Lea I
Lea I
Lea I
1. The new PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998 refers to (RA 8551)
2. It institutionalized the Doctrine of Command responsibility at all levels of Command
in the PNP is by virtue of (NAPOLCOM MC NO 95-03)
3. The PNP officer is briefly deprived from the privilege of performing his duties as a
result of violating a departmental regulation, then he is (under suspension)
4. What is the equivalent in the police rank of full colonel of the Philippine Army?
(senior Superintendent)
5. Who administer qualifying examination for Policemen? (NAPOLCOM)
6. In RA 8551, who is the ex officio member in the NAPOLCOM? (Chief PNP)
7. Factors that influences decentralization of police function (Area of Population
8. What is the basic educational requirements in the appointment of police officer 1
(Baccalaureate degree)
9. Equivalent of Police Chief Superintendent in the Military? (Brigadier General)
10. Who select the chief of Police in the City of Municipality? (Mayor)
11. SUPERVISION refers to direction provided by a superior to a subordinate on a one
or one basis
12. Under Executive Order No 309 a city/municipality should have? (emergency and
disaster plan)
13. What is the experience required for one who wants to join the IAS – Internal Affairs
Service (at least 5 years in law enforcement)
14. What should be prepared by a police officer for evaluation and to be made as basis
for policing formulation, decision making and operation (report of daily activities)
15. Whose decisions over police administrative are reviewed by the National appellate
board is appealed? (Chief of PNP)
16. Equivalent rank of Chief Inspector in Military Ranking (Major)
17. What is the age qualification of police applicant (21 – 30 years old)
18. What is the percentage of female with regard to gender in the annual recruitment?
19. What law created the NAPOLCOM in 1966 (RA 4864)
20. The COP ask for budget from the PD, the PD – RD – CPNP. What is this? (Scalar
21. Municipality B has a 620 Police Officer, how many PLEB to be assigned in the
municipality? (one)
22. What is the equivalent rank of Chief PNP? (Director General)
23. What is the equivalent salary of PO1 base on RA 8551? (Public Teacher)
24. Who is given an automatic height waiver? (belonging to cultural minority)
25. In police set – up, how many percent of manpower in allocated to line function? (80
– 85%)
26. PO2 Chester is for afternoon duty, therefore he is from? (4 – 12) – 1st shift 12-8 2nd
shift 8-4 3rd shift 4-12
27. If there are 25500 index crime, 255 murders, how many percent is murder? (.01%)
28. In the Police Commission, who are the two “ex officio” members? (NBI Director and
Chief PNP)
29. What are the three fundamental processes of police administration? (planning,
organizing and directing)
30. What agency administer the entrance examination for policemen under RA 8551?
31. Under RA 6975 what are the 2 kinds of retirement? (compulsory and optional
32. What are the Division under the line function?
33. Graduate of PNPA will enter the PNP with the initial rank of (inspector)
34. What law mandated the Integration of all local police forces in the Philippines? (PD
35. RA 6975 took effect on (January 1, 1991) RA 8551 (February 25, 1998)
36. PNP is civilian in character and National in (Scope)
37. What law superseded numerous provisions of RA 6975? (RA 8551)
38. What is the cadetship program of PNP (PNPA)
39. What is the compulsory retirement under RA 8551? (56) Palasi was born in October
16, 1954, what is his mandatory Group retirement? (2010)
40. What is the equivalent of a DR or member of the bar/or priest through lateral entry?
41. What is the rank of PNP cadet? (higher than SPO IV)
42. Who signs promotion (RD – PO1 – SPO IV – CPNP)
43. What law return the power of investigation of the NAPOLCOM? (RA 8551)
44. How many names will the Regional Director submits for recommendations to
Provincial Governor for Provincial Director? (5)
45. Under RA 6975, a policeman in entitled to a longevity pay equivalent to what
percent of his monthly basic salary for every five years of service to be reckoned
from the date of his original appointment? (10%)
46. What are requirements for eligible for promotion to a higher rank? (satisfactory
completed the mandatory training requirement, cleared with PLEB, passed
the required promotional examination given by the NAPOLCOM, attained the
required time – in grade (TIG) for the rank)
47. Where do you appeal decision of PLEB? (NAPOLCOM RAB)
48. Who is constitutionally mandated to administer and control the PNP? (NAPOLCOM)
49. What police management plans seek to intervene directly by twin problem crime
and disorder in communities by directly involvement to the community
(community oriented policing)
50. What agency is mandated by RA 6975 to conduct career training course for the
uniformed members of the PNP, BJMP, BFP? (Philippine Public Safety College)
51. What law expanded the permanent disability of PNP members that they be given
pension? (PD 1844)
52. What is the maximum tenure of a Regional Police Director (6 years)
53. What law that first established the PNP? (RA 6975)
54. A police officer who becomes permanently disabled received monthly pension of
what percentage of his last salary? (80% of his last salary)
55. Which type of organizational is police which is applicable in complex organization,
where there is more highly specializes division of work? (line and Staff
56. It is the organizational principle that subordinates must be under the control of one
superior (unity of Command)
57. Where do you file appeals form decision of the chief PNP? (NAPOLCOM National
Appellate Board)
58. The inspection and audit authorities are NAPOLCOM, CSC, Commission and Audit
and (IAS)
59. What is the maximum age allowed by the initial appointment under waiver
program? (35 years old)
60. The term limit of Chief PNP? (4 years)
61. When police patrol are increased beyond normal levels, this is called (reactive
62. What is the referred to as the total number of police officers assigned to patrol
duties? (mandatory strength)
63. How it the crew complement of a Mobile Patrol Division organized into shifts for
each turn of duty (daily 3 shift assignment)
64. A patrol beat refers to a (geographical area to be patrolled)
65. What type of patrol performs certain specific, predetermined preventive strategies
on a regular and systematic basis (low visibility patrol)
66. This type of patrol performs certain specific predetermined preventive strategies in
a regular and systematic basis (gather and analyze data)
67. Patrol strategy which primarily takes care of calls for police assistance (motorized
68. How is the morning shift called (early round)
69. The patrol strategy which focused on patrol force which is subdivided into
traditional random component or directed patrol (deterrent patrol)
70. What NAPOLCOM branch reviews cases appeal from decision rendered by PLEB,
PNP, Regional Director and his equivalent rank, city/municipality mayor? (NAB)
71. A very important basis in knowing the preventive patrol tactics (Crime analysis)
72. What is the least priority work of chief of police (interview with the media)
73. What is the height requirement of a male PNP applicant (1.62m)
74. if a person who graduated an associated in criminology files his application in the
office of the mayor, what will happen to his application (forwarded)
75. What is the rank of PNPA graduate? (inspector)
76. Who is the Chairperson of the NAPOLCOM? (secretary of the DILG)