Projects OS6e
Projects OS6e
Projects OS6e
C.1 ANIMATIONS AND ANIMATION PROJECTS.............................................................2
C.2 SIMULATIONS.................................................................................................................3
C.3 PROGRAMMING PROJECTS .........................................................................................4
Textbook-Defined Projects ............................................................................................4
Additional Major Programming Projects.......................................................................4
Small Programming Projects .........................................................................................5
C.4 RESEARCH PROJECTS...................................................................................................6
C.5 READING/REPORT ASSIGNMENTS.............................................................................6
C.6 WRITING ASSIGNMENTS..............................................................................................7
C.7 DISCUSSION TOPICS......................................................................................................7
C.8 BACI AND NACHOS .......................................................................................................7
Nachos Overview...........................................................................................................8
Choosing between Nachos and BACI............................................................................9
Many instructors believe that implementation or research projects are crucial to the clear
understanding of operating system concepts. Without projects, it may be difficult for students to
grasp some of the basic OS abstractions and interactions among components; a good example of
a concept that many students find difficult to master is that of semaphores. Projects reinforce the
concepts introduced in this book, give the student a greater appreciation of how the different
pieces of an OS fit together, and can motivate students and give them confidence that they are
In this text, I have tried to present the concepts of OS internals as clearly as possible and
have provided numerous homework problems to reinforce those concepts. Many instructors will
wish to supplement this material with projects. This appendix provides some guidance in that
regard and describes support material available at the instructor's Web site. The support material
• Simulation projects
• Programming projects
• Research projects
• Reading/report assignments
• Writing assignments
• Discussion topics
Animation provides a powerful tool for understanding the complex mechanisms of a modern OS.
Today's students want to be able to visualize the various complex OS mechanisms on their own
computer screen. The sixth edition incorporates 15 separate animations covering such areas as
scheduling, concurrency control, cache coherency, and process life cycle. Table C.1 lists the
animations by chapter. At appropriate places in the textbook, the animations are indicated by an
icon, so that the student can invoke the animation at the proper point in studying the book. The
animations will be made available to professors at the Instructor's Resource Center (IRC) for this
The animations can be used in two ways. In a passive mode, the student can click on the
animation and watch as the given concept or principle is illustrated. Because the animations
enable the user to set initial conditions, they can also be used in an active mode. Thus, the
animations can serve as the basis for student assignments. The instructor's supplement includes a
set of assignments, one for each of the 17 animations. In each case, the student is told to enter
several sets of initial conditions and analyze and compare the results. The initial conditions have
been chosen so that the animation will better illustrate the underlying principles.
The IRC also provides support for assigning projects based on a set of simulations developed at
the University of Texas, San Antonio. Table C.2 lists the simulations by chapter. The simulators
are all written in Java and can be run either locally as a Java application or online through a
3. Specific assignments to give to students, telling them specifically what they are to do and
what results are expected. For each simulation, this section provides one or two original
These simulation exercises were developed by Adam Critchley (University of Texas at San
Textbook-Defined Projects
Two major programming projects, one to build a shell, or command line interpreter, and one to
build a process dispatcher are described in the textbook, after Chapter 3 and after Chapter 9. The
IRC provides further information and step-by-step exercises for developing the programs.
on the Posix Programming Interface. The first of these assignments is a crash course in C, to
assignments. The set consists of nine machine problems with different difficulty degrees. It may
Each MP includes not only a statement of the problem but a number of C files that are used
in each assignment, step-by-step instructions, and a set of questions for each assignment that the
student must answer that indicate a full understanding of each project. The scope of the
assignments includes:
1. Create a program to run in a shell environment using basic I/O and string manipulation
7. A six-week project aimed at creating a simple yet functional networked file system.
Covers I/O and file system concepts, memory management, and networking primitives.
The IRC provides specific instructions for setting up the appropriate support files on the
Champaign, Department of Computer Science and adapted by Matt Sparks (University of Illinois
The projects can be programmed by the students on any available computer and in any
These small projects have certain advantages over the larger projects. Larger projects give
students more a sense of achievement, but students with less ability or fewer organizational skills
can be left behind. Larger projects usually elicit more overall effort from the best students.
Smaller projects can have a higher concepts-to-code ratio, and because more of them can be
assigned, the opportunity exists to address a variety of different areas. Accordingly, the
instructor's IRC contains a series of small projects, each intended to be completed in a week or
so, which can be very satisfying to both student and teacher. These projects were developed by
Stephen Taylor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, who has used and refined the projects in the
An effective way of reinforcing basic concepts from the course and for teaching students
research skills is to assign a research project. Such a project could involve a literature search as
well as a Web search of vendor products, research lab activities, and standardization efforts.
Projects could be assigned to teams or, for smaller projects, to individuals. In any case, it is best
to require some sort of project proposal early in the term, giving the instructor time to evaluate
the proposal for appropriate topic and appropriate level of effort. Student handouts for research
The students can select one of the listed topics or devise their own comparable project. The
instructor's Web site includes a suggested format for the proposal and final report as well as a list
of possible research topics developed by Professor Tan N. Nguyen of George Mason University.
Another excellent way to reinforce concepts from the course and to give students
research experience is to assign papers from the literature to be read and analyzed. The
IRC site includes a suggested list of papers to be assigned, organized by chapter. The IRC
provides a copy of each of the papers. The IRC also includes a suggested assignment
Writing assignments can have a powerful multiplier effect in the learning process in a technical
discipline such as cryptography and network security. Adherents of the Writing Across the
assignments in facilitating learning. Writing assignments lead to more detailed and complete
thinking about a particular topic. In addition, writing assignments help to overcome the tendency
of students to pursue a subject with a minimum of personal engagement, just learning facts and
by chapter. Instructors may ultimately find that this is the most important part of their approach
to teaching the material. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this area and any
One way to provide a collaborative experience is discussion topics, a number of which are
included in the instructor's supplement. Each topic relates to material in the book. The instructor
can set it up so that students can discuss a topic either in a class setting, an online chat room, or a
message board. Again, I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this area and any suggestions
In addition to all of the support provided at the IRC, there are two publicly available packages
and supports binary and counting semaphores and monitors. BACI is accompanied by a
This appendix provides a brief discussion of these topics. Appendix H provides a more
detailed introduction to BACI, with information about how to obtain the system and the
assignments. Nachos is well documented at its Web site and is described briefly in this section.
Nachos Overview
Nachos is an instructional operating system that runs as a UNIX process, to provide students
with a reproducible debugging environment, and that simulates an operating system and its
underlying hardware [CHRI93]. The goal of Nachos is to provide a project environment that is
realistic enough to show how real operating systems work yet simple enough that students can
• An overview paper.
• Sample assignments: The assignments illustrate and explore all areas of modern operating
memory, software-loaded TLBs, file systems, network protocols, remote procedure calls,
• A C++ primer (Nachos is written in an easy-to-learn subset of C++, and the primer helps
Nachos has been used at hundreds of universities around the world and has been ported to
numerous systems, including Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, DEC MIPS, DEC Alpha, Sun Solaris,
SGI IRIX, HP-UX, IBM AIX, MS-DOS, and Apple Macintosh. Future plans include a port to
Nachos is freely available from its Web site (there is a link to the Web site from
environment available to the students, then the choice between will depend on the instructor's
objectives and personal opinion. If the focus of the projects is to be on concurrency, then BACI
is the clear choice. BACI provides an excellent environment for studying the intricacies and
If, instead, the instructor wishes to have students explore a variety of OS mechanisms,
including concurrent programming, address spaces and scheduling, virtual memory, file systems,