Ref 8
Ref 8
Ref 8
In supersymmetric QM the bos9nic hamiltonian H+ = AtA yields the fermionic hamiltonian H_ = AAt. However, the
most general B h that satisfies BRB~ =H_ yields an HB+(h ) = BhBx t which in general is not H+. This new hamiltonian can be
understood as a special case of the application of the inverse method to H÷ to obtain new hamiltonians, one of which is
HB÷(h). When h = 0 the new hamiltonian has the original bosonic spectrum but with the ground state removed.
The description of supersymmetric quantum me- supersymmetric partners. This can be seen by going to
chanics [1 ] can start with the standard Schr6dinger a two component wave function and writing [3]
1 r 2 -Iu"
+~ . (2)
[;/+ o ]
Hs s = Qt Q + QQt = H " (6)
(The prime means d/dx.) Eq. (2), often motivated by
the Fokker-Planck equation [2] * t, automatically The charges Q and Qt have the supersymmetric prop-
guarantees that the ground state of H+ has zero ener- erties 0 2 = ( a t ) 2 = 0 and [ a , H s s ] = [ a t ,Hss ] = 0.
gy, since a solution to eq. (1) using H+ is The two hamiltonians have the same spectra, except
for the ground state eigenvalue. Only the boson
,I,0 = N o e x p [ - - ~ U ] , E0=0. (3) hamiltonian (H+) has a normalizable ground state with
The hamiltonian H+ (and the associated H _ ) can eigenvalue E 0 = 0.
be written as The decomposition of H± into A and A t actually is
a type of factorization that goes back to SchriSdinger
H+ = A t A , H_ = A A t , [4]. However, as Mielnik [5] observed for the harmon-
ic oscillator, the solutions that can be generated from
A = o x + ~1U ~
, At=-~x+5 1Ut
, [ A , A t ] = U" . such a factorization are more general than usually
(4) realized. Such generalizations will allow us to show the
The hamiltonians H÷ and H _ are boson and fermion connection to the inverse method.
Consider a hamiltonian
#t A clear derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation from the HB_ = B B t =H_ , B = ~x + f ( x ) . (7)
more general master equation is given by Kittel [2]. Given
Combining eqs. (4) and (7) yields
the FP equation, one makes a simple transformation of vari-
ables to get the imaginary time Schr~Jdinger equation. See f2 +#_- (_Iv,)2 +-~v". (s)
the footnote on p. 788 of Tomita et al. [2].
Eq. (8) is a Ricatti equation [6], with the obvious so- eigenvector affected. (As an aside, observe that in (i)
lution f = ( U ' / 2 ) ' 2 . However, the general solution is H 0 and H 1 are not unitarily equivalent. This is remi-
f = ( U ' / 2 ) - ~b, where ~ is to be determined. Writing niscent of phase equivalent potentials in inverse scat-
as l / y , the differential equation ( 8 ) b e c o m e s tering theory [9] .)
I refer to reader to ref. [8] for a derivation o f the
y ' = U~v - 1 , (9)
inverse method procedure. For our purposes it is
whose solution is enough to state the algorithm.
where X is a constant. Since ¢ has the property where D is a real constant. Further, take Kj(x,y) as
the solution of the integral equation
~b' = ~(¢ - U ' ) , (11)
with discrete eigenvalues-eigenvectors (En, X~n) and Xn(X) = ~n(X) + f K/(x, Y)~n(Y) d y , (16)
continuous eigenvalues-eigenvectors (Ek, tI,k), one can -- oo
Volume 145B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 20 September 1984