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geology & geophysics

3D surface related multiple elimination in the presence of complex water-bottom geometry

A case study from offshore Nigeria
imple 2D approaches to attenuating surface-related seismic multiples are inadequate when there are complex geologies or water bottoms that dip in the crossline direction. A fully 3D multiple attenuation algorithm succeeded on a survey acquired offshore Nigeria in an area that exhibits both challenges. The 3D seismic survey was acquired as part of the fasttrack development of a deepwater field offshore Nigeria. The reservoir is sandstone turbidite channels of Miocene age. The objective of the survey was to map these channels to guide placement of development wells. Survey design aimed to deliver improved resolution relative to previous seismic surveys, and also to provide a potential baseline for subsequent repeat surveys in the future for 4D (time-lapse) monitoring of reservoir fluid movement and field management. The steeply dipping and irregular topography of the water bottom represents a challenge to the accurate imaging of the reservoirs using surface seismic methods. Water depths in the survey area range from 1,300 m 1,800 m [4,260 ft - 5,900 ft], which equates to a two-way travel time of approximately 1.7 s 2.4 s. Water/seabed and air/water interfaces are highly reflective to seismic energy; much more reflective than the interfaces between subsurface rock layers that seismic surveys are designed to image. The reflection from the water bottom can be the strongest event on a seismic section. Multiples of the water-bottom reflection are also strong events. These derive from upcoming energy being bounced back at the air/ water interface, returning to the water bottom, then reflecting again as a repeat echo. The first-order
Example crossline stack and sample gathers before multiple attenuation. The primary target zone is between 2.8 s and 3.7 s. Noise from the first water-bottom multiple and scattered multiple energy can be seen below 3.8 s (as indicated by the black arrows).

Stephen McHugo Alex Cooke

WesternGeco Total

Patrick Charron

on the gathers are complex multiples of the water bottom and near-seabed reflectors, and diffractions from the irregular seabed topography. These multiples are visible on the stack section as noise is below 4 s on the left and about 4.5 s on the right side. The zone of interest containing the reservoir sands is between 2.8 s to 3.7 s TWT. Although the water-bottom multiples and related scattered energy are deeper than the primary target zone, previous experience showed that, when poorly attenuated this energy migrates into the target zone later in processing to obscure primary reflection information and to compromise amplitudes. Demultiple schemes applied to previous surveys did not attenuate the multiple sufficiently to prevent contamination of the target.

Map of water-bottom two-way time over the survey area. The dotted line indicates the location of the example seismic section.

multiple of the water bottom has a travel time ranging around double that of the original reflection, so in the subject survey area it is in the range of 3.4 s 4.8 s two-way time (TWT). The example crossline stack section and two sample common midpoint gathers show the impact of the first-order water-bottom multiple on the data, particularly below about 3.8 seconds. The strong hyperbolic events

Surface-related multiple elimination (SRME) is a highly effective method to attenuate multiples that originate from the sea surface. The process can be applied while preserving the integrity of primary energy, ultimately enhancing structural interpretation and reservoir characterization. The subject survey offshore Nigeria was shot using a conventional geometry in which data are acquired in a series of adjacent, approximately straight, lines. Early implementations of SRME applied the algorithm to each of the acquired source/streamer combinations in turn; effectively assuming a 2D geometry. This assumption is reasonable if surface-related multiples, and their downward reflection point (DRP) on the sea surface, are in the plane of the acquisition sail-line direction. However, the steeply dipping and rugose water bottom in the survey area gives rise to multiple reflections and diffractions whose ray paths lie outside the plane of the acquisition sail-line direction. The combination of complex geology and crossline dip means multiples have 3D ray-paths can be modeled accurately only with a 3D approach to multiple attenuation.

3D general surface multiple prediction

Reprinted from the May 2010 edition of OFFSHORE Copyright 2010 by PennWell Corporation

geology & geophysics

selecting a too small aperture results in inadequate modeling of the multiple. In the example, the apex of the multiple falls approximately 150 m (492 ft) off center, implying that Complex 3D 3D demultiple is required and that multiple in this location an aperture width of 300 m is sufficient to model the multiple. In common with 2D SRME schemes, MCGs at key locations across the 3D SRME has two phases. The first Simple 2D survey were constructed and anaphase is to create a multiple model for multiple lyzed leading to the conclusion that each target trace. The second adaptively a crossline aperture of 375 m (1,234 subtracts the multiple model from the ft) was sufficient to accurately model input data, usually using filters derived multiples throughout the area. This Source location from a least-squares approach. Receiver location conclusion was further supported by The first phase (multiple prediccomparison of the multiple models and tion) was performed using an apadaptive subtraction results produced proach to 3D SRME described by Bisley, Moore, and Dragoset (2005). The method, noise. A calibrated shot-by-shot designature using different apertures. The spatial sampling z1005OFFnigeria3 3D General Surface Multiple Prediction (3D process was applied to minimize wavelet (distance between gridpoints) within an MCG GSMP), enables high-quality 3D multiple pre- distortion from source characteristic. Digi- was chosen to be 25 m. Spatial aliasing occurs dictions for surveys in areas of complex geolo- tal group forming, incorporating a digital in the example MCG at offsets greater than 500 gy and with irregular acquisition geometry. An antialias filter, to 12.5-m (41-ft) trace inter- m (1,640 ft), implying that a finer grid spacing important feature of this method is its ability to val, and temporal resample to 3 m were per- would be required if the geology dictated that apertures greater than 500 m were required to predict multiples at true azimuth, taking into ac- formed prior to input to 3D GSMP. adequately model the multiples. count the true raypath of the multiple through the water layer. Optimizing 3D GSMP For 3D SRME, the multiple model for Field results each target trace is predicted by computing Data acquisition MCGs are created and stacked for every The survey, covering an area of 475 sq a multiple contribution gather (MCG). For prestack trace in the seismic survey, giving a km (183 sq mi), was acquired in April and 3D GSMP, the MCG is created on a regular multiple model that was then subtracted from May of 2007 using point-receiver acquisi- 3D grid, each node of which represents a the input data using a least-squares adaptive tion. Sources and streamers were towed at possible DRP within some aperture of the subtraction technique. 3D GSMP successshallow depths of 5 m and 6 m (16 ft and target trace. A trace at each grid node then is fully removed both the water-bottom multiple 19.5 ft), respectively, with the objective of formed by convolution of the two traces that and the scattered multiple energy generated achieving a useable bandwidth of 10-90 Hz. best connect the grid point with the source by the complex overburden in this area. The Ten streamers, each 5,600 m (3.5 mi) long, and receiver endpoints of the target trace. primary reflection energy underneath the were deployed at a separation of 50 m (164 Stacking the MCG gives a single trace that multiple has been revealed un-attenuated. ft). Data were recorded by point receivers is the predicted multiple for the target trace. Analysis of an MCG will give information The world is 3D spaced 3.125 m (10.25 ft) along each streamer. Dual sources were deployed having a about the need for 3D demultiple, and the This demonstrates the effectiveness of the shot interval of 18.75 m (61.5 ft), giving a parameters required for 3D GSMP. The key 3D GSMP multiple attenuation algorithm as nominal fold of 75. Throughout acquisition, parameters are the selection of aperture and applied to seismic data from offshore Nigeria. constant streamer separation was main- the spatial sampling, both of which are re- The algorithm has been used in many parts tained by streamer steering. Some strong lated and have an impact on effectiveness of of the world on land and marine surveys. The currents were encountered, resulting in the multiple prediction and the cost. Cross- world is 3D and in reality, all marine 3D acquiline aperture is dictated by the acquisition sition geometries, water-bottom geometries, high feather and variable fold of coverage. geometry and the complexity of the geology. and subsurface geology have 3D aspects, so Spatial and temporal sampling within the 2D implementations are always approximaData preparation Unlike other implementations of 3D SRME, MCG should be selected to minimize alias- tions that can be improved with fully 3D alminimal preprocessing is required for 3D GSMP. ing (Dragoset et al 2006), and are related to gorithms. 3D GSMP also handles irregularities in acquisition sampling and new imaging The algorithm can handle irregular geometries, water depth, aperture, and frequency. The example MCG was generated using techniques such as wide azimuth surveys so there was no need to regularize the input data, to extrapolate to zero offset, or to interpolate to aperture width of 1,000 m (3,281 ft) and a and circular shooting geometries. As comharmonize the shot and receiver sampling in- grid spacing of 25 m (82 ft). The central red puting power increases, fully 3D algorithms tervals. Processing focused on removing noise line on the MCG represents the inline posi- are making incremental improvements to the while preserving the integrity of primary energy tion of the target trace. If the multiple energy quality and reliability of seismic imaging. to optimize structural resolution and to maxi- apex is centered on the red line, the multiple References can be estimated and removed using a 2D Dragoset, W. H., I. Moore, and C. Kostov, 2006, The mize repeatability for future 4D analysis. Processing at the original 3.125 m single- method. However, if the apex of the multiple impact of field survey characteristics on surface related multiple attenuation: Geophysical Prospectsensor trace interval included compensa- falls to one side of the center, a 3D method ing, 54, 781791. tion for perturbations between receivers, is required. MCGs are stacked to form the Bisley, R., I. Moore, and W. H. Dragoset, 2005, Generreceiver motion correction, and attenuation multiple model. Selecting a too large aperalized 3D surface multiple prediction: PCT patent of swell induced cable noise and waterborne ture introduces noise and increases cost, application publication WO 2005/103764.
Surface related multiples with downward reflection points (DRPs) in the plane of the acquisition sail-line can be handled with a simple 2D SRME scheme. Complex geology and crossline dip require a 3D approach. Illustration courtesy of David Hill, WesternGeco.
Crossline direction

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