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Understanding Culture, Society and

Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Examine the Concept,
Characteristics and Forms of

Lesson Stratification System

Meaning of Stratification
Social stratification is the classification of people into socioeconomic class,
based upon their occupation and income, wealth and social status.
Stratification is the relative social position of people within a social group,
category, geographic region, or social unit. Social stratification is distinguished
as three social classes: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class;
in turn, each class can be subdivided into strata: the upper-stratum, the
middle-stratum, and the lower stratum. Social stratum can be formed upon the
bases of kinship or caste, or both.

Social desirables are resources considered valuable by societies. These

resources may be tangible or intangible. Sociologist may focus on any of these
resources as the basis of their theoretical perspective on social inequality. In
short, the recognition of the existence of these social desirables is what brings
together the sociological camps.
Generally, prestige, power, and wealth are three important social desirables. It
describes the social standing of individuals relative to others. Social standing
reflects persons’ worth and access to social, political, and symbolic capital.
Sociologists have different vies as to what constitute social class. Karl Marx
looked at it in terms of wealth produced in relation to the ownership of the
means of production. Wealth may refer to money, properties, and similar
tangible resources.
Bases of Class According to Karl Marx and Max Weber



Material prosperity, ownership Political or social Material Widespread respect and

of the means of production authority or prosperity admiration felt for
control, someone due to his or her
especially that achievements or quality
which is
exercised by a

Max Weber, on the other hand, differentiates them into three: wealth, power,
and prestige. Individual’s social standing can be measured, all at once, based
on their relative access to these three.

Social mobility refers to changes of individuals, families, households, or

other categories of people within or between social class in a society. It is
a change in social status relative to one's current social location within
a given society.

Types of Social Mobility

1. Horizontal mobility
This happen when a person changes their occupation but their overall
social standing remains unchanged.

2. Vertical mobility
It is a change in the occupational, political, or religious status of a person
that causes a change in their societal position. A person or social object
moves from one social class to another.

3. Upward mobility
It is when a person moves from a lower position in society to a higher
one. It can also include people occupying higher positions in the same
societal group. However, upward mobility, while seen as a good thing,
can also come at a cost for individuals.

4. Downward mobility
It takes place when a person moves from a higher position in society to a
lower one. It happen when someone is caught performing a wrongful act
that can result in the loss of the position they currently hold.

5. Inter-generational mobility
This happen when the social position changes from one generation to
another. The change can be upward or downward.
6. Intra-generational mobility
Change in societal position occurs during the lifespan of a single
generation. It can also refer to a change in position between siblings.
One way is when a person climbs up the corporate ladder in their

Some Issues Relative to Social Stratification

Wealth and Income Ethnicity Gender and Sexual People with

Orientation Disabilities
In the Philippines, there are Ethnic groups are Woman have always These people are
92.3 million Filipinos lives also facing been coerce by also discriminated
below poverty line because of discrimination. societies that have a and their physical
the country’s economic and Aside from structural bias impairments
social inequality. According to cultural because of cultural become basis of
the marginalization that beliefs. Men are
denial and equal
ASEAN Trade Union they suffer from seen in many
opportunity in
Council, the Philippines has the the cultures as natural
leaders and employment. They
highest rate of economic and dominant cultural
conformed more do not enjoy the
social inequality in Southeast majorities,
Asia, and unless action is where social and political benefits that abled
taken, the gap will continue to cultural rights.In some persons receive.
widen. The 4 major causes of practices culture, women
are cannot own
income inequality in our
subjects of property, and they
country are:
ridicule and their cannot drive their
physical own car. Woman
1. the rising proportion of appearances and
also experienced
urban households demeanor ear harassment in the
2. age distribution changes for them work place and
3. increasing number of over forms of become victim of
highly educated discrimination sexual harassment
household through stereotypes and violence. A
4. wage rate inequality. and end up as similar situation is
victims of being
development experienced by
aggression. lesbian, gay,
Their ancestral land bisexual, and
are either forcibly transgender
taken away (LGBT) people. They
from them in the are often subjected
guise of development
discrimination and
projects like
ridicule by a society
that considers them
infrastructures or
aberrations or forms
dumping site for toxic
of deviancy.
What’s More

DIRECTIONS: To strengthen and broaden your knowledge on the lessons that you
had learned, complete the given graphic organizers below. The main idea is already



What I Have Learned

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions base on your own understanding.
Write your answer inside the box.

1. What is social stratification?

2. What is the relationship of social mobility and social inequality?
3. How can social inequalities in the Philippines be addressed?

DIRECTIONS: Write your insights about this saying.


Prepared by: Checked/Validated:


Teacher II Assistant School Principal II



Principal IV

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