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Rna Interference Final

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Regulation of
X Biological
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2006 was awarded
jointly to Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello "for their discovery of
RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded RNA"
Watson & Crick
Nobel prize 1962
Fire & Mello
Roger Kornberg Nobel prize 2006
Nobel prize 2006

transcription translation
DNA RNA protein
The genome operates by copying instructions for the
manufacture of proteins from DNA into RNA in the
Arthur Kornberg nucleus of the cell, then sending the RNA messages
to the protein synthesizing machinery in the
Nobel prize 1959
cytoplasm. RNA interference blocks the translation
of messenger RNAs for a specific gene, leading to
silencing of expression of that gene.
miRNA Biogenesis


The pre-miRNA molecule is then actively transported out of the nucleus into the
cytoplasm by Exportin 5,
a carrier protein.

The Dicer enzyme then cuts 20-25 nucleotides from the base of the hairpin to
the mature miRNA.

In plants, which lack Drosha homologues, pri- and pre-miRNA processing by Dicer
probably takes
place in the nucleus, and mature miRNA duplexes are exported to the cytosol by
Exportin 5.
Fire and Mello could present a series of straightforward conclusions in their
study. The main results can be summed up as follows:

▪ silencing was triggered efficiently by injected dsRNA, but weakly or not at all by
sense or antisense single-stranded RNAs.

▪ silencing was specific for an mRNA homologous to the dsRNA; other mRNAs
were unaffected.

▪ the dsRNA had to correspond to the mature mRNA sequence; neither intron
nor promoter sequences triggered a response. This indicated a
posttranscriptional, presumably cytoplasmic mechanism.

▪ the targeted mRNA disappeared suggesting that it was degraded.

▪ only a few dsRNA molecules per cell were sufficient to accomplish full silencing.
This indicated that the dsRNA was amplified and/or acted catalytically rather
than stoichiometrically.

▪ the dsRNA effect could spread between tissues and even to the progeny,
suggesting a transmission of the effect between cells.
Overview of RNAi

• The dicer enzymes produce siRNA from double-stranded RNA and mature miRNA from precursor
• miRNA or siRNA is bound to an argonaute enzyme and an effector complex is formed, either
a RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex) or RITS (RNA-induced transcriptional silencing) complex.
• RITS affects the rate of transcription by histone and DNA methylation, whereas RISC
degrades mRNA to prevent it from being translated.
RNAi timeline
Significance of the discovery of RNAi
1. RNAi protects against viral infections
2. RNAi secures genome stability by keeping mobile elements silent
3. RNAi-like mechanisms repress protein synthesis and regulate the
development of organisms
4. RNAi-like mechanisms keep chromatin condensed and suppress
5. RNAi offers a new experimental tool to repress genes specifically
6. RNAi might be a useful approach in future therapeutics
Nomenclature of miRNA
▪ mir-123 , mir-456 (indicate order of naming)
▪ mir-123 (pre-miRNA), miR-123 (mature –miRNA)
▪ miRNA-123a, miRNA-123b (closely related)
▪ mir-194-1 and mir-194-2 (different gene locations) lead to an
identical mature miR-194
▪ Species: hsa (human), oar (sheep), v (viral), d (drosophila)
▪ microRNAs originate from opposite arms of the same pre-miRNA,
they are denoted with a -3p or -5p suffix.
▪ miRNA123, mirRNA123* (relative expression of opposite arm of
Similarities between miRNA and siRNA
▪ Mature miRNAs are structurally similar to siRNA
▪ Produced from dsRNA
▪ miRNA and siRNA share the same cellular
machinery downstream of their initial processing
▪ The dsRNA portion of is bound and cleaved by
Dicer to produce the mature miRNA molecule that
can be integrated into the RISC complex
Overall difference between miRNA and siRNA

miRNA (micro RNA)

▪ 21-23 nt
▪ Produced from genes and endogenous dsRNA after maturity
▪ Is expressed from a much longer RNA coding gene as a primary transcript (prei-
miRNA to pre-miRNA to mi-RNA)
▪ binds at the end of the mRNA (UTR)
▪ Acts as a signal to prevent translation

siRNA (small interfering RNA)

▪ 20-25 nt
▪ Produced from exogenous dsRNA
▪ Binds to the coding region of mRNA
▪ Physically prevents translation
RNAi can be induced by:
RNAi is transitive:
silencing can
travel in a 3' to
5' direction on
a specific
mRNA target
Applications of RNAi

• Gene Silencing
• Gene Therapy
• Selection of possible targets for Tumour
• Better understanding of viral infections

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