Unit2 Notes
Unit2 Notes
Unit2 Notes
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
Background report: Technical descriptions like this one provide background information
on subjects like solar power, climate changes, robotic process technology, etc. The other
technical articles could be written with students, professors, or the general public in mind.
The intended audience in this case is broad. A technical background report is often written
for a particular audience. Government, semi-government, and commercial organisations
may provide background information on the necessity when soliciting bids for hospitals,
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
engineering institutes, technical surveys, etc. The proposers may frequently be mild to
moderate intellectual or people with unrelated fields of expertise. Such a technical
explanation may aid them in comprehending the needs of the issue or problem that has to
be solved. These reports are typically given upon request and may cost money to publish.
Business plans: The businessman or entrepreneur needs the help of other individuals in
order to establish a new business, extend that as well, or specialize it. Private investors,
state and federal governments, privately owned or authorised financial organisations,
banks, etc., might support the aforementioned activities. The blueprint for the company
strategy must be created by the businessman or entrepreneur. The commercial activity
should be thoroughly explained, the market potential should be established, the capabilities
of other manufacturers or businesspeople should be examined, the import and export issues
should be addressed, and a comprehensive strategy for a fully fledged activity should be
prepared. The demands for facilities, manpower, etc., should be investigated and reported.
A phase-wise strategy for five or 10 years may be suggested in specific circumstances. It
might not be profitable right away. The breakeven point and level of profitability should be
predicted using future prediction.
There may be many sorts of activity, depending on the category. It's hard to generalise
about all of them. The intended audience and situation also affect the report's character. It
is important to understand who the product's consumers are, what kind of information they
need, and how the knowledge will benefit them.
Technical specification: Two different sorts of manuals are utilised while promoting the
product. The general information and cost aspect are described in commercial manual. The
product's comprehensive specs are covered in the technical documentation. Construction,
materials, size, weight, measurements, functionalities, operating characteristics, and unique
features are all included. Additionally, it could discuss market possibilities. There is a
substantial amount of alphanumeric data, tables, graphs, and images involved. The focus is
not on the language's quality, but rather on the facts and numbers that demonstrate the
product's performance and excellence. It aims to persuade the customer. Smaller consumer
items could have a straightforward presenting style. The target audience for significant,
expensive commodities may be marketing managers or purchase officials. It would be
preferable to present in a better way.
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
Recommendation report: The offers are carefully examined by the expert committee
when a government, semi-government, or private entity receives several bids from various
people, agencies, or organisations for a certain task. It is possible to provide the parties the
chance to present and demonstrate. Following this exercise, the committee draughts and
delivers a report recommending the acceptance of a certain good, process, technology,
choice, or offer made by a specific party. The capacity of the proposer and financial factors
may be taken into account while making the choice. Negotiations and reductions are also
beneficial in a buying committee proposal.
Relying on the circulation mode whether the report is intended for multiple offices in an
organisation or be circulated in the multiple organisation(s), the reports are said as informal/
less formal (former case) and formal (later case).
Informal or less formal report can be Progress/ status reports, Field Trip reports, Equipment
evaluation reports, Laboratory report, Summary report, Inspection report, Investigation report
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
etc. Formal reports are basically intended for external circulation. The examples may include
project appraisal for funding purpose, proposals etc.
Blank or pre-formatted report: It is the simplest form of the report. Resembles fill
in the blanks / multiple choice questions where the organisation tailor the report as per
the information required by them. Figure below shows a typical report.
Inter office memorandums: They are usually called only ‘memos’. They are
generally used to share the routine messages which are single page long. The length
may be extended to half page more in some cases. Usually shares the complete
information along with conclusion & recommendations. The most common is the
documentary memo mainly used for conveying information, such as to remind, to
announce, to give instructions, to explain a policy or procedure , to a peer or superior
to make a request or routine recommendation, or to confirm an agreement. A
congratulatory memo are also used to give credit to employees of an organization
for the outstanding work they have accomplished. Least desirable is the disciplinary
memos issued when employees violate the rules or breach the code of conduct in an
organization, they will be served either with a severe warning or any other
punishment as decided by the management.
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
i. Heading
ii. Opening
iii. Discussion
iv. Closing
v. Signature
Necessary Attachments (optional)
Distribution (optional)
Letter report: If the information exceeds one page better to use a letter report. A letter
report and memo differ slightly. Firstly letter report generally extends in length.
Secondly, We can make use of tables, charts, graphs to make our point understand
through a letter report but memo is usually running text. Lastly, a letter report can be
used for both internal and external circulation whereas a memo is used for internal
circulation within one office/ department or multiple offices / departments in the same
organisation. Some stylistic latitude can be exercised in private correspondence.
Individual styles might differ greatly from one another. Letters are increasingly
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
significant in business, official communication, and technical communication. This
kind of letter must be written in a certain style. Although there may be some
modification depending on the recipient, the purpose, the business, and the office, the
letter's overall format may not change. Depending on the relationship between the
communicators, there may be certain linguistic latitude in personal letters. Love letters
may be full of fantasy, utilise ornate language, have a goal of praising one another, and
include a lot of promises. The formal correspondence and business letters in this
reference are written in black and white. It cannot be made colourful. It could be
supported by data and facts. The goal of the letter must be stated in the heading exactly
and clearly. Essays in business letters may not be of interest to everybody.
Business and official letters may have varied purposes, and as a result, they may take
many distinct forms. An inquiry letter for the acquisition of equipment, hardware,
software, stationery, material, or a service contract, an invitation letter, a request letter,
a letter to a supplier, purchaser, or service provider, and a leave letter are all examples
of letters that may be written. In technical educational institutions, letters to university
authorities, examiners, the Indian Society for Technical Education and the All India
Council of Technical Education, the government off, and others may be required.
Admission letters, attendance monitoring letters to students and guardians, permission
letters to industries for technical visits, project and training letters to industries for
placement of students, request letters to industries for job placement of students, and
letters to these organisations may also be required. Most of the business letters have the
following features.
(i) Sender’s block (ii) Date block (iii) Receiver’s block (iv) Optional block indicating
mode of transmission (v)Subject block (vi) Salutation block (vii) Greeting block (viii)
Main body (opening, mid paragraphs & concluding blocks) (ix) Closing block (x)
Enclosure(optional) (xi) Outward number block (xii) Circulation block.
The majority of workplaces have printed letterheads for formal correspondence. In this
instance, the institute's name and address, together with phone numbers and an email
address, are in bold type at the top of the letter. In this instance, the writer's name,
position, and brief address may be adequate. The date should come after it. Following
the sender's information and the date, come the recipient's details. On the left side of
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
the page, this section is written. It includes the recipient's name, title within the
organisation, and complete postal address, including pin code. Sometimes the name of
the individual in question is unknown. When it's unclear whether the same person is on
that post or not, it's possible to avoid using their name. It may include designation and
other information. In both instances, the first line begins with the term "To," followed
by the recipient's information. Addressing a person through his name / surname adds a
personal touch and make them happy. It is suggested to write this block in pen as it
indicates the personal care. The next part of the letter, consisting of one or more
paragraphs, forms the core of the letter. It covers the main theme of the letter. Finally
the letter is closed by expressing due courtesy as ‘Regards’ , ‘Sincerely’ ‘Faithfully’
etc. In business letters, particularly in government and official communications, there
is a tradition of assigning a number to the letter. It is called an outward number of the
letter. It is useful in case of the future communication on either side. While typing the
letter, at the left top corner the outward number is written as follows:
The characters after No. indicate the origin of the letter. Here, GLBITM indicates the
institute, BTECH indicates the program, CSE indicates the department, and CONF
indicates that the letter is written in connection with a national conference, 34 is the
letter number. In case of a job application, some documents are necessary. They are
attached to the application. At the end of the application, after the signature part, at the
lowest left corner, list of enclosures is mentioned. In an official communication also, at
times it is necessary to attach some enclosures in support of the letter or a proposal.
These enclosures are numbered and arranged in a sequence mentioned in the list of
enclosures. Circulation block includes the individuals, offices to whom it has to be sent
additionally. There are a variety of letters so the sample letter of each case is difficult
to be given. Figure below gives you one sample letter. With the advancement of
technology most of the communication is done through e mails which will be discussed
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
Field trip reports are frequently used in the businesses and industry to preserve the
site details in real time. They can be formal and informal both depending who are the
evaluators and whom is being evaluated. It can gather the holistic information
(subjected to the scope) as safety practices, facility details damage status etc,
occupational health of employees etc. Major components of this report are:
Progress / Status report gives us the real time details of an ongoing process / project.
The major objective of the report is to communicate the project problems and ensure
the timely fixation of the gaps regarding cost, resources, penalty, scheduling and other
parts so as to prevent the rippling effect. Main parts of the report are:
Periodic reports allow the management to track the ongoing operations on the regular
basis. Depending on the nature of the process it can be daily, weekly, monthly,
quarterly, semi-annually, yearly or some other suitable period. Audit reports fall into
this category.
Here we are going to focus on project report / Thesis, research paper writing and
technical description & proposal.
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
Cover page / Title page: Spiral binding, strip binding, or hard paper binding are all options
depending on the volume of pages. White plain sheets of the standard A4 size are used.
Reports prepared by hand are not encouraged. Typically, the cover page or title page of the
report comes first. The report's title, the organisation, person, or group that submitted it, as
well as their full address and contact information, are all listed on the cover page. It should
also state which organisation it is being sent to. It is possible to print the actual date of
submission, the signatory's signature, the signatory's stamp, and the due date. Many
individuals recommend certain government, semi-government, or private reports. They are
distributed just like books. It is a publication of pricing. In some circumstances, they could
receive an ISBN categorization number.
Abstract / Summary: The report summary may be covered on the page(s) after the cover
page. It provides some insight into the aim and scope of the report. This is the second most
crucial part of the formal report. The major objectives of the summary are to provide the
reader the quick review, basic understanding of the report.
Certificate: Sometimes the submission of the report is a partial fulfilment towards the
award of the degree / diploma then in that case we need a certificate.
aids in locating certain sections of the report if it is particularly long, much like a book. It
is possible to refer to specific pages if someone is interested in a certain process or method.
It can be directed appropriately if someone is solely interested in the findings or
conclusions. List all headings in the order they appear in the main body of the report. Pages
are listed directly across from the headings. Mention the first page and not the range or the
last page. It is useful for the reader to locate the topic quickly, comprehend the scope of the
report and know about the report’s organisation. Figure on the next page gives you a sample
Introduction: The introduction is followed by the report's main body. Explaining the real
issue is crucial if the report is about research or an experiment. Why was it required to do
the relevant research? It may be vital to do systematic study if a disease or epidemic is hard
to manage, is causing a lot of preventable deaths, and is posing significant socioeconomic
and political issues for the government. What the real issue is for the research or inquiry
should be stated in the beginning since it establishes the parameters of the study. What was
the type of inquiry or experimentation that was conducted? These details are given here.
As a result, it outlines the context, which details the technological, economic, social,
political, and legal circumstances that made the research or inquiry essential. It starts by
attempting to pinpoint the issue. What are the genuine symptoms of the problem and how
did it start? Qualitative, quantitative, or a mix of the two symptoms may be present. If the
problematic occurrence was a singular occurrence, when and how were they both
experienced? What are the causes of the problem in the case of a reoccurring issue? The
precise moment the reoccurrence is desired to be known. The time frame aids in locating
other contributing aspects. If the issue has a geographical component, it should be taken
into account. The section or department of origin is taken into account in cases of
organisational issues. If the issue is equipment-related, the problematic portion has to be
identified. Typically, the team is referenced while doing research or an inquiry. The lead
investigator and his colleagues make up the team. The study or investigation group
approaches the topic using a certain technique or procedure. If any hardware, software,
experiments, or analyses are conducted, they should be thoroughly reported. The precise
steps used should be detailed in detail in a survey report or legal investigation. Tools and
procedures are essentially the focus of this section. Algorithms and flowcharts could be
discussed in the event of a software-based issue.
Existing knowledge / Literature review: The existing knowledge plays an important role
in the gap identification. This gap becomes the very source of our project work. The title
of the thesis should be designed carefully and aim at fully or partially filling the gap such
identified. It is highly suggested to cite the latest (last three years) work published any
where. You can add up two more years citing any rare topic or work. Older works may be
considered for citation if they are really game changers and nothing significant has been
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
done in that domain till date. It is suggested to cite the works published / presented through
a reputed platform as Roulette, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier etc. High impact factor rating
journals are preferred. Secondary sources can be journals, conference proceedings,
magazine, newspaper, thesis, online documents, edited / authored books, TV shows,
personal discussion etc. The nature of the project may call for the primary data collection.
The data can be gathered face to face discussion, survey opinion, and online surveys, can
be outsourced to external body as survey monkey.
Proposed work & research methodology: This section aims at detailed discussion on
how you plan to fix the gap identified. The concrete plan should be discussed giving the
chronological approach of gathering the data. In case of survey you should clearly state the
hypothesis, sampling plan, sample size, margin of error, confidence interval etc.
Data (collection, cleaning, editing, presentation, analysis, Interpretation): After
carefully gathering the data it is essential to check it and get rid of the ambiguous / fake
data. This may distort your calculations and hence final result. There can be instances where
the data is true but incomplete. Then it becomes ethical to edit the data carefully. Tabular /
pictorial / graphical presentation of the data make the project attractive. The presentation
matters a lot. It is simply like having coffee at café coffee day or Barista. In variety of cases
some specific tools are applicable that should be considered. Carefully presented data aids
in authentic analysis hence accurate interpretation.
Results, Discussion & Recommendation: Results are generated in technical and scientific
study based on studies. A lot of alphanumeric data is typically included in observation
tables along with the results. The outcomes are tallied. Some graphs and histograms are
made using the observations. The means, standard deviations, and errors are discovered.
Waveforms are saved in electronics. The study or research is carried out with a specific
goal in mind. The results are analysed when the research or inquiry is finished. The work
has several conclusions. Recommendations are made for the next step in the process using
the conclusion. Clinical trials are conducted whenever a new medication is created. Clinical
trial outcomes provide some insight. If a medication has a high success rate for curing a
certain ailment, regular manufacture of the medication may be started. It is advised for
commercial production/use if a diagnostic instrument is created that has nearly 100%
sensitivity and specificity. The study may be suggested for a Ph.D., a patent, or other
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
intellectual property rights (IPR) if the research is original and the findings are satisfactory.
If the study yields positive results for a new technique, procedure, or substance, then it is
advised for use in everyday practise.
Conclusion & future scope of work: Numerous statistical analyses are conducted when
the findings are obtained. Numerous appropriate samples are collected in appropriate
settings in order to reach useful conclusions. The technique may result in an incorrect
conclusion if the conditions are improper, the sample size is inadequate, and the samples
are not suitable. Further it is ethically suggested what future researchers can do which you
could not attend due to some constraints. This trend is for the benefit of the society and
budding entrepreneurs / investigators can quickly get a future glimpse.
Supplementary part: Supplementary part of the report include
References / Bibliography: There are numerous papers from conferences and publications
that may be found for every study project. Certain of the background information could
also be found in some recent real books. Research is typically an expansion of previous
work. The researcher picks up a lot of knowledge about different tools and approaches
through other people's failures and successes. He could come up with some fresh ideas
during this procedure. He can learn some fresh methods. In the fields of science and
technology, it is customary to thank other writers and researchers by referencing their
works in a manner that is predetermined. The internet and websites have led to an explosion
in information these days. The ability to pick from a wide number of references is a skill.
There are variety of format available for citations as APA, MLA, IEEE, Harvard etc. The
researchers are advised to stick to the format as desired by the concerned entity.
6.0 Research paper writing: Writing a research paper is somewhat similar to the project
report as discussed above. Prefatory part includes the title page, Abstract / summary with
keywords only. Main body of the report remains the same. Supplementary part may have
only references / bibliography. Glossary and appendices are optional.
7.0 Technical Proposal: The wellbeing of the state or the nation is a concern for the
government. It must consider the people's social, economic, educational, administrative,
legal, and security needs, among others. The government engages in certain activities and
acts, and in some circumstances, its only function is to supervise. Industry, agriculture,
health, education, business, banking, infrastructure development, law and order—all of
these factors have a role in the prosperity and well-being of the society, either directly or
indirectly. Numerous government agencies are working on the problems. Some of the
activities are carried out directly by the government, while others are promoted and given
to private and semi-government organisations. These organisations operate on a self-
financing basis, according to local, state, and federal laws and regulations, and may receive
government grants or, in some circumstances, only approval. In terms of education, the
government assumes responsibility up to a certain point for some sectors while allowing
private educational institutions in other areas where they must first submit
recommendations to the government for approval. Earlier licencing was rigorous for
industry. Although it is more permissive now, the sector still needs some government
approval. Government funds are used to create roads, bridges, dams, railroads, water supply
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
systems, and government buildings, while private contractors carry out the actual
construction. State electrical commissions are governed by the state. In each of these
situations, government, semi-government, or commercial bodies request proposals in order
to undertake various projects or activities, purchase materials, or provide services. The
interested organisations offer their recommendations. Technical, commercial, financial,
and viability considerations are used to evaluate the ideas. Considerations are made on the
proposers' experience, knowledge, financial stability, market status, sincere objectives, etc.
The proposers are asked to defend their recommendations in front of the committee, which
is made up of government officials, technical, legal, and financial specialists, after it has
undergone preliminary examination. The proposal's strengths and shortcomings are taken
into account before being approved or rejected. If the necessary knowledge is not there or
if the plan requires a sophisticated finish and greatness, the task may be given to a private
consultant at a firm, agency, or institute. The practise of contracting assignments is now
widely used. A national or international level agency, or a person with such reputation, may
develop the proposal for large projects on both a national and worldwide level. The
technical proposals ought to be familiar to engineering students.
A technical proposal is defined as a formal written proposal to perform a task with agreed-
upon terms from both parties in lieu of payment. One agency needs some supplies, some
services, some software, some development, or some study. It advertises in a daily, online,
or by any other means, stating the type of services or products needed, as well as the terms,
time range, and thorough description of the activity. The interested parties submit their
technologically-based business offers. Therefore, a technical proposal is a written or printed
document that expresses an organization's interest in delivering a service under the
circumstances provided; in procuring materials or equipment that meet certain criteria; in
developing software that meets certain criteria while keeping in mind certain constraints;
in creating a building, road, bridge, railway line or station, dam, or power plant that meets
certain criteria; or in conducting research to address a specific issue. The proposal includes
information on expected costs as well as other details, such as payment plan and terms of
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
A proposal can be for opening the institute / university, accreditation process, for making
a TV show, construction of dam / bridge / road, sales, services, HR policy, training &
development, research proposals etc.
Business Proposals include providing services for transportation, washing, catering,
safety, security, insurance, firefighting, training, consultation, recruitment, maintenance,
etc.; purchasing equipment, hardware, software, stationary, etc.; and the construction of
roads, buildings, railways, a garden, a bridge, a dam, a party plot, a parking lot, etc. One
party needs resources like materials, equipment, or labour; another needs a particular
service; yet another needs the construction of infrastructure or utilities. Although this first
party seems to have the finances, it lacks the necessary facilities to design and produce the
aforementioned item internally, or its temporary demand exceeds its manufacturing
capacity, it lacks the qualified personnel to develop the aforementioned hardware or
software or to offer internal training, or the demand is urgent and the organisation is unable
to devote the necessary time to it or wait, or, in some cases, the internally developed
solution is not affordable or the organiser is unable to diversify. There is no other choice in
this situation than to enlist the assistance of other parties or individuals. There are set
parameters for the services, including the type of services needed, their duration, their
urgency or priority, their quality, their quantity, their liability on both sides, etc. The specs
are chosen for the machinery. Technical specifics for the hardware and software are chosen.
When it comes to a project or challenge, it is clearly defined.
After the requirement is complete, the inquiry could be sent out there to solicit proposals.
Large numbers of proposers respond to requests for proposals(solicited proposal). On the
part of the starting organisation, they often outline the proposal's structure, the quality
standards for the supplies, and the equipment requirements. On the side of the proposer,
there is fierce rivalry,
There may be an internal or external call for research projects. The research efforts are
supported by public and private organisations, private businesses, and educational
institutions. Research is necessary for the nation's technical development as well as for the
industries to survive in a global market. At both the national and international levels, there
are specific financing organisations sponsoring research. Some of the government
organisations that support science and technology research include the Central Scientific
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
and Industrial Research Organization (CSIR), the Defence Research and Development
Organization (DRDO), the University Grants Commission (UGC), and the All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE). They occasionally request research suggestions
on their chosen fields and other topics as well. There are several government agencies that
are specifically designed to do full-time research in particular areas that have already been
recognised or that may be discovered in the future. Scientists and engineers are often
engaged to do research at the Space Application Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO), National Physical Research Laboratories (NPRL), Institute of
Plasma Research (IPR), etc. They also contract out some of their research issues to other
scientists, engineers, professionals, academic institutions, and other organisations. They
work together with others to complete tasks in a timely manner, get around issues with
staffing shortages, and inspire the next generation of researchers to team up for difficult
There are two ways to request research proposal submissions. In one instance, the
research has a set annual budget. It might be distributed across other development regions.
For specialised research, the researchers may be asked to submit study ideas in a variety of
fields. The invitation to submit a research proposal may be published in national
newspapers, university bulletins, reputable engineering institute circulars, or on the
organization's website. The format and other specifications might not be covered in the
advertising or circular. All of the information on the research grant and the entire format
for submitting the proposal may be found on the internet or in the paper copy of the
application form. In certain academic institutions, a professor or the department head may
submit research ideas. In second instance the personal reputation of the professor and the
research projects carried out under his direction in the past are used to attract research
proposals. The study topic should be interesting right now, and a solid research team should
be assembled with the management's experience and infrastructural backing.
A typical research proposal is very tough to be demonstrated as there is a highest level of
customisation. But we may have certain points to make the things understand. As stated
earlier any technical document has three parts prefatory, main body, supplementary.
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
Draft contract is an effort to legalise the matter upon acceptation of the proposal after proper
scrutiny and defense. This is a holistic document illustrating scope, nature, payment terms, civil
and criminal liability, penalty clause etc.
Supplementary part
lists your skills and positive attributes to ensure employers havea well-rounded view of
your personality and achievements.
Your CV should include the following:
a. Contact information: Include your full name, address, phone number and email
b. Academic history: List all schooling from high school through postdoctoral (if
applicable). Include the title of the degree you earned, the year you graduated and
the name of the school.
c. Professional experience: Include the organization where you worked, the job title,
the dates you were employed and a summary of your experience and achievements.
d. Qualifications and skills: List a combination of hard and soft skills you’ve
developed throughout your career.
e. Awards and honours: For each award, add the name, year received, the
organization that gave you the award and any pertinent details (such as how often
it’s presented).
f. Publications and presentations: For publications, provide a full citation including
your co-authors, date, summary, volume, page, DOI number. For presentations,
provide the title, date and venue where you presented.
g. Professional associations: List the organization’s name, location or chapter and
the dates of active membership.
h. Grants and scholarships: Provide the name of the grant or scholarship, date
awarded and the institution that provided the award.
i. Licenses and certifications: Include the name of the license or certificate, the date
you earned it and the institution that awarded it.
a. Chronological: This is the most common type of CV. For a chronological CV,
list your academic history and professional experience first after your contact
information. This type of CV focuses largely on your academic and professional
experience. A chronological CV is best if you have consistent employment
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
within the same industry, and your work experience displays advancement
within your field. Following sections should be included exactly in the same
✔ Contact information
✔ Academic history
✔ Professional experience
✔ Professional associations
b. Functional: This CV format places more emphasis on your skills, awards and
honors. If you are writing a functional CV, you should place your relevant skills
near the top under your contact information. In a functional CV, you will
allocate more space to your qualifications, skills, awards and honors and less
space to your professional experience. A functional CV may be the right choice
if you have recently graduated and are entering the job market for the first time,
have multiple gaps in employment or you’re changing careers. Following
sections should be included exactly in the same order:
✔ Contact information
✔ Academic history
✔ Professional experience
g. Proofread: Before you send your CV to employers, always take time to check
your spelling, grammar and syntax. A clean, error-free CV increases readability
and demonstrates professionalism. A well-composed CV shares all the most
essential information employers need when considering you for job
opportunities. By making sure your CV is comprehensive, correctly formatted
and easy to read, you’re one step closer to landing the job you want.
10.0 Basic Tips while making a CV
Section: Heading
a. Don’t write CV, curriculum vitae or resume at the top. The recruiter can see what it is.
b. Write your name in 14 or 14 + point bold type so they can find you quickly in a stack
of CVs.
c. Don’t use non english characters like Ʃ etc.
d. Use the English name for your city if there is one – Munich instead of München.
e. Use the (+) sign instead of 00 before the country code for Germany (+ 49) International
access codes differ.
f. Use a serious email address: badboy@gmail.com isn’t the image you want
g. Include your nationality. If you already have permission to work or study in the country,
say so. abcIndia@gmail.com.
h. Do not include your date of birth or age unless specifically requested.
i. Do not include a photo unless you are applying for a job where appearance matters such
as acting or modelling.
Section: Objective
a. Also enter ‘career objective’ ‘job objective’ or ‘purpose’. It’s optional for CVs sent in
response to a job opening because the objective should be this particular job.
b. An Objective can be helpful if you are applying to a company that interests you, but not
in response to a particular job opening.
c. It isn’t necessary to write a full sentence. Make it short and specific. A vague, general
objective (‘I want to contribute my outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
and further develop them in a global company that is a leader in its field.’) wastes space
and the reader’s time.
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
a. A very brief summary of your most relevant skills and experience. Employers or
admissions officers scan CVs for 30 seconds or less before deciding if they want to read
further. What should they know about you?
b. Customize! For example, use ‘Key Marketing Skills & Experience’ for a marketing
c. Use phrases instead of full sentences. Capitalize the first letter in each new bullet point
d. Many companies and universities use computers to search for skills and experience that
match their requirements. This is a good opportunity to include key words and phrases
that the computer is looking for.
Section: Education
a. As a current student or recent graduate, you will probably want to put the education
section next. Applicants who have a lot of work experience place that section before
education in their CVs.
b. Starting with your most recent education, list
✔ Your university degree or expected degree
✔ The full name of the university in English, location - city and country
✔ The period of time you have been there – month and year
Section: Experience
a. Using ‘Experience’ instead of ‘Work Experience’ enables you to include paid, and non-
paid work, internships, volunteer work, and other experience that has helped develop
your skill set. Employers care more that you have the experience rather than where you
got it.
b. Identify the employer or organization, the dates of employment (month/year), your
position and your key responsibilities and accomplishments.
c. Use reverse chronological order: Start with your most recent experience and work
d. Use the present tense for current positions and the past tense for work you are no longer
e. Use action verbs to describe your responsibilities and accomplishments.(A list of
suggested action verbs has been given in the end.)
f. Include any work-related recognition you have received at the end of this section.
Section: Interests
a. When work experience is limited, interests and activities can provide a way to show
you’ve gained skills that relate to the position you are seeking.
b. What you include also paints a picture of the kind of person you are.
c. Volunteer activities are especially valued.
d. Just writing a list of your activities doesn’t reveal much.
Section: References
a. ‘References Available upon request’ is optional. It is understood that you will provide
them when asked to do so.
11.0 Suggested action Verbs / Words ( as per the skill area)
a. Creativity: Adapted, Authored, Brainstormed, Built, Composed, Constructed, Created,
Designed, Developed, Engineered, Envisioned, Illustrated, Improvised, Innovated,
Invented, Made, Manufactured, Produced, Played, Revised, Shaped, Visualised.
b. Initiative: Accelerated, Accomplished, Achieved, Acted, Advanced, Applied,
Attended, Created, Coordinated, Established, Founded, Generated, Handled,
Implemented, Improvised, Initiated, Instituted, Introduced, Launched, Proposed,
Rejuvenated, Played, Revamped, Reviewed, Revitalized, Solicited, Spearheaded,
c. Leadership: Administered, Advised, Allocated, Anticipated, Appointed, Approved,
Assigned, Authorized, Chaired, Decided, Delegated, Directed, Empowered, Enabled,
Encouraged, Endorsed, Enforced, Financed, Fostered, Guided, Headed, Hired,
Influenced, Instructed, Interviewed, Led, Maintained, Managed, Monitored, Motivated,
Forms of Technical Communication:
Technical Report: Definition & importance; Thesis/Project writing: structure & importance; synopsis writing: Methods;
Technical research Paper writing: Methods & style; Seminar & Conference paper writing; Expert Technical Lecture: Theme
clarity; Analysis & Findings; 7 Cs of effective business writing: concreteness, completeness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy,
correctness, consideration, C.V./Resume writing; Technical Proposal: Types, Structure & Draft.
Officiated, Oversaw, Piloted, Recruited, Sanctioned, Selected, Sponsored, Supervised,
Trained, Unified.
d. Problem Solving: Aided, Alleviated, Ameliorated, Augmented, Customized,
Expanded, Extended, Finalized, Fulfilled, Generated, Identified, Improved, Increased,
Polished, Reconciled, Rectified, Reduced, Refined, Reformed, Remedied, Remodelled,
Repaired, Restored, Saved, Solved, Streamlined, Strengthened, Supplemented,
Transformed, Troubleshot, Updated, Upgraded.
e. Teamwork: Accommodated, Assisted, Balanced, Collaborated, Consulted,
Contributed, Cooperated, Facilitated, Harmonized, Helped, Integrated, Mediated,
Negotiated, Participated, Partnered, Related, Respected, Shared.
Figure below gives you some more skill domain based action verbs.
Practice Questions