Financial Management Notes
Financial Management Notes
Financial Management Notes
Financial Management (Selection of Investment Proposal)
2. Working Capital Decision
-AKA, as Managerial finance, Corporate (Determination of Working Capital)
Finance or Business finance. 3. Financing Decision
-Is concerned with the acquisition, financing, (Raising of funds to finance the assets)
and management of assets with some overall 4. Dividend Decision
goal in mind. (Allocation of profit for dividend)
- means planning, organizing, directing, and
controlling the financial activities such as Objectives of financial Management
procurement and utilization of funds of the
enterprise. 1.To ensure regular and adequate supply of
- Is the ways and means of managing money, funds to the concern.
with aim of achieving some particular goals or 2. To ensure adequate return to the shareholders.
objectives. 3. To ensure optimum funds utilization.
-(HOWARD & UPTON) FM is the application 4. To ensure safety on investment.
of planning and control function of the finance 5. To plan a sound capital structure.
Financial Management includes: MANAGEMENT
4. Mergers and Acquisitions- changes in
6. Management of Cash financial markets at the height of Asian
- Finance Managers has to make decisions Integration.
with regards to cash management for 5. Socio Economic Impact – increases in
immediate expenses like wages and job oppo. Elevates the standard of
salaries. living.
-Therefore, while considering investment -Right side of the basic accounting equation
proposal, it is important to take into -“If I were to maintain this size of assets or
consideration both expected return and the risk acquire asset, how should I finance this?”
involved. -Debt and equity financing (mix of debt and
equity chosen to finance investments)
-Investment decision not only involves -How best to acquire the needed funds
allocating capital to long term assets but also -Short term? Long term? What is the cost of
involves decisions of using funds which are financing?
obtained by selling those assets which become
less profitable and less productive. -Financial decision is yet another important
function which a financial manger must
-It is a wise decision to decompose depreciated perform. It is important to make wise decisions
assets which are not adding value and utilize about when, where and how a business should
those funds in securing other beneficial assets. acquire funds. Funds can be acquired through
An opportunity cost of capital needs to be many ways and channels.
calculating while dissolving such assets. The
correct cut off rate is calculated by using this -Broadly speaking a correct ratio of an equity
opportunity cost of the required rate of return and debt has to be maintained. This mix of
(RRR). equity capital and debt is known as a firm’s
capital structure.
-Investment decision refers to financial resource
allocation. Investors opt for the most suitable -A firm tends to benefit most when the market
assets or investment opportunities based on risk value of a company’s share maximizes this not
profiles, investment objectives, and return only is a sign of growth for the firm but also
expectations. maximizes shareholders wealth. On the other
hand, the use of debt affects the risk and return
-the top-level management undertakes capital of a shareholder. It is more risky though it may
budgeting and fund allocation into long-term increase the return on equity funds.
assets. Managers overseeing business operations
opt for short-term investments to ensure DIVIDEND DECISION
liquidity and working capital. Investment
decisions are also influenced by the frequency of -Earning profit or a positive return is a common
returns, associated risks, maturity periods, tax aim of all the businesses. But the key function a
benefits, volatility, and inflation rates. financial manger performs in case of
profitability is to decide whether to distribute all
Investing decision of a Finance Managers the profits to the shareholder or retain all the
profits or distribute part of the profits to the
1. Evaluation and Selection of capital shareholder and retain the other half in the
investment proposal business.
2. Determination of the total amount of
funds that a firm can commit for -It’s the financial manager’s responsibility to
investment. decide a optimum dividend policy which
3. Prioritization of Investment maximizes the market value of the firm. Hence
Alternatives an optimum dividend payout ratio is calculated.
4. Funds allocation and its rationing It is a common practice to pay regular dividends
5. Determination of the levels of in case of profitability Another way is to issue
investment in working capital. bonus shares to existing shareholders.
-It is very important to maintain a liquidity understanding of capital market is an important
position of a firm to avoid insolvency. Firm’s function of a financial manager. Its on the
profitability, liquidity and risk all are associated discretion of a financial manager as to how to
with the investment in current assets. distribute the profits.
-Profit earning is one of the prime functions of
any business organization. Profit earning is
important for survival and sustenance of any
organization. Profit planning refers to proper
usage of the profit generated by the firm.