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Star & Sub Lord Table

From: To: Star
#: Sign: Sub Lord:
Deg/Min/Sec Deg/Min/Sec (Star) Lord:

1 Aries 00°00′00″ 00°46′40″ Aswini Ketu Ketu

2 Aries 00°46′40″ 03°00′00” Aswini Ketu Venus

3 Aries 03°00′00″ 03°40′00” Aswini Ketu Sun

4 Aries 03°40′00″ 04°46’40” Aswini Ketu Moon

5 Aries 04°46′40″ 05°33’20” Aswini Ketu Mars

6 Aries 05°33′20″ 07°33’20” Aswini Ketu Rahu

7 Aries 07°33′20″ 09°20’00” Aswini Ketu Jupiter

8 Aries 09°20′00″ 11°26’40” Aswini Ketu Saturn

9 Aries 11°26′40″ 13°20’00” Aswini Ketu Mercury

10 Aries 13°20′00″ 15°33′20” Bharani Venus Venus

11 Aries 15°33′20″ 16°13′20” Bharani Venus Sun

12 Aries 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Bharani Venus Moon

13 Aries 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Bharani Venus Mars

14 Aries 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Bharani Venus Rahu

15 Aries 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Bharani Venus Jupiter

16 Aries 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Bharani Venus Saturn

17 Aries 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Bharani Venus Mercury

18 Aries 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Bharani Venus Ketu

19 Aries 26°40′00” 27°20′00” Krittika Sun Sun

20 Aries 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Krittika Sun Moon

21 Aries 28°26’40” 29°13’20” Krittika Sun Mars

22 Aries 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Krittika Sun Rahu

23 Taurus 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Krittika Sun Rahu

24 Taurus 01°13’20” 03°00’00’ Krittika Sun Jupiter

25 Taurus 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Krittika Sun Saturn

26 Taurus 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Krittika Sun Mercury

27 Taurus 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Krittika Sun Ketu

28 Taurus 07:46’40” 10°00’00” Krittika Sun Venus

29 Taurus 10°00′00” 11°06′40” Rohini Moon Moon

30 Taurus 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Rohini Moon Mars

31 Taurus 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Rohini Rahu

32 Taurus 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Rohini Moon Jupiter

33 Taurus 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Rohini Moon Saturn

34 Taurus 17°46’40” 19°40’00” Rohini Moon Mercury

35 Taurus 19°40’00” 20°26’40” Rohini Moon Ketu

36 20°26’40” 22°40’00” Rohini Moon Venus

37 Taurus 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Rohini Moon Sun

38 Taurus 23°20’00” 24°06:40” Mrigashira Mars Mars

#: Sign: From: To: Star Lord: Sub Lord:
Deg/Min/Sec Deg/Min/Sec (Star)

39 Taurus 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Mrigashira Mars Rahu

40 Taurus 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Mrigashira Mars Jupiter

41 Taurus 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Mrigashira Mars Saturn

42 Gemini 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Mrigashira Mars Mercury

43 Gemini 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Mrigashira Mars Ketu

44 Gemini 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Mrigashira Mars Venus

45 Gemini 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Mrigashira Mars

46 Gemini 05°33’20” 06°40’00” Mrigashira Mars Moon

47 Gemini 06°40’00” 08°40’00” Ardra Rahu Rahu

48 Gemini 08°40’00” 10°26’40” Ardra Rahu Jupiter

49 Gemini 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Ardra Rahu Saturn

50 Gemini 12°33’20 14°26’40” Ardra Rahu Mercury

51 Gemini 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Ardra Rahu Ketu

52 Gemini 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Ardra Rahu Venus

53 Gemini 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Ardra Rahu Sun

54 Gemini 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Ardra Rahu Moon

55 Gemini 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Ardra Rahu Mars

56 Gemini 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Purnavasu Jupiter Jupiter

57 Gemini 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Purnavasu Jupiter Saturn

58 Gemini 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Purnavasu Jupiter Mercury

59 Gemini 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Purnavasu Jupiter Ketu

60 Gemini 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Purnavasu Jupiter Venus

61 Gemini 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Purnavasu Jupiter Sun

62 Gemini 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Purnavasu Jupiter Moon

63 Cancer 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Purnavasu Jupiter Moon

64 Cancer 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Purnavasu Jupiter Mars

65 Cancer 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Purnavasu Jupiter Rahu

66 Cancer 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Pushyami Saturn Saturn

67 Cancer 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Pushyami Saturn Mercury

68 Cancer 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Pushyami Saturn Ketu

69 Cancer 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Pushyami Venus

70 Cancer 10°20’00” 11°00’00’ Pushyami Saturn Sun

71 Cancer 11°00’00’ 12°06’40’ Pushyami Saturn Moon

72 Cancer 12°06’40’ 12°53’20” Pushyami Saturn Mars

73 Cancer 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Pushyami Saturn Rahu

74 Cancer 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Pushyami Saturn Jupiter

75 Cancer 16°40’00” 18°33’21” Aslesha Mercury Mercury

76 Cancer 18°33’21” 19°20’00” Aslesha Mercury Ketu

77 Cancer 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Aslesha Mercury Venus

78 Cancer 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Aslesha Mercury Sun

79 Cancer 22°13’20” 23°20’00 Aslesha Mercury Moon

80 Cancer 23°20’00 24°06’40” Aslesha Mercury Mars

Sign: From: To: Star Lord: Sub Lord:
#: Deg/Min/Sec Deg/Min/Sec (Star)

81 Cancer 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Aslesha Mercury Rahu

82 Cancer 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Aslesha Mercury Jupiter

83 Cancer 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Aslesha Mercury Saturn

84 Leo 00°00’00” 00°46’40” Magha Ketu Ketu

85 Leo 00°46’40” 03°00’00” Magha Ketu Venus

86 Leo 03°00’00” 03°40’00” Magha Ketu Sun

87 Leo 03°40’00” 04°46’40’ Magha Ketu Moon

88 Leo 04°46’40’ 05°33’20” Magha Ketu Mars

89 Leo 05°33’20” 07°33’20” Magha Ketu Rahu

90 Leo 07°33’20” 09°20’00” Magha Ketu Jupiter

91 Leo 09°20’00” 11°26’40” Magha Ketu Saturn

92 Leo 11°26’40” 13°20’00” Magha Ketu Mercury

93 Leo 13°20’00” 15°33’20” P. Phalguni Venus Venus

94 Leo 15°33’20” 16°13’20” P. Phalguni Venus Sun

95 Leo 16°13’20” 17°20’00” P. Phalguni Venus Moon

96 Leo 17°20’00” 18°06’40” P. Phalguni Venus Mars

97 Leo 18°06’40” 20°06’40” P. Phalguni Venus Rahu

98 Leo 20°06’40” 21°53’20” P. Phalguni Venus Jupiter

99 Leo 21°53’20” 24°00’00” P. Phalguni Venus Saturn

100 Leo 24°00’00” 25°53’20” P. Phalguni Venus Mercury

101 Leo 25°53’20” 26°40’00” P. Phalguni Venus Ketu

102 Leo 26°40’00” 27°20’00” U. Phalguni Sun Sun

103 Leo 27°20’00” 28°26’40” U. Phalguni Sun Moon

104 Leo 28°26’40” 29°13’20” U. Phalguni Sun Mars
105 Leo 29°13’20” 30°00’00” U. Phalguni Sun

106 Virgo 00°00’00” 01°13’20” U. Phalguni Sun Rahu

107 Virgo 01°13’20” 03°00’00” U. Phalguni Sun Jupiter

108 Virgo 03°00’00” 05°06’40” U. Phalguni Sun Saturn

109 Virgo 05°06’40” 07°00’00” U. Phalguni Sun Mercury

110 Virgo 07°00’00” 07°46’40” U. Phalguni Sun Ketu

111 Virgo 07°46’40” 10°00’00” U. Phalguni Sun Venus

112 Virgo 10°00’00” 11°06’40” Hasta Moon Moon

113 Virgo 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Hasta Moon Mars

114 Virgo 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Hasta Moon Rahu

115 Virgo 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Hasta Moon Jupiter

116 Virgo 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Hasta Moon Saturn

117 Virgo 17°46’40” 19°40’00” Hasta Moon Mercury

118 Virgo 19°40’00” 20°26’40” Hasta Moon Ketu

119 Virgo 20°26’40” 22°40’00” Hasta Moon Venus

120 Virgo 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Hasta Moon Sun

121 Virgo 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Chitra Mars Mars

122 Virgo 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Chitra Mars Rahu

#: Sign: From: To: Star Lord: Sub Lord:
Deg/Min/Sec Deg/Min/Sec (Star)

123 Virgo 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Chitra Mars Jupiter

124 Virgo 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Chitra Mars Saturn

125 Libra 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Chitra Mars Mercury

126 Libra 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Chitra Mars Ketu

127 Libra 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Chitra Mars Venus

128 Libra 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Chitra Mars Sun

129 Libra 05°33’20” 06°40’00” Chitra Mars Moon

130 Libra 06°40’00” 08°40’00’ Swati Rahu Rahu

131 Libra 08°40’00’ 10°26’40” Swati Rahu Jupiter

132 Libra 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Swati Rahu Saturn

133 Libra 12°33’20” 14°26’40” Swati Rahu Venus

134 Libra 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Swati Rahu Ketu

135 Libra 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Swati Rahu Venus

136 Libra 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Swati Rahu Sun

137 Libra 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Swati Rahu Moon

138 Libra 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Swati Rahu Mars

139 Libra 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Vishaka Jupiter Jupiter

140 Libra 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Vishaka Jupiter Saturn

141 Libra 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Vishaka Jupiter Mercury

142 Libra 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Vishaka Jupiter Ketu

143 Libra 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Vishaka Jupiter Venus

144 Libra 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Vishaka Jupiter Sun

145 Libra 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Vishaka Jupiter Moon

146 Scorpio 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Vishaka Jupiter Moon

147 Scorpio 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Vishaka Jupiter Mars

148 Scorpio 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Vishaka Jupiter Rahu

149 Scorpio 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Anuradha Saturn Saturn

150 Scorpio 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Anuradha Saturn

151 Scorpio 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Anuradha Saturn Ketu

152 Scorpio 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Anuradha Saturn Venus

153 Scorpio 10°20’00” 11°00’00” Anuradha Saturn Sun

154 Scorpio 11°00’00” 12°06’40” Anuradha Saturn Moon

155 Scorpio 12°06’40” 12°53’20” Anuradha Saturn Mars

156 Scorpio 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Anuradha Saturn Rahu

157 Scorpio 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Anuradha Saturn jupiter

158 Scorpio 16°40’00” 18°33’20” Jyeshta Mercury Mercury

159 Scorpio 18°33’20” 19°20’00” Jyeshta Mercury Ketu

160 Scorpio 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Jyeshta Mercury Venus

161 Scorpio 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Jyeshta Mercury Sun

162 Scorpio 22°13’20” 23°20’00” Jyeshta Mercury Moon

163 Scorpio 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Jyeshta Mercury Mars

164 Scorpio 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Jyeshta Mercury Rahu

#: Sign: From: To: Star Lord: Sub Lord:
Deg/Min/Sec Deg/Min/Sec (Star)

165 Scorpio 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Jyeshta Mercury Jupiter

166 Scorpio 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Jyeshta Mercury Saturn

167 Sagittarius 00°00’00” 00°46’40” Mula Ketu Ketu

168 Sagittarius 00°46’40 03°00’00” Mula Ketu Venus

169 Sagittarius 03°00’00” 03°40’00” Mula Ketu Sun

170 Sagittarius 03°40’00” 04°46’40” Mula Ketu Moon

171 Sagittarius 04°46’40” 05°53’20” Mula Ketu Mars

172 Sagittarius 05°53’20” 07°33’20” Mula Ketu Rahu

173 Sagittarius 07°33’20” 09°20’00” Mula Ketu Jupiter

174 Sagittarius 09°20’00” 11°26’40” Mula Ketu Saturn

175 Sagittarius 11°26’40” 13°20’00” Mula Ketu Mercury

176 Sagittarius 13°20’00” 15°33’20” Purvashadha Venus Venus

177 Sagittarius 15°33’20” 16°13’20” Purvashadha Venus Sun

178 Sagittarius 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Purvashadha Venus Moon

179 Sagittarius 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Purvashadha Venus Mars

180 Sagittarius 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Purvashadha Venus Rahu

181 Sagittarius 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Purvashadha Venus Jupiter

182 Sagittarius 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Purvashadha Venus Saturn

183 Sagittarius 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Purvashadha Venus Mercury

184 Sagittarius 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Purvashadha Venus Ketu

185 Sagittarius 26°40’00” 27°20’00” Uttarashadha Sun Sun

186 Sagittarius 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Uttarashadha Sun Moon

187 Sagittarius 28°26’40 29°13’20” Uttarashadha Sun Mars

188 Sagittarius 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Uttarashadha Sun Rahu

189 Capricorn 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Uttarashadha Sun Rahu

190 Capricorn 01°13’20” 03°00’00” Uttarashadha Sun

191 Capricorn 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Uttarashadha Sun Saturn

192 Capricorn 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Uttarashadha Sun

193 Capricorn 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Uttarashadha Sun Ketu

194 Capricorn 07°46’40” 10°00’00”

Table of KP Ayanamsa Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds for the Years 1900 TO 2052 A.D.

(as featured in K.P. & ASTROLOGY 2003, P. 92-93)

(Please note that these figures below refer to April 15th of every year - and not January 1st.)

(D-M-S refers to Degree/Minute/Second)

Year Ayanamsa: Year Ayanamsa: Year Ayanamsa: Year Ayanamsa:


1900 22-22-30 1939 22-55-10 1978 23-27-49 2017 24-00-30

1901 22-23-20 1940 22-56-00 1979 23-28-40 2018 24-01-20
1902 22-24-11 1941 22-56-50 1980 23-29-30 2019 24-02-10
1903 22-25-01 1942 22-57-40 1981 23-30-20 2020 24-03-00
1904 22-25-51 1943 22-58-31 1982 23-31-10 2021 24-03-51
1905 22-26-41 1944 22-59-21 1983 23-32-01 2022 24-04-41
1906 22-27-32 1945 23-00-11 1984 23-32-51 2023 24-05-31
1907 22-28-22 1946 23-01-01 1985 23-33-41 2024 24-06-21
1908 22-29-12 1947 23-01-52 1986 23-34-31 2025 24-07-12
1909 22-30-02 1948 23-02-42 1987 23-35-22 2026 24-08-02
1910 22-30-53 1949 23-03-32 1988 23-36-12 2027 24-08-52
1911 22-31-43 1950 23-04-22 1989 23-37-02 2028 24-09-43
1912 22-32-33 1951 23-05-13 1990 23-37-53 2029 24-10-33
1913 22-33-23 1952 23-06-03 1991 23-38-43 2030 24-11-23
1914 22-34-13 1953 23-06-53 1992 23-39-33 2031 24-12-13
1915 22-35-04 1954 23-07-43 1993 23-40-2 2032 24-13-04
1916 22-35-54 1955 23-08-34 1994 23-41-14 2033 24-13-54
1917 22-36-44 1956 23-09-24 1995 23-42-04 2034 24-14-44
1918 22-37-34 1957 23-10-14 1996 23-42-54 2035 24-15-34
1919 22-38-25 1958 23-11-04 1997 23-43-44 2036 24-16-25
1920 22-39-15 1959 23-11-55 1998 23-44-35 2037 24-17-15
1921 22-40-05 1960 23-12-45 1999 23-45-25 2038 24-18-05
1922 22-40-55 1961 23-13-35 2000 23-46-15 2039 24-18-55
1923 22-41-46 1962 23-14-25 2001 23-47-05 2040 24-19-46
1924 22-42-36 1963 23-15-16 2002 23-47-56 2041 24-20-36
1925 22-43-26 1964 23-16-06 2003 23-48-46 2042 24-21-26
1926 22-44-16 1965 23-16-56 2004 23-49-36 2043 24-22-17
1927 22-45-07 1966 23-17-46 2005 23-50-26 2044 24-23-07
1928 22-45-57 1967 23-18-37 2006 23-51-17 2045 24-23-57
1929 22-46-47 1968 23-19-27 2007 23-52-07 2046 24-24-47
1930 22-47-37 1969 23-20-17 2008 23-52-57 2047 24-25-38
1931 22-48-28 1970 23-21-07 2009 23-53-47 2048 24-26-28
1932 22-49-18 1971 23-21-58 2010 23-54-38 2049 24-27-18
1933 22-50-08 1972 23-22-48 2011 23-55-28 2050 24-28-08
1934 22-50-58 1973 23-23-38 2012 23-56-18 2051 24-28-59
1935 22-51-49 1974 23-24-28 2013 23-57-09 2052 24-29-49
1936 22-52-39 1975 23-25-19 2014 23-57-59
1937 22-53-29 1976 23-26-09 2015 23-58-49
1938 22-54-19 1977 23-26-59 2016 23-59-39


1) The figures given in these tables refer to the Ayanamsa on April 15th of every year, and these can be adjusted to any other period of the year by
adding or subtracting the proportionate amount of Ayanamsa.

2) The Ayanamsa values are based on Newcomb’s rate of precession of 50.2388475 seconds per annum.

Basic Preliminaries to Chart Analysis:

These instructions are basic guidelines that I have used for myself when delineating a chart through the KP system. For a thorough comprehension of what
follows, you should have a basic understanding and grounding in Vedic and Western Astrology principles and aspects, and this basic foundational
understanding should precede any attempts at delineating a chart KP style. If you are new to Vedic Astrology, you should first begin to familiarize yourself
with many of the basic principles needed to understand Vedic Astrology and then move into KP. Although many of the concepts of Vedic Astrology differ from
KP Stellar Astrology, certain principles remain standard throughout (such as exaltation/debilitation, friendship/animosity, etc.). So begin by reviewing the
material available in the KP Workshop and become familiar with the K.P. Star & Sub Lord Table as that is the back drop from which you will work.

For constructing a KP Chart, use the Table of Yearly KP Ayanamsha's for the Years 1900-2052, and if unsure of the correct settings in your software to
enable you to construct a KP Chart, check out Constructing a KP Chart using various Astrological Software. And lastly, before investing too much time on a
chart, check to make sure that both the birth time and your calculations are correct.

After having the above in place - grab your chart. Keep in mind that the "time" that certain events take place in an individual's life, is during the particular
activation period addressed by the dasha, antardasha (bhukti), and pratyantardasha lords that are running at any given time, that activate those particular
events/matters through their star lords. These time periods are based on the Vimshottari dasha system using the KP ayanamsha. So if you are new to KP
analysis, a good starting point may be to begin the learning process by referring to your own chart. Look back at any given time period in question to reflect on
past events, and see if you can actually "see" their happenings during the time frame the event actually occurred, based on the running sequence of dashas
(mahadasha, bhukti, and pratyantardasha, and their star and sub lords, aspects, etc.. Don't forget the aspects, as they are the modifiers! See KP Aspects:
"The Modifiers" for more information.

KP Chart Analysis:

The most promising and clearest material that I have found for covering all bases when analyzing a KP chart are from the material in Bhatt's Nakshatra
Chintamani, which is what the following methodology is primarily based on:

General Instructions:

1. For judging any matter in the horoscope pertaining to any particular house, bear in mind the general principle that a planet gives the results of its star lord.
(See KP: How Does the Dasha Lord Function?)

2. Give importance to the cuspal sub lord of the house to be judged - for example - treat it as an ordinary planet. (See KP: Significance of Cuspal Sublords).

3. Note its star lord and note the sign and house occupied by the star lord.

4. Remember the general rule that each sign corresponds to a particular house - for example - Aries for the 1st house, Libra for the 7th house, etc.. Also bear
in mind that each house corresponds to a particular sign - for example - the 1st house represents Aries, the 8th house Scorpio, etc..

5. Remember the characteristics - for example - personal appearance, disposition, disease, occupation, and matters governed or dominated by each sign and

6. Combine (synthesize and integrate) the influence of the star lord, with that of the sign and house occupied by the star lord (suitable as the case may be),
and follow the suit with respect to the cuspal sub lord also.

7. The strength of the cuspal sub lord of the house should also be examined for the affairs or the matters pertaining to that house. (See KP: General Strength
of a Planet).

Joint Period Rulers:

1. The period or sub period ruler (meaning Mahadasha and Antardasha [Bhukti] lords) will give results according to its natural rulership over certain affairs of
life - for example - Venus is the chief governor of peace or harmony, marriage, vehicles, happiness, etc..
2. Whether these period lords give favorable or unfavorable results of their star lord is determined by the sub lord, and then according to whether the sub lord
is favorable or unfavorable. (See KP: Planet or House: Harmonious or Detrimental).

3. The Mahadasha, Bhukti, and Pratyantardasha lords may each signify matters of different houses - for example different subject matters - both desirable
and undesirable. So during their joint periods, they will give the results of the common subject matter - either desirable or undesirable - as the case may be.

For example, suppose the dasha lord is the significator of the 2nd, 5th, or 11th, and 1st, 4th, or 10th (indicating childbirth, and also its denial), then during
the sub period (bhukti) of the significator of the 1st, 4th, or 10th, there will be no child birth, and if there is already a child, then separation from the child is
likely; and during the sub period (bhukti) of the significator of the 2nd, 5th, or 11th, the birth of a child will take place.

4. If the star lord (of the Mahadasha lord) occupies the 6th, 8th, or 12th as counted from its own sign (house), then the period or sub period ruler (Mahadasha
or Bhukti lords) will not give favorable results of this house (owned by its star lord.)

5. If the planet and its star lord are in the 6th, 8th, and 12th signs from one another, the native will not get the results to his/her desired extent during their joint

6. If the star lord of the Mahadasha or Bhukti lord is retrograde, the native will experience ups and downs in general.

7. The joint period rulers generally give the results of the house or houses owned by their star lords, so their strength will depend upon the strength of their
star lords. (See General Strength of a Planet).

8. If the joint period rulers (Mahadasha and Bhukti lords) are in mutual reception (exchanging signs), or in conjunction or in aspect with one another, they
influence the affairs of one another. This is based on the principle that a planet in conjunction with - or aspected by the significator - gives the results of the
house or houses denoted by that significator.

9. If the joint rulers (dasha lords) of the cusps of any house are the significators for the matters signified by that house, the combined period of these joint
rulers gives the results of the same matter during the period of any other significator of that house, and in the sub period of the cuspal sub lord of that house,
the results of the same matter are obtained.

Transit and Joint Period Rulers:

1. An event usually happens during the joint period (dasha/bhukti) of the significators when the transit agrees.
2. At the time of the event, Sun, Moon, and/or joint period rulers are generally found to be transiting in:

(a) The star or sub of the same joint period ruler or rulers - for example - in the star or sub of the Mahadasha, Bhukti, Antardasha, and/or Sookshma period
ruler, or

(b) In the star of the significator of that event (other than the dasha rulers) in the horoscope.

Cuspal Matters and Joint Period Rulers:

1. (a) In the example Birth Horoscope (see Birth Horoscope # 1) the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Mars. It is in the star of Ketu and in the sub of Venus. After
retirement from service the native received a good amount towards gratuity on June 27, 1970, during the joint period of Mars, Ketu, and Venus.

(b) Houses 2, 6, and 11 are for monetary gain. Now the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd (Mars) is the owner of the 11th house, which is vacant. Its star lord Ketu
represents Moon in the 2nd, Mercury owning the 6th, and mars (Ketu's star lord) owning the 11th. So Mars is connected with (see KP: A Planet or House
"Connected With" the 2nd, 6th, and 11th, and promises finance to the native. Its sub lord Venus owns the 10th and occupies the 6th, so it is harmonious to
the matters indicated by the star lord (Ketu) So Mars - in its dasha period - gives monetary gain to the native, and it may be realized during the joint period
(dasha) of the planet Mars, the star lord Ketu, and the sub lord Venus.

(c) It may therefore be said that if the cuspal sub lord of a house is the significator of the matter signified by that house, then this matter will materialize
during the period of the cuspal sub lord.

(d) On June 27, 1970 the Moon was transiting in Pisces at 24 degrees 00 minutes in the sub Mars (the period ruler) while Venus in Cancer at 19 degrees
00 minutes was in the sub of Ketu (the sub period ruler), and Ketu was in Leo 12 degrees 33 minutes in its own star.

2. (a) In the example Birth Horoscope # 1 , the Ascendant is jointly ruled by Saturn, Moon, and Rahu. They are all significators of the 1st and 6th (Saturn
owning the 1st in the star of the Sun - who is posited in the 6th; Moon and Rahu both are in the star of Mercury which owns the 6th and aspects the

So the native suffered from asthmatic conditions and remained in bad health during the the dasha joint periods of Moon, Rahu, and Saturn - which was
around October 16, 1957 to January 12, 1958, and again during the joint dashas of Moon, Saturn, and Rahu from around May 1, 1961 through July 28, 1961.

(b) It may therefore be said that if the joint rulers of the cusp of any house are the significators of the matter signified by that house, then the combined
period (dasha) of these period lords will give the results of the same matter.
(c) The native may suffer from sickness or disease during the sub periods of the significators of the 1st and 6th, the 1st and 8th, or the 1st and 12th, in the
dasha of the significator of the 6th. He recovers during the sub periods of the significators of the 1st, the 5th, or the 11th. He becomes a victim to the disease
in the sub periods of the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses.

The sign and house occupied by the star lord of the sub period ruler (bhukti lord) show the sensitive part of the body and the nature of the disease.

In the example Birth Horoscope #1 the period ruler is Moon and the sub period (bhukti) ruler Rahu is in the star of Mercury in Cancer, while the
pratyantardasha lord Saturn is in the Sun's star in Gemini.

Gemini governs lungs, it shows bronchitis, asthma, etc. Cancer denotes stomach and it is a watery sign, so it indicates weak digestive power, cold, cough,
and asthma

Four Ways to Judge the Strength of a Planet:

Strength by House:

1. A planet gives first and foremost the results of the strength of the house occupied by the planet, and secondly by the owner of the house.

2. When determining the house strengths, the angles or angular houses are first in strength (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th), followed by the succedent
houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th), and lastly the cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th).

3. The owners of houses 6, 8, or 12 (and these are counted from ANY particular house to be judged) becomes weak, evil, or malefic in effects.

Strength by Sign:

1. A planet is strong when it is in its own or exalted sign. A planet is weak when it is afflicted, and/or in its detriment or fall (debilitated) sign.

2. The nature of the sign - for example - cardinal, fixed, or moveable, fire, earth, air or water sign, fruitful or barren sign, human or bestial sign,
mute or voice sign, masculine or feminine sign, on the cusp of the planet posited there, influences the affairs of the house and the planet.

Strength by Aspect:
1. A planet on conjunction or associated with or aspected by a malefic (for example - the owners of the 6th, 8th, or 12th), becomes weak and

2. An aspecting planet modifies the results of the house matters according to its natural benefic or malefic, friendly or inimical state.

Nakshatra System:

1. A planet becomes strong if its star lord is strong by house, sign, and aspect; and it will be in a position to give the results indicated by its star
lord to the desired extent.

2. A planet becomes weak if its star lord is weak by house, sign, and aspect, and it will not be in a position to give the results indicated by its star
lord to the desired extent.

Aspects: The Principles of Judgment

Aspects are the modifying influences in a horoscope and a prediction is never complete unless the aspects are properly computed, studied,
integrated and synthesized, and the results then judged. Below are a few useful hints to enable one to arrive at a correct judgment:

1. First, assess the strength of the aspect. Decile (36 degrees) is not so powerful for good as a trine (120 degree aspect). A semi-square aspect (45
degrees) is not so harmful as the challenge of a square (90 degrees). (Below I have constructed an Aspect Table, which can also be viewed in the
KP Workshop to familiarize you with the aspects that are of a Western nature).

Overview of Western Major Aspects:

The first 10 aspects below are numbered according to their order of power.

"The Western system of aspects must be studied and used so as to arrive at accurate predictions." (Quote from First Reader: Casting the
Horoscope: 9th Edition:2000: page 113)
1. Conjunction: 1. Can be either good or adverse, depending on the planetary connections being of a benefic or malefic nature,
and by Adhipatya (rulership).

(a) Immensely good between benefics

(b) Malignant between a benefic and a malefic

2. Jupiter, Venus, un-afflicted Mercury and waxing Moon are natural benefics.

3. Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Rahu and Ketu are natural malefics.

Too much importance should not be attached to the natural tendency of a planet. What is more important is
whether the planet is benefic or malefic by Adhipathya (rulership), since the results shown by lordship will be
pronounced. (Malefics are lords of 6th, 8th, and 12th.)
2. Parallel of Declination: (Or contra-parallels). Nature same as conjunctions.
3. Opposition: 180 degrees apart. Adverse in nature, indicating tension if the planets are malefic by nature or evil by lordship.
4. Trine: 120 degrees. Very powerful for good. Benign in nature.
5. Quincunx: 150 degrees. Adverse in nature.
6. Biquintile: 144 degrees. Found to be as good as a trine aspect
7. Sesquiquadrate: 135 degrees. Similar to semi-angular (45 degrees) and moderately evil.
8. Square: 90 degree angle. Evil.
9. Sextile: 60 degrees. Similar to the trine.
10. Quintile: 72 degrees. This aspect is good.
11. Semi-Square: 45 degrees. Moderately evil.
12. Semi-Sextile: 30 degrees. Slightly good.
13. Vigintile: 18 degrees. Slightly favorable.
14. Quindecile: 24 degrees. Slightly good.
15. Decile Semi-quintile 36 degrees. Moderately good.
16. Tredecile: 108 degrees. Favorable.
17. 54 degrees Slightly good.
18. 162 degrees Slightly good.

All multiples of 22.5 degrees are evil.

Orbs: Applying: Separating:

Sun: 12 degrees 17 degrees
Moon: 8 degrees 12 degrees
All other planets: 6 degrees 8 degrees
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto 1-3 degrees 1 degree

An aspect or conjunction “just within” the range of orb is weak in power.

Rapt: 2 planets occupying the same degree and minute are in rapt conjunction. Exact aspect (conjunction) is styled rapt or partile.

Platic: An aspect that is just within the orb (either applying or separating) is termed platic or wide.

2. What is the quality of the aspect? Is it a beneficial aspect, or an evil aspect?

3. Is the aspect exact (rapt, partile), or is it wide (platic)? If platic, note whether the aspect is in the process of applying or separating.

4. Note the affairs governed by the house occupied by the aspected planet. Is it conjoined with any other planet at the same time? Association
with a benefic (lord of a benefic house in the chart) is promising and auspicious. Any connection with malefics - most especially with lords of
the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses - either by being conjoined with them or occupying their Nakshatras, etc., portends evil. The Nakshattra occupied
by a planet is the most important, because the results denoted by the Nakshatra lord (by its ownership) will primarily dominate.
5. What does the aspected planet denote by its lordship? Is he a benefic or malefic? For which house(s)? A planet possesses certain natural
characteristics and these will operate, but what the planet has to give by lordship will change the results indicated by by its nature - for example -
Jupiter, a benefic by nature, will be evil by owning evil houses, while Saturn, by owning favorable houses, becomes benefic. Even these results
are modified and changed by occupation (position) of various houses in the chart. The correct way is to judge by taking the planets occupation
(position), lordship over which house(s), and its nature. But being posited in a particular constellation, and the modification by the lord of the
constellation, are still more important. Jupiter and Venus, who are natural benefics, prove to be the worst evils for a number of people while the
natural malefics, Mars and Saturn, immensely benefit some becasue they are occupying the constellations of the planets owning and occupying
good houses.

6. Is the aspected planet posited in a house which is 6th, 8th, or 12th to the house it owns? Find out whether it is in a good angle (aspect) to the
cusp of the house in which it is the owner, and find out the exact distance by counting degrees. This is the proper and correct method.

Hindus believe that a house gets completely destroyed if its owner is posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the sign it owns, or the lords of the 6th,
8th, or 12th to a particular house occupy that sign. A planet may own two houses, and to one house it may be in the 6th, 8th, or 12th. That house
to which it is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from will suffer, whereas the matters signified by the other house will improve.

7. Is the aspected planet dignified?

(a) The first is a planet in its exaltation sign is the strongest.

(b) Next is the planet in vargottama (occupying the same sign in both Rasi and Navamsha charts).

(c) Third is a planet in its mooltrikona house.

(d) Fourth is a planet in swakshetra (own house)

(e) Fifth is a planet hosted by a friend

A planet in debilitation, hosted by an enemy, or connected with malefics in any manner, is said to be weakly posited and afflicted.
8. Then note the nature of the sign occupied by the aspected planet. Is it movable, fixed, or common? Is the sign fiery, earthy, airy, watery,
positive or negative, fruitful or barren, etc.. Similarly, find out whether the aspecting planet is a benefic by lordship, whether he is dignified or
afflicted, beneficial or adverse by occupation (position), and whether the planet that aspects, is hosted by a friend. Also note whether the
aspecting planet is in a kendra (angular 1, 4, 7, 10), panaphara (succedent 2, 5, 8, 11), or apokilma (cadent 3, 6, 9, 12) house.

(a) Kendra's (1, 4, 7,and 10) and planets posited therein are said to be accidently dignified - for example - they attain full strength to express

(b) Panaphara's (2, 5, 8, and 11) and planets in these houses gain moderate strength.

(c) Apoklima (3, 6, 9, and 12) and planets in these houses get weakened, and lack opportunity for expression. It is also important to note who
the lord of the constellation is in which the aspecting planet is situated.

If one has basically assimilated the basic elements constituting a horoscope, and has acquired the ability to integrate and synthesize properly, the
value of this method to predict the nature of the event, the time of the event, and the extent to which it can offer, will be realized and recognized.

See also KP: Aspects in the KP FAQ and Notebook section at KP FAQ and Notebook


Harmonious and Detrimental Houses for different subject matters are shown below:

Subject matter Houses

Harmonious Detrimental
1 Longevity 1, 8, 3 2, 7, 12, Badhaka
2 Health 1 6, 8, 12
3 Cure of disease 1, 5, 11 6, 8, 12
4 Education 4, 9, 11 3, 8
5 Construction of a building 4, 11, 12 3, 5, 10
6 Marriage 2, 7, 11 1, 6, 10
7 Child birth 2, 5, 11 1, 4, 10
8 Foreign travel 3, 9, 12 2, 8, 11
9 Service 2, 6, 10 1, 5, 9
1 Gain of money 2, 6, 11 8, 12

It will be clear from the above table that the houses to be considered for a particular subject matter, for example, houses 2, 6 and 10 are
harmonious to the matters of service, and so on with other houses.

Similarly the houses which denote negation or denial of the matters of the houses to be considered are “detrimental” to the houses to be
considered, for example,. the houses 1, 5 and 9 being 12th from 2, 6 and 10. So houses 1, 5 and 9 are “detrimental” to the houses 2, 6 and 10; and
so on with other houses.

A Planet Harmonious or Detrimental?

A planet harmonious to any house:

(a) In view of the above table the occupant or owner of the 2nd, 6th, or 10th, the planet in the star of the occupant or owner of the 2nd, 6th, or
10th, and the planet in conjunction or in aspect with the significator of 2nd, 6th, and 10th which come under the category of the significators of
2nd, 6th, and 10th are termed as harmonious to houses 2, 6 and 10; and so on.

A planet detrimental to any house:

(a) The occupant or owner of 1st, 5th or 9th, the planet in the star of the occupant or owner of 1st, 5th or 9th and the planet in conjunction or in
aspect with the significator of 1st, 5th or 9th which come under the category of the significators of the 1st, 5th and 9th, show negation of the
matters signified by 2nd, 6th and 10th. So the significators of 1, 5 and 9, are termed as detrimental to houses 2, 6 and 10.
(b) A planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th sign (house) as counted from its own sign (house) becomes detrimental to the matters of that house (owned
by the planet).

(c) A planet placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th as counted from the house under consideration becomes detrimental to the matters of the house under

(d) The owner of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses, as counted from the house under consideration, becomes detrimental to the matters of the house
under consideration.

Significators and its Sub Lord:

Significance of the Significator and the Sub :

1. The significator shows the source of an event. The matters especially of the house or houses owned by it serve as the source.

2. The significator gives the results of its star lord. So the star lord becomes the indicator of the matters of the house occupied and owned by it
and also of the house aspected by it.

3. (a) The sub lord of the significator is the deciding factor regarding the matters of the star lord.

(b) If the sub lord is harmonious to the matters indicated by the star lord, the significator gives favorable results.

(c) If the sub lord is detrimental to the matters indicated by the star lord, the significator gives unfavorable results.

4. The significator gives during its period, sub period, or inter period, (mahadasha, bhukti, and pratyantardasha), the results of its star lord.

Or, the results of the star lord are experienced during the joint period (i.e. during the period, sub period and inter period aka as mahadasha,
bhukti, and pratyantardasha) of the significator, its star lord and its sub lord.
5. In short, the significator denotes the time when it will give the results of its star lord.

The sub lord of the significator shows whether these results will be favorable or unfavorable.

A Planet or House and its Two Sided Effect:

A planet favorable to one, and adverse to another...

1. The native of the example Birth Horoscope # 1 was gradually promoted to higher posts in service during the period of Sun (December 13,
1949 to December 13, 1955. So the Sun proved a benefic planet to him; while Sun also proved malefic planet to his father, because it caused his
death during its period on October 1, 1955.

2. (a) Houses 2, 6 and 10 are for service. Sun is in the star Jupiter in the 10th. So it is the significator of the 10th (promotion in service and status)
the house of desirable or agreeable matters to the native. Its sub lord Saturn owns the 2nd, and it is harmonious to the matters indicated by the
star lord (Jupiter). Hence Sun gave favorable results in service during its period and proved benefic to the native.

(b) The badhaka and maraka houses show death. Counted from the 9th cusp (Ascendant for the native's father) Sun is in the star of Jupiter,
which becomes the owner of the badhaka and maraka house 7, and the occupant of the maraka house 2. So Sun becomes the significator of the
badhaka and maraka houses for the native’s father; these houses signify undesirable and adverse matters to the father. Its sub lord Saturn
becomes the owner of 6 (sickness) and the occupant of 8 (death) and the significator of the maraka house 12( being in the star Sun owning 12) as
counted from the 9th cusp, so it is connected with the matters of the badhaka and maraka houses to the father as indicated by the star lord
(Jupiter). Hence Sun gave adverse results with respect to longevity during its period, and proved malefic to the native’s father.

3. Thus it may be said that the significator which is favorable to you, may prove unfavorable to your father, mother or children etc.
Similarly the house which shows desirable, agreeable or unfavorable matters to you, may denote undesirable, adverse or unfavorable matters to
your father, mother or children etc.

A Planet Both Favorable and Adverse to the Native:

1. In the example Birth Horoscope # 1 the native suffered from chronic asthmatic conditions every now and then during the whole period of
Moon (December 13, 1955 to December 13, 1965). So is proved malefic with respect to his health, while it proved benefic in service - because
the native was promoted to the highest post carrying responsibilities, status, and position with powers during his service career in this period of
the Moon.

2. (a) The 6th house denotes sickness and disease. Moon is in the star of Mercury, which owns the 6th and occupies the maraka 7th. So it is the
significator of the 6th and the 7th - the houses of undesirable and adverse matters with respect to health. Its sub lord Sun owns the 8th (chronic
ailments and troubles) and is posited in the 6th. So the Sun is connected with the matters indicated by the star lord, Mercury. So the Moon gave
unfavorable results with respect to the native's health, and proved malefic.

(b) The 6th house also shows service matters. Moon is in the star of Mercury, which owns the 6th house. So it is the significator of the 6th
house of desirable, agreeable, or advantageous matters to the native. Its sub lord Sun is posited in the 6th and is the significator of the 10th
(being in the star of Jupiter in the 10th). So the Sun is harmonious to the matters of the star lord Mercury. So moon gave favorable results with
respect to service, and proved benefic.

3. Thus it may be said that neither any planet nor any house is wholly benefic or wholly malefic. but a planet is benefic to you if it is in
the star of the occupant or owner of the house signifying desirable matters which you expect; and if the sub lord is connected with the
matters of that house - so that you may enjoy the results in full.

KP : A Planet or House “Connected With”

1. A Planet Connected with Another Planet:

(a) Suppose Jupiter occupies Capricorn or Aquarius, or

(b) it is in the star or sub of Saturn; or

(c) it is in conjunction with or aspected by Saturn;

Then it may be said that Jupiter is connected with Saturn.

2. A Planet Connected with Any House:

(a) Suppose that Jupiter is the owner, or the star lord , or the sub lord of the ascending degree (the cusp of the 1st house - or the Ascendant); or

(b) Jupiter occupies the 1st house; or

(c) Jupiter aspects the 1st house; or

(d) It is in the star or sub of the occupant of the 1st house; or

(e) It is in the star or sub of the owner of the 1st house; or

(f) It is conjunct with or aspected by the owner of the 1st house;

Then it may be said that Jupiter is connected with the 1st house.

3. A House or its Owner Connected with the 6th, 8th, or 12th:

(a) Suppose that the owner of the 6th, 8th, or 12th occupies or aspects the 4th house;

Then it may be said that the 4th house is connected with the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th.

(b) 1. Suppose the owner of the 4th house occupies the 6th, 8th, or 12th; or

2. It is in the star of of the owner of the 6th, 8th, or 12th; or

3. It is in conjunction with or aspected by the owner of the 6th, 8th, or 12th;

Then it may be said that the owner of the 4th is connected with the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th house.

So the term "Connected with in any Manner" is very wide in its meaning.

Exaltation/Debilitation Revisited:

There appears to be some prevailing confusion about exactly what Exaltation and Debilitation actually mean in evaluation of a KP chart. So
below is a brief overview of the planetary interactions, followed by my attempts at explaining the effects of exaltation and debilitation, and their
usage in KP, according to my understanding of the basic and primary teachings of the KP system.

What we know already is that a planet moving under the influence of his star lord, will act according to the dictates of that star lord. With that in
mind, we are also well aware that the planet will predominately offer the results of the house in which the star lord is posited, in addition to the
house(s) owned by the star lord. Then, the planet itself, offers the results of the house it occupies and the house(s) it owns. So basically each
planet has a role to play, and both the star lord and the planet combine their influence to determine whether the event will be favorable or not. ( If
unfamiliar with this concept, more examples of how a planet will act can be found in my article KP: How Does the Dasha Lord Function?)

So what exactly does Exalted or Debilitated infer?

Several indicators are simply "givens" in KP, and must not only be considered, but must also be both integrated and synthesized into your
analysis before a final determination is made. But according to sizing up an event, only the house results are offered - so where does that leave
the sign effects that the planet is placed in - such as the planet's exalted or debilitated status? Here is where much confusion seems prevalent in
KP assessments- especially when a planet is badly placed in the 8th or 12th house, but simultaneously exalted in status. Or when a planet is in a
debilitated state, but posited in the benefic 11th house? How do we assess these results?

Exaltation and debilitation are "strength" and "weakness" indicators respectively, and therefore their specific job is to give us an idea of how
much "muscle" (strength or weakness) the planet carries - within its environment - to carry out its function determined by its house placement.
So if a planet is strong due to exaltation, but badly placed in the 12th, the planet does not change its role and become good for the 12th house,
but rather the effects are that the planet will not hasten to quickly carry out the functions for his position in any given house, and will therefore
quickly bring about loss (or other 12th house function) in a very timely manner. Why? Because he has the strength to act quickly and with no
delay, and he is very comfortable where he is positioned in his exalted status. He works fast because he is in a happy and exalted state - caring
not that he is working quickly to bring about less than fortunate events. He's just doing his job with the muscle provided to do it with. When the
planet has established a set of results that need to be carried out due to his star level placement, exaltation does not absolve him of the adverse
results that need to be carried out, and subsequently make the results pleasant. This is simply not the way exaltation and debilitation work, nor is
it part of their role as "strength indicators" for a planet. The planets do not give contrary results due to their strength status.

So, also, do we judge the effects of a planet posited in a good house but in the state of debilitation. This debilitated planet will still carry out the
positive acts for the house in which he is posited, but his strength factor will not allow him to do so quickly or in a timely manner. So the result
is that he will eventually bring the good effects about, but not in a timely manner or with speed under his wings. He only carries enough strength
to respond to his mission in a slow and delayed manner because he is not happy being posited where he is and at the degree at which he is
debilitated, but he has a job to do and will carry it out and do his job, but NOT in a manner contrary to what his position indicates - it will just be
carried out at a snails pace.

More Apparent "Strength" Confusion:

Now the KP confusion I'm seeing frequently, and the catch to the exaltation/debilitation game is this...Exactly WHEN is a planet considered to
be exalted or debilitated? Is is just by being posited in the respective signs of exaltation or debilitation - such as Jupiter is considered debilitated
simply because he is posited in Capricorn? Or Venus is considered exalted just because she is posited in Pisces? The answer to this question is
no! There are refinements to strengths and weaknesses that need to be addressed before blanket statements are made due to assessing these
planetary strengths and weaknesses. For example, is Jupiter, when posited at 15 Cancer, considered to be in an exalted state? No! Why? Jupiter
is exalted at 05 Cancer - not at 15 degrees Cancer. Orbs must be set in place and respected for the effects of exalted or debilitated status to be
truly effective - sign positions alone are irrelevant when assessing planetary strengths. So to say that a planet is exalted or debilitated simply
because it is posited in its sign of exaltation or debilitation is incorrect - the degrees of the sign placement are necessary to determine whether
that planet is truly in an exalted or debilitated state. The KP preferred orb allowance is 50' on either side of its exaltation or debilitation degree.
Below is a Table showing the exalted and debilitated placements. I sincerely hope this further clarifies the positon of exaltation versus

(With reference to Navamsha positions, my take on this is that in KP, this varga has been used to further refine the strength of a planet).
Planet Exalted Debilitated
Sun 10 Degrees Aries 10 Degrees Libra
Moon 03 Degrees Taurus 03 Degrees Scorpio
Mars 28 Degrees Capricorn 28 Degrees Cancer
Mercury 15 Degrees Virgo 15 Degrees Pisces
Jupiter 05 Degrees Cancer 05 Degrees Capricorn
Venus 27 Degrees Pisces 27 Degrees Virgo
Saturn 20 Libra 20 Degrees Aries
Rahu 20 Degrees Taurus 20 Degrees Scorpio
Ketu 20 Degrees Scorpio 20 Degrees Taurus

Note: KP References:

I had not seen an orb reference in any of the KP books but was feeling like this overall planetary "exalted/debilitation" assessment by some
Krishnamurti enthusiasts was getting a bit out of hand, (but I had nothing concrete in KP to base my gut feelings on.) So I was
absolutely delighted when I finally came across a KP reference addressing the acceptable orb that should be in place, for exaltation and
debilitation to be truly effective.

If you have the book "Astrosecrets and Krishnamurti Padhdhati" Part 1, you will find the reference on page 36 of the Fourth Edition; April

If you do not have the book at hand, below is the direct quote for your reference: (When he begins his sentence "From this" [first sentence
below], he is referring to the preceding planetary star and pada information for debilitation to be in effect).

"From this it will be clear that planets in a particular sign, and in a particular pada alone should be considered as exalted or debilitated, and to
speak of exaltation or Debilitation other than the said pada will not be correct. Planets moving in a star, gets its exaltation level 50 minutes
before approaching the stipulated degree level to exhibit a brilliant light and again attains the normal original brightness 50 minutes after
leaving before the same stipulated degree levels."

The author then goes on to say:

"In the same way debilitation needs to be understood. To repeat, a planet moving in a sign if it is its exaltation house, one should not be blind to
say that planet is exalted. Similarly debilitation. That is a planet is exalted at a particular degree level only, and that planet is moving in it
exaltation sign are two different things. Such observations contrary to the real, not only of exaltation - debilitation, but several other matters in
astrology only make this Astro science a sick one. No doctor can cure such sickness. A deep search and to arrive at the truth alone can cure this

Later on in this same chapter, the author addresses the fact that the "devil in the astrologer" often gives a blanket reading, and that the
astrologer may have made some serious errors (for what could have and should have resulted in a happy marriage), by misrepresenting the real
truths behind the concept of debilitation, and thereby spoiling the marital match by declaring it an unfit match through his reading. The result
was that the marriage never took place when it should have, and in fact, the union could have resulted in a happy marriage, but never stood the
chance due to the astrologer. (In my opinion - These are errors we must all (as serious and conscientious astrologers) concern ourselves with
when reading for a client - and only by addressing these subtleties publicly will we all be made more aware of the same, and then more attentive
to details.)

KP Order of Significators

In the horoscope, the sign is on the cusp of each house. A planet occupies the sign, and planetary strength is determined accordingly - as it
occupies its own sign, exalted sign or debilitated sign. So the occupant in a sign is stronger than the owner of the sign. The sign is the 1/12th part
of the Zodiac, while the Constellation or Star is stronger than the sign. Hence the planet in the star is stronger than its Star Lord (which may be
either the occupant or the owner of the sign). The occupant (planet) in a sign mostly gives the results of the house occupied by it. So the planet in
the star better gives the results of the house occupied by its Star Lord.

Keeping these principles (above) in mind, the order or strength of the significators of each house should be determined by:
1. Planet in the Occupants Star:

A planet in the star of the occupant of a house is stronger than the occupant. So it should be given first preference as a significator of that house,
because it is strongest to give the results of the house occupied by its Star lord. The occupant remains as a weak significators of that house.

2. Occupant:

If there is no planet in the occupants Star, the occupant becomes the strong significator of that house and it is strong to give the results of that
house. So the second preference should be given to the occupant of that house.

3. Planet in the Owners Star:

If the house is vacant, the planet in the star of the owner of a house is stronger than the owner. So it becomes a strong significator of that house
and it is strong to give the results of that house. Hence the third preference should be given to the planet in the owners star and the owner
remains a weak significator of that house.

4. Owner:

If the house is vacant and if there is no planet in the owners star, the owner itself becomes the strong significator of that house and it is strong to
give the results of that house. So the 4th preference should be given to the owner of that house.

5. Planet in Conjunction Or Aspect:

(a) A planet in conjunction or association with, or aspected by a significator gives the results of the house or houses denoted by that
significator. So the last preference should be given to the planet in conjunction or aspect with that significator.

(b) A planet aspecting the house may be considered as the significator of that house.
6. A planet in the star of the planet aspecting the house. For example: Say Saturn in the 5th aspects the 7th, 11th, and 2nd. So the planet in
the star of Saturn will give the results of the 2nd, 7th, and 11th.


Rahu and Ketu and their Significance:

1. Rahu/Ketu as Agents/Representatives:

Rahu or Ketu are not allotted the ownership of any sign. They only occupy the sign, in a house. So Rahu/Ketu work as agents or
representatives for:

(a) The planet with whom they are in conjunction with, or aspect.

(b) The owner of the sign in which they are placed.

For example: See Birth Horoscope #1:

(a) Rahu occupies the 2nd house, it is conjoining the Moon - which owns the 7th and occupies the 2nd.So Rahu will work as an agent
of the Moon, and will signify the matters of the 2nd and 7th houses.

(b) Rahu is aspected by Mars - who owns the 4th and the 11th, and occupies the 7th. So Rahu will indicate the matters of the 4th, 7th,
and 11th as an agent for Mars.

(c) Rahu occupies the sign of Pisces owned and aspected by Jupiter - who owns the 3rd and the 12th, and occupies the 10th. so as an
agent for Jupiter, Rahu will denote the matters of the 3rd, 10th, and 12th houses.

(d) Ketu occupies the 8th house, is aspected by the Moon who owns the the 7th and occupies the 2nd. So acting as an agent for the
Moon, Ketu will signify the matters of the 2nd, 7th, and 8th.
(e) Ketu is posited in Virgo in Mercury's sign. Mercury owns the 6th and the 9th, and is posited in the 7th. So Ketu - acting as an
agent for Mercury - will signify the matters of the 6th, 7th, and 9th.

2. Rahu/Ketu as Planet:

Keeping in view the above rule and the rule that a planet gives the results indicated by its star lord, we may say that Rahu/Ketu give:

(1). The results of the planet it is conjoined with,

(2) It gives the results of the planet(s) aspecting it,

(3) It gives the results of its own star lord, and

(4) It gives the results of the owner of the sign occupied by it.

For example: using Birth Horoscope #1:

(a) Rahu is conjoining the Moon, so it will first give the results of the Moon - for example - the matters signified by the 2nd and 7th houses.

(b) Suppose that Rahu is not in conjunction or in aspect with any planet...then Rahu will indicate the results of its star lord, Mercury, and the
matters signified by houses 6, 7, and 9.

(c) Ketu is not conjoining any planet, but it is aspected by the Moon. So Ketu will give the results of the Moon.

3. Rahu/Ketu as Star Lords:

If any planet is in the star of Rahu or Ketu, that planet will signify the matters of the house occupied by Rahu or Ketu; that planet will
indicate the matters of the house owned and occupied by the Star lord of Rahu or Ketu; and that planet will denote the matters of the house
occupied and owned by the owner of the sign occupied by Rahu or Ketu.
For example: using Birth Horoscope #1:

(a) Mars is in the star of Ketu which is posited in the 8th. So Mars gives the results of the 8th house.

(b) The star lord of Ketu is Mars, and Mars is posited in the 7th, and owns the 4th and the 11th. So Mars will give the results of the 4th, 7th, and
11th houses.

(c) Ketu is posited in Virgo in the sign owned by Mercury - who is posited in the 7th and owns the 6th and the 9th. So Mars will give the results
of houses 6, 7, and 9.

4. Rahu/Ketu as Significators:

For example: using Birth Horoscope #1:

(a) Rahu represents the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter. So Rahu should be given preference when we have to consider Moon, Mars, or Jupiter as
significator for that matter under consideration, rather than the Moon, Mars, or Jupiter.

(b) Similarly, Ketu represents the Moon and Mercury. So Ketu should be given preference as a significator in place of Moon or Mercury.

Rahu or Ketu is stronger than any planet. So, if Rahu or Ketu represent any significator planet, then Rahu/Ketu should be given first
preference as a significator -in place of that significator planet.

5. Retrograde Movement of Rahu-Ketu:

Rahu and Ketu are not to be treated as retrograde planets, because their natural movement is in the opposite direction.

Narrowing Down the Significators:

If the Birth or Horary Chart indicates more than three or four significators with respect to the matter that is being judged, unimportant
significators may be eliminated with the assistance of the Ruling Planets. Jot down the ruling Planets (RP's) of the moment when you begin the
process of analysing and judging the horoscope.

The common planets between the significators (of the matter/event to be judged) and the RP's may be considered as the final significators, and
the rest may be eliminated.

1. An event happens during the joint period (mahadasha, bhukti, pratyantardasha, sookshma dasha) of the siignificators of the houses under

2. In cases where the significators of the houses under consideration exceed more than four, the unimportant significators should be eliminated
as under:

(a) Preference should be given to Rahu or Ketu if it represents any significator.

(b) The planet whose sub lord is the significator of the house detrimental to the house or houses under consideration, should be eliminated

3. The order of the period rulers becomes fixed according to the sign position of the Moon at the time of birth in each case (Vimshottari Dasha).
So one cannot avoid this. So if the period ruler is in any manner connected with the matter of the house under consideration, or if it is the chief
governor of the matter under consideration, it is to be considered as an important significator of the matter under consideration.

Example: Birth Horoscope #1:

Longevity of the Native's Mother:

Planet Conjoining or
Planet in Occupant's Planet in Owner's
House: Occupant: Owner: Aspecting the
Star: Star:
2 (11th from 4th) None Moon, Rahu Mercury, Jupiter Saturn Ketu
5 (2nd from 4th) None None None Venus Saturn
10 (7th from 4th) Sun, Venus Jupiter None Venus
3 (12th from 4th) None None Sun, Venus Jupiter

As Ketu represents Moon, omit Moon and retain Ketu. As Sun's sub lord, Saturn, occupies the first house of the mother, omit it. So Ketu, Venus,
and Rahu become the final significators of the badhaka and maraka houses as counted from the 4th for the native's mother.

The native's mother died on November 1, 1923 during the joint period of Ketu, Venus, and Rahu.


Planet Conjoining or
Planet in Occupant's Planet in Owner's
House: Occupant: Owner: Aspecting the
Star: Star:
2 None Moon, Rahu Mercury, Jupiter Saturn Ketu
7 Moon, Rahu Mercury Ketu
Ketu Mars None Moon
11 None None Ketu Mars

Moon is in the sub of the Sun which is posited in the 6th, so omit the Moon.

Mercury, Ketu, Rahu, and Jupiter are in the sub Rahu which is posited in the 2nd and is significator of the 7th, so retain them.

It may be noted that the native passed the periods of Mercury and Ketu in his childhood. the period of Rahu will start in his old age, and there is
no scope for the period of Jupiter. So these significator planets will work as sub period, inter period, and sookshma period rulers.
The native was running the period of Venus since January 13, 1929, and it continues up till January 13, 1949. Venus is the chief governor for
marriage. It is in the star of Jupiter and in the sub of Saturn owning the 2nd. The star lord Jupiter aspects the 7th cusp, Moon owns the 7th,
Mercury is in the 7th, and Rahu is in the 2nd. So Venus is a strong significator for marriage.

The native got married on December 13, 1937 during the joint period of Venus/Rahu/Jupiter/Rahu dashas.

Significator and its Sublord:

Also see KP FAQ and KP Notebook

1. The significator (see KP: Order of Significators) shows the source of an event. The matters - especially of the house or houses owned by it -
serve as the source.

2. The significator gives the results of its star lord. So the star lord becomes the indicator of the matters of the house occupied and owned by it,
and also of the house aspected by it.

3. (a) The sub lord of the significator is the deciding factor regarding the matters of the star lord.

(b) If the sub lord is harmonious to the matters indicated by the star lord, the significator gives favorable, desired, or expected results.

(c) If the sub lord is detrimental to the matters indicated by the star lord, the significator does not give favorable, desired, or expected results.

Houses for Different Subject Matters:

Subject: Houses: Subject: Houses:
Longevity 1, 8, 3 Death 12, 7, 2, Badhaka
Health 1 Sickness 6, 8, 12
Cure 1, 5, 11 Disease 6, 8, 12
Education 4,9,11 End Education 3, 8, 5
Buy House 4, 11, 12 Sell House 10, 5, 3
Marriage 7, 2, 11 Divorce 6, 1, 10
Child Birth 5, 2, 11 Sterility 4, 1, 10
Overseas 12. 9. 3 Homeland 11, 8, 2
Occupation 10, 6, 2 Change Occupation 9, 5, 1
Money 2, 11, 6 Loss 8, 12

Consider the houses for the respective subject matter shown in the above Table.

If the subject matter of the houses shown in Column A are to be judged, then the subject matter of the houses shown in Column B will become
detrimental, and vice-versa.

Suppose Sun is the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 4, 11, and 12, and the sub lord of Sun is not connected with 4, 11, or 12
but IS connected with 10, 5, and 3, then Sun will not be in a position to give the desired or expected results of 4, 11, and 12.

4. (a) The significator gives during its dasha, bhukti, and pratyantardasha, the results of its star lord; or

(b) The results of the star lord are experienced during the joint period (dasha, bhukti, pratyantardasha) of the significator, its star lord, and its
sub lord.

5. The significator denotes the time when it will give the results of its star lord. the sub lord of the significator shows whether desired results or
otherwise will be obtained.

6. The significator becomes weak if its star lord is weak, and more so if its sub lord is also weak.
Cuspal Sub Lord and its Subject Matter:

1. The cuspal sub lord of a house indicates whether the matter signified by that house is promised or denied.

2. If the cuspal sub lord of that house is the significator of that house or any one of the houses under consideration, the matter signified by that
house will be promised.

3. As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief governor of the matter to be judged may be taken into consideration. If it is
connected with the house or any one of the houses under consideration - especially with the star lord of the cuspal sub lord, it is desirable.

4. The principle regarding the significators as explained in "Order of Significators" should always be kept in mind.

Time of Event:

If the cuspal sub lord of a house promises the matter pertaining to that house, then only during the joint period (dasha) of the significators of the
matter signified by the house or houses under consideration, will the results of the matter be experienced.

KP: Cuspal Sub Lord Event Table

If the cuspal sub lord of the house (mentioned in Column 1) is the significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of the house or houses
(mentioned in Column II), then only during the joint period of the significators of the house or houses (mentioned in Column III) will the results
of the expected matter (shown in Column IV) be experienced.

In the Joint Period (dashas)

If the Cuspal Sub Lord of An Event Happens
Is the Significator of House: of the Significators of
House: Regarding:
1. Health 1, 11 1, 11 Normal Health
6, 8, 12 6, 8, 12 Disease
Longevity 8, 12, Badhaka 8, 12, Badhaka Maraka Danger to Life
8, 12 8, 12 Accident
2. Wealth 2, 6, 11 2, 6, 11 Wealth
8, 12, 5 8, 12 Loss of Wealth
3. Change 3, 12, 10 3, 12, 10 Transfer of Place in Service
Longevity 8, 12, Badhaka 8, 12, Badhaka, Maraka Danger to Life
4. Education 4, 9, 11 4, 9, 11 Academic Education
3, 8, 5 Completion of Studies
Building 4, 11, 12 4, 11, 12 Possesses Land or Building
5. Children 5, 11, 2 5, 11, 2 Childbirth
4, 10, 1 4, 10, 1 No Child Birth
Love Affair 2, 11 2, 5, 11 Love Affair
7, 11 2, 7, 11 Marries the Loved One
6. Disease 6, 8, 12, 1 6, 8, 12 Disease
1, 5, 11 1, 5, 11 Cure of Disease
Service 2, 6, 10 2, 6, 10 Service
1, 5, 9 1, 5, 9 Change in Service
Loan 2, 6, 11 2, 6, 11 Gain In Any Manner
7. Marriage 7, 11, 2 7, 11, 2 Marriage
6, 10, 1 6, 10, 1 Absence of Married Life
Business 2, 10, 11 2, 10, 11 Business or Industry
8, 12 8, 12 Loss in Business or Industry
5, 11 5, 11 Partnership
6, 12 6, 12 Break in Partnership
8. Longevity 6, 8, 12, 1 6, 8, 12 Danger to Health
1, 5, 11 1, 5, 11 Safety in Life
Calamity 8, 12 8, 12 Accident, Infirmity
8, 12, Badhaka 8, 12, Badhaka, Maraka Danger to Life
9. Research 9, 10, 11 9, 10, 11 Success in Research
10. Vocation/Profession 10, 6, 2 10, 6, 2 Vocation/Profession, Earning
10, 7, 2 10, 7, 2 Independent Vocation/Profession
3, 12 3, 12, 10 Transfer of Place/Service
9, 5, 1 9, 5, 1 Change of Vocation/Profession
9, 5, 1, 12 9, 5, 1, 12 Loss of Service
Sale of Land/Building 10, 5, 3 10, 5, 3 Sale of Land or Building
Infamy 7, 8, 12 7, 8, 12 Criminal Proceedings
11. Cure 1, 5, 11 1, 5, 11 Cure of Disease
Gain 2, 6, 11 2, 6, 11 Gain of Money
2, 6, 10, 11 2, 6, 10, 11 Progress in Profession
Child 11, 5, 2 11, 5, 2 Child Birth
10, 4, 1 10, 4, 1 No Child Birth
12. Overseas 12, 9, 3 12, 9, 3 Foreign Travel
11, 8, 2 Stay in Motherland
Calamity 12, 8, Badhaka 12, 8, Badhaka, Maraka Danger to Life
12, 8 12,8 Accident, Infirmity
Change 3, 12, 10 3, 12, 10 Transfer of Place/Service
Repayment 5, 8, 12 5, 8, 12 Repayment of Debt
Sometimes Rahu or Ketu becomes the cuspal sub lord of the principal house under consideration, and it occupies neither of the house or houses
under review.

But the cuspal sub lord, its starlord, and its sub lord - also Rahu or Ketu - are found to be "connected with" the principle house or houses under
review in any manner.

In such cases we have to use our discretion in determining the happening of an event. So an overall view of the horoscope should be taken.


KP: Rectification of Birth Time & Ruling Planets

The Mystery of Ruling Planets:

1. Ruling Planets:

Jot down the time and day when a question is put to you or when you construct the horoscope for your analysis and judgment.

The day begins from Sunrise: Day Lords are: Sun governs Sunday, Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday,
Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday.

The Ruling Planets are listed below in their Order of Preference:

1. The star lord of the Ascendant

2. The sign lord of the Ascendant

3. The star lord of the Moon

4. The sign lord of the Moon

5. The Day Lord

(These 5 Ruling Planets above are taken at the time of query or judgment).

Rahu/Ketu and Ruling Planets::

If Rahu or Ketu is conjoining or aspects a Ruling Planet, or if Rahu or Ketu is posited in a sign owned by one of the Ruling Planets, then Rahu
and/or Ketu should be included as a Ruling Planet.

The Ruling planet which is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet should be omitted.

Ruling Planets and Rectification of Birth Time:

1. The ruling planets at the time of judgment correspond or agree or tally with:

(a) The ruling planets at birth; or

(b) The sign lord, star lord, sub lord, and sub sub lord of the ascendant at the time of birth.

The sign lord, star lord, sub lord, and sub sub lord of the Ascendant at birth are found either in the star or sub of the ruling planet or planets at the
time of judgment.

Example: Birth Horoscope #1 (Data is Male: July 7, 1912, (Sunday) 20:42 IST, 23N02', 72E35')

Ruling Planets at Birth:

Day Lord Sign Lord Star Lord

Day: Sunday Sun - -
Ascendant: 12 Capricorn 25' - Saturn Moon
Moon: 21 Pisces 49' - Jupiter Mercury

Rahu in Pisces represents Jupiter and Ketu in Virgo represents Mercury, so the Ruling Planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu,
and Ketu.

The time of judgment was September 8, 1969 (Monday) at 7:45 AM IST 23N02, 72E35.

Ruling Planets at the Time of Judgment:

Day Lord Sign Lord Star Lord

Day: Monday Moon - -
Ascendant: 08 Virgo 41' - Mercury Sun
Moon: 09Cancer 58' - Moon Saturn

At this moment, Rahu was in Aquarius, so Rahu represents Saturn. Ketu was in Leo, so Ketu represents the Sun. So the Ruling Planets (RP's) are
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

The Ruling Planets at birth line up with the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment: Jupiter at birth is in the star of Saturn - the Ruling Planet at at
the time of judgment.

Ascendant at Birth is 12 Capricorn 25, so it is jointly ruled as under:

Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Lord Sub sub Lord

Saturn Moon Rahu Jupiter
The sign lord, star lord, and sub lord of the ascendant at the time of birth agree with the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment; while the sub sub
lord of the ascendant at the time of birth is in the star of Saturn - the Ruling Planet at the time of judgment.

So in this case, the Ruling Planets both at the time of judgment and the time of birth, line up. The joint rulers of the Ascendant at the time of
birth also correspond to the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment. So the birth time is correct.

2. In doubtful cases where two times for the birth are given, proceed as follows:

(a) Note the sign lord, star lord, sub lord, and sub sub lord of the Ascendant at the time of birth for the two given times.

(b) The case in which the sign lord, star lord, sub lord, and sub sub lord of the Ascendant agree with the Ruling Planets at the of judgment is
the accepted time in cases like that, so accept that birth time and reject the other.

3. In cases where the approximate interval of the birth time is given: For example, from 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM, 10:00 AM to Noon, 7:00
PM to 8:00 PM, etc., proceed as follows:

(a) Note the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment.

(b) According to the date of birth, you should fix the probable sign of the Ascendant in which the birth could have taken place.

Generally the sign owned by any one of the Ruling Planets will be rising in the Ascendant, or the sign occupied by Rahu or Ketu if it is a Ruling
Planet, will be rising in the Ascendant.

(c) Then select the star lord and sub lord etc., suitable to this sign from the Ruling Planets, bearing in mind the order of preference of RP's (as
listed above), and also the importance of Rahu and Ketu.

(d) Find out the sensitive degree on this sign on which the sign lord, star lord, sub lord, and sub sub lord operate jointly. this degree will show
the exact position of the Ascendant at birth. The time when this degree rises in the Ascendant should be considered as the correct time of birth.
(e) It should be remembered that each planet governs three Nakshatra's (also known as Constellations or stars). for example: Venus governs
13 degrees 20' to 26 degrees 40' in Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius as its stars. So the Ruling Planet of any particular moment will operate as a star
lord in three different signs. So it will be difficult as to which sign should be selected for fixing the time of birth. So it is necessary that the
approximate time of birth should be ascertained as to whether it is between Sunrise and Noon, between Noon and Sunset, between Sunset and
Midnight, or Midnight and Sunrise.

(f) At the time of judgment, if any planet is found in the Ascending sign, or if a planet is in opposition to the Ascendant, then the planet plays
an important role in fixing the time of birth. This planet should be given importance as a Ruling Planet, especially if the planet conjoins or
aspects any of the RP's. Discretion has to be used in these kinds of cases.

The Question, the Ruling Planets, and the Answer:

1. Only when there is a very strong desire to know the answer to a question (and it doesn't matter whether is is a question relating to something
very minor or something very major), should a question be asked. Again I'll repeat - when there is a very strong urgency to know the answer, or
the outcome of an event or situation, then and only then should you take it upon yourself to predict with the help of RP's (ruling planets), and at
that time - dependent upon your KP skills - your prediction may just prove to be very correct. But to be whimsical in your horary attempts, or to
expect accurate results when you simply have a question or a nonchalant curiosity arises out of the blue, and you idly follow up with an attempt
to haphazardly proceed with the construction of a horary chart - and use the ruling planets to predict the status of the outcome - this is when there
is a misuse of the way the RP's in a prashna/horary are meant to be referenced, and answers are faulty. So wait until there is a sense of urgency,
or the desire to know the answer is powerfully prevalent in your mind, and then proceed with the Horary and Ruling Planets.

2. Keep in mind that the Ruling Planet which is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet should be omitted (see overview of RP's at the bottom of
the page under Ruling Planets.) The RP's which are in the stars and subs of retrograde planets should be avoided. Also, a retrograde ruling
planet will only give the results when it ceases to be retrograde - or in other words - becomes direct in motion.

3. The sensitive degree (the degree of the sign on which the sign lord, star lord, sub lord, and sub sub lord all operate jointly or simultaneously)
is important for the fulfillment of any question. So the question is fulfilled at the time when all of the RP's (ruling planets) are operating
simultaneously or jointly. (Simultaneous or joint operation occurs when one of the RP's becomes the Sign Lord, one becomes the Star Lord, a
third RP becomes the Sub Lord, and a fourth RP becomes a Sub Sub Lord).
4. If an event is likely to take place within 24 hours after the question is posed, take the transit of the Ascendant and count from the Ascending
degree of the moment of the query. For example: Say that a (horary) question was asked on Thursday, August 28, 1969 at 3:25:47 PM IST and
the specific coordinates were 23N02 72E35. The question asked was:

Question: "When will the boss return to the office?"

Ruling Planets: Day Lord: Sign Lord: Star Lord:
Ascendant: 13 Sag
--- Jupiter Venus
Moon: 24 Aq 47'15" --- Saturn Jupiter

Day: Thursday Jupiter --- ---

Now to Delineate the Horary: "When will the boss return to the office?"

Rahu is acting as an agent for Saturn because Rahu was posited in the sign of Aquarius at this time. So the Ruling Planets for this horary
question are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu.

NOTE: (For the sake of simplicity, clarity, and for demonstration of the "timing purposes" in this example chart above and below, we will just
pretend that all RP's in the charts are direct in motion and not retrograde. So in the chart below, when delineating by "strict KP rules", just
pretend that Saturn is direct in motion - rather than retrograde - and Venus is therefore not in the star of a retrograde planet. This example
below is fictitious, and simply included for comprehension and explanation only of the "timing" involved. If we were applying the KP written
rules of a retrograde Saturn in a real case and following the KP Ruling on the same, we would have to eliminate Venus as a RP, and Saturn
could only give results when Saturn went direct. However, from personal experience, my take is that the jury is still out on this retrograde
verdict, so do keep in mind that in real life this "retrograde ruling" has - in all reality - become controversial by many professional astrologers
- who have seen results materialize with retrogrades - many times in real life situations - myself included. So my advice to you is that you will
personally need to evaluate many charts and keep a log, before forming an opinion one way or another on retrogrades. Consider this - if you
take a good close look at some of the horary charts given as examples in the KP books that were written years ago, and actually calculate the
example charts yourself, you will find many errors and you will also see that the KP author's were not always following this "retrograde ruling"
- either because they didn't realize that there were retrograde planets involved as RP's, or their calculations - in the days prior to computers -
were less than perfect. So keep an open mind on this retrograde factor until you have assessed enough charts to form a credible opinion for
yourself one way or the other.)
The question is a minor one, so with respect to point #4 above, the answer will be fulfilled in a short period of time. So considering that Jupiter,
Venus, Saturn, and Rahu are the ruling planets for this query, the answer lies in searching for when these RP's will line up simultaneously and
jointly as Sign, Star, Sub, and Sub Sub Lords for the rising cusp. So fudging around with the time that the question was asked, and counting
from the Ascendant degree to the moment when this exact line-up will take place, we now can clearly see (below - Horary Transit Chart) that
when the Ascendant moves from 13 Sag 29' 22" to 18 Sag 40' 59" (the sensitive degree), that this degree is exactly when all the Ruling Planets
will line up perfectly. Now the horary query was asked at 03:25:47 PM in the afternoon, and we know now that the boss will return to the office
approximately 22 minutes later - or between 03:47:30 PM and 03:48:47 PM. (As I mentioned above - the question must have importance and an
urgency to know, in order to receive the answer...(So that is the time - [3:47:30 PM] that the employees needed to stop goofing around in the
office and get back to work so they don't get in trouble with their boss - why else would they be doing astrology in the office, instead of what
they were hired for? :-))
(Charts by KPAstro located at http://www.kpastrosystem.com/)

5. If the event is expected to happen within a month, consider the transit of the Moon, and count from the sign being transited by the Moon at the
moment of the query, to the time when the RP's line up in synchronicity - such as in the example shown above with the Ascendant, only using
the position of the degree of the Moon rather than the Ascendant. Keep in mind that if the RP's line up - but the Moon is conjoined with Saturn at
this time, you should reject that degree and move on because Saturn causes delays. So move ahead again.

6. Using the same principles as the Ascendant and Moon, if the event is to happen later than a month but within a year, look at the Sun's transit
and count from the sign transited by the Sun at the moment of the query, to the time when the RP's line up in synchronicity, using the position of
the degree of the Sun, rather than the Ascendant or the Moon.

7. Frequently, Ruling Planets are five in number. If confused about where to begin, consider the following. Out of these five ruling planets, the
three RP's that you come across (at the earliest time) that are simultaneously running their joint/simultaneous period of operation - should be
considered first, and before the others. Leaving two RP's behind, the earlier time frame for the next one out of the two RP's left, should be
considered first for the next position of the Sub Sub Lord. However, feel free to research this because you really must experiment and form your
own opinions as to what works best for you based on your own personal experience with Horary, as there really are no hard and fast rules on this
particular determination.

Ruling Planets:

Overview of RP's (ruling planets) can also be referenced at KP: Rectification of Birth Time & Ruling Planet:

Jot down the time and day when a question is put to you or when you construct the horoscope for your analysis and judgment.

The day begins from Sunrise: Day Lords are: Sun governs Sunday, Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday,
Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday.

The Ruling Planets are listed below in their Order of Preference:

1. The star lord of the Ascendant

2. The sign lord of the Ascendant

3. The star lord of the Moon

4. The sign lord of the Moon

5. The Day Lord

These 5 Ruling Planets above are taken at the time of query or judgment. In addition to the above, some astrologers also consider the sub lords
of both the Ascendant and the Moon.

Rahu/Ketu and Ruling Planets::

If Rahu or Ketu is conjoining or aspects a Ruling Planet, or if Rahu or Ketu is posited in a sign owned by one of the Ruling Planets, then Rahu
and/or Ketu should be included as a Ruling Planet.


Erecting the Prashna/Horary Chart:

1. If a client comes to you for a consultation about a specific question, ask him/her to give you a number from 1 to 249. The number given to you
is taken as the Ascendant, and from the number you can find out the sign, star and sub. (Most astrological software programs allow you to enter
the Prashna/Horary number either in the data entry screen or on a separate worksheet, so the manual work is as easy as selecting a number on
your keyboard, while the software calculates the chart for you.) If you are constructing a chart manually, say your client has picked the number
145. Go to your KP Star and Sub lord Table and scroll down for the number 145. There you will see that the sign is Libra from 29 degrees 26
minutes 40 seconds to 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds in the star of Vishaka, star lord is Jupiter, and sub lord is Moon. So take 29:26:40 Libra
as the Ascendant, grab your Table of Houses and Panchang, and continue constructing the chart by hand from there.
2. If you do not want to use the system of selecting a number from 1 to 249, you may instead elect to construct the chart for the moment you
wish to work on the chart, giving your judgment just as you would for an ordinary horoscope. This chart should be erected for the place that you
are working on the chart at the time of judgment.

Judging the Prashna/Horary:

The Moon is the mind, so in the Prashna Chart, the mind of the client is shown by the position of the Moon, and it also assists in knowing the
nature of the question asked.

Generally the Moon, or its star lord or its sub lord, occupies or owns the house under question OR the Moon is connected with the house in
question by conjunction or association with (by aspect) the owner or occupant of the house in question, or from the chief karaka of the matter
asked about.

Fulfillment of a Query:

Planet Direct or Retrograde: Ordinarily in the prashna chart, a planet in direct motion will give the results, so a retrograde planet can give
results only when it goes direct in motion, and when it crosses the point from where it initially turned retrograde. (Note: This theory is subject to
modification according to experience in individual cases, as it does not always prove to be the case. Furthermore, the meaning of a retrograde
planet is to be interpreted according to the nature of the question on each case.)

Cuspal Sub Lord:

1. (a) The cuspal sub lord of a house under question indicates whether the matter signified by that house is promised or not.

(b) The matter is promised if the cuspal sub lord is the significator (for example, in the star of the occupant or the owner) of that house or any
one of the houses under consideration.

(c) If the cuspal sub lord or its sub star lord is retrograde, the matter is promised when they turn direct.
(d) If the star lord (of this cuspal sub lord) is retrograde, the matter is not denied, but it will not materialize during the Mahadasha, Bhukti, or
Pratyantardasha of this cuspal sub lord. however, it materializes during the dasha sequence of another significator (of the matter under question)
whose star lord is direct in motion.

(e) As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief governor of the matter under question may be taken into account, and it should
be connected with the star lord of the cuspal sub lord of the house under question.

2. (a) In the Prashna Chart, the Ascendant indicates the efforts of the querent, while the 11th cusp shows the fulfillment of their desires or
success in general.

(b) So if the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant or the 11th cusp is the significator of the matter in question, the querent gets success in general.

(c) If the cuspal sub lord of the Ascendant or the 11th cusp is posited in house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, or 11, or if it is in the star of the occupant of
house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, or 11, the querent gets success in all undertakings. (The Ascendant denotes success in one's efforts, the 2nd denotes
monetary gain, the 3rd denotes help from others, the 6th, being 12th to the 7th, indicates loss to the other and gain to the querent, the 10th
denotes reputation, and the 11th denotes profits and gain. so these particular houses are beneficial to the querent in general).


1. (a) The significators show the time of an event.

(b) So note the significators of the house or houses which represent the matter asked.

(c) Reject the significators which are in the star of a retrograde planet (because it cannot, during its period or sub period, give the results of its
star lord).

(d) Out of these significators, give preference to those significators which are found among the following planets:

(1) Ruling Planets

(2) The sign lord, star lord, and sub lord of the cusp of the house under query.

(3) The cuspal sub lords of the houses under consideration.

(4) The joint period rulers (dashas) at the time of judgment. Discretion should be used while selecting the significators from the above

(e) The query will materialize during the joint period (dashas) of these significators when the transit agrees.


At the time of the event, Sun, Moon and/or the joint period rulers (dasha rulers) will be found in the star or sub of the same joint period ruler or

*All references to the material above are from the work and teachings of Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, Chandrakant R. Bhatt, K. Subramainiam, Sri
M.P. Shanmugam, Prof K. Hariharan, and/or publications in the KP & Astrology Journals/Yearbooks. For Book information, please go to KP

KP: How Does the Dasha Lord Function?

In the example below, I will elaborate on the function of the Dasa lord Venus, using an Aries Lagna.
12 2 3

11 4

Rasi Chart

9 7 6

Planetary Effects:

In KP, how are we to judge how the planets will react in any given situation?

A planet moving in a star is primarily under the influence of the lord of that star, and the planet will predominately give the results of the house
the star lord occupies, in addition to the house(s) owned by the star lord. Then, the planet itself will offer the results of the house it occupies and
the house(s) it owns. Assess both the star lord and the planet to determine the nature of the event.
Chart Example:

For a client with an Aries lagna, Venus is lord of the 2nd and 7th houses. During a Venus dasha, we can say that marriage will take place as both
the 2nd and 7th houses are significators for marriage, as is Venus. Dasha lord Venus is posited in Scorpio at 20 degrees 21 minutes, in the star of
Jyeshta, which is ruled by Mercury, making Mercury the star lord of Venus. (If unfamiliar with stars and subs, please see # 160 in the Star and
Sub Lord Table).

Now we must determine how Venus will function, and how it will react to the prospect of marriage.

So what are the functions of Venus dasha Venus bhukti in this example chart?

Venus is posited in the Nakshatra of Jyeshta, which is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is posited in the 5th house, and is the lord of the 3rd and the
6th houses. This means that Venus will be under the influence and control of the planet Mercury, therefore Venus is compelled - by Mercury - to
give the results of the 5th house because Mercury is posited in the 5th house. In addition to the 5th house, Mercury lords the 3rd and the 6th,
therefore Venus - in her dasha - will predominately offer the results of the 5th, 3rd, and 6th houses - the houses of her star lord, Mercury.

Because Venus lords the 2nd and the 7th, Venus will be very attentive to - and concerned with - the matters revolving around the event of
marriage, and therefore will indulge herself to initiate the marital ceremony by engaging in a love affair. Why? Because she is under the
influence of Mercury - lord of the 3rd and 6th - but Mercury is occupying the 5th house of love affairs. So Mercury influences Venus - who is
lord of the 2nd and 7th houses of marriage - to submit to the matters of the 5th house first (where Mercury is posited - 5th suggests love affairs)
and therefore entices Venus into a love affair that ultimately results in a marriage. However, after some time, Mercury - being lord of the 6th
house (and now giving the secondary results of lordship - remember Mercury owns the 6th - which is 12th to the 7th house of marriage), so
Mercury now initiates phase 2 of his plan for Venus - which is to separate the couple through 6th house matters (debts, conflict, etc.). So now
Mercury's function, once again, is to lead the stage for divorce proceedings to follow.

So here you can see how several matters with respect to marriage are built in to both involve the Dasha lord and the star lord, but according to
the event matter, the house results are the only ones that manifest. So in summation, dasha and bhukti lord Venus is lord of the 2nd and 7th
houses, and posited in the 8th. Mercury, the star lord of Venus, is posited in the 5th house and owns the 3rd and 6th houses. With all that in
mind, we can now see how Venus is connected to offer the results of the 8th, 2nd, 7th, 5th, 6th, and 3rd houses. Venus will predominately offer
the results of its star lord Mercury, and Mercury's position in the 5th house to initiate an affair, followed by Mercury's lordship of the 6th and
3rd houses, and then move on to the results of the 2nd and 7th houses of Venus, and also the 8th where Venus resides. So for deciding the matter
of marriage, the 2nd and the 7th are the permanent residence for Venus - as Venus has lordship over these two houses - while the 8th house is
where Venus takes up temporary residence. Then, the 5th, 6th, and the 3rd houses of Mercury are the ones controlling and compelling Venus to
respond to the matters of the 5th, 6th, and 3rd.

Therefore, when the Venus dasha and bhukti is operating in this chart, Venus will first let you know (by lordship) that the matters will revolve
around Marriage because the dasha/bhukti lord owns the 2nd and the 7th houses, and then that the results will manifest according to the position
and then lordship of the star lord of Venus - which is Mercury. So much falls in the hands of the planet that is star lord of the dasha/bhukti that
is running. See KP: Timing: Transits and Dashas


KP: Observing the Effects of the Transits and KP: Transit Worksheets

Transit Table II

Current Dasha Period Rulers:

In the Transit Degree Transiting the Star

Date: Planet: Transiting Sign: Transiting the Sub of:
of: of:











Part of Fortune


Permanent Transit Table I:

(For each chart you work on, just fill in columns 3 and 4 with appropriate data)

Any Planet Within the Degrees of: In the Star of: Will Impact Is Sub Lord of:
Transiting in the Houses:
Star Area of: (significator for)
1. Aries, Leo, 00°00’ to 13°20’ Ketu
2. Aries, Leo, 13°20’to 26°40’ Venus
3. Aries, Leo, 26°40’to 30°00’ Sun
Taurus, Virgo, 00°00’ to 10°00’ Sun
4. Taurus, Virgo, 10°00’ to 23°20’ Moon
5. Taurus, Virgo, 23°20’ to 30°00’ Mars
Gemini, Libra, 00°00’ to 06°40’ Mars
6. Gemini, Libra, 06°40’ to 20°00’ Rahu
7. Gemini, Libra, 20°00’ to 30°00’ Jupiter
Cancer, Scorpio, 00°00’ to 03°20’ Jupiter
8. Cancer, Scorpio, 03°20’ to16°40’ Saturn
9. Cancer, Scorpio, 16°40’ to 30°00’ Mercury

Timing: Transits and Dashas:

1. Events usually happen during the significator periods of the dashas/bhukti, and when the transit agrees.

2. At the time of the event, Sun, Moon, and/or dasha period rulers are usually found to be transiting:

(a) in the star or sub of the same dasha lords - such as in the star or sub of the Mahadasha, Bhukti, Pratyantardasha, and/or Sookshma period

(b) in the star of the significator (planetary significator) of that event (other than the joint period rulers) in the horoscope."
Example: See Birth Horoscope #1:

A. The mother of the native passed away on November 1, 1923 at about 2:00 PM IST, during the dasha of Ke/Ve/Ra/Ju. At the time the Sun was
transiting 15 Libra 21' in the star of the pratyantardasha lord (Rahu). Moon was at 08 Cancer 49' transiting in the sub of bhukti lord Venus; Ketu
was posited at 15 Aquarius 32 in pratyantardasha lord Rahu's star; Venus was transiting 28 Libra 46' in the star of sookshma lord Jupiter; Rahu
was transiting 15 Leo 32' in the star of Venus, and Jupiter was transiting 02 Scorpio 08' in its own star.

B. The father of the native passed away on October 1, 1955 at 7:30 PM IST during the dasha of Su/Ve/Sa/Ju. At that time the Sun was transiting
14 Virgo 29' in the sub of the sookshma period lord, Jupiter while Moon was transiting in 11 Pisces 30' in the pratyantardasha lord's star of
Saturn. Venus was transiting 22 Virgo 37' in the sub of bhukti lord, Venus; and Saturn was transiting 25 Libra 27' in the star of sookshma lord,

Information on Transits and Charts and What to Expect:

1. Transit in Stars: Saturn transits in one star for approximately 13 months. Rahu/Ketu transit in one star for about 8 months. Jupiter transits in
one star for about 5 months and 10 days; Mars transits in one star for about 20 days; Mercury and Venus are not very uniform in their in their
motion, so tracking must be checked for them. The Sun is very regular in motion and stays in one star for about 13 days, while Moon stays put in
one star for about 24 hours.

Transit in Subs: Saturn, while transiting through one star, will remain in one sub for many weeks. Rahu, Ketu, and Jupiter remain in one sub for
many days. The Sun remains in one sub for anywhere from 1 to 3 days, and the Moon remains in one sub for approximately 3 hours.

2. Observe the influence of the transiting planets every year - most especially the transits of Saturn because it is always of a longer duration. If
the transits of Rahu, Ketu, and Jupiter coincide or cross paths with the influence of Saturn, there is a greater possibility of a particular
What is not indicated in the natal chart cannot be expected to materialize in full or to the desired extent, during the period of the transiting
planets. If it is supported in the natal chart, it holds more promise.

It is generally a smart practice to observe the effects of the transits in relation to the dashas that are running - as outlined above in "Timing:
Transits & Dashas".

3. The point is to get you to pay attention to the cumulative influence of the slow moving planets in transit - such as - Saturn, Rahu, Ketu,
Jupiter, (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto also - if you include these in your assessments). Closely observe their effects during the time frame of
anywhere from 5 to 13 months at a time, and familiarize yourself with their positions.

In the natal chart, some planets are the significators of marriage (2nd, 7th, and 11th), some are significators of money (2nd, 6th, and 11th); some
are significators of loss of money (8th and 12th); some are significators of sickness (6th, 8th, and 12th), some are significators of
career/occupation (2nd, 6th, and 10th), and so on. The stronger the significators are, the greater the possibility of their results materializing
during a particular year under review...but you won't know this unless you familiarize yourself with the positions of the planets.

For example: Suppose all of the above transiting planets are simultaneously moving in the stars for the significators of money (like the 2nd, 6th,
and 11th), and also simultaneously moving in the subs connected with the 2nd, 6th, and 11th in the natal chart. It is then that they become
coincided with one another in their respective ability to influence these specific matters. So your monetary condition may then improve during
this part of the year. Now, consider the same scenario with the above transiting planets moving in the subs or connected with the 8th or 12th
houses instead of the 2nd, 6th, or 11th houses of the birth chart. In this scenario, it is likely that you will lose money, be short of cash, or you
may have heavy expenditures that need to be addressed at this time. So when this situation arises in any particular month, you will find that the
Sun might be transiting in the star or sub of the significator of the 2nd, 6th, or 11th OR transiting in the star or sub of the 8th or 12th of the natal
chart - whatever the case may be. To further elaborate, if the above situation happens to occur on a particular day, the Moon may be transiting in
the star or sub of the significator of the 2nd, 6th, 11th, OR the 8th or12th.

Now suppose the above transiting planets are moving in the stars of the 2nd, 6th, and 11th during a particular year under consideration, but their
star lords remain in retrograde motion for a certain length of time. If this is the case, it will not be possible to expect any desired result/outcome
until these star lords revert back to direct motion. This type of scenario is even more pronounced if these planets are in the subs of retrograde

Judging Health and Disease

1. Aspects
Aspects: Signs: Degrees: Effect: Orb:
Conjunction 0 0° Mixed 8°
Semi-Sextile 1 30° Slightly Good 2°
Semi-Square 1&1/2 45° Slightly Bad 4°
Sextile 2 60° Good 7°
Square 3 90° Bad 8°
Trine 4 120° Very Good 8°
Sesquiquadrate 4&1/2 135° Slightly Bad 4°
Quincunx 5 150° Slightly Bad 2°
Opposition 6 180° Very Bad °8

1. When the aspect is formed between Sun or Moon and another planet, a 10° orb may be allowed; and between Sun and Moon, and orb of 12°.

2. When two planets occupy the same degree of declination, whether north or south, they are in Parallel position. Like the conjunction, its nature is
variable and an orb of 1° only is allowed.

3. A separating aspect is stronger than an applying one, because its effects have already manifested; while the effects of an applying
aspect have not yet fully materialized.

4. One can resist against the evils of a separating bad aspect, but it is not possible to resist against the evils of an applying bad aspect.
2. Signs and Parts of the Body
Aries: Head, Face, Brain
Taurus: Neck, Throat, Lips, Ears, Larynx, Cerebellum
Gemini: Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Lungs, Breath, Oxygenation of Blood
Stomach, Esophagus, Breasts, Chest, Digestive Organs, Ribs,
Leo: Heart, Back, Spine, Wrists, Forearm
Abdomen, Umbilicus, Spleen, Large and Small Intestines,
Lower Spine, Fingers
Libra: Kidneys, Skin, Lumbar Region
Urinary and Generative Organs. Bladder, Anus, Appendix,
Pelvis, Nose
Sagittarius: Hips, Thighs, Nerves, Arteries
Capricorn: Knees, Joints, Bones, Teeth, Skin
Aquarius: Legs, Ankles, Circulation of Blood
Pisces: Feet, toes, Lymphatic System

Note: Each house corresponds to a sign – for example – the first house corresponds to Aries, the second to Taurus, and so on.

3. Planets and Organs of the Body

Sun: Heart, Back, Spleen, Blood, Brain, Right Eye of a Man and
Left Eye of a Woman, Vitality.

Moon: Stomach, Uterus, Ovaries, Breasts, Esophagus, Saliva, Left

eye of a Man and right Eye of a Woman.
Nerves, Brain, Mind, Tongue, Speech, Lungs, Breath,
Hands. Arms, Hair, Ears
Throat, kidneys, Chin, Cheeks, Umbilicus, Ovaries,
Complexion, Reins (?), Veins, Internal Generative Organs.
Nose, Forehead, Bile, Gall Bladder, Muscles, Sinews,
External Generative Organs, Rectum.
Jupiter Liver, Arteries, Thighs, Hip Bones, Feet, Right Ear.

Saturn: Bones, Joints, Teeth, Spleen, Gall Bladder, Skin, Left Ear.

Uranus: Nerves, Membranes of the Brain, Spinal Cord, Gases.

Brain, Optic Nerves, Spinal Canal, Telepathic Organs.

*Medical references above are according to KP author/researcher Chandrakant R. Bhatt

Significators of Health and Disease:

(Also Posted in KP: FAQ and KP Notebook)

1. Ascendant: The degree rising on the cusp of the Ascendant is of great importance in judging the health. It rules the body. The bodily
strength and its power of resisting disease may be judged from the Ascendant.
2. Sun: It rules the vitality, constitution of the body, and hereditary traits.

3. Moon: It rules the functional system of the body and the accidental characteristics arising from the mode of living, climatic conditions,
and habits. It is of primary importance in the case of a child. It is the particular significator of health in the chart of a woman.

6th House: It is a house of sickness, ailments and diseases. Disease is judged from the sign on the cusp of the 6th, planets in the 6th, and the ruler
of the 6th.

Thus Sun, Moon, Ascendant, the ruler of the ascendant, the ruler of the 6th, and planets in the 6th are the significator's of health.

2. (1) The signs occupied by Sun, Moon, Ascendant, the ruler of the ascendant, the ruler of the 6th and the 6th cusp denote the delicate parts of
the body (each sign of the zodiac rules various parts of the body).

(2) If Sun or Moon are afflicted by the malefics Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, the signs occupied by the malefics indicate the delicate
parts of the body.

(3) The parts of the body denoted by the sign in or from which these bodies are heavily afflicted, become sensitive and easily subject to

(4) If Sun is afflicted, it indicates lasting and hereditary diseases. If Moon is afflicted, ailments arise from time to time and they are more
easily cured.

(5) Afflictions to Moon are always serious in the chart of a female, while afflictions to Sun are serious in the case of a male.

3. The house 4 denotes the end of life, the 8th house death, and the 12th house hospitalization. So the signs on the cusps of these houses
indicate sensitive parts of the body. If planets are afflicted in the 4th and 8th and especially in the 6th and 12th, the parts of the body ruled by
the signs containing these planets will be easily subject to disorder.
4. (a) If the significators of health are free from affliction, well placed by sign and house and well aspected, the health will be good.

(b) If the significators of health are well aspected by the benefics which are strong, the benefics will save the life and often ward off illness
or sickness also. If they are weak by sign, house and aspect, no help can be expected from them.

5. If Sun, Moon, and the ruler if the Ascendant are in the 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th they indicate weak health throughout life. If they are in
conjunction with the rulers of the 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th, these afflictions are worse than from other planets or positions.

6. (1) Jupiter and Venus become weak if they are rulers of 6, 8, or 12.

(2) Retrograde planets whether benefic or malefic give very little help in disease.

(3) Any aspects from Sun and Mars to other planets gives vitality. But if there are afflictions from Sun and Mars, there is likelihood of
fever and accidents.

(4) Afflictions for Uranus and Neptune have little vitalizing effect. They do not endanger life.

(5) If Uranus is well aspected by Saturn, its good effect is felt in old age and not in youth.

(6) Afflictions from Mars to Moon are worse than those between Mars and Sun. Afflictions from Saturn to Sun are worse than those
between Saturn and Moon, because Mars and Moon, Saturn and Sun are of different natures.

(7) Afflictions from a planet which is elevated are very difficult to overcome.

(a) If malefics are placed in the houses 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, and 3 they cause accidents or acute and painful sickness. If they are placed in the
houses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 they cause long and tedious ailments.

(b) If benefics are in the angles or in the houses 10, 11, 12, 1, 2. and 3, and if they are in good aspect to Moon, ailments will be curable.
(8) Good aspects from Jupiter and Mars are favorable. But if they rule the 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th and if they be in conjunction with Sun, Moon,
and the ruler of the Ascendant, their benefic effect is lessened.

(a) When fixed signs are on the angles, and planets are afflicted in common signs, disease can be overcome; when common signs are on
the angles, and planets are afflicted in fixed signs, disease cannot be overcome.

(b) Planets afflicted in fixed signs cause chronic and incurable disease: they bring with them a debt of destiny, which is usually most
difficult to overcome. Disease is due to the actions done in a previous life.

(c) Planets afflicted in cardinal signs denote acute pain. Recovery is speedy and there remains no symptom of disease.

(d) Planets afflicted in common signs denote that disease can be warded off, but it depends upon the mentality of the patient and in the
course of time, the disease becomes chronic.

Significations of Health and Their Afflictions:

1. The afflicting planet causes ailments according to its inherent nature.

Neptune: It is abnormal and restricting in its action. When it afflicts the significators of health (for example - Sun, Moon, Ascendant, ruler
of the Ascendant and of the 6th, or planet in the 6th), it causes incurable ailments, psychic ailments, ailments arising from worry, fears, and
through drugs and drinks, danger from poison or gas.

Uranus: It is spasmodic and irregular in action. When afflicting it causes incurable diseases, nervous breakdowns, sudden diseases and
accidents, cramp, paralysis, ruptures.

Saturn: It is limiting and obstructive in action. When afflicting it causes diseases for want of proper nourishment, chronic and lingering
ailments, rheumatism, colds, chills, dull aches, falls, blows, sprains, dislocations, bruises.
Mars: It is inflammatory, energetic and excessive in action. When afflicting it causes sharp and sudden diseases, accidents, operations,
ailments due to over-exertion and carelessness, fevers and inflammatory diseases, fistulas, disease affecting nose.

Jupiter: It is nourishing and expansive in action. When afflicting it causes blood disorder, ailments arising from excessive eating and
indiscretion in diet, liver trouble, pleurisy, abscesses, quinsy(?), and gout.

Afflictions in Signs: Afflictions in any sign affect those signs in opposition or in square to it.

If planets are afflicted in movable or cardinal signs they affect head, stomach, kidneys and skin. Diseases, for example, brain fever, epilepsy,
sudden unconsciousness (apoplexy); stomach trouble, cancer; kidney and liver troubles; rheumatism, gout and colds or chills.

Afflictions in fixed signs affect throat, heart, urine-genital organs and blood. Diseases, for example, tonsillitis, diphtheria, heart troubles,
spinal ailments, piles, stones, ailments regarding urinary and generative organs; blood disorders.

Afflictions in common or mutable signs affect lungs, intestines, nerves and digestion. Diseases, for example, TB, bronchitis, asthma,
intestinal diseases, rheumatism; dropsy, scurvy.


Frequently Asked Questions and KP Notebook

(Under Construction)

(Page material and Subjects are not complete: Notes and Subjects will be added as time permits.)

FAQ and Notebook Index

Aspects (Western Aspects)
Badhaka Houses
Barren Signs
Constructing a Building
Disease & Cure
Finance & Prosperity
Foreign Travel
Fruitful Signs
Grouping of Houses
Horary Charts
Independent Business
Leaving a Job
Lost Documents
Maraka Houses
Marriage/Denial of Marriage/Love Affairs
Mental Qualities
Missing Persons
Mute Signs
Overseas for Studies
Overseas Travel
Part of Fortune
Planetary Effects
Political Career
Publishing a Book
Punarphoo (Sa/Mo)
Qualifications of an Astrologer
Retrograde Planets
Rival Competition
Ruling Planets
Second Marriage
Selling a House
Significator's of Health
Significator's of the 6th, 8th, and 12th
Star Lord/Sub Lord
Success in Exam
Transfer in Service/Job Transfer
Who Survives Whom?

*All references to the material above are from the work and teachings of Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, Chandrakant R. Bhatt, K. Subramainiam, Sri
M.P. Shanmugam, Prof K. Hariharan, and/or publications in the KP & Astrology Journals/Yearbooks. For Book information, please go to KP

6 KP Readers:

Reader I - Casting The Horoscope by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

Reader II - Fundamental Principles of Astrology by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

Reader III - Predictive Stellar astrology by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

Reader IV - Marriage, Married Life & Children by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

Reader V - Transits by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

Reader VI - Horary Astrology by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty


Nakshtra Chintamani by Chandrakant R. Bhatt B.A. LL.B

Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani by Chandrakant R. Bhatt B.A. LL.B

Horoscopes and Diseases by Chandrakant R. Bhatt B.A. LL.B

Astro Secrets and Krishnamurty Paddhati Part-I by K. Subramainiam

Handbook of Astrology (Q & A) in 2 Volumes by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

Krishnamurty Paddhati -A Study of Astrology by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

How to Judge a Longevity by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurty

For ordering information, there are a few online vendors that carry this material, and more. My favorite online vendor, and the vendor who
always seems to have the books that I want is Dave at:

Nakshatra Chintamani – Chandrakant R. Bhatt B.A. LL.B.

(Please allow a few seconds for the charts to download)

KP: Birth Horoscope #1 (Next Page)

Charts above were constructed using KPAstro Software www.kpastrosystem.com

Chart below is constructed using Solar Fire http://www.alabe.com/

Saturn in 7 degrees 30 minutes Taurus – Cusp is 25 degrees 44 minutes Aires

Cusp where Chiron is is 19 degrees 57 minutes Aquarius

Moon is 22 degrees 3 minutes Pisces; North Node is 24 degrees 35 minutes Pisces (Retrogade)

Cusp where Moon and North Node is is 25 degrees 42 minutes Pisces

Example Birth Horoscope #1: (above)

Education: The houses 4, 9, and 11 are for education or studies, while 3 and 8 for completion or negation or denial of studies.

(a) Moon is the significator of 9 (in the star Mercury owning 9). Its sub lord Sun is the owner of 8 (12 th from 9), so it is detrimental to the
matters of 4, 9, and 11. Hence the significator Moon cannot give favorable results regarding studies. Thus the native after passing his B.A.
examination in the year 1934-35 during joint period of Venus and Moon, gave up his studies.

(b) (b) Rahu is the significator of 9 (in the star Mercury owning 9). Its sub lord is also Rahu which is harmonious to the matters of 4, 9, and 11.
Hence, the significator Rahu will give favorable results regarding studies. Thus the native prosecuted his further studies in Law in the year
1939 during the period of Venus in the sub of Rahu.

(c) In short if the sub lord is the owner or occupant of 3 or 8; or is in the star of the occupant or owner of 3 or 8; or is in conj. Or in aspect
with the significator of 3 or 8, it is said to be detrimental to the matters of 4, 9, and 11.

If the sub lord is the occupant or owner of 4, 9, or 11; or is in the star of the occupant or owner of 4, 9, and 11; or is in conj. or in aspect with the
significator of 4, 9, or 11, it is said to be harmonious to the matters of 4, 9, and 11.

In other words, if the sub lord is the significator of 4, 9, or 11 it is said to be harmonious to and connected with the matters of 4, 9, and 11.

If the sub lord is the significator of 3 or 8 it is detrimental to the matters of 4, 9, and 11 and it is said to be connected with 3 and 8.
Marriage: The houses 2, 7, and 11 are for marriage; while 1, 6, and 10 are for denial of marriage.

(a) Moon is the significator of 7 (in the star Mercury in 7). Its sub lord Sun occupies 6 (12 th from 7th), so it is detrimental to the matters of 2,
7, and 11. Hence the significator Moon cannot give favorable results regarding marriage. Thus the native could not marry during the joint
period of Venus and Moon.

(b) Rahu is the significator of 7 (in the star Mercury in 7). Its sub lord is also Rahu which is harmonious to the matters of 2, 7, and 11. Hence the
significator Rahu will give favorable results regarding marriage. Thus the native could marry in the year 1937 during the period of Venus in
the sub period of Rahu.

(c) In short if the sub lord is the significator of 1, 6, or 10 it is detrimental to the matters of 2, 7, and 11, and it is said to be connected with 1,
6, and 10.

If the sub lord is the significator of 2, 7, or 11 it is said to be harmonious to and connected with the matters of 2, 7, and 11.

Government Loan: The houses 2, 6, and 11 are for gain of money in any manner; while 8 and 12 for repayment of money or loss of money in any

Moon owns 7 (Government or Co-operative Society). It is the significator of 6 (receipt of loan) and 7 (money lender), because it is in the star
Mercury owning 6 and occupying 7. The star lord Mercury is aspected by Saturn owning 2 (money) and Jupiter owning 12 (investment or repayment of
money). So Mercury is connected with 2 and 12. Hence Moon signifies the matters of 2, 6, 7, and 12.

Its sub lord Sun owns 8 (repayment of loan) and occupies 6 (receipt of loan). So Sun is harmonious to the matters of 2, 6, 7, and 12 as indicated by
the star lord Mercury.

Hence the significator Moon shows Government or Co-operative Society as the source of an event and it will give during its period favorable results
of the star lord.
Thus during the period of the Moon in the year 1958-59 the native could receive loan form Govt. through the Co-operative Society for constructing
a building on the plot of the society subject to its repayment.

Retirement from Service: The houses 1, 5, 9, and 12 are for retirement from service. The native retired from service on 8-6-1970 during the joint
periods of Mars, Mercury, and Saturn the significators of 1, 5, 9, and 12.

Planet Star lord Sub lord

Period ruler: Mars owning 11 Ketu represents Venus owning 5
Mercury owning 9
Sub period ruler: Mercury owning 6 Saturn owning 1 Rahu represents
Jupiter owning 12
Inter period ruler: Saturn owning 2 Sun conjunct Venus Ketu denotes 9
owning 5

Thus the joint period rulers Mars, Mercury, and Saturn are respectively the owners of 11, 6, and 2. So they denote service as the source of

The period ruler Mars is the significator of 9, the sub period ruler Mercury is the significator of 1 and the inter period ruler Saturn is the
significator of 5.

Their sub lords are also the significators of 5, 12 and 9 respectively. So they are harmonious to the matters indicated by the star lords.

Hence the significators Mars, Mercury and Saturn could during their joint period effect the event of retirement.
*All references to the material above are from the work and teachings of Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti, Chandrakant R. Bhatt, K. Subramainiam,
Sri M.P. Shanmugam, Prof K. Hariharan, and/or publications in the KP & Astrology Journals/Yearbooks. For Book information, please go to
KP Books.

Determining the Strength of the Lagna Lord:

In this article we will address whether the lagna lord in any given chart is determined as strong or weak. There are four indicators of strength
versus weakness, as indicated below:

1. A very strong levels of the lagna lord.

2. Middle levels of strength of the lagna lord.

3. Weak levels of the lagna lord strength.

4. Very weak levels of lagna lord strength.

1. A very strong level of the lagna lord means that the lagna lord should occupy any one of the following houses: the 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 11th, or
4th, and tenant the stars of the lords of the 2nd, 10th, and/or 11th houses.

2. Middle level strength of the lagna lord means that the lagna lord is not found occupying the 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 4th, but instead
occupies the 5th, the 8th, or the 12th and tenants the stars of the lords of the 2nd, 10th, and/or 11th.

3. (a) Weak levels of a lagna lord means that the lagna lord - though occupying any one of the following houses - 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 4th
- tenants the star lords of the 5th, 8th, or 12th houses.
3. (b) A different way of looking at this would be to say that the lagna lord occupying the 5th, 8th, or 12th house and tenanting the stars of the
lords of the 2nd, 10th or 11th, makes the lagna lord appear to be strong but is actually considered to be one step below that of the middle level of

4. Very weak levels of a lagna lord means that the lagna lord is occupying the 5th, 8th, or 12th house and also tenanting the the stars of the lords
of the 5th, 8th, or 12th houses.

All birth charts you come across will not always be found to contain the positions as explained above, while certain other charts will be
descriptive exactly as explained above. Other than the Sun and the Moon, all planets have lordship over two houses. One house may give
pleasant results while the other house may offer unpleasant results. Keep in mind that what has been explained above with respect to a strong or
weak lagna lord are only approximations. Lagna lord subjected to the 5th, 8th, and 12th houses is considered weak while lagna lord subjected to
the 2nd, 3rd, 10th, and 11th houses is considered strong, but this is a general and approximate conclusion, as more synthesis is necessary before
a final evaluation can be determined. For example, we have to study the house occupied by the lagna lord and the constellation it tenants, along
with the aspects formed, integrate our findings, and then sort out the strength/weakness at the fundamental level before a final assessment can be

An example would be a person born with a Leo lagna, and the lagna lord Sun occupying the the 2nd house, posited in the star of Hasta owned by
the Moon - who is 12th lord. By this position alone, this information would initially suggest a weak lord. But at the same time the Sun- by virtue
of occupying the 2nd house - does not make it a totally weak lagna lord. Now by the same token if the Sun occupies Cancer - the 12th house -
and is posited in the star of Mercury owned Aslesha - who owns the 2nd and 11th houses, you would initially consider the Sun to be a strong
lagna lord - however - Sun as as an occupant of the 12th house does not make it a totally strong lagna lord. Therefore, with a little more effort in
our analysis, we should be able to determine the correct strength of the lagna lord. A chart gifted enough to have 100% favorable results all the
way around will be a rare one, as the reality is that very few births are blessed to be those of great scholars, or to be blessed with both name and
fame. The majority of the population belong the the middle level, or even below the middle level. So it becomes necessary to keep all of the
above in mind as you assess and evaluate the strength of the lagna lord.


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