Lesson 1 - Intro To FM
Lesson 1 - Intro To FM
Lesson 1 - Intro To FM
quantum of profits to be
Management distributed to the owners,
b. the frequency of such
payments; and
Nature of Financial Management c. the amounts to be retained by
the firm.
- a.k.a. business finance, managerial
finance Financial Objectives of Business
- a decision-making process concerned Organization
Short and Medium-Term
- Maximization of return on capital
employed or return on investment
utilizing funds - Growth in earnings per share through
in a manner that achieves the firm’s maximization of net income or profit
goal. - Efficient procurement and utilization
of short-term, medium-term, or long-
Goal: term funds.
- make money Long-term
- add value for the owners - Growth in the market value of the
equity shares through maximization
Types of Financial Decisions of the firm’s market share and
1. Investment Decisions – those which sustained growth in dividend to
determine how scarce or limited shareholders.
resources in terms of funds of the - Survival and sustained growth of the
business firms are committed to firm.
project. Responsibilities to achieve the Financial
- Considers the profitability of each Objectives
individual project proposal that will
contribute to the overall profitability Investing
of the firm and lead to the creation of - Evaluation and selection of capital
wealth. investment proposal
- Weighing of risks; investee must be - Determination of the total amount of
stable funds that a firm can commit for
2. Financing Decisions – assert the investment.
mixed of debt and equity chosen to - Prioritization of investment
finance investments should alternatives
maximize the value of investments - Determination of fixed assets to be
made. acquired
Considers the cost of finance - Asset replacement decisions
available in different forms and the Maximization of the use of
risks attached to it. fixed assets
3. Dividend Decisions – concerned - Purchase or lease decisions
with the determination of:
- Restructuring reorganization mergers
and acquisition
- Determination of the financing
pattern of short term, medium-term,
and long-term funds requirements
- Determination of the best capital
structure or mixture of debt and
equity financing
- Arrangement with bankers, suppliers,
and creditors for its working capital,
medium-term and long-term fund
- The level of cash, securities, and
inventory that should be kept on
- The credit policy
- Source of short-term financing
- Financing purchases of goods