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CS603 Final Paper Pattern For Fall2020

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Paper duration[90 minutes]

CS603 – Software Architecture and Design

Final Term Fall 2022 (Sample Paper)


Normally complexity increases when size is _______.
A. increasing
B. decreasing
C. Getting small
D. Getting zero
Software design will be ______ if two designer design an airline system separately.
A. probably different
B. same
C. identical
D. uniform
________ is a problem that can only be clearly defined by completely solving it.
A. Wicked problem
B. Simple problem
C. Machine problem
D. Different problem
________ process is the one which produces the same output given the same inputs.
A. Continuous
B. Deterministic
C. Non-deterministic
D. Finite
Design is a __________ process.
A. deterministic
B. non-deterministic
C. non-repeatable
D. non-iterative
In an unexplored domain, _________ will be used to show the tentative system to the client.
A. coding
B. Requirement
C. prototyping
D. testing
A design must be ________ to change.
A. easy
B. difficult
C. hidden
D. hard
In maintainable design,cost of change is _________.
A. high
B. Standard
C. minimal
D. zero
A/an _________ represent similar objects.
A. object
B. variable
C. Loop
D. class
Sub-class is a specialized form of ________.
A. Child class
B. Super Object
C. Super class
D. Super function
Vehicle is an example of ________.
A. duplicate class
B. abstract class
C. concrete class
D. master class
Parent and child relationship in classes is called ___________.
A. polymorphism
B. inheritance
C. association
D. abstraction
In _______ , it is easy to query from one table.
A. filtered Mapping
B. rational Mapping
C. horizontal Mapping
D. vertical Mapping
In _______ , all classes of inheritance hierarchy are mapped to single table.
A. filtered Mapping
B. rational Mapping
C. horizontal Mapping
D. vertical Mapping
Class Date
In the above code snippet, Date(); is a _______.
A. Class
B. Constructor
C. Variable
D. Loop
________ association is a very simple way to relate two class with each other.
A. Uni-directional
B. Bi-directional
C. Looping
D. Conditional
In a____________ association, both classes must include a reference to the linked object.  
A. Non-directional
B. Uni-directional
C. Bi-directional
D. Conditional
In _________, a software module should do one thing and should do it well.
A. Component principle
B. Class principle
C. SOLID principle
D. ACID principle
Which of the SOLID principle deals with the design of inheritance hierarchies?
A. Single responsibility principle
B. Open close principle
C. Interface segregation principle
D. Liskov’s substitution principle
Duplication would require _________ all the occurrence when the common information changes.
A. updating
B. deleting
C. saving
D. copying
___________ deal with dynamic interactions among societies of classes and objects?
A. Structural pattern
B. Creational pattern
C. Behavioral pattern
D. Category pattern
A problem in which an instance changes its class is called ___________.
A. Object morphing
B. SOLID morphing
C. Structure morphing
D. Open morphing
if (isSpecialDeal()) {
    total = price * 0.95;
    send ();
else {
    total = price * 0.98;
    send ();

How the above code can be improved using refactoring?

A. Common method will be taken out from the if-else brackets

B. Use for loop to make it better
C. Remove all discount to increase profits
D. Change the total calculation formula
if (isSpecialDeal()) {
    total = price * 0.95;
    send ();
else {
    total = price * 0.98;
    send ();

which method (in the above code) will be taken out from the if-else brackets after code refactoring?
A. isSpecialDeal()
B. send()
C. else{}
D. if() {}
In a large method, ____________ is easily applicable during refactoring?
A. extract method
B. Code restructuring
C. Code re-generator
D. Object orientation
Improved cohesion in design will ___________.
A. be hard to modify
B. be hard to maintain
C. bring ease in modification
D. increase coupling
Which of the following is the suitable name of the above interface?

A. GUI based input and output

B. Console based input and output
C. Console-based Input and GUI based Output
D. Command line input and output


Which of the following is the suitable name of the above interface?

A. Graphical user interface

B. Console based interface
D. Laptop interface
public class MonolithicConsoleUI {
public static void main(String[] args) {
            int counter = 0;
            while (true) {
                        System.out.println("Counter: " + counter);
                        int nextInput = Console.readInt();
                        if (nextInput == 0) break;
                        counter += nextInput;
 Identify the output command in the above code.
A. counter += nextInput;
B. System.out.println("Counter: " + counter);
C. int nextInput = Console.readInt();
D. while (true)
Layered structure is an example of ____________.
A. Static structures
B. Dynamic structures
C. Deployment structures
D. Allocation structures
In layered structure, modules are aggregated (organized) into ___________.
A. cubes
B. parts
C. layers
D. blocks
Class diagram is an example of ___________.
A. Static structures
B. Dynamic structures
C. Deployment structures
D. Allocation structures
The set of architectural structures is __________.
A. fixed
B. not fixed
C. limited
D. fixed and limited
A. Every system includes _________ among them to support some type of reasoning.
B. Elements
C. Relations
D. Elements and relations
E. classes
__________ helps you to turn core features such as caching, data access, validation,
A. and workflow into actions.
B. Architecture style
C. Architecture frame
D. Application type
E. Architecture pattern

Which of the following is not a component of the Architecture Meta-Frame?
A. Architecture frame
B. Application types
C. Interpreters
D. Quality attributes
The key difference of service-oriented architecture from a traditional distributed architecture is  _____.
A. its distributed nature
B. the use of web services
C. its loosely coupled nature
D. how its core components are designed
In service-oriented architecture, organizations have the flexibility to choose whether they want to
replace certain systems, allowing them to use a phased approach to____________.
A. deployment
B. migration
C. installation
D. maintenance
___________ is very important for decomposing a complex system into a right set of micro-services.
A. Development skills
B. Programming tools
C. Domain knowledge
D. Deploying environment
Architects’ focus is on the boundaries and interfaces. Internal details are dealt at the _________ level.
A. requirements elicitation
B. design
C. deployment
D. maintenance

Subjective Questions (3 Marks)

Model/Interactor Patterns is a technique which is used to remove the code duplication from three types
of applications. Write down the names of those applications.

Describe the major cause of rounding-off error while dealing with extract method type of refactoring?

As we know that, caching improves the performance and responsiveness of an application. However,
incorrect caching choices and poor caching design can degrade performance, security and
responsiveness. Which types of common mistakes we do at the time of designing cache for our web

What could be the impact of adding new layers to Service-Oriented software architecture?

What do you know about the term “Ubiquitous network access” used in cloud computing?

Name the three service models used in cloud computing?

Subjective Questions (5 Marks)

Briefly describe the Pitfalls related to extract method type of refactoring?

Write down the names of bad smells that fall in the “Change preventers” category along-with a one-
line definition of each.

Caching improves the performance and responsiveness of an application. However, incorrect caching
choices and poor caching design can degrade performance, security and responsiveness. What are the
guidelines to be followed at the time of designing cache for a web application?

Mention at least five characteristics of a micro-service architecture?

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