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Iosh Osha Interveiw Session11

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Freedom from risk or absence of risk is known as safety.

Anything which has potential to cause harm (Injury, ill health etc).

 Mechanical Hazards
 Non-Mechanical Hazards
 Chemical hazards
 Physical Hazards
 Biological Hazards
 Electrical Hazards
 Ergonomic Hazards
 Radiation Hazards
 Pollution hazards
Provision of basic facilities such as drinking water, washing toilet facilities.

Absence of diseases is known as health.

The product of the Likelihood of a hazard resulting in an adverse event, times the severity of the

Risk = Likelihood of Occurrence x severity if incident occurred.

Why we manage health and safety?
It is moral, legal duty of employer to provide health and safety to workers. If employer did not
provide safety to workers then financially company will be in loss and face value, reputation of
company will be down.

Safety signs:

Any unplanned unwanted event that may or may not result in personal injury or property

Any unplanned unwanted event that result in personal injury or property damage. For example
spillage of toxic acid in workplace and worker got their skin damaged.

Near misses:
Any unplanned unwanted event that had potential to cause harm but did not in fact. For example
fall of object from height on the ground where a already a task is being done.

Injury, also known as physical trauma, is damage to the body caused by an external force.

Lost time injuries:

If someone body got injured and he will not resume his work within 24 hr or on next day then
productive time will be lost it will be counted as LTI.

 Major LTI
 Minor LTI

Risk Assessment:

Is the level of risk acceptable or does it needs to be reduced?
Risk = likelihood × severity

Likelihood Severity

1 = extremely unlikely 1 = very minor injury

2 = unlikely 2 = first-aid injury

3 = possible 3 = lost time injury

4 = likely 4 = hospital treatment

5 = very probably 5 = disabling injury

Tool box talk (TBT):
The safety talk conducted just before starting of work is known as TBT. It is basically on site
refresher training. TBT has two types.

 Mass TBT
 Local TBT

TBT form is signed by workers.

Intrinsically safe electrical equipment:

Any electrical equipment which does not possess the capability to produce spark.

Lighting LUX level:

Light luminous per unit area is known as lighting LUX level.

Meter: Luxo meter

Offic lux level 300-500 lux

Workshop 300 LUX

Lock out tag out (LOTO)
Lock out, tag out is a safety procedure used in industry ensure that dangerous machines are
properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or
repair work.

Safety Categories:
 Design Safety
 Process Safety
 Project Safety
 General Safety
Level of Safety:
 Plant Safety
 Worker Safety
 Consumer Safety
Turn Around (TRA):
A scheduled and periodic shutdown (total or partial) of a plant. They stop daily plant operations
completely during the duration of turnaround maintenance work and instead the focus shifts to
maintenance related activities, cleaning, inspection, repair, and replace.

Shutdown Names:
 Turn Around(TRA)
 Annual Maintenance
 General Maintenance
 Shutdown
Shutdown Phase (Activities):
 Pre-Shutdown
 Shutdown
 Post-Shutdown
HSE Plan

It is a plan document that a contractor prepare and gives to Client

 A way to control and distribute up-to-date Documents

 Safety Inspection Check-list

 Risk-Assessments

 Emergency Response Plan

 Training Programme & Documentation System

 Internal Audit Policy & Schedule

 List of Laws & Health and Safety Regulations for Compliance

Hydro jetting (High water pressure)
It is cleaning activity in which we use high pressure water to remove corrosion, erosion, scaling,
fouling, sludge.

Pressure depends upon

 -MOC (Material of Construction)

 -Thickness
 dia
 -length
 Impurities

Cold Cutting:
Cutting of any material by using high pressure water.
 Hydro-jetting Gun (1200-1300 Bar) 20000 Psi=1300 bar
Sand grit blasting:
The process of removing rust dust, dirt, scales and old prints from the old surface using
Compressed air is called sand blasting.

 It is Loss Prevention Technique

 Use for external Cleaning
 Chemically Sock sand is called Grit

The process after sand blasting is called painting.

 It is Loss Prevention Technique

 For enhance equipment quality
 Electro static Adhesion

Hydro testing is a way of checking the integrity of pressure vessels such as natural gas pipelines,
gas cylinders, boilers, storage tanks as well as fuel tanks. With the help of this test, pressure,
tightness, strength and any leakages are checked.

N2 Pressure Testing:
It is leak test for gas pipelines.

 N2 pressure should be minimum 1.5 times to 4 time of operating pressure

 -If Operating Pressure is 100 then N2 Pressure is (min=150 and Max 400) no more than

Testing technique depends upon

 MoC (material of construction)

 Thickness
 Length
 Dia
-For Gas Use N2 Gas because it is inert Fresh Air also can be use

-For Liquid (use water with same procedure) it is called hydro testing

Method Statement:

The Agreed way of doing work between Client & contractor

 To exit a gas from System.
 First inlet is known as kick line.
 Firstly nitrogen purging and then passes steam flushing or fresh air.
 All the gases remove from system and ignited by flare system.
 It is pre shutdown activity.
 Standard heights flare system 120 ft.

Spading/ De Spading:
It is Mechanical Isolation in which use blind plate for block two pipeline flange then apply
LOTO (Lock Out Tag out)

Traffic management system:

Diesel engine inside oil and gas plant.

 20 km/hr in produnction area.

 30 km/hr in office area

HAZCON (Hazard of Construction Industry)

HAZCOM (Hazard Communication)

HAZID (Hazard Identification)

Measure by: Audiometer

Lower Limit: 75 dB (Use ear-plug)

Upper Limit: 85 dB (Use Ear Muff)

Wind Speed:
Measure By: Anemo-Meter


Work at height is not allowed if 20 knot or above speed of wind

Atmospheric Pressure:
Measure by: Baro Meter

Unit: m/sec, km/hr., miles/hr

Vibration Types:
 Hand Arm Vibration
 Whole Body Vibration
 6mm/sec

H2S safety
World’s Dangerous Gases:
 Co2(carbon Mono-oxide)
 H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide)
 NH3 (Ammonia

H2S names:
 Flammable Gas
 Toxic Gas
 Killer Gas
 Silent Killer
 Swamp Gas
H2S Concentration:
 0.13 PPM it smell like rotten egg
 Around 100 PPM it kill sense of smell

 100 PPM as IDLH (Immediate dangerous to Life and health)
 500-700 PPM man become Unconsciousness
 1000 PPM death on the Spot

Density Of H2S:
 H2S molecular weight: 34 gm /mole
 Air Molecule weight: 29.32 gm./mole
 Carbon monoxide molecular weight: 28 g/mol
 Ammonia molecular weight: 17 g/mol

It is heavier than air due to this we give more priority to H2S than other gases.

It is found in Basement, pits, culvert, confined space, vessels, pipelines, tunnels, columns, heat
exchanger, reactors.

H2s= 19% Heavier than Air


Don’t give water in case of H2S victim because it forms concentrated sulphuric acid.

H2S+Oxygen to form sulpher dioxide->SO2

Blue Flame of H2S

 LEL=Lower Explosive Limit

 LFL=Lower Flammability Limit
 UEL=Upper Explosive Limit
 UFL=Upper flammability limit

LEL=Lower Explosive Limit:

Minimum amount of fuel which can burn is known as LEL.

H2S LEL= 4.3

UEL=Upper Explosive Limit:

Maximum amount of fuel which can burn is known as LEL.

H2S UEL = 44-46 PPM

Flammability Zone:
Zone 0 = Continuously Flammable e.g distillation column, boiler, furnance

Zone 1 = May or May not Flammable e.g parking area

Zone 2 = Continuously Safe e.g accmodation

Exposure Limit:

The allowable amount amount of hazardous substance at workplace is known as exposure limit.

Exposure limit of H2S= 10 ppm

H2S detection System:

 Plant Fix Gas Monitor with flashing light and Alarm
 Portable Gas Monitor at center of workplace which will detect H2S in the range of 15
 H2S Personal Toxic Clip with beep, flashing light and vibration

Types of Emergency:
 Plant
 Personal
In both type of Emergency follow same Procedure.

Emergency procedure:
 Stop the Work
 Manage your equipment
 See the wind direction(wind sock)
-Up wind=coming Air side
-Downwind=out Air side
 use your emergency escape hood
 Go perpendicular to the wind direction towards near Assembly Point

Assembly Point names:
 Assembly Point
 Safe Point
 Master Point
 Marching Point

H2S Zone Classification:

 Green= Less than 50 PPM

 Yellow =Less than 100 PPM
 Amber =Less than 1000 PPM
 Red =1000 & Above
Permit To Work (PTW):
It is formal documented piece of paper formulating safety procedure; it is part of SSW (Safe
System of Work)

PTW Require for:

 Non Routine Activities

 High Risk Activities
Types of Work Permit:

 Cold Work Permit (temperature not involved)

 Hot Work Permit (Temperature involved)
 Naked Flame Work Permit (Naked Eye Flame)
 Confined space entry permit

Every Organization has different types of Work Permit.

Time Duration of Permit:

 Permit is issued for Only for a shift

 If work is not complete in one shift then next shift extend permit
 Permit is extended within 24 hr after 24 hr permit can be extended for maximum thirty days
if work condition remain same.
 Extension of permit depends on organization
Permit Become Invalid:

 Natural Disaster
 Accident
 Mock-Drill
 Incident, nearmiss
 Consecutive day do not work
 work condition change

Fire safety
Fire is a chemical reaction in which fuel and oxygen combine in presence of ignition source.

Fire triangle:

Classification of Fire
 Class A= which burns Solid material such as -Wood, Paper, Clothes, Rubber
 Class B= which burns Flammable Liquid such as -Oil, Grease, Paint, Petroleum.
 Class C= which burns Flammable Gases such as -Acetylene, Ethane, Methane.
 Class D= which burns Combustible Metal such as -Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium
 Class F= Kitchen/Vegetable Fats

Fire Extinguisher Types & Usage:

-Water (A) Red

-CO2 (A) & (B)  Black

-Foam  (A) & (B)  Yellow

-DCPAll General purpose Blue

-Wet Chemicals (F) Light Pink

Apply PASS for operating fire extinguisher.

 P=Pull the Pin

 A=Aim the base of Fire
 S=Squeeze the liver
 S=sweep right


In Case of Fire emergency Apply RACE

R= Rescue

A= Alarm

C= Confine

E= Extinguish

Fire-Fighting Equipment:
 Fire-Alarm
 Sprinkler System
 Water/Fire Hydrant
 Emergency Light
 Hose Reels
 Fire-Extinguisher
 Fire Truck

Fire-Fighting Arrangement:

 Emergency/Exit Doors
 Evacuation Plan
 Fire Blanket
 Fire-fighting Team
 Fire-Marshal
 Assembly Area
 Emergency Contact Numbers

Confine Space
Any Enclosed place which is not designed for long term human occupancy in which
ventilation and access egress may be difficult.

Examples of Confine Space:

 Tanks
 Manholes
 Boilers
 Furnaces
 Sewers
 Silos
 Hoppers
 Vaults
 Pipes
 Trenches
 Tunnels
 Ducts
 Bins
 Pits

Hazards in Confine Space:

1- Oxygen Deficiency

 Less than 19.5% can effect Human Body

2- Oxygen Enriched

 Greater than 23% can be fire

3- Toxic Material

 Carbon Monoxide
 Hydrogen Sulfide
 Welding fumes
 Corrosives

4- Combustible

 Methane
 Hydrogen
 Acetylene
5- Electricity

 Electrical Sources

6- Mechanical Hazards

 Rotating/reciprocating parts
7- Sharp Objects

8- Entanglement

9- Drawing-In

10- Engulfment

11- Suffocation

12- Fire Explosion

13- Improper access egress

14- Improper communication

15- Swear weather condition

Control measures:
 Barricade the area

 Put safety signs

 Provide TBT before starting of work
 Make proper risk assessment and JSA (job safety analysis)
 Take valid confined space entry permit.
 Performed gas testing inside confined space for detecting toxic gas

 Use intrinsically safe electrical equipment not more than 24 volt
 Maintain minimum lighting lux level inside confined space
 Ensuring that worker working inside confined space is with proper PPES.
 Maintain oxygen level from 19.5 % to 23.5 % by volume
 Isolate in feed and out feed points of confined space
 Do mechanical, electrical, and elastic potential energy isolation inside confined space.
 Do nitrogen purging and steam flushing for removing toxic gases.
 Make proper acess egress of confined space
 Maintain life line communication with entrant
 One time pull = Are you ok
 Two time pull = your time is completed come out
 Three time pull = There is emergency
 Provide standby man
 Provide induced draft and forced draft fan for proper ventilation.

Hole watcher and entrant

Hole watcher has two more names such standby man attendant.

Hole watcher responsibilities:

 Ensuring that worker working inside confined space is with proper PPES.
 Ensure that oxygen level is from 19.5 % to 23.5 % by volume inside confined space.
 Check gas testing certificate
 Maintain life line communication with entrant

 One time pull = Are you ok
 Two time pull = your time is completed come out
 Three time pull = There is emergency
 Check confined space entry permit
 Maintain log sheet
 In case of emergency call SCBA resuer.

Crane lifting
Types of Crane:

 Mobile Crane
 Tower Crane
 Crawler Crane (In Desert)
 Over Head Crane
 Jib Crane
 Boom Truck Crane
 Gantry Crane (At Port)
 Luffing Crane (Multi-Boom)
Types Of Lifting:
 Light Lifting (Below 10 Ton)
 Heavy Lifting (More than 10 Ton)
 Critical Lifting
 Tandem Lifting/Head to tail Lifting
Critical Lifting:

Any Lift in which the load exceed the 85% of the crane capacity is known as Critical Lifting

Tandem Lifting:

Any lift in which two or more than two crane use to lift the same object at the same time

Types Of Riggers:

Level-3=Barricade the Area & signage

Area should be barricade 1 meter more than Boom

Level-2=Signal man, Attach, de-attach Load

Level-1=Rigging Supervisor-Plan LOP

LOP(Lifting Operating Procedure)

SLI(Safe Load Indicator)

LMI/Tripping Device

Load Monitoring Indicator

Hazards of crane lifting:

 Suspended Load
 Overturn
 Mechanical Failure
 Collapse of Crane
 Loose or Uneven Ground
 Severe Weather Condition
 Contact with Over Head Service
 Poor Communication
 Striking with Nearby Structure
 Improper access & Egress
 Improper Lifting
 Over-Loading
 Swing Hazard
 Poor lighting
 Exceeding SWL of crane
 No hand signal
 Not using outriggers
 Hydraulic failure
 Unauthorized use
 Excessive speed
 No boom angle indicator

Control measures:
 Barricade the area
 Put safety signs
 Provide TBT before starting of work

 Make proper risk assessment and JSA (job safety analysis)
 Take valid crane lifting permit.
 Don’t come under suspended load.
 Don’t exceed SWL of crane.
 Level the ground by soil compaction
 Crane do not be overloaded
 Sufficient clearance from obstruction and overhead when operating
 Proper inspection and maintenance of crane
 Use certified riggers
 Crane should be third party certified
 Implement LOP ( lifting operating plane), load angle chart, SLI ( safe load indicator)
LMI( Load moment indicator)
 Isolate all type of power sources apply LOTO
 Maintain minimum lighting LUX level
 Don’t work in swear weather condition
 Don’t work if Wind speed is 32 km/hr
 Control swing hazard by load tag line

 Outriggers should be fully open

 Crane should not be maneuvered with extended boom
 Suspended load should not be left unattended

Power line clearance:

Up to 50000 v 3m/10 ft

50000 to 250000 v 6.1 m/ 20 ft

Over 250000 v 7.6 m/ 25 ft

Any man made cut trench or cavity formed by earth removal is known as excavation.

Two types of excavation

 Manual excavation
 Mechanical excavation


A narrow excavation where depth is greater than width.

Hazards of Excavation
1-Fall of Person

2-Fall of Object

3. Contact with Underground Service

4. Loose or Uneven Ground

5. Dust

6-Improper Communication

7-Improper Access & Egress

8-Improper Material Lifting

9-Severe Weather Condition

10-Poor Lighting

11-Poor Ventilation

12-Toxic Gases

13-O2 Low Concentration




17-Collapse of Adjacent Structure

18-Fire & Explosion

19-Collapse of Excavation Edge

20-Hazardous material

21. Contact with overhead services

22 Noise , vibration

23 Flooding

24 Improper access egress

25 loose or uneven ground

Control measure of excavation

 Barricade the area
 Put safety signs
 Provide TBT before starting of work
 Make proper risk assessment and JSA (job safety analysis)
 Take valid excavation permit.
 Level the ground by soil compaction
 Use intrinsically safe electrical equipment not more than 24 volt
 Maintain minimum lighting lux level
 Ensuring that worker working are with proper PPES.
 Maintain oxygen level from 19.5 % to 23.5 % by volume
 Don’t work in swear weather condition,
 Perform gas testing for detecting toxic gases
 Use radio walkie talkie

 Don’t work near adjacent structure
 Do not contact with overhead services
 Make proper access egress
 Identify buried cables by metal cable detector

 Use cargo lift or rope bag jin wheel system for shifting of material

 Use benching sloping shoring for supporting sides of excavtion.

Ladder angle with wall 75 degree

 Step Ladder
 Single ladder
 Extension Ladder
 Ladder setup
 Stairs
 A-Type Ladder
 Rope Ladder

The temporary platform which is built for working at height is known as scaffolding.

Many types of scaffolds are available; each job requires a specific type of scaffolds.

 Independent
 Towers
 Birdcages
 Slung Scaffolds
 Cantilever Scaffolds

Parts of scaffolding:

 standard
 Ledger
 Transom
 Bracing
 Guard rails
 Toe board
 Base plate
 Sole plate

Height of scaffolding:
Not more than 4 times of base area

Scaffolding tags:
The tag we put on scaffolding after inspection is known as scaffolding tags.

Green Tag: Safe to use (Scaffolding is complete)

Yellow Tag: Can be use with 100% fall protection (is incomplete or cannot be completed)

Red Tag: don’t use

Safety harness:
The belt we use to avoid fall from height is known as safety harness.

Parts of safety harness:

 Lanyard
 Anchoring hook
 Harness body
 Life line or inertia reel

Fall Arrestive system:
Safety harness + life line is known as fall arrestive system.

Types of safety harness:

 Single lanyard safety harness
 Double lanyard safety harness
For 100 % fall protection we use double lanyard safety harness.

Work at height
Any work which is 4 ft above or 4 ft below the ground is known as work at height. Them we
have take work at height permit (OSHA).

Hazard of work at height

 Fall of Person
 Fall of Object
 Loose/Uneven Ground
 Contact with Live Overhead
 Poor Communication
 Improper access & egress
 Improper Material Lifting
 Severe Weather Condition
 Poor Lighting
 Fragile Material
 Noise
 Vibration
 Collapse of scaffolding

Control measures:
 Barricade the area
 Put safety signs
 Provide TBT before starting of work
 Make proper risk assessment and JSA (job safety analysis)
 Take valid work at height permit.
 Level the ground by soil compaction
 Install Guard-rail toe board on scaffolding
 Fall Arrest System, Housekeeping,
 Electrical Isolation apply LOTO,
 use insulated PPE’s and tools

 Personal Lift (MEWP)(Ladder)(Cherry Picker)
 Cargo Lift-Rope Bar-Gin Wheel System
 Don’t Work at height if wind speed is 20 Knot
 Maintain Minimum Lux Level
 Don’t Exceed SWL of scaffolding
 Do not work in swear weather condition.
 Use radio walkie talkie for proper communication.
 Make proper access and egress

RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment)

Types of RPE

1. Respirator (Simple Mask by Filter)

Negative Pressure

2. B.A (Breathing Apparatus)

Positive Pressure

Use in Toxic Atmosphere

Use where O2 Concentration is Low

Types of BA
Emergency escape set (4 names)
 Saver Set
 PP15( personal protective For 15 min)
 EEBD=Emergency Escape Breathing Device
 Emergency Escape Hood
 -Fiber Glass
 -Having 315 bar pressure

Flite Escape Set:

 -Plug with Left Leg

 -Fiber Glass Cylinder
 -Having 315 bar pressure
 2 kg compressed area
 Protection for 15 minutes
 1800 L volume of air compressed

BA Trolley /BA Airline Trolley
 -2 cylinders
 One Weight Empty Cylinder=4.75KG
 Gas Stored=2 KG
 Cylinder With Gas=6.75KG
 1800 Liter Gas Volume compressed in Cylinder
 -207 bar pressure
 Total Time=45 min
 Working time= 33 minutes
 Escape time= 12 minutes
 2 gauges (Hi-Cylinder Pressure & Low- Breathing Pressure)
 2 whistle (High-207 bar -Low-55 bar) Use by BA technician
 60 Meter Hose Reel

SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus)

Total Weight=9.75 KG

 3 KG of Equipment
 2 KG of Compressed Air
 4.75KG of empty Cylinder

 Total Time=45 min

Breaking Time= 33 min for working time 12 min for leave the Area

Process of putting up SCBA is known as donning.

SCBA Wearing time=45 Sec

Process of putting of SCBA is known as doffing.

SCUBA (Self-Contained Under-water Breathing Apparatus)

FOUR Test Before Enter in Confined Space:

 Positive Pressure test (Check Mask Seal)

 Bypass Test (Check Bypass wearing by Operating)
 Leak Test(Stop Breath for 10 sec then Stop the Air Nozzle)
 Whistle


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