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Scheme of Studies For BS Mathematics

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University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Scheme of Studies for BS Mathematics (4-Years)

The department of Mathematics and Statistics has already launched MSc and MPhil programs in Mathematics
along with various programs in Statistics too. All the programs are running very successfully and the number
of students in each program are increasing every year. Most of the students come from other universities as
there is no undergraduate program in the department. Since HEC is going to gradually phase out MSc two
year programs, there is dire need to launch BS program in mathematics considering the increasing trend and
high scope of the subject.

Eligibility Criteria for Admission

Intermediate with Mathematics as major subject/Intermediate Pre-Agriculture/A-Level with minimum 50%

Objectives and Outcomes

1. To impart knowledge about the major disciplines of Mathematics. To educate and prepare the students
for advanced studies/employment in various areas of education, research and industry.
2. To develop highly qualied mathematician to serve/contribute to the scientically/technological literacy
in both the theoretical and applied aspects of Mathematics.
3. To develop skills of teachings, research and managerial abilities in national/international institutions.

Career Opportunities
After completing the BS Mathematics degree, the graduates will be well in position to get jobs in wide
rage of professions involving: educators in secondary/higher secondary schools, teachers/researchers in col-
leges/universities. Positions in several government and private organization.

Scheme of Studies for BS Mathematics (4-Years)

First Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. MATH-303 Calculus-1 4(4-0)
2. MATH-304 Elements of Set Theory and Mathematical Logic 3(3-0)
3. ENG-301 Composition and Communication Skills 3(3-0)
4. IS-401/SSH-402 Islamic Studies/Ethics 3(3-0)
5. PY-303 Mechanics 4(4-0)
6. CS-305 Introduction to Computing 3(2-1)
Sub-Total 20

Second Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. MATH-305 Calculus-II 3(3-0)
2. CS-307 Introduction to Computer Programming 3(2-1)
4. STAT-301 Introductory Statistics 4(4-0)
5. ENG-303 Functional English 2(2-0)
6. SSH-302 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)
5. PY-304 Electricity and Magnetism 4(4-0)
Sub-Total 18

Third Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. MATH-401 Group Theory 3(3-0)
2. MATH-402 Calculus-III 4(4-0)
3. PY-503 Classical Mechanics 3(3-0)
4. ENG-304 English Writing and Presentation Skills 2(2-0)
5. CS-402 Web Designing 3(2-1)
Sub-Total 15

Fourth Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. MATH-403 Ane and Euclidean Geometry 3(3-0)
2. MATH-404 Linear Algebra 4(4-0)
3. PY-504 Electrodynamics-I 3(3-0)
4. MATH-405 Discrete Mathematics 3(3-0)
4. ENG-306 Advanced Exercises in Communication Skills 3(3-0)
4. STAT-302 Introduction to Probability Theory 3(3-0)
Sub-Total 19

Fifth Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. MATH-501 Topology 3(3-0)
2. MATH-502 Dierential Geometry and Tensor Analysis 3(3-0)
3. MATH-503 Ordinary Dierential Equations 3(3-0)
4. MATH-504 Real Analysis 3(3-0)
5. MATH-505 Ring Theory 3(3-0)
Sub-Total 15

Sixth Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. PY-510 Quantum Mechanics-I 3(3-0)
2. MATH-506 Partial Dierential Equations 3(3-0)
3. MATH-507 Complex Analysis 3(3-0)
4. MATH-508 Functional Analysis 3(3-0)
5. MATH-509 Advanced Real Analysis 3(3-0)
Sub-Total 15

Seventh Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. MATH-601 Numerical Analysis 4(4-0)
2. MATH-602 Number Theory 3(3-0)
3. MATH-603 Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration 3(3-0)
4. MATH-604 Mathematical Physics 3(3-0)
5. MATH-605 Mathematical Methods 3(3-0)
Sub-Total 16

Eighth Semester
Sr.# Code Title Credit Hours
1. STAT-503 Probability and Distribution Theory-I 4(4-0)
2. MATH-606 Integral Equations 3(3-0)
3. MATH-607 Special Relativity 3(3-0)
4. MATH-608 Graph Theory 3(3-0)
5. MATH-621 Technical Report 3(0-3)
Sub-Total 16
Total 134

Course Contents

MATH-301 Elementary Algebra 3(3-0)

Preliminaries: Real-number system, complex numbers, introduction to sets, set operations, functions, types of
functions; Matrices: Introduction to matrices, types, matrix inverse, determinants, solution of system of linear
equations, Cramer's rule, row operations, rank, Gauss Elimination method; Quadratic Equations: Solution of
quadratic equations, qualitative analysis of roots of a quadratic equation, equations reducible to quadratic equa-
tions, cube roots of unity, relation between roots and coecients of quadratic equations, nding roots of other
polynomial equations, Synthetic division; Sequences and Series: Arithmetic progression, geometric progression,
harmonic progression, mean, nth term, sum of terms; Binomial Theorem: Introduction to mathematical in-
duction, binomial theorem with rational and irrational indices; Trigonometry: Fundamentals of trigonometry,
trigonometric identities, application of trigonometry in nding width and height.
Suggested Readings
1. Young, C.Y. 2007. Algebra and Trigonometry. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Axler, S.J. 2012. Algebra and Trigonometry. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
3. Young, C.Y. 2007. Algebra and Trigonometry. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
4. Zill, D.G. and J.M. Dewar. 2011. Algebra and Trigonometry. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Burlington,

MATH-302 Introduction to Calculus 3(3-0)

Preliminaries: Real-number line, functions and their graphs, solution of equations involving absolute values,
inequalities; Limits and Continuity: Limit of a function, left-hand and right-hand limits, continuity, continuous
functions; Derivatives and their Applications: Dierentiable functions, dierentiation of polynomial, rational
and transcendental functions, introduction to dierential equations, Newton's law of cooling, mixing problems,
mathematical modeling, dierentials, other application of dierentiation; Partial fraction: Division algorithm,
techniques of partial fractions, linear, quadratic, repeated and non-repeated factors in the denominator; Integra-
tion and Denite Integrals: Techniques of evaluating indenite integrals, integration by substitution, integration
by parts, change of variables in indenite integrals, nding areas and volumes.
Suggested Readings
1. Anton, H., I. Bivens and S. Davis, 2002. Calculus. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Blank, B.E. and S.G. Krantz. 2006. Calculus: Single Variable. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Bohner, M. and S.G. Georgiev. 2016. Multivariable Dynamic Calculus on Time Scales. Springer, New
York, USA.
4. Larson, R. and B.H. Edwards. 2013. Calculus of a Single Variable. Cengage Learning, New York, USA.

MATH-303 Calculus-I 4(4-0)

Preliminaries: Real numbers and the real line, Functions and their graphs, Shifting and scaling graphs, Solution
of equations involving absolute values, Inequalities, Complex numbers system, Polar form of complex numbers,
De Moivre's theorem, Circular function, Hyperbolic functions and Logarithmic functions; Limit and Continuity:
Limit of a function, Left/right hand limits, Theorems of limits continuity and Continuous functions; Deriva-
tives and its Applications: Dierentiable functions, Dierentiation of polynomial, Rational and transcendental

functions, Mean value theorems and applications, Higher derivatives, Leibniz's theorem, L'Hospital's Rule, In-
termediate value theorem, Rolle's theorem, Taylor's and Maclaurin's theorem with their remainders; Integration
and Denite Integrals: Techniques of evaluating indenite integrals, Integration by substitutions, Integration by
parts, Change of variable in indenite integrals, Denite integrals, Fundamental theorem of calculus, Reduction
formulas for algebraic and trigonometric integrands, Improper integrals, Gamma and Beta functions.
Suggested Readings
1. Anton, H., I. Bivens and S. Davis. 2002. Calculus. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Blank, B.E. and S.G. Krantz. 2006. Calculus: Single Variable. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Bohner, M. and S.G. Georgiev. 2016. Multivariable Dynamic Calculus on Time Scales, Springer, New
York, USA.
4. Hughes-Hallett, D. and A.M. Gleason. 2005. Calculus: Single and Multivariable. John Wiley & Sons,
5. Larson, R. and B.H. Edwards. 2013. Calculus of a Single Variable. Cengage Learning, New York, USA.
6. Thomas, G.B., M.D. Weir, J. Hass and F.R. Giordano. 2005. Thomas' Calculus. Addison-Wesley, New
York, USA.

MATH-304 Elements of Set Theory and Mathematical Logic 3(3-0)

Set theory: Sets, subsets, operations with sets: union, intersection, dierence, symmetric dierence, Cartesian
product and disjoint union; Functions: graph of a function; Composition; injections, surjections, bijections,
inverse function; Computing cardinals: Cardinality of Cartesian product, union; Cardinality of all functions
from a set to another set; Cardinality of all injective, surjective and bijective functions from a set to another
set; Innite sets, nite sets; Countable sets, properties, examples (Z, Q); R is not countable; R, R×R, R×R×R
have the same cardinal; Operations with cardinal numbers; Cantor-Bernstein theorem; Relations: Equivalence
relations, partitions, quotient set; examples, parallelism, similarity of triangles; Order relations, min, max, inf,
sup; linear order; Examples: N, Z, R, P (A); Well ordered sets and induction; Inductively ordered sets and Zorn's
lemma; Mathematical logic: Propositional Calculus; Truth tables; Predicate Calculus.
Suggested Readings
1. Biggs, N.L. 2002. Discrete Mathematics. Oxford University Press, London, UK.
2. Garnier, R and J. Taylor. 2010. Discrete Mathematics. CRC Press, New York, USA.
3. Liebeck, M. 2016. A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics. CRC Press, New York, USA.
4. Rotman, B. and G.T. Kneebone. 1968. The Theory of Sets and Transnite Numbers. Oldbourne, London,
5. Smith, D., M. Eggen and R.S. Andre. 2001. A Transition to Advanced Mathematics. Brooks/Cole, CA,
6. Suppes, P. 1972. Axiomatic Set Theory. Dover, New York, USA.

MATH-305 Calculus-II 3(3-0)

Sequence and Series: Sequences, Innite series, Convergence of sequence and series, The integral test, Compar-
ison tests, Ratio test, Root test, Alternative series, Absolute and conditional convergence Power series, Interval
and Radius of convergence; Functions of Several Variables: Functions of two variables, Graphs of functions
of two variables, Contour diagrams, Linear functions, Functions of three variables, Limit and continuity of a
function of two variables, The partial derivative, Computing partial derivatives algebraically, The second-order
partial derivative, Local linearity and the dierential, Tangent planes and normal lines, Optimization, Max-
ima and minima of a function of two variables Lagrange multipliers, Various methods for nding area/volume
and Surface of revolution; Multiple Integrals: Double integral in rectangular and polar form, Triple integral in
rectangular, Cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Substitutions in multiple integrals, Moments and Centre of

Suggested Readings
1. Anton, H., I. Bivens and S. Davis. 2002. Calculus. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Blank, B.E. and S.G. Krantz. 2006. Calculus: Single Variable. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Bohner, M. and S.G. Georgiev. 2016. Multivariable Dynamic Calculus on Time Scales, Springer, New
York, USA.
4. Hughes-Hallett, D. and A.M. Gleason. 2005. Calculus: Single and Multivariable. John Wiley & Sons,
5. Larson, R. and B.H. Edwards. 2013. Calculus of a Single Variable. Cengage Learning, New York, USA.
6. Thomas, G.B., M.D. Weir, J. Hass and F.R. Giordano. 2005. Thomas' Calculus. Addison-Wesley, New
York, USA.

MATH-401 Group Theory 3(3-0)

Groups: Denition of a group, subgroup, criterion of subgroup, subgroup generated by a set; The cyclic groups,
cosets and Lagrange's theorem; Normalizer centralizer; The center of a group; Equivalence relation in a group,
conjugacy classes; Normal subgroups, quotient group; Group homomorphisms: Homomorphisms and isomor-
phism and Automorphism; Kernel and image of homomorphism; Isomorphism theorems; Permutation groups;
The cyclic decomposition of a permutation group; Cayley's theorem; Direct product of two groups and examples.
Suggested Readings
1. Rose, J. 1978. A Course on Group Theory. Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
2. Herstein, I.N. 1964. Topics in Algebra. Xerox Publishing Company, New York, USA.
3. Cohn, P.M. 1974. Algebra. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
4. Bhattacharya, P.B., S.K. Jain and S.R. Nagpaul. 1986. Basic Abstract Algebra. Cambridge University
Press, London,UK.
5. Fraleigh, J.B. 2015. A First Course in Abstract Algebra. Addison-Wesley, New York, USA.
6. Dummit, D.S. and R.M. Foote. 2004. Abstract Algebra. 3rd Ed., Addison-Wesley, New York, USA.

MATH-402 Calculus-III 4(4-0)

Vectors and analytic geometry in space: Coordinate system; Rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates;
The dot product, the cross product; Equations of lines and planes; Quadric surfaces; Vector-valued functions:
Vector-valued functions and space curves; Derivatives and integrals of vector valued functions; Arc length;
Curvature, normal and binormal vectors; Multivariable functions and partial derivatives: Functions of several
variables; Limits and Continuity; Partial derivatives, Composition and chain rule; Directional derivatives and
the gradient vector; Implicit function theorem for several variables; Maximum and minimum values; Optimiza-
tion problems; Lagrange Multipliers; Multiple integrals: Double integrals over rectangular domains and iterated
integrals; Non-rectangular domains; Double integrals in polar coordinates; Triple integrals in rectangular, cylin-
drical and spherical coordinates; Applications of double and triple integrals; Change of variables in multiple
integrals; Vector calculus: Vector elds; Line integrals; Green's theorem; Curl and divergence; Surface integrals
over scalar and vector elds; Divergence theorem. Stokes' theorem.
Suggested Readings
1. Anton, H. I. Bevens and S. Davis. 2005. Calculus. 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Kaseberg, A. 2004. Intermediate Algebra. Thomson Brooks/Cole, CA, USA.
3. Liebeck, M. 2015. A Concise introduction to pure Mathematics. CRC Press, New York, USA.
4. Stewart, J. 2008. Calculus Early Transcendentals. 7th Ed., Brooks/Cole, CA, USA.
5. Swokowski, E.W. 1983. Calculus with Analytic Geometry. PWS Publishers, New York, USA.

6. Thomas, G. B., M.D. Weir, J. Hass and F.R. Giordano. 2005. Thomas' Calculus. Addison-Wesley, New
York, USA.

MATH-403 Affine and Euclidean Geometry 4(4-0)

Vector spaces and ane geometry: Collinearity of three points, ratio AB/BC; Linear combinations and linear
dependent set versus ane combinations and ane dependent sets; Classical theorems in ane geometry:
Thales, Menelaus, Ceva, Desargues; Ane subspaces, ane maps; Dimension of a linear subspace and of an
ane subspace; Euclidean geometry: Scalar product, Cauchy-Schwartz inequality: norm of a vector, distance
between two points, angles between two non-zero vectors; Pythagoras theorem, parallelogram law, cosine and
sine rules; Elementary geometric loci; Orthogonal transformations: Isometries of plane (four types), Isometries
of space (six types); Orthogonal bases; Platonic polyhedra: Euler theorem on nite planar graphs; Classication
of regular polyhedra in space; Isometries of regular polygons and regular polyhedra.
Suggested Readings
1. Armstrong, M.A. 1998. Groups and Symmetry. Springer, New York, USA.
2. Eves, H. 1992. Fundamentals of Modern Elementary Geometry. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Burlington,
3. Rees, E. 2016. Notes on Geometry. Springer, New York, USA.
4. Stahl, S. 1993. The Poincare Half-Plane: A Gateway to Modern Geometry. Jones & Bartlett Publishers,
Burlington, USA.

MATH-404 Linear Algebra 4(4-0)

Matrices, Determinants and System of Linear Equations: Denition of matrix; various types of matrices, Algebra
of matrices, Determinant of square matrix, cofactors and minors, Laplace expansion of determinants, Elementary
matrices, Adjoint and inverses of matrices, Rank of a matrix, Introduction to systems of linear equations,
Cramer's rule, Gaussian elimination method, Gauss Jordan method, Solution of homogenous/non-homogenous
system of linear equations and Net work ow problems; Vector Spaces: Real vector spaces, Subspaces, Linear
combination and spanning set, Linear independence and linear dependence, Basis and dimension, Row space,
Column space and Null space; Linear Transformations: Introduction to linear transformation, Matrices of linear
transformations Rank and nullity, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Diagonalization, Orthogonal diagonalization,
Orthogonal matrices and Similar matrices.
Suggested Readings
1. Anton, H. 2010. Elementary Linear Algebra. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Greub, W.H. 2012. Linear Algebra. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Hogben, L. 2006. Handbook of Linear Algebra. CRC Press, New York, UK.
4. Hubbard, J.H. and B.B. Hubbard. 2015. Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Dierential Forms.
Prentice-Hall, NJ, USA.
5. Wilkinson, J.H., F.L. Bauer and C. Reinsch. 2013. Linear Algebra. Springer, New York, USA.

MATH-405 Discrete Mathematics 3(3-0)

Function and Sequences: Introduction to sets, Functions, Inverses of function, Sequences and Big-Oh notation;
Elementary Logic: Introduction to elementary logic, Propositional calculus and Methods of proof; Induction and

Recursion: Loop invariance, Mathematical induction, Recursive denition and Recurrence relations; Relations:
Introduction of relation, Equivalence relations and partitions of sets, Partially ordered sets, Special orderings
and Properties of general relations; Principles of Counting: Pigeon rule, The sum rule, Inclusion exclusion
principle, The product rule and Binomial methods.
Suggested Readings
1. Biswal, P.C. 2015. Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
2. Epp, S.S. 2010. Discrete Mathematics with Applications. Cengage Learning, New York, USA.
3. Pemmaraju, S. and S. Skiena. 2003. Computational Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph
Theory with Mathematica. Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
4. Schmidt, G. and T. Strohlein. 2012. Relations and Graphs: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists.
Springer, New York, USA.

MATH-501 Topology 3(3-0)

Topological spaces: Examples; open and closed subsets, metric spaces, neighborhoods; Examples; Limit points
and accumulation points; Interior, closure, dense subsets; Constructing new topological spaces: Cartesian prod-
ucts, induced topology and quotient topology; Continuous maps, open and closed maps, homeomorphisms;
Examples: R, R×R, S1, S2, torus, cylinder; Cauchy sequences, complete metric spaces; Separation axioms;
Compact spaces; Properties; Power of Compactness; Image of a compact set through a continuous map; Com-
pactness and completeness of metric spaces; Connected spaces, connected components; Properties; Image of a
connected set through a continuous map; Path-connectedness.
Suggested Readings
1. Hocking, J. and G. Young. 1961. Topology. Dover, New York, USA.
2. Janich, K. 1994. Topology. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Kelly, J. 2015. General Topology. Springer, New York, USA.
4. Lipschutz, S. 2004. General Topology. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
5. Munkres, J.R. 2003. Topology: A First Course. Prentice Hall, NJ, USA.
6. Simmons, G. 1963. Topology and Modern Analysis. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.

MATH-502 Differential Geometry and Tensor Analysis 3(3-0)

Theory of Space Curves: Introduction, index notation and summation convention; Space curves, arc length,
tangent, normal and binormal; Osculating, normal and rectifying planes; Curvature and torsion; The Frenet-
Serret theorem; Natural equation of a curve; Involutes and evolutes, helices; Fundamental existence theorem
of space curves; Theory of Surfaces: Coordinate transformation; Tangent plane and surface normal; The rst
fundamental form and the metric tensor; The second fundamental form; Principal, Gaussian, mean, geodesic
and normal curvatures; Gauss and Weingarten equations; Gauss and Codazzi equations; Tensor Analysis: Ein-
stein summation convention; Tensors of dierent ranks; Contravariant, covariant and mixed tensors; Addition,
subtraction, inner and outer products of tensors; Contraction theorem, quotient law; The line element and
metric tensor; Christoel symbols.
Suggested Readings
1. Kreyzig, K. 1991. Dierential Geometry. Dover, New York, USA.
2. Lipschutz, M.M. 1969. Schaum's Outline of Dierential Geometry. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
3. Somasundaram, D. 2015. Dierential Geometry. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
4. Spiegel, M.R. 1981. Vector Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
5. Chorlton, F. 1997. Vector and Tensor Methods. Ellis Horwood Publisher, New York, USA.

MATH-503 Ordinary Differential Equations 3(3-0)
Introduction to Dierential Equations: Historical background and motivation, Basic mathematical models, Di-
rectional elds and Classication of dierential equations; First Order Dierential Equations: Separable equa-
tions, Modeling with rst order equations, Dierences between linear and nonlinear equations, Exact equations
and Integrating factors; Second Order Dierential Equations: Homogenous equations, Homogenous equations
with constant coecients, Fundamental solutions of linear homogenous equations, Linear independence, the
Wronskian, Method of undetermined coecients and Variation of parameters; Higher Order Linear Equations:
General theory of nth order linear equations, Homogenous equations with constant coecients, The methods
of undermined coecients and the Method of variation of parameters; Series Solution of Second Order Linear
Equations and Special Functions: Series solution near an ordinary point, Legendre's equation, Regular singular
points and Series solution about a regular singular point.
Suggested Readings
1. Coddington, E.A. and N. Levinson. 1955. Theory of Ordinary Dierential Equations. McGraw-Hill, New
York, USA.
2. Hairer, E., C. Lubich and G. Wanner. 2006. Geometric Numerical Integration: Structure-Preserving
Algorithms for Ordinary Dierential Equations. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Kreyszig, E. 2010. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
4. Nemytskii, V.V. 2015. Qualitative Theory of Dierential Equations. Princeton University Press, NJ,
5. Zaitsev, V.F. and A.D. Polyanin. 2002. Handbook of Exact Solutions for Ordinary Dierential Equations.
CRC Press, New York, USA.
6. Zill, D., W.S. Wright and M.R. Cullen. 2011. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Jones & Bartlett
Publishers, Burlington, USA.

MATH-504 Real Analysis 3(3-0)

Number Systems: Ordered elds; Rational, real and complex numbers; Archimedean property, supremum,
inmum and completeness; Topology of real numbers: Convergence, completeness, completion of real numbers;
Open sets, closed sets, compact sets; Heine Borel Theorem; Connected sets; Sequences and Series of Real
Numbers: Limits of sequences, algebra of limits; Bolzano Weierstrass Theorem; Cauchy sequences, liminf,
limsup; Limits of series, convergences tests, absolute and conditional convergence; Power series; Continuity:
Functions, continuity and compactness, existence of minimizers and maximizers, uniform continuity; Continuity
and connectedness, Intermediate mean Value Theorem; Monotone functions and discontinuities; Dierentiation:
Mean Value Theorem, L'Hopital's Rule, Taylor's Theorem.
Suggested Readings
1. Bartle, G. and R. Sherbert. 1999. Introduction to Real Analysis. 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Boros, G. and V. Moll. 2004. Irresistible Integrals: Symbolics, Analysis an Experiments in the Evaluation
of Integrals. Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
3. Lang, S. 1968. Real Analysis. Addison-Wesley, New York, USA.
4. Rudin, W. 1976. Principles of Mathematical Analysis. 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
5. Thomson, B.S., J.B. Bruckner and A.M. Bruckner. 2008. Elementary Real Analysis. 2nd Ed., John Wiley
& Sons, NJ, USA.

MATH-505 Ring Theory 3(3-0)
Rings: Denition, examples; Quadratic integer rings; Examples of non-commutative rings; The Hamilton quater-
nions; Polynomial rings; Matrix rings; Units, zero-divisors, nilpotents, idempotents; Subrings, Ideals; Maximal
and prime Ideals; Left, right and two-sided ideals; Operations with ideals; The ideal generated by a set; Quo-
tient rings; Ring homomorphism; The isomorphism theorems, applications; Finitely generated ideals; Rings of
fractions; Integral Domain: The Chinese remainder theorem; Divisibility in integral domains, greatest common
divisor, least common multiple; Euclidean domains; The Euclidean algorithm; Principal ideal domains; Prime
and irreducible elements in an integral domain; Gauss lemma, irreducibility criteria for polynomials; Unique
factorization domains; Finite elds; Polynomials in several variables; Symmetric polynomials; The fundamental
theorem of symmetric polynomials.
Suggested Readings
1. Bhattacharya, P.B., S.K. Jain and S.R. Nagpaul. 1986. Basic Abstract Algebra. Cambridge University
Press, London, UK.
2. Cohn, P.M. 1974. Algebra. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
3. Dummit, D.S. and R.M. Foote. 2014. Abstract Algebra. 3rd Ed., Addison- Wesley, New York, USA.
4. Fraleigh, J.B. 2002. A First Course in Abstract Algebra. Addison- Wesley, New York, USA.
5. Herstein, I.N. 1964. Topics in Algebra. Xerox Publishing Company, New York, USA.
6. Rose, J. 1978. A Course on Group Theory. Cambridge University Press, London, UK.

MATH-506 Partial Differential Equations 3(3-0)

First order PDEs: Introduction, formation of PDEs, solutions of PDEs of rst order, The Cauchy's problem
for quasilinear rst order PDEs, First order nonlinear equations, Special types of rst order equations; Second
order PDEs: Basic concepts and denitions, Mathematical problems, Linear operators, Superposition, Math-
ematical models: The classical equations, the vibrating string, the vibrating membrane, conduction of heat
solids, canonical forms and variable, PDEs of second order in two independent variables with constant and
variable coecients, Cauchy's problem for second order PDEs in two independent variables; Methods of separa-
tion of variables: Solutions of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates;
Laplace transform: Introduction and properties of Laplace transform, transforms of elementary functions, peri-
odic functions, error function and Dirac delta function, inverse Laplace transform, convolution theorem, solution
of PDEs by Laplace transform, Diusion and wave equations; Fourier transforms: Fourier integral representa-
tion, Fourier sine and cosine representation, Fourier transform pair, transform of elementary functions and Dirac
delta function, nite Fourier transforms, solutions of heat, wave and Laplace equations by Fourier transforms.
Suggested Readings
1. Myint, U.T. 1987. Partial Dierential Equations for Scientists and Engineers. 3rd Ed., North Holland,
Amsterdam, USA.
2. Polking, J. and A. Boggess. 2015. Dierential Equations with Boundary Value Problems. 2nd Ed.,
Pearson, London, UK.
3. Wloka, J. 1987. Partial Dierential Equations. Cambridge University press, London, UK.
4. Zill, D.G., R. Michael and Cullen. 2008. Dierential Equations with Boundary Value Problems. Brooks/Cole,

MATH-507 Complex Analysis 3(3-0)
Introduction: The algebra of complex numbers, Geometric representation of complex numbers, Powers and roots
of complex numbers; Functions of Complex Variables: Denition, limit and continuity, Branches of functions,
Dierentiable and analytic functions; The Cauchy-Riemann equations, Entire functions, Harmonic functions,
Elementary functions: The exponential, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Logarithmic and Inverse elementary func-
tions, Open mapping theorem; Maximum modulus theorem; Complex Integrals: Contours and contour integrals,
Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Lioville's theorem, Morerea's theorem; Series: Power series,
Radius of convergence and analyticity, Taylor's and Laurent's series, Integration and dierentiation of power
series; Singularities, Poles and residues: Zero, singularities, Poles and Residues, Types of singular points, Calcu-
lus of residues, contour integration, Cauchy's residue theorem with applications; Mobius transforms, Conformal
mappings and transformations.
Suggested Readings
1. Churchill, R.V. and J.W. Brown. 1989. Complex Variables and Applications. 5th Ed., McGraw Hill, New
York, USA.
2. Lang, S. 1999. Complex Analysis. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Mathews, J.H. and R. W. Howell. 2016. Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering. Springer,
New York, USA.
4. Remmert, R. 1991. Theory of Complex Functions. Springer, New York, USA.
5. Rudin, W. 1987. Real and Complex Analysis. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.

MATH-508 Functional Analysis 3(3-0)

Metric Space: Review of metric spaces, Convergence in metric spaces, Complete metric spaces, Dense sets
and separable spaces, No-where dense sets, Baire category theorem; Normed Spaces: Normed linear spaces,
Banach spaces, Equivalent norms, Linear operator, Finite dimensional normed spaces, Continuous and bounded
linear operators, Dual spaces; Inner Product Spaces: Denition and examples, Orthonormal sets and bases,
Annihilators, projections, Linear functionals on Hilbert spaces; Reexivity of Hilbert spaces.
Suggested Readings
1. Balakrishnan, A.V. 1981. Applied Functional Analysis. 2nd Ed., Springer, New York, USA.
2. Conway, J.B. 1997. A Course in Functional Analysis. 2nd Ed., Springer, New York, USA.
3. Kreyszig, E. 2014. Introduction to Functional Analysis with Applications. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
4. Yosida, K. 1995. Functional Analysis. 5th Ed., Springer, New York, USA.

MATH-509 Advanced Real Analysis 3(3-0)

The Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals: Denition and existence of integrals; Properties of integrals; Fundamental the-
orem of calculus and its applications; Change of variable theorem; Integration by parts; Functions of Bounded
Variation: Denition and examples; Properties of functions of bounded variation; Improper Integrals: Types
of improper integrals, tests for convergence of improper integrals; Beta and gamma functions; Absolute and
conditional convergence of improper integrals; Sequences and Series of Functions: Power series, denition of
point-wise and uniform convergence; Uniform convergence and continuity; Uniform convergence and dierenti-
ation; Examples of uniform convergence.
Suggested Readings
1. Bartle, G. and R. Sherbert. 1999. Introduction to Real Analysis. 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.

2. Boros, G. and V. Moll. 2014. Irresistible Integrals: Symbolics, Analysis an Experiments in the Evaluation
of Integrals. Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
3. Lang, S. 1968. Real Analysis. Addison-Wesley, New York, USA.
4. Rudin, W. 1976. Principles of Mathematical Analysis. 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
5. Thomson, B.S., J.B. Bruckner and A.M. Bruckner. 2008. Elementary Real Analysis. 2nd Ed., John Wiley
& Sons, NJ, USA.

MATH-510 Introduction to Optimization Techniques 3(3-0)

Calculus Based Optimization: Basic concepts, Extreme values and extreme points, Maxima/Minima and Dido's
problem; Graph Theory: History of graph theory, Seven bridges problem of Konigsberg and Euler path; Lin-
ear Programming: Linear programming, Formulations and graphical solution, Simplex method, M-technique,
Two-phase technique and Special cases; Duality and Sensitivity Analysis: The dual problem, Primal-dual re-
lationships, Dual simplex method, Sensitivity and Post-optimal analysis; Transportation Models: North-West
corner rule, Least-cost and Vogel's approximations methods, The method of multipliers, The assignment model,
The transhipment model and Network minimization.
Suggested Readings
1. Hillier, F.S. 2012. Introduction to Operations Research. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
2. Miranda, J.P. 2007. Handbook of Operations Research in Natural Resources. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Morse, P.M. and G.E. Kimball. 2012. Methods of Operations Research. Courier Corporation, North
Chelmsford, USA.
4. Slack, N. 2015. Operations Strategy. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.

MATH-511 Introduction to Matrices and Numerical Analysis 3(3-0)

Matrices, vectors and their products (review), matrices as linear transformations, Rank of a matrix, linear
independence and the four fundamental subspaces of a matrix, orthogonality and isometrics, the QR decom-
position, eigenvalues and the spectral decomposition of symmetric matrices, the singular value decomposition
and its applications, the conditioning of a matrix, least squares problems, algorithms for solving systems of
linear equations and least squares problems, Iterative methods for solving linear systems and the methods of
conjugate gradients; Solution of equation in one variable, applications: multivariate linear regression and prin-
cipal component analysis, interpolation and polynomial approximation and approximation theory, Numerical
solution of dierential and dierence equations.
Suggested Readings
1. Faires, B. 2009. Numerical Analysis. 7th Ed., Amazon Publishers, New York, USA.
2. Kreyzig, E. 2008. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 7th Ed., National Book Foundation,Islamabad.
3. Strang, G. 2015. Introduction to Linear Algebra. 4th Ed., Wellesley-Cambridge Press, London, UK.
4. Trefethen, L.N. and D. Bau. 1997. Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM, Pennsylvania, USA.

MATH-512 Mathematics for Chemistry 3(3-0)

Basic set theory; limit and continuity, dierentiation of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions, in-
tegration of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic function by dierent methods, modeling and solutions of
dierential equations and denite integration, partial fractions, application of derivative; extreme value of func-
tion and its variants, partial derivative with constrained variables, extreme values and saddle points, Lagrange's

Suggested Readings
1. Boyce, W.E. 2016. Elementary Dierential Equations. 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Kreyzig, E. 2009. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
3. Yusuf, S.M. and M. Amin. 2000. Calculus with Analytic Geometry. Ilmi Kitab Khana, Kabir Street Urdu
Bazaar, Lahore.
4. Yusuf, S.M. and M. Amin. 2002. Mathematical Method, Ilmi Kitab Khana. Kabir Street, Urdu Bazaar,

MATH-513 Operations Research 3(3-0)

Calculus based optimization: slope of line, dierentiation up to order two, maxima and minima; overview of
operations research, linear programming with application: graphical method, Simplex method, duality and
sensitivity analysis; transportation and assignment models; network models: minimal spanning tree, shortest
route problem and maximal ow problem; decision analysis and games, queuing systems and Markovian decision
Suggested Readings
1. Hillier, F.S. 2012. Introduction to Operations Research. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
2. Leithold, L., 2009. The Calculus with Analytic Geometry, John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
3. Render, B.R., M.S. Jr. and M.E. Hanna, 2005. Quantitative Analysis for Management. 8th Ed., Prentice
Hall, NJ, USA.
4. Taha, H. A., 2015. Operations Research: An Introduction. 9th Ed., Prentice Hall, NJ, USA.

MATH-514 Mathematical and Statistical Computing 3(1-2)


Introduction to statistical computing, data types and data Structures, data input and output, logical vectors
and relational operators, ow control and looping, writing and calling functions, loop functions, debugging,
programming statistical graphics. Fitting and using statistical models, optimization, Simulation. Markov Chain
Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo integration. Computational linear Algebra: Matrix multiplication and inversion,
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Use of statistical packages like SPSS, SAS and R to solve the practical problems in Design of experiment,
Regression, Econometrics etc., programming with R-Language.
Suggested Readings

1. Braun, W.J. and D.J. Murdoch, A. 2008. A First Course in Statistical Programming with R. Cambridge
University Press, London, UK.
2. Draper, N. and H. Smith, 1981. Applied Regression Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
3. Landau, S. and B.S. Everett, 2004. A Handbook of Statistical Analysis using SPSS. Chapman & Hall,
London, UK.
4. Matlo, N. 2011. The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design, No Starch Press,

MATH-515 Matrices for Statistics 3(3-0)
Preliminaries: Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, Matrices, Types of Matrices, Groups, Rings, Fields and Represen-
tation of Data; Vector Space: Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Operations on Vectors, Cartesian Coordinates and
Geometrical Properties of Vectors, Centered Vectors and Variances and Covariances of Vectors; Eigenvalues
and Eigenvectors: General Computational Methods, Eigenvalues from Eigenvectors and Vice Versa, Deation,
Preconditioning, Power Method, Jacobi Method, QR Method, Krylov Methods, Generalized Eigenvalues and
Singular Value Decomposition; Special Matrices and Operations Useful in Modeling: Data Matrices and Asso-
ciation Matrices, Symmetric Matrices, Nonnegative Denite Matrices, Positive Denite Matrices, Idempotent
and Projection Matrices, Special Matrices Occurring in Data Analysis, Nonnegative and Positive Matrices and
Other Matrices with Special Structures; Selected Applications in Statistics: Multivariate Probability Distri-
butions, Linear Models, Principal Components, Condition of Models and Data, Optimal Design, Multivariate
Random Number Generation, and Stochastic Processes.
Suggested Readings
1. Gentle, J.E. 2007. Matrix Algebra: Theory, Computations, and Applications in Statistics. Springer, New
York, USA.
2. Kollo, T. and D. von Rosen. 2006. Advanced Multivariate Statistics with Matrices. Springer, New York,
3. Pistone, G., E. Riccomagno and H.P. Wynn. 2000. Algebraic Statistics: Computational Commutative
Algebra in Statistics. CRC Press, New York, USA.
4. Schott, J.R. 2016. Matrix Analysis for Statistics. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
5. Searle, S.R. and A.I. Khuri. 2017. Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.

MATH-601 Numerical Analysis 3(3-0)

Error analysis: Floating point arithmetic, approximations and errors; Methods for the solution of nonlinear equa-
tions: Bisection method, regula-falsi method, xed point iteration method, Newton-Raphson method, secant
method, error analysis for iterative methods; Interpolation and polynomial approximation: Lagrange interpo-
lation, Newton's divided dierence formula, forward, backward and centered dierence formulae, interpolation
with a cubic spline, Hermite interpolation, least squares approximation; Numerical dierentiation: Forward,
backward and central dierence formulae, Richardson's extrapolation; Numerical integration: Rectangular rule,
trapezoidal rule, Simpson's 1/3 and 3/8 rules, Boole's and Weddle's rules, Newton-Cotes formulae, Gaussian
quadrature; Numerical solution of a system of linear equations: Direct methods: Gaussian elimination method,
Gauss-Jordan method; matrix inversion; LU-factorization; Doolittle's, Crout's and Cholesky's methods, Itera-
tive methods: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR; The use of software packages/programming languages for above
mentioned topics is recommended.

Suggested Readings
1. Burden, R.L. and J.D. Faires. 2002. Numerical Analysis. PWS Pub. Co., New York, USA.
2. Chapra, S.C. and R.P. Canale. 2008. Numerical Methods for Engineers. 6th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New
York, USA.
3. Debnath, L. 2015. Nonlinear Partial Dierential Equations for Scientists and Engineers. Birkhauser, New
York, USA.
4. Gerald, C.F. and P.O. Wheatley. 2005. Applied Numerical Analysis. Pearson, London, UK.
5. Komech, A. 2009. Principles of Partial Dierential Equations. Springer, New York, USA.
6. Mathews, J.H. 2007. Numerical Methods for Mathematics. Prentice Hall, NJ, USA.

MATH-602 Number Theory 3(3-0)
Preliminaries: Well-ordering principle; Principle of nite induction; Divisibility theory: The division algorithms;
Basis representation theorem; Prime and composite numbers; Canonical decomposition; The greatest common
divisor; The Euclidean algorithm; The fundamental theorem of arithmetic; Least common multiple; Linear
Diophantine equations: Congruences; Linear congruences; System of linear congruences; The Chinese remainder
theorem; Divisibility tests; Solving polynomial congruences; Fermat's and Euler's theorems; Wilson's theorem;
Arithmetic functions: Euler's phi-function; The functions of J and sigma; The Mobius function; The sieve
of Eratosthenes; Perfect numbers; Fermat and Mersenne primes; Primitive Roots and Indices: The order of
an integer mod n; Primitive roots for primes; Composite numbers having primitive roots; Quadratic residues:
Legendre symbols and its properties; The quadratic reciprocity law; Quadratic congruences with composite
moduli; Pythagorean triples; Representing numbers as sum of two squares.

Suggested Readings
1. Adler, A. and J.E. Coury. 1995. The Theory of Numbers. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Burlington, USA.
2. Burton, D.M. 2007. Elementary Number Theory. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
3. Leveque, W.J. 1956. Topics in Number Theory. Vols. I and II, Addison- Wesley, New York, USA.
4. Malik, S.B. 1995. Basic Number Theory. Vikas Publishing House, India.
5. Niven, I, H.S. Zuckerman and H.L. Montgomery. 1991. An Introduction to the theory of Numbers. John
Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
6. Rosen, K.H. 2015. Elementary Number Theory and its Applications. 5th Ed., Addison- Wesley, New
York, USA.

MATH-603 Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration 3(3-0)

Preliminaries: Relations, Functions, Types of functions, Equivalent sets, Countable set; Measurable Sets: Outer
measure, Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue measurable sets, Borel sets, Non measurable sets; Measurable Functions:
Lebesgue measurable functions, Simple functions, characteristic functions, Borel measurable function, Little-
wood three principle, Review of the Riemann integral, Lebesgue integral, Integral of a non-negative function,
Integral of measurable functions, Convergence in measure.
Suggested Readings
1. Cohan, D.L. 1980. Measure Theory. Birkhauser, New York, USA.
2. Halmos, P.R. 2015. Measure Theory. Von Nostrand, New York, USA.
3. Royden, H.L. 1968. Real Analysis. Macmillan, UK.
4. S. Lipshcutz. 1999. Set Theory and Related Topic. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
5. Smith, D., M. Eggen and R.S. Andre. 2001. A Transition to Advanced Mathematics. Brooks/Cole, CA,

MATH-604 Mathematical Physics 3(3-0)

Series solutions of dierential equations of special functions: power series method, Legendre's equation, Bessel;
equation, Sturm-Liouville problems and orthogonal eigen function expansions; Laplace transform: Laplace
transform, inverse Laplace transform, transforms of derivatives and integrals dierential equations, integral
equations and partial function; Linear algebra and vector calculus: linear independence, vector space, Gauss
Jordon elimination, Gauss Elimination, inner product space and linear transformations; Matrix eigenvalue prob-
lems: eigen values, eigen vectors, application of eigen value problems, basis of eigen vectors and diagonalization;
Vector dierential calculus: vector algebra in 2-space and 3-space, vector product, vector and scalar functions

and elds, derivatives, curves, tangents, are length, velocity and acceleration, gradient of a scalar eld, diver-
gence of a vector eld and curl of a vector eld; Vector integral calculus, integral theorems: line integral, green,
theorem in a plane, surfaces for surface integrals, double integrals, surface integrals, triple integrals, divergence
theorem of gauss and stokes theorem of Gauss and stokes theorem.
Suggested Readings
1. Axler, S. 1997. Linear Algebra: Done Right. 2nd Ed., Springer, New York, USA.
2. Hassani, S. 2015. Mathematical Physics. 1st Ed., Springer, New York, USA.
3. Kreyszig, E. 2009. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
4. Thoms, G.B. and R.L. Finney. 2002. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. 9th Ed., Roohani Press,

MATH-605 Mathematical Methods 3(3-0)

Fourier Methods: The Fourier transforms; Fourier analysis of the generalized functions; The Laplace transforms;
Hankel transforms for the solution of PDEs and their application to boundary value problems; Green's Functions
and Transform Methods: Expansion for Green's functions; Transform methods; Closed form Green's functions;
Perturbation Techniques: Perturbation methods for algebraic equations; Perturbation methods for dierential
equations; Variational Methods: Euler-Lagrange equations; Integrand involving one, two, three and n variables;
Special cases of Euler-Lagrange's equations; Necessary conditions for existence of an extremum of a functional;
Constrained maxima and minima.
Suggested Readings
1. Boyce, W.E. 2016. Elementary Dierential Equations. 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Brown, J.W. and R. V. Churchill. 2006. Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems. McGraw-Hill,
New York, USA.
3. Powers, D.L. 2005. Boundary Value Problems and Partial Dierential Equations. 5th Ed., Academic
Press, USA.
4. Snider, A.D. 1999. Partial Dierential Equations: Sources and Solutions. Prentice Hall, NJ, USA.

MATH-606 Integral Equations 3(3-0)

Linear integral equations of the rst kind, Linear integral equations of the second kind; Relationship between
dierential equation and Volterra integral equation; Neumann series; Fredholm Integral equation of the second
kind with separable Kernels; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; Iterated functions; Quadrature methods; Least
square methods; Homogeneous integral equations of the second kind; Fredholm integral equations of the rst
kind; Fredholm integral equations of the second kind; Abel's integral equations; Hilbert Schmidt theory of
integral equations with symmetric Kernels; Regularization and ltering techniques.

Suggested Readings
1. Baker, C.T.H. 1977. Integral Equations. Clarendon Press, London, UK.
2. Lovitt, W.V. 2015. Linear Integral Equations, Dover, New York, USA.
3. Smithies, F. 1989. Integral Equations. Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
4. Wazwaz, A.M. 1998. A rst Course in Integral Equations. World Scientic Pub., NJ, USA.

MATH-607 Special Relativity 3(3-0)
Introduction: Fundamental concepts; Derivation of Special Relativity: Einstein's formulation of special rela-
tivity, The Lorentz transformation, Length contraction, time dilation and simultaneity, The velocity addition
formulae, Three dimensional Lorentz transformations; The Four-Vector Formulation of Special Relativity: The
four-vector formalism, The Lorentz transformations in 4-vectors, The Lorentz and Poincare groups, The null
cone structure, Proper time; Applications of Special Relativity: Relativistic kinematics, The Doppler shift in
relativity, The Compton eect, Particle scattering, Binding energy, particle production and particle decay; Elec-
tromagnetism in Special Relativity: Review of electromagnetism, The electric and magnetic eld intensities,
The electric current, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, The four-vector formulation of Maxwell's

Suggested Readings
1. Barton, G. 1999. Introduction to the Relativity Principle. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
2. Qadir, A. 2014. An Introduction to Special Theory of Relativity. World Scientic Pub., NJ, USA.
3. Ringler, W. 1995, Introduction to Special Relativity. Oxford, London, UK.
4. Rosser, W.G.V. 1991. Introductory Special Relativity. Taylor & Francis, London, UK.
5. Saleem, M. and M. Raque. 1992. Special Relativity. Ellis Horwood Publisher, New York, USA.

MATH-608 Graph Theory 3(3-0)

Calculus Based Optimization: Basic concepts, Extreme values and extreme points, Maxima/Minima and Dido's
problem; Graph Theory: Denition and examples of a graph, Sub graph, Types of graphs, Paths, cycles, wheels
and walks, Connected and disconnected graph, Isomorphism, Handshaking lemma, Matrix representation of a
graph Three puzzles, Connectivity, Eulerian graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, Shortest path, Algorithms Trees.

Suggested Readings
1. Balakrishnan, V.K. 1997. Graph Theory. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
2. Bollobas, B. 1979. Graph Theory. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Douglas B. 2013. Graph Theory. 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, NJ, USA.
4. Parthasarathy, K.R. 1994. Basic Graph Theory. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.

MATH-621 Technical Report 3(0-3)


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