20 Misc
20 Misc
20 Misc
Neck (3) Digastric (ant and post See above See above See above
Submandibular bellies)
(digastric) Triangle Mylohyoid Elevates hyoid bone and tongue N. to my lohyoid (branch Mylohyoid branch
when speaking and swallowing of inferior alveolar n. of inferior alveolar
fro m V3 ) a.
Stylohyoid Elevates and retracts hyoid Facial n. (CN VII) Ascending
bone pharyngeal a.
Neck (2) Digastric muscles (sides) See above See above See above
Submental Triangle Mylohyoid (floor) See above See above See above
Levator scapulae Elevates scapula Dorsal scapular n. (C5) Dorsal scapular a.
Extends, laterally bends neck Dorsal primary rami of
Splenius capitus and head spinal n. Deep cervical a.
Neck (5) Rotates head to same side
Structures deep to Scalenes (3) Anterior & M iddle – elevates Anterior – brachial
floor of triangle (posterior, middle, first rib; flexes and laterally plexus (C5-C7) Ascending
anterior) bends neck Posterior – brachial cervical a. (branch
Posterior – elevates second rib; plexus (C7-C8) of thyrocervical
flexes and laterally bends the Middle – brachial p lexus trunk)
neck (C3-C8)
Neck (1) Geniohyoid -- C1 and C2 coursing with Linguial a.
hypoglossal n. (CN XII) Submental a.
Anterior &
Temporalis Elevates and retracts mandible Deep temporal n. posterior deep
temporal arteries
Protracts and depresses the
Head/Mastication Lateral pterygoid mandib le N. to lateral pterygoid Pterygoid branch
(4) Moves mandible laterally of maxillary a.
Medial pterygoid Elevates and protracts mandible N. medial pterygoid
Moves mandible laterally
Masseter Elevates mandible, closes jaw Anterior trunk of CN V3 Masseteric branch
(masseteric n) of maxillary a.
Middle pharyngeal
constrictor Ascending
Superior pharyngeal Constricts walls of pharyn x Pharyngeal branch of pharyngeal a.
constrictor during swallo wing Vagus and Pharyngeal
Pharynx (4) plexus Ascending
Inferior pharyngeal pharyngeal a.
constrictor Superior thyroid a.
Inferior thyroid a.
Stylopharyngeus Elevates and dilates pharynx Glossopharyngeal n. Ascending
during swallo wing and (CN IX) pharyngeal a.
Levator palpebrae
Elevates superior eyelid
Elevates, ADducts and
Superior rectus
med ially rotates eyeball
Medial rectus ADducts eyeball Oculo motor n. (CN III)
Depresses, ADducts and
muscles of the Inferior rectus
med ially rotates eyeball
Orbit (7)
ABducts, elevates and laterally
Inferior oblique
rotates eyeball
ABducts, depresses and
Superior oblique Trochlear n. (CN IV)
med ially rotates eyeball
Lateral rectus ABducts eyeball Abducent n. (CN V)
Extrinsic muscles Elevates posterior tongue,
Pharyngeal branch of
of the tongue (4) Palatoglossus depresses soft palate, contricts
vagus n. (CN X)
isthmus of fauces
Depresses tongue, posterior
Genioglossus Sublingual a.?
fibers protrude tongue Hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
Hyoglossus Depresses and retracts tongue Dorsal lingual a.?
Retracts and elevates tongue,
aids initiat ion of swallowing
Intrinsic muscles of Curls tongue upward, retrudes
Superior longitudinal
the tongue (4) tongue
Curls tongue downward,
Inferior longitudinal Deep lingual a. ?
retrudes tongue
Transverse Narro ws and protrudes tongue
Vertical Flattens and broadens tongue
Chin (1) Elevates and wrinkles skin of Mandibular branch of
chin and protrudes lower lip facial nerve
Thyroarytenoid Relaxes vocal ligament
Posterior cricoarytenoid Abducts vocal folds
Lateral cricoarytenoid Adducts vocal folds
Adducts arytenoids cartilages
Arytenoids (5) Inferior laryngeal nerve
Transverse & oblique (adducting intercartilagenous
(terminal part of
arytenoids portion of vocal folds, closing
recurrent laryngeal
posterior rima glottides)
nerve, fro m CN X)
Relaxes posterior vocal
ligament while maintaining (o r
increasing) tension of anterior
o Supratrochlear
Mnemonic – External carotid artery b ranches (in ascending order): Some Angry Lady Figured Out PMS
- Superior thyroid
- Ascending pharyngeal
- Lingual
- Facial
- Occipital
- Posterior auricular
- Maxillary
- Superficial temporal
Mnemonic – Scalp Layers: SCALP
- Skin
- Connective tissue
- Aponeurosis
- Loose areolar tissue
- Pericardiu m
Tympanic nerve enters the middle ear v ia the tympanic canaliculus in the petrous part of the temporal bone
Tympanic nerve forms the tympanic plexus on pro montory of the middle ear
Lesser petrosal nerve penetrates the roof of a tympanic cavity (teg men ty mpani) to enter middle cranial fossa
Lesser petrosal nerve exits the craniu m through the foramen ovale
Preganglionic parasympathetic (GVE) fi bers fro m the lesser petrosal nerve synapse in the otic ganglion
Postganglionic fi bers pass to the parotid gland via branches of the auriculotemporal nerve (branch of V3 )