Effect of EM Waves
Effect of EM Waves
Effect of EM Waves
Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Ninoy Aquino, Kalilangan, Bukidnon
I. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different regions of the electromagnetic
II. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to perform science activities that relates to electromagnetic
III. Learning Competency and Code: Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the environment.
(S10FE – IIe-f-49)
IV. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the different types of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. (Cognitive)
2. Describe the possible effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations to living things and environment.
3. Create a possible solutions on how to reduce EM radiation hazards. (Psychomotor)
V. Content
1. Subject Matter: The Effects of EM Radiation on Living Things and Environment
2. Process Skills: Communicating skills, Science skills, Crafting skills, Creativity
3. Learning Areas Integrated:
English: Learners will be using English as a medium of communication in the entire duration
of the class.
MAPEH: Learners will be using artistic skills in making their collage.
4. Teaching Strategies: Discussion, Inquiry-Based strategy, Activity-Based Approach, Cooperative Learning
5. Science Concept/s:
Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms that travels in the form of EM
waves like gamma rays or X-rays and particles like neutrons, beta and alpha. The spontaneous
disintegration of atoms is called radioactivity and the excess energy emitted is a form of
ionizing radiation.
Non-ionizing radiation is a type of low-energy radiation that does not have enough
energy to remove an electron from an atom or molecules. Most type of non-ionizing radiation
have not been found to cause cancer. This radiation exists all around us from many sources.
Non-ionizing radiation includes visible light, infrared and UV light, microwaves and radio
6. References
Science 10 Teacher’s Guide. (2015). Department of Education-Instructional Materials
Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS). Pasig City, Philippines
Science 10 Learner’s Module. (2015). Department of Education- Instructional Materials
Council Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS). Pasig City, Philippines
Antonio, R.L., et al. Science for the 21st Century Learner. Makati City, Philippines: DIWA
Learning Systems, INC. pp. 4-9.
7. Materials: Laptop, Activity Sheets, Blocks, Blackboard, Activity Materials
VI. Procedures
Yes, ma’am.
A. Elicit: Access of prior knowledge (Picture analysis, inquiry approach) 5 mins.
Each group will be given a stick card. *Pictures Activity 1:
Your stick card is labelled the 7 EM *Laptop “What am I?”
waves. I will be going to flash in the *PowerPoint
screen some pictures and identify what
EM waves application does the pictures
belong. Are you ready? If yes, everybody
(The students are enjoying
Our activity is all about the applications the activity)
of EM waves. Based from your
performance you have learn a lot on our
previous lesson.
B. Engage: Get the learners’ minds focused on the topic. (Inquiry approach) 5 mins
Before we will begin our lesson, I want *1/8 Activity 2:
you to get your prepared 1/8 lengthwise lengthwise “Ticket in”
paper. Assuming that we will going on a *Pen
trip, and we’re going to ride a bus. In *Pictures
order for us to ride a bus we need a ticket. *Laptop
So for you to have a ticket, I will be
showing a collage in the screen. For 1
minute you write an analysis based from
the collage. Are you ready? Yes ma’am.
Fasten your seatbelt. Your time starts
now. (The students are writing)
C. Explore: Provide students with a common experience. (Collaborative learning, Activity-based Approach,
10 mins
Objective 1: Identify the different types of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Radiation exists all around us, from both *Activity Activity 3:
natural and manmade sources. It has two notebook “On the
forms: ionizing and non-ionizing *Activity Type”
radiation. Who can differentiate the two? sheets
Yes, Nick. Ionizing radiation is a type *Pen
of energy released by *Internet
atoms that travels in the *Cellphone
form of EM waves like
gamma rays or X-rays
while non-ionizing
radiation is a type of low
energy radiation that does
not have enough energy to
remove an electron from
an atom or molecule.
Very good Nick. Now let us study the
types of ionizing and non –ionizing
radiation through this activity. In your
groups, you can use your cell phone and
open our website. There you will find the
activity and you will going to answer the
additional activities. Read and enjoy
browsing the internet but do not forget to
do this in just 5 minutes. After 5 minutes
you representative will share your work
in class. Is that clear?
Yes ma’am.
Move now to your group.
(The students are doing
their activity)
Time’s up!
E. Elaborate: Learners apply the information learned in the Explain. The teacher will give inputs to deepen the
understanding of the learners. (Hands-On-Minds-On Strategy, Activity-based approach) 15 mins
Objective 3: Create a possible solutions on how to reduce EM radiation hazards.
How can you reduce the EM radiation *1/4 Activity 5:
hazards class? Any idea? Yes, Kyle. illustration “Collage”
In my own opinion to board
reduce radiation exposure
we need to limit time,
increase distance and use
You are right Kyle.
In this activity, you will make a collage
using ¼ illustration board about the
solutions on how to reduce the effects of
EM radiations hazards to living things
and environment. Be creative and
innovative. You will be graded based
from the rubric.
VII. Remarks
VIII. Reflection
a. No. of learners achieve 80% in the evaluation.
Verified by:
Secondary School Principal II