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Esp Course Managment G.1

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Lecturer: Agus Hidayat, M. Pd

Class E semester 6

Group 1:

Anisa Nuraini (2011040223)

Melita Riskayani (2011040347)
Muhammad Mahasin (2011040243)
Nadine Rosi Latifa (2011040274)
Ria Amelia Melati (2011040297)



LAMPUNG 2022/2023


With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His
love and mercy so that a paper entitled "Overview of English For Specific
Purpose" can we finish well.

On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who have
helped us in completing the writing of this paper, to Mr. Agus Hidayat, M. Pd
as lecturer in ESP Corse Management for the support and motivation and also
to friends who have contributed their ideas and motivation for writing this
paper. We are fully aware that the many flaws in the writing of this paper, in
terms of material, technical and presentation material. Therefore, we expect
criticism and constructive suggestions to further refine the writing of this
paper. We hope our presentation is the place will be useful

Bandar Lampung, 18th February 2023



TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................
A. Background of The Paper................................................................................................

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION......................................................................................................
A. The Definition of ESP English for Specific Purposes.....................................................
B. The Characteristics of ESP.............................................................................................
C. The Importance of ESP...................................................................................................
D. Challenges of ESP Teaching and Learning.....................................................................
E. ESP Implementation Cases ...........................................................................................
CHAPTER III CLOSING......................................................................................................
A. Conclusion...................................................................................................................




B. Background of The Paper

ESP is generally used in teaching foreign languages for certain
uses in certain fields of knowledge and professions. This goal is generally
understood as a benefit in the role of English as a communication tool,
both spoken and written. Therefore, ESP should be seen as an approach,
concept and method that is indeed different from General English. ESP is
an approach to teaching English that has a different approach, perception,
design, materials, evaluation and goals. ESP material refers to the needs of
students (students’ needs) and graduate users themselves. The same thing
was said by Mc Donough about the definition and concept of ESP. He
argues “ESP courses are those where the syllabus and materials are
determined in all essentials by prior analysis of the communication needs
of the learners.”
Donough’s opinion indicates that the material and syllabus as well
as ESP objectives must be designed and developed based on the needs of
students and graduate users because students, both when they are in
college and when they are going to work, teaching materials or teaching
materials must suit their needs.
In this paper our group wants to provide an explanation of ESP
with the aim that readers understand the definition of ESP, the
characteristics of ESP, the importance of ESP, the use of ESP, etc. so that
the reader is able to understand and learn this material properly.




a) The Definition of ESP English for Specific Purposes

(ESP) refers to the use of English language teaching and learning in a specific
context, with a particular focus on the language needed for a particular purpose or
profession. This approach to language teaching and learning seeks to provide
learners with the language and skills necessary for specific academic, professional
or vocational domains. ESP is designed for learners who need English for a
specific purpose, such as business, law, medicine, engineering, or tourism. The
content and methodology of ESP programs are tailored to meet the specific needs
of the target group, taking into account the language level, learning goals, and
professional or academic background of the learners. English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) is an approach to language teaching and learning that aims to
equip learners with the language skills they need for a specific purpose or
profession. ESP programs are usually created with a specific target audience in
mind, such as business people, medical professionals, engineers, or law students.
The content of ESP courses is therefore tailored to meet the specific needs of
these groups. For example, an ESP course for business people might focus on the
language used in business meetings, negotiations, presentations, and
correspondence, while an ESP course for medical professionals might concentrate
on the language used in patient consultations, medical reports, and professional

b) The Characteristics of ESP

In ESP courses, the language taught is typically task-based, meaning that

learners are given specific tasks or activities to perform in English, such as giving
a presentation or writing a report. This approach helps learners to apply the
language they have learned in real-life situations, and to develop the confidence

and competence they need to use the language effectively in their professional
lives. Another important aspect of ESP is the focus on the development of specific
language skills. For example, in an ESP course for engineers, there might be a
focus on developing technical vocabulary and the language used to describe
complex processes and ideas. In an ESP course for law students, there might be a
focus on developing the language used in legal debates and court proceedings.
Overall, the goal of ESP is to provide learners with the language and skills they
need to be successful in their professional or academic pursuits, and to help them
to achieve their language learning goals in a specific and targeted way.

c) The Importance of ESP

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is essential for a variety of reasons:

1. Relevance: ESP provides language training that is relevant and practical to

the needs and goals of the learners, such as academic, professional, or
vocational contexts. ESP assists learners in developing the language skills
that are most important for their personal and professional growth by
focusing on language that is relevant to the learners' needs.
2. Increased motivation: Because ESP courses are designed to meet the
specific needs and goals of the target audience, learner motivation and
engagement can be increased. ESP can help learners maintain their interest
and motivation to learn by focusing on topics and language that are
relevant and of interest to them.
3. Language skills improvement: ESP courses are designed to assist students
in developing the language skills that are most important for their specific
needs and purposes. ESP courses, by focusing on these specific language
skills, can help learners improve more quickly and effectively than a more
general English course.
4. Enhanced employability: ESP can help learners improve their
employability by providing them with the language skills required for
success in their chosen field. An ESP course for business professionals, for

example, can assist students in improving their English skills in areas such
as writing reports, giving presentations, and participating in meetings.
5. Cultural awareness: By exposing learners to different perspectives and
ways of thinking, ESP can also help to promote cultural awareness. This
can assist students in developing a better understanding of different
cultures and communicating more effectively with people from various

ESP is an important type of language training that can assist learners in

developing the language skills that are most important for their personal and
professional development. ESP can help learners achieve their language learning
goals more effectively by providing language training that is relevant, practical,
and focused on the specific needs and goals of the target audience.

d) Challenges of ESP Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) can present a
variety of challenges. Here are some common problems that can arise in ESP
teaching and learning:

1. Lack of authentic materials: ESP courses are designed to provide learners

with language and content knowledge relevant to their specific field or
profession. However, finding authentic materials that meet learners’ needs
and language level can be challenging.
2. Limited exposure to the target language: ESP courses typically focus on
the specific language and skills required in a particular field or profession.
However, learners may have limited opportunities to use the target
language outside of the classroom, which can limit their language
3. Technical jargon and domain-specific vocabulary: ESP courses often
require learners to become familiar with technical jargon and domain-
specific vocabulary, which can be challenging for learners who are not
familiar with the concepts.

4. Limited interaction with native speakers: Learners in ESP courses may
have limited opportunities to interact with native speakers of the target
language, which can limit their exposure to natural language use and
cultural norms.
5. Varying levels of prior knowledge: Learners in ESP courses may have
varying levels of prior knowledge of the subject matter, which can make it
challenging to design activities and materials that are engaging and
meaningful for all learners.
6. Time constraints: ESP courses are often designed to provide learners with
the language and content knowledge required for their specific field or
profession within a limited timeframe. This can create pressure on learners
and instructors to cover a lot of material in a short amount of time.
7. Limited instructor knowledge: Instructors of ESP courses may not have
extensive knowledge of the learners' specific field or profession, which
can limit their ability to provide learners with relevant and meaningful
language and content knowledge. To overcome these challenges,
instructors can use a variety of strategies, such as selecting authentic
materials, designing engaging and meaningful activities, providing
opportunities for interaction with native speakers, and scaffolding
instruction to meet learners' varying levels of prior knowledge.
Additionally, learners can take an active role in their own learning by
seeking out additional opportunities to practice the target language and
content outside of the classroom.
e) ESP Implementation Cases
1. ESP for Engineering Students
Imagine a group of engineering students who are studying in a country
where English is not the native language. The students need to be able to
communicate effectively in English in order to participate in international
conferences and to read and understand technical literature in English. In
this situation, an ESP program for engineers could be developed to meet
their specific needs. The program would focus on teaching the technical

vocabulary and language structures commonly used in the field of
engineering. For example, lessons might cover topics such as technical
report writing, giving presentations, and participating in technical
The course content would be tailored to the students' existing knowledge
of engineering and their language level, and would use authentic materials
and situations as the basis for language learning. For instance, students
might analyze real technical reports, give presentations on engineering
projects, or participate in simulated technical discussions.
2. ESP for Tourism
Imagine a group of tourism professionals who need to be able to
communicate effectively with English speaking clients and colleagues in
their line of work. These professionals may work in hotels, travel agencies,
or tourist attractions, and they need to be able to provide information, deal
with complaints, and make recommendations to clients in English.
In this situation, an ESP program for tourism professionals could
be developed to meet their specific needs. The program would focus on
teaching the language and skills commonly used in the tourism industry,
such as making reservations, dealing with customer complaints, and
providing information about tourist attractions.
The course content would be tailored to the students' existing
knowledge of tourism and their language level, and would use real-life
situations as the basis for language learning. For instance, students might
participate in role-plays where they act out different scenarios, such as
handling customer complaints or making recommendations for tourist
Through this ESP program, the tourism professionals would
develop the language skills they need to be successful in their line of
work, and to communicate effectively with English-speaking clients and
colleagues. They would also develop their confidence in using English in

real-life situations and gain the skills they need to continue improving
their English in the future.

Note tambahan:


(Ilustrasi) There are a number of English vocabularies in the Faculty of

Engineering which in fact have very different meanings when translated into
Indonesian in general.


 Spring = Musim Semi (Ini adalah artian secara umum) Noun: the
season after winter and before summer, in which vegetation begins to
appear, in the northern hemisphere from March to May and in the southern
hemisphere from September to November.
 Spring = Per (digunakan untuk Fakultas Teknik)

In sentence:

 The students will have free time next Spring.

 Para murid akan memiliki waktu luang di Musim Semi berikutnya.
 Spring is used to complete this project.
 Per digunakan untuk menyelesaikan proyek ini.

The main speaker at the Japan Conference on ESP, Tony Dudley-Evans, is

very aware of the current confusion amongst the ESP community, and set out in
his one hour speech to clarify the meaning of ESP, giving an extended definition
in terms of 'absolute' and 'variable' characteristics.

Definition of ESP (Dudley-Evans, 1997)

 Absolute Characteristics

 ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners

 ESP makes use of underlying methodology and activities of
the discipline it serves
 ESP is centered on the language appropriate to these
activities in terms of grammar, lexis, register, study skills,
discourse and genre.

 Variable Characteristics

 ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines

 ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different
methodology from that of General English
 ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary
level institution or in a professional work situation. It could,
however, be for learners at secondary school level
 ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students.
 Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language



A. Conclusion


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