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MEMS Gyroscopes For Consumers and Industrial Applications: June 2011

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MEMS Gyroscopes for Consumers and Industrial Applications

Chapter · June 2011

DOI: 10.5772/17689 · Source: InTech

12 15,183

2 authors:

Riccardo Antonello Roberto Oboe

University of Padova University of Padova


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MEMS Gyroscopes for Consumer and

Industrial Applications
Riccardo Antonello and Roberto Oboe
Dept. of Management and Engineering,
University of Padova - Vicenza branch

1. Introduction
The advent of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System) technology has enabled the
development of miniaturized, low-cost, low-power sensors that are currently replacing
their macroscopic scale equivalents in many traditional applications, covering industrial,
automotive, biomedical, consumer applications, etc.
Competitiveness of MEMS sensors largely resides in the miniaturization and batch fabrication
processes involved in their manufacture, which allow to cut down costs, size and power
requirements of the final device. Moreover, miniaturization opens new perspectives and
possibilities for the development of completely new class of sensors, where micro-scale
phenomena are effectively pursued to achieve results that would be unfeasible at a
Several MEMS sensor typologies are either commercially available or have been presented
in technical literature since the beginning of the microsystem technology more than 30 years
ago. Pressure and acceleration sensors for the automotive industry have been among the first
MEMS devices to be produced in large scale, and they have contributed to foster the further
development of MEMS technology. Despite their maturity, these sensors are still dominating,
with their sales volume, the market of silicon-based sensors. Recently, another micro-sensor
that is becoming relevant in terms of sales volume, especially in the automotive and consumer
electronics markets, is the angular rate sensor, or gyroscope.
Alongside with accelerometers, micromachined gyroscopes can be used in several
applications that require an integrated solution for inertial sensing and motion processing
problems (Söderkvist, 1994; Yazdi et al., 1998). In the automotive industry, they can
be integrated in advanced safety systems for skid (e.g. ESC - electronic stability control)
and roll-over (e.g. RSC - roll-over stability control) detection and prevention (tilt and yaw
control) (Neul et al., 2007; Nonomura et al., 2006; Sparks et al., 1997; Voss et al., 1997),
or they can be used in vehicle navigation systems, either as stand-alone or GPS (Global
Positioning System)-assisted solutions (Brown, 2005; Noureldin et al., 2009). Other automotive
applications include anti-lock braking systems (ABS), active suspension control for comfort
riding and improved vehicle handling, and smart cruise control systems (Fleming, 2001; Seidel
et al., 2002).
In consumer electronics, micromachined inertial sensors are used in Optical Image Stabilization
(OIS) systems for cameras and camcorders (Sachs et al.), in dead reckoning personal
2 Microsensors

navigation systems (either stand-alone or integrated in cell-phones and PDAs, such as the
Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch (Apple, 2011)), in 3D-pointing devices such as the
Nintendo Wii’s game controller (Wiimote) with MotionPlus expansion (Nintendo, 2011), the
Gyration air mice (Gyration, 2009) or the SCURRY glove-like input device (Kim et al.,
2005), and virtual reality headsets. Industrial applications of MEMS inertial sensors may
include integrated IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units) for AGVs (Automated Guided vehicles)
(Microstrain, 2011), distribute sensing and monitoring of industrial plants, motion control
of manipulators and machine tools, platform stabilization of heavy machineries, stabilization
systems for mobile antennas, integrated inertial platforms for personal transportation systems
(Segway, 2011), etc. Some biomedical applications have also been reported, including system
for the gait-phase detection (Pappas et al., 2004), the ambulatory analysis of the human
posture (Roetenberg et al., 2007), (Kawano et al., 2007) and the estimation of the stride length
and walking velocity (Miyazaki, 1997).
To pioneer the commercialization of MEMS gyroscopes has been Robert Bosch GmbH.,
which introduced the first MEMS gyroscope-based vehicle stability control system in 1998.
Since then, many other manufacturers have embarked in the effort of producing and
commercializing micromachined angular sensors, attracted by the market opportunities and
the predicted sales volumes for MEMS gyros. A list of current manufacturers of MEMS gyros
includes the followings (here reported in any specific order): Analog Devices (ADI), Robert
Bosch GmbH, Honeywell, Draper Laboratories, Silicon Sensing Systems - SSS (BAE/Sumitomo
Precision Products), Invensense, MEMSense, BAE/AMI Semiconductors, ST Microelectronics,
NEC-Tokin, Epson Toyocom, muRata, Systron Donner, Northrop Grumman, Goodrich Corp.,
Melexis, SensoNor, IMEGO, Gyrooptics, Gladiator Technologies. Even if most of them are direct
competitors, their production is diversified in terms of addressed market segments (i.e. cost
and performance of the sensor), technical specifications, fabrication technology, etc.

2. Operating principle of conventional and miniaturized gyroscopes

2.1 Conventional gyroscopes
Gyroscopes are sensors designed for measuring angular rotations about some specific axes
with respect to inertial space. Rate gyroscopes measure a rotation rate (angular velocity), while
displacement gyroscopes (also known as whole-angle gyroscopes) measure a rotation angle. They
have been traditionally designed as either mechanical devices exploiting the conservation of
the angular momentum stored in a spinning wheel, or as optical systems exploiting the Sagnac
effect experienced by counter-propagating laser beams in a ring cavity or a fiber optic coil.
Typical designs include:
• Momentum wheel gyroscopes: they consist of a spinning wheel mounted on a gimbal support,
whose function is to isolate the wheel spin axis from rotations of the body on which the
gyro is attached to. Because of the conservation of the angular momentum, the spin
axis remains fixed during the body motion, and therefore the gimbal angles provide a
measurement of the body angular displacement with respect to an inertial frame. A
key design issue in momentum wheel gyroscope is the reduction of bearing friction,
since it strongly affects the measurement drift. Friction reduction can be achieved with
innovative suspension designs (e.g. gas bearings, electrostatic and magnetic suspensions,
floated gyros, etc.) or by employing a slightly different mechanical design, such as in the
Dynamically Tuned Gyroscope (DTG). In DTG, a rotor (momentum wheel) is attached to a
motor shaft by means of a gimbal mechanism with flexible suspensions. As the rotor spins,
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driven by the motor, the gimbal rotates without twisting the flexures only if the motor
shaft is aligned with the rotor axis, otherwise the rotor starts fluttering and the flexures are
twisted by gyroscopic precession torques. As a net effect, such torques produce a reduction
of the equivalent stiffness of the flexures (softening effect); therefore, depending on the
misalignment of the motor shaft and the rotor axis (i.e. the body attitude with respect to
an inertial frame), there is a suitable rotor spin rate at which the equivalent stiffness of
the flexures is nulled and the rotor is unrestrained. This properly tuned rotor spin rate
provides an indirect measurement of the angular displacement.
• Ring Laser Gyroscopes (RLG): they consist of a polygonal closed gas cavity inside which
two laser beams are propagated in opposite directions, namely clockwise (CW) and
counterclockwise (CCW). After traveling along the whole cavity, the two beams meet at
a return point and an interference pattern is obtained. The displacement between adjacent
interference fringes is affected by the sensor rotation rate: this is a consequence of the
Sagnac effect, namely the difference in the travel path length experienced by the two beams
whenever the RLG undergoes a rotation whose axis is normal to the waveguide plane.
Therefore, a measurement of the sensor angular velocity can be provided by measuring
either the displacement shift of the interference fringes or, more commonly, the phase shift
of the two beams (using a photodetector at the return point).
• Fiber Optic Gyroscopes (FOG): they are similar to the ROGs, except that a fiber optic is used
in place of the gas cavity. Thanks to such replacement, the sensor structure is simplified
(no gas or mirrors are necessary) and the manufacturing costs are greatly reduced (no
precise mirror alignment is required). The scale factor of the sensor is usually enhanced by
arranging the fiber optic as a coil with many turns: in practice, the longer the fiber optic is
for a given enclosed area, the larger the sensor scale factor is. A weak point of FOGs is their
sensitivity to the strain distribution in the optical fiber, induced by temperature changes
and accelerations; minimizing such effects is a major concern in FOGs design.
A comprehensive review of many conventional designs and technologies for gyroscopes can
be found in (Lawrence, A., 1993; R.R.Ragan (ed), 1984).

2.2 Micromachined gyroscopes

Traditional designs conceived for macro-scale sensors are usually difficult to reproduce
in miniaturized devices because of the limitations imposed by the conventional
micro-fabrication techniques. For examples, bearings required to mitigate friction and wear
of rotating parts, such as spinning wheels or disks, are difficult to manufacture at the
micro-scale; alternative designs for frictionless supports based on levitation of any sort (e.g.
mechanical, electrostatic/magnetostatic or based on fluid flotation) are failure-prone and not
robust enough for commercial applications. Furthermore, because precision in conventional
mechanical gyroscopes is related to the angular momentum impressed to the spinning wheel,
which in turns is proportional to the mass and the spin rate, it follows that conventional
designs become ineffective when dimensions scale down.
Instead of attempting to replicate existing macro-scale designs at the micro-scale level,
miniaturized gyroscopes are more conveniently designed by pursuing a completely different
working principle, which is better suited for taking advantage of the miniaturization process.
In almost all MEMS gyroscopes, the sensor angular velocity is inferred by detecting, on the
sensor frame, the motion deflections experienced by a vibrating member. The deflections
can be explained by the onset of an apparent force, called Coriolis force, which is observed
whenever the observer reference frame rotates with respect to a moving body (vibrating
4 Microsensors


dxx Mass

r kyy dyy
y r
O x
r O Gyro frame

O x
Inertial reference frame

Fig. 1. Simplified lumped-element model of a single axis gyroscope. The gyro frame rotates
at an angular rate Ω(t) about an axis (z -axis) orthogonal to the x  O y plane.

member). A gyroscope adopting this working principle is called Coriolis Vibrating Gyroscope
The working principle of a CVG can be better understood with the aid of the simplified
lumped-element model of a single-axis gyroscope (z-axis gyro) depicted in Fig. 1.
It consists of a proof mass attached to the sensor frame by means of elastic suspensions, in
such a way that it can vibrates on the x  O y plane with no constraints. The structure has two
(ideally orthogonal) modes of vibrations, that are dynamically coupled through the Coriolis
force when observed on a sensor-fixed reference frame. In fact, by denoting with r and r  the
positions of the proof mass in, respectively, an inertial reference frame and the sensor reference
frame, and with rO and Ω the position and angular velocity vectors of the sensor frame with
respect to the inertial frame, it follows that (Meirovitch, 1970):

ṙ = ṙO + ṙ  + Ω × r  (1)
r̈ = r̈O + r̈ + 2 Ω × ṙ + Ω̇ × r + Ω × (Ω × r ) (2)

Regarding accelerations, r̈ denotes the acceleration of the proof mass relative to the inertial
frame, r̈O is the acceleration of the origin of the sensor frame and r̈  is the acceleration of the
proof mass as measured in the sensor frame. Rewriting the last equation in terms of r̈  yields:

r̈  = r̈ − r̈O − 2 Ω × ṙ  − Ω̇ × r  − Ω × (Ω × r  ) (3)

The contribution −Ω̇ × r  to the total acceleration in the sensor frame is known as the Coriolis
acceleration, while −Ω × (Ω × r  ) is the centrifugal acceleration; the remaining term −Ω̇ × r  is
due to a non-constant rotation rate of the sensor frame. With the knowledge of the acceleration
r̈  , it is possible to derive the following equations of motion for the proof mass in the sensor
reference frame:
M r̈  + D ṙ  + K r  = F − M r̈O + 2 Ω × ṙ  + Ω̇ × r  + Ω × (Ω × r  ) (4)
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The 3 × 3 positive definite matrices M , D and K are the mass, damping and stiffness
matrices; F = M r̈ is the total external force (measured in the inertial frame) applied to the
proof mass.
In order to measure the component of the angular velocity around the z -axis of the sensor
reference frame, the proof mass motion can be constrained to lie on the x  -y plane, by making
the spring suspensions along the z -axis much stiffer than those along the x  and y directions.
Under this assumption, the decomposition of the equations of motion along the two principal
directions of vibration yields:
m x ẍ  + d xx ẋ  + k xx − m x (Ω2y + Ω2z ) x  + m x Ω x Ωy − Ω̇z y = Fx − m x ẍO + 2m x Ωz ẏ (5)
my ÿ + dyy ẏ + my Ω x Ωy + Ω̇z x  + k yy − m x (Ω2x + Ω2z ) y = Fy − my ÿO − 2my Ωz ẋ  (6)

where it has been assumed that the two principal directions of vibrations are aligned with the
sensor frame axes, i.e. the D and K matrices are diagonal. With a relatively small sensor
bandwidth, i.e. for constant or small varying angular rate inputs, the angular acceleration Ω̇z
is negligible; moreover, if the angular rate is much smaller than the frequency of the proof
mass vibrating motion, then Ω2x , Ω2y and Ω x Ωy can also be neglected. The effect of the linear
accelerations ẍO and ÿO can be compensated either by applying some counterbalancing
actuation forces or by adjusting the induced slow trends in the sensor output response, and
therefore they can be dropped in the subsequent analysis. Under these circumstances, the
equations of motion become:

m x ẍ  + d xx ẋ  + k xx x  = Fx + 2m x Ωz ẏ (7)
my ÿ + dyy ẏ + k yy y = Fy − 2my Ωz ẋ  (8)

The conventional mode of operation of a vibration gyroscope consists of driving one mode
of vibration (drive or primary mode) into a controlled-amplitude harmonic oscillation; for an
underdamped mode (typical situation in micro-gyroscopes), the oscillation is driven at the
vibration mode resonance, in order to take advantage of the mechanical amplification. The
remaining modes of vibration (sense, pickoff or secondary modes) are used to sense the angular
rate, by measuring the proof mass displacement induced by the Coriolis force. Assuming that
the drive and sense modes are directed, respectively, along the x and y axes, the equations of
motion for the conventional mode of operation can be written as follows:

x  = − X0 sin ω x t (9)
ÿ + 2 
ẏ + ωyy y = uy + 2 Ωz ω x X0 cos ω x t (10)
where ωx = k xx /m x and ωy = k yy /my a are the natural frequencies of, respectively,
the drive and sense modes, Qy = my ωy /dyy is the quality factor of the second order
(under)damped oscillator representing the sense mode dynamics and uy = Fy /my is an
external acceleration.
Assuming a cosinusoidal angular rate input Ωz (t) = Ω cos ωΩ t and no external excitation, i.e.
uy = 0, the proof mass displacement produced by the Coriolis acceleration along the sense
mode direction is equal to:

y(t) := ω x X0 HΩ+ Ω cos((ω x + ωΩ )t + φΩ+ ) + ω x X0 HΩ− Ω cos((ω x − ωΩ )t + φΩ− ) (11)

6 Microsensors

cos(ωx t + φd )

aΩ (t) Sense-mode y(t) yd (t)

dynamics Low-pass
H(s) filter

Fig. 2. Synchronous amplitude demodulation scheme used to retrieve the angular rate
measurement Ω(t) from the proof mass displacement y(t). In the block diagram, aΩ denotes
the Coriolis acceleration aΩ = 2Ωz ω x X0 cos ω x t.


HΩ± := | H (s)|s= j(ωx ±ωΩ ) φΩ± := ∠ H (s)|s= j(ωx ±ωΩ ) (12)

and H (s) is the transfer function of the sense-mode dynamics:

H (s) = ωy (13)
s2 + s + ωy2

The displacement signal is dual-side-band (DSB) modulated signal, with carrier frequency
ωx : hence, an amplitude demodulation scheme (Fig. 2) can be used to retrieve the information
about the modulating signal Ωz (t). In fact, by using a demodulating carrier equal to cos(ω x t +
φd ), the output yd of the demodulator is equal to:

yd (t) = LPF[y(t) cos(ω x t + φd )]

1 1
= ω x X0 HΩ+ Ω cos(ωΩ t + φΩ+ − φd ) + ω x X0 HΩ− Ω cos(−ωΩ t + φΩ− − φd ) (14)
2 2
where LPF denotes an ideal (brick-wall) low-pass filtering with corner frequency ω LPF  ω x
(it is understood that the drive-mode vibration frequency ω x is designed to be much larger
than the sensor bandwidth, i.e. ωΩ,MAX  ω x ). For a small sensor bandwidth, it can be
assumed that ω x ± ωΩ ≈ ω x , so that:
HΩ± ≈ H0 := | H ( jω x )| =
2 φΩ± ≈ φ0 := ∠ H ( jω x )
ω x ωy
(ωy2 − ωx2 )2 +

yd (t) = ω x X0 H0 Ω cos(Δφ) cos(ωΩ t) (15)
with Δφ = φΩ± − φd = φ0 − φd . Therefore, the demodulator output yd is proportional to
the angular rate input Ωz (t). From the last equation it can be noted that the sensor scale
factor (see also Sec. 4) depends on the amplitude X0 of the drive motion, the drive and
sense modes natural frequencies ωx and ωy , and the sense-mode quality factor (through H0 ).
In general, sensitivity can be enhanced by increasing the drive mode amplitude X0 and by
lowering the natural frequencies ωx and ωy , namely by employing a bulkier proof mass or by
softening the elastic suspensions. For a given drive-mode natural frequency ωx , the sensitivity
is maximized when ωy = ω x , i.e. when the two modes are exactly matched (mode-matching
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3. MEMS gyroscopes technology

3.1 Mechanical structures
As pointed out in Sec. 2, almost all MEMS gyroscopes operate as Coriolis Vibrating
Gyroscopes (CVGs). A CVG comprises a mechanical structure with at least two modes of
vibration that are dynamically coupled via the Coriolis force, i.e. an apparent force that arises
from the relative motion of the vibrating structure and the sensor frame. The normal operation
of a CVG consists of exciting one mode of vibration (driving mode) at a prescribed amplitude,
and detecting the vibrations induced by the Coriolis force on the remaining modes (sense of
pickoff modes).
Several mechanical designs for micromachined CVGs have been either proposed in technical
literature or exploited in commercial products. A classification of the main designs is reported
• vibrating beams: they consists of tiny clamped-free beams (cantilevers) or clamped-clamped
beams (bridges) that are driven into flexural vibration on a plane. Then, in response to a
rotation, the beam starts vibrating along an orthogonal direction, and this motion can be
used to infer about the angular rate input - see Fig. 3.
Several designs involving beam structures have been proposed in literature, especially
in connection with the usage of piezoelectric materials (Soderkvist, 1991). A vibrating
beam structure has also been chosen for the development of the first silicon integrated
micromachined CVG back in 1981 (O’Connor & Shupe, 1983).
An example of a vibrating beam gyroscope consisting of a silicon-based microcantilever
fabricated with bulk-micromachining techniques is reported in (Maenaka et al., 1996).
Beam actuation is provided by a piezoelectric element; the Coriolis-induced vibration is
electrostatically detected by measuring the capacitance changes between the beam and
dedicated sensing electrodes. A combined beam-mass structure with a composite beam is
proposed in (Li et al., 1999). The two-section composite beam structure is designed to have
a vertical and a lateral highly compliant vibrating modes. The vertical mode is excited by
Vibrating beams

(1) (2)



Ω(t) Ω(t)
Prismatic Triangular

Fig. 3. Most conventional types of vibrating beam CVGs. In figure, Ω(t) is the input angular
rate, (1) is the primary vibration mode, and (2) is the vibration response due to Coriolis
8 Microsensors

means of electrostatic actuation, while the Coriolis-induced vibration on the lateral mode
is detected by means of embedded piezoresistors.
A commercial product featuring a vibrating beam design is the Gyrostar, a piezoelectric
CVG produced by (muRata, 2003). It consists of an equilateral prism which is excited into
flexural vibration by using piezoelectric elements applied to its sides. The beam is attached
to the supporting frame at positions along the beam length that correspond to node points
for the free-free flexural modes of vibration: this choice ideally decouples the beam from
the supporting structure. The vibrations induced by the Coriolis force on the secondary
mode are detected again by using piezoelectric transducers.
A structure resembling a vibrating beam gyroscope can also be found in nature: the halteres,
a pair of vibrating knob sticks found in many two-winged insects, are indeed a pair of tiny
vibrating beam CVGs that are used to stabilize and control the flight attitude (Nalbach,
1993; Nalbach & Hengstenberg, 1994).
• vibrating forks: they contain a pair of proof masses that are oscillated with the same
amplitude, but in opposite directions. In a traditional fork structure, the tines are excited
to resonate in anti-phase in the plane of the fork (drive mode); then, when the sensor
rotates, the tines start oscillating along the perpendicular direction to the plane, thus
generating a torque that excites the torsional mode around the stem. Forks can be of single,
dual or multi-tines types; the latter type is used in order to increase sensitivity and reject
common-mode errors (caused by geometrical asymmetries).
Most of the Quartz Rate Sensors (QRS) that populated the market before the advent of
silicon micromachined gyroscopes had a vibrating forks structure. For example, the first
Tuning forks





(1) (2)
Ω(t) (2)
Single Multi-tine


Fig. 4. Most conventional types of tuning fork CVGs. In figure, Ω(t) is the input angular rate,
(1) is the primary vibration mode, and (2) is the vibration response due to Coriolis forcing.
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miniaturized gyroscope to have been introduced in the market back in 1980, namely the
Systron Donner/BEI QRS, was a H-shaped two-sided tuning fork gyroscope (Madni et al.,
2003) (see Fig. 10-a). Epson-Toyocom is another company selling QRS whose structure is a
double-T tuning fork with external vibrating tines and central stationary sensing arm.
In silicon micromachined vibrating forks gyroscopes, the fork tines are usually replaced by
anti-phase resonating seismic masses vibrating on a common plane (Bernstein et al., 1993).
The plane can be either parallel to the substrate, such as in Bosch SMG074 (Lutz et al.,
1997), Analog Devices ADXRS150 (Geen et al., 2002) and STMicroelectronics LISY300AL
(Oboe et al., 2005), or normal to the substrate, such as in the Invensense IDG family (Nasiri
& Flannery Jr., 2007) (see Fig. 9).
A silicon micromachined gyroscope with a conventional vibrating fork structure (i.e. a
structure comprising a fork with vibrating tines) is the angular-rate sensor produced by
Daimler-Benz (Voss et al., 1997).
• vibrating plates: they have a resonant element consisting of a tiny plate, attached to the
sensor outer frame by means of linear or torsional elastic suspensions (Tang et al., 1989).
Forced vibrations can be induced either along a straight line (linear plate configuration
(Clark et al., 1996; Tanaka et al., 1995)) or around an axis of rotation (angular disk
configuration (Geiger et al., 1998; Juneau et al., 1997; Rajendran & Liew, 2004)). Melexis
MLX90609-N2 is an example of a commercial MEMS gyroscope based on a vibrating plate
structure (actually, a single gimbaled mass with translation drive).The vibrating angular
disk structure is exploited in many commercial dual-axis pitch and roll MEMS gyroscopes:
examples include the Bosch SMG060 and the STMicroelectronics LPR family.
Vibrating plates
(y–axis resp) Ωy (t)

(2) (1)
(1) Ω(t)

(x–axis resp) Ωx (t)

Linear disk Angular disk Linear plate

Fig. 5. Most conventional types of vibrating plate CVGs. In figure, Ω(t), Ω x (t) and Ωy (t) are
the input angular rates, (1) is the primary vibration mode, and (2) is the vibration response
due to Coriolis forcing.

• vibrating shells: they have circular shapes, such as rings, cylinders or hemispheres, which
are set into a standing-wave vibration through external forcing. Whenever the sensor
undergoes a rotation around its axis of symmetry, the vibration pattern, consisting of nodes
and antinodes of the forced standing-wave, moves with respect to the external case; its
10 Microsensors

Vibrating shells
Ω(t) Ω(t)

Ω(t) (2) (1)

(2) (1)

Hemispherical Ring Cylindrical

Fig. 6. Most conventional types of vibrating shell CVGs. In figure, Ω(t) is the input angular
rate, (1) is the initial vibration pattern and (2) is the pattern after rotation.

motion can be detected by dedicated displacement sensors and used to infer about the
angular rate input.
Most of the MEMS gyroscopes produced by Silicon Sensing Systems (SSS) are based on a
vibrating ring structure (Fell, 2006; Hopkin et al., 1999). Delphi Delco Electronics has also
reported in (Chang et al., 1998) the design of a vibrating ring gyroscope manufactured by
electroplating on a fully processed CMOS wafer.
A vibrating cylinder structure can be found in NEC-Tokin ceramic gyroscopes; the
structure actually consists of a cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic oscillator with embedded
electrodes for electrostatic detection of Coriolis-induced vibrations (Abe et al., 1992).
Vibrating hemispherical shells have been traditionally used in macro-sized gyroscopes,
such as the Delco Hemisperical Resonator Gyro (HRG) (Lawrence, A., 1993). The device
consists of a hemispherical shell made of fused silica, which is encased within a sealed
vacuum housing. A standing-wave vibration is electrostatically induced on the shell
metal-coated rim; wave pattern shifts caused by sensor rotations are detected with
capacitive pick-offs. Recently, a micromachined gyroscope with a similar structure has
been patented (Stewart, 2009).
• gyroscopes based on the surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology.
In a SAW gyroscope, a set of metallic electrodes (interdigital transducer - IDT) patterned
on the surface of a piezoelectric substrate is used to generate a Rayleigh standing-wave.
A Rayleigh wave is a mechanical transverse wave whose shear component is normal to
the substrate surface, and whose energy is concentrated within one wavelength of the
substrate surface (Drafts, 2001; Vellekoop, 1998). The out-of-plane vibration of the particles
near the surface is perturbed by the Coriolis force whenever the piezoelectric substrate
undergoes a rotation (about an axis vertical to its surface). Such perturbation produces a
secondary standing wave polarized parallel to the substrate surface, whose amplitude is
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proportional to the sensor angular rate: hence, by sensing the amplitude of the secondary
wave with an additional IDT, it is possible to retrieve a measurement of the input angular
Some design examples of SAW MEMS gyroscopes are presented in (Jose et al., 2002;
Kurosawa et al., 1998; Liu & Wu, 2007).
There have been very few attempts to depart from the conventional designs based on the CVG
working principle; the most noticeable examples are:
• gyroscopes based on the conservation of the angular momentum in levitated spinning
disks, similarly to conventional (macro-sized) mechanical flywheel gyroscopes. Both
the electrostatic (Damrongsak & Kraft, 2005; Ellis & Wilamowski, 2008) and magnetic
levitation principles (Dauwalter & Ha, 2005; Shearwood et al., 2000) have been exploited.
• thermal convective gyroscopes.Their working principle is based on the detection of
convective heat flow deflections induced by the Coriolis acceleration. The sensor proposed
in (Zhu et al., 2006) consists of a hermetically sealed gas chamber obtained by etching a
small cavity on a silicon substrate. The cavity contains a suspended central heater that
is used to induce a regular gas flow within the chamber, and four suspended thermistor
wires placed symmetrically on both sides of the heater for measuring local changes in
the gas flow. By measuring the voltage imbalances among the four thermistors readouts
(using a Wheastone bridge circuit) it is possible to estimate both angular velocities and
linear accelerations.
• gyroscopes using liquid or gas jet flows. In the prototype reported in (Yokota et al., 2008),
a jet flow in an electro-conjugate fluid (ECF) is generated by imposing an electric field
between two brass electrodes dipped in the liquid. When the sensor is rotated, the jet flow
is deflected by the Coriolis acceleration. The deflection, which is an indirect measure of the
input angular rate, is sensed as an unbalancing in the electrical resistance of two tungsten
hot-wires placed on the sidewalls of the fluid channel.
A similar design is proposed in (Zhou et al., 2005), except that a gas is used instead of an
• Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical (MOEMS) gyroscopes. This technology is still under
development, and no accurate MOEMS gyroscopes exist yet. The goal is the development
of a miniaturized optical device that, similarly to a standard interferometric optical
gyroscope, relies on the Sagnac effect for measuring a rotation rate. The main design issue
for micro-optical gyroscopes is how to create optical path lengths that are large enough
to sense useful angular velocities (i.e. greater in strength than the noise inherent in the
measurement). In the AFIT MiG prototype reported in (Stringer, 2000), the elongation
of the optical path is achieved by creating a spiral path with a set of suitably arranged
micro-mirrors placed above the silicon die.

3.2 Fabrication technologies

There are fundamentally two alternative technologies available for the fabrication of
micromechanical devices: bulk micro-machining and surface micro-machining techniques.
• In bulk micro-machining (Kovacs et al., 1998) the microstructures are formed by selectively
removing (etching) parts from a bulk material, which is typically a silicon crystal. The
etching process can be performed by either dipping the silicon wafer into an etching
solution (wet etching) or by exposing the material to vapors or glow-discharge plasmas
12 Microsensors

of chemically reactive gases (dry etching). Protective masks are applied on the surface of
the bulk material in order to avoid the exposure to etchants: thus, etching takes place
only on those portions that are not covered by a layer of protective material. Most wet
etching is isotropic, meaning that the etching rate does not depend on the orientation of
the substrate; nevertheless, for particular etchants, anisotropic (i.e. orientation-dependent)
wet etching can occur, so that the etching rate along the direction of a certain crystal
axis can be hundreds of times greater than others. Larger levels of directionality can be
achieved with anisotropic dry etching techniques, such as DRIE (Deep Reactive Ion Etching),
in which the direction perpendicular to the exposed surface is etched much faster than the
direction parallel to the surface. The depth of the etched features can be controlled by either
controlling the exposure time to etchants (once the etching rate is known) or by using some
kind of etch-stopping technique or material.
SiO2 layer

Substrate Substrate Substrate

(a) (b) (c)

Substrate Substrate Substrate

(d) (e) (f)

Suspended proof-mass



Fig. 7. Typical steps in a bulk micromachining process: (a) substrate preparation - typically, a
500 ÷ 700 μm thick single silicon (Si) crystal; (b) deposition of a silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) layer -
typical thickness: 1 ÷ 2 μm; (c) patterning (photoresist deposition + optical lithography) and
etching of the SiO2 layer; (d) substrate etching; (e) deposition of SiO2 layer for a selective area
(repetition of step (b)); (f) substrate etching for creating deeper trenches (repetition of step
(f)); (g) creation of a suspended structure (e.g. a proof mass) after repeating steps (a) ÷ (f) on
the bottom side of the substrate and removing the residual SiO2 at both sides.

• In surface micro-machining (Bustillo et al., 1998; Howe et al., 1996), the microstructures
are formed by by depositing, growing and etching different structural layers on top of
a substrate. Since the substrate acts only as a supporting structure, it can be made
of inexpensive materials such as plastic, glass, quartz, ceramic or other piezoelectric
materials (Kotru et al., 2008), instead of the more expensive single-crystal silicon used for
IC (integrated circuits) fabrication. On top of the substrate, several layers can be deposited,
patterned and released; surface planarization is usually required before the deposition of
every structural layer, in order to prevent critical issues during photolithography, such as
the limited focus depth of high-resolution lithographic tools over non-planar surfaces, and
etching - anisotropic etching of non-planar surfaces may leave behind several stringers of
unetched material. Apart of structural layers, the fabrication of complex structure with
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MEMS Gyroscopes for Consumer and Industrial Applications
Industrial Applications 265

Sacrificial layer

Substrate Substrate Substrate

(a) (b) (c)

Structural layer Suspended structure

Substrate Substrate Substrate

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 8. Typical steps in a surface micromachining process: (a) substrate preparation -

typically, a 500 ÷ 700 μm thick single silicon (Si) crystal; (b) deposition of a sacrificial layer -
typically, a 1 ÷ 2 μm thick silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) layer; (c) creation of a hole by patterning
(photoresist deposition + optical lithography) and etching of the sacrificial layer; (d)
deposition of a structural layer - typically, a 1 ÷ 5 μm thick polysilicon layer; (e) shape
definition by patterning and etching of the structural layer; (f) release of the suspended
structure (e.g. a cantilever beam).

suspended or freely moving parts may require the deposition of so-called sacrificial layers,
i.e. layers that are selectively removed (release etch step) after growing one or more thin-film
structures above them. Thin-film deposition can be realized with several techniques, such
as physical or chemical vapor deposition (PVD or CVD, respectively), electrodeposition,
spin coating and Sol-Gel deposition. Thicker structures can be created by either using
epi-poly as structural material, or by bonding together two or more silicon wafers, using
wafer bonding techniques such as silicon-to-silicon bonding, silicon-on-insulator (SOI)
bonding, anodic bonding, adhesive bonding, etc.

3.3 Actuation and sensing mechanisms

Several methods have been exploited so far for generating and detecting vibrating motions
inside CVGs. Nevertheless, the foremost methods in industry practice are based on
electrostatic and piezoelectric principles, mainly because of the easiness of fabrication,
miniaturization and integration with standard manufacturing processes of the IC industry.
In electrostatic actuation, the attractive (repulsive) forces arising on oppositely (similarly)
electrically charged objects are used to generate motion; conversely, the capacitance change
experienced by electrically charged objects moving apart each other is exploited to detect
motion. Typically, an electrostatic actuator or sensor resembles a capacitor with moving plates:
indeed, this is the case for the parallel-plate and comb-fingers structures (Boser, 1997; Senturia,
2001). An example of a MEMS gyroscope exploiting electrostatic actuation and sensing is
reported in Fig. 9.
In piezoelectric actuation, the property (inverse piezoelectric effect) of certain materials (e.g.
quartz, ceramics, special alloys or piezoelectric polymers) to change their shape when
subjected to an electric field is effectively exploited to generate a mechanical deformation or
displacement. With regards to sensing, either the direct piezoelectric effect (Kotru et al., 2008;
Soderkvist, 1991) (generation of an electric field in response to a mechanical strain) or the
piezoresistive effect (Li et al., 1999; Voss et al., 1997) (change of electrical resistance in response
to a mechanical stress) are effectively used to sense the Coriolis-induced motion.
14 Microsensors

Except for electrostatic and piezoelectric methods, rather few alternatives have been
investigated and tested; examples of typical solutions presented in literature include designs
based on thermal (Shakoor et al., 2009) and magnetic (Paoletti et al., 1996; Tsai et al., 2009)
actuation, or optical sensing (Bochobza-Degani et al., 2000; Norgia & Donati, 2001).

3.4 Onboard electronics

The onboard electronics is necessary for:
• driving and sustaining the oscillations of the vibrating member. Two requirements must be
fulfilled when generating the driving motion: first, the oscillation amplitude must be
controlled with a high level of accuracy, since the stability of the sensor scale factor
depends on it (see Eqn. 15); second, the oscillation frequency should be as close as
possible to the resonant frequency of the vibrating member, in order to maximize the
efficiency in motion generation. These two requirements are usually accomplished by
employing a dedicated feedback control loop (driving loop), which basically excites the
vibrating member with a properly gain and phase adjusted version of the driving mode
detected motion. The phase is adjusted to meet the Barkhausen’s condition, thus actually
implementing an electromechanical (sinusoidal) oscillator (i.e. an electronic oscillator with
a mechanical resonating element); the gain is adjusted to regulate the oscillation amplitude
to the desired set-point. Details about the working principle and implementation of a
driving loop can be found in (M’Closkey & Vakakis, 1999; Oboe et al., 2005) (conventional
design) and (Dong & Avanesian, 2009; Leland et al., 2003) (unconventional designs based
on adaptive control schemes).

Proof masses

Fixed Anchors Mobile

electrodes electrodes

Parallel plates Comb fingers

actuators actuators

Fixed Anchors Mobile

electrodes electrodes

Fig. 9. Example of electrostatic actuation and sensing in a MEMS gyroscope: (a) ST

Microelectronics LISY300AL single-axis yaw-gyroscope (die photo); (b) parallel-plate
electrodes used for sensing the Coriolis-induced vibration along the sense axis; (c)
comb-fingers structures used for actuating/sensing the proof-mass motion along the drive
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Industrial Applications 267

• retrieving an angular velocity measurement from the sensing mode vibration. Several stages are
usually involved in retrieving a reliable measure: first, the Coriolis-induced motion must
be transduced into an electric signal, possibly ensuring a sufficiently high signal-to-noise
ratio. Second, the transduced signal must be demodulated with a carrier that is
synchronized with the driving motion, in order to obtain a baseband signal which
is proportional to the angular velocity; and finally, the demodulated signal must be
conditioned (e.g. scaled, filtered, digitized, etc.).
• reducing the interaction between the driving and sensing loops. Differently from the ideal
situation described in Sec. 2.2, in the real situation there is always a spurious motion
along the sense axis that is directly proportional to the drive vibration. This motion, called
quadrature error, is mainly due to a lack of orthogonality between the drive and sense
axes, which in turn results from structural asymmetries due to fabrication defects and
imperfections. The quadrature error requires to be compensated, since it detrimentally
affects the measurement. Usual compensation methods consists of either rebalancing the
mechanical structure (with mechanical or electrostatic methods - (Painter & Shkel, 2003;
Local electric field orientation
(generating y-axis tension)

x Drive

Angular rate
Ω(t) Vdrive

drive tines

Local electric field orientation

Drive tines (generating y-axis compression)

mounting pad
y (b)

Mounting pad
z x Local electric field orientation
(generated by y-axis tension)
Pickup tines x
pickup tines +


Local electric field orientation
(generated by y-axis compression)


Fig. 10. Example of piezoelectric actuation and sensing in a micro-gyroscope: (a) Systron
Donner Quartz Rotation Sensor (QRS) (quartz cut axis orientation ≡ z-axis) (Gupta & Jenson,
1995; Knowles & Moore, 2004); (b) electrodes configuration for generating the drive tine
bending vibration; (b) electrodes configuration for sensing the pickup tine bending vibration.
16 Microsensors

Weinberg & Kourepenis, 2006)) or canceling the error from the measurement (using a
feed-forward cancellation scheme - (Antonello et al., 2009; Saukoski et al., 2007)).
• improving sensor linearity and bandwidth. This is usually achieved by exploiting a
closed-loop sensing interface, in which the sense motion is nulled by employing a control
loop. The feedback signal used for nulling the sense motion contains the angular velocity
information, which can be extracted with a basic synchronous baseband demodulation
circuit. When a digital output must be provided, the feedback signal can be oversampled
and quantized with a coarse quantizer: in this case, the closed-loop sensing interface
behaves as a (electromechanical) ΣΔ modulator (Dong et al., 2008; Petkov & Boser, 2005).
• improving scale factor thermal stability. A temperature compensation loop can be sometimes
integrated on-board to reduce the sensitivity of the scale factor to temperature variations
(Jiancheng & Jianli, 2009).
Additional electronic functions may include self test and calibration, bias compensation, etc.

4. Industrial requirements
The specifications and test procedures for a single-axis CVG-based angular rate sensor have
been standardized in (IEEE Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Coriolis
Vibratory Gyros, 2004). The standard requirements for a CVG are specified in terms of its
performances, its mechanical and electrical interface characteristics, the environmental conditions,
the sensor life time and reliability (usually measured as Mean Time Between Failure - MTBF).
The performance of a CVG is specified according to the following quantities, whose
definitions are taken from (IEEE Standard for Inertial Sensor Terminology, 2001):
• Input range: the interval between the input limits within which a quantity is measured. The
input limits are defined as the extreme values of the input, generally plus or minus, within
which performance is of the specified accuracy. The full-scale (FS) input is the maximum
magnitude of the two input limits.
• Accuracy (or linearity error): the deviation of the output from a least-squares linear fit of
the input-output data. It is generally expressed as a percentage of the input full-scale, or a
percent of output, or both.
The definition implicitly assumes that the ideal sensor exhibits a linear input-output
behavior (i.e. the static input-output sensor characteristic is a linear function).
• Scale factor 1 : the ratio of a change in output to a change in the input intended to be
measured, typically specified in [V/◦ /s]. It is evaluated as the slope of the least squares
straight line fit to input-output data.
In the ideal case, the scale-factor is constant over both the entire input range and the whole
sensor lifespan. In the real case, the following quantities are used to judge the scale factor
– asymmetry error: the difference between the scale factor measured with positive input
and that measured with negative input, specified as a fraction of the scale factor
measured over the input range.

1 Sometimes the term sensitivity is used as a synonym for scale factor. However, according to (IEEE
Standard for Inertial Sensor Terminology, 2001), the term sensitivity is reserved for denoting the ratio of a
change in output to a change in an undesirable or secondary input.
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– scale factor stability: the variation in scale factor over a specified time of continuous
operation. Ambient temperature, power supply and additional factors pertinent to the
particular application should be specified.
– scale factor sensitivities: the ratio of change in scale factor to a change in an
undesirable input, such as the steady state operating temperature (scale factor
temperature sensitivity) or the constant acceleration along any axis (scale factor acceleration
sensitivity). Additional sensitivities may be specified such as those due to variations in
supply voltage (including frequency, voltage, ripple, starting and operating current),
orientation, vibration, magnetic field, radiation, and other environments pertinent to
the particular application.
• Resolution: the smallest input change, for inputs greater than the noise level, that can be
reliably detected. It is usually evaluated as the minimum input change that produces a
change in output equal to some specified percentage (at least 50%) of the change in output
expected using the nominal scale factor.
• Drift rate: the portion of gyro output that is functionally independent of input rotation.
The systematic component of the drift rate (systematic drift rate) includes:
1. Bias (or zero rate output - ZRO): the average over a specified time of gyro output
measured at specified operating conditions that has no correlation with input rotation.
Bias is typically expressed in [◦ /s] or [◦ /hr ].
2. Environmentally sensitive drift rate: the components of systematic drift rate that are
sensitive to temperature (steady state, gradient, ramp), acceleration, vibration and
other quantities.
The random component of the drift rate (random drift rate) includes:
1. Angle Random Walk (ARW): the angular error buildup √ with time√that is due to white
noise in angular rate, typically expressed in [◦ /hr/ hr ] or [◦ /s/ hr ].
2. Rate Random Walk (RRW): the drift rate error buildup with √time that is due to white
noise in angular acceleration, typically expressed in [◦ /hr/ hr ].
3. Bias Instability: the random variation in bias as computed over specified finite sample
time and averaging time intervals, characterized by a 1/ f power spectral density,
typically expressed in [◦ /hr ].
• Bandwidth: the range of frequency of the angular rate input that the gyroscope can detect.
Typically specified as the cutoff frequency coinciding to the −3 dB point. Alternatively, the
frequency response or transfer function could be specified.
• Activation time: it includes the turn-on time, i.e. the time from the initial application
of power until a sensor produces a specified useful output, though not necessarily at
the accuracy of full specification performance, and the warm-up time, i.e. the time from
the initial application of power to reach specified performance under specified operating
The mechanical and electrical requirements are usually specified in terms of:
• Outline, mounting dimensions, weight
• Gyro axes: the input axis (IA) is the axis about which a rotation of the case causes a
maximum output; the input reference axis (IRA) is the direction of an axis (ideally parallel
to an input axis) as defined by the case mounting surfaces, or external case markings, or
both. In case of a multi-axis gyroscope, more than one IA (and, correspondingly, IRA) can
be defined.
18 Microsensors

• Seal: CVGs may be sealed using vacuum, gas or ambient environment.

• Acoustic noise emission
• Electrical impedances: load impedances and impedances of excitation, monitoring,
temperature sensing and test circuits.
• Input power, grounding
• Output signals: the type and characteristics of output signals, such as analog voltage or
current, parallel or serial digital, or incremental angle pulses.
• Electromagnetic interference and electrostatic discharge (ESD) immunity.
The environmental requirements specify the environmental conditions (limits) and
perturbations during storage, transport and/or operation under which the sensor preserves
its functionality. Environmental characteristics account for:
• Linear and angular accelerations: both the acceleration (axis, direction, intensity) and
exposure time should be defined.
• Linear and angular vibrations: both axes and direction of vibration should be defined. For
a deterministic vibration, specifications include the type of vibration (e.g. sinusoidal) and
its characteristics (e.g. amplitude, frequency sweep range, exposure time). For a random
vibration, its spectral characteristic (e.g. power spectral density - PSD) is usually specified.
• Mechanical shock: it is specified in terms of axis, direction, wave shape, intensity (usually
measured as a peak value in [m/s2 ] or a multiple of the gravity acceleration g) and
• Temperature range
• Others: may include ambient air pressure, humidity, electromagnetic fields, etc.
Conventionally, gyroscopes are classified into three different categories based on their
performance: inertial-grade, tactical-grade, and rate-grade devices (Yazdi et al., 1998). Table 1
summarizes the requirements for each of these categories.
RLGs, together with HLGs (R.R.Ragan (ed), 1984), are currently the angular rate sensors with
highest performance available in the market, and exhibit inertial grade performances. They
are used in the most demanding applications, especially those requiring extremely high scale
factor stability (typically, high precision space applications). FOGs normally achieves tactical
grade performances, while typical MEMS CVGs seldom exceed the rate grade performance
level, which is however satisfactory for most of the automotive and consumer electronics
Parameter Rate grade Tactical grade Inertial grade

Angle Random Walk [◦ / hr ] > 0.5 0.5 ÷ 0.05 < 0.001
Bias drift [◦ /hr ] 10 ÷ 1000 0.1 ÷ 10 < 0.01
Scale factor Accuracy [%] 0.1 ÷ 1 0.01 ÷ 0.1 < 0.001
Full Scale Range [◦ /s] 50 ÷ 1000 > 500 > 400
Max. Shock in 1 ms [gs] 103 103 ÷ 104 103
Bandwidth, Hz > 70  100  100
Table 1. Performance requirements for different classes of gyroscopes
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5. Benchmark tests for two commercial products

5.1 Invensense IDG-650 Dual-Axis Pitch & Roll MEMS Gyroscope
The Invensense IDG-650 (Invensense, 2010) is a dual-axis MEMS gyroscope consisting of two
independent out-of-plane resonating tuning fork CVGs (for pitch and roll axes) integrated
on the same silicon die. The MEMS and CMOS integrated circuit (IC) are electrically
connected together through wafer level bonding, in such a way that the mechanical structure
is covered and hermetically sealed at the wafer level (Nasiri-Fabrication - patent protected).
The hermetic sealing improves the sensor resistance to humidity, high temperature and
electromagnetic/radio frequency interferences (EMI/RFI). The sensor has selectable scale
factors and full scale ranges (FS = ±2000◦ /s for faster motions, or FS = ±440◦ /s for
slower motions). Both the output measurements are thermally compensated by an internal
compensation circuit, comprising an integrated onboard temperature

5.2 STMicroelectronics LPR530AL Dual-Axis Pitch & Roll MEMS Gyroscope

The STMicroelectronics LPR530AL (STMicroelectronics, 2010) is a dual-axis MEMS gyroscope
capable of measuring angular rates along pitch and roll axes. The mechanical sensing element
is a vibrating disk fabricated using STMicroelectronic’s proprietary surface micromachining
process called ThELMA (Thick Epipoly Layer for Microactuators and Accelerometers). The
mechanical element is obtained by etching a thicker polysilicon epitaxial layer (≈ 15μm)
grown on top of a sacrificial oxide layer (≈ 2μm), which is removed at the end of the process
(release step) by isotropic etching. A second wafer is bonded to the substrate with the purpose
of creating a protecting case for the micromechanical structure. The ThELMA micromachined
mechanical element and the CMOS controller are finally assembled together in the same
chip (hybrid solution: two chips in a single package) either in a side-by-side or a stacked
• Scale factor 0.83 2 0.5 mV/◦ /s
• Scale factor (× 4.5) 3.33 9.1 2.27 mV/◦ /s
• Scale factor calibration tolerance 5 6 6 %
• Scale factor calibration drift
0.034 0.067 0.067 %/◦ C
over specified temperature (TA = 25◦ )
• Full-scale 1200 500 2000 ◦ /s
• Full-scale (× 4.5) 300 110 440 ◦ /s
• ZRO level 1.23 1.35 1.35 V
• ZRO tolerance 80 250 150 mV
• ZRO temperature sensitivity ◦ /s/◦ C
0.083 0.417 0.667
over specified temperature (TA = 25◦ C)
• phase delay at 10 Hz 4.0 4.5 4.5 ◦
• Turn-on time (typ) 200 50 50 ms
• Turn-on-time (max) 200 200 200 ms
• Total RMS noise 1.4 0.8 0.3 mV
• Nonlinearity 1 1 1 % of FS
• Cross-axis sensitivity 1 1 1 % of FS
• Supply voltage 2.7 ÷ 3.6 2.7 ÷ 3.3 2.7 ÷ 3.3 V
• Current absorption 6.8 7 7 mA
• Temperature range −40 ÷ 85 −20 ÷ 85 −20 ÷ 85 ◦C
• Package size 5 × 5 × 1.5 4 × 5 × 1.2 4 × 5 × 1.2 mm

Table 2. Specifications comparison for the gyroscopes under test

20 Microsensors

5.3 Comparative tests

The results of our comparative tests are briefly summarized in the following paragraphs.
Parts have been tested on a single-axis precision positioning and rate table (Aerosmith, 2005),
providing the desired angular rate profiles. An additional integral thermal chamber has been
installed on the table to allow thermal sensitivity/stress analyses.

5.3.1 ZRO temperature sensitivity

The ZRO has been measured by setting the default FS (i.e. full-scale × 4.5 in Tab. 2) for both
STM and IS sensors, and by varying the temperature over the range −40◦ C ÷ 85◦ C in steps of
5◦ C. As shown in Fig. 11, the ZRO of the STM sensor appears to be slightly more insensitive
to temperature variations than the IS sensor; however, the temperature sensitivities of both
sensors are within specifications.

Fig. 11. ZRO temperature sensitivity test results: STM (left); IS (right).

5.3.2 ZRO mechanical stress sensitivity

The ZRO has been measured after applying different calibrated vertical loads on the sensor
package, by means of a load cell. It has been noted that only the STM sensor has a ZRO that is
immune to the applied mechanical stress; for what concerns the IS sensor, the ZRO variation
exceeds the value of 30◦ /s as the vertical load varies over the range 0 ÷ 4 kg (see Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. ZRO mechanical stress sensitivity test results: STM (left), IS (right).
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Industrial Applications 273

5.3.3 Scale factor temperature sensitivity

Scale factor measurements have been done at a constant angular rate of 150◦ /s, and by
varying the temperature over the range −40◦ C ÷ 85◦ C in steps of 5◦ C. On average, both
the STM and IS sensors exhibit a scale factor temperature sensitivity below 0.05 %/◦ C and
thus within specifications (see Fig. 13) .

Fig. 13. Scale factor temperature sensitivity test results: STM (left); IS (right).

5.3.4 Frequency response

The sensor frequency response (from the angular rate input to sensor output measurement)
has been measured at 16 frequency points, almost regularly spaced in the frequency range
0.1 ÷ 100 Hz. Measurements have been carried out frequency-by-frequency, by evaluating
the sensor magnitude and phase responses to an applied sinusoidal angular rate input. As it
can be observed in Figs. 14 and 15, the STM and IS sensors have almost identical frequency
responses, with a flat magnitude response up to 50 Hz and a phase lag of 45◦ at 80 Hz; the
only noticeable difference consists of a flatter magnitude response of the STM sensor at higher

Fig. 14. STM LPR530AL measured frequency response: magnitude (left); phase (right).
22 Microsensors

Fig. 15. IS IDG-500/650 measured frequency response: magnitude (left); phase (right).

5.3.5 Noise power spectral density

The output noise Power Spectral Density (PSD) has been measured by using a Digital Signal
Analyzer (DSA). For a fair comparison, the full-scales of the two sensors have been selected
to be as matched as possible: therefore, the STM sensor FS has been set to 300◦ /s (scale factor
= 3.33 mV/◦ /s), while the IS sensor (IDG-500) FS has been selected as 500◦ /s (scale factor =
2 mV/◦ /s). With such configuration, the√ measured output noise floors of the two sensors √are
almost identical, e.g. Sn = 0.035 ◦ /s/ Hz for the STM LPR530AL and Sn = 0.030 ◦ /s/ Hz
for the IS IDG-500 (see also Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. Output noise power spectral density measurements: STM (left); IS (right).

6. Conclusions
In recent years, the development and commercialization of MEMS gyroscopes have
experienced a rapid growth, as a result of performance improvements and cost reductions.
Such sensors have begun to be applied in many consumer and industrial applications, either
to replace older, bulkier and more expensive angular rate sensors, or to become essential parts
in completely new applications requiring small and inexpensive devices.
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MEMS Gyroscopes for Consumer and Industrial Applications
Industrial Applications 275

This paper has provided a brief introduction to the design, technology and industrial
requirements aspects behind the recent commercialization of many MEMS gyroscopes for
consumer and industrial applications.
In order to assess the performance levels currently achieved by many sensors available in the
market, two commercially available sensors, e.g. the STMicroelectronics LPR530AL and the
Invensense IDG-500/650 dual-axis pitch & roll MEMS gyroscopes, have been compared by
running several benchmark tests. The tests have shown similar results for the two devices,
except for the ZRO immunity to mechanical stress, for which the STMicroelectronics sensor
has exhibited better performances.
In general, the average performance levels achieved by current MEMS gyroscopes available
in the market are sufficient for most of the consumer and industrial applications; nevertheless,
it is perhaps only a matter of time before they will become adequate also for the most
demanding inertial navigation applications.

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