IT FP2250 KellyTravis Assessment6 1
IT FP2250 KellyTravis Assessment6 1
IT FP2250 KellyTravis Assessment6 1
Travis Kelly
Assignment 6
Capella University
Create an enterprise-wide network security plan for an
To make an enterprise-wide network security plan for a small doctors’ office, the process must
be broken down into steps. The first step is establishing an information security team. The team
assets, assessing threats and vulnerabilities, managing risk, ext. The next step would be
databases, and any other IT assets. The third step would be to decide on a standard—such as
HIPAA, IEEE, and ext. The fourth step would be to assess threats, vulnerabilities, and risks.
While this is part of what the security team does, it is part of making sure that the network is
secure. The fifth step is managing risks. This step focuses on avoiding and mitigating risk factors.
The final step is to implement security controls. The purpose of this step is to control and
Several things can make a network vulnerable and at risk. This section will go over three of the
most common problems and possible solutions for those problems. The first problem is
unknown assets on the network. A lot of business does not have a full list of all their IT assets
that are tied to the network. For obvious reasons, this is a huge problem. If the business does
not know what assets are theirs, then how can it know that its network is secure? The simplest
fix for this issue is to conduct a review of all the devices on the network and identify all of the
various platforms they run. This will allow the business to see all of the different access points
Another common risk to a network is the abuse of user account privileges. In 2016, the
“Harvard Business Review” concluded that 60% of all attacks were carried out by insiders.
These could be honest mistakes—like sending info to the wrong email or losing a work device—
people inside the business represent the biggest security problems. Since these types of threats
come from trusted users and systems, they can be one of the most challenging to identify and
stop. However, there are ways to help minimize the risk. The use of a POLP (principle of least
privilege) can limit the damage of a misused user account. In a POLP, every user’s access to
various systems and databases on the network is restricted. Instead, the user account only has
access to things that the user needs access to perform their job.
The last common security risk that will be mentioned in this section is unpatched security
vulnerabilities. The risk comes from unpatched KNOWN vulnerabilities. Exploits used are
typically found and fixed quickly in most cases. However, the failure of the company to update
its software puts the network at risk. Most attacks occur through old exploits that have not
been updated and patched by the business. The simplest fix to this issue is to maintain a strict
schedule for keeping up with security patches and checking the current versions. Additionally,
making sure that all the devices on the network are running the same OS can help with
mitigating these problems as the list of possible exploits lessen, since all devices run on the
same software.
This issue was addressed in the above section with the abuse of user accounts. However, this
section will go into more detail about the solution. A principle of least privilege (POLP) will be
implemented to keep the risk to a minimum. The purpose of a POLP is to enforce users to only
access programs that are directly related to performing their job. Under the PLOP each user is
granted permission to read, write or execute only files or resources that are needed to perform
their job—the least amount of privilege necessary. The POLP helps with restricting access rights
For applications, systems, processes, and devices to only those permissions that are authorized
to the user account. The network administrator will provide these permissions based on the job
of each employee. This will help with both intentional and accidental attacks on the network. If
a device is lost or stolen, that device does not have access to the main server of the network
and therefore the information is protected. Additionally, a user cannot accidentally access
something they should not be accessing because they will not have access to any of this type of
information. With fewer people having access to the main server, it the better to help prevent
Data security is one of the most important things to focus on now a day, especially in the
medical field. There are several things that a company can do to help protect this valuable data.
First of all, the doctor’s office should be equipped with CCTV cameras. This is important
because if anyone accessed data via a computer, the CCTV camera should provide video proof
of who it was. Additionally, the doctor officer should implement access controls. This will
include locks that can only be accessed with keycards and or biometrics. Furthermore, the data
server should keep all the hard drives in a locked server that has a special key to unlock the
server to access the hard drives. The server should also be in a room where there is only one
way in or out, and the door is equipped with a lock that requires either biometrics or an access
Identify hardware areas that need to be secured
Securing hardware—as mentioned above—is one of the most important aspects of a doctor’s
office. Patient medical files are highly personal and very important to keep secure. To keep this
type of information secure, there need to be certain things secured. As mentioned above, the
most important device that needs to be protected is the server room. This room should have a
locked door and additional locks on the server hard drives as well. Additionally, the client
computers should have a lock on the case to not allow anyone to access the internal
components of the computer. Furthermore, all the devices—especially those that are wireless
—should be encrypted with a bit locker. This will help prevent unauthorized users to access any
Allowing files to be shared over a network makes accessing them by users easy, however, it is
also creating possible attacks on the network easy as well. To help prevent these attacks and to
ensure the security of the data and network files to encrypt the data. Encryption of the data will
help provide additional security if an unauthorized person is trying to access the data—much
like a bit locker. Additionally, there should be regular backups of all the data to prevent any
data loss. To help keep the OS secure, the OS should be regularly updated when updates are
available. As mentioned above, most exploits are performed through areas that are known
weak spots and the company failed to install the patch update(s). Furthermore, each of the
client computers should have an antivirus product on it to help with securing the OS. Lastly, the
use of user accounts and PLOP will help keep the OS secure by making sure no one can access
There are several ways a company can send and receive data. To help secure the
The information several different things can be done, depending on the type of information
being sent. For starters, emails and accounts will be encrypted. Additionally, the email itself will
be encrypted when sent, to help secure the data even more. For larger files, the doctor officer
might use an FTP (file transfer protocol). FTP can easily be intercepted. To help prevent this the
use of an SSL certificate—also known as FTPS. FTPS creates a secure connection from the server
The lab, understand how software as a service (SaaS) works, was assigned for this
Assignment and discussed what SaaS was. SaaS is a software distribution model that third-party
providers’ hospital applications. The way SaaS can apply to this assignment is by applying a SaaS
to the doctor’s office. There are SaaS applications for basic business such as email, customer
relationship management (CRM), financial management, and much more. This is essential to
this assignment because the doctor’s office can essentially use a SaaS system for their basic