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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Home Gas by Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Akanksha1, P B L Chaurasia2

Department of M.Tech (energy), Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India

Dean of Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India

Abstract: This paperrepresent about Hydrogen Fuel Cell which consist of a fuel tank and is filled with demineralized water (DM)
having zero conductivity and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This fuel cell is designed to operate on the method of Electrolysis by separating
hydrogen and oxygen. The fuel cell uses electrochemical process to split hydrogen and water and recombine to form HHO gas
(hydroxyoxygen), which we can further use for generating heat and electricity. Hence gives us a conclusion of using the resultant heat
for various purposes like welding, cooking etc. But this paper gives a brief explanation about HHO gas for the purpose of cooking.

Keywords: electrolysis, home gas stove, burner, Hydrogen gas, bubbler.

1. Introduction 1.3 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Diagram

Nowadays, as the environment are becoming more and more

contaminated because of the increasing carbon dioxide and
pollutants an immediate action must be taken .This paper
tries to overcome these problem by showing the pros and
corns of using “home gas by hydrogen fuel cells”. It deals
with the use of hydrogen gas instead of LPG(liquefied
petroleum gas) for the purpose of cooking.

1.1Properties of hydrogen

 Density: 0.0899g/l at STP and 0.085g/l at 15oC

 Energy density : 120-140 MJ/kg at STP
 Critical pressure : 12.96 bar
 Triple point temperature : -259.19oC
 Critical temperature : -240oC Figure 1: Fuel Cell
 Molecular weight : 2
 Triple point pressure : 0.077 bar 1.3.1 Reactor
 If hydrogen gas doesn't leak, it'll produce 3X much energy It is made up of stainless steel and consists of 220 volts and
comparison to natural gas. 110 plates with gap less than 1mm. The input to the reactor
is water and NaOH. Thus the output obtained is HHO gas.
 Octane no. : +130

1.2 Hydrogen Production Method

This paper uses electrolysis process for splitting of water

into hydrogen and oxygen. Here the fuel tank is filled with
demineralized water having zero conductivity and sodium
hydroxide (NaOH). As the reactor gets DC supply it will
ionize the molecules of hydrogen and oxygen and will
separate it and will form hydrogen and oxygen and further
recombine to form hydroxyoxygen (HHO).

HHO- hydroxyoxygen (HHO) is a diatomic structure made

from the molecules of two atoms of both the gases oxygen
and hydrogen.

HHO is emission free and considered as environmental Figure 2: Reactor

friendly as it does not produce any carbon and other
pollutants into the atmosphere when burned. 1.3.2 Bubbler
It is also made up of stainless steel .It has two nozzles for
During the production of hydrogen following reaction occur intake and outtake. It consists of a flash port at the top and
in the cell: flash port has glass ball inside so whenever the pressure get
rise glass ball will pup-up and release the pressure.
Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Paper ID: 02014716 2090
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
Sometimes a water gauge is attached to the bubbler to
indicate the water level i.e. generally half of the complete
bubbler size. Rest part of the bubbler is filled will brass
wool to make fill of area so there must be no extra pressure
built inside of hydrogen.

1.3.3 Fuel Tank

A flash port on the fuel tankis made up of (CPVC)
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. It is a thermoplastic
produced by chlorination of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
resin.It has intake and outtake of gas inside, the upper pipe
of fuel tank is connected with upper pipe of reactor and
similarly lower pipe of fuel tank is connected with lower
pipe of reactor on the both side. Here we have used NaoH
and water but KOH can also be used in place of NaoH.As  
we know KOH has more pressure than NaoH and also it is a Figure 5:3D Printer
bit costlier than NaoH so here in this paper we are dealing
with NaoH. 1.3.6 Flash Pot
It is used for safety purpose of the HHO Generator. It is
made of Poly-vinyl chloride (PVC). Flash Port is a type of
pressure release faucet. It blows off the extra pressure
during back fire. It consist springs which is placed inside the
end cap As hydrogen flash back, glass ball pop-off and thus
hydrogen releases from the space provided on the flash port
into the surrounding environment and protect the device for
bursting .Hence also known as safety guards.

2. Literature Survey
Figure 3: Fuel Tank In 1802, Sir Humphrey Davy created the first simple fuel
cell based on compound like NH3/O2/C, C/H2O which was
1.3.4 PWM delivering an inadequate electrical shock. So this fuel cell
Pulse width modulation (PWM),a part of the fuel cell is for was not acceptable .The first fuel cell was firstly imagined
controlling the flame of HHO. PWM is also known for by Sir William Robert Grove in 1839, that why he is also
increasing the production of HHO gas without increasing the known as the father of the fuel cell. He has done an
current rating (amp). experiment by mixing hydrogen and oxygen in the existence
of an electrolyte and helped in the production of electricity
1.3.5 Gas stove and water. In 1882, a power generation attempt was made by
The flow rate of HHO can be varied from 2-13 liter per Thomas Edison. He built a power generation by burning
minutes. This gas can be used straight or with the coals. Fuel cell is named as fuel cell by Ludwig Mind and
combination of LPG. As LPG gas has carbon so there is no Charles Langer who has built the first fuel cell device using
risk of flash back. industrial coal gas and air, in 1889.In 1993, Sir Francis
Bacon started to work on fuel cell and developed a high
density AFC at very high pressure

3. Problem Definition
As we know hydrogen is a very explosive gas so the
problem in using hydrogen is the risks of fire or bursting. So
this paper deals with that problem by implementing the use
of flash back arrestor. With the help of this flash back
arrestor, at the time of back fire the entire system will be
protected from the fire causing no harm to the humans as
well as environments. Another problem of hydrogen
includes storage and its production cost. But this paper also
gives a good explanation about hydrogen production, as here
Figure 4: Home Gas Stove we are using water for hydrogen production which is
abundant in nature
Diameter of each hole in the stove is 0.3mm. There are 5
holes on a single burner top and there are total 4burner top.
This gas stove is printed by a 3D printer.

Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014

Paper ID: 02014716 2091
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
4. Methodology # If we consider a domestic LPG: This can be very well
understood with the help of an example. As we see in our
This paper uses the method of electrolysis for the production homesvarious equipments and their rating, and here we are
of hydrogen gas or HHO gas by splitting of water into considering the following:
oxygen and hydrogen. Here as the fuel cell reactor gets the
DC supply it will ionize the molecules of hydrogen and Table 1
oxygen and will separate it and will form hydrogen and S. No Equipments Ratting
oxygen and further recombines to form hydroxyoxygen 1 Cooking burner 9MJ
(HHO). 2 Gas heater 15MJ
3 Continuous flow hot water heater(geyser) 130MJ
Total 154MJ

This gas will goes to the upper portion of the fuel tank and If we consider subsidized cylinder:
from their it will go to the bubbler through the pipe on its 14.2 kg LPG=194.54 (KWH) = 700344KJ
top. And from the first bubbler the gas will goes to the {194.54 KWH explanation:
another bubbler through the other pipe. And this gas from
the second bubbler can be used for producing heat. so we Composition of LPG in a cylinder is -
can use this heat for burning our home gas stove for the 40% propane – 13.83 Kwh\kg (calorific value)60% butane –
purpose of cooking. 13.62 Kwh\kg (calorific value)Domestic LPG cylinder
weight- 14.2kg.

Net calorific value- 13.83*0.4 + 13.62*0.6= 13.70kwh/kg

.Therefore,for a cylinder 14.2*13.70 =194.54 KWh}.
So this cylinder will last: 700.344MJ\154MJ = 4.54hr. In
Figure 6: Complete setup process
India, subsidized cost of LPG = Rs.425. per unit production
cost will be = Rs2.18.So accordingly, cylinder will consume
This method can be well understood with the help of a flow
154MJ = 42.5 unit. So cost of cylinder will be 42.5*2.18 =
chart describe in the following figure:
Flow chart describing the methodology of hydrogen fuel
Table 2:
cell City Chennai Kolkata Mumbai Delhi
Subsidized 432 440 435 414
cylinder cost in
Cost in Rupees 94 95 94 90
for 154mz
Non- Subsidized 1234 1270 1264 1240
Cylinder cost in
Cost in rupees 269.5 277.45 276.13 270.85
for 154MJ

I.e. since 700.344Mj = Rs435 (subsidized cylinder cost in

Mumbai)so,1Mj = 425\700.344 .Therefore for 154mj= 435*
154\700.344 =94(approx.)

Hydrogen calculation: To get a desirable output, we must

 Plate- 2-2.2 volt per plate
 Current- 0.54amp per inch2active surface area of the plate.

Let the plate size be (7.5*7)”, diameter of circle is 1.4cmand

gasket is 2*.
Therefore surface area = (rectangle area) - {(4*triangle area)
+ (2* circle area) +area exposed to H2.}.
(14*12.8) – (4*0.5*2.8*2.5) – (2*3.14*0.7*0.7) –
(7.8*0.9*0.5) = 158.62cm2.

5. Results and Discussion

This paper shows that we can use hydrogen in place of LPG.

Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014

Paper ID: 02014716 2092
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
future, by replacing petrol with hydrogen. It can be used for
generating electricity by electrochemical process. Fuel cell
can power any portable device like laptops, computer,
cellular phone etc. Among all, the best part of using
hydrogen fuel cell is “the use of hydrogen fuel cell
provides us a greener future.” As hydrogen is considered
as ecofriendly, non-toxic which provide us clean energy.

[1] Hydrogen production methods (2006), Available: http://
www.iea.org/ publications/ freepublications/ publication/
[2] Energy statistics 2013, Available:
Figure 7: H2 calculation 2013.pdf.
[3] [Online]. Price of non-subsidized LPG hiked by 220
Maximum current which can pass in the reactor (with its full rupees per cylinder (Jan2, 2014), JAGRAN JOSH
efficiency) is Available: http://www.jagranjosh.com/current-
Current =24.58*0.54 = 13.27 amp. affairs/price-of-the-nonsubsidized-lpg-hiked-by-220-
For 220 volt DC supply, having 11amp: rupees-per-cylinder-1388657536-1.
 H2 output is: 12.6 LPM [4] HHO Cell configurator, Available:
 Output HHO: 756 liters http://www.hho4free.com/configurator/cell_configurator.
 H2: 504 liters htm
 O2:252 liters in an hour.
Author Profile
 Energy density of H2=130MJ/kg
 Density of H2 = 0.085 gm/l at room temperature. I have completed my bachelor of technology (B.
Tech) in 2013 in electrical engineering from Suresh
Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur. And presently
So, Energy output = 504*0.085*0.001*130 = 5.57 MJ/hr. pursuing M. Tech under dual degree program in
To attain 154MJ, this HHO fuel cell will take 27.64 hr.If we energy from Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur,
calculate for average electricity cost in India (250KWH) Rajasthan, India.
then cost is 3.70 Rs/units = 3.70*(2.42*27.64) =
Rs245.44.This provide us result that presently H2 is more

6. Conclusion
Home gas by hydrogen fuel cells gives us a wonderful
conclusion by discussing the use of HHO gas for cooking
purpose. As already discussed above, the HHO gas in the
hydrogen fuel cell is prepared by the electrolysis process by
splitting of water. So, the primary source used in the
production of HHO gas is water which is well known for its
abundance. So fuel cell helps in dealing with one of the
major problem by reducing the production cost of hydrogen.
Hence by the use of “home gas by hydrogen fuel cell” we
can save money up to a great extent. And we also know the
hydrogen gas is eco-friendly, thus it is emission free and
produces no carbon during the use. In this way we can also
save LPG for future.

7. Future Scope
We all know that generally fuel cell is used for
transportation purpose and in portable uses. Here, in this
paper we have shown the use of hydrogen fuel cell for
cooking. Sometimes, we are facing lack of LPG so it can be
imagined that there may be no LPG for the future use, so
this home gas by hydrogen fuel cell can be used in future for
cooking in the absence of LPG. On other hand, the fuel cell
can be very helpful for supplying power to ours cars in
Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Paper ID: 02014716 2093
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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