Initiating Coverage
Bajaj Consumer Care
Bajaj Consumer Care
September 20,2021
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
Industry LTP Recommendation Base Case Fair Value Bull Case Fair Value Time Horizon
FMCG Rs 258.6 Buy in Rs 255-260 band & add more on dips to Rs 222-226 band Rs 290 Rs 317 2 quarters
However, the company in recent past has undergone series of structural changes. Firstly, the promoter’s pledge which was major overhang
has been completely removed. Mr. Jaideep Nandi (> 30 year experience with Asian Paints and Berger Paints) has been appointed as the new
* Refer at the end for explanation on Risk Ratings MD which in our opinion can be a game changer. Besides, the company has beefed up its management team, hiring industry veterans across
Fundamental Research Analyst roles.
Harsh Sheth
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
BCCL has redefined its strategy; a) goal to double the market share in hair oils by focussing on total hair oil portfolio, which is much larger in
size i.e Rs 134 bn rather targeting LHO segment (Rs 21 bn) only, b) focusing on new launches (aloe vera amla hair oil, coconut hair oil) where
it has the “right to win” i.e., within hair-oil segment leveraging its current distribution network, c) dialling up the premium aspect of ADHO
and penetrating deeper with the product through van operations, d)foray in southern and western markets where it had limited presence
and e) ramping up its e-commerce and international business (targeting Rs. 100 Cr revenues in each).
BCCL’s winning combination of a) being debt free, b) being cash rich (~Rs 600 Cr) and c) with negative working capital indicates the company
is well financed with strong business model in place. Even after taking into account, the higher dependence on single category, we feel the
company trades at extremely unfair discount to its FMCG peers. BCCL is also a good acquisition candidate for large FMCG players / PE
players at the current valuations. It currently trades at 14.3X FY23E compared to ~45X (ex-ITC) for the industry, providing ample margin of
saferty. We think the base case fair value of the stock is Rs 290 (16x FY23E EPS) and the bull case fair value is Rs 317 (17.5x FY23E EPS)
over the next two quarters. Investors can buy the stock in the Rs 252-256 band (14.3 FY23E EPS) and add more on dips to Rs 222-226
band (12.5x FY23E EPS).
Financial Summary
Particulars (Rs Cr) Q1FY22 Q1FY21 Y-o-Y% Q4FY21 Q-o-Q% FY20 FY21P FY22E FY23E FY24E
Total Operating Income 216.7 197.6 9.7% 248.9 -12.9% 852.2 921.8 1,018.3 1,132.8 1,257.2
EBITDA 52.4 57.0 -8.1% 61.7 -15.0% 205.1 243.4 256.6 294.5 333.2
APAT 48.9 54.2 -9.9% 54.7 -10.6% 184.8 223.1 234.1 266.4 301.1
EPS (in Rs) 3.3 3.7 -10.1% 3.7 -10.5% 12.5 15.1 15.9 18.1 20.4
RoE 33.0 31.6 29.5 30.5 31.2
P/E (X) 20.6 17.1 16.3 14.3 12.6
EV/ EBITDA (X) 16.4 13.2 12.4 10.5 9.0
(Source: Company, HDFC Sec)
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
etc.) grew 39.6% YoY driven by strong growth in e-commerce growing and continued recovery in Modern Trade. International business
revenue grew 58.6%. Key countries of Nepal, Bangladesh and GCC were impacted due to Covid-led restrictions. As per Nielsen data, the
company has gained 60bps share in the total hair-oils market over past 12 months with gains in both ADHO and Bajaj Amla Aloe Vera brand
(AAHO). It also launched coconut hair oil in July in select states.
Key Triggers
Indian Hair Oil Industry: An Overview
Hair Oil accounts for half of hair care industry (shampoo and hair dyes account for the rest). Hair oiling is a deeply ingrained habit in the
Indian sub-continent and a transition from loose to branded hair oil has fuelled the strong growth. While the industry witnessed a strong
mid-teens growth in first half of last decade, growth has been sluggish in past few years, as persistent inflation and a slowing economy have
weighed on growth.
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
The hair oil industry in India has clearly segmented market leaders, with market leaders in each sub-segment implying sticky market
Coconut based oils Amla based hair oils
52.9% 56.2%
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
BCCL is the market leader in Light Hair Oils BCCL's ADHO has consistently outgrown overall hair oil industry
(Keo Karpin),
BCCL, 64.3%
Marico (Hair
& Care), 9.9% FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21
Overall Hair Oil ADHO
Despite being a late entrant BCCL’s ADHO is the second largest brand with 10.2% market share
Bajaj Nihar Shanti Bajaj
Brand Parachute Dabur Amla Navratna Advanced Kesh King Hair & Care
Almond Amla Amla
Market Share 19.18% 10.19% 7.53% 6.23% 3.75% 2.81% 2.07% 1.55% 0.41%
Within the pricing pyramid, we highlight that light hair oil – ADHO – retails at Rs 53 for 100 ml, while Amla-based hair oil – Dabur Amla
(Dabur) – retails at Rs 42 for 100 ml and Parachute Coconut oil (Marico) retails at Rs 39 for 100 ml. ADHO operates in the premium segment,
which is also the fastest-growing segment within the hair oil market. Although cooling oil retails at RS 60 (Navratna cooling oil – Emami), it is
a functional/seasonal product.
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
53 51
(Rs/100 ml)
42 43
35 34 35
28 30
Bajaj Almond Bajaj Amla Bajaj Brahmi Bajaj Coconut Bajaj Cool Parachute Nihar Parachute Dabur Anmol Dabur Amla Keo Karpin Hair & Care Navratna
Drop Aloe Vera Amla Oil Almond Drop Naturals Advansed Coconut
Shanti Amla Jasmine
BCCL’s market share in Amla Hair Oil has increased from 1.2% in FY19 to 2.6% currently with ambition to further increase it upto 5-6% in
next couple of years as the management targets to achieve Rs. 100 Cr sales for newly launched brand.
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
BCCL's offerings are placed at attractive price points BCCL is rapidly gaining market share in Amla based hair oils
2.5% 2.6%
35 2.3%
24 1.6%
Bajaj Amla Aloe Vera has been runaway success Van coverage to widen the reach
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
Foray into coconut oil to access Southern Indian markets
Historically, BCCL has been strong player in North and Central India across Hindi belt while its presence in West was limited and that in
South was negligible as South India is a market for coconut based oils and the company didn’t had any offering here.
BCCL has recently (July 2021) forayed into coconut hair oil segment with launch of Bajaj 100% Pure Coconut Hair Oil to access markets of
Southern and Western India. It has already started van distribution in rural areas of South India, which is helping drive strong penetration.
Coconut oil is essentially a commoditised product and BCCL’s foray here would only be for building strong distribution network to later on
push its premium ADHO products.
Recently launched coconut oil
Central, 20%
North, 38%
East, 26%
West , 13%
South, 4%
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
We expect the double-digit volume growth sustain in the coming quarters on back of improving penetration (especially in the rural
markets) and favourable base. However, we believe the brand has capability to deliver high single digit volume growth in the medium to
long term.
Restaged ADHO New SKUs launched across price points to drive penetration
BCCL's market share in total hair oils (THO) reached all time high of 10.7% in Jun-21
highlighting the success of its renewal startegy
(MS in value terms)
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
Singular focus has helped to develop strong brand equity
Despite operating in highly penetrated hair-oils category, BCCL has developed strong brand equity enabling it to outgrow the industry on
the back of widening reach, massive ad-spends and cash flows directed into a single category unlike peers.
BCCL's channel-wise sales mix Rural contribution has increased for BCCL
2.6% 2.6% 2.2%
3.8% 3.4% 4.3%
7.1% 7.8% 6.6% 48.6% 55.4% 58.6%
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
SKU wise sales of BCCL Tactical launch of cocnonut oil to enter South India
>500 ml, 0.2%
(BCCL's Sales Mix)
2-5 ml,
400-500 ml, 12.7% 10-45 ml, 4.7%
Central, 20%
Despite being a single product company, BCCL has built BCCL has been ramping up its ddirect coverage
strong distribution network
FY21 5.3
8 42.5
7 6.9
no. of outlets (in mn)
6.2 FY20
5.5 41.0
4.7 4.5 4.2 FY19 5.1
FY18 2.8
FY17 1.4
no. of outlets (in Lakhs)
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
Stepping up ad-spends to support growth initiatives
BCCL has significantly increased it ad-spends from ~13% of sales historically to 18.-20% at present which is highest amongst all FMCG
companies. This is in line with company’s broader goal to double its market share in total-hair oils (~10.7% currently) and to support new
launches under hair care category over next few quarters. It has also been spending on promotion especially in South India to build a
pipeline and increase brand availability while also securing better shelf space across trade channels to provide a large assortments to
consumers (Pure Coconut, Zero Grey, Cool Almond Drops, Brahmi Amla, etc).
BCCL's ad-spends as % of FY21 sales are highest in the BCCL to continue with aggressive marketing to capture
industry market share
17.0% 20.6%
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
BCCL is beefing up its management team
Name* Total Experience Designation at BCCL Previous Role
(in Years)
Mr. Jaideep Nandi 30 MD CEO – Asian Paints PPG
Mr. Rajesh Menon 25 Head - Supply Chain, Operations & IT General Manager-Materials - Asian Paints
Mr. Richard D.'Souza 19 General Manager - Finance General Manager (Finance) - Castrol India Ltd.
Mr. Sohit Chaudhary 19 Head - Sales Senior Director and Business Head - Pepsico
Mr. Anuj Awasthi 18 Head - Organized Trade, E-Commerce & VP (Organised Trade) - GCPL
International Business
Mr. Pankaj Nigam 14 Deputy General Manager - IT Head (IT) - Kraft Heinz India
Mr. Rohit Maharao 13 Head- ECommerce Head (Ecommerce) - Kaya Clinic
Mr. Vivek Mishra 13 Head - Legal Legal Counsel & CS - Mondelez International
Mr. Vijay Sivadas 13 Head - Trade Marketing & Analytics Head of Sales - Abbott India
Mr. Delton D'Souza 12 Sales HR HR - Marico Ltd.
*recently designated (Source: LinkedIn, Company, HDFC Sec Retail Research)
Recent hiring of senior level executives by BCCL - With hiring of people from some of the most reputed consumer companies (Asian Paints,
Pepsico, Marico, GCPL, Kraft Heinz) with strong domain expertise, BCCL has been building strong internal infrastructure to help drive down
costs and create agility to push new brands and SKUs going ahead.
It has implemented SAP HANA and AI tool “Sellina” during Q1FY21 which have helped automate sales force. It plans to leverage data from
SAP and the other underlying systems to create a sound analytics platform which would aid in better planning and execution systems and
end to end visibility. Given that data analytics will be the main driver for sales, it has rolled out Nielsen market data analytics for all key
stakeholders highlighting the growth areas, areas to focus, visibility into competition data and distribution metrics.
Notwithstanding near term turbulence, the above structural changes made by the company gives us confidence of BCCL’s sustainable
Expect a gradual ramp up in international business and e-commerce channel
While BCCL’s international business accounts for only 2.6% (Rs 24.5 Cr) of sales, the company is targeting Rs. 100 Cr revenues in next 3-4
years. We feel Mr. Nandi’s strong acumen in operating in international arena, specifically in Middle East and SE Asia will drive the company’s
international business, however, in the immediate future, the focus will be on scaling up domestic business.
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
The e-commerce channel contributed 2.6% (vs ~0.8% in FY20) to BCCL’s sales in FY21 which is quite low when compared to larger FMCG
players. The company understands the importance of e-commerce channel for personal care products and has recently added head of e-
commerce. The company had launched its first ecommerce exclusive product, Bajaj Zero Grey Hair Oil in December 2020 and is planning
more e-commerce first launches to reach out directly to the audience. It aims to ramp-up its e-commerce channel to revenue of Rs. 100 Cr
in next 3-4 years.
BCCL is currently under-indexed in e-commerce channel Digital ad-spends to increase as BCCL ramps up its presence
in e-commerce
8.0% 4% 2%
as % of sales
5.5% 5.5% 24%
4.0% 3.7% 3.7%
2.6% 54% 66% 65%
With the series of structural changes undertaken by the company as discussed above, going ahead, we expect BCCL to grow at 11% CAGR
over FY21-24E on the back of mid-high single digit growth driven by a) strengthening of distribution network through van coverage and
increasing direct reach, b) scaling up of new launches (amla, coconut hair oil), c) filling the gaps in SKU composition.
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
oil, is a key raw material for BCCL. Gross margins are likely to remain stable QoQ and should improve in H2FY22 if there are more price hikes
or and with cooling in oil prices.
LLP, 38%
Historically the company has enjoyed 30%+ EBITDA margins, however, the management has given the guidance 25-26% EBITDA margins for
next two years on the account of aggressive marketing spends to capture market share and rising contribution from new launches (have
lower margins compared to ADHO). With Mr. Nandi at helm, by virtue of his rich experience with Asian Paints (arguably India’s best supply
chain), we expect improvement in efficiencies and subsequent cost reduction.
Already about 20 projects are being undertaken as cost-saving initiatives under the following heads to optimize material costs:
Value engineering: Reduction of height and thickness of laminates; optimization of specifications of cartons (5 ply to 3 ply).
Cost optimization: Increased production at Vadodara to cater to West/Central and South; localization of packing material supplies.
Alternate vendors/transportation: Alternate vendor development for glass bottles/caps; use of rail to transport LLP and glass
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
(in Rs/kg)
99 97
84 85 88
63 68.6
55 53 51 53 46 52
34.2% 33.1%
29.0% 30.6% 29.9%
24.1% 26.4% 25.2% 26.0% 26.5%
FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21P FY22E FY23E FY24E
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
In our view, BCCL’s capital allocation policy has been conservative. We like the restraint exercised by BCCL in staying-away from expensive
buyouts, which reflects its respect for capital. Bajaj has so far acquired ‘No Marks’ brand way back in FY13-14. While the brand
performance has been below expectations, we believe the company is using this acquisition as a learning experience. The management has
guided that it is on lookout for M&A opportunities subject to reasonable valuations and higher post-merger synergies,
Consistent high dividend payout: BCCL has consistently maintained high dividend-payout (ex-FY20). While the payout has come down
from 80-90% over FY15-19 to ~70%, the management has guided that it will continue to distribute 2/3rd of profits as dividend.
5 16%
0 0%
FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21P
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
Key Risks
Overdependence on single product and single geography: Company draws 91.7% of total revenue from single product ADHO while 97.4%
of revenue comes from single geography i.e. India. This exposes the company to concentration risk as any negative development or
slowdown in the product/geography can have serious impact on company’s topline.
Volatility in raw material prices: LLP which is almost 38% of total raw material cost for ADHO is a derivative of crude oil and its price
fluctuate with the movement in crude oil. Domestically there are very limited number of players making LLP and thus command pricing
power. Additionally, refined mustard oil (RMO) has also witnessed steep inflation in recent past. Sharp rise in RM prices may affect
company’s margins in near term.
Intensive competition: Hair oil market structure is unique as each segment has a clear market leader; Coconut oil (Marico), Amla (Dabur),
Light Hair Oil (Bajaj Consumer), Cooling Oil (Emami) which shows sticky market leadership. However, each player has a presence in other
segment and is keen to increase to increase its respective market share which could result into unwarranted competition.
Peer Comparison
Company Mcap (Rs. Cr) Sales (Rs. Cr) EBITDA Margin APAT
FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E
BCCL 3806 922 1018 1133 1257 18.7% 5.4% 14.8% 13.1% 223 234 266 301
Dabur 115608 9562 10843 11923 13232 20.9% 21.4% 22.0% 22.4% 1693 1919 2152 2443
Marico 72357 8048 9584 10375 11342 19.7% 19.1% 20.6% 21.1% 1162 1309 1560 1761
Emami Ltd. 25839 2880 3274 3586 3927 30.7% 30.0% 30.1% 30.7% 668 740 814 935
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
Company ROCE (%) P/E (x)
FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E
BCCL 37.9 35.6 36.8 37.7 17 16 14 13
Dabur 44.3 51.3 55.2 61.9 68 60 54 47
Marico 55.2 66.3 71.9 79.2 62 55 46 41
Emami 34.7 48.1 60.3 66.2 39 35 32 28
(Source: Company, HDFC Sec)
Financials – Consolidated
Income Statement Balance Sheet
(Rs cr) FY19 FY20 FY21P FY22E FY23E FY24E As at March FY19 FY20 FY21P FY22E FY23E FY24E
Total Operating Income 918 852 922 1018 1133 1257 SOURCE OF FUNDS
Growth (%) 10.9 -7.2 8.2 10.5 11.3 11.0 Share Capital 15 15 15 15 15 15
Operating Expenses 644.1 647.1 678.4 761.7 838.3 924.0 Reserves 453 638 742 814 904 998
EBITDA 274 205 243 257 295 333 Shareholders' Funds 467 653 757 829 918 1013
Growth (%) 8.1 -25.2 18.7 5.4 14.8 13.1 Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0
EBITDA Margin (%) 29.9 24.1 26.4 25.2 26.0 26.5 Total Debt 25 20 5 5 5 5
Depreciation 7.1 5.8 6.3 6.0 6.2 6.6 Net Deferred Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Income 17.0 29.9 34.5 33.6 35.1 39.0 Total Sources of Funds 493 673 762 834 923 1018
EBIT 284.3 229.2 271.7 284.2 323.4 365.5 APPLICATION OF FUNDS
Interest expenses 1.2 4.3 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 Net Block & Goodwill 154 153 149 148 146 153
PBT 283.2 225.0 270.4 283.7 322.9 364.9 CWIP 22 24 25 25 25 25
Tax 61.6 40.2 47.2 49.6 56.5 63.9 Investments 251 446 585 585 585 585
PAT 222 185 223 234 266 301 Other Non-Curr. Assets 3 4 4 4 5 5
Share of Asso./Minority Int. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Non-Current Assets 430 628 762 761 761 768
Adj. PAT 221.6 184.8 223.1 234.1 266.4 301.1 Inventories 61 63 43 63 69 71
Growth (%) 5.0 -16.6 20.8 4.9 13.8 13.0 Debtors 37 26 22 32 32 35
EPS 15.0 12.5 15.1 15.9 18.1 20.4 Cash & Equivalents 14 13 10 48 142 236
Other Current Assets 62 85 56 78 90 91
Total Current Assets 174 187 132 221 334 434
Creditors 72 81 69 86 95 101
Other Current Liab & Provisions 40 60 63 62 75 82
Total Current Liabilities 113 141 132 148 171 183
Net Current Assets 62 45 0 73 163 251
Total Application of Funds 492 673 762 834 924 1018
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
Cash Flow Statement Key Ratios
(Rs Cr) FY19 FY20 FY21P FY22E FY23E FY24E (Rs Cr) FY19 FY20 FY21P FY22E FY23E FY24E
Reported PBT 283.2 225.0 270.4 283.7 322.9 364.9 Profitability Ratios (%)
Non-operating & EO items 9.0 -0.3 -3.8 -0.3 -0.5 -0.5 EBITDA Margin 29.9 24.1 26.4 25.2 26.0 26.5
Interest Expenses -22.2 -24.3 -31.2 0.5 0.5 0.6 EBIT Margin 31.0 26.9 29.5 27.9 28.6 29.1
Depreciation 7.1 5.8 6.3 6.0 6.2 6.6 APAT Margin 24.1 21.7 24.2 23.0 23.5 23.9
Working Capital Change -39.4 20.6 41.1 -34.7 4.6 6.2 RoE 46.2 33.0 31.6 29.5 30.5 31.2
Tax Paid -61.4 -47.8 -45.6 -49.6 -56.5 -63.9 RoCE 57.0 39.3 37.9 35.6 36.8 37.7
OPERATING CASH FLOW ( a ) 176.4 179.0 237.1 205.6 277.2 314.0 Solvency Ratio (x)
Capex -9.8 -5.8 -2.4 -5.0 -5.0 -13.0 Net Debt/EBITDA 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.5 -0.7
Free Cash Flow 166.6 173.3 234.7 200.6 272.2 301.0 Net D/E 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2
Investments 49.1 -194.4 -136.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 PER SHARE DATA (Rs)
Non-operating income 28.9 27.1 32.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 EPS 15.0 12.5 15.1 15.9 18.1 20.4
INVESTING CASH FLOW ( b ) 68.2 -173.0 -106.3 -5.0 -5.0 -13.0 CEPS 15.5 12.9 15.6 16.3 18.5 20.9
Debt Issuance / (Repaid) 11.5 -5.0 -15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BV 31.7 44.3 51.3 56.2 62.3 68.7
Interest Expenses -1.0 -4.1 -1.2 -0.5 -0.5 -0.6 Dividend 14.0 2.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 14.0
FCFE 255.1 -3.1 114.7 200.1 271.7 300.4 Turnover Ratios (days)
Share Capital Issuance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Debtor days 13.9 13.5 9.5 9.8 10.4 9.9
Dividend -206.5 0.0 -118.0 -162.3 -177.0 -206.5 Inventory days 21.4 26.5 21.0 19.1 21.4 20.4
FINANCING CASH FLOW ( c ) -196.0 -9.1 -134.2 -162.8 -177.5 -207.1 Creditors days 27.9 32.9 29.7 27.8 29.3 28.6
NET CASH FLOW (a+b+c) 48.6 -3.1 -3.4 37.9 94.7 93.9 VALUATION
Opening balance of cash 14.3 63.0 59.9 56.5 94.4 189.1 P/E 17.2 20.6 17.1 16.3 14.3 12.6
Closing balance of cash 63.0 59.9 56.5 94.4 189.1 283.0 P/BV 8.1 5.8 5.0 4.6 4.1 3.8
EV/EBITDA 13.0 16.4 13.2 12.4 10.5 9.0
One Year Price Chart EV / Revenues 3.9 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.4
350 Dividend Yield (%) 5.4 0.8 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.4
300 Dividend Payout 93.2 16.0 66.1 69.3 66.4 68.6
250 (Source: Company, HDFC Sec)
Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.
HDFC Sec Retail Research Rating description
Green Rating stocks
This rating is given to stocks that represent large and established business having track record of decades and good reputation in the industry. They are industry leaders or have significant market share. They have multiple streams of cash flows and/or strong balance sheet to withstand downturn in
economic cycle. These stocks offer moderate returns and at the same time are unlikely to suffer severe drawdown in their stock prices. These stocks can be kept as a part of long term portfolio holding, if so desired. This stocks offer low risk and lower reward and are suitable for beginners. They offer
stability to the portfolio.
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