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PS is a command that displays information about all processes currently running in your system.
Read man page of ps command. Enter the following commands: (1) ps –ef | more and (2) ps –aux
| more. Both of these will result in displaying a long list of processes. Identify what processes are
started when the system is booted, and what processes are started later on. For each process, find
out who owns it, what code it is running, and how much CPU/memory it has used.

Now, store the details of all processes owned by root in a file called rootprocesses-1, and all
processes owned by you in a file called my-processes-1. Next, restart your system, and create
similar files, root-processes-2 and myprocesses-2. Compare root- processes-1 with root-
processes-2, and my-processes-1 with my-processes-2. Explain the differences between the two.


ps -aux | grep root >> rootprocesses-1  # store root processes into rootprocesses-1

ps -aux | grep jd(user namer) >> my-processes-1  # store root processes into my-processes-1

After restart the system 

ps -aux | grep root >> rootprocesses-2  # store root processes into rootprocesses-2
ps -aux | grep jd >> my-processes-2  # store my processes into my-processes-2

All processes/tasks gets killed during restart, while in case of logoff only user login process gets

So Some many processes are killed which are not present in both files.

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