional Chinese character n
繁重 fánzhòng heavy; strenuous adj
反驳 fǎnbó to refute v
反差 fǎnchā contrast n
反常 fǎncháng abnormal adj
反倒 fǎndào instead adv
反感 fǎngǎn adj. disgusting; n. dislike adj n
反过来 fǎn∙guò∙lái in reverse order
反击 fǎnjī to counterattack v
反馈 fǎnkuì to give feedback v
反面 fǎnmiàn n. opposite side; adj. opposite n adj
反思 fǎnsī to reflect on something; to rethink v
反弹 fǎntán to rebound v
to examine oneself; to engage in
反省 fǎnxǐng v
返还 fǎnhuán to return; to give back v
犯愁 fàn//chóu to worry
饭碗 fànwǎn rice bowl; livelihood n
泛滥 fànlàn to run rampant v
范畴 fànchóu category n
贩卖 fànmài to traffic; to peddle v
方方面面 fāngfāngmiànmiàn all aspects n
方向盘 fāngxiàngpán steering wheel n
方言 fāngyán dialect n
防盗 fángdào to prevent theft v
防盗门 fángdàomén anti‐theft door n
防护 fánghù to protect v
防火墙 fánghuǒqiáng firewall n
防卫 fángwèi to defend v
防汛 fángxùn to prevent floods v
防疫 fángyì epidemic prevention v
防御 fángyù to defend v
妨碍 fáng'ài to obstruct v
妨害 fánghài to impair; to jeopardize v
房地产 fángdìchǎn real estate n
仿 fǎng to imitate v
仿制 fǎngzhì to imitate; to be modelled on v
访谈 fǎngtán to interview v
纺织 fǎngzhī to weave v
to let off; to let someone get away
放过 fàngguò
to turn on the water; to let water
放水 fàng//shuǐ
放肆 fàngsì unbridled; wanton adj
放映 fàngyìng to show (a film) v
放置 fàngzhì to put aside v
放纵 fàngzòng to indulge v
飞速 fēisù at full speed adv
飞往 fēiwǎng to fly towards
飞翔 fēixiáng to fly v
飞跃 fēiyuè to leap v
非(非金属) fēi(fēijīnshǔ) non (non‐metal) aux
非得 fēiděi insistently; must adv
非法 fēifǎ illegal adj
非凡 fēifán extraordinary adj
绯闻 fēiwén scandal; gossip n
肥料 féiliào fertilizer n
肥胖 féipàng obese adj
肥沃 féiwò fertile adj
肥皂 féizào soap n
诽谤 fěibàng to defame; to slander v
废 fèi adj. abandoned; v. to abandon adj v
废除 fèichú to abolish v
废话 fèihuà nonsense n
废品 fèipǐn waster product; scraps n
so dedicated that one forgets to
废寝忘食 fèiqǐn‐wàngshí
sleep and to eat
废物 fèiwù waste n
废墟 fèixū ruins n
沸沸扬扬 fèifèiyángyáng bustling adj
沸腾 fèiténg to boil with excitement v
费劲 fèi//jìn laborious
分辨 fēnbiàn to distinguish v
分寸 fēncun section n
分担 fēndān to share responsibility for v
分割 fēngē to segment v
分红 fēn//hóng to receive dividends
分化 fēnhuà to differentiate; to become divided v
分泌 fēnmì to secrete v
分明 fēnmíng adj. distinct; adv. distinctly adj adv
n. disagreement; adj. disagreeing;
分歧 fēnqí n adj
to divide the spoils; to share ill‐
分赃 fēn//zāng
gotten gains
分支 fēnzhī branch n
芬芳 fēnfāng adj. fragrant; n. fragrance adj n
吩咐 fēn∙fù to order; to command v
氛围 fēnwéi atmosphere n
坟 fén grave n
坟墓 fénmù grave n
焚烧 fénshāo to incinerate v
粉 fěn pink n
粉丝 fěnsī fan n
粉碎 fěnsuì adj. broken in pieces; v. to shatter adj v
分MW fèn∙liàng a tiny bit; a small amount n
分外 fènwài very; particularly adv
份额 fèn'é share n
奋力 fènlì sparing no effort adv
奋勇 fènyǒng to summon all one's courage v
粪 fèn manure n
粪便 fènbiàn stool n
丰富多彩 fēngfù‐duōcǎi colorful
丰厚 fēnghòu rich and generous adj
丰满 fēngmǎn full adj
丰盛 fēngshèng rich; sumptuous adj
丰硕 fēngshuò rich; plentiful adj
风波 fēngbō storm; wind and waves n
风采 fēngcǎi elegant demeanour n
sleep and eat in the open; to endure
风餐露宿 fēngcān‐lùsù
the hardships of an arduous journey
风范 fēngfàn style; demeanour n
ups and downs; trials and
风风雨雨 fēngfēngyǔyǔ n
风和日丽 fēnghé‐rìlì bright sun and a gentle breeze
风浪 fēnglàng stormy waves n
风力 fēnglì wind power n
风流 fēngliú romantic adj
风貌 fēngmào style and features n
风气 fēngqì atmosphere; general mood n
风情 fēngqíng mien; bearing n
风趣 fēngqù humor; wit n
风沙 fēngshā sand blown by the wind n
风尚 fēngshàng fashion n
风水 fēng∙shuǐ Fengshui n
风味 fēngwèi flavor n
风雨 fēngyǔ wind and rain; trials and hardships n
风云 fēngyún storm; an unstable situation n
风筝 fēngzheng kite n
封顶 fēngdǐng to cap; to put a ceiling on v
封建 fēngjiàn n. feudalism; adj. feudal n adj
封面 fēngmiàn front cover; title page n
封锁 fēngsuǒ to blockade v
疯子 fēngzi madman n
峰回路转 fēnghuí‐lùzhuǎn a positive turn of events
蜂蜜 fēngmì honey n
逢 féng to meet; to come upon v
缝 féng to sew v
缝合 fénghé to suture v
讽刺 fěngcì to satire v
凤凰 fènghuáng phoenix n
缝 fèng seam; fissure n
否决 fǒujué to veto v
孵化 fūhuà to incubate v
to apply (poweder or ointment); to
敷 fū v
扶持 fúchí to support; to give aid to v
服饰 fúshì apparel n
服务器 fúwùqì server n
服用 fúyòng to take (medicine) v
俘获 fúhuò to capture v
俘虏 fúlǔ captive n
浮力 fúlì buoyancy n
浮现 fúxiàn to emerge; to appear v
浮躁 fúzào impetuous adj
辐射 fúshè to radiate v
福气 fúqi blessing; good fortune n
抚摸 fǔmō to stroke v
抚恤 fǔxù to comfort a bereaved family v
抚养 fǔyǎng to raise up; to rear v
抚养费 fǔyǎngfèi alimony n
斧子 fǔzi ax n
俯首 fǔshǒu to bow one's head v
辅导 fǔdǎo to counsel v
腐败 fǔbài corrupted; rotten adj
腐化 fǔhuà to corrupt; to rot v
腐烂 fǔlàn v. to rot; adj. rotten v adj
腐蚀 fǔshí to corrode v
腐朽 fǔxiǔ decayed; degenerate adj
付费 fùfèi to pay v
付款 fùkuǎn to make a payment v
负面 fùmiàn negative adj
负有 fùyǒu to be responsible for
附 fù to attach v
附带 fùdài v. to attach; adj. attached v adj
to go along with (what someone
附和 fùhè v
附加 fùjiā to add v
附属 fùshǔ v. to attach; adj. attached v adj
赴 fù to go to v
复查 fùchá to review; to reexamine v
复发 fùfā to relapse v
复合 fùhé to compound v
复活 fùhuó to resurrect v
复兴 fùxīng to revive v
复原 fù//yuán recovery; to recover from an illness
adv作用 fùzuòyòng side effect n
赋予 fùyǔ to entrust (a task) to someone v
富含 fùhán to be rich in v
富豪 fùháo a rich and poweral person n
富强 fùqiáng rich and strong adj
富翁 fùwēng rich man n
富裕 fùyù prosperous adj
富足 fùzú rich; abundant adj
腹部 fùbù abdomen n
腹泻 fùxiè to have diarrhea v
覆盖 fùgài to cover v
该 gāi this pron
改版 gǎi//bǎn to revise; the revised edition
改编 gǎibiān to adapt v
改v gǎidòng to change v
改革开放 gǎigé kāifàng Reform and Opening
改良 gǎiliáng to improve v
改n gǎimíng to rename v
改日 gǎirì another day adv
改为 gǎiwéi to change to
to mend one's way; to turn over a
改邪归正 gǎixié‐guīzhèng
new leaf
钙 gài calcium n
盖子 gàizi cover n
概况 gàikuàng overview n
概率 gàilǜ probability n
概论 gàilùn introduction n
干戈 gāngē arms; weapons of war n
干旱 gānhàn dry adj
干燥 gānzào dry adj
甘心 gānxīn to do something willingly v
肝脏 gānzàng liver n
尴尬 gāngà awkward adj
赶赴 gǎnfù to rush to v
赶往 gǎnwǎng rush towards
敢情 gǎnqing as it turns out; actually adv
感(责任感)gǎn(zérèngǎn) sense (sense of responsibility) aux
感触 gǎnchù thoughts and feelings n
感恩 gǎn//ēn grateful
感激 gǎnjī to be grateful v
感慨 gǎnkǎi to sigh with emotion v
感染 gǎnrǎn to infect v
感染力 gǎnrǎnlì infectious (enthusiasm) n
感interjectio gǎntàn to sigh v
感性 gǎnxìng emotional; perceptual adj
干部 gànbù cadre n
干事 gànshi executive secretary n
刚毅 gāngyì resolute adj
纲领 gānglǐng program n
纲要 gāngyào outline n
钢 gāng steel n
缸 gāng vat; jar; crock n
港 gǎng port n
杠铃 gànglíng barbell n
v. to hold high (one's head, etc.); adj.
高昂 gāo'áng v adj
高傲 gāo'ào arrogant adj
高超 gāochāo superb adj
高低 gāodī high and low n
高调 gāodiào high‐key; a lofty tone n
高额 gāo'é a high quota adj
高尔夫球 gāo'ěrfūqiú golf n
高峰期 gāofēngqī peak period n
高贵 gāoguì noble adj
高空 gāokōng high altitude n
高龄 gāolíng n. advanced age; adj. aged; elderly n adj
高明 gāomíng clever; brilliant adj
高山 gāoshān high mountain n
高效 gāoxiào highly efficient adj
高新技术 gāoxīn‐jìshù high‐tech
高血压 gāoxuèyā hypertension n
高压 gāoyā high pressure n
高雅 gāoyǎ elegant adj
v. to rise; adj. running high (of
高涨 gāozhǎng v adj
tension, etc.)
搞鬼 gǎo//guǐ to make mischief
搞笑 gǎoxiào to be funny v
告 gào to tell; to announce; to sue v
告辞 gàocí to take leave of v
告诫 gàojiè to admonish v
告示 gàoshi official notice n
告知 gàozhī to inform v
告状 gào//zhuàng to lodge a complaint against
戈壁 gēbì the Gobi Desert n
胳膊 gēbo arm n
鸽子 gēzi pigeon n
搁 gē to put v
搁浅 gē//qiǎn to be stranded; to run aground
搁置 gēzhì to put on hold; to lay aside v
割 gē to cut v
歌剧 gējù opera n
歌颂 gēsòng to sing the praises of v
歌舞 gēwǔ song and dance n
歌咏 gēyǒng to sing v
革命 gémìng v. to revolve; adj. revolutionary v adj
格 gé grid n
格格不入 gégé‐búrù incompatible with
格局 géjú pattern n
格式 géshi format n
隔阂 géhé misunderstanding; estrangement n
隔离 gélí to isolate v
个案 gè'àn an indiviual or special case n
个头儿 gètóur height n
to go one's own way; to lead one's
各奔前程 gèbènqiánchéng
own life
各式各样 gèshì‐gèyàng all kinds of
根基 gēnjī foundation n
根深蒂固 gēnshēn‐dìgù ingrained; deep‐rooted
根源 gēnyuán source n
根治 gēnzhì to cure once and for all v
跟不上 gēn bu shàng unable to keep up
跟上 gēnshang to keep up
跟踪 gēnzōng to track; to trail v
更改 gēnggǎi to change v
更衣室 gēngyīshì locker room n
耕地 gēngdì arable land n
耿直 gěngzhí upright; honest adj
工地 gōngdì construction site n
工会 gōnghuì union n
工科 gōngkē engineering course n
工商界 gōngshāngjiè industry and commerce n
工序 gōngxù procedure n
工整 gōngzhěng elegant; exquisite adj
工作MW gōngzuòliàng workload n
弓 gōng bow n
公安局 gōng'ānjú public security bureau n
公车 gōngchē bus n
公道 gōngdao just; impartial adj
公费 gōngfèi public funds n
公共场所 gōnggòng chǎngsuǒpublic places
公关 gōngguān public relations n
公函 gōnghán official letter n
公积金 gōngjījīn public reserve fund n
公开信 gōngkāixìn open letter n
公款 gōngkuǎn public funds n
公立 gōnglì public (school, hospital, etc.) adj
公墓 gōngmù cemetery n
公仆 gōngpú public servant n
公顷 gōngqǐng hectare MW
公然 gōngrán openly adv
公示 gōngshì to publicize; to make known v
公事 gōngshì public affairs n
公务 gōngwù official duties n
公益 gōngyì public welfare n
公益性 gōngyìxìng the public good n
公用 gōngyòng to be used by the public; communal adj
公寓 gōngyù apartment n
公约 gōngyuē convention n
公证 gōngzhèng to notarize v
公职 gōngzhí public office n
功 gōng achievement n
a minister who has rendered
功臣 gōngchén n
outstanding service
功底 gōngdǐ knowledge of the fundamentals n
功劳 gōngláo credit; contribution n
功力 gōnglì skill n
功率 gōnglǜ power n
功效 gōngxiào effect n
攻 gōng to attack v
攻读 gōngdú to study diligently v
攻关 gōngguān to tackle key issues v
供 gōng to supply v
供不应求 gōngbúyìngqiú Supply is less than demand.
供暖 gōngnuǎn to provide heating v
供求 gōngqiú supply and demand n
宫殿 gōngdiàn palace n
宫廷 gōngtíng palace; royal court n
恭维 gōng∙wéi to compliment v
恭喜 gōngxǐ to congratulate v
拱 gǒng to arch v
共鸣 gòngmíng to resonate v
共识 gòngshí consensus n
共同体 gòngtóngtǐ community n
共性 gòngxìng commonality n
供奉 gòngfèng v. to worship; n. worship v n
勾 gōu to hook; to delineate v
勾画 gōuhuà to outline; to delineate v
勾结 gōujié to collude with v
钩 gōu to hook v
钩子 gōuzi hook n
构思 gòusī to conceive; to compose; to design v
v. to conceptualize; n.
构想 gòuxiǎng v n
购 gòu to purchase v
够呛 gòuqiàng enough; unbearable adj
估算 gūsuàn to estimate v
to angle for undeserved fame; to fish
沽n钓誉 gūmíng‐diàoyù
for compliments
孤单 gūdān lonely adj
孤立 gūlì adj. isolated; v. to isolate adj v
孤零零 gūlínglíng solitary adj
孤陋寡闻 gūlòu‐guǎwén ignorant
辜负 gūfù to disappoint; to let down v
古董 gǔdǒng antique n
古怪 gǔguài eccentric adj
古迹 gǔjì historic site n
古今中外 gǔjīn‐zhōngwài at all times and in all countries
古朴 gǔpǔ quaint adj
古人 gǔrén the ancients n
股份 gǔfèn shares n
股民 gǔmín shareholder n
股市 gǔshì stock market n
骨干 gǔgàn backbone; mainstay n
骨气 gǔqì moral integrity; backbone n
骨折 gǔzhé to fracture v
鼓v gǔdòng to encourage v
鼓舞 gǔwǔ v. to inspire; adj. inspiring v adj
固然 gùrán of course conj
固执 gùzhi stubborn adj
故 gù adv., conj. so adv conj
顾不得 gùbu∙dé unable to change something
顾不上 gùbushàng unable to attend to
顾及 gùjí to take into account v
顾虑 gùlǜ n. concern; v. to concern n v
顾全大局 gùquán‐dàjú to consider the overall situation
雇 gù to hire v
雇佣 gùyōng to hire v
雇员 gùyuán employee n
雇主 gùzhǔ employer n
瓜分 guāfēn to carve up; to partition v
瓜子 guāzǐ melon seed n
刮风 guā fēng windy; to blow (of wind)
寡妇 guǎfu widow n
挂钩 guàgōu hook; coupling n
挂号 guà//hào to register; to take a number
挂念 guàniàn to miss v
report the loss of (identity
挂失 guà//shī
乖 guāi good adj
乖巧 guāiqiǎo clever adj
n. turn; corner; v. to turn the corner;
拐弯 guǎi//wān
to make a turn
拐杖 guǎizhàng crutch n
怪不得 guàibude adv., v. no wonder adv v
怪物 guàiwu monster n
怪异 guàiyì weird adj
关掉 guāndiào turn off
关节 guānjié joint (anatomy); key point n
关税 guānshuì tariff n
关头 guāntóu junction n
关照 guānzhào to care v
观测 guāncè to observe v
观感 guāngǎn observations n
观摩 guānmó to observe and emulate v
观赏 guānshǎng to watch and admire v
观望 guānwàng to wait and see v
官兵 guānbīng officers and soldiers n
官吏 guānlì government official n
官僚 guānliáo bureaucracy n
官僚主义 guānliáo zhǔyì bureaucratism
官员 guānyuán official n
棺材 guāncai coffin n
管家 guǎnjiā housekeeper n
管教 guǎnjiào v. to discipline; n. discipline v n
管理费 guǎnlǐfèi management fee n
管辖 guǎnxiá to have jurisdiction over v
管用 guǎn//yòng to be of use; to be effective
管子 guǎnzi tube n
贯彻 guànchè to implement v
贯穿 guànchuān to penetrate v
贯通 guàntōng to link up; to be well versed in v
惯 guàn to be used to; to be accustomed v
惯例 guànlì convention n
惯性 guànxìng inertia n
灌 guàn to pour v
灌溉 guàngài to irrigate v
灌输 guànshū to instill v
罐 guàn can; tin n
罐头 guàntou can; tin n
光彩 guāngcǎi n. glory; adj. glorious n adj
光碟 guāngdié disk; CD n
光顾 guānggù to patronize; to visit as a customer v
光滑 guānghuá smooth adj
光环 guānghuán halo n
光缆 guānglǎn optical cable n
光芒 guāngmáng rays of light n
to be perfectly open in all one's
光明磊落 guāngmíng‐lěiluò
光泽 guāngzé luster n
广义 guǎngyì general sense n
归根到底 guīgēn‐dàodǐ in the final analysis
归还 guīhuán to return v
归结 guījié to conclude v
归来 guīlái to return v
归纳 guīnà to induct v
归属 guīshǔ to belong to v
归宿 guīsù final destination; permanent home n
龟 guī turtle n
规格 guīgé specification n
规矩 guīju n. rule; adj. disciplined n adj
闺女 guīnü daughter n
瑰宝 guībǎo treasure n
轨迹 guǐjì trajectory; path n
柜台 guìtái counter n
贵宾 guìbīn VIP n
贵重 guìzhòng precious adj
贵族 guìzú noble n
桂花 guìhuā Osmanthus fragrans n
滚v gǔndòng to scroll (on a computer); to roll v
棍 gùn stick n
棍子 gùnzi stick n
国宝 guóbǎo national treasure n
国防 guófáng national defense n
国画 guóhuà traditional Chinese painting n
国徽 guóhuī national emblem n
国情 guóqíng national conditions n
国土 guótǔ land n
国学 guóxué studies of ancient Chinese culture n
国有 guóyǒu to be state‐owned v
果断 guǒduàn decisive adj
果园 guǒyuán orchard n
果真 guǒzhēn adv. as expected; conj. If really adv conj
裹 guǒ to wrap v
过半 guòbàn to be more than half v
过不去 guòbuqù to make life difficult for v
过错 guòcuò fault n
过道 guòdào aisle; corridor n
过关 guò//guān to pass a barrier
(self‐deprecating) to overpraise; to
过奖 guòjiǎng v
过节 guò/jié to celebrate a holiday
过境 guò//jìng transit
过滤 guòlǜ to filter v
过期 guò//qī expired
过日子 guò rìzi to live life; to pass one's days
过剩 guòshèng to exceed v
过失 guòshī fault; error n
过头 guò//tóu v. to overdo it; adv. excessively
过往 guòwǎng v. to come and go; n. past v n
过意不去 guòyìbúqù to feel apologetic
to satisfy a craving; to enjoy oneself
过瘾 guò//yǐn
to the fullest
过硬 guò//yìng to have perfect mastery of
过早 guò zǎo premature
海岸 hǎi'àn coastal n
海拔 hǎibá altitude n
海滨 hǎibīn seaside n
海盗 hǎidào pirate n
海MW hǎiliàng magnanimity n
海绵 hǎimián sponge n
海面 hǎimiàn sea surface n
海内外 hǎi nèiwài at home and abroad
海滩 hǎitān beach n
海峡 hǎixiá strait n
海啸 hāixiào tsunami n
海域 hǎiyù waters; martitime space n
海运 hǎiyùn to ship (goods) v
海藻 hǎizǎo seaweed n
骇人听闻 hàiréntīngwén appalling
害虫 hàichóng pest; destructive insect n
害臊 hài//sào ashamed; bashful
害羞 hài//xiū shy
酣畅 hānchàng unrestrained; with ease and verve adj
酣睡 hānshuì to sleep soundly v
含糊 hánhu vague adj
含蓄 hánxù v. to be implicit; n. implicit v adj
函授 hánshòu to teach by correspondence v
涵盖 hángài to cover v
涵义 hányì meaning; implication n
罕见 hǎnjiàn rare adj
汗水 hànshuǐ sweat n
旱 hàn dry adj
旱灾 hànzāi drought n
捍卫 hànwèi to defend v
焊 hàn to weld v
行家 hángjia expert n
行列 hángliè ranks n
行情 hángqíng market price n
航海 hánghǎi to navigate on the sea v
航天 hángtiān to fly or travel in space v
航天员 hāngtiānyuán astronaut n
航行 hángxíng to sail v
航运 hángyùn shipping n
毫不 háo bù not
毫不犹豫 háo bù yóuyù to not hesitate
毫无 háo wú none
豪华 háohuá luxurious adj
好比 hǎobǐ liken to something else v
好歹 hǎodǎi n. good and bad; adv. anyway n adv
好感 hǎogǎn good opinion n
好坏 hǎohuài good or bad n
好家伙 hǎojiāhuo Wow!; Oh boy! interjection
好评 hǎopíng praise n
好说 hǎoshuō No big deal; You flatter me v
好笑 hǎoxiào funny adj
好心 hǎoxīn kindness n
好心人 hǎoxīnrén kind person n
好意 hǎoyì kindness n
好在 hǎozài fortunately adv
号称 hàochēng to be known as; to be nicknamed v
好客 hàokè hospitable adj
好奇心 hàoqíxīn curiosity n
耗 hào to consume v
耗费 hàofèi to consume; to expend v
耗时 hàoshí time consuming v
浩劫 hàojié catastrophe n
呵护 hēhù to take good care of v
禾苗 hémiáo seedlings n
合唱 héchàng to sing in chorus v
合乎 héhū to conform with; to correspond to v
合伙 héhuǒ to form a partnership v
合计 héjì to add up v
合情合理 héqíng‐hélǐ reasonable
合影 hé//yǐng group photo
合资 hézī to enter into a partnership v
合作社 hézuòshè cooperative; co‐op n
何必 hébì why adv
何处 hé chù where
何苦 hékǔ why bother? adv
何况 hékuàng not to mention; what's more conj
何时 hé shí when
和蔼 hé'ǎi amiable adj
和解 héjiě to become reconciled v
和睦 hémù harmonious adj
和平共处 hépíng gòngchǔ peaceful coexistence
和气 héqi adj. harmonious; n. harmony adj n
和尚 héshang monk n
河流 héliú river n
河畔 hépàn riverside n
荷花 héhuā lotus n
核 hé nuclear n
核电站 hédiànzhàn nuclear power plant n
核对 héduì to check v
核能 hénéng nuclear energy n
核实 héshí to verify v
核桃 hétao walnut n
核武器 héwǔqì nuclear weapon n
贺电 hèdiàn congratulatory letter n
贺信 hèxìn congratulatory letter n
喝彩 hè//cǎi to acclaim; to cheer
赫然 hèrán impressively; terribly (angry) adj
to stand head and shoulders above
鹤立鸡群 hèlìjīqún
the rest; obviously superior
黑白 hēibái black and white n
黑客 hēikè hacker n
黑马 hēimǎ dark horse (figurative) n
a vicious person manipulating sb. or
黑手 hēishǒu n
sth. from behind the scenes
黑心 hēixīn adj. evil; n. black heart adj n
嘿 hēi hey interjection
痕迹 hénjì trace n
恨不得 hènbude cannot wait to do something v
哼 hēng humph v
横七竖八 héngqī‐shùbā in disorder
横向 héngxiàng horizontal adj
横 hèng horizontal adj
轰 hōng v. to explode; ono. boom v onomat
轰v hōngdòng to cause a sensation v
轰炸 hōngzhà to bombard v
哄 hōng the roar of laughter onomat
哄堂大笑 hōngtáng‐dàxiào the whole room laughing
烘干 hōnggān to dry over heat v
烘托 hōngtuō to throw into sharp relief v
弘扬 hóngyáng to promote; to enhance v
红灯 hóngdēng red light n
红火 hónghuo flourishing; prosperous adj
红扑扑 hóngpūpū flushed adj
红润 hóngrùn rosy adj
红薯 hóngshǔ sweet potato n
红眼 hóngyǎn to be jealous v
宏观 hóngguān macro‐ adj
宏伟 hóngwěi magnificent adj
洪亮 hóngliàng loud and clear; resonant adj
哄 hǒng to coax v
哄 hòng to cause an uproar v
喉咙 hóu∙lóng throat n
吼 hǒu to roar v
后备 hòubèi adj. reserved; n. reserve adj n
后备箱 hòubèixiāng trunk n
后pron hòudài descendants n
后盾 hòudùn backing n
trouble back home; worries about
后顾之忧 hòugùzhīyōu
the future
后期 hòuqī later times n
后勤 hòuqín logistics n
后人 hòurén descendant n
后台 hòutái backstage n
后退 hòutuì to retreat v
后续 hòuxù follow‐up adj
(medicine) sequelae; (figurative)
后遗症 hòuyízhèng n
后裔 hòuyì descendant; offspring n
后者 hòuzhě the latter n
厚道 hòudao honest and kind adj
厚度 hòudù thickness n
候选人 hòuxuǎnrén candidate n
呼风唤雨 hūfēng‐huànyǔ to stir up trouble
呼唤 hūhuàn to call v
呼救 hūjiù call for help v
呼声 hūshēng voice n
呼应 hūyìng to echo v
呼吁 hūyù to call on; to appeal to v
忽高忽低 hūgāo‐hūdī suddenly high and suddenly low
忽悠 hūyou to con; to dupe v
胡闹 húnào to make trouble; to run wild v
胡说 húshuō v. tell nonsense; n. nonsense v n
to indulge in flights of fancy; to let
胡思乱想 húsī‐luànxiǎng
one's imagination run wild
湖泊 húpō lake n
糊 hú to paste v
糊涂 hútu confused adj
互补 hùbǔ to complement one another v
互访 hùfǎng to exchange visits v
互信 hùxìn to have mutual trust v
互助 hùzhù to provide mutual assistance v
护理 hùlǐ to care v
花瓣 huābàn petal n
花卉 huāhuì flowers and plants n
花纹 huāwén decorative design n
花样 huāyàng pattern, design n
v. to be cost‐effective; adj. cost‐
划算 huásuàn v adj
华丽 huálì gorgeous adj
华侨 huáqiáo overseas Chinese n
华裔 huáyì Chinese n
哗变 huábiàn to mutiny v
哗然 huárán uproarious adj
滑冰 huábīng to ice skate v
滑稽 huá∙jī funny adj
滑梯 huátī slide n
滑雪 huáxuě to ski v
化肥 huàféi fertilizer n
化身 huàshēn incarnation n
化纤 huàxiān chemical fiber n
to turn a danger into safety; to avert
化险为夷 huàxiǎnwéiyí
化验 huàyàn to do a lab test v
化妆 huà//zhuāng make up
划时pron huàshídài epoch‐making adj
画册 huàcè picture album n
画龙点睛 huàlóng‐diǎnjīng to add the finishing touch
to draw a snake and add legs to it; to
画蛇添足 huàshé‐tiānzú
画展 huàzhǎn art exhibition n
话费 huàfèi telephone bill n
话筒 huàtǒng microphone n
话语 huàyǔ discourse n
怀抱 huáibào v. to embrace; n. embrace v n
怀旧 huáijiù to be nostalgic v
怀里 huái li in one's arms
怀孕 huái//yùn pregnant
怀着 huáizhe with child; carrying a child
槐树 huáishù locust tree (Sophora japonica) n
坏事 huàishì bad thing; evil deed n
欢呼 huānhū to cheer v
欢聚 huānjù to gather together v
欢快 huānkuài cheerful adj
欢声笑语 huānshēng‐xiàoyǔ cheers and laughter
还款 huán kuǎn v. to pay back; n. repayment
to restore to original condition; to
还原 huán//yuán
环球 huánqiú to be around the world v
环绕 huánrào to surround v
缓 huǎn to slow down; to postpone v
缓和 huǎnhé v. to relax; adj. relaxed v adj
缓缓 huǎnhuǎn slowly adv
缓慢 huǎnmàn slow adj
幻觉 huànjué illusion n
幻影 huànyǐng phantom n
换成 huànchéng to replace
换取 huànqǔ to exchange v
换位 huànwèi to transpose v
换言之 huànyánzhī in other words
唤起 huànqǐ to arouse v
患 huàn suffer from some disease v
患病 huànbìng suffer from illness v
患有 huànyǒu to suffer from
焕发 huànfā to shine; to glow v
荒 huāng to neglect; to be out of practise v
荒诞 huāngdàn absurd; fantastical adj
荒凉 huāngliáng desolate adj
荒谬 huāngmiù absurd; preposterous adj
慌乱 huāngluàn alarmed adj
慌张 huāng∙zhāng agitated adj
皇宫 huánggōng (imperial) palace n
皇后 huánghòu queen n
皇上 huángshang emperor; Your Majesty n
皇室 huángshì royal family; imperial court n
黄昏 huánghūn dusk n
恍然大悟 huǎngrán‐dàwù to suddenly realize
晃 huǎng to flash past; to dazzle v
谎话 huǎnghuà lie n
谎言 huǎngyán lie n
晃 huàng to shake v
晃荡 huàngdang to rock v
灰 huī n. ash; adj. grey n adj
灰尘 huīchén dust n
灰心 huī/xīn to be discouraged
挥 huī to wave v
辉煌 huīhuáng brilliant adj
回归 huíguī to return v
回扣 huíkòu sales commission; a bribe n
回馈 huíkuì to give feedback; to repay a favor v
回落 huíluò to decline after a rise; to subside v
回升 huíshēng to rise again after a fall v
回首 huíshǒu to look back v
回味 huíwèi n. aftertaste; v. to reflect on n v
回想 huíxiǎng to recall v
回忆录 huíyìlù memoir n
悔恨 huǐhèn to regret deeply v
毁坏 huǐhuài to destroy; to damage v
毁灭 huǐmiè to destroy; to exterminate v
汇合 huìhé to converge v
汇集 huìjí to collect v
汇聚 huìjù to converge v
会场 huìchǎng venue n
会面 huì//miàn to meet
会晤 huìwù to have a meeting v
to understand without being told
会意 huìyì v
会诊 huì//zhěn to hold a medical consultation
绘声绘色 huìshēng‐huìsè vivid
贿赂 huìlù v. to bribe; n. bribe v n
昏迷 hūnmí to be in a coma v
婚纱 hūnshā wedding dress n
婚姻 hūnyīn marriage n
浑身 húnshēn all over (the body) n
魂 hún soul n
混凝土 hùnníngtǔ concrete n
混淆 hùnxiáo to confuse v
混浊 hùnzhuó turbid adj
豁 huō to give up; to sacrifice v
豁出去 huō//chuqu to press one's luck
活该 huógāi to deserve (punishment) v
活期 huóqī current adj
活儿 huór job n
火暴 huǒbào fiery adj
火锅 huǒguō hot pot n
火候 huǒhou crucial moment n
火花 huǒhuā spark n
火炬 huǒjù torch n
火辣辣 huǒlàlà burning; scorching adj
火热 huǒrè fiery adj
火山 huǒshān volcano n
火速 huǒsù at top speed adv
火焰 huǒyàn flame n
火药 huǒyào gunpowder n
伙食 huǒ∙shí meals; food n
或多或少 huòduō‐huòshǎo more or less
货币 huòbì currency n
货车 huòchē truck n
货物 huòwù goods n
货运 huòyùn freight n
获胜 huòshèng to win a victory v
获悉 huòxī to receive news of v
祸害 huòhai n. scourge; v. to damage n v
霍乱 huòluàn cholera n
豁达 huòdá open‐minded adj
几率 jīlǜ probability n
讥笑 jīxiào to sneer at v
饥饿 ji'è hungry adj
机舱 jīcāng cabin (of a plane) n
机v jīdòng motorized; locomotive adj
机灵 jīling clever adj
机密 jīmì adj. confidential; n. secret adj n
机智 jīzhì quick‐witted adj
肌肤 jīfū skin and muscle n
积 jī to amass; to accumulate v
积淀 jīdiàn v. to accumulate; n. sediment v n
积蓄 jīxù v. to save up; n. savings v n
基本功 jīběngōng basic skills n
基层 jīcéng grassroots n
基因 jīyīn gene n
基于 jīyú on account of prep
基准 jīzhǔn benchmark n
畸adj jīxíng deformed; unbalanced adj
激发 jīfā to excite v
激光 jīguāng laser n
激化 jīhuà to intensify v
激活 jīhuó to activate v
激励 jīlì to impel; to urge v
激起 jīqǐ to excite v
激素 jīsù hormone n
及 jí and conj
及其 jí qí and its/their/his/her
及早 jízǎo as soon as possible adv
吉普 jípǔ jeep n
吉他 jítā guitar n
吉祥物 jixiángwù mascot n
级别 jíbié level n
极度 jídù extremely adv
极力 jílì to do one's utmost adv
极少num jí shǎoshù very few
极为 jíwéi extremely adv
极限 jíxiàn limit n
即 jí that is; namely adv
即便 jíbiàn even if conj
即可 jíkě …and that will suffice v
急剧 jíjù sharp; sudden adj
急迫 jípò urgent adj
急性 jíxìng acute adj
急需 jíxū to urgently need v
急于 jíyú to be eager to v
v. provide emergency treatment; n.
急诊 jízhěn v n
急转弯 jízhuǎnwān sharp turn
棘手 jíshǒu thorny (problem); troublesome adj
集会 jíhuì n. assembly; v. to assemble n v
集结 jíjié to assemble (esp. of troops) v
集邮 jí//yóu to collect stamps
集装箱 jízhuāngxiāng container n
集资 jízī raise funds v
嫉妒 jídù to envy v
挤压 jǐyā to press; to squeeze v
脊梁 jǐ∙liáng spine n
计 jì n. count; v. to count n v
计策 jìcè plan; ploy n
计较 jìjiào to haggle over; to argue v
计时 jìshí to time; to mark time v
记号 jìhao mark n
fresh in one's mind; to remember
记忆犹新 jìyì‐yóuxīn
纪录片 jìlùpiàn documentary n
纪念碑 jìniànbēi monument n
纪念馆 jìniànguǎn memorial hall n
纪念日 jìniànrì anniversary n
v. to document events; n.
纪实 jìshí v n
documentation of events
技艺 jìyì skill n
忌 jì to avoid v
忌讳 jì∙huì to taboo v
忌口 jì//kǒu to avoid or abstain from certain food
剂 jì n. dose; measure word for medicine n MW
迹象 jìxiàng sign n
继 jì to follow v
继而 jì'ér subsequently conj
继父 jìfù stepfather n
继母 jìmǔ stepmother n
祭 jì to offer a sacrifice to v
to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors;
祭奠 jìdiàn v
to commemorate the dead
to offer sacrifices (to gods or
祭祀 jìsì v
寄托 jìtuō entrust to the care of someone v
寂静 jìjìng silent adj
寂寞 jìmò lonely adj
加紧 jiājǐn to intensify v
加剧 jiājù to exacerbate v
加深 jiāshēn to deepen v
加重 jiāzhòng to aggravate v
佳节 jiājié festival n
家伙 jiāhuo guy n
家家户户 jiājiāhùhù each and every family n
家教 jiājiào tutor n
家境 jiājìng family background n
家禽 jiāqín poultry n
家用 jiāyòng n. home use; adj. domestic n adj
家喻户晓 jiāyù‐hùxiǎo well‐known
家政 jiāzhèng housekeeping n
家族 jiāzú family n
嘉年华 jiāniánhuá carnival n
假定 jiǎdìng to assume v
假冒 jiǎmào to pass oneself off as v
v. to assume; suppposing that…; n.
假设 jiǎshè v n
假使 jiǎshǐ if conj
假装 jiǎzhuāng to pretend v
价位 jiàwèi price n
价值观 jiàzhíguān value n
驾 jià to drive v
驾车 jià chē to drive
驾驭 jiàyù to drive; to control v
架势 jiàshi posture; stance n
架子 jiàzi shelf n
嫁 jià (of a female) to marry (a male) v
嫁妆 jiàzhuang dowry n
n. tip; sharp pointed end; adj. cutting‐
尖端 jiānduān n adj
edge; tip‐top
尖锐 jiānruì sharp; keen adj
奸诈 jiānzhà treacherous adj
歼灭 jiānmiè to annihilate v
坚持不懈 jiānchí‐búxiè unremitting
坚韧 jiānrèn tough; tenacious adj
坚实 jiānshí solid adj
坚守 jiānshǒu to hold fast; to stick to v
坚信 jiānxìn to firmly believe v
坚硬 jiānyìng hard adj
肩膀 jiānbǎng shoulder n
肩负 jiānfù to shoulder v
艰巨 jiānjù arduous adj
艰苦奋斗 jiānkǔ‐fèndòu hard struggle
艰险 jiānxiǎn perilous adj
艰辛 jiānxīn arduous adj
监察 jiānchá to inspect v
监管 jiānguǎn to supervise v
监护 jiānhù to act as a guardian; to watch over v
监控 jiānkòng to monitor v
监视 jiānshì to monitor v
监狱 jiānyù prison n
兼 jiān to hold two posts at the same time v
兼顾 jiāngù to take into account v
兼任 jiānrèn to hold a concurrent post v
兼容 jiānróng to be compatible v
兼职 jiānzhí part time n
煎 jiān to fry v
拣 jiǎn to pick; to select v
检察 jiǎnchá to inspect v
检讨 jiǎntǎo to make a self‐criticism v
减免 jiǎnmiǎn to mitigate; to annul; to remit v
减弱 jiǎnruò to weaken v
减速 jiǎn//sù to slow down
减压 jiǎnyā to relieve stress v
简称 jiǎnchēng v. to abbreviate; n. abbreviation v n
简短 jiǎnduǎn brief adj
简化 jiǎnhuà to simplify v
简洁 jiǎnjié concise adj
简陋 jiǎnlòu simple and crude adj
简体字 jiǎntǐzì simplified Chinese character n
简要 jiǎnyào brief adj
简易 jiǎnyì simple adj
见解 jiànjiě opinion n
wide‐eyed at the sight of money;
见钱眼开 jiànqián‐yǎnkāi
a matter of opinion; differing
见仁见智 jiànrén‐jiànzhì
v. to broaden one's experiences; n.
见识 jiànshi v n
见外 jiànwài to treat as an outsider adj
to be effective; to produce the
见效 jiànxiào v
desired effect
to do boldly what is right; to act
见义勇为 jiànyì‐yǒngwéi
couragously for a just cause
见证 jiànzhèng v. to witness; n. witness v n
间谍 jiàndié spy n
间断 jiànduàn to be intermittent; to be interrupted v
间隔 jiàngé v. to leave a gap; n. interval v n
间隙 jiànxì gap n
建交 jiàn//jiāo to build diplomatic relations
建树 jiànshù v. to contribute; n. contribution v n
建筑师 jiànzhùshī architect n
建筑物 jiànzhùwù building n
贱 jiàn cheap adj
健美 jiànměi n. workout; adj. fit n adj
健壮 jiànzhuàng robust adj
溅 jiàn to splash v
鉴别 jiànbié to differentiate; to distinguish v
鉴赏 jiànshǎng to appreciate v
鉴于 jiànyú in view of prep
姜 jiāng ginger n
僵 jiāng stiff adj
僵化 jiānghuà to become rigid v
僵局 jiāngjú deadlock n
讲解 jiǎngjiě to explain v
讲述 jiǎngshù to narrate; to give an account of v
讲学 jiǎng//xué to give a lecture
奖杯 jiǎngbēi cup (as in World Cup) n
奖牌 jiǎngpái medal n
奖品 jiǎngpǐn prize n
奖项 jiǎngxiàng award n
降临 jiànglín to befall; to arrive v
交叉 jiāochā to cross v
交锋 jiāo//fēng to confront; to clash
交付 jiāofù to deliver; to consign v
(of feelings) to be mixed; to occur
交集 jiāojí v
交接 jiāojiē to associate with; to take over from v
交界 jiāojiè to have a common border v
交纳 jiāonà to pay (taxes or dues) v
交情 jiāoqing friendship n
交涉 jiāoshè to negotiate v
交谈 jiāotán to chat v
交替 jiāotì to alternate v
交头接耳 jiāotóu‐jiē'ěr whisper into each other's ears
交响乐 jiāoxiǎngyuè symphony n
郊外 jiāowài suburbs; outskirts n
to make an outing; to go on an
郊游 jiāoyóu v
浇 jiāo to pour v
娇惯 jiāoguàn to pamper; to coddle v
娇气 jiāo∙qì fragile; squeamish adj
胶囊 jiāonáng capsule n
胶片 jiāopiàn (a roll of) film n
焦 jiāo anxious adj
焦急 jiāojí anxious; worried adj
焦距 jiāojù focal length n
焦虑 jiāolǜ anxious; troubled adj
焦躁 jiāozào restless with anxiety adj
礁石 jiāoshí reef n
嚼 jiáo to chew v
角落 jiǎoluò corner n
狡猾 jiǎohuá cunning adj
绞 jiǎo to twist v
矫正 jiǎozhèng to correct v
搅 jiǎo to stir v
搅拌 jiǎobàn to stir v
缴 jiǎo to pay v
缴费 jiǎofèi to pay fees v
缴纳 jiǎonà to pay v
叫板 jiào//bǎn to challenge; to defy
叫好 jiào//hǎo to applaud
轿车 jiàochē car n
较劲 jiào//jìn to compete; to match strength with
较MW jiàoliàng to have a contest v
教科书 jiàokēshū textbook n
教条 jiàotiáo n. dogma; adj. dogmatic n adj
教养 jiàoyǎng v. to educate; n. education v n
阶层 jiēcéng social class n
阶级 jiējí social class n
阶梯 jiētī ladder n
皆 jiē all adv
结 jiē to knot v
结果 jiē//guǒ result
to take over from somebody; to
接班 jiē//bān
接班人 jiēbānrén successor n
接二conj三 jiē'èr‐liánsān one after another
to integrate into something; to be in
接轨 jiē//guǐ
step with
接济 jiējì to give financial help to v
接见 jiējiàn to receive (a guest) v
接力 jiēlì to relay v
接纳 jiēnà to accept (into an organization) v
接手 jiēshǒu to take over (duties) v
接送 jiēsòng to pick up and drop off v
接替 jiētì to take over (a post) v
接听 jiētīng to answer (the phone) v
接通 jiētōng to connect v
揭发 jiēfā to expose v
揭露 jiēlù to expose v
揭示 jiēshì to reveal v
揭晓 jiēxiǎo to make known v
节俭 jiéjiǎn frugal adj
节气 jié∙qì solar terms n
节水 jiéshuǐ water‐saving v
节衣缩食 jiéyī‐suōshí to live frugally
劫 jié to rob; to plunder v
劫持 jiéchí to hijack v
洁净 jiéjìng clean adj
结冰 jiébīng to freeze v
结晶 jiéjīng crystallization n
结局 jiéjú ending n
结识 jiéshí to get acquainted with v
结尾 jiéwěi v. to end; n. ending v n
截 jié v. to cut; measure word for length v MW
截然不同 jiérán‐bùtóng completely different
竭尽全力 jiéjìn‐quánlì to do your best
竭力 jiélì to do one's utmost adv
解答 jiědá to answer v
解读 jiědú to interpret; to decode v
解雇 jiěgù to dismiss; to fire v
解救 jiějiù to rescue v
解剖 jiěpōu to dissect v
解散 jiěsàn to dissolve; to disband v
解体 jiětǐ to disintegrate; to decompose v
解脱 jiětuō to untie; to extricate oneself v
解围 jiě//wéi to force an enemy to raise a siege
解析 jiěxī to analyze v
prep入 jièrù to intervene v
prep意 jiè//yì to mind; to object
prep于 jièyú to be in between v
戒备 jièbèi to be on the alert v
戒烟 jiè yān to quit smoking
戒指 Jièzhi ring n
届时 jièshí when the time comes adv
界定 jièdìng to define v
界限 jièxiàn limit n
界线 jièxiàn boundary n
借口 jièkǒu v. to excuse; n. excuse v n
借条 jiètiáo reciept for a loan n
借用 jièyòng to borrow v
借助 jièzhù to draw support from v
金属 jīnshǔ metal n
金子 jīnzi gold n
金字塔 jīnzìtǎ pyramid n
津津有味 jīnjīn‐yǒuwèi with relish
津贴 jīntiē allowance; financial aid n
筋 jīn tendon n
禁不住 jīnbuzhù can't help (doing); unable to bear v
仅次于 jǐn cì yú second only to
尽 jǐn v. to exhaust; adv. fully v adv
尽早 jǐnzǎo as soon as possible adv
紧凑 jǐncòu compact adj
紧接着 jǐn jiēzhē immediately afterwards
紧迫 jǐnpò urgent adj
紧缺 jǐnquē in short supply; badly needed adj
紧缩 jǐnsuō to tighten v
锦旗 jǐnqí brocade flag; silk banner n
谨慎 jǐnshèn cautious adj
尽情 jìnqíng to one's heart's content
尽头 jìntóu end n
进场 jìnchǎng to enter the arena v
进程 jìnchéng process; course n
进出 jìnchū to go in or out v
进出口 jìn‐chūkǒu import and export
进度 jìndù rate of progress; schedule n
进而 jìn'ér and then conj
进修 jìnxiū to undertake advanced studies v
近年来 jìnnián lái in recent years
劲头 jìntóu strength n
晋升 jìnshēng to promote v
浸泡 jìnpào to soak v
禁忌 jìnjì n. taboo; v. to taboo n v
禁区 jìnqū restricted area n
茎 jīng stem n
经 jīng to go through; to endure v
经度 jīngdù longitude n
经久不息 jīngjiǔ‐bùxī prolonged
经贸 jīngmào economy and trade n
经商 jīng//shāng to be in business
经受 jīngshòu to undergo (hardship); to endure v
荆棘 jīngjí thorns; thistles n
惊 jīng to shock v
惊诧 jīngchà surprised adj
惊慌 jīnghuāng alarmed adj
惊慌失措 jīnghuāng‐shīcuò frightened out of one's wits
惊奇 jīngqí amazed adj
惊interjectio jīngtàn to marvel at v
惊天v地 jīngtiān‐dòngdì shocking
惊险 jīngxiǎn thrilling; daring adj
惊心v魄 jīngxīn‐dòngpò soul‐stirring
惊醒 jīngxǐng to wake up with a start v
惊讶 jīngyà surprised adj
晶莹 jīngyíng crystal clear adj
兢兢业业 jīngjīngyèyè dedicated adj
careful calculation and strict
精打细算 jīngdǎ‐xìsuàn
精华 jīnghuá essence n
精简 jīngjiǎn to streamline v
精练 jīngliàn concise adj
精妙 jīngmiào exquisite adj
精明 jīngmíng shrewd adj
精疲力竭 jīngpí‐lìjié exhausted
精确 jīngquè accurate adj
精神病 jīngshénbìng mental illness n
精髓 jīngsuǐ essence n
精通 jīngtōng to be proficient in v
精细 jīngxì fine; meticulous adj
精心 jīngxīn elaborate adj
精益求精 jīngyìqiújīng to be constantly improving
精英 jīngyīng elite n
精致 jīngzhì exquisite adj
颈部 jǐngbù neck n
景观 jǐngguān landscape n
景区 jǐngqū scenic area n
警车 jǐngchē police car n
警官 jǐngguān police officer n
警惕 jǐngtì to be on guard against v
警钟 jǐngzhōng alarm bell n
净化 jìnghuà to purify v
竞技 jìngjì to compete in sports v
竞相 jingxiāng competitively adv
竞选 jìngxuǎn to campaign (for office) v
竟 jìng actually; unexpectedly adv
竟敢 jìnggǎn to dare to v
敬 jìng to respect v
敬爱 jìng'ài to love and respect v
to keep a respectful distance from
敬而远之 jìng'éryuǎnzhī
敬酒 jìngjiǔ to toast v
敬礼 jìng//lǐ to salute
敬佩 jìngpèi to admire v
敬请 jìngqǐng to invite respectfully v
敬业 jìngyè to dedicate oneself to work or study v
敬意 jìngyì respect n
敬重 jìngzhòng to respect deeply v
静止 jìngzhǐ to stay still v
境地 jìngdì situation; circumstances n
境界 jìngjiè realm n
境内 jìngnèi domestic; area inside the borders n
境外 jìngwài abroad; area outside the borders n
境遇 jìngyù situation; one's lot n
embarrassed; hard‐pressed; very
窘迫 jiǒngpò adj
纠缠 jiūchán to entangle v
揪 jiū to hold tight v
久违 jiǔwéi to have not seen for a long time v
久仰 jiǔyǎng It's an honor to meet you at last! v
酒精 jiǔjīng alcohol n
酒楼 jiǔlóu restaurant n
救护车 jiùhùchē ambulance n
救济 jiùjì to relieve the distress of v
救治 jiùzhì to treat v
就餐 jiùcān to have a meal v
就地 jiùdì on the spot adv
就读 jiùdú to attend school v
就近 jiùjìn nearby adv
就任 jiùrèn take office v
就医 jiù//yī to seek medical treatment
就诊 jiù//zhěn clinic
就职 jiù//zhí to take office
就座 jiù//zuò to take a seat
舅舅 jiùjiu uncle n
拘留 jūliú to detain v
拘束 jūshù v. to restrain; adj. constrained v adj
居高临下 jūgāo‐línxià to occupy a commanding position
居民楼 jūmínlóu residential building n
鞠躬 jū//gōng to bow
局部 júbù part n
局势 júshì situation n
局限 júxiàn to limit v
菊花 júhuā chrysanthemum n
橘子 júzi tangerine n
沮丧 jǔsàng dejected adj
举报 jǔbào to report v
举措 jǔcuò measure; act n
举例 jǔ//lì to give an example
举世闻n jǔshì‐wénmíng world‐famous
举世无双 jǔshì‐wúshuāng unparalleled
举世瞩目 jǔshì‐zhǔmù attract worldwide attention
举一反三 jǔyī‐fǎnsān to learn by analogy
举止 jǔzhǐ manner; bearing n
举重 jǔzhòng weightlifting n
巨额 jù'é of a huge amount adj
巨人 jùrén giant n
巨头 jùtóu magnate; tycoon n
巨星 jùxīng superstar n
巨型 jùxíng giant adj
剧烈 jùliè severe adj
剧目 jùmù repertoire n
剧情 jùqíng plot of a play n
剧团 jùtuán troupe n
剧院 jùyuàn theater n
剧组 jùzǔ cast and crew n
据此 jùcǐ according to this v
据悉 jùxī it is reported that v
距 jù distance from v
锯 jù n. saw; v. to cut with a saw n v
聚集 jùjí to gather v
聚精会神 jùjīng‐huìshén to concentrate one's attention
捐献 juānxiàn to donate v
卷入 juǎnrù to involve v
卷子 juànzi examination paper n
圈 juàn pen; lock‐up n
决议 juéyì resolution n
诀别 juébié to bid farewell v
诀窍 juéqiào secret of success; tricks of the trade n
角逐 juézhú to contend; to tussle with v
觉醒 juéxǐng to become fully aware of v
绝技 juéjì stunt; supreme feat n
绝缘 juéyuán to cut all ties with v
绝招 juézhāo unique skill n
倔强 juéjiàng stubborn adj
to rise abruptly; to suddenly appear
崛起 juéqǐ v
on the horizon
爵士 juéshì jazz n
倔 juè stubborn; surly adj
军官 jūnguān officer n
均衡 jūnhéng balanced adj
均匀 jūnyún even adj
君子 jūnzǐ gentleman n
俊 jùn hansome adj
俊俏 jùnqiào pretty and charming adj
骏马 jùnmǎ steed n
竣工 jùngōng to complete (a project) v
卡车 kǎchē truck n
卡片 kǎpiàn card n
卡通 kǎtōng cartoon n
to start (a factory, school, etc.); to
开办 kāibàn v
开采 kāicǎi to mine v
开场 kāi//chǎng to start (a performance)
开场白 kāichǎngbái opening remark n
开除 kāichú to dismiss v
开v kāidòng to start up v
开发区 kāifāqū development zone n
开发商 kāifāshāng developer n
开工 kāi//gōng to go into operation
开垦 kāikěn to reclaim v
开口 kāi//kǒu to open one's mouth; to start to talk
开阔 kāikuò adj. open; v. to broaden adj v
开朗 kāilǎng cheerful adj
开辟 kāipì to open up; to pioneer v
开启 kāiqǐ to open; to initiate; to launch v
开枪 kāi qiāng to fire with a gun; to shoot
to open the sky and divide the earth;
开天辟地 kāitiān‐pìdì reference to the Chinese creation
开拓 kāituò to open up; to exploit v
v. to pay expeneses; n. overhead
开销 kāi∙xiāo v n
开张 kāi//zhāng to open a business
开支 kāizhī expenditure n
凯歌 kǎigē a triumphant song n
楷模 kǎimó model; paragon n
to publish (in a newspaper or
刊登 kāndēng v
刊物 kānwù periodical; publication n
看护 kānhù v. to care; n. hospital nurse v n
勘探 kāntàn to explore v
堪称 kānchēng can be said to be v
侃大山 kǎn dàshān to chat idly; to gossip
砍 kǎn to cut v
看得出 kàndechū be able to see v
看热闹 kàn rènao to watch the excitement
看似 kànsì to seem v
看台 kàntái stands; bleachers n
看样子 kàn yàngzi to seem
to take a liking to; to have a
看中 kàn//zhòng
preference for
看重 kànzhòng to value; to regard as important v
慷慨 kāngkǎi generous; vehement adj
扛 káng to carry on the shoulder v
抗衡 kànghéng to contend v
抗拒 kàngjù to resist v
抗生素 kàngshēngsù antibiotic n
to fight against; to take a stand
抗争 kàngzhēng v
考MW kǎo∙liáng to take something into consideration v
烤 kǎo to bake v
靠拢 kàolǒng to draw close v
苛刻 kēkè harsh adj
科幻 kēhuàn science fiction n
科目 kēmù suject n
科普 kēpǔ popular science n
磕 kē to knock against v
壳 ké shell n
咳嗽 késou to cough v
可悲 kěbēi sad adj
可不是 kěbú∙shi Exactly!; That's just the way it is adv
可乘之机 kěchéngzhījī opportunity to exploit
可耻 kěchǐ shameful adj
可歌可泣 kěgē‐kěqì inspiring and tragic
可观 kěguān objective; considerable adj
可贵 kěguì valuable adj
可口 kěkǒu tasty adj
可谓 kēwèi can be described as v
可恶 kěwù hateful adj
可想而知 kěxiǎng'érzhī it can be imagined
可笑 kēxiào ridiculous adj
可信 kěxìn credible adj
可行 kěxíng feasible adj
可疑 kěyí suspicious adj
克隆 kèlóng to clone v
克制 kèzhì to restrain v
刻苦 kèkǔ hard‐working adj
刻意 kèyì deliberately; meticulously adv
to mark the boat to find the sword;
刻舟求剑 kèzhōu‐qiújiàn to take measures without regard to
changes in circumstance
客房 kèfáng guest room n
客机 kèjī airliner; passenger plane n
客流 kèliú passenger flow n
客运 kèyùn passenger transport n
恳求 kěnqiú to plead; to implore v
啃 kěn to bite v
坑 kēng v. to cheat; n. pit v n
空荡荡 kōngdàngdàng empty adj
空难 kōngnàn air crash n
空前 kōngqián unprecedented adj
空想 kōngxiǎng v. to fantasize; n. fantasy v n
空虚 kōngxū empty adj
恐怖 kǒngbù fearful adj
恐吓 kǒnghè to intimidate v
恐慌 kǒnghuāng panicky adj
恐惧 kǒngjù afraid adj
恐龙 kǒnglóng dinosaur n
空白 kòngbái blank n
空地 kòngdì space n
空隙 kòngxì gap; void n
控告 kònggào to accuse v
v. to cut; to carve; to dig out; adj.
抠 kōu v adj
口碑 kǒubēi public praise n
口才 kǒucái eloquence n
口吃 kǒuchī to stutter v
口感 kǒugǎn taste; texture of food n
口径 kǒujìng caliber n
口令 kǒulìng password n
口气 kǒu∙qì tone; manner of speaking n
口腔 kǒuqiāng oral cavity n
口哨 kǒushào whistle n
口水 kǒushuǐ saliva n
口头 kǒutóu n. in speech; adj. oral n adj
口味 kǒuwèi taste n
口香糖 kǒuxiāngtáng chewing gum n
口音 kǒuyīn accent n
口罩 kǒuzhào face mask n
口子 kǒuzi opening n
扣除 kòuchú to deduct v
扣留 kòuliú to detain v
扣人心弦 kòurénxīnxián exciting; breath‐taking
扣押 kòuyā to seize v
枯燥 kūzào dull adj
哭泣 kūqì to cry v
哭笑不得 kūxiào‐bùdé to not know whether to laugh or cry
窟隆 kūlong hole; cavity n
hard work; coolie (pejorative term
苦力 kǔlì for unskilled Chinese laborers in n
colonial times)
苦练 kǔ liàn to practise hard
苦难 kǔnàn suffering n
苦恼 kǔnǎo distressed; vexed adj
苦笑 kǔxiào to have a wry smile; to force a smile v
n. painstaking effort; adv. with great
苦心 kǔxīn n adv
to look exactly like; to be the very
酷似 kùsì v
image of
夸 kuā to boast v
夸大 kuādà to exaggerate v
夸奖 kuājiǎng to praise v
夸夸其谈 kuākuā‐qítán to exaggerate; bombastic
夸耀 kuāyào to brag about; to show off v
垮 kuǎ to collapse v
to carry on the arm, over one's
挎 kuà shoulder, around one's neck, or at v
one's side
跨国 kuàguó to be transnational v
跨越 kuàyuè to span v
快捷 kuàijié fast; nimble adj
宽敞 kuānchāng spacious adj
宽泛 kuānfàn (of meaning) wide in range adj
宽厚 kuānhòu tolerant; generous adj
宽容 kuānróng to tolerate; to bear with v
宽恕 kuānshù to forgive v
宽松 kuān∙sōng loose (clothing) adj
款式 kuǎnshì pattern; style n
款项 kuǎnxiàng sum of money; fund n
筐 kuāng basket n
狂欢 kuánghuān to revel; to paint the town red v
狂欢节 kuánghuānjié carnival n
狂热 kuángrè fanatical; frenetic adj
to be absent from school; to be
旷课 kuàng//kè
况且 kuàngqiě besides conj
矿藏 kuàngcáng mineral resources n
框 kuàng n. frame; v. to frame n v
框架 kuàngjià frame n
亏本 kuī//běn to lose money (in business)
亏损 kuīsǔn to be in (financial) deficit v
昆虫 kūnchóng insect n
v. to bundle; measure word for
捆 kǔn v MW
things that can be bundled
困惑 kùnhuò adj. puzzled; v. to puzzle adj v
困境 kùnjìng dilemma n
扩 kuò to expand v
扩建 kuòjiàn to extend (a building, runway, etc.) v
扩散 kuòsàn to diffuse v
扩张 kuòzhāng to expand v
括弧 kuòhú brackets; parentheses n
阔绰 kuòchuò ostentatious; extravagant adj
拉v lādòng to spur on; to fuel v
拉拢 lā∙lǒng to draw somebody in; to rope in v
拉锁 lāsuǒ lock n
啦啦队 lālāduì cheerleading n
喇叭 lǎba trumpet; horn n
腊月 làyuè twelfth lunar month n
蜡 là wax n
蜡烛 làzhú candle n
辣椒 làjiāo chili n
来宾 láibīn guest n
来电 láidiàn v. to call in; n. incoming call v n
来访 láifǎng to come and visit v
来回 láihuí adv., n. back and forth adv n
来历 láilì origin n
来临 láilín to approach v
origin and development; the entire
来龙去脉 láilóng‐qùmài
来年 láinián coming year n
来源于 láiyuán yú to derive from
拦 lán to bar v
column (of page, table, or
栏 lán n
栏杆 lángān railing n
蓝图 lántú blueprint n
揽 lǎn to seize; to fasten with a rope v
缆车 lǎnchē cable car n
to not feel like (doing); to be
懒得 lǎnde v
disinclined to
懒惰 lǎnduò lazy adj
滥用 lànyòng to abuse v
狼 láng wolf n
狼狈 lángbèi embarrassed; in a tight spot adj
朗诵 lǎngsòng to recite v
浪 làng wave n
捞 lāo to fish for v
劳v力 láodònglì labor force n
劳累 láolèi exhausted adj
劳务 láowù (labor) service n
牢固 láogù firm; secure adj
牢记 láojì to keep in mind v
牢牢 láoláo firmly
唠叨 láodao to nag v
husband and wife (of an elderly
老伴儿 lǎobànr n
老大 lǎodà n. boss; adv. aged n adv
老汉 lǎohàn old man n
老化 lǎohuà to age v
老人家 lǎorenjia venerable old person n
老实说 lǎoshishuō honestly speaking
老远 lǎo yuǎn far away
old and famous business; business
老字号 lǎozìhao n
with a long‐standing reputation
姥姥 lǎolao maternal grandmother n
姥爷 lǎoye maternal grandfather n
涝 lào waterlogged; inundated adj
乐意 lèyì v. to be willing to; adj. content v adj
乐园 lèyuán paradise; amusement park n
勒 lēi to tie or strap something tight v
to echo what others have said; to
雷同 léitóng adj
lack originality
累积 lěijī to accumulate v
累计 lěijì to add up v
类别 lèibié category n
棱角 léngjiǎo edges and corners n
冷淡 lěngdàn adj. cold; v. to treat coldly adj v
冷冻 lěngdòng to freeze v
冷酷 lěngkù cold‐blooded; callous adj
冷酷无情 lěngkù‐wúqíng ruthless
冷落 lěngluò adj. desolate; v. to snub adj v
冷门 lěngmén unpopular subject or trade n
冷漠 lěngmò indifferent adj
冷笑 lěngxiào to sneer v
冷战 lěngzhàn cold war n
愣 lèng v. to be stupefied; adj. rash; blunt v adj
to go too far; to go beyond what is
离谱儿 lí//pǔr
离奇 líqí bizarre adj
离职 lí//zhí to resign
黎明 límíng dawn n
礼服 lǐfú ceremonial robe or dress n
礼品 lǐpǐn gift n
礼仪 lǐyí etiquette n
里程碑 lǐchéngbēi milestone n
理睬 lǐcǎi to show interest in v
理会 lǐhuì to take notice of v
理科 lǐkē science n
理念 lǐniàn idea; belief n
理事 lǐshì n. director; v. to handle affairs n v
理所当然 lǐsuǒdāngrán taken for granted
理性 lǐxìng adj. reasonable; n. reason adj n
to have the courage of one's
理直气壮 lǐzhí‐qìzhuàng
less capable that desirable; not as
力不从心 lìbùcóngxīn
strong as one would wish
力度 lìdù strength n
力求 lìqiú to strive for v
力所能及 lìsuǒnéngjí in one's power
力争 lìzhēng to strive v
历程 lìchéng course n
all previous (meetings, governments,
历届 lìjiè adj
历经 lìjīng to go through v
历来 lìlái always adv
历时 lìshí v. to last; adj. diachronic v adj
立方 lìfāng n. cube; measure word for cubes n MW
立方米 lìfāngmǐ cubic meter MW
to do a deed of honor; to make a
立功 lì//gōng
立交桥 lìjiāoqiáo overpass n
立体 lìtǐ three‐dimensional adj
立足 lìzú to have a foothold v
励志 lìzhì to strive for success v
利害 lìhài pros and cons n
利率 lìlǜ interest rate n
利索 lìsuo agile; orderly; unworried adj
粒 lì measure word for pellets of grain MW
conj滚带爬 liángǔn‐dàipá rolling and crawling
conj绵 liánmián to be continuous v
to be re‐elected or reappointed
conj任 liánrèn v
consecutively to office
conj锁 liánsuǒ chain adj
conj锁店 liánsuǒdiàn chain store n
conj夜 liányè on the same night; for nights on end 理
怜惜 liánxī to take pity on v
帘子 liánzi curtain n
莲子 liánzǐ lotus seed n
联邦 liánbāng federation; union; commonwealth n
联欢 liánhuān to have a get‐together v
联网 lián//wǎng to form a network
廉价 liánjià cheap adj
廉洁 liánjié incorruptible adj
廉正 liánzhèng upright and honest adj
廉政 liánzhèng to govern with integrity v
脸颊 liǎnjiá cheeks n
炼 liàn to refine v
恋恋不舍 liànliàn‐bùshě to be reluctant to part from
良 liáng good adj
良心 liángxīn conscience n
良性 liángxìng benign; beneficial adj
凉爽 liángshuǎng cool adj
两口子 liǎngkǒuzi couple; husband and wife n
两栖 liǎngqī amphibious v
亮点 liàngdiǎn bright spot n
亮丽 liànglì beautiful adj
to make one's debut; to make a
亮相 liàng//xiàng
public appearance
to understand; to make allowances
谅解 liàngjiě v
辽阔 liáokuò vast adj
疗法 liáofǎ therapy; treatment n
疗效 liáoxiào curative effect n
寥寥无几 liáoliáo‐wújǐ very few
潦草 liáocǎo illegible adj
了结 liǎojié to conclude; to bring to an end v
了却 liǎoquè to conclude; to settle v
料到 liàodào to forsee; to expect
料理 liàolǐ v. to cook; n. art of cooking; cuisine v n
咧嘴 liě//zuǐ grin
列举 lièjǔ to enumerate v
劣势 lièshì disadvantage; unfavorable position n
劣质 lièzhì inferior adj
烈士 lièshì martyr n
猎犬 lièquǎn hound n
猎人 lièrén hunter n
裂缝 lièfèng crack; rift; estrangement n
裂痕 lièhén crack; fissure n
拎 līn to carry; to grasp v
邻国 línguó neighboring countries n
v. to border; prep. just before; about
临 lín v prep
临床 línchuáng to diagnose and treat diseases v
临街 línjiē to face or overlook the street v
临近 línjìn to be close to v
淋 lín to pour; to drench; to soak v
灵 líng spirit adj
灵感 línggǎn inspiration n
灵魂 línghún soul n
to come up with an idea; to
灵机一v língjī‐yídòng
灵敏 língmǐn sensitive adj
灵巧 língqiǎo dexterous adj
灵通 língtōng well‐informed; effective adj
凌晨 língchén early morning n
零花钱 línghuāqián pocket money n
零件 língjiàn component; part (of a machine) n
零钱 língqián small change n
零售 língshòu to retail v
领队 lǐngduì v. to lead; n. leader v n
领会 lǐnghuì to understand v
领军 lǐngjūn to lead; to command an army v
to appreciate; to have a taste for; to
领略 lǐnglüè v
领事 lǐngshì consul n
领事馆 lǐngshìguǎn consulate n
领土 lǐngtǔ territory n
领悟 lǐngwù to understand v
领养 lǐngyǎng to adopt v
领域 lǐngyù field; domain n
溜 liū to slip away; to glide v
溜达 liūda to stroll v
浏览 liúlǎn to browse v
浏览器 liúlǎnqì browser n
to recall with nostalgia; to hate to
留恋 liúliàn v
have to go
留念 liúniàn to accept or keep as a souvenir v
留神 liú//shén to be careful; to take care
留心 liú//xīn to pay attention to; to watch out for
留意 liú//yì to pay attention to; to be mindful
流畅 liúchàng smooth; fluent adj
流程 liúchéng process; work flow n
流浪 liúlàng to wander v
流泪 liúlèi shed tears v
流MW liúliàng flow; volume of flow n
to reveal; to show unintentionally
流露 liúlù v
(thoughts or feelings)
流氓 liúmáng rogue n
流入 liúrù n. inflow; v. to flow into
流失 liúshī to be eroded; to be washed away v
流水 liúshuǐ flowing water n
流淌 liútǎng to flow v
direction of flow (of personnel,
流向 liúxiàng n
commodities, etc.)
流血 liúxuè to bleed v
流域 liúyù river basin n
(of goods) to circulate; to be on the
流转 liúzhuǎn v
柳树 liǔshù willow n
遛 liù to stroll v
龙舟 lóngzhōu dragon boat n
聋 lóng deaf adj
聋人 lóngrén deaf person n
笼子 lóngzi cage n
隆重 lóngzhòng grand adj
垄断 lǒngduàn to monopolize v
笼统 lǒngtǒng general; sweeping adj
笼罩 lǒngzhào to envelop; to shroud v
搂 lǒu to hug v
to show oneself; to make an
露面 lòu//miàn
appearance in public
芦花 lúhuā reed flower n
炉灶 lúzào stove n
炉子 lúzi stove n
卤味 lǔwèi pot‐stewed fowl, meat, etc. n
鲁莽 lǔmǎng reckless adj
录制 lùzhì to record v
鹿 lù deer n
路程 lùchéng journey n
路灯 lùdēng street lamp n
路段 lùduàn section of road n
路况 lùkuàng road conditions n
路面 lùmiàn pavement n
路人 lùrén passersby n
路途 lùtú road; way; journey n
路子 lùzi road n
露天 lùtiān n. open air; adj. outdoors n adj
旅程 lǚchéng journey n
旅途 lǚtú journey n
铝 lǚ aluminum n
屡 lǚ repeatedly adv
屡次 lǚcì repeatedly adv
缕 lǚ measure word for threads MW
履行 lǚxíng to fulfill; to carry out v
率(成功率)lǜ(chénggōnglǜ) rate (success rate) aux
绿灯 lǜdēng green light n
绿地 lǜdì green space; afforested land n
孪生 luánshēng twin adj
卵 luǎn egg; ovum n
乱七八糟 luànqībāzāo messy adj
掠夺 lüèduó to plunder v
略 lüè v. to seize; to omit; adj. slight; brief v adj
略微 lüèwēi slightly adv
抡 lūn to brandish v
伦理 lúnlǐ ethics n
轮换 lúnhuàn to rotate v
轮廓 lúnkuò contour n
轮流 lúnliú to take turns v
轮胎 lúntāi tire n
论述 lùnshù to discuss v
论坛 lùntán forum n
论证 lùnzhèng to argue and prove v
罗 luó n. a gross; v. to collect; to gather n v
萝卜 luóbo radish n
螺丝 luósī screw n
裸 luǒ to be bare v
裸露 luǒlù to be exposed v
络绎不绝 luòyì‐bùjué constantly
落差 luòchā gap; disparity n
落地 luò//dì to land (of a plane)
落户 luò//hù settle down
落下 luòxia to fall
麻1 má hemp n
麻2 má numb adj
麻痹 mábì to paralyze; to numb v
麻将 májiàng Mahjong n
麻辣 málà numbing spicy adj
麻木 mámù numb adj
麻醉 mázuì to anaesthetize v
马后炮 mǎhòupào belated action; too late n
马虎 mǎhu careless adj
马力 mǎlì horsepower MW
马桶 mǎtǒng toilet n
马戏 mǎxì circus n
码1 mǎ to pile v
measure word for matters to deal
码2 mǎ MW
埋藏 máicáng to bury v
埋伏 mái∙fú to ambush v
埋没 máimò to bury; to stilfe v
买不起 mǎi bu qǐ cannot afford
迈 mài to take a step v
迈进 màijìn to forge ahead v
卖弄 màinong to show off v
脉搏 màibó pulse n
脉络 màiluò vein n
埋怨 mányuàn to complain v
蛮 mán quite adv
瞒 mán to conceal v
满怀 mǎnhuái to be full of v
蔓延 mànyán to spread v
漫 màn to be everywhere; to inundate v
漫游 mànyóu to roam v
慢慢来 mànmàn lái take it easy
慢性 mànxìng chronic adj
忙活 mánghuo to be busy v
忙碌 mánglù busy adj
忙乱 mángluàn in a rush; hasty adj
盲目 mángmù blind adj
茫然 mángrán at a loss adj
矛头 máotóu spearhead n
茅台(酒) Máotái(jiǔ) Moutai (wine) n
茂密 màomì (of foliage) dense; thick adj
茂盛 màoshèng lush adj
冒充 màochōng to impersonate v
冒犯 màofàn to offend v
冒昧 màomèi bold; presumptuous adj
冒险 mào//xiǎn adventure
没劲 méijìn boring adj
没说的 méishuōde nothing to say; settled matter
没完没了 méiwán‐méiliǎo endless
没意思 méi yìsi boring
没辙 méi//zhé at wit's end; at the end of one's rope
没准儿 méi//zhǔnr maybe
玫瑰 méigui rose n
measure word for coins, rings, and
枚 méi MW
other small objects
眉开眼笑 méikāi‐yǎnxiào to beam with joy
眉毛 méimao eyebrow n
煤矿 méikuàng coal mine n
煤炭 méitàn coal n
每当 měidāng whenever prep
每逢 měiféng every time v
美德 měidé virtue n
美观 měiguān beautiful adj
美化 měihuà to beautify v
美景 měijǐng beautiful scenery n
美满 měimǎn happy adj
美妙 měimiào wonderful adj
美人 měirén beauty n
美味 měiwèi tasty n
美中不足 měizhōng‐bùzú a fly in the ointment
美滋滋 měizīzī very please with oneself adj
魅力 mèilì charm n
adj. suffocating; stuffy; v. to cover
闷 mēn adj v
tightly; to keep silent
be well‐matched in social and
门当户对 méndāng‐hùduì
economic status for marriage
门槛 ménkǎn threshold n
门铃 ménlíng doorbell n
way to do something; social
门路 ménlu n
connections (for securing jobs, etc.)
闷 mèn stuffy; bored adj
萌发 méngfā to bud v
萌芽 méngyá v. to bud; n. bud v n
盟友 méngyǒu ally n
朦胧 ménglóng hazy adj
猛烈 měngliè violent; fierce adj
猛然 měngrán suddenly adv
梦幻 mènghuàn dream n
弥补 míbǔ to make up; to remedy v
弥漫 mímàn to permeate v
迷惑 mí∙huò adj. confused; v. to confuse adj v
迷惑不解 míhuò‐bùjiě to be puzzled
迷恋 miliàn to be obsessed with v
迷路 mí//lù to get lost
迷失 míshī to lose (one's way) v
谜 mí puzzle n
谜底 mídǐ answer to a riddle n
谜团 mítuán doubts and suspicions n
谜语 míyǔ riddle n
秘方 mìfāng secret recipe n
秘诀 mìjué secret (of success) n
密不可分 mìbùkěfēn inseparable
密度 mìdù density n
密封 mìfēng to seal v
密集 míjí v. to crowd together; adj. dense v adj
蜜 mì honey n
蜜蜂 mìfēng bee n
蜜月 mìyuè honeymoon n
棉花 mián∙huā cotton n
免 miǎn to waive v
免不了 miǎnbuliǎo to be inevitable v
免除 miǎnchú to exempt v
免疫 miǎnyì to immunize v
免职 miǎn//zhí to remove someone from office
勉强 miǎnqiǎng adj. reluctant; v. to force adj v
缅怀 miǎnhuái to cherish the memory of v
面部 miànbù face n
面粉 miànfěn flour n
面红耳赤 miànhóng‐ěrchì red in the face
面面俱到 miànmiàn‐jùdào to take all aspects into account
面目全非 miànmù‐quánfēi to change beyond recognition
苗 miáo seedling n
苗条 miáotiao slim adj
first signs; development (of a
苗头 miáotou n
描绘 miáohuì to depict v
瞄准 miáo//zhǔn to aim
渺小 miǎoxiǎo negligible adj
庙 miào temple n
庙会 miàohuì temple fair n
灭绝 mièjué to become extinct v
灭亡 mièwáng to be destroyed; to die out v
民办 mínbàn privately run adj
民俗 mínsú folk customs n
民用 mínyòng for civilian use adj
民众 mínzhòng common people; the masses n
敏捷 mǐnjié agile adj
敏锐 mǐnruì keen adj
nadv其实 míngfùqíshí to be worthy of the name
n贵 míngguì precious; rare adj
n利 mínglì fame and fortune n
n气 míngqi fame n
n声 míngshēng reputation n
n言 míngyán well‐known saying n
n著 míngzhù masterpiece n
明朗 mínglǎng bright and clear; obvious adj
明媚 míngmèi bright and beautiful adj
明智 míngzhì wise; sagacious adj
铭记 míngjì to always remember v
命 mìng to assign a name; to command v
命n mìng//míng to bestow a name on
命题 mìng//tí n. proposition; v. to assign a topic
摸索 mō∙suǒ to grope v
模拟 mónǐ to simulate v
to break or wear in (a vehicle or
磨合 móhé v
磨难 mónàn suffering; tribulation n
磨损 mósǔn to suffer wear and tear v
蘑菇 mógu mushroom n
魔鬼 móguǐ devil n
魔术 móshù magic n
抹 mǒ to wipe v
末日 mòrì end; doomsday n
没落 mòluò to decline v
陌生 mòshēng strange; unknown adj
莫非 mòfēi could it be; is it possible that adv
nothing is more…than; nothing can
莫过于 mòguòyú v
莫n其妙 mòmíngqímiào baffling; inexplicable
漠然 mòrán indifferent adj
墨 mò ink n
默读 mòdú to read silently v
默默无闻 mòmò‐wúwén unknown to the public
adj. working well together; n. tacit
默契 mòqì adj n
谋害 móuhài to plot a murder v
谋求 móuqiú to seek v
谋生 móushēng about:blankmake a living v
牡丹 mǔdan peony n
亩 mǔ mu (a measure word for space) MW
木板 mùbǎn board n
木材 mùcái wood n
木匠 mù∙jiàng carpenter n
木偶 mù'ǒu puppet n
目不转睛 mùbùzhuǎnjīng to regard with rapt attention
目瞪口呆 mùdèng‐kǒudāi stunned
目的地 mùdìdì destination n
目睹 mùdǔ to witness v
目录 mùlù table of contents n
condescending; to consider everyone
目中无人 mùzhōng‐wúrén
beneath one's notice
沐浴露 mùyùlù shower gel n
牧场 mùchǎng pasture n
牧民 mùmín herdsman n
募捐 mù//juān to fundraise
墓碑 mùbēi tombstone n
墓地 mùdì cemetery n
幕 mù screen n
幕后 mùhòu behind the scene n
穆斯林 mùsīlín Muslim n
拿手 náshǒu good at; adept adj
哪知道 nǎ zhīdào Who would have thought that…?
呐喊 nàhǎn to shout v
纳闷儿 nà//mènr to be confused
纳入 nàrù to incorporate v
纳税 nà//shuì to pay taxes
纳税人 nàshuìrén taxpayer n
乃 nǎi so; therefore adv
乃至 nǎizhì and even conj
耐 nài to be durable; to withstand v
耐人寻味 nàirénxúnwèi intriguing
耐性 nàixìng patience n
南瓜 nán∙guā pumpkin n
难处 nánchù difficulty n
难得一见 nándé yí jiàn rarely seen
难点 nándiǎn difficulty n
adv. no wonder, v. to be
难怪 nánguài adv v
难关 nánguān difficulty; crisis n
难堪 nánkān v. to embarrass; adj. embarrassed v adj
难说 nánshuō difficult to say v
难为情 nánwéiqíng embarrassed; embarassing adj
难以想象 nányǐ‐xiǎngxiàng unimaginable
难以置信 nányǐ‐zhìxìn incredible
挠 náo to scratch v
恼羞成怒 nǎoxiū‐chéngnù to fly into a rage out of shame
脑海 nǎohǎi brain n
脑筋 nǎojīn brain n
闹事 nào//shì to make trouble
闹着玩儿 nàozhewánr to joke; to not take seriously
内存 nèicún computer memory n
内阁 nèigé cabinet n
内涵 nèihán connotation n
内行 nèiháng expert adj
内幕 nèimù inside story n
内向 nèixiàng introverted adj
内需 nèixū domestic demand n
嫩 nèn tender adj
能耗 nénghào energy consumption n
能耐 néngnai n. ability; adj. able n adj
能人 néngrén a capable person n
能源 néngyuán energy (resources) n
尼龙 nílóng nylon n
泥潭 nítán quagmire n
泥土 nítǔ soil n
拟 nǐ to propose v
拟定 nǐdìng to draw up v
逆 nì to go against; to defy v
匿n nìmíng to anonymize v
年画 niánhuà New Year painting n
年迈 niánmài old adj
年限 niánxiàn period; fixed number of years n
年薪 niánxīn annual salary n
年夜饭 niányèfàn New Year's Eve gathering n
年终 niánzhōng end of the year n
黏 nián sticky adj
念念不忘 niànniàn‐búwàng to never forget
念书 niàn//shū to study
念头 niàntou idea n
娘 niáng mother; young woman n
酿造 niàngzào to brew v
鸟巢 niǎocháo bird's nest n
尿 niào v. to urinate; n. urine v n
捏 niē to pinch v
拧 níng to twist; to wring v
凝固 nínggù to solidify v
凝聚 níngjù to condense v
拧 nǐng to screw v
宁可 nìngkě rather adv
宁愿 nìngyuàn would rather adv
扭曲 niǔqū to distort v
扭头 niǔ//tóu to turn around; to turn away
扭转 niǔzhuǎn to reverse v
纽带 niǔdài link n
纽扣 niǔkòu button n
农场 nóngchǎng farm n
农历 nónglì lunar calendar n
农民工 nóngmíngōng migrant workers n
农作物 nóngzuòwù crops n
浓厚 nónghòu strong adj
浓缩 nóngsuō to concentrate v
浓郁 nóngyù (of fragrance) strong adj
浓重 nóngzhòng strong adj
弄虚作假 nòngxū‐zuòjiǎ to fake; to employ trickery
奴隶 núlì slave n
女婿 nǚxu son‐in‐law n
暖烘烘 nuǎnhōnghōng nice and warm adj
虐待 nüèdài to abuse v
挪 nuó to move v
诺言 nuòyán promise n
哦 ò oh interjection
殴打 ōudǎ to beat v
呕吐 ǒutù to vomit v
趴 pā lie on one's stomach v
to beat time with clappers; to have
拍板 pāi//bǎn
the final say
拍卖 pāimài to auction v
拍戏 pāi//xì to make a film
排斥 páichì to exclude v
排放 páifàng to emit v
排练 páiliàn to rehearse v
徘徊 páihuái to walk to and fro; to hesitate v
牌照 páizhào license plate n
派别 pàibié faction n
派遣 pàiqiǎn to send v
攀 pān to climb v
攀升 pānshēng to rise; to ascend v
盘 pán to check; to examine v
盘算 pánsuan to calculate v
判处 pànchǔ to sentence; to condemn v
判定 pàndìng to determine; to judge v
判决 pànjué to pronounce; to pass judgement v
盼 pàn to hope v
叛逆 pànnì v. to rebel; n. rebel v n
庞大 pángdà huge adj
旁观 pángguān to stand by; to look on v
抛 pāo to throw; to cast aside v
抛开 pāokāi to get rid of
抛弃 pāoqì to abandon v
刨 páo to excavate v
跑车 pǎochē sports car n
跑道 pǎodào track; runway n
跑龙套 pǎo lóngtào to play a small role
泡沫 pàomò foam n
胚胎 pēitāi embryo n
陪伴 péibàn to accompany v
陪葬 péizàng to be buried with the dead v
赔钱 péi//qián to lose money
佩服 pèi∙fú to admire v
配件 pèijiàn accessories n
配偶 pèi'ǒu spouse n
配送 pèisòng to deliver v
配音 pèi//yīn to dub (a film)
喷泉 pēnquán fountain n
抨击 pēngjī to attack (in speech or writing) v
烹调 pēngtiáo to cook v
蓬勃 péngbó vigorous adj
鹏程万里 péngchéng‐wànlǐ to prosper; to have a bright future
膨胀 péngzhàng to swell v
捧 pěng to hold in both hands v
捧场 pěng//chǎng to attend in support; to cheer on
碰钉子 pèng dīngzi hit a snag
碰巧 pèngqiǎo by coincidence adv
碰上 pèngshang encounter
碰撞 pèngzhuàng to collide v
批发 pīfā to wholesale v
批判 pīpàn to criticize v
披露 pīlù to disclose v
劈 pī to hack; to cleave v
皮带 pídài belt n
疲惫 píbèi exhausted adj
疲惫不堪 píbèi‐bùkān utterly exhausted
疲倦 píjuàn tired; weary adj
疲劳 píláo fatigue adj
脾 pí spleen n
匹配 pǐpèi to match v
媲美 pìměi to compare favorably v
僻静 pìjìng secluded adj
譬如 pìrú for example v
譬如说 pìrú shuō for example
片子 piānzi film n
偏差 piānchā deviation n
偏方 piānfāng folk remedy n
偏见 piānjiàn bias n
偏僻 piānpì remote adj
偏偏 piānpiān incidentally; contrarily adv
v. to be partial towards; n. erroneous
偏向 piānxiàng v n
偏远 piānyuǎn remote adj
space (on a printed page); length (of
篇幅 piān∙fú n
a piece of writing)
片段 piànduàn excerpt; paragraph n
骗人 piàn rén to deceive; to trick
漂 piāo to drift v
飘 piāo v. to float in the wind; adj. frivolous v adj
票房 piàofáng box office n
v. to fling; n. left‐falling stroke (in
撇 piě v n
拼搏 pīnbó to struggle hard v
拼命 pīn//mìng to do with all one's might
贫富 pín fù poor and rich
贫穷 pínqióng poor adj
频率 pínlǜ frequency n
频频 pínpín repeatedly adv
品尝 pǐncháng to taste v
品德 pǐndé moral character n
品位 pǐnwèi quality; good taste n
品行 pǐnxíng moral conduct n
聘 pìn to hire v
聘任 pìnrèn to appoint v
聘用 pìnyòng to hire v
乒乓球 pīngpāngqiú pingpong n
平常心 píngchángxīn levelheadedness n
平淡 píngdàn dull adj
平和 pínghé adj. mild; v. to be at peace adj v
平价 píngjià v. to offer a fair price; n. parity v n
平面 píngmiàn flat n
平民 píngmín civilian n
平日 píngrì every day n
平息 píngxī to calm down v
评定 píngdìng to assess v
评论员 pínglùnyuán commentator n
评判 píngpàn to judge v
评审 píngshěn to appraise v
评委 píngwěi member of a review committee n
凭借 píngjiè to rely on v
凭着 píngzhe relying on
凭证 píngzhèng certificate n
瓶颈 píngjǐng bottleneck n
萍水相逢 píngshuǐ‐xiāngféng to meet by chance
to pour cold water on; to dampen
泼冷水 pō lěngshuǐ
the enthusiasm or spirits of
颇 pō quite adv
迫不及待 pòbùjídài can't wait
迫害 pòhài to persecute v
迫使 pòshǐ to force v
破案 pò//àn to crack the case; to solve a case
破除 pòchú to get rid of v
破解 pòjiě to decipher; to explain v
破旧 pòjiù old and worn‐out adj
破裂 pòliè to rupture v
破灭 pòmiè to shatter; to evaporate v
破碎 pòsuì to break v
魄力 pòlì courage n
扑克 pūkè poker n
扑面而来 pūmiàn‐érlái eye‐catching; directly in one's face
铺路 pū/lù to pave a road
菩萨 pú∙sà Buddha; Bodhisattva n
朴实 pǔshí simple adj
朴素 pǔsù simple adj
普通人 pǔtōng rén ordinary person
v. to compose; n. guidebook;
谱 pǔ v n
(physics) spectrum
瀑布 pùbù waterfall n
talking over one another; everyone
七嘴八舌 qīzuǐ‐bāshé
trying to get a word in
沏 qī to steep v
凄凉 qīliáng desolate adj
期盼 qīpàn to look forward to v
欺骗 qīpiàn to cheat v
欺诈 qīzhà to swindle v
漆 qī n. paint; v. to paint n v
齐心协力 qíxīn‐xiélì to work together as one
其后 qíhòu then n
其间 qíjiān in the meantime n
奇花异草 qíhuā‐yìcǎo exotic flowers and rare herbs
奇迹 qíjì miracle n
奇特 qítè peculiar adj
歧视 qíshì to discriminate against v
祈祷 qídǎo to pray v
棋 qí chess n
棋子 qízǐ chess piece n
旗袍 qípáo cheongsam n
旗帜 qízhì banner n
乞丐 qǐgài beggar n
乞求 qǐqiú to beg v
乞讨 qǐtǎo to beg v
岂有此理 qǐyǒucǐlǐ preposterous
启迪 qǐdí to enlighten v
启蒙 qǐméng to enlighten; to instruct the young v
启示 qǐshì v. to enlighten; n. enlightenment v n
起步 qǐbù to start v
起草 qǐ//cǎo draft
起程 qǐchéng to leave; to set out (on a journey) v
起初 qǐchū at first n
起伏 qǐfú to undulate; ups and downs v
起劲 qǐjìn vigorous adj
起跑线 qǐpǎoxiàn starting line n
起源 qǐyuán v. to originate; n. origin v n
气愤 qìfèn indignant adj
气管 qìguǎn trachea n
气馁 qìněi discouraged; dejected adj
n. imposing manner; adj. stylish;
气派 qìpài n adj
气泡 qìpào bubble n
气魄 qìpò boldness of vision; imposing manner n
气势 qìshì momentum n
气味 qìwèi odor n
气息 qìxī breath n
气质 qìzhì temperament n
迄今 qìjīn so far v
迄今为止 qìjīn‐wéizhǐ so far
契机 qìjī opportunity; turning point n
契约 qìyuē contract; deed n
器材 qìcái equipment n
器械 qìxiè instrument; apparatus n
掐 qiā to pinch v
卡 qiǎ to block v
卡子 qiǎzi fastener n
洽谈 qiàtán to discuss together v
恰到好处 qiàdào‐hǎochù just right; fit for purpose
恰恰相反 qiàqià xiāngfǎn just the opposite
恰巧 qiàqiǎo by chance adv
恰如其分 qiàrú‐qífèn apt; just right
千变万化 qiānbiàn‐wànhuà ever‐changing
千方百计 qiānfāng‐bǎijì by every possible means
千家万户 qiānjiā‐wànhù every family
千军万马 qiānjūn‐wànmǎ a mighty force
千钧一发 qiānjūn‐yífà in a most dangerous condition
迁 qiān to move v
迁就 qiānjiù to accommodate oneself to v
迁移 qiānyí to migrate v
牵扯 qiānchě to involve v
牵挂 qiānguà to be concerned about v
牵涉 qiānshè to involve v
牵头 qiān//tóu to take the lead
牵制 qiānzhì to contain v
铅 qiān lead n
谦逊 qiānxùn humble; unassuming adj
签 qiān signature n
签署 qiānshǔ to sign v
前辈 qiánbèi senior n
前不久 qiánbùjiǔ not long ago n
前赴后继 qiánfù‐hòujì to advance wave after wave
前期 qiánqī early stage n
前任 qiánrèn predecessor n
前所未有 qiánsuǒwèiyǒu unprecedented
前台 qiántái front desk n
前无古人 qiánwúgǔrén unprecedented
前夕 qiánxī eve n
前线 qiánxiàn frontline n
前沿 qiányán cutting edge; front‐line n
前仰后合 qiányǎng‐hòuhé to rock (with laughter)
前者 qiánzhě the former n
虔诚 qiánchéng pious adj
钱财 qiáncái money n
钳子 qiánzi pliers n
潜能 qiánnéng potential n
潜水 qiánshuǐ to dive v
潜艇 qiántǐng submarine n
潜移默化 qiányí‐mòhuà to exert subtle influence on
潜在 qiánzài potential adj
谴责 qiǎnzé to condemn v
欠缺 qiànquē v. to be deficient in; n. deficiency v n
欠条 qiàntiáo receipt for a loan n
歉意 qiànyì apology n
呛 qiāng to choke v
枪毙 qiāngbì to execute by shooting v
腔 qiāng cavity n
强加 qiángjiā to impose v
强劲 qiángjìng forceful adj
强项 qiángxiàng key strength; strong suit n
强行 qiángxíng by force adv
强硬 qiángyìng tough adj
强占 qiángzhàn to occupy by force v
强制 qiángzhì to force v
抢夺 qiǎngduó to snatch v
抢劫 qiǎngjié to rob v
抢眼 qiǎngyǎn eye‐catching adj
敲边鼓 qiāo biāngǔ to support someone in an argument
敲诈 qiāozhà to blackmail v
乔装 qiáozhuāng to disguise oneself v
瞧不起 qiáobuqǐ to look down ion; to scorn v
巧合 qiǎohé by chance adj
窍门 qiàomén knack; ingenious method n
翘 qiào to lift (one's head) v
撬 qiào to pry v
切除 qiēchú to resect; to excise v
切断. qiēduàn to cut off
切割 qiēgē to cut v
且1 qiě for the time being adv
且2 qiě and; both conj
切身 qièshēn first‐hand; concerning oneself adj
窃取 qièqǔ to steal; to usurp v
钦佩 qīnpèi to admire v
侵害 qīnhài to infringe on v
侵略 qīnlüè to aggress v
侵权 qīnquán to infringe another's rights v
侵占 qīnzhàn to invade and occupy v
亲和力 qīnhélì affinity n
adj. close; v. to be on intimate terms
亲近 qīnjìn adj v
亲朋好友 qīnpéng‐hǎoyǒu relatives and friends
亲戚 qīnqi relative n
亲情 qīnqíng affection n
adj. affectionate; v. to show love and
亲热 qinrè adj v
亲身 qīnshēn personal adj
亲生 qīnshēng one's own (children or parents) adj
亲手 qīnshǒu with one's own hands adv
亲友 qīnyǒu relatives and friends n
勤工俭学 qíngōng‐jiǎnxué work‐study program
勤快 qínkuai diligent adj
勤劳 qínláo diligent adj
寝室 qǐnshì bedroom; dormitory n
青春期 qīngchūnqī puberty n
青蛙 qīngwā frog n
轻而易举 qīng'éryìjǔ easy to do
轻蔑 qīngmiè to contempt; to disdain v
轻微 qīngwēi slight adj
轻型 qīngxíng light adj
倾家荡产 qīngjiā‐dàngchǎn to lose one's fortune
倾诉 qīngsù to pour out one's heart v
倾听 qīngtīng to listen attentively to v
倾销 qīngxiāo to dump goods v
倾斜 qīngxié to tilt v
清除 qīngchú to remove v
清脆 qīngcuì crisp adj
清单 qīngdān detailed list n
清淡 qīngdàn mild; light adj
清静 qīngjìng quiet adj
清凉 qīngliáng cool and refreshing adj
清明 qīngmíng clear and bright adj
清晰 qīngxī clear; distinct adj
清新 qīngxīn fresh adj
清真寺 qingzhēnsì mosque n
情 qíng affection n
情报 qíngbào intelligence; information n
情不自禁 qíngbúzìjīn cannot help (doing something)
情调 qíngdiào emotional appeal; sentiment n
情怀 qínghuái feelings n
情结 qíngjié complex (psychology) n
情侣 qínglǚ couple n
情人 qíngrén lover n
情谊 qíngyì bonds of friendship n
情愿 qíngyuàn v. to be willing; adv. would rather v adv
请柬 qǐngjiǎn invitation n
请帖 qǐngtiě invitation n
庆典 qìngdiǎn celebration n
庆贺 qìnghè to celebrate v
庆幸 qìngxìng to rejoice v
丘陵 qiūlíng hills n
囚犯 qiúfàn prisoner n
n. marriage proposal; v. to propose
求婚 qiú//hūn
求救 qiújiù to ask for help v
求学 qiúxué to pursue one's studies v
求医 qiúyī to seek medical treatment v
求证 qiúzhèng to seek evidence v
求助 qiúzhù to ask for help v
曲线 qūxiàn curve n
曲折 qūzhé tortuous; winding adj
驱v qūdòng to drive; to impel v
驱逐 qūzhú to banish; to expel v
屈服 qūfú to yield; to submit v
趋于 qūyú to tend towards v
曲 qǔ song n
取pron qǔdài to replace v
取缔 qǔdì to ban v
取而pron之 qǔ'érdàizhī to replace somebody
to go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist
取经 qǔ//jīng
取决于 qǔjué yú to depend on
取暖 qǔnuǎn to warm oneself (by a fire, etc.) v
取胜 qǔshèng to win a victory v
取笑 qǔxiào to make fun of v
娶 qǔ (of a male) to marry (a female) v
去除 qùchú to remove v
去处 qùchù place; whereabouts n
去向 qùxiàng whereabouts n
趣味 qùwèi taste; liking n
圈套 quāntào trap n
圈子 quānzi circle n
权衡 quánhéng to weigh (a matter); to consider v
权威 quánwēi authority n
权益 quányì rights and interests n
全长 quáncháng full length n
全程 quánchéng throughout the journey n
全方位 quánfāngwèi all‐around; holistic n
全局 quánjú overall situation n
全力以赴 quánlìyǐfù to go all out
全能 quánnéng omnipotent adj
全文 quánwén full text n
全心全意 quánxīn‐quányì whole‐heartedly
拳 quán n. fist; v. to curl n v
拳头 quán∙tóu fist n
劝告 quàngào v. to advise; n. advice v n
劝说 quànshuō to persuade v
劝阻 quànzǔ to dissuade v
缺口 quēkǒu gap n
缺失 quēshī n. lack; v. to lack n v
缺席 quē//xí to be absent from
确切 quèqiè exact adj
确信 quèxìn to be confident of; to be convinced v
确凿 quèzáo conclusive adj
确诊 quèzhěn to diagnose v
燃放 ránfàng to set off (fireworks, etc.) v
燃气 ránqì gas n
燃油 rányóu fuel oil n
嚷 rǎng to shout v
让步 ràng//bù concession; to concede
饶 ráo to spare; to have mercy on v
饶恕 ráoshù to forgive v
扰乱 rǎoluàn to disturb v
绕行 ràoxíng to bypass v
惹 rě to provoke v
热潮 rècháo upsurge n
热带 rèdài tropical area n
热气 rèqì heat n
热气球 rèqìqiú hot air balloon n
热腾腾 rèténgténg steaming hot adj
热衷 rèzhōng to crave; to be fond of v
measure word for number of people
人次 réncì MW
人道 réndào n. humanity; adj. humane n adj
人格 réngé personality n
人工智能 réngōng‐zhìnéng artificial intelligence
人均 rénjūn per capita v
人品 rénpǐn character; moral standing n
人气 rénqì popularity n
人情 rénqíng sensibilities; feelings n
人身 rénshēn personal; human body n
人事 rénshì personnel n
人手 rénshǒu manpower n
人体 réntǐ human body n
人为 rénwéi artificial; man‐made adj
人文 rénwén humanities; human affairs n
人行道 rénxíngdào sidewalk n
人性 rénxìng human nature n
人选 rénxuǎn candidate n
人缘儿 rényuánr relations with people n
人造 rénzào artificial adj
人质 rénzhì hostage n
仁慈 réncí kind; benevolent adj
忍饥挨饿 rěnjī‐ái'è to endure the torments of hunger
忍耐 rěnnài to endure v
忍心 rěn//xīn to be hardhearted enough to
认错 rèn//cuò to admit a mistake
认证 rènzhèng to certify; to authenticate v
认知 rènzhī to cognize v
任命 rènmìng to appoint v
任期 rènqī term of office n
to get trampled on; to be taken
任人宰割 rènrén‐zǎigē
advantage of
任意 rènyì arbitrarily adv
任职 rèn//zhí to take office
韧性 rènxìng toughness n
日程 rìchéng schedule n
日复一日 rìfùyírì day in and day out
日后 rìhòu in the future n
日前 rìqián a few days ago n
日趋 rìqū with each passing day adv
日新月异 rìxīn‐yuèyì to change with each passing day
日益 rìyì increasingly adv
荣获 rónghuò to win an honor v
荣幸 róngxìng honored adj
荣誉 róngyù honor n
容光焕发 róngguāng‐huànfā face glowing; looking radiant
容MW róngliàng capacity n
容纳 róngnà to accommodate v
容忍 róngrěn to tolerate v
容许 róngxǔ to allow v
容颜 róngyán appearance; complexion n
溶解 róngjiě to dissolve v
融 róng to melt v
融化 rónghuà to melt v
融洽 róngqià harmonious adj
冗长 rǒngcháng lengthy; tediously long adj
柔和 róuhé soft adj
柔软 róuruǎn soft adj
揉 róu to rub v
如果说 rúguǒ shuō if; if one were to say
如实 rúshí realistically adv
如意 rú//yì as one wishes
如愿以偿 rúyuànyǐcháng to realize one's dream
to be obsessed with; to be
如醉如痴 rúzuì‐rúchī
intoxicated by
儒家 Rújiā Confucian n
儒学 rúxué Confucianism n
入场 rù//chǎng to enter the venue
入场券 rùchǎngquàn admission ticket n
入境 rù//jìng to enter a country
入侵 rùqīn to invade v
入手 rùshǒu to begin with; to set one's hand to v
入选 rùxuǎn to be selected v
软弱 ruǎnruò weak adj
软实力 ruǎnshílì soft power n
瑞雪 ruìxuě timely snow n
润 rùn adj. moisturized; v. to moisturize adj v
若干 ruògān several; various pron
弱点 ruòdiǎn weakness n
弱势 ruòshì disadvantage n
撤 sā to let loose; to discharge v
撒谎 sā//huǎng to tell a lie
赛车 sàichē racing car n
赛跑 sàipǎo to race v
三番五次 sānfān‐wǔcì time and time again
三角 sānjiǎo n. triangle; adj. triangular n adj
三维 sānwéi three‐dimensional adj
散布 sànbù to spread v
散发 sànfā to distribute v
桑拿 sāngná sauna n
嗓子 sǎngzi throat n
丧生 sàng//shēng to meet one's death
骚乱 sāoluàn to riot v
骚扰 sāorǎo to harass v
扫除 sǎochú to remove v
扫描 sǎomiáo to scan v
扫墓 sǎo//mù to sweep a tomb
扫兴 sǎo//xìng disappointed; deflated
嫂子 sǎozi sister‐in‐law n
僧人 sēngrén monk n
杀害 shāhài to kill v
杀手 shāshǒu killer n
沙龙 shālóng salon n
沙滩 shātān beach n
纱 shā yarn n
刹车 shāchē brake n
砂糖 shātáng granulated sugar n
鲨鱼 shāyú shark n
傻瓜 shǎguā fool n
筛 shāi to screen; to sift v
筛选 shāixuǎn to filter v
晒太阳 shài tàiyáng to bask in the sun
山川 shānchuān mountains and rivers; landscape n
山顶 shāndǐng peak; mountaintop n
山冈 shāngāng hillock n
山岭 shānlǐng mountain ridge n
山路 shānlù mountain road n
mountain stronghold; conterfeit;
山寨 shānzhài n
删 shān to delete v
删除 shānchú to delete v
煽v shāndòng to incite v
闪烁 shǎnshuò to flicker; to twinkle v
善 shàn good adj
善意 shànyì good intentions n
擅长 shàncháng to be good at v
擅自 shànzì arbitrarily adv
膳食 shànshí meal n
赡养 shànyǎng to support v
伤残 shāngcán to be wounded and disabled v
伤感 shānggǎn sad adj
伤痕 shānghén scar n
伤脑筋 shāng nǎojīn troublesome; headache inducing
伤势 shāngshì condition of an injury n
商贩 shāngfàn vendor n
商贾 shānggǔ merchant n
商讨 shāngtǎo to discuss v
to report to one's superiors; to
上报 shàngbào v
appear in the news
to go on stage; to join a contest or
上场 shàng//chǎng
上方 shàngfāng top n
上岗 shàng//gǎng to go on duty; to take up one's post
to get angry; to suffer from excessive
上火 shàng//huǒ
internal heat
上空 shàngkōng in the sky n
上流 shàngliú upper class n
上期 shàng qī previous period
上任 shàng//rèn to take office
上述 shàngshù above‐mentioned adj
上司 shàngsi boss n
上诉 shàngsù to appeal (to a higher court) v
上调 shàngtiáo to raise (prices) v
上头 shàngtou higher‐ups; authorities n
上限 shàngxiàn upper limit n
上旬 shàngxún first ten‐day period of a month n
上瘾 shàng//yǐn to be addicted to
上映 shàngyìng to show (a film) v
上游 shàngyóu upstream; advanced position n
尚 shàng adv., conj. yet adv conj
尚未 shàngwèi not yet adv
捎 shāo to take along v
烧毁 shāohuǐ to burn down v
烧烤 shāokǎo barbecue n
稍后 shāohòu later on; in a little while adv
稍候 shāohòu to wait a moment v
稍稍 shāoshāo slightly adv
to be indispensable; to be
少不了 shǎobuliǎo v
v. (formal greeting) I haven't seen
少见 shǎojiàn v adj
you for a long time!; adj. rare
少MW shǎoliàng a small amount adj
少有 shǎoyǒu rare; few and far between
少林寺 Shàolín Sì Shaolin Temple n
少女 shàonǚ girl n
奢侈 shēchǐ luxurious adj
v. to entertain extravagant hopes; n.
奢望 shēwàng v n
extravagant hopes
设 shè to establish; to work out v
设定 shèdìng to set up v
设法 shèfǎ to try; to make an attempt v
社会主义 shèhuì zhǔyì socialism
社交 shèjiāo social contact n
社论 shèlùn editorial n
社团 shètuán community n
涉嫌 shèxián to be suspected of v
摄氏度 shèshìdù Celsius MW
谁知道 shéi zhīdào Who would have imagined…?
申办 shēnbàn to apply for v
申报 shēnbào to declare v
申领 shēnlǐng to apply for v
伸手 shēn//shǒu to stretch out one's hand
伸缩 shēnsuō to be flexible; to be adjustable v
伸张 shēnzhāng to uphold (justice, virtue, etc.) v
身不由己 shēnbùyóujǐ involuntary
身价 shēnjià social status n
身躯 shēnqū body n
身心 shēnxīn body and mind n
身影 shēnyǐng figure; form n
身子 shēnzi body n
绅士 shēnshì gentleman n
深奥 shēn'ào profound adj
深切 shēnqiè deep; heartfelt adj
深情 shēnqíng n. deep feeling; adj. affectionate n adj
肾 shèn kidney n
甚至于 shènzhìyú even adv
渗 shèn to infiltrate; to permeate v
渗透 shèntòu to penetrate v
慎重 shènzhòng careful adj
升温 shēngwēn to heat up; (of temperature) to rise v
生机 shēngjī vitality n
生理 shēnglǐ physiology n
生命线 shēngmìngxiàn lifeline n
生怕 shēngpà for fear that; lest v
生平 shēngpíng all one's life n
生前 shēngqián during one's lifetime n
n. life and death; adj. related to one's
生死 shēngsǐ n adj
生态 shēngtài ecology n
生物 shēngwù biology n
生效 shēng/xiào to take effect
生涯 shēngyá career n
生硬 shēngyìng stiff; awkward adj
生育 shēngyù to give birth to v
声称 shēngchēng to claim v
声望 shēngwàng prestige n
声誉 shēngyù reputation n
牲畜 shēngchù livestock n
绳子 shéngzi rope n
省略 shěnglüè to omit v
省事 shěng/shì to save trouble
圣贤 shèngxián sage n
胜出 shèngchū to come out on top v
胜任 shèngrèn to be competent v
盛大 shèngdà grand adj
盛会 shènghuì grand event n
盛开 shèngkāi to be in full bloom v
盛气凌人 shèngqì‐língrén domineering
剩余 shèngyú to have surplus; to be left over v
尸体 shītǐ corpse n
失传 shīchuán to be lost to time; to die out v
失控 shīkòng to be out of control v
失利 shī//lì to suffer a setback
失恋 shī//liàn to lose one's love; to break up
失灵 shīlíng to be out of working order v
v. to lose; adj. disappointed; feel
失落 shīluò v adj
失眠 shī//mián insomnia
失明 shī//míng to go blind
to lose efficacy; to no longer be in
失效 shī//xiào
失业率 shīyèlǜ unemployment rate n
失踪 shī//zōng to be missing
师范 shīfàn normal n
师长 shīzhǎng teacher n
师资 shīzī qualified teacher n
狮子 shīzi lion n
n. construction; v. to carry out
施工 shī//gōng
施加 shījiā to exert (effort or pressure) v
施行 shixíng to implement v
施压 shīyā to put pressure on v
湿度 shīdù humidity n
湿润 shīrùn moist adj
十字路口 shízì lùkǒu crossroads
时不时 shíbùshí time and again adv
时段 shíduàn period of time n
时隔 shí gé separated in time
时好时坏 shíhǎo‐shíhuài sometimes good, sometimes bad
时间表 shíjiānbiǎo schedule n
时空 shíkōng time and space n
时髦 shímáo fashionable adj
时尚 shíshàng fashionable adj
时速 shísù speed per hour n
识别 shíbié to identify v
实地 shídì on the spot adv
实话 shíhuà truth n
实话实说 shíhuà‐shíshuō to speak frankly; to tell it like it is
实况 shíkuàng the real situation; actual events n
实事求是 shíshì‐qiúshì to seek truth from facts
实体 shítǐ entity n
实物 shíwù physical object n
实质 shízhì substance n
食宿 shísù board and lodging n
食用 shíyòng to be edible v
史无前例 shǐwúqiánlì unprecedented
使唤 shǐhuan to order sb about v
使命 shǐmìng mission n
使者 shǐzhě messenger n
士气 shìqì morale n
示威 shìwēi to demonstrate v
示意 shìyì to signal v
世pron shìdài from generation to generation n
世故 shìgu worldly‐wise adj
世界级 shìjiè jí world‐class
to be hereditary; to obtain by
世袭 shìxí v
市场经济 shìchǎng jīngjì market economy
势必 shìbì inevitably adv
势不可当 shìbùkědāng unstoppable
势头 shìtou momentum n
事迹 shìjì deed n
事态 shìtài situation n
事务 shìwù affairs n
事务所 shìwùsuǒ office n
事项 shìxiàng matter n
事宜 shìyí matters; arrangements n
侍候 shìhòu to serve; to wait on v
试探 shìtan to sound out v
试行 shìxíng to test out v
试用 shìyòng to try out v
试用期 shìyòngqī probation n
视察 shìchá to inspect v
视角 shìjiǎo perspective n
视觉 shìjué vision; sense of sight n
视力 shìlì vision; eyesight n
视线 shìxiàn line of vision n
视野 shìyě field of vision n
柿子 shìzi persimmon n
是非 shìfēi right and wrong n
适度 shìdù appropriate adj
适MW shìliàng of the appropriate amount adj
适时 shìshí in a timely manner adj
适宜 shìyí suitable adj
逝世 shìshì to perish v
释放 shìfàng to set free v
嗜好 shìhào hobby n
收复 shōufù to recover v
收据 shōujù receipt n
收敛 shōuliǎn to vanish; to exercise restraint v
收留 shōuliú to take someone in; to offer shelter v
收买 shōumǎi to buy v
收视率 shōushìlǜ audience rating n
收缩 shōusuō to shrink v
收支 shōuzhī income and expenditure n
手臂 shǒubì arm n
手册 shǒucè manual n
手v shǒudòng manual adj
手脚 shǒujiǎo hands and feet n
手帕 shǒupà handkerchief n
手枪 shǒuqiāng pistol n
手势 shǒushì gesture n
手术室 shǒushùshì operating room n
手头 shǒutóu at hand n
手腕 shǒuwàn wrist n
手艺 shǒuyì craft; trade n
手掌 shǒuzhǎng palm n
守候 shǒouhòu take care of someone v
守护 shǒuhù to keep watch; to wait for v
守株待兔 shǒuzhū‐dàitù waiting for a windfall
首创 shǒuchuàng to initiate v
capital (of an autonomous region or
首府 shǒufǔ n
首批 shǒupī first batch
首饰 shǒu∙shì jewelry n
首要 shǒuyào of chief importance adj
寿命 shòumìng life n
受过 shòu//guò to take the blame for
受害 shòu//hài to be injured
受害人 shòuhàirén victim n
受贿 shòu//huì to accept bribes
受惊 shòu//jīng to be startled
受苦 shòu//kǔ to suffer
受理 shòulǐ to accept (a case or business) v
受骗 shòu//piàn to be deceived
受益 shòuyì to benefit v
授权 shòuquán to authorize v
授予 shòuyǔ to award; to confer v
售价 shòujià price n
售票 shòupiào to sell tickets v
书橱 shūchú bookcase; book cabinet n
书籍 shūjí books n
书记 shūjì secretary n
书面 shūmiàn written adj
书写 shūxiě to write v
抒情 shūqíng to express one's emotion v
枢纽 shūniǔ hub n
梳 shū to comb v
梳理 shūlǐ to sort out v
梳子 shūzi comb n
舒畅 shūchàng happy; free from worry adj
疏导 shūdǎo to dredge v
疏忽 shūhu to neglect; to slip up v
疏散 shūsàn adj. dispersed; v. to evacuate adj v
to dredge; to clear the way; to
疏通 shūtōng v
输家 shūjiā loser n
输送 shūsòng to deliver v
输血 shū//xuè to give a blood transfusion
输液 shū//yè to give an infusion
赎 shú to redeem v
暑期 shǔqī summer vacation time n
属性 shǔxìng attributes n
曙光 shǔguāng dawn n
束缚 shùfù to bind; to fetter v
树立 shùlì to establish v
树木 shùmù trees n
树梢 shùshāo the tip of a tree; tree top n
树荫 shùyīn shade of a tree n
树枝 shùzhī branches n
竖 shù v. to erect; adj. vertical v adj
num额 shù'é amount n
num据库 shùjùkù database n
刷新 shuāxīn to refresh v
耍 shuǎ to play v
耍赖 shuǎlài to act shamelessly v
衰减 shuāijiǎn to attenuate; to weaken v
衰竭 shuāijié to fail (of bodily organs) v
衰老 shuāilǎo old and feeble; decrepit adj
衰弱 shuāiruò weak adj
衰退 shuāituì to decline v
摔跤 shuāi//jiāo n. wrestling; v. to trip and fall
甩 shuǎi to shake v
率 shuài to lead v
拴 shuān to tie v
涮 shuàn to rinse v
双胞胎 shuāngbāotāi twins n
双边 shuāngbiān bilateral adj
双重 shuāngchóng double adj
双向 shuāngxiàng two‐way adj
双赢 shuāngyíng to be a win‐win v
霜 shuāng frost n
爽快 shuǎngkuai refreshed; frank; with alacrity adj
水槽 shuǐcáo gutter n
水稻 shuǐdào rice paddy n
水管 shuǐguǎn water pipe n
水壶 shuǐhú kettle n
水货 shuǐhuò smuggled goods n
水晶 shuǐjīng crystal n
水利 shuǐlì water conservancy n
水灵灵 shuǐlínglíng fresh; full of life; lustrous adj
水龙头 shuǐlóngtóu faucet n
水落石出 shuǐluò‐shíchū the truth is revealed
水面 shuǐmiàn water surface n
水手 shuǐshǒu sailor n
水温 shuǐwēn water temperature n
水域 shuǐyù waters n
水源 shuǐyuán water source n
水涨船高 shuǐzhǎng‐chuángāoto change with the overall trend
水准 shuǐzhǔn level n
税收 shuìshōu tax revenue n
税务 shuìwù tax administration n
睡袋 shuìdài sleeping bag n
顺便 shùnbiàn by the way adv
顺差 shùnchā surplus n
顺畅 shùnchàng smooth adj
顺从 shùncóng to obey v
顺理成章 shùnlǐ‐chéngzhāng logical
顺路 shùnlù adj. by the way; adv. on the way adj adv
顺其自然 shùnqízìrán naturally; let nature take its course
to take advantage of an opportunity
顺势 shùnshì (as provided by an opponent's adv
reckless move)
顺手 shùnshǒu adj. smooth; adv. smoothly adj adv
adj. satisfactory; v. to satisfy
顺心 shùn//xīn
顺应 shùnyìng to conform to v
顺着 shùnzhe following; along
瞬间 shùnjiān moment; instant n
说白了 shuōbáile to be honest; to speak frankly
说不上 shuōbushàng cannot say; not worth mentioning v
说到底 shuōdàodǐ in the end
v. to say; n. the reason (behind
说道 shuōdao v n
说干就干 shuō gàn jiù gàn Just do it.
说谎 shuō//huǎng to tell lies
说老实话 shuō lǎoshi huà to be honest; to be frank
说起来 shuō∙qǐ∙lái to bring up (a subject); speaking of
说情 shuō//qíng to intercede; to plead for mercy
说闲话 shuō xiánhuà to gossip
说真的 shuō zhēnde honestly; in fact
major achievement; triumphant
硕果 shuòguǒ n
司法 sīfǎ to exercise jurisdiction v
司空见惯 sīkōng‐jiànguàn a common occurrence
司令 sīlìng commander n
丝 sī silk n
丝绸 sīchóu silk n
丝毫 sīháo in the slightest adj
private savings; secret stash of
私房钱 sī∙fángqián n
私家车 sījiāchē private car n
v. to run or own privately; adj.
私立 sīlì v adj
privately owned
私事 sīshì private affairs n
私下 sīxià n. one's personal life; adv. in private n adv
俗语 súyǔ common saying; adage n
诉苦 sù//kǔ to complain
诉说 sùshuō to tell v
诉讼 sùsòng to litigate v
adj. white; vegetarian; n. vegetarian;
素 sù adj n
素不相识 sùbùxiāngshí to have never met
素材 sùcái material n
素描 sùmiáo sketch n
素食 sùshí vegetarian diet n
素养 sùyǎng personal accomplishment n
塑造 sùzào to mold; to portray v
蒜 suàn garlic n
算计 suàn∙jì to calculate v
算盘 suàn∙pán abacus n
to settle accounts; to balance the
算账 suàn//zhàng
books; to get even with sb.
虽说 suīshuō although conj
随处可见 suíchù kě jiàn can be seen everywhere
随大溜 suí dàliù to follow suit
随机 suíjī random adj
随即 suíjí immediately adv
随身 suíshēn portable adj
随时随地 suíshí‐suídì anytime, anywhere
随心所欲 suíxīnsuǒyù to do as one pleases
遂心 suì//xīn to one's liking
隧道 suìdào tunnel n
损 sǔn to damage v
损坏 sǔnhuài to damage v
to benefit oneself at the expense of
损人利己 sǔnrén‐lìjǐ
损伤 sǔnshāng to damage; to injure v
缩 suō to shrink v
缩水 suō//shuǐ to shrink in water
缩影 suōyǐng miniature n
所属 suǒshǔ belonging to adj
所谓 suǒwèi so‐called adj
所作所为 suǒzuò‐suǒwéi deeds; conduct
索赔 suǒpéi to claim damages v
索取 suǒqǔ to demand; to extort v
索性 suǒxìng simply adv
锁定 suǒdìng to lock onto; to lock into place v
他人 tārén others pron
塌 tā to collapse v
踏上 tàshang to set foot on
胎 tāi n. fetal; measure word for new‐borns n MW
胎儿 tāi'ér fetus n
台球 táiqiú billiards n
太极 tàijí Tai Chi n
太极拳 tàijíquán Tai Chi n
太平 tàipíng peace adj
distinguished figure; revered
泰斗 tàidǒu n
贪 tān to covet; to be corrupt v
贪婪 tānlán greedy adj
贪玩儿 tānwánr to be too fond of fun and games v
贪污 tānwū to be corrupt v
v. to spread out; n. vendor's stall;
摊 tān v n MW
measure word for piles of things
瘫 tān to be paralysed v
瘫痪 tānhuàn to paralyse v
坛 tán altar n
谈不上 tán bu shàng out of the question
谈到 tándào to talk about
谈论 tánlùn to talk about v
谈起 tánqǐ to speak of
弹性 tánxìng elasticity n
痰 tán phlegm n
坦白 tǎnbái adj. frank; v. to admit; to own up to adj v
坦诚 tǎnchéng frank and sincere adj
坦克 tǎnkè tank n
坦然 tǎnrán calm adj
坦率 tǎnshuài frank; candid adj
毯子 tǎnzi blanket n
炭 tàn carbon; charcoal n
探 tàn to explore; to scout v
探测 tàncè to survey; to take readings v
探亲 tàn//qīn to visit relatives
探求 tànqiú to seek; to pursue v
探望 tànwàng to visit; to call on sb. v
探险 tàn//xiǎn to adventure into
碳 tàn carbon n
汤圆 tāngyuán sweet dumpling n
堂 táng measure word for classes MW
糖果 tángguǒ candy n
糖尿病 tángniàobìng diabetes n
倘若 tǎngruò if (formal) conj
淌 tǎng to drip v
烫 tàng v. to scald; adj. hot v adj
掏钱 tāo qián to pay; to spend money
滔滔不绝 tāotāo‐bùjué to talk non‐stop
逃避 táobì to escape v
逃生 táoshēng to flee for one's life v
逃亡 táowáng to become a fugitive v
陶瓷 táocí ceramics n
to make pottery; to exert favorabl
陶冶 táoyě v
influence on
陶醉 táozuì to revel in v
淘 táo to wash; to clean out v
淘气 táo//qì naughty
淘汰 táotài to fall into disuse v
讨 tǎo to discuss; to demand v
to ingratiate oneself with; to curry
讨好 tǎo//hǎo
favor with
讨价还价 tǎojià‐huánjià to bargain
讨人喜欢 tǎo rén xǐhuān to attract people's attention
特产 tèchǎn special local product n
特长 tècháng specialty; personal strength n
特例 tèllì special case n
特权 tèquán privilege n
特邀 tèyāo to specially invite v
特制 tèzhì to specially produce v
特质 tèzhì special quality n
腾 téng to make room for v
藤椅 téngyǐ rattan chair n
剔除 tīchú to discard v
梯子 tīzi ladder n
提拔 tíbá to promote v
提炼 tíliàn to refine v
提n tí//míng to nominate
提速 tí//sù to speed up
提心吊胆 tíxīn‐diàodǎn to be on tenterhooks
提议 tíyì v. to propose; n. proposal v n
to be earlier than planned; to move
提早 tízǎo v
to an earlier time
to show understanding; to make
体谅 tǐliàng v
allowances for
体面 tǐmiàn n. dignity; adj. decent; respectable n adj
体能 tǐnéng physical stamina n
体贴 tǐtiē to show consideration for; thoughtful v
体温 tǐwēn body temperature n
体系 tǐxì system; setup n
体制 tǐzhì system; structure n
体质 tǐzhì constitution; physique n
剃 tì to shave v
替换 tìhuàn to replace v
替身 tìshēn substitute n
天长地久 tiāncháng‐dìjiǔ everlasting and unchanging
天地 tiāndì world; heaven and earth n
天鹅 tiān'é swan n
天分 tiānfèn talent n
天赋 tiānfù v. to be endowed with; n. talent v n
天经地义 tiānjīng‐dìyì right and proper; a matter of course
天平 tiānpíng balance n
天桥 tiānqiáo platform bridge n
天生 tiānshēng innate; inborn adj
天使 tiānshǐ angel n
天线 tiānxiàn antenna n
天性 tiānxìng nature n
天主教 Tiānzhǔjiào Catholicism n
添加 tiānjiā to add to v
甜美 tiánměi sweet adj
甜蜜 tiánmì sweet adj
甜头 tiántou sweet taste n
填补 tiánbǔ to fill (vacancy) v
填充 tiánchōng to fill up v
填写 tiánxiě to fill in (a form) v
舔 tiǎn to lick v
挑剔 tiāotì to nitpick; to be fastidious v
条款 tiáokuǎn clause; provision n
条例 tiáolì regulations n
条约 tiáoyuē treaty n
调侃 tiáokǎn to ridicule v
调控 tiáokòng to regulate and control v
调料 tiáoliào seasoning n
调试 tiáoshì to debug; to test run v
挑起 tiǎoqǐ to instigate
挑衅 tiǎoxìn to provoke v
跳槽 tiào//cáo job‐hopping; to change jobs
跳v tiàodòng to pulsate v
v. to parachute; to bail out; n.
跳伞 tiào//sǎn
parachute jumping
跳跃 tiàoyuè to jump v
贴近 tiējìn v. to press close to; adj. close v adj
贴切 tiēqiè appropriate adj
帖子 tiězi post (on the internet); note n
听从 tīngcóng to obey v
听话 tīng//huà obedient
停泊 tíngbó to anchor v
停车位 tíngchēwèi parking space n
to interrupt the supply of electricity;
停电 tíngdiàn v
to cut power
停顿 tíngdùn to pause v
停放 tíngfàng to park (a vehicle) v
停业 tíng//yè to stop doing business
通畅 tōngchàng unobstructed adj
通车 tōng//chē open to traffic
通风 tōng//fēng n. ventilation; v. to ventilate
通告 tōnggào v. to give public notice; n. notice v n
to order the arrest of a criminal at
通缉 tōngjī v
通顺 tōngshùn smooth; coherent adj
通俗 tōngsú popular adj
通通 tōngtōng all adv
通往 tōngwǎng to lead to
通宵 tongxiāo all night n
通行证 tōngxíngzhèng pass; permit n
同伴 tóngbàn companion n
同步 tóngbù to synchronize; to be in step with v
on equal footing; of the same social
同等 tóngděng adj
同感 tónggǎn same feeling n
同伙 tónghuǒ v. to collude with; n. accomplice v n
同类 tónglèi adj. similar; n. similar kind adj n
同盟 tóngméng v. to form an alliance; n. alliance v n
同年 tóngnián same year n
同人 tóngrén colleague n
同志 tóngzhì comrade n
同舟共济 tóngzhōu‐gòngjì to pull together in times of trouble
铜 tóng copper n
统筹 tǒngchóu to plan as a whole v
统统 tǒngtǒng all adv
统治 tǒngzhì to rule v
捅 tǒng to stab v
桶 tǒng bucket n
筒 tǒng cylinder n
痛 tòng deeply; bitterly adv
痛心 tòngxīn distressed adj
偷看 tōukàn to peep; to steal a glance
偷窥 tōukuī to peep; to watch secretly v
偷懒 tōu//lǎn to be lazy
头部 tóubù head n
头顶 tóudǐng top of the head n
头号 tóuhào top‐notch adj
头条 tóutiáo leading news story n
头头是道 tóutóu‐shìdào clear and logical
头衔 tóuxián title; rank n
头晕 tóuyūn to feel dizzy v
投奔 tóubèn to go to for shelter v
to submit one's writing for
投稿 tóu//gǎo
投机 tóujī adj. opportunistic; v. to speculate adj v
投射 tóushè to project (light); to cast v
投身 tóushēn to devote oneself to v
投降 tóuxiáng to surrender v
透彻 tòuchè thorough adj
透过 tòuguò to pass through v
透气 tòu//qì to breathe freely; to ventilate
透支 tòuzhī (banking) to overdraw; to overspend v
凸 tū convex adj
凸显 tūxiǎn to give prominence to v
秃 tū bald adj
突发 tūfā to emerge unexpectedly v
突击 tūjī to assault v
突破口 tūpòkǒu breakthrough point n
突如其来 tūrú‐qílái to arise suddenly
图表 túbiǎo chart n
图像 túxiàng image n
图adj túxíng graph n
图纸 túzhǐ drawing n
徒步 túbù on foot adv
涂 tú to smear; to daub v
屠杀 túshā to massacre v
土匪 tǔfěi bandit n
土壤 tǔrǎng soil n
土生土长 tǔshēng‐tǔzhāng native; born and bred
团伙 tuánhuǒ gang n
团聚 tuánjù to reunite v
团员 tuányuán member n
团圆 tuányuán (of family members) to reunite v
推测 tuīcè to speculate v
推辞 tuīcí to decline (an invitation) v
推断 tuīduàn to infer v
推翻 tuī//fān to overthrow
推荐 tuījiàn to recommend v
推理 tuīlǐ to reason v
推敲 tuīqiāo to deliberate; to weigh v
推算 tuīsuàn to calculate v
推卸 tuīxiè to shirk v
推选 tuīxuǎn to elect v
(of time) to elapse; (of a situation) to
推移 tuīyí v
颓废 tuífèi decadent adj
退回 tuìhuí to return v
退却 tuìquè to retreat v
退让 tuìràng to give in; to concede v
退缩 tuìsuō to cower v
退休金 tuìxiūjīn pension n
退学 tuì//xué to drop out of school
to retire or be released from the
退役 tuì//yì
village (often used in village names in
屯 tún n
托付 tuōfù to entrust v
拖累 tuōlěi to encumber v
拖欠 tuōqiàn to be behind in payment v
拖延 tuoyán to procrastinate v
脱节 tuō//jié to be disjointed
to say something unwittingly; to blurt
脱口而出 tuōkǒu'érchū
脱落 tuōluò to fall off v
脱身 tuō//shēn to get away
脱颖而出 tuōyǐng'érchū to distinguish oneself
驮 tuó to carry on one's back v
妥 tuǒ proper adj
妥当 tuǒ∙dàng appropriate adj
妥善 tuǒshàn proper adj
妥协 tuǒxié to compromise v
拓宽 tuòkuān to widen v
拓展 tuòzhǎn to expand v
唾液 tuòyè saliva n
挖掘 wājué to excavate v
挖苦 wākǔ to speak sarcastically or ironically v
瓦 wǎ watt n
歪 wāi crooked adj
歪曲 wāiqū to distort v
外表 wàibiǎo exterior n
外公 wàigōng maternal grandfather n
外行 wàiháng adj. nonprofessional; n. layman adj n
外号 wàihào nickname n
外籍 wàijí foreign national n
外贸 wàimào foreign trade n
外貌 wàimào appearance n
外婆 wàipó maternal grandmother n
外企 wàiqǐ foreign company n
外星人 wàixīngrén alien n
外adj wàixíng shape n
外援 wàlyuán foreign aid n
丸 wán n. pill; measure word for pills n MW
完备 wánbèi complete adj
完毕 wánbì to complete v
完蛋 wán//dàn to be doomed (informal)
完好 wánhǎo intact adj
玩耍 wánshuǎ to play v
玩意儿 wányìr thing; plaything n
顽固 wángù stubborn adj
挽 wǎn to pull; to roll up v
挽回 wǎnhuí to retrieve v
挽救 wǎnjiù to save v
晚间 wǎnjiān evening n
晚年 wǎnnián old age n
晚期 wǎnqī late stage n
惋惜 wǎnxī regretful adj
万分 wànfēn extremely adv
万古长青 wàngǔ‐chángqīng eternal
万能 wànnéng universal; omnipotent adj
万万 wànwàn absolutely adv
万无一失 wànwú‐yìshī no danger of anything going wrong
mend the fold after the sheep have
亡羊补牢 wángyáng‐bǔláo
been stolen; to act belatedly
王国 wángguó kingdom n
王牌 wángpái trump card n
网点 wǎngdiǎn sales outlet n
网民 wǎngmín netizen n
往常 wǎngcháng customary activity; as one used to do n
往返 wǎngfǎn to be a round trip v
往日 wǎngrì in the old days n
往事 wǎngshì past events n
妄想 wàngxiǎng v. to hope in vain; n. delusion v n
忘不了 wàng bu liǎo unforgettable
忘掉 wàng//diào to forget
旺 wàng prosperous adj
旺季 wàngjì peak season n
旺盛 wàngshèng exuberant adj
望 wàng to see v
望远镜 wàngyuǎnjìng telescope n
危及 wēijí to endanger v
危急 wēijí critical adj
威风 wēifēng n. prestige; might; adj. awe‐inspiring n adj
威力 wēilì power n
威慑 wēishè to deter v
威信 wēixìn prestige n
微不足道 wēibùzúdào negligible
微观 wēiguān micro adj
微妙 wěimiào subtle adj
微弱 wēiruò weak adj
微型 wēixíng miniature adj
为人 wéirén v. to conduct oneself; n. conduct v n
违背 wéibèi to violate v
违约 wéi//yuē to break one's promise
违章 wéi//zhāng to violate regulations
围墙 wéiqiáng fence n
唯 wéi only adv
唯独 wéidú only adv
伪造 wěizào to fake; to forge v
v. to camouflage; to disguise; n.
伪装 wěizhuāng v n
camouflage; disguise
尾气 wěiqì exhaust (from an engine) n
尾声 wěishēng end n
纬度 wěidù latitude n
委屈 wěiqu adj. wronged; v. to wrong someone adj v
委婉 wěiwǎn euphemistic; tactful adj
委员 wěiyuán committee member n
委员会 wěiyuánhuì committee n
萎缩 wěisuō to shrink; to shrivel v
卫视 wèishì satellite TV n
未 wèi not yet adv
未成年人 wèichéngniánrén minor; underage person n
未经 wèijīng not having undergone; without v
未免 wèimiǎn unavoidably adv
未知num wèizhīshù unknown number n
位子 wèizi seat n
味精 wèijīng monosodium glutamate n
畏惧 wèijù to fear v
畏缩 wèisuō to shrink; to recoil v
胃口 wèikǒu appetite n
喂养 wèiyǎng to feed v
to show appreciation by kind words
慰劳 wèiláo v
or small gifts
温度计 wēndùjì thermometer n
温泉 wēnquán spa; hot springs n
温柔 wēnróu gentle adj
温室 wēnshì greenhouse n
温习 wēnxí to review v
温馨 wēnxīn warm adj
瘟疫 wēnyì plague n
文 wén arts n
文具 wénjù stationery n
文科 wénkē liberal arts n
文盲 wénmáng illiterate person n
文凭 wénpíng diploma n
文人 wénrén literati n
文物 wénwù cultural relic n
文献 wénxiàn literature; document n
文雅 wényǎ elegant adj
闻n wénmíng to know somebody by reputation v
蚊帐 wénzhàng mosquito net n
蚊子 wénzi mosquito n
吻 wěn n. kiss; v. to kiss n v
吻合 wěnhé congruent; identical adj
紊乱 wěnluàn disordered adj
稳固 wěngù adj. stable; v. to stabilize adj v
稳健 wěnjiàn steady; firm adj
稳妥 wěntuǒ safe adj
稳重 wěnzhòng steady; staid adj
问卷 wènjuàn questionnaire n
问世 wènshì to come out; to be published v
窝 wō nest n
卧 wò to lie v
污秽 wūhuì adj. filthy; n. dirt; filth adj n
巫婆 wūpó witch n
呜咽 wūyè to whimper v
屋顶 wūdǐng roof n
无比 wúbǐ matchless v
无不 wúbù all; without exception adv
无偿 wúcháng at no cost adj
无敌 wúdí to be invincible v
无恶不作 wú'è‐búzuò to commit all sorts of crimes
无非 wúfēi nothing but; simply adv
无辜 wúgū adj. innocent; n. innocence adj n
无故 wúgù for no reason adv
无关紧要 wúguān‐jǐnyào of no importance; immaterial
无话可说 wúhuà‐kěshuō nothing to say
无济于事 wújìyúshì to no avail; of no use
无家可归 wújiā‐kěguī homeless
无精打采 wújīng‐dǎcǎi dull and colorless; not lively
无可奉告 wúkěfènggào no comment
understandable; not altogether
无可厚非 wúkěhòufēi
无可奈何 wúkěnàihé to be utterly helpless
无理 wúlǐ to be unreasonable v
无力 wúlì to be powerless v
无论如何 wúlùn‐rúhé anyway; at any rate
无能 wúnéng incapable adj
无能为力 wúnéngwéilì powerless
无情 wúqíng ruthless adj
无情无义 wúqíng‐wúyì cold and ruthless
无穷 wúqióng to be endless v
无私 wúsī selfless adj
to have nothing to do; to fritter one's
无所事事 wúsuǒshìshì
time away
to attempt nothing and accomplish
无所作为 wúsuǒzuòwéi
nothing; feckless
无条件 wútiáojiàn unconditional v
无微不至 wúwēi‐búzhì meticulous
无线 wúxiàn wireless adj
无线电 wúxiàndiàn radio n
无adj wúxíng invisible adj
无adj中 wúxíngzhōng virtually; imperceptibly adv
无须 wúxū needlessly adv
v. to have no intention of; adv.
无意 wúyì v adv
无忧无虑 wúyōu‐wúlǜ carefree
v. to not have the luck or opportunity
无缘 wúyuán v adv
(to do); adv. no chance
无知 wúzhī ignorant adj
无足轻重 wúzú‐qīngzhòng of little importance
五花八门 wǔhuā‐bāmén diverse; myriad
五星级 wǔxīngjí five‐star adj
武力 wǔlì force n
武装 wǔzhuāng n. armed forces; v. to arm n v
侮辱 wǔrǔ to insult v
捂 wǔ to cover v
舞厅 wǔtīng ballroom n
勿 wù do not adv
务必 wùbì be sure to adv
务实 wùshí pragmatic adj
物流 wùliú logistics n
物体 wùtǐ object n
物证 wùzhèng physical evidence n
物资 wùzī goods and materials n
误差 wùchā error n
误导 wudǎo to mislead v
误区 wùqū misunderstanding; misconception n
雾 wù fog n
吸纳 xīnà to absorb v
吸取 xīqǔ to take in v
昔日 xīrì in former days n
息息相关 xīxī‐xiāngguān interrelated
稀 xī watery; sparse adj
稀罕 xīhan adj. rare; v. to value as a rarity adj v
稀奇 xīqí strange; curious adj
稀少 xīshǎo rare adj
锡 xī tin n
熙熙攘攘 xīxī‐rǎngrǎng bustling adj
熄火 xī//huǒ to put out a flame; to die down
膝盖 xīgài knee n
嬉笑 xīxiào to laugh and play v
习俗 xísú custom n
席 xí seat n
席位 xíwèi seat n
袭击 xíjī to make a surprise attack v
媳妇 xífu daughter‐in‐law n
洗涤剂 xǐdíjì detergent n
洗礼 xǐlǐ baptism n
喜出望外 xǐchūwàngwài pleasantly surprised; overjoyed
喜好 xǐhào v. to be fond of; n. preference v n
wedding feast; alcoholic drinks at a
喜酒 xǐjiǔ n
喜怒哀乐 xǐ‐nù‐āi‐lè the whole gamut of human emotion
喜庆 xǐqìng adj. joyous; n. happy event adj n
喜事 xǐshì happy event n
喜糖 xǐtáng candies distributed at a wedding n
喜洋洋 xǐyángyáng radiantly happy adj
喜悦 xǐyuè joyous adj
细腻 xìnì exquisite adj
细微 xìwēi subtle adj
细心 xìxīn careful adj
虾 xiā shrimp n
瞎 xiā adj. blind; adv. blindly v adv
侠义 xiíyì chivalrous adj
峡谷 xiágǔ canyon n
狭隘 xiá'ài narrow adj
狭小 xiáxiǎo narrow adj
狭窄 xiázhǎi narrow adj
下场 xiàchǎng a bad end; a sorry state n
下跌 xiàdiē to decline (of water level, prices, etc.) v
下岗 xià/gǎng to be laid off
下功夫 xià gōngfu to put in time and energy
下海 xià//hǎi to leave one's job to go into business
下级 xiàjí subordinate n
下决心 xià juéxīn to resolve to
下令 xià//lìng to order
下落 xiàluò whereabouts n
下期 xià qī next period
下棋 xià//qí play a chess
下山 xià//shān to go down a hill; (of the sun) to set
下手 xià//shǒu to start doing something
下属 xiàshǔ subordinate n
下台 xià//tái to step down (from office)
下调 xiàtiáo to lower (prices, standards, etc.) v
下乡 xià//xiāng to go to the countryside
下旬 xiàxún last ten‐day period of a month n
下一pron xià yí dài next generation
n. subconsciousness; adv.
下意识 xiàyì∙shí n adv
下游 xiàyòu downstream n
下坠 xiàzhuì to fall v
吓唬 xiàhu to frighten v
吓人 xià//rén scary
夏令营 xiàlìngyíng summer camp n
仙鹤 xiānhè crane (Grus japonensis) n
仙女 xiānnǚ fairy n
先例 xiānlì precedent n
先天 xiāntiān innate; congenital n
纤维 xiānwéi fiber n
掀 xiān to lift v
掀起 xiānqǐ to set off; to begin v
鲜活 xiānhuó vivid; (of food) fresh or live adj
鲜美 xiānměi delicious adj
鲜血 xiānxuè blood n
弦 xián string n
衔接 xiánjiē to connect v
嫌弃 xiánqì to dislike v
嫌疑 xiányí suspicion n
显而易见 xiǎn'éryìjiàn obviously
显赫 xiǎnhè illustrious adj
显示器 xiǎnshìqì monitor (computer) n
显现 xiǎnxiàn to appear v
显眼 xiǎnyǎn conspicuous adj
现成 xiànchéng ready‐made adj
现任 xiànrèn v. to hold office; adj. incumbent v adj
现行 xiànxíng in force adj
限 xiàn to limit v
限定 xiàndìng to limit; to restrict v
限度 xiàndù limit; limitation n
限于 xiànyú to be limited to v
线条 xiàntiáo line n
宪法 xiànfǎ constitution n
陷 xiàn to trap v
陷阱 xiànjǐng trap n
馅儿 xiànr stuffing n
羡慕 xiànmù to envy v
献血 xiànxiě to donate blood v
腺 xiàn gland n
fellow countryman (from the same
乡亲 xiāngqīn n
乡下 xiāngxià countryside n
相伴 xiāngbàn to accompany v
相比之下 xiāngbǐ zhī xià by comparison
相差 xiāngchà to differ v
相传 xiāngchuán to pass on; to hand down v
相当于 xiāngdāngyú to be equivalent to v
相对 xiāngduì v. to face; adj. relative v adj
相对而言 xiāngduì‐éryán relatively speaking
相辅相成 xiāngfǔ‐xiāngchéng to complement one another
相继 xiāngjì one after another adv
相conj xiānglián to be connected v
相识 xiāngshí to be acquainted with someone v
to place on par with; to mention in
相提并论 xiāngtí‐bìnglùn
the same breath
相通 xiāngtōng to be interlinked v
相依为命 xiāngyī‐wéimìng to depend on each other for survival
相遇 xiāngyù to encounter v
to agree (on meeting place, date,
相约 xiāngyuē v
香料 xiāngliào spices n
香水 xiāngshuǐ perfume n
香味 xiāngwèi fragrance n
香烟 xiāngyān cigarette n
香油 xiāngyóu sesame oil n
镶 xiāng to inlay v
镶嵌 xiāngqiàn to inlay v
详尽 xiángjìn detailed adj
祥和 xiánghé auspicious and peaceful adj
享 xiǎng to enjoy v
享有 xiǎngyǒu to enjoy (rights, prestige, etc.) v
响亮 xiǎngliàng loud and clear adj
响起 xiǎngqǐ to emit sound
响应 xiǎngyìng to respond v
想方设法 xiǎngfāng‐shèfǎ to think up every possible method
向来 xiànglái always adv
向往 xiàngwǎng to yearn for v
向着 xiàngzhe to turn towards v
项链 xiàngliàn necklace n
像 xiàng likeness; picture n
像样 xiàng//yàng decent; presentable
橡胶 xiàngjiāo rubber n
橡皮 xiàngpí eraser n
削 xiāo to cut; to peel with a knife v
消 xiāo to remove; to disappear v
消沉 xiāochén depressed adj
to divert oneself; to while away the
消遣 xiāoqiǎn v
萧条 xiāotiáo desolate; bleak adj
销 xiāo to sell; to cancel v
销毁 xiāohuǐ to destroy by melting, burning, etc. v
销MW xiāoliàng sales volume n
(of a person's demeanour) free and
潇洒 xiāosǎ adj
小丑 xiǎochǒu clown n
小贩 xiǎofàn hawker n
小看 xiǎokàn to underestimate v
小康 xiǎokāng well‐off adj
小路 xiǎolù path, lane n
小品 xiǎopǐn sketch; skit n
小气 xiǎoqi mean; stingy adj
小区 xiǎoqū community n
小曲 xiǎoqǔ popular tune n
小人 xiǎorén villain n
小提琴 xiǎotíqín violin n
小溪 xiǎoxī creek n
小心翼翼 xiǎoxīn‐yiyì very cautiously
小卒 xiǎozú a nobody n
孝敬 xiàojìng to show filial respect to elders v
孝顺 xiào∙shùn filial piety v
肖像 xiàoxiàng portrait n
效仿 xiàofǎng to imitate v
效力 xiàolì effect n
效益 xiàoyì benefit n
效应 xiàoyìng effect n
n. agreement; v. to reach an
协定 xiédìng n v
协同 xiétóng to collaborate v
协作 xiézuò to cooperate v
邪 xié evil adj
邪恶 xié'è wicked adj
挟持 xiéchí to hold under duress v
携带 xiédài to carry v
携手 xiéshǒu to join hands v
写照 xiězhào v. to portray; n. portrait v n
泄 xiè to vent v
泄漏 xièlòu (of liquid or gas) to leak v
泄露 xièlòu to leak (information) v
泄密 xiè//mì to divulge a secret
泄气 xiè//qì to feel discouraged
泻 xiè to have diarrhea v
卸 xiè to unload v
心爱 xīn'ài beloved adj
心安理得 xīn'ān‐lǐdé to have a clear conscience
心病 xīnbìng heart disease n
心肠 xīncháng heart n
心得 xīndé experience; understanding n
心慌 xīn//huāng to be flustered
心急如焚 xīnjí‐rúfén burning with impatience
one's innermost thoughts and
心里话 xīnlǐhuà n
心灵手巧 xīnlíng‐shǒuqiǎo clever
心目 xīnmù frame of mind n
心声 xīnshēng heartfelt wishes; inner voice n
worries; something weight on one's
心事 xīnshì n
心思 xīnsi thought n
心酸 xīn//suān to be grieved
心想事成 xīnxiǎng‐shìchéng May all your wishes come true.
心胸 xīnxiōng breadth of mind n
心血 xīnxuè painstaking care n
heart; one's thoughts; unfounded
心眼儿 xīnyǎnr n
心意 xīnyì intention; kindly feelings n
芯片 xīnpiàn microchip n
辛勤 xīnqín hard‐working adj
辛酸 xinsuān bitter; sad adj
欣慰 xīnwèi relieved; gratified adj
欣喜 xīnxǐ happy adj
欣欣向荣 xīnxīn‐xiàngróng flourishing; thriving
新潮 xīncháo n. new trends; adj. trendy n adj
metabolism; the new replaces the
新陈pron谢 xīnchén‐dàixiè
新房 xīnfáng new house; bridal chamber n
新款 xīnkuǎn new style n
新奇 xīnqí novel; new adj
新生 xīnshēng adj. newborn; n. rebirth adj n
新式 xīnshì new (type) adj
新手 xīnshǒu novice n
新颖 xīnyǐng novel adj
信贷 xìndài credit n
letters, papers, printed matter, etc.
信件 xìnjiàn n
sent by post or messenger
信赖 xìnlài to trust v
信誉 xìnyù reputation n
兴奋剂 xīngfènjì stimulant n
兴建 xīngjiàn to build v
兴起 xīngqǐ to rise v
星座 xīngzuò constellation n
猩猩 xīngxing orangutan n
腥 xīng fishy smelling adj
刑法 xíngfǎ corporal punishment n
行使 xíngshǐ to exercise v
行政 xíngzhèng administration n
行走 xíngzǒu to walk v
adjadj色色 xíngxíngsèsè of all kinds adj
adj影不离 xíngyǐng‐bùlí inseparable
醒来 xǐnglai to wake up
醒目 xǐngmù eye‐catching adj
to wake up to reality; to come to
醒悟 xǐngwù v
realize the truth
兴高采烈 xìnggāo‐cǎiliè elated
兴致 xìngzhì interest n
幸存 xìngcún to survive v
幸好 xìnghǎo fortunately adv
幸亏 xìngkuī fortunately adv
幸免 xìngmiǎn to have a narrow escape v
性价比 xìngjiàbǐ cost‐performance ratio n
性命 xìngmìng life n
性情 xìngqíng temperament n
姓氏 xìngshì surname n
凶残 xiōngcán fierce and cruel adj
凶恶 xiōng'è fierce; ferocious adj
凶狠 xiōnghěn fierce and malicious adj
凶猛 xiōngměng ferocious adj
汹涌 xiōngyǒng turbulent v
胸膛 xiōngtáng chest n
胸有成竹 xiōngyǒuchéngzhú to have a well‐thought‐out plan
雄厚 xiónghòu ample adj
休克 xiūkè to shock v
休眠 xiūmián to hibernate v
don't think (that); don't fool yourself
休想 xiūxiǎng v
into thinking
休养 xiūyǎng to recuperate v
修补 xiūbǔ to repair v
修长 xiūcháng slender adj
修订 xiūdìng to revise v
修路 xiū//lù n. road repairs; v. to repair the road
修正 xiūzhèng to revise v
羞愧 xiūkuì ashamed adj
秀丽 xiùlì beautiful adj
秀美 xiùměi elegant adj
to stand by unconcerned; to look on
袖手旁观 xiùshǒu‐pángguān
without lifting a finger
绣 xiù to embroider v
锈 xiù n. rust; v. get rusty n v
嗅觉 xiùjué sense of smell n
须 xū must v
adj. empty; abstract; adv. virtually; in
虚 xū adj adv
虚构 xūgòu to fabricate v
虚幻 xūhuàn illusory adj
虚假 xūjiǎ false adj
虚拟 xūnǐ v. to simulate; adj. virtual v adj
虚弱 xūruò weak adj
虚伪 xūwěi hypocritical adj
需 xū to need v
徐徐 xúxú slowly adj
许 xǔ v. to allow; adv. Perhaps v adv
许可证 xǔkězhèng permit n
旭日 xùrì rising sun n
序 xù sequence n
序幕 xùmù prelude; prologue n
叙述 xùshù to narrate v
酗酒 xùjiǔ to drink to excess v
续 xù to continue v
絮叨 xùdao talkative; long‐winded adj
宣称 xuānchēng to assert v
宣读 xuāndú to read aloud in public v
宣告 xuāngào to proclaim v
宣誓 xuān//shì to take and oath; to make a vow
宣泄 xuānxiè to vent (emotions); to drain v
宣言 xuānyán declaration n
宣扬 xuānyáng to advocate v
喧哗 xuānhuá v. to make an uproar; adj. noisy v adj
喧闹 xuānnào noisy; lively adj
玄 xuán mysterious adj
玄机 xuánjī profound secret n
悬挂 xuánguà to suspend v
悬念 xuánniàn suspense n
悬殊 xuánshū disparate; at odds adj
悬崖 xuányá cliff n
旋律 xuánlǜ melody n
旋涡 xuánwō vortex n
选民 xuǎnmín voter n
选项 xuǎnxiàng option; alternative n
选用 xuǎnyòng to select for use v
炫耀 xuànyào to show off v
削弱 xuēruò to weaken v
靴子 xuēzi boots n
穴位 xuéwèi acupuncture point n
学历 xuélì academic credentials n
bachelor's degree; one who holds a
学士 xuéshì n
bachelor's degree
学说 xuéshuō theory n
学堂 xuétáng school n
学业 xuéyè academic studies n
学艺 xuéyì to learn a craft or trade v
学子 xuézǐ student n
雪山 xuěshān snow‐capped mountain n
to make matters worse; to add insult
雪上加霜 xuěshàng‐jiāshuāng
to injury
血脉 xuèmài blood vessels; lineage n
血栓 xuèshuān blood clot; thrombus n
血压 xuèyā blood pressure n
血缘 xuèyuán blood ties n
勋章 xūnzhāng medal n
熏 xūn to fumigate v
熏陶 xūntáo to influence someone in a subtle way v
寻 xún to search v
寻常 xúncháng usual adj
寻觅 xúnmì to look for v
巡逻 xúnluó to patrol v
循序渐进 xúnxù‐jiànjìn to proceed step by step
训 xùn to train v
驯 xùn to tame v
逊色 xùnsè n. inferiority; adj. inferior n adj
丫头 yātou little girl n
压倒 yādǎo adj. overwhelming; v. to overwhelm
压缩 yāsuō to compress v
压抑 yāyì to depress v
压制 yāzhì to suppress v
押 yā to pledge v
鸦雀无声 yāquè‐wúshēng utterly quiet
牙齿 yáchǐ teeth n
牙膏 yágāo toothpaste n
芽 yá bud n
哑 yǎ dumb adj
咽喉 yānhóu throat n
烟囱 yāncōng chimney n
烟火 yānhuǒ fireworks n
淹 yān to flood v
延 yán to delay v
延缓 yánhuǎn to delay; to postpone v
延误 yánwù to incur loss due to delay v
严谨 yánjǐn rigorous adj
严禁 yánjìn to prohibit v
严峻 yánjùn severe adj
严密 yánmì adj. tight; v. to tighten up adj v
言辞 yáncí one's words; wording n
言论 yánlùn remarks; discource n
言行 yánxíng words and deeds n
岩石 yánshí rock n
炎热 yánrè (of weather) scorching hot adj
炎症 yánzhèng inflammation n
沿岸 yán'àn coastal area n
n. throughout a journey; adv. along
沿途 yántú n adv
the way
沿线 yánxiàn along the (railway or shipping) line n
研讨 yántǎo to deliberate v
阎王 Yánwang lord of the underworld n
衍生 yǎnshēng to derive v
掩盖 yǎngài to cover v
掩护 yǎnhù to shield v
掩饰 yǎnshì to cover up v
眼红 yǎnhóng jealous; furious adj
眼界 yǎnjiè field of vision n
眼色 yǎnsè hint given with the eyes n
眼神 yǎnshén the expression in one's eyes n
眼下 yǎnxià at the moment n
演变 yǎnbiàn to evolve v
演播室 yǎnbōshì broadcast studio n
演技 yǎnjì acting; performing skills n
演练 yǎnliàn to drill v
演示 yǎnshì to demonstrate v
演说 yǎnshuō v. to deliver a speech; n. speech v n
演习 yǎnxí to exercise v
演戏 yǎn//xì acting
演艺圈 yǎnyìquān entertainment industry n
演绎 yǎnyì n. inference; v. to infer n v
厌烦 yànfán to be fed up with v
厌倦 yànjuàn to be weary of v
咽 yàn to swallow v
艳丽 yànlì gorgeous adj
验 yàn to check v
验收 yànshōu to check and accept v
验证 yànzhèng to verify v
焰火 yànhuǒ fireworks n
燕子 yànzi swallow n
秧歌 yāngge yangge (a popular rural folk dance) n
扬 yáng to raise; to hoist v
阳性 yángxìng positive n
杨树 yángshù poplar n
洋溢 yángyì to brim with v
养活 yǎnghuo to feed v
养老金 yǎnglǎojīn pension n
养老院 yǎnglǎoyuàn nursing home n
养生 yǎngshēng to keep in good health v
养殖 yǎngzhí to breed; to cultivate v
氧 yǎng oxygen n
痒 yǎng itch adj
样本 yàngběn sample book n
样品 yàngpǐn sample products n
妖怪 yāoguài monster n
邀 yāo to invite v
窑 yáo kiln n
谣言 yáoyán rumor n
摇摆 yáobǎi to swing v
摇滚 yáogǔn rock n
摇晃 yáo∙huàng to shake v
摇篮 yáolán cradle n
摇摇欲坠 yáoyáo‐yùzhuì tottering; on the verge of collapse
遥控 yáokòng to control remotely v
遥远 yáoyuǎn distant adj
药材 yàocái medicinal material n
药方 yàofāng prescription n
要不 yàobù or else; otherwise conj
要不是 yàobúshì if not for… conj
要点 yàodiǎn main point n
要害 yàohài vital part n
要紧 yàojǐn important adj
要领 yàolǐng key aspects n
要命 yào//mìng extremely; terribly
要强 yàoqiáng ambitious adj
钥匙 yàoshi key n
耀眼 yàoyǎn dazzling adj
椰子 yēzi coconut n
也就是说 yějiùshìshuō that is to say…
野餐 yěcān to have a picnic v
野炊 yěchuī to have a cookout v
野蛮 yěmán brutal adj
野兽 yěshòu beast n
野外 yěwài field n
野心 yěxīn wild ambition n
野营 yěyíng to go camping v
业(服务业)yè(fúwùyè) industry (service industry) aux
业绩 yèjì track record; performance n
夜班 yèbān night shift n
夜市 yèshì night market n
夜晚 yèwǎn night n
夜校 yèxiào night school n
夜以继日 yèyǐjìrì day and night
夜总会 yèzǒnghuì nightclub n
液晶 yèjīng liquid crystal n
液体 yètǐ liquid n
一把手 yībǎshǒu first in command; participant
一线 yīxiàn front line n
一一 yīyī one by one adv
伊斯兰教 Yīsīlánjiào Islam n
衣食住行 yī‐shí‐zhù‐xíng basic necessities of life
医务 yīwù medical affairs n
依 yī v. lean against; prep. according to v prep
依托 yītuō to rely on v
依依不舍 yīyī‐bùshě reluctant to part
一不小心 yí bù xiǎoxīn to be a bit careless
一刹那 yíchànà in an instant n
一大早 yídàzǎo early in the morning n
一v不v yídòng‐búdòng not moving at all
一度 yídù for a time adv
一概 yígài one and all adv
一概而论 yígài'érlùn to treat as the same
一个劲儿 yígejìnr persistently adv
一晃 yíhuàng to flit; to pass in a flash v
一技之长 yíjìzhīcháng skill in a specialized area
一面 yímiàn n. one side; adv. simultaneously n adv
一目了然 yímù‐liǎorán to be clear at a glance
一事无成 yíshì‐wúchéng to accomplish nothing
一瞬间 yíshùnjiān in a moment n
一味 yíwèi blindly adv
一系列 yíxìliè a series of adj
一阵 yízhèn a burst; a spell
仪表 yíbiǎo meter; appearance n
怡然自得 yírán‐zìdé to be pleased with oneself
姨 yí aunt n
移交 yíjiāo to transfer v
移植 yízhí to transplant v
遗留 yíliú to leave behind v
遗弃 yíqì to abandon v
遗体 yítǐ remains (of the dead) n
遗忘 yíwàng to forget v
遗物 yíwù relics n
last wishes; final wishes of the
遗愿 yíyuàn n
遗址 yízhǐ site; ruins n
遗嘱 yízhǔ last will and testament n
疑点 yídiǎn doubt; uncertain point n
疑惑 yíhuò to confuse v
疑虑 yílǜ to doubt v
以 yǐ prep. by means of, conj. in order to prep conj
以免 yǐmiǎn so as not to conj
以身作则 yǐshēn‐zuòzé to lead by example
以至于 yǐzhìyú to the extent that conj
以致 yǐzhì consequently conj
矣 yǐ auxiliary word expressing certainty aux
倚 yǐ lean on v
一长一短 yì cháng yì duǎn talkative; long‐winded
一成不变 yìchéng‐búbiàn unchanging
一筹莫展 yìchóu‐mòzhǎn to be at wits' end
一帆风顺 yìfān‐fēngshùn smooth sailing
一干二净 yìgān‐èrjìng thoroughly; completely
一鼓作气 yìgǔ‐zuòqì get sth. done in one vigorous effort
一锅粥 yìguōzhōu a complete mess n
一回事 yìhuíshì one and the same thing n
一家人 yìjiārén the whole family n
一经 yìjīng straightaway adv
一举 yìjǔ n. one action; adv. in one go n adv
一举一v yìjǔ‐yídòng every move
一卡通 yìkǎtōng all‐purpose card n
一揽子 yìlǎnzi wholesale; all‐inclusive adj
一conj yìlián in succession adv
一conj串 yìliánchuàn a series of adj
stingy; unwilling to give up even a
一毛不拔 yìmáo‐bùbá
一年到头 yìnián‐dàotóu throughout the year
一旁 yìpáng aside n
一如既往 yìrú‐jìwǎng as always
一声不吭 yìshēng‐bùkēng to not say a word
一手 yìshǒu n. trick; skill; adv. all by oneself n adv
一塌糊涂 yìtāhútú to be a complete mess
一体 yìtǐ the entirety n
一天到晚 yìtìān‐dàowǎn from morning till night; all day long
adv. simultaneously; all at once; n.
一头 yìtóu adv n
one end
一无所有 yìwúsuǒyǒu to have nothing to one's name
一无所知 yìwúsuǒzhī to know nothing about
一心 yìxīn wholeheartedly adv
一心一意 yìxīn‐yíyì single‐minded; wholeheartedly
一言不发 yìyán‐bùfā to keep one's mouth shut
一言一行 yìyán‐yìxíng words and deeds
一眼 yìyǎn at a glance
一应俱全 yìyīng‐jùquán everything needed is available
一早 yìzǎo early in the morning n
义工 yìgōng volunteer; volunteer work n
议 yì to discuss v
议程 yìchéng agenda n
议会 yìhuì parliament n
议员 yìyuán parliament member n
屹立 yìlì to stand erect v
亦 yì as well as adv
异口同声 yìkǒu‐tóngshēng in unison
异想天开 yìxiǎng‐tiānkāi to indulge in fantasy
异性 yìxìng adj. heterosexual; n. the opposite sex adj n
异议 yìyì objection n
抑扬顿挫 yìyáng‐dùncuò cadence
抑郁 yìyù depressed adj
抑郁症 yìyùzhèng depression n
抑制 yìzhì to inhibit v
译 yì to translate v
易拉罐 yìlāguàn pull‐top can n
疫苗 yìmiáo vaccine n
益处 yìchù benefit n
意料 yìliào to expect v
意料之外 yìliào zhī wài unexpected
意图 yìtú intention n
意向 yìxìàng intention n
溢 yì to overflow v
毅力 yìlì will; willpower n
毅然 yìrán resolutely adv
因人而异 yīnrén'éryì different from person to person
阴暗 yīn'àn dark adj
阴性 yīnxìng feminine n
音响 yīnxiǎng audio n
殷勤 yīnqín attentive; solicitous adj
银幕 yínmù screen n
引发 yǐnfā to cause v
引经据典 yǐnjīng‐jùdiǎn to quote authoritative works
引领 yǐnlǐng to lead v
引擎 yǐnqíng engine n
引人入胜 yǐnrén‐rùshèng fascinating
引人注目 yǐnrén‐zhùmù striking; eye‐catching
引入 yǐnrù to introduce from elsewhere v
引用 yǐnyòng to quote v
引诱 yǐnyòu to seduce v
饮水 yǐn shuǐ drinking water
饮用水 yǐnyòngshuǐ drinking water n
隐蔽 yǐnbì v. to hide; adj. hidden v adj
隐患 yǐnhuàn hidden danger n
隐瞒 yǐnmán to conceal v
隐情 yǐnqíng secrets n
隐身 yǐnshēn to make oneself invisible v
隐adj yǐnxíng invisible adj
隐性 yǐnxìng hidden adj
隐约 yǐnyuē faint adj
瘾 yǐn addiction n
印刷术 yìnshuāshù art of printing n
印章 yìnzhāng seal n
印证 yìnzhèng v. to prove; n. proof v n
to have everything one could wish
应有尽有 yīngyǒu‐jìnyǒu
英镑 yīngbàng pound, GBP n
英俊 yīngjùn hansome adj
婴儿 yīng'ér baby n
鹰 yīng eagle n
迎 yíng to welcome v
迎合 yínghé to cater to v
荧光 yíngguāng fluorescence n
盈利 yínglì v. to profit; n. profit v n
营救 yíngjiù to rescue v
营造 yíngzào to build v
赢家 yíngjiā winner n
影像 yǐngxiàng image n
v. to engage in social activities; n.
应酬 yìngchou v n
social interaction
应付 yìngfu to handle v
应聘 yìngpìn to accept a job offer v
应邀 yìngyāo on invitation v
映 yìng to reflect v
硬币 yìngbì coin n
硬朗 yìnglang robust adj
硬盘 yìngpán hard disk n
拥护 yōnghù to support v
拥挤 yōngjǐ v. to crowd; adj. crowded v adj
庸俗 yōngsú vulgar adj
永不 yǒng bù never
永恒 yǒnghéng eternal adj
永久 yǒngjiǔ permanent adj
勇往直前 yǒngwǎng‐zhíqián to march forward bravely
to be brave in; to have the courage
勇于 yǒngyú v
涌 yǒng to surge v
涌入 yǒngrù to come pouring in v
涌现 yǒngxiàn to emerge in large numbers v
踊跃 yǒngyuè v. to leap; adj. eager v adj
用餐 yòng//cān to dine
用功 yònggōng diligent; studious adj
用力 yòng//lì to exert oneself physically
用人 yòng//rén to choose a person for a job
用意 yòngyì intention n
优 yōu excellent adj
优化 yōuhuà to optimize v
优雅 yōuyǎ graceful; elegant adj
优异 yōuyì outstanding; exceptional adj
优越 yōuyuè superior adj
忧愁 yōuchóu troubled; depressed adj
忧虑 yōulǜ to be concerned v
忧郁 yōuyù melancholy adj
悠久 yōujiǔ long‐standing adj
悠闲 yōuxián laid back adj
尤为 yóuwéi especially adv
由此看来 yóucǐ‐kànlái thereby; in light of this
由此可见 yóucǐ‐kějiàn it can be seen
由来 yóulái origin n
由衷 yóuzhōng sincere adj
邮编 yóubiān post code n
邮政 yóuzhèng postal service n
犹如 yóurú just like v
犹豫不决 yóuyù‐bùjué to be hesitant
油画 yóuhuà oil painting n
游船 yóuchuán cruise ship n
游览 yóulǎn to go sight‐seeing v
友情 yǒuqíng friendship n
友人 yǒurén friend n
友善 yǒushàn friendly adj
有待 yǒudài to remain to be done v
有的放矢 yǒudì‐fàngshǐ to have a definite objective
有机 yǒujī organic adj
有口无心 yǒukǒu‐wúxīn One's bark is worse than his bite.
有两下子 yǒu liǎngxiàzi to have real skill
有声有色 yǒushēng‐yǒusè dazzling
有所 yǒusuǒ somewhat v
有所不同 yǒu suǒ bù tóng to differ to some extent
有望 yǒuwàng to be hopeful v
有效期 yǒuxiàoqī validity period n
有幸 yǒuxìng lucky adj
有序 yǒuxù orderly adj
有益 yǒuyì beneficial adj
有意 yǒuyì v. to intend; adv. intentionally v adv
有朝一日 yǒuzhāo‐yírì one day; if by chance…
有助于 yǒuzhùyú to be helpful to v
幼稚 yòuzhì childish adj
诱饵 yòu'ěr bait n
诱发 yòufā to induce v
诱惑 yòuhuò v. to captivate; n. trap v n
诱人 yòurén seductive adj
余 yú v. to remain; math. remainder v num
余地 yúdì spare room; leeway n
余额 yú'é balance; remainder n
渔船 yúchuán fishing boat n
渔民 yúmín fisherman n
逾期 yú//qī to be overdue
愚蠢 yúchǔn foolish adj
to do seemingly impossible things
愚公移山 yúgōng‐yíshān and succeed eventually through
舆论 yúlùn public opinion n
与此同时 yǔcǐ‐tóngshí at the same time
与否 yǔ fǒu whether or not
与其 yǔqí better than conj
与日俱增 yǔrì‐jùzēng increasing; with each passing day
与时俱进 yǔshí‐jùjìn to keep pace with the times
与众不同 yǔzhòng‐bùtóng unique
予以 yǔyǐ to give v
宇宙 yǔzhòu universe n
语气 yǔqì tone n
浴室 yùshì bathroom n
预定 yùdìng to reserve v
预感 yùgǎn v. to have a hunch; n. premonition v n
v. to announce in advance; n.
预告 yùgào v n
advanced notice
预见 yùjiàn v. to foresee; n. foresight v n
预料 yùliào v. to expect; n. expectation v n
v. to hold a preliminary competition;
预赛 yùsài v n
n. preliminary
预示 yùshì to indicate v
预售 yùshòu to book in advance v
预算 yùsuàn budget n
预先 yùxiān in advance adv
预言 yùyán v. to predict; n. prophecy v n
预兆 yùzhào n. omen; v. to be an omen n v
欲望 yùwàng desire n
遇难 yù//nàn to be killed in an accident
遇上 yùshang to encounter
遇险 yù//xiǎn to be in danger
寓言 yùyán fable n
寓意 yùyì implication n
愈合 yùhé to heal v
愈来愈 yù lái yù more and more
愈演愈烈 yùyǎn‐yùliè to intensify
冤 yuān n. injustice; adj. wronged n adj
冤枉 yuānwang v. to wrong; adj. not worthwhile v adj
渊源 yuānyuán origin n
元老 yuánlǎo founding member; elder n
元首 yuánshǒu head of state n
元宵节 Yuánxiāo Jié Lantern Festival n
原本 yuánběn originally adv
原材料 yuáncáiliào raw material n
原创 yuánchuàng to originate v
原地 yuándì place of origin n
原型 yuánxíng prototype n
原汁原味 yuánzhī‐yuánwèi original flavor; authentic
原装 yuánzhuāng original packing; genuine product adj
圆adj yuánxíng round n
缘分 yuán∙fèn fate n
源泉 yuánquán source; fountainhead n
源头 yuántóu source; fountainhead n
源于 yuányú to derive from
源源不断 yuányuán‐búduàn a steady flow
远程 yuǎnchéng long‐distance adj
远见 yuǎnjiàn vision n
远近闻n yuǎnjìn‐wénmíng to be well‐known
怨恨 yuànhèn v. to resent; n. resentment v n
怨气 yuànqì resentment n
怨言 yuànyán complaint n
院士 yuànshì academician n
曰 yuē to say v
约定俗成 yuēdìng‐súchéng accepted through convention
月初 yuèchū the beginning of the month n
月票 yuèpiào monthly ticket n
乐器 yuèqì musical instrument n
岳父 yuèfù father‐in‐law n
岳母 yuèmǔ mother‐in‐law n
阅历 yuèlì v. to experience; n. experiences v n
悦耳 yuè'ěr pleasant sounding adj
越发 yuèfā all the more adv
越过 yuè//guò to cross
晕倒 yūndǎo to faint
陨石 yǔnshí meteorite n
孕妇 yùnfù pregnant woman n
孕育 yùnyù to give birth to v
运河 yùnhé canal n
运送 yùnsòng to transport v
to operate (an institution); (of
运营 yùnyíng v
vehicles) to be in operation
运转 yùnzhuǎn (of machines) to run v
酝酿 yùnniàng to brew; to ferment v
韵味 yùnwèi lingering charm n
蕴藏 yùncáng to contain v
蕴涵 yùnhán implication v
杂技 zájì acrobatics n
杂交 zájiāo to hybridize v
杂乱无章 záluàn‐wúzhāng chaotic
砸 zá to smash v
栽 zāi to plant v
栽培 zāipéi to cultivate v
宰 zǎi to slaughter v
再度 zàidù once again adv
再现 zàixiàn to reproduce (a past event) v
在线 zàixiàn to be online v
在意 zài//yì to care
在职 zàizhí to be at one's post; to be employed v
载体 zàitǐ carrier; medium n
攒 zǎn to hoard v
暂 zàn temporarily adv
赞不绝口 zànbùjuékǒu to praise profusely
赞美 zànměi to praise v
赞interjectio zàntàn to praise highly v
赞interjectio zàntàn‐bùyǐ to praise repeatedly
赞同 zàntóng to agree v
赞许 zànxǔ to approve of v
赞扬 zànyáng to praise v
葬 zàng to bury v
葬礼 zànglǐ funeral n
遭殃 zāo//yāng to suffer disaster
凿 záo to chisel v
早年 zǎonián early years n
adv. as early as possible; n. an early
早日 zǎorì adv n
枣 zǎo Chinese date; jujube n
造福 zàofú to benefit v
造假 zàojiǎ to counterfeit v
造价 zàojià cost (of building or manufacturing) n
造就 zàojiù v. to train up; n. achievement v n
造纸术 zàozhǐshù papermaking n
噪声 zàoshēng noise n
噪音 zàoyīn discordant noise n
则1 zé thus conj
则2 zé measure word for news, writing, etc. MW
责备 zébèi to blame v
责怪 zéguài to blame v
贼 zéi thief n
增收 zēngshōu to increase income v
增添 zēngtiān to increase v
扎根 zhā//gēn to take root
渣子 zhāzi dregs; sediment n
闸 zhá brake n
炸 zhá to deep‐fry v
眨眼 zhǎ//yǎn to blink
诈骗 zhàpiàn to scam v
榨 zhà to squeeze v
窄 zhǎi narrow adj
债务 zhàiwù debt n
占卜 zhānbǔ to practise divination v
沾 zhān to touch v
to benefit from association with
沾光 zhān//guāng
someone or something
粘 zhān to glue v
瞻仰 zhānyǎng to gaze at with reverence v
斩 zhǎn to cut v
斩草除根 zhǎncǎo‐chúgēn to eradicate
盏 zhǎn measure word for lamps MW
展出 zhǎnchū to put on display v
展览会 zhǎnlǎnhuì exhibition n
展望 zhǎnwàng to look forward to v
崭新 zhǎnxīn brand new adj
占用 zhànyòng to occupy v
站立 zhànlì to stand v
绽放 zhànfàng to bloom v
蘸 zhàn to dip in (ink, sauce, etc.) v
张灯结彩 zhāngdēng‐jiécǎi decorate with lights and colors
张贴 zhāngtiē to post (a notice) v
张扬 zhāngyáng to make widely known v
长辈 zhǎngbèi elder n
长相 zhǎngxiàng looks, appearance n
掌管 zhǎngguǎn to control v
帐篷 zhàngpeng tent n
帐子 zhàngzi mosquito net n
账单 zhàngdān bill n
账号 zhànghào account number n
胀 zhàng to be bloated v
招标 zhāo//biāo to invite bids
招待 zhāodài to entertain; to receive (guests) v
招待会 zhāodàihuì reception n
招揽 zhāolǎn to solicit v
招募 zhāomù to recruit v
招牌 zhāopai shop sign n
招收 zhāoshōu to recruit v
a move (in chess, martial arts, etc.); a
招num zhāoshù n
朝气蓬勃 zhāoqì‐péngbó full of youthful vigor
to change something that is already
朝三暮四 zhāosān‐mùsì
着迷 zháo//mí to fascinate
沼泽 zhǎozé swamp n
召集 zhàojí to convene v
兆头 zhàotou sign; omen n
照办 zhào//bàn to comply with
v. to do something as usual; adv. as
照常 zhàocháng v adv
照例 zhàolì as usual adv
照料 zhàoliào to take care of v
照明 zhàomíng to illuminate v
罩 zhào v. to cover; n. cover v n
肇事 zhàoshì to cause trouble v
折腾 zhēteng to toss about v
遮 zhē to cover v
遮盖 zhēgài to cover up v
折叠 zhédié to fold v
折合 zhéhé to amount to v
折扣 zhékòu discount n
折磨 zhé∙mó to torture v
折射 zhéshè to refract v
这会儿 zhèhuìr this moment pron
这样一来 zhèyàng‐yìlái thus
针锋相对 zhēnfēng‐xiāngduì tit‐for‐tat
针灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion n
侦察 zhēnchá to scout v
v. to collect (rare books, art, etc.); n.
珍藏 zhēncáng v n
珍视 zhēnshì to value v
珍重 zhēnzhòng to treasure v
真假 zhēnjiǎ true and false n
真空 zhēnkōng vacuum n
真情 zhēnqíng truth n
真是的 zhēnshide Come on!; Really!
真心 zhēnxīn sincerity n
真挚 zhēnzhì sincere adj
诊所 zhěnsuǒ clinic n
枕头 zhěntou pillow n
阵容 zhènróng lineup n
阵营 zhènyíng camp; faction n
振奋 zhènfèn adj. inspiring; v. to inspire adj v
振兴 zhènxīng to revitalize v
振作 zhènzuò adj. in high spirits; v. to cheer up adj v
震 zhèn to shake v
震v zhèndòng to quake v
震撼 zhènhàn to shake v
镇定 zhèndìng adj. calm; v. to calm adj v
争吵 zhēngchǎo to quarrel v
争端 zhēngduān dispute n
争分夺秒 zhēngfēn‐duómiǎo to race against time
争光 zhēng//guāng to win glory for
争气 zhēng//qì to make a good showing
争先恐后 zhēngxiān‐kǒnghòu to strive to outdo one another
争执 zhēngzhí to dispute v
征 zhēng to levy (taxes); to draft (troops) v
征集 zhēngjí to collect v
征收 zhēngshōu to collect (money, tax, etc.) v
挣扎 zhēngzhá to struggle v
症结 zhēngjié crux n
睁 zhēng to open (eyes) v
蒸 zhēng to steam v
拯救 zhěngjiù to rescue v
整合 zhěnghé to integrate v
整洁 zhěngjié tidy adj
整num zhěngshù integer; whole number n
正面 zhèngmiàn n. front side; adj. front n adj
正能MW zhèngnéngliàng positive energy n
正视 zhèngshì to face squarely v
正直 zhèngzhí upright adj
正宗 zhèngzōng n. orthodox school; adj. authentic n adj
证人 zhèng∙rén witness n
郑重 zhèngzhòng solemn adj
之1 zhī third person pronoun pron
之2 zhī of aux
之所以 zhīsuǒyǐ the reason why conj
支票 zhīpiào (banking) cheque; check n
支柱 zhīzhù pillar n
汁 zhī juice n
芝麻 zhīma sesame n
芝士 zhīshì cheese n
知己 zhījǐ adj. intimate; n. bosom friend adj n
知觉 zhījué perception n
知识分子 zhīshi fènzǐ intellectual
知足 zhīzú content adj
肢体 zhītǐ limbs n
脂肪 zhīfáng fat n
执法 zhífǎ enforce law v
执意 zhíyì insistent adv
执照 zhízhào license n
执着 zhízhuó persevering adj
直奔 zhíbèn to go straight to v
直达 zhídá to travel nonstop v
直观 zhíguān intuitive adj
直径 zhíjìng diameter n
直觉 zhíjué intuition n
直视 zhíshì to look straight at v
直至 zhízhì until v
值钱 zhíqián valuable adj
职权 zhíquán power n
职业病 zhíyèbìng occupational disease n
职员 zhíyuán staff member n
止步 zhǐ//bù to stop
止咳 zhǐ ké to relieve a cough
止血 zhǐxuè to stop bleeding v
旨在 zhǐzài to aim to do v
指点 zhǐdiǎn to point out v
指教 zhǐjiào to offer advice v
指令 zhǐlìng instruction n
指南 zhǐnán guide n
指南针 zhǐnánzhēn compass n
指手画脚 zhǐshǒu‐huàjiǎo to criticize or give orders summarily
指望 zhǐ∙wàng v. to count on; n. hope v n
指向 zhǐxiàng v. to point to; n. direction v n
指引 zhǐyǐn to point the way v
至此 zhìcǐ until this v
至关重要 zhìguān‐zhòngyào vital
志气 zhì∙qì ambition n
制 zhì to regulate v
制裁 zhìcái to sanction v
制服 zhìfú uniform n
制品 zhìpǐn product n
制止 zhìzhǐ to stop v
质地 zhìdì texture n
质朴 zhìpǔ simple and unadorned adj
质问 zhìwèn to question v
质疑 zhìyí to call into question v
治学 zhìxué to pursue one's studies v
治愈 zhìyù to be cured (of a disease)
致 zhì to cause v
致辞 zhì//cí to make a speech
致富 zhìfù to get rich v
致敬 zhìjìng to pay one's respects to v
致力于 zhìlì yú to dedicate oneself to
致命 zhìmìng to be fatal v
致使 zhìshǐ v. to cause; conj. therefore v conj
秩序 zhìxù order; sequence n
窒息 zhìxī to suffocate v
智商 zhìshāng IQ n
滞后 zhìhòu to lag v
滞留 zhìliú to be detained v
置 zhì to set up v
中国画 zhōngguóhuà Chinese painting n
中立 zhōnglì to be neutral v
中途 zhōngtú halfway n
中型 zhōngxíng medium‐sized adj
中性 zhōngxìng n. neutrality; adj. neutral n adj
中旬 zhōngxún middle 10‐day period of a month n
n. golden mean (in Confucian
中庸 zhōngyōng thought); The Doctrine of the Mean; n adj
adj. ordinary
中止 zhōngzhǐ to discontinue v
忠诚 zhōngchéng adj. loyal; n. loyalty adj n
忠实 zhōngshí loyal adj
忠于 zhōngyú to be loyal to v
忠贞 zhōngzhēn loyal and steadfast adj
终结 zhōngjié to end v
终究 zhōngjiū after all adv
终生 zhōngshēng all one's life n
衷心 zhōngxīn heartfelt adj
肿瘤 zhǒngliú tumor n
种族 zhǒngzú race; ethnicity n
仲裁 zhòngcái to arbitrate v
众人 zhòngrén everybody n
众所周知 zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī as everyone knows
众志成城 zhòngzhì‐chéngchénUnited we stand.
重创 zhòngchuāng to inflict heavy losses; to maul v
重MW级 zhòngliàngjí heavyweight adj
重任 zhòngrèn heavy responsibility n
重伤 zhòngshāng serious injury n
重心 zhòngxīn focus n
重型 zhòngxíng heavy sentence; severe punishment adj
重中之重 zhòngzhōngzhīzhòn top priority
周边 zhōubiān periphery n
周到 zhōudào thoughtful adj
周密 zhōumì careful adj
周旋 zhōuxuán to deal with; to socialize v
昼夜 zhòuyè day and night n
皱 zhòu v. to wrinkle; n. wrinkle v n
骤然 zhòurán suddenly adv
朱红 zhūhóng scarlet adj
株 zhū measure word for plants MW
诸多 zhūduō a good deal of adj
诸如此类 zhūrú‐cǐlèi and suchlike; things of that sort
竹竿 zhúgān bamboo n
逐年 zhúnián year by year adv
主 zhǔ host n
主编 zhǔbiān editor‐in‐chief n v
主妇 zhǔfù housewife n
主力 zhǔlì main force n
主权 zhǔquán sovereignty n
主人公 zhǔréngōng protagonist n
主食 zhǔshí staple food n
主题歌 zhǔtígē theme song n
主演 zhǔyǎn v. to star in; n. leading actor v n
主页 zhǔyè homepage n
主义 zhǔyì doctrine n
主宰 zhǔzǎi v. to dominate; n. domination v n
拄 zhǔ lean on v
嘱咐 zhǔ∙fù to exhort v
瞩目 zhǔmù to focus the attention upon v
助威 zhù//wēi to cheer for; to encourage
住处 zhùchù residence n
住户 zhùhù resident n
住宿 zhùsù to reside v
住址 zhùzhǐ address n
贮藏 zhùcáng to store up v
注 zhù n. note; v. to annotate n v
注定 zhùdìng to be destined to v
注入 zhùrù to inject; to pour into; to invest
铸造 zhùzào to cast v
筑 zhù to build v
爪子 zhuǎzi paw n
拽 zhuài to drag v
专长 zhuāncháng specialty n
专程 zhuānchéng special trip
sales counter dedicated to a specific
专柜 zhuānguì n
专栏 zhuānlán special column n
专卖店 zhuānmàidiàn franchised shop n
专人 zhuānrén specialist n
专职 zhuānzhí full‐time n
专制 zhuānzhì autocrat n
专注 zhuānzhù concentrated adj
专著 zhuānzhù monograph n
砖 zhuān brick n
转播 zhuǎnbō to broadcast v
转达 zhuǎndá to convey v
转机 zhuǎnjī favourable turn n
转交 zhuǎnjiāo to transmit v
转型 zhuǎnxíng to transform v
to transfer from one school to
转学 zhuǎn//xué
转眼 zhuǎnyǎn in the blink of an eye v
转载 zhuǎnzǎi to reprint v
转折 zhuǎnzhé to take a turn (of events) v
转折点 zhuǎnzhédiǎn turning point n
传 zhuàn pass n
传记 zhuànjì biography n
转悠 zhuànyou to wander v
撰写 zhuànxiě to write v
庄稼 zhuāngjia crops n
庄严 zhuāngyán solemn adj
庄园 zhuāngyuán mansion; estate n
桩 zhuāng n. pile; measure word for cases n MW
装扮 zhuāngbàn to dress up v
壮 zhuàng adj. strong; v. to strengthen adj v
壮大 zhuàngdà v. to grow in strength; adj. bulky v adj
壮胆 zhuàng//dǎn to build up someone's courage
壮丽 zhuànglì magnificent adj
壮实 zhuàngshi sturdy adj
top scorer in an exam; the best in a
状元 zhuàngyuan n
撞击 zhuàngjī to strike v
幢 zhuàng measure word for buildings MW
追悼会 zhuīdàohuì memorial service n
追赶 zhuīgǎn to chase after v
追溯 zhuīsù to trace back to v
追随 zhuīsuí to follow close on the heels of v
追尾 zhuī//wěi to tailgate; to rear‐end (in a car)
追问 zhuīwèn to question closely v
追逐 zhuīzhú to chase v
追踪 zhuīzōng to track v
坠 zhuì v. to fall; n. hanging object v n
准许 zhǔnxǔ to permit v
准则 zhǔnzé criterion n
拙劣 zhuōliè clumsy adj
捉迷藏 zhuōmícáng to play hide‐and‐seek
灼热 zhuórè burning adj
卓越 zhuóyuè excellent adj
to take the circumstances into
酌情 zhuóqíng v
着力 zhuólì to exert oneself v
着落 zhuóluò whereabouts n
着实 zhuóshí indeed adv
着手 zhuóshǒu to start v
着想 zhuóxiǎng to consider (the interests of) v
着眼 zhuóyǎn to concentrate v
着眼于 zhuóyǎn yú to focus on
着重 zhuózhòng to emphasize v
姿势 zīshì posture n
姿态 zītài attitude n
兹 zī at present pron
资本主义 zīběn zhǔyì capitalism
资历 zīlì qualifications n
资深 zīshēn senior; veteran adj
资讯 zīxùn information n
滋润 zīrùn adj. moist; v. to moisten adj v
滋味 zīwèi taste n
子弟 zǐdì sons and younger brothers n
子孙 zǐsūn descendants n
自卑 zìbēi self‐abased adj
自称 zìchēng to claim to be; to call oneself v
自发 zìfā spontaneous adj
自费 zìfèi to be at one's own expense v
adj. conceited; v. to think highly of
自负 zìfù adj v
自理 zìlǐ to take care of oneself v
自力更生 zìlì‐gēngshēng self‐reliance
自立 zìlì self‐reliance v
to constantly strive for self‐
自强不息 zìqiáng‐bùxī
自然而然 zìrán'érrán naturally
自然界 zìránjiè nature n
自如 zìrú free; smooth adj
自始至终 zìshǐ‐zhìzhōng from beginning to end
自私 zìsī selfish adj
自私自利 zìsī‐zìlì selfish
自卫 zìwèi to defend oneself v
自相矛盾 zìxiāng‐máodùn to contradict oneself
自信心 zìxìnxīn self‐confidence n
自行 zìxíng on one's own adv
自以为是 zìyǐwéishì self‐opinionated
自由自在 zìyóu‐zìzài free and unrestrained
自责 zìzé to blame oneself v
自助 zìzhù to depend on oneself; to self‐service v
自尊 zìzūn to respect oneself v
自尊心 zìzūnxīn self‐esteem n
字迹 zìjì handwriting n
字幕 zìmù subtitle n
字体 zìtǐ font n
字眼 zìyǎn wording n
宗 zōng measure word for cargo MW
宗旨 zōngzhǐ purpose n
综上所述 zōngshàng‐suǒshù in summary
总的来说 zǒngde lái shuō in general
总额 zǒng'é lump sum n
总而言之 zǒng'éryánzhī in short
总计 zǒngjì to amount to v
纵观 zòngguān to make an overall survey v
纵横交错 zònghéng‐jiāocuò criss‐crossed
纵然 zòngrán even if; even though conj
纵容 zòngróng to indulge; to wink at v
纵深 zòngshēn depth n
a pyramid‐shaped dumpling made of
粽子 zòngzi glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or n
reed leaves
superficial; to go through the
走过场 zǒu guòchǎng
走后门 zǒu hòumén to pull strings
走近 zǒujìn to approach
走廊 zǒuláng corridor n
走投无路 zǒutóu‐wúlù to be at an impasse
走弯路 zǒu wānlù to waste time
奏效 zòu//xiào to prove effective
揍 zòu to beat v
租赁 zūlìn to lease v
足迹 zújì footprint n
足智多谋 zúzhì‐duōmóu wise and resourceful
阻挡 zǔdǎng to block v
阻拦 zǔlán to stop v
阻力 zǔlì resistance n
阻挠 zǔnáo to obstruct v
组建 zǔjiàn to set up v
组装 zǔzhuāng to assemble v
to pass from generation to
祖传 zǔchuán v
祖籍 zǔjí ancestral home n
祖先 zǔxiān ancestors n
祖宗 zǔzong forebears n
钻空子 zuān kòngzi to exploit an advantage
钻研 zuānyán to study intensively v
钻石 zuànshí diamond n
嘴唇 zuǐchún lips n
罪犯 zuìfàn criminal n
罪魁祸首 zuìkuí‐huòshǒu culprit; criminal ringleader
尊贵 zūnguì honorable adj
尊严 zūnyán dignity n
遵循 zūnxún to abide by v
遵照 zūnzhào to comply with v
琢磨 zuómo to ponder v
左顾右盼 zuǒgù‐yòupàn to glance right and left
佐料 zuǒliào condiments n
作弊 zuò//bì to practise fraud
作对 zuò//duì to oppose
作风 zuòfēng style of work n
作客 zuò//kè to visit
作物 zuòwù crop n
坐落 zuòluò to be located v
座谈 zuòtán to discuss informally v
座右铭 zuòyòumíng motto n
做生意 zuò shēngyi to do business
做证 zuò//zhèng to give evidence