Ikea Czhusk Sustainability Report Fy22 en
Ikea Czhusk Sustainability Report Fy22 en
Ikea Czhusk Sustainability Report Fy22 en
INTRODUCTION Republic, which will be opened gradually to
equip everyone by 2025.
GRI 2-22
I am happy that one of the main contributors
to the decreased climate footprint is our more
energy-efficient range, such as the new and
more affordable SOLHETTA LED range. We also
saw a continued increase in the share of sales
for our plant-based food options, such as the
plant ball and the veggie hotdog. During FY22,
we also managed to increase the share of
renewable electricity in IKEA retail.
reported year was still heavily impacted by
COVID, we cannot see an enormously positive
development in some areas due to the “coming
back to normal” stage of our operations. The
report doesn’t align with our financial report
issues earlier this year because of the audit
controlling our data on a global level that was
finalised after the financial report was issued
locally. So far, we have not been obliged to
report; however, we want to do this homework
to understand where we stand with our
commitments and benchmark them to global
standards. Since we’re part of Ingka Group,
IKEA’s biggest franchisee, we share the same
material topics already stated in the global
report and used for our report as well (see page
X). Therefore, there was no need to re-approve
the materiality with our board.
Organisational structure Region Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia
GRI 2-1
GRI 2-2
IKEA is often viewed as a single brand, but much like our furniture, it is an intricate assembly of multiple parts
that work together to create a unique experience.
Across the globe, there are numerous IKEA stores operated by 12 franchisees that have agreements with Černý Most
Inter IKEA Group, the franchisor and owner of the IKEA Concept. Additionally, there is IKEA CZHUSK, a retail Praha Zličín
organization under the Ingka Group, which shares a common history and heritage with Inter IKEA Group but Hradec Králové
operates as a separate company with distinct management and owners.
To operate under the IKEA Concept and Brand, all franchisees pay a 3% fee to Inter IKEA Systems B.V., which
grants them access to a wealth of resources, including systems, methods, and proven solutions, as well as staff České Budějovice
training, manuals, and updates related to store layouts, fittings, and display concepts. This report provides data
on the entire IKEA value chain, including local IKEA Retail (Ingka Group), to offer a comprehensive view of the
brand‘s global operations.
CZ - Praha Zličín, Praha Černý Most, Budapest Örs vezér tere
Ostrava, Brno, Budapest Budaörs
HU - Budapest Budaörs, Budapest Örs Budapest Soroksár
vezér tere, Budapest Soroksár,
SK - Bratislava
At IKEA CZHUSK, we take sustainability seriously, Malá Beluská. As the top management sustainability GRI 2-13
and we‘re proud to have a dedicated team working sponsor within the organisation, Eva ensures that
towards our environmental and social commitments. sustainability is integrated throughout the business.
David McCabe, our CSO and Retail Manager, leads While our sustainability team plays a critical role
these efforts with passion and commitment, ensuring in driving sustainable projects, we believe that
that we align with Ingka‘s global strategy. Barbora cross-functional collaboration is key to achieving our
Kotoun, our Country Sustainability Manager, is goals. Through close partnerships and integration,
responsible for the delivery of these commitments we‘re committed to making a positive impact on the
and works closely with the BDT department led by Eva environment and society.
We took the double materiality assessment from The table summarises the material issues we have
Sustainable Strategy People and Planet Positive
GRI 3-1
GRI 3-1
the Ingka Group Sustainability report to inform identified, the scale of the impact, as well as the
the issues we report on. This page presents how ocation of the impact along our value chain. GRI 3-3
GRI 3-3
As an organization, we strive to positively impact We build our P&PP strategy upon three core pillars the sustainability issues identified in our materiality The right-hand column summarises how we manage
both local and global communities through our People that embody our commitment to sustainable assessment fit into the three pillars of our impact. Read more about how we address our
and Planet Positive strategy. This strategy serves and responsible business practices. We can drive the sustainability strategy that our report impacts in the corresponding sections of this report.¹
as a framework for all our activities and guides us positive change and contribute towards a more is structured around.
towards achieving our mission of creating a better sustainable and equitable world by focusing on
future for all. We‘re committed to using our resources Healthy & Sustainable Living, Climate Positive
and influence to drive positive change in our & Circular, and Fair & Equal.
communities and the world at large.
While our report primarily focuses on non-financial information, we understand that financial results are also
an important aspect of any official report. Therefore, we would like to provide a brief overview of our financial
performance for FY22, before delving into our PPP results.
CZ HU SK GRI 201-1
Profit before tax 1 563 534 000 CZK 6 362 069 000 Ft 11 469 432 €
Profit after tax 1 245 281 000 CZK 5 803 081 000 Ft 8 844 060 €
Turnover 11 912 256 000 CZK 130 927 982 000 Ft 130 628 667 €
Taxes CZK 3 255 869 000 Ft €
We can confirm that our organization did not receive any financial support from any government GRI 201-4
during this period.
► Waste-reducing solutions
Products for healthier home
GRI 302-5 According to IKEA Climate Report 1, in FY22, the total product use at home. Between FY21 and FY22,
IKEA climate footprint decreased by 1.4 million tonnes the use of renewable energy in the production
of CO2 eq in absolute terms compared to the previous of IKEA products increased from 46% to 50%,
year. That means a reduction of 5%. The reduction with an additional 111 suppliers achieving 100% Leading a sustainable lifestyle is about personal To help reduce water consumption daily at home,
was driven by continued strong progress in using renewable electricity consumption, moving well-being and protecting the environment. we have developed the ÅBÄCKEN mist nozzle,
renewable energy across the value chain and the total to 268 suppliers. We provide simple and affordable ways for our which can be installed on most common basin taps.
significantly improving the energy efficiency for customers to make their daily routines more When used in mist mode, ÅBÄCKEN can save up to
eco-friendly. This can improve their quality of life 95% of water used, and in spray mode, up to 66%.
and create a healthier environment at home. (Compared to standard washbasin mixer taps with
We recently expanded our air-purifying range a water flow of 5.7 L/min. 2) Compared to taps and
Our strategic focus areas target where we have the We are dedicated to using our sources carefully,
making the most of what we have and optimising
or just a quick coffee and afternoon cake. In FY22,
we served almost 9 million customers in our region.
most influence and opportunities for positive impact our logistics operations.
The increase in water consumption in FY22 is evident; however, the explanation is straightforward.
The temporary closure of stores due to COVID-19 pandemic caused a temporary closure of stores, which
led to lower water consumption in FY21. We are continuing to prioritize sustainable practices and effective
management of water consumption.
GRI 303-1 In Slovakia, we have successfully implemented new water recycling and reusing solutions. We use water
from the distribution network, and to run our heating and cooling systems, we use water from drilled wells.
GRI 303-2
We also use this water to flush toilets in the store. We don‘t let any water go to waste and only measure how
GRI 303-4 much we use.
GRI 303-1 We have added a new feature to the Brno store in the Czech Republic - an underground tank for collecting
rainwater. This tank is now connected to the irrigation system for the green islands in front of the store‘s facade
and at the bus stop.
* ¹ IKEA Climate Report FY22 * ¹ Ingka Group Annual Summary and Sustainability Report FY22 18
* ² Ingka Group Annual Summary and Sustainability Report FY22
Leading by example, we have made the reduction We also encourage our customers to contribute by Here you can see the number of items repurchased and resold to customers in FY22. The resold number
of food waste a priority. And successfully. offering various reusable products, such as shopping can be higher than the bought-back number because we already had some furniture from FY21.
In FY22, we reduced our waste by 5.7 grams per ticket bags, straws, and food containers. Our offer enables
in Slovakia. In the Czech Republic, our increase per customers to waste less and save more. It is important
ticket is 0.3g and in Hungary 5.7g per ticket. Every to decrease waste. Reducing our waste production CZ HU SK
year, waste reduction is one of our top priorities. Our leaves behind a cleaner and healthier planet for
food co-workers have been trained to use a hi-tech future generations. Products bought back 6 057 2 177 750
food waste scale and analytics solution. Daily reports
enable our co-workers to identify sources of waste Products resold to customers 6 022 2 177 1 049
and make substantial savings. You can read more
about it in Ingka Group Annual Summary and
Sustainability Report FY22. Products and services
making furniture
While we cannot guarantee a reduction in waste every
year, we have implemented a sophisticated system last longer Assembly parts online
that allows minimal variability. That is why in FY21,
we reduced our waste significantly, and our highly Missing something? If the customer finds out they are missing a component, there is no need to throw out the
We also encourage our customers to contribute by
effective waste management helps us maintain this furniture. Customers can easily order small spare parts and IKEA components from our website for free, saving
offering various reusable products, such as shopping
standard. It is also good to note that during FY22, the furniture and money.
bags, straws, and food containers. Our offer enables
we have organised some events like Meatball days
customers to waste less and save more. It is important
and Food Days, which may have partly brought some
to decrease waste. Reducing our waste production
extra waste. Donation of unconsumed food is not
possible due to hygiene standards and high
leaves behind a cleaner and healthier planet for CZ HU SK
future generations.
standards set by internal legislation. 8 820 7 844 2 087
You can also find these products online. Ingka Group Annual Summary and Sustainability Report FY22 states that the food range includes sustainably
We thoroughly inspect all items sold for reuse sourced options and ingredients. These range from organic rapeseed oil and responsibly-farmed eggs, meat
to ensure functionality and safety. and dairy to seafood certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and Marine Stewardship Council
(MSC) and UTZ/Rainforest Alliance-certified coffee, tea and cocoa. ¹
The base of our customers also grows in restaurants. In FY22, we served 9 414 201 customers through the
region‘s IKEA Restaurants, IKEA Bistros and Swedish Food Markets. Delicious and satisfying meal option for
meat-lovers and vegetarians? We sold 3 465 638 portions of hot dogs and veggie dogs. Our veggie alternative
accounted for 20% of total sales.
FY22 (portions) (portions) (portions) (portions)
Hot dog 2 771 383 923 958 1 523 876 323 549
Veggie dog 694 255 279 470 302 181 112 604
Whole hot dogs (portions) 3 465 638 1 203 428 1 826 057 436 153
We continue to explore ways to reduce the impact of our food ingredients on the environment. We‘re exploring
options to remove or replace dairy in our products. Our goal is to offer food options that are both delicious and
environmentally friendly.¹
Scope 3 emissions account for 99,61% of total emissions. Scope 3 emissions are GHG emissions that occur due
to a company’s activities but outside direct control. Below you can see how different parts of our retail value
chain contribute to our climate footprint within Scope 3.
GRI 305-1
GRI 305-3
According to FY22 data, the volume of energy consumed in CZHUSK was as follows
(all of our electricity came from renewable sources):
Energy Source (Mwh) - Energy consumption within the organization GRI 302-1
GRI 305-6 During the project, all the old air-conditioning units were replaced with new ones with better parameters
such as lower electricity consumption, better controllability and higher efficiency in recovering heat from
the exhaust air and transferring it to the fresh air supplied. The air handling units‘ cabinets are better sealed
against heat leakage.
In Slovakia, our store in Bratislava decreased in FY22 its energy consumption by 9% in FY21. The consumption GRI 302-4
of 38,3 kWh/m2 is the lowest consumption per square metre in CZHUSK region, which is 28% lower than
the average of the region. We have achieved it also by using efficient and sustainable heat pumps for efficient
heating and cooling, which means we do not use gas for heating.
SK 5% 13,50%
At the time of the report creation, March 2023, we reached 23% EV share in the Czech Republic. Due to
geographical challenges in Slovakia, we were on 14%, but we were about to extend the e-fleet with two
more vehicles, increasing our EV share to 25%, aligned with the country‘s goals. In Hungary, we deployed
a home-delivery tender to find better strategic fits on the market to reach our ZED goals. Due to these
changes, the deployment of an extended EV fleet is slower, so our current share at that time was between
4-5%, but a fleet of 10 chassis box vans was about to come in May, which would result in a 16-18% increase
and this was not the only fleet we are still expecting to be deployed in FY23.
We aim to reduce emissions from our employees and customers commuting by 50% by 2030.
To heat our department store, we have installed air-water heat pumps that boast excellent efficiency, even
in extremely low outdoor temperatures. During the summer, these pumps can also provide cooling capabilities
to our existing cooling machines or replace them in case of a breakdown.
GRI 306-3
The production of total waste increased in the Czech Republic compared to FY21. This increase can be a result
of the low number in FY21 due to closed stores. The store in Brno reported the most significant increase, which
resulted from the ongoing rebuilding of the store.
GRI 202-1 Human rights are founded on the principle Ingka Group is committed to fair treatment and equal
of equality, which is why we at IKEA believe that opportunities, creating a workplace where people
everyone should receive fair treatment and equal of all backgrounds and identities can thrive and
opportunities, regardless of their background feel supported and valued for who they are.
or identity. As a purpose-led business, we also want to play
our part in advancing equality in society.
People are the heart of everything we do. We make
sure that our business treats everyone fairly and By 2030, IKEA wants to be a leader in creating a fair
provides decent, safe, and meaningful employment. and equal society that benefits the many. We will do
At IKEA, we want to make the most of our differences this by growing the IKEA business in an even more
and encourage daily collaboration and inclusive inclusive way, respecting and encouraging diversity
behaviour. Our goal is to contribute and lead by and promoting decent and meaningful work across
example in creating fair and equal society. the IKEA value chain, enabling people to provide
a good life for themselves and their families.
In today’s world, we face different challenges and
obstacles than yesterday. We observe, understand, Being inclusive is about both engaging with others
and adapt to these changes to help those in need. in the work they do and inviting others to participate
We hope our contribution and the changes we make in our work.
can improve people’s lives. It is important for us
to adapt to changes, be open to new ideas and find We are committed to:
a way of doing things to help, to help to create a fair
and equal society. ► Providing and supporting decent
and meaningful work across our value chain
Heart-breaking events of February 2022, just outside
our borders, united people together, and we focused ► Being an inclusive business
our efforts on providing help. All our actions and
decisions are guided by IKEA values and our ► Promoting equality
commitment to supporting people. Our co-workers
have shown immense support and understanding and
helped by delivering and putting together furniture
and setting up crisis centres for Ukrainian refugees.
Shortly after the start of the war, we paused our IKEA
Retail operations in Russia. We have provided support
and guaranteed six months’ salary and core benefits
for all co-workers affected by this closure.
GRI 2-28 IKEA is a member of several membership associations, Stakeholders are identified by topics and issues
industry associations, and national or international that either affect the company or are important
advocacy organizations. In the Czech Republic, we are to the company. To create a meaningful relationship
part of SOCR (Czech Retail Association) and Změna with stakeholders, we actively seek opportunities
k lepšímu (Change for better). While in Hungary, to engage with them as partners in those areas of our
we participate in the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, interests; when possible, we co-organise events and
the National Trade Association, and the Business participate in common discussions. Key areas of focus
Council for Sustainable Development. IKEA Slovakia are EDI, Sustainability, Business-related and others.
is a member of AmCham, RÚZ (Union of Employers), We aim to advocate on behalf of many people.
Circular Slovakia, and SEVA.
The total number of employees according to
GRI 2-29 We are in contact with the following categories our FY22 data *
of stakeholders: Government, Neighbouring
municipalities, representative organisations,
embassies, and NGOs.
As a company that values its principles and goals, we are dedicated to creating a healthy, safe, secure working
and shopping environment. Therefore, the health, safety, and security of our co-workers, customers, visitors,
and others working on our premises is one of our top priorities. We have established policies, benefits,
and complementary rules to ensure health, safety (including fire safety and natural hazards), and security.
* Average headcount over the whole fiscal year rounded to the nearest integer These guidelines align with our company philosophy and are a natural part of our way of doing business.
Category: Total (Female / Male)
We provide a range of benefits to our co-workers. All working part-time or full-time co-workers are entitled GRI 401-2
According to FY22 data our number of co-workers grew as follows: to the same benefits. We understand the importance of useful benefits for our employees and provide
an extensive benefits package that supports our co-workers’ well-being and job satisfaction.
Tack! is the Swedish word for saying “Thank you” and the name of our loyalty programme. Tack! is inspired by
our founder Ingvar Kamprad, who wished to share the success of IKEA among all co-workers equally. Through
this program, all eligible co-workers receive an additional contribution to their pension funds in recognition of
their loyalty and contributions towards the company’s growth. Co-workers qualify for Tack! after working at
IKEA for five consecutive financial years. IKEA contributes to their supplementary pension fund (retroactively).
HELP Programme
► Up to 10 days of leave from work in the event Heim Pál gyermekkórház fejlesztési alapítvány
of domestic abuse (Heim Pál Children‘s Hospital)
We refurnished and restructured restrooms and
► Safety in the workplace dressing rooms for nurses and doctors in children‘s
hospital. We increased the rooms‘ capacity, creating
► Up to 3 days of annual leave for co-workers a better environment and involved a new space
providing support to another co-worker who in creating a better atmosphere for every workday.
is a victim of domestic abuse
► Financial and other material support
We combined the volunteer days with helping to set
► Psychological and legal support up crisis centres for Ukrainian refugees. Our volunteer
days have occurred in several facilities, such as hostel
Fortuna or Kopčany.
GRI 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption At IKEA, we want to make changes. We know that
inequalities in society often show up in the workplace,
the same opportunities. We are proud of what we
have achieved, and we are continuing our journey
policies and procedures but we want to change that. Our goal is to create towards gender-equal pay. That means ensuring
a work environment that celebrates the diversity everyone is paid fairly, without gaps that cannot be
of our communities and welcomes everyone as they explained by their performance, competence, or the
All co-workers should have a training Code of conduct at the beginning of their employment. People working
are, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, nationality, laws in their country. At IKEA, we believe everyone
in sensitive positions such as management, contract handling, money handling, suppliers/contractors,
ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. deserves to be treated with respect and given
connections/negotiations etc., are also trained in separate training called Anti-Bribery and Corruption. Training
We believe that together, we can build a just as a chance to succeed. We are a member of the Equal
is repeated regularly on a yearly level. The company also has an ethic code for our suppliers, which is part
diverse and inclusive workplace as the world around Pay International Coalition (EPIC). We are committed
of contract management - business ethics and IWAY standards.
us. We understand that there are many challenges to ensuring equal pay for women and men throughout
facing people today and that not everyone has the Ingka Group.
The process to determine the remuneration
GRI 405-1 Report shows an overview of the diversity categories applicable, such as minority or vulnerable groups. GRI 2-20
present within governance bodies and employee By analysing these percentages, we have insights into
categories. These categories include gender, age our diversity and inclusivity efforts and can better
group, and other indicators of diversity where identify improvement areas. Proposal for investment into co-workers‘ salaries General Manager. The agreed percentage increase
is carefully calculated and annually brought by Total is shared with Global Function and Country Board
Rewards Manager for People Steering Committee if asked. Total Rewards Manager then ensures that
CZ HU SK decision. The proposal reflects the market situation the approved budget is not overspent and applies
Age: <30 | 30-50 | >50 <30 | 30-50 | >50 <30 | 30-50 | >50 and labour cost development but is also a result of guidelines for a fair and consistent approach to
Management: 1,72% | 89,66% | 8,62% 5,41% | 91,89% | 2,70% 7,69% | 84,62% | 7,69% pre-discussion regarding the sales development, and calculate the individual increases. The individual
All: 23,87% | 59,02% | 17,11% 29,90% | 53,05% | 17,05% 22,69% | 63,18% | 14,14% thus the foreseen ability to manage the increased increases are then shared with the HR manager in
people costs in a respective financial year. The market each unit and then with the line managers. The final
Gender: Female | Male Female | Male Female | Male data used are bought on the country level from Korn alignment takes place between the units and Service
Management: 39,66% | 60,34% 59,46% | 40,54% 38,46% | 61,54%
Ferry and Mercer, independent survey companies with Office. Any kind of deviation outside the agreed rules
All: 58,30% | 41,70% 58,70% | 41,30% 54,80% | 45,20%
high credibility. The proposal is then discussed and needs to be approved by the Total Rewards Manager
People w/ disabilities: without | with without | with without | with reviewed at the People Steering Committee, where and Head of HR. No further sharing with other People
Management: 100% | 0% 97,30% | 2,70% 100% | 0% the highest representatives of the region are, Steering Committee members regarding individual
All: 98,09% | 1,91% 96,43% | 3,57% 96,51% | 3,49% including the Head of HR, Head of Finance and increases happens.
IKEA has annual process of deciding about the i.e. market situation, sales performance of the region,
compensation increase for all the co-workers. individual performance and competences. including
The final percentage is based on the many factors, the Head of HR, Head of Finance and
GRI 2-19 Equal pay
IKEA applies the same principles for all levels of based on their individual performance and market
co-workers regarding remuneration. Salary must pay. The highest governance body has the same Having positive social impact
be set independently of a co-worker’s age, gender evaluation principles as any other co-worker
identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, regarding their competence and performance We are on a mission to create a better everyday However, we understand that we cannot do
ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, marital or family in the yearly evaluation process. One IKEA bonus life for people worldwide, and we are committed everything alone. We support individuals and
status, or any other dimension of their identity. is paid according to the business performance, to fulfilling our responsibility towards the local organizations who support local communities.
All co-workers shall be rewarded fairly and equally and the rules for a payout are the same for all. communities where we operate. We want to
positively impact society and the environment, Here are a few examples how we put people first.
regardless of our location or business activities.
and income for people and contribute to the growth Tax is a core part of our corporate responsibility and
Second Life of Trees Project of Christmas Trees, where we downcycled Christmas and well-being of the area. This support also helps to governance. It is fully integrated into our governance
We donated 61 BILLY libraries filled with IKEA trees into wood chips, and then new particleboards reduce carbon footprint by reducing transportation structure. Our principles are as follows: a) we are fully
products (TJENA box, play dough…) to schools and were produced with the help of the IKEA Industry. and logistics costs. committed to complying with relevant tax laws and
kindergartens for children with disabilities. These From that, we made our iconic Billy bookcases. regulations. b) we conduct intragroup transactions on
In the Czech Republic, 27% of our procurement
BILLY libraries were part of the project - Second Life an arm‘s length basis and fully comply with transfer
budget is spent on local suppliers, while in Hungary
pricing jurisdiction. c) we do not have tax-initiated
and Slovakia, the proportion is 26% and 27%,
operations in tax havens. d) if the government offers
respectively. We are committed to continuing work
tax incentives, it must be done transparently and
with local suppliers and contributing to the growth
consistent with statutory frameworks. e) we are
GRI 2-23 of the communities where we operate.
committed to be transparent about our approach GRI 204-1
GRI 2-24 to tax and the tax we pay.
Requirements for product and service
The IWAY, or IKEA‘s method of responsible ► Securing decent and meaningful work information and labelling GRI 417-1
GRI 2-25 Tax governance, control, and risk management
procurement for products, services, materials, ► Respecting children‘s rights
and components, establishes specific standards and General requirement: Manufacturers must attach GRI 207-2
► Improving the welfare of animals that are Finance Commitee is ultimately responsible for setting
protocols regarding environmental, social, and labour instructions for use, handling, and safety warnings to
present in the IKEA value chain the tax control framework. Tax Council is appointed by
conditions, along with animal welfare. We want to their products, which must be understandable and
the Finance Committee. Group Tax is responsible for
build long-term relationships with suppliers, service clear to consumers and other end-users. Additionally,
The IWAY principles and requirements are based on setting tax policies and strategies. CFO is accountable
providers and other contracting parties that share our manufacturers must inform consumers in a way that
internationally recognised standards and principles. for implementing the group rules on tax, and
vision. That‘s why we have developed IWAY, the IKEA is understandable to the general public about the
Finance Manager is responsible for the execution
Way of Responsibly Procuring Products, Services, essential features of the product and its packaging
Model: Must, Basic, Advanced and Excellent. IWAY of tax matters. Local tax co-workers are continuously
Materials and Components. IWAY defines what we from a waste management perspective, including the
Must and IWAY Basic are the minimum requirements trained in tax to have up-to-date information, and
expect from suppliers in the IKEA value chain when product‘s reusability, recyclability, and options for
that need to be in place for all suppliers and service regular meetings with Group tax are held, too.
taking care of people, the planet, and animals. further treatment.
providers who do business with IKEA. Our ambition,
together with our business partners, is to continually (2) * On the product or its packaging, or on the
We aim to always positively impact people, society Country-by-country reporting GRI 207-4
improve and develop beyond the minimum, to reach packaging material, the manufacturer indicates
and the environment by finding the balance between
IWAY Advanced and IWAY Excellent levels. in a clearly visible and comprehensible manner the
economic growth and protecting nature. We also want Country-by-country Reporting data published on
low-waste, durable or reusable nature of the product
to give people good jobs that are important and make EU Directive (EU 2021/2101), in line with the legislation
The IWAY Standard is built on 10 IWAY Principles. and the packaging material used as packaging,
them feel valued. Our suppliers and value chain are and OECD guidelines. All necessary data was collected
The principles define the IKEA standpoint on its composition of materials relevant to waste
a fundamental part of achieving this ambition. and reported by INGKA Group. The data are presented
responsibly procuring products, services, materials, management, and its distribution with a deposit
based on the template referred to the EU Directive
and components. Each of the 10 principles is, in turn, or deposit fee.
Through IWAY, we strive to create impact with the exception of the „Number of Employees“.
supported by IWAY requirements.
in 4 main areas: In such cases, headcount is used instead of
► Improving environmental impacts full-time equivalents.
Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of living atmosphere (Source: Oxford Languages, 2022) GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
species on Earth, including plants, animals, bacteria, GRI 2-1 Organizational details (Page 11)
and fungi (Source: National Geographic, 2022) Recycling: reprocessing of sector or components GRI 2-2 Entities included in the organization’s
of products that have become waste, to make new sustainability reporting (Page 11)
Circularity: principle of retaining the value of materials (Source: GRI, 2021) GRI 2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point
products, materials, and resources and redirecting (Page 7)
Renewable energy: energy coming from a source GRI 2-7 Employees
them back to use for as long as possible with the
GRI 2-12 Role of the highest governance body
lowest carbon and resource footprint possible, such that is capable of being replenished in a short time
in overseeing the management of impacts (Page 7)
that fewer raw materials and resources are extracted through ecological cycles or agricultural processes
GRI 2-22 Statement on sustainable development
and waste generation is prevented (Source: GRI, 2021) (Source: GRI, 2021)
strategy (Page 6)
Climate Change: Term that refers to long-term shifts Renewable material: material that is derived from GRI 201 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE
in temperatures and weather patterns plentiful resources that are quickly replenished by GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and
(Source: UN, 2022) ecological cycles or agricultural processes, so that the distributed (Page 14)
services provided by these and other linked resources GRI 201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other
Climate Footprint: a measure of the total amount are not endangered and remain available for the next retirement plans (Page 33, 34)
of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide generation (Source: GRI, 2021)
(N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons GRI 301 MATERIALS
Scope 1 emissions: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions GRI 302 ENERGY (Page 17, 25, 26, 27)
(PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions
GRI 303 WATER (Page 17)
defined by Kyoto protocol, calculated as carbon from sources that are owned or controlled by the
dioxide equivalent (CO2e) organization (Source: GRI, 2021)
GRI 305 EMISSIONS (Page 17, 25, 27)
GRI 306 WASTE (Page 29)
Climate Positivity: saving or reducing more GHG Scope 2 emissions: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions GRI 401 EMPLOYMENT (Page 34)
emissions than generating that result from the generation of purchased or GRI 404 TRAINING AND EDUCATION (Page 31, 36)
acquired electricity, heating, cooling, and steam GRI 405 DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY
CO2e (equivalent of carbon dioxide): measure consumed by the organization (Source: GRI, 2021) (Page 38, 39)
used to compare the emissions from various types GRI 413 LOCAL COMMUNITIES
of greenhouse gas (GHG) based on their global Scope 3 emissions: other indirect greenhouse gas
warming potential (GWP) (Source: GRI, 2021) (GHG) emissions not included in energy indirect
(Scope2) GHG emissions that occur outside of the
Greenhouse gas (GHG): gas that contributes to the organization, including both upstream and
greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation downstream emissions (Source: GRI, 2021)
(Source: GRI, 2021)
Value Chain: Range of activities carried out by
IWAY: the IKEA way of responsibly sourcing products, the organization, and by entities upstream and
services, materials and components downstream from the organization, to bring
the organization’s products or services from their
Kyoto Protocol: protocol adopted in 1997 that conception to their end use (Source: GRI, 2021)
operationalizes the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change by committing Vulnerable group: group of individuals with a specific
industrialized countries and economies in transition condition or characteristic (e.g., economic, physical,
to limit and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions political, social) that could experience negative
in accordance with agreed individual targets impacts as a result of the organization’s activities
(Source: UN, 2022) more severely than the general population
(Source: GRI, 2021) Date of publication:
LGBT+: This acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender people, as well as all other sexual Water stewardship: use of water that is socially If you have questions about the report, contact
orientations and gender identities equitable, environmentally sustainable, and the press department of the IKEA Czech Republic,
economically beneficial, achieved through Hungary and Slovakia.
Net-zero: a target of completely negating the amount a stakeholder-inclusive process that involves
of greenhouse gases produced by human activity, to acility- and catchment-based actions Petr Šašek
(Source: GRI, 2021) Market Communication coordinator
be achieved by reducing emissions and implementing
e-mail: petr.sasek@ingka.ikea.com
methods of absorbing carbon dioxide from the