Jib 184
Jib 184
Jib 184
Received: 23 July 2014 Revised: 2 October 2014 Accepted: 2 November 2014 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 13 January 2015
Keywords: aromatic profile; diammonium phosphate supplementation; honey-must; Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains
J. Inst. Brew. 2015, 121: 122–128 Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling
Effect of nitrogen supplementation on mead production
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of glucose (6). However, industrial yeasts strains have shown method as previously described (21). The honey-musts were pas-
substantial differences in nitrogen demands during alcoholic fer- teurized at 65°C for 10 min and then immediately cooled.
mentation (13), and commercial yeast strains can be categorized
according to their nitrogen requirements (14). However, most ni-
trogen additions do not take into account the different nitrogen Fermentation conditions and monitoring
needs of the yeast cells during wine fermentations (5) but are se- Starter cultures were prepared by rehydration of 10 g of active
lected to obtain wines with different aroma profiles (15). The ni- dry yeast in 100 mL of honey-must at 38°C according to the
trogen concentration regulates the formation of yeast by- manufacturer’s instructions to obtain 108 CFUs/mL. The appro-
products such as H2S, fatty acids, higher alcohols and esters, priate amount of inoculum was pitched into the honey-must
among others, which affect the chemical and sensorial proper- to obtain a pitching rate of 107 CFUs/mL.
ties of the alcoholic beverage (10,15,16). All fermentations were carried out in triplicate using a previ-
Considering the variability of assimilable nitrogen abundance ously described system (9), which consisted of 250 mL flasks
in the natural substrates used for alcoholic fermentation and the filled to two-thirds of their volume and fitted with a side-arm
difficulties encountered in honey-must fermentations, the ef- port sealed with a rubber septum for anaerobic sampling. Dur-
fects of nitrogen addition to honey-must on growth and fermen- ing the alcoholic fermentation, the flasks were maintained at
tative performance, as well as on volatile aroma, were evaluated 25°C under permanent but moderate shaking (120 rpm/min)
using the active dry wine yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae QA23 mimicking an industrial environment. Aseptic sampling for
and ICV D47. assessing fermentation and growth parameters was performed
using a syringe-type system as previously described (15). Fer-
mentations were monitored daily using weight loss as an esti-
Material and methods mate of CO2 production. At the same time, samples were
Yeast strains collected and diluted appropriately for the measurement of op-
tical density at 640 nm in a UV–visible spectrometer (Unicam He-
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lalvin QA23 (Lallemand, Montreal, lios) and for counting CFUs in solid yeast peptone dextrose agar
Canada) and S. cerevisiae Lalvin ICV D47 (Lallemand, Montreal, (20 g/L glucose, 10 g/L peptone, 5 g/L, yeast extract and 20 g/L
Canada) were used in this study as active wine dry yeasts. agar) plates after incubation at 25°C for 48 h. Determination of
reducing sugars was performed using the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid
Honey method with glucose as the standard (22). At the end of alco-
holic fermentation, samples were taken from all fermented me-
In this study, dark honey was purchased from a local bee- dia for culture dry weight determination as well as the analysis
keeper in the northeast region of Portugal. A palynological of several oenological parameters and the aroma profiles of
analysis was performed according to the acetolytic method the meads.
previously described in detail (17). This determined that the
honey was multifloral and derived primarily from the pollen
of Castanea spp. and Erica spp. General oenological parameters
In accordance with the requirements established in At the end of fermentations, oenological parameters such as pH,
Portuguese legislation (Decreto-Lei no. 214/2003, 18 September), volatile acidity and ethanol content were determined according
the characteristics and satisfactory quality of the honey were as- to standard methods (23). Yeast assimilable nitrogen was deter-
sured through an analysis of the following parameters: moisture mined by the formaldehyde method (21).
content, diastase index and hydroxymethylfurfural content ac-
cording to Gomes et al. (18); pH, acidity and reducing sugars
(fructose and glucose) as described by Bogdanov et al. (19); and Analysis of mead aromatic compounds
electric conductivity and ash content as described by Sancho
Mead produced with or without DAP addition was analysed for
et al. (20).
major volatile compounds by GC-FID and for minor volatile com-
pounds by GC-MS. The major compounds in the samples were
Preparation of honey-must for fermentation determined directly by the internal standard (4-nonanol)
method, taking into account the relative response of the detec-
To obtain an alcoholic beverage of approximately 11% ethanol,
tor for each analyte. Identification was performed by a
honey was diluted to 37% (w/v) using natural spring-water ob-
comparison of retention times with those of pure standard com-
tained from the market and mixed to homogeneity. Any insolu-
pounds. The minor volatile compounds were analysed after ex-
ble materials were removed from the mixture by centrifugation traction with dichloromethane and quantified as 4-nonanol
(2682.8g for 30 min; Eppendorf 5810 R centrifuge) to obtain a equivalents. Identification was made by a comparison of reten-
clarified honey-must. Titratable acidity was adjusted with 5 g/L tion indices and mass spectra with those of pure standard
of potassium tartrate (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) and compounds.
pH was adjusted to 3.7 with malic acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Ger-
many). To evaluate the effect of nitrogen addition, the nitrogen Chromatographic analysis of major volatile compounds. In
content was adjusted to 267 mg/L with diammonium phosphate a glass tube, 100 μL of an ethanolic solution with 3640 mg/L of
(DAP; BDH Prolabo, Leuven, Belgium). In parallel, a control internal standard (4-nonanol, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was
honey-must was prepared without DAP supplementation. The added to 5 mL of mead. A Chrompack GC CP-9000 gas chro-
parameters °Brix, pH and assimilable nitrogen concentration matograph equipped with a split/splitless injector, a flame
were determined prior to and after the adjustments. Yeast as- ionization detector (FID) and a capillary column CP-Wax 57
similable nitrogen (YAN) was assayed by the formaldehyde CB (50 m × 0.25 mm; 0.2 μm film thickness) was used. The
J. Inst. Brew. 2015, 121: 122–128 Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jib
A. P. Pereira et al.
Institute of Brewing & Distilling
temperatures of the injector and detector were both set to 250°C implemented in the SPSS software, version 17.0 (SPSS Inc.). The
and the split ratio was 15 mL/min. The column temperature was fulfilment of the ANOVA requirements, namely the normal distri-
initially held at 60°C for 5 min and then programmed to rise from bution of the residuals and the homogeneity of variance, was
60 to 220°C at 3°C/min; finally it was maintained at 220°C for evaluated by means of the Shapiro–Wilks test (n <50) and
10 min. The carrier gas was special helium 4× (Praxair) at a Levene’s test, respectively. All dependent variables were
flow rate of 1 mL/min (125 kPa at the head of the column). analysed using a one-way ANOVA. For each strain, the main fac-
The analysis was performed by the injection of 1 μL of sam- tor studied was the effect of nitrogen addition to honey-must on
ple. The quantification of volatile compounds, after the deter- the physicochemical characteristics of meads, and whenever sig-
mination the detector response factor for each analyte, was nificant differences were found, an independent-samples t-test
performed with the software Star–Chromatography Worksta- was performed to compare means. All statistical tests were per-
tion version 6.41 (Varian) by comparing test compound reten- formed at a 5% significance level.
tion times with those of pure standard compounds.
Extraction of volatiles. The extraction of mead minor volatiles Results and discussion
was performed according to the method described by Oliveira
To study the effect of nitrogen addition an aliquot of honey-
et al. (24). In a 10 mL culture tube (Pyrex, reference 1636/26MP)
must was adjusted with DAP to achieve the concentration of ni-
the following were added: 8 mL of mead clarified by centrifuga-
trogen required by yeast to complete alcoholic fermentation. In
tion, 80 μL of an ethanolic solution, 36.4 mg/L of an internal stan-
parallel, a control fermentation was carried out without DAP ad-
dard (4-nonanol, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and a magnetic
dition. The honey-musts were inoculated with strains QA23 or
stir bar (22.2 × 4.8 mm). The tube was sealed and extraction
ICV D47 at a pitching rate of 1 × 107 viable cells/mL. Yeast
was accomplished by stirring the mead with 400 μL of dichloro-
growth and sugar consumption were assessed during fermenta-
methane (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) for 15 min with a mag-
tion and at the end of fermentation mead composition and
netic stirrer. After cooling the solutions at 0°C for 10 min, the
aroma profile were examined.
magnetic stir bar was removed and the organic phase was sepa-
rated by centrifugation (RCF =5118g for 5 min at 4°C) and trans-
ferred into a vial with a Pasteur pipette. Finally, the aromatic Effect of nitrogen addition on yeast growth and fermenta-
extract was dried with anhydrous sodium sulphate (Merck, tion profile
Darmstadt, Germany) and again transferred into a new vial.
The effect of the honey-must supplementation with DAP on
Chromatographic analysis of minor volatile compounds. growth and fermentation profiles of S. cerevisiae QA23 and ICV
Minor volatile compounds were analysed by GC-MS using a D47 are shown in Fig. 1. The supplementation of honey-must
gas chromatograph Varian 3800 with a 1079 injector and an with DAP had similar effects on the fermentation profile of both
ion-trap mass spectrometer Varian Saturn 2000. A 1 μL injection strains (Fig. 1A and B). The fermentation length was reduced
was made in splitless mode (30 s) in a Varian Factor Four from 240 to 96 h, with similar amounts of reducing sugars re-
VF-WAXms (30 m × 0.15 mm; 0.15 μm film thickness) column. maining in the final fermentation. It has already been stated that
The carrier gas was helium UltraPlus 5 × (99.9999%) at a con- the addition of assimilable nitrogen to the must resulted in an
stant flow rate of 1.3 mL/min. The detector was set to electronic increased fermentation rate, and consequently in a significant
impact mode with an ionization energy of 70 eV, a mass acqui- reduction in the time required for fermentation (4–6,9,29,30).
sition range from 35 m/z to 260 m/z and an acquisition interval The concentration of reducing sugars that remained, around
of 610 ms. The oven temperature was initially 60°C for 2 min 40 g/L, has been previously observed in meads (9,31). However,
and then raised from 60 to 234°C at a rate of 3°C/min, raised it should be noted that these were the non-fermentable sugars
from 234 to 250°C at 10°C/min and finally maintained at 250°C such as trehalose, isomaltose, saccharose and melezitose. This
for 10 min. The temperature of the injector was maintained at is in agreement with results previously published by our group
250°C during the analysis time and the split flow was maintained (31). As expected, the ethanol content of the meads varied from
at 30 mL/min. The identification of compounds was performed 10 to 10.5%, and no correlation was found with the addition of
using the software MS WorkStation version 6.6 (Varian) by com- DAP to the honey-must (results not shown). Both fermentations
paring their mass spectra and retention indices with those of with DAP ended at 96 h, but the supplementation had a distinc-
pure standard compounds. The minor compounds were quanti- tive effect on each strain. Strain QA23 was more efficient in
fied in terms of 4-nonanol equivalents. terms of sugar consumption than strain ICV D47, with almost
all sugars consumed in the first 48 h of fermentation. Strain
ICV D47 used the reducing sugars more gradually throughout
Odour activity values
the fermentation period.
The odour activity value (OAV) was calculated for each Regarding the growth profile, the number of viable cells was
volatile compound by dividing the concentration of each quan- higher in fermentations supplemented with DAP (Fig. 1C and D).
tified compound by its perception threshold found in the litera- The final viable biomass obtained for the control fermentations
ture (25–28). was 4.2 × 107 for S. cerevisiae QA23 (Fig. 1C) and 2.6 × 107 for
ICV D47 (Fig. 1D), while in the supplemented fermentations the
values were 6.9 × 107 and 3.5 × 107, respectively. An earlier slow-
Statistical analysis
down of cell growth has been previously reported in fermenta-
All fermentation experiments were performed in triplicate and tions without nitrogen supplementation (4,9). Independent of
results expressed as mean values and standard deviation. An DAP addition, strain QA23 presented more growth in the first
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with type III sums of squares was 24 h, almost doubling the initial population. In particular, in the
performed using the general linear model procedure as fermentation with honey-must supplemented with DAP, the
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Effect of nitrogen supplementation on mead production
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350 A B
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240
Time (h) Time (h)
1.E+09 C 1.E+09
1.E+08 1.E+08
1.E+07 1.E+07
1.E+06 1.E+06
1.E+05 1.E+05
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240
Time (h) Time (h)
Figure 1. Fermentation and growth profiles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains in fermentations with diammonium phosphate (DAP) (■) or without DAP (□) addition: (A)
fermentation profile of strain QA23; (B) fermentation profile of strain ICV D47; (C) growth profile of strain QA23; and (D) growth profile of strain ICV D47.
population nearly reached 108 CFUs/mL and remained constant fermentation rate are an exponential function of the initial nitro-
until the end of fermentation. Strain ICV D47 showed a lower gen content of must, being highly sensitive to low nitrogen con-
growth-rate with an almost constant population throughout centrations (less than 300 mg/L) and less responsive to higher
the fermentation. These results indicate that nitrogen affects concentrations (10). Martínez-Moreno et al. (14) verified that the
yeast cells in two ways: it increases biomass production and stim- biomass yield was dependent on the amount of available nitro-
ulates the rate of sugar utilization (5). Yeast growth and gen, the nature of the nitrogen source and the sugar concentra-
tion in the medium.
3.85 A
Effect of nitrogen addition on mead composition
3.70 At the end of the alcoholic fermentation, samples were collected
3.65 to evaluate the final mead composition, in terms of pH, volatile
acidity, and assimilable nitrogen. The monitoring of the mead
3.55 pH is important, since the acetic and succinic acids produced
3.50 during a mead fermentation lead to an increased non-
3.45 dissociated fatty acid content, which can cause the fermentation
3.40 to slow down or even stop prematurely (32). There was little
DAP QA23 Control QA23 DAP ICV D47 Control ICV D47
Yeast assimilablenitrogen (mg/L)
0.80 B * 300.0
Volatile acidity (g/L)
0.30 100.0 *
0.00 DAP QA23 Control QA23 DAP ICV D47 Control ICV D47
DAP QA23 Control QA23 DAP ICV D47 Control ICV D47
Figure 3. Concentration of yeast assimilable nitrogen in honey-must and meads
Figure 2. pH (A) and volatile acidity (g/L) (B) of meads produced by S. cerevisiae produced by S. cerevisiae QA23 and ICV D47 in fermentations with DAP or without
QA23 and ICV D47 in fermentations with DAP or without DAP addition (control). DAP addition (control). Statistical significance at p <0.05, determined by a Stu-
Statistical significance at p <0.05, determined by a Student’s t-test (*).
J. Inst. Brew. 2015, 121: 122–128 Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jib
A. P. Pereira et al.
Institute of Brewing & Distilling
effect of nitrogen addition on the final pH of the mead for both acid proline, which is present in honey but is not assimilable by
strains, which varied from 3.52 to 3.74 (Fig. 2A). Ammonium ion yeasts in the fermentation environment (31). In meads supple-
uptake is associated with the excretion of proton ions into the mented with DAP and fermented by strain QA23, the final nitro-
medium, thereby decreasing extracellular pH (16). The final pH gen concentration was significantly higher than in the control
values of meads fermented by the strain ICV D47 were slightly fermentation (Fig. 3), indicating that not all of the nitrogen was
lower than the ones obtained with strain QA23. For both strains, used by this strain, in agreement with previously reported
the volatile acidity, expressed as g/L of acetic acid, was higher in results (9).
meads obtained from honey-must supplemented with DAP
(Fig. 2B). Significant differences between supplemented and
non-supplemented fermentations were only obtained for Effect of nitrogen addition on mead aromatic profile
QA23. These results were inconsistent with previous work on The mead aroma compounds can receive contributions from
mead fermented with other strains of S. cerevisiae and also sup- flowers, honey or fermentation. In addition to its effect on yeast
plemented with different concentrations of ammonium (9), sug- growth and fermentation kinetics, YAN can regulate yeast me-
gesting that these differences could be due to different yeast tabolism at several levels including the formation of yeast vola-
nitrogen demands. Although the values obtained in all meads tile and non-volatile metabolites, which contribute to beverage
were in agreement with values previously reported for this alco- flavour (16). A total of 27 fermentative volatile compounds were
holic beverage (3,9,31,32), irrespective of the yeast or the honey identified and quantified in meads produced by strain QA23 and
used, in the presence of DAP, the strain QA23 produced higher ICV D47 from the control and DAP supplemented fermentations.
volatile acidity than the strain ICV D47 (0.63 and 0.53 g/L of The compounds belonged to five different groups and Fig. 4
acetic acid, respectively). Figure 3 shows the concentrations of shows the aroma profiles of all meads. The alcohols were the
yeast assimilable nitrogen in honey-must and meads produced major group of volatile compounds quantified in all meads,
for both strains in fermentations with and without DAP supple- followed by the esters, carbonyl compounds, volatile fatty acids
mentation. Independent of DAP supplementation, at the end and volatile phenols. Higher alcohols and esters, produced dur-
of the alcoholic fermentation residual assimilable nitrogen ing alcoholic fermentation, play an important role in the flavour
remained in all of the meads, with the lower concentration de- of wine, depending on the type and concentration of the com-
termined on the non-supplemented meads (24.50 mg/L). These pound (33). The alcohols can have a positive or a negative im-
values most likely correspond to the concentration of the amino pact on the aroma and flavour of alcoholic beverages (10).
Concentrations <300 mg/L are desirable for the complexity of
an alcoholic beverage because they confer fruity characters
Concentration (mg/L)
DAP QA23 (8,34,35). All meads presented levels of alcohols <300 mg/L
Control QA23
and almost no differences were detected between the fermenta-
tion with or without DAP supplementation.
6.0 The production of esters by the yeast during fermentation can
Control ICVD47
4.0 have a significant effect on fruity flavours (35). The highest
concentration of this group of compounds was found in
fermentations without nitrogen supplementation conducted by
Alcohols/100 Esters/10 Carbonyl Volatile fatty Volatile strain QA23. In the group of carbonyl compounds, only acetalde-
compounds acids phenols
hyde was included as quantitatively it is the most important sat-
Figure 4. Profile of the volatile compounds in the meads. Fermentations con-
urated aldehyde found in wine (8). Acetaldehyde production
ducted by S. cerevisiae QA23 and ICV D47 with DAP or without DAP (control) sup- appears to be dependent not only on nitrogen supplementation
plementation of honey-must. but also on the strain, since the highest concentrations were
Table 1. Odour activity values (OAV) of volatile compounds with an influence on the aroma of meads fermented
by S. cerevisiae QA23 and ICV D47 with diammonium phosphate (DAP) or without DAP (control) supplementation
of honey-must
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Effect of nitrogen supplementation on mead production
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achieved in meads supplemented with DAP and utilizing strain demand of strains QA23 and ICV 47 in mead production. How-
QA23. It has already been reported that there are differences ever further research is needed, especially to investigate if the fi-
in acetaldehyde production between yeast species and strains nal concentration of assimilable nitrogen is quantifying some
(36). Fatty acids are a group of compounds that give unpleasant amino acids not metabolized by yeasts, such as proline.
aromas and are associated with fatty, rancid and cheese-like
odours (8). The production of these compounds appears to be Acknowledgements
enhanced by nitrogen, since higher amounts were found in
The research presented in this paper was partially funded by the
the fermentation supplemented with DAP for both strains. It Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (project PTDC/AGR-
has been shown that the production of medium-chain fatty ALI/68284/2006). A.P.P. is a recipient of a PhD grant from the FCT
acids is stimulated by high assimilable nitrogen levels (15,16). (SFRH/BD/45820/2008).
Nevertheless, in all fermentations, the concentration of fatty
acids was lower than the taste perception threshold. Volatile
phenols are known for their contribution to off-flavours (35). Al- Conflict of Interest
though the concentration of volatile phenols was higher in No conflict of interest declared.
meads supplemented with DAP, again the levels were below
perception threshold in all meads. References
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A. P. Pereira et al.
Institute of Brewing & Distilling
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