TV 27 2020 6 2008-2015
TV 27 2020 6 2008-2015
TV 27 2020 6 2008-2015
Preliminary communication
Abstract: Circular and annular cross-section is one of the more common cross-section forms, such as water towers, piers, etc. But reinforcement calculation of these cross-
sections is dual, the nonlinearity in width change and the nonlinear stress-strain relationship of concrete and reinforcement, which brings inconvenience to the calculation.
In this paper, the corresponding calculation formulas are analytically derived and practical design charts (nomograms) are obtained. Based on stress-stain curve of concrete
and reinforcement, five strain distribution regions were constructed. Via strains stress can be determined and then via the stress internal force can be computed, without
application of the traditional equivalent rectangular stress block in concrete compression zone. The obtained dimensionless design charts can be applied to all load cases,
such as uniform tension, tension with a small and large eccentricity, pure bending, compression with a large and small eccentricity and uniform compression. The calculation
by using the design charts is simple and quick.
Keywords: axial and eccentric load; circular and annular cross-section; dimensionless design charts; reinforcement ring; strain region
c ( c 0.25 c ) fc
(0 > c 2.0‰)
Members with circular or annular section shapes have c fc (2.0‰ c 3.3‰)
low resistance to fluid (wind, water) and are commonly
used in engineering structures, such as piers, water towers, s Es s (0 < s y )
etc. Analytical calculating reinforcement area of the (2)
circular and annular cross sections is generally needed to s y ( y s 10‰)
solve transcendental equations, which are provided in
some specifications, for example in chinses code [1-2]. where c is strain of concrete and s strain of
Nevertheless the application of these equations shows
reinforcement. The ultimate strain limit of concrete and
some shortcomings:① solutions can only be iteratively
reinforcement is −3,3‰ and 10‰ respectively.
solved with software and cannot be computed by hand, and
this is inconvenient for practice; ② The transcendental
equations are derived often with strong simplifications
(e.g. in reference 1), which make the scope of application
limited and it is applicable only when the neutral axis is
within the cross section. For example, in the reference [3,
4, 14-19], the authors derived the formulas, which are all
based on the equivalent rectangular stress block. Among
them some are obtained analytical formulas [16-19] and
some others are numerical calculations [14, 15]. To Figure 1 Constitutive relation (a) concrete,(b) reinforcement
overcome these shortcomings some design chats are made
in this paper for quick calculating reinforcement area or for It should be noted that all strain values take the values
checking strength of the circular and annular cross before the symbol of per thousand, i.e. are not divided by
sections. For more accuracy instead of the rectangular 1000.
stress block, the stress-strain curves of concrete and
reinforcement adopted in reference 1are applied to derive 2.2 Division of the Whole Possible Strain Distributions Into
formulas. Although nowadays computers are widely used, 5 Strain Regions
quick calculation tools to determine reinforcement area of
circular and annular cross sections are still needed and The main process of the method in the paper is
welcome, which enable a hand calculation not only for variation of possible strains distributions of cross section,
quick determining reinforcement area, but also for quick and then via the strains corresponding stresses can be
checking the results computed by computer. valued according to constitutive curves of concrete and
reinforcement and finally the internal forces are computed.
2 THE METHOD, DERIVATION AND DESIGN CHARTS Therefore, it is necessary to know how and in which region
2.1 Stress-Strain Relationship of Concrete and the strain distributions can be changed. Based on the stress-
Reinforcement strain curves in Fig. 1 the strain distributions of cross
section can be divided into five strain regions as shown in
The following stress-strain curves of concrete and Fig. 2. Within each strain region there are always strains on
reinforcement are used and shown in Fig. 1. one side (top section edge or bottom reinforcement) fixed
The mathematical expression of the constitutive curves in the ultimate strain limit state, and on the other side the
in Fig. 1 is given as the following: strains can be varied, thus it can be ensured that all strain
distributions are in the ultimate limit state, and this means:
the section can be assumed either tensile failure, or counterclockwise around point A to the vertical position
compression failure, or balanced failure occurred [4-13]. (point A can be calculated from the geometric relationship
After dividing the whole possible strain distributions with respect to the top and bottom edge strains). The top
into 5 regions, the strains become now known, and then the edge strain of the cross section reduces from −3,3‰ to
corresponding stresses can be determined via the −2,0‰ and the bottom edge strain increases from 0,0‰ to
constitutive relationships of concrete and reinforcement. −2,0‰ simultaneously, and the curvature decreases to zero.
By integration of the stresses over the cross section the The load cases of the region may be compression with a
internal normal forces and bending moments can be small eccentricity and uniform compression.
obtained. So far, the five divided strain regions contain all
The characteristics of each strain region are briefly possible strain distributions and cover all load cases known
described as follows: as uniform tension, tension with a small and large
eccentricity, pure bending, compression with a large and
small eccentricity and uniform compression. It is incidental
to note that in regions ② and ⑤ the top edge strains of the
cross section are variable and hence the equivalent
rectangular stress block cannot be applied.
ci ( ) ( ci 0.25 ci2 ) f c x
M c 2 ci ( )b ( ) rcos dy
r 2 2
r 0
1 c1 1 c1 x
x 4 x
2 r 3 ci ( )sin 2 cos d
K1 K 2 cos K 3cos sin cos d
fc (7) 2r 3 2 2
r r 1 c1 r cos r c1 cos 2
2 2 2 0
x x 2 c1 j 1 (11)
x x 2 4 sin 3 sin cos 3 sin2
K1 K2
K 2
3 4 8 16
2 fc r 3
K1 K 2 cos K 3 cos 2 f c sin cos sin sin K
4 3
5 5 15
After getting the expression of stress, the stress can be
integrated over the cross section to obtain the internal axial Obviously, the axial force and bending moment
force and bending moment. The calculated bending obtained above are dependent on concrete strength and size
moment is about the horizontal centroid axis of the circle. of cross section. In order to get a more general
For easy calculation, the stress block in Fig. 4 should be dimensionless expression, Eq. (8) and Eq. (10) should be
divided into two parts, one part consisting of rectangle and
divided by πr 2 f c and Eq. (9) and Eq. (11) by πr 3 f c
another of parabola.
respectively, and then the dimensionless axial force and
bending moment are obtained as follows:
2 j
nc1 π 0 .5sin 2 0
m 2 sin 3 j
c1 3π 0
sin 2 sin 3 j 1
K1 K2
2 2 4 3
nc 2 π
sin cos 3
sin 2 (12)
Figure 4 Strain and stress distribution (rectangle and parabola)
4 8 16
2.3.1 Rectangular Stress Block (εc1 =−2.0‰ −3.3‰)
sin 3 sin cos 3 sin 2 j 1
K1 K 2
The concrete stress is constant, and the axial force and m 2 3 4 8 16
c2 π 3
bending moment can be computed by integration of stress sin cos 4
over the cross section, as shown in Eq. (8) and Eq. (9). 5 5 15
x x
0 f c b ( )d y 2 r f c sin 2 d
N c1 It is to note that the values of integral interval of Eq.
j (8) (12) have not been determined. Their determination
sin 2
2 fc r 2 depends on the shape of the stress blocks, which can be
2 4 0 varied and result in the following 4 stress block shapes:
M c1 0 f c b ( ) r cos d y
x 2 j (9)
2 r 3 f c sin 2 cos d f c r 3 sin 3
0 3 0
Figure 5 Shape cases of the concrete stress block
2.3.2 Parabolic Stress Block (εc1 = 0‰ −2.0‰)
① a partial parabola; ② a full parabola; ③ a full
Since the strains in this part are variable and the
parabola + a partial rectangular block; ④ a full parabola +
stresses are accordingly not constant, their values can be
determined by Eq. (7). After integration of stress the full rectangular block.
corresponding axial force and bending moment can be Taking case ① as an example, the stress distribution is
obtained. a partial parabola (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6), and the strain
increases gradually from zero (0 > εc1 > −2,0‰). The continuously distributed, that is, the total area of the
integral interval begins from the top point of the circle to reinforcement is distributed on the circumference of
the neutral axis, which correspond a central angle, and its reinforcement ring having a radius rs.
value can be calculated by Eq. (13).
as (14)
i arccos( q ) 2πrs
q ( r hi ) / r
N s1 2 f y as rs d 2 f y as rsc 0 j (15)
Figure 6 The upper and lower limits of the integral corresponding to the M s1 2 f y as rs cos rs d
central angle (partial parabola) (16)
2 f y as rs2 cos d 2 f y as rs2 sin 0 j
Different strain regions result in different stress block
shapes, and they can be summarized into three stress block
shapes and their q - values can be calculated according to 2.4.2 Triangular Stress Block (Elastic Zone)
Tab. 1.
The strain and stress of the reinforcement ring at any
Table 1 The q - values of boundary points of three concrete stress diagrams fiber of cross section are:
region② region②③④ region⑤
j 0 > εc1 >−2,0 −2,0 > εc1 > −3,3 −2,0 > εc1 > −3,3 x (r rs cos )
(Interval si c1 (17)
points of x
x (r rs cos )
1 q 1 q 1 q 1 si Es si Es c1 (18)
rx r ( x a) r ( x a)
2 q q q
r r r
The resulting axial force in elastic zone can be
3 - q q 1 obtained by integrating stress.
x (r rs cos)
2.4 Calculation of Stress and Internal Force of Ns2 2 si as rs d 2Es as rs c1d
Reinforcement Ring x
2Es as c1 (x r) rssin j 1
The reinforcement is usually discretely distributed, x j
which makes it inconvenient for calculation. For easy
calculation, the reinforcement can be assumed to be
The resulting bending moment in elastic zone can be a partial triangle; ② a full triangle; ③ a full triangle + a
obtained by integrating stress multiplying lever arm about
the horizontal center axis of the circle. partial rectangle; ④ a full triangle + a full rectangle;
Different strain regions have different stress shapes; they
M s 2 2 si as rs2 cos d can be summarized into three cases. The calculation of q -
values in each case can be carried out as shown in Tab. 2.
x (r rs cos )
2 Es as rs2 c1cos d
x (20) 2.5 Calculation of Reinforcement of Annular Section
j 1
rs2 sin2
2 E s as c1 ( x r )sin rs The calculation of the annular cross section is basically
x 2 4 j the same as that of the circular cross section. The only
difference is that it should be treated a little by calculating
For easy using, it is better to employ the dimensionless the internal force of the concrete, i.e. the compression area
internal force and bending moment. Therefore Eq. (15) and of the small circle (inner circle) must be subtracted from
the area of the large circle (outer circle) (see Fig. 9).
Eq. (19) are divided by πr 2 f c , and Eq. (16) and Eq. (20)
by πr 3 f c ,
s j
ns1 0
m s rs sin j
s1 r 0
s Es c1 j 1 (21)
ns 2 f x ( x r ) rs sin j
j 1 Figure 9 Compression zone of annular section
m s Es c1 rs ( x r )sin r sin2
f y x r s
2 4 j Hereto all formulae have been derived. The main idea
of the method is to determine stress according to possible
where ωs is mechanical reinforcement ratio defined by: strain distributions in ultimate limit state, which are
divided into 5 regions based on stress-strain relationship of
concrete and reinforcement from Chinese Code. And then
As f y integration of stress results in axial force and bending
s (22)
πr 2 f c moments.
Based on the five strain regions (see Fig. 2), the strains
The determination of the integral points in Eq. (21) is of concrete and reinforcement, as well as the areas of the
similar to that of concrete described before. Depending on reinforcement are varied. The corresponding
the stress block shape of the reinforcement ring there are dimensionless internal forces and bending moments are
also four cases shown in Fig. 8: calculated. For practice usage, i.e. a quick calculating the
reinforcement area of circular and annular cross section, all
calculated values by using derived formulae are drawn into
the design charts (nomograms) in Fig. 10. It is no need to
solve iteratively transcendental equations given in the
Chinese Code to get reinforcement area of circular and
annual cross section. In addition some useful information
Figure 8 Shape cases of stress block of the reinforcement ring can be obtained from Fig. 10:
(1) The balanced failure point of the circular cross section
Table 2 The q-values of boundary points of three stress diagrams of
reinforcement ring
is no longer at the point of the maximum bending moment,
region①② region②③④ region④⑤ while the balanced failure point of rectangular cross section
j εc1 > −2,0 −2,0 > εc1 > −3,3 −2,0 > εc1 > −3,3 indicates the maximum bending moment.
points of (2) The innermost curve of circular cross section ( s =0.0 )
integral) represents m − n interaction curve of pure concrete having
1 q 1 q 1 q 1 no reinforcement. Since the tensile strength of concrete is
neglected, the curve is located above the horizontal axis
r ( x a) r ( x a) r ( x a)
2 q q q and i.e. in the compression-bending zone. The other
rs rs rs
remaining m − n curves having reinforcement begin to
r ( x a) expand from the innermost curve. Therefore the graphic
3 q 1 q q 1
area above the horizontal axis is larger than that below the
4 - q 1 - horizontal axis, in other words, the compression-bending
zone is larger than the tension-bending zone. If the tensile
stress of concrete was taken into account, the whole m −
ninteraction curves would be symmetrical to the horizontal HRB400, fy = 360. For comparison, the calculations were
axis. carried out according to the method of this paper and in the
(3) Comparing Fig. 10a with Fig. 10b, it is easy to see the reference [1] respectively. The transcendental equations
difference that the curve of the innermost ( s =0.0 ) of the given in reference [1] for determining the reinforcement
annular section is significantly reduced, and the whole area of circular cross section are:
remaining curves in the compression-bending zone above
the horizontal axis are also reduced, while those curves in sin2π
the tension-bending zone below the horizontal axis are N fc A1 2π t f y As
almost not changed. That means, the lack of core concrete 2 3
sin π sinπ sinπt
area has a great influence on compression-bending bearing M fc Ar f y As rs (23)
capacity of the cross section and has little effect on the 3 π π
tension-bending bearing capacity.
t 1.25 2
In order to demonstrate the application of the where A and As are cross section area and total area of
nomogram above, a circular section subjected to seven load reinforcement respectively. The angle α in Fig. 11 is
cases is selected, and the cross section parameters for all expressed in radians.
load cases are: r = 250 mm, as = 37,50 mm, C40, fc = 19,1;
(2) Only 3 load cases in Tab. 3 could be solved by applying no solution obtained, because Eq. (23) is derived based on
transcendental Eq. (23), which shows a good agreement the fact that the neutral axis is located within the section.
with those of method 1, For remaining 4 load cases there is
Table 3 Calculation of Example 1 - 7 using Fig. 10 of the Method 1 and using Eq. (23) of the method 2
Method 1 ②
N / M / N M
Example Load cases n m c1 / s s r2 Method 2 ②/①
kN kNm 2
πr fc πr 3 fc As s
f y / fc As / cm2
/ cm2
1 uniform compression −8250 0,0 −2,20 0,00 −2,00/−2,00 1,20 12501 - -
compression with a
2 −6750 187,5 −1,80 0,20 −2,98/−0,50 1,12 11668 - -
small eccentricity
compression with a
3 −1500 843,8 −0,40 0,90 −3,30/+2,78 1,40 14584 14112 0,967
large eccentricity
4 pure bending 0,0 562,5 0,00 0,60 −3,30/+5,50 0,93 9688 9478 0,978
tension with a large
5 +1500 843,8 0,40 0,90 −3,30/+7,50 1,70 17710 17455 0,985
tension with a small
6 +6000 93,75 1,60 0,10 +1,50/+10,0 1,71 17814 - -
7 uniform tension +3750 0,0 1,00 0,00 +10,0/+10,0 1,00 10417 - -
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