English For Specific Purposes (Esp)
English For Specific Purposes (Esp)
English For Specific Purposes (Esp)
Arranged by:
Siti Aisyah
Suci Yanti Sitorus Pane
English 4B
T.A 2020/2021
Thank to almighty God who has given his bless to the author for finishing this
paper assignment entitled “ESP”. This paper can be present as it is now because of
good teamwork. For that, I am very grateful to my team for their cooperation in making
this paper from beginning to end.
However, we realize that this paper still has things that have not been perfect and
escaped the attention of the author. Be it from the language used or from the
presentation techniques. Therefore, with all the shortcomings and humility, we are
looking forward to the criticism and suggestions from all readers for the improvement
of this paper going forward.
Hopefully the paper can provide information for the reader and is useful for the
development of insight and improvement of knowledge for all of us.
PREFACE........................................................................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION..................................................................................1
1.1 Background................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulation...................................................................................................1
1.3 Purpose of this paper...................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II : DISCUSSION........................................................................................3
3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................7
3.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................7
1.1 Background
English for specific purposes (ESP) teaching conducted to equip learners with a
certain English proficiency level for a situation where the language is going to be used,
termed target needs. Since it provides instructional objectives, materials and methods
developed on the basis of learners’ needs and potential of interests, from the early
1960s, ESP has grown to become one of the most prominent areas of English foreign
language. Nowadays, ESP is not only applied for adults of English language learners
who have mastered basic level of English proficiency or those with specific purposes of
learning English, but also is adopted for English language learners learning general
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is to provide information and:
1. To know about ESP
2. To know about characteristics of ESP
3. To know about Objectives in Teaching ESP
4. To know about ESP Teaching and Learning Processes
5. To know about Stages in the ESP Teaching Process
d. To develop strategic competence, i.e., the link between context ofsituation and
e. To foster critical awareness or what is called ascultural knowledge and affective
objectives (Stern inBasturkmen, 2006: 143) and aims at making students conscious and
culturally aware of the target situation.
content should be carefully justified in terms of relevance and motivational potential for
the learners.Even there are various types of syllabus known, each of which has four
main components: objectives, method or methodology, materials, and evaluation. In
order to specify what language will be taught and how to teach, items are typically listed
and referred to as the syllabus whose standard view according to Ur (1996): 1) consists
of comprehensive list of content items (e.g., words, structures, topics) and process items
(tasks, methods); 2) is ordered, easier and more essential items first; 3) has explicit
objectives, usually expressed in the introduction; 4) is a public document; 5) may
indicate a time schedule; 6) may indicate preferred methodology or approach; and 7)
may recommend materials. Besides the four components, a syllabus designer may
include other relevant information such as course policy, weekly schedule, assignment,
as well as course identity and course description.
c. Course (and syllabus) design
Designing course in ESP is really different from that of General English. For ESP,
course design is often a substantial and important part of the workload”(Hutchinson &
Waters, 1987: 21). Therefore, to achieve the goalof theESP, including the materials of
it, the course should be designed carefully based on the prior analysis of the
communication needs of the learner (Mumby,1978: 2), and functional and practical
English language requirements of the learner (Strevens 1977 :90).Before designing the
course, there are four essential points that have to be studied and analysed as a
predesign process according to Miliani (1994), namely:
1. Situation analysis: considering the general requirements of both learners and
institutions,their profiles and attitudes, also the existing materials.
2. Setting Aims and Objectives: stating what would be achieved at the end of
3. Generating Syllabus Content: “through the sequencing ofmaterials whose layout
and presentation should form a continuum”. (Benyelles, 2009:58).
4. Assessment: gathering data regarding syllabus before or during the
courseimplementationto readjust the content of the syllabus.
d. Materials selection (and production);
The materials of ESP should be selectively selected or produced. Based on the
selected and/or produced materials, the teacher might continue with the activities or
tasks suitable with the materials that the students should perform. Concerning the ESP
activities it is necessary to keep in mind that the context should be consistent with
studying subject matter (Bracaj, 2014).
e. Teaching and learning
In teaching ESP, Hutchinson& Waters (1987: 157) state that the ESP teacher’s role
is one of manyparts. The ESP teacher is “...a teacher of General English who has,
unexpectedly, foundhim/herself required to teach students with special needs”,
(Strevens, 1988: 41). Therefore, flexibility is a key value needed by the ESPteacher, in
order to change from being a general language teacher to being a specific purpose
teacher, to cope with different groups of learners, and to perform different tasks
(Robinson, 1991)
This course is one of the units in the ELT series leading to the effort to develop
the students' language awareness through the teaching and learning activities covering
the cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric domains. As an integral part, this course
has the aim to provide knowledge on English Language Teaching Programs for specific
purposes based on the needs theories for the learners. Additionally, this course is aimed
at providing skills in designing programs on English for Specific Purposes whether for
the needs of occupational or general schools and creating an attitude to give an
emphasis on the learner and the practical needs of learning English. Another aim of this
course is to provide experiences and exercises in specific vocabulary for specific
discipline. This course covers practical experiences in fieldworks, lectures on theories
covering the topics of the background and development of ESP, approaches to ESP and
course design, designing a language course: theories, designing process, and
Mata kuliah ini merupakan salah satu unit dalam rangkaian ELT yang mengarah
pada upaya pengembangan kesadaran berbahasa siswa melalui kegiatan belajar
mengajar yang meliputi ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Sebagai bagian yang
tidak terpisahkan, mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang
Program Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan tertentu berdasarkan teori kebutuhan
peserta didik. Selain itu, mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan keterampilan
dalam merancang program tentang Bahasa Inggris untuk Keperluan Tertentu baik untuk
kebutuhan sekolah umum maupun pekerjaan dan menciptakan sikap untuk memberi
penekanan pada peserta didik dan kebutuhan praktis belajar bahasa Inggris. Tujuan lain
dari kursus ini adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman dan latihan dalam kosakata
khusus untuk disiplin ilmu tertentu. Kursus ini mencakup pengalaman praktis dalam
kerja lapangan, kuliah tentang teori yang mencakup topik latar belakang dan
pengembangan ESP, pendekatan ESP dan desain kursus, merancang kursus bahasa:
teori, proses perancangan, dan aplikasi.
3.1 Conclusion
English for specific purposes (ESP) is a subset of English as a second or foreign
language. It usually refers to teaching the English language to university students or
people already in employment, with reference to the particular vocabulary and skills
they need.
3.2 Suggestion
In making this paper we understood that there were still many who misunderstood
the contents. Therefore, readers need criticism and suggestions to build our next paper.
And with this paper it is expected to be read in order to learn about ESP From Members
Of ESP . Thanks.
Alhaj, Ali, Albahiri, Mohammed. 2020. Using Pedagogic Video To Enhance English
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Student: A New Prospective Approach. Arab Word English Journal. 6:
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Agustina, Titik. 2014. English For Specific Purpose (ESP): An Approach Of English
Teaching For Non-English Department Students. 7(1):37-63.
www.freefullpdf.com. Access on March 2021.
Hendriani, Suswati. 2016. Teaching English For Specific Purpose (ESP) For Islamic
Higher Education Students. 701-710. www.freefullpdf.com . Access on
March 2021.