Multi (1) 1
Multi (1) 1
Multi (1) 1
(Personality Diversity)
Submitted by group 2:
Datlag, Richelle Ann
Duron, Kenneth
Elman, Tristan
Raymundo, RevinoMarcial
Submitted to:
Ms. Fides Marie Avelino
Literature or Study
This study examines whether personality factors influence individuals’ preferences for racially diverse,
versus non-diverse, workplaces. We hypothesized that individuals who are high in openness to
experience, extroversion and agreeableness would be more attracted to a racially diverse workplace,
whereas individuals high in neuroticism and conscientiousness would be less attracted to a diverse
workplace. Undergraduate participants completed an online survey after viewing a company fact sheet
with either high or low minority representation among its employees and a traditional or open company
culture. After viewing the fact sheet, participants indicated the extent to which they found it an
appealing place to work and completed the Big Five Personality Scale. On average, participants
significantly preferred the racially diverse workplace to the one that had few minorities. In addition,
participants who were high in openness to experience especially preferred the racially diverse
organization. These findings are important because they aid in a better understanding of individual
differences in workplace preferences, especially as organizations are trying to become more diverse.
Author, Date of Published & Title of article: Tinker, Kaitlin N., (2012). The Role of Personality and
Diverse Workplace Preference
Key realization and relevance of it to future career in tourism and hospitality workforce
Based on the journal wrote by the author named Kaitlin Tinker, I realized that their study shows that
the person who had the big 5 personality traits which are high in openness to experience,
extroversion, agreeableness, high in neuroticism and conscientiousness are the one who is perfectly
fit to the workplace that has a multicultural diversity. A person who has an openness to experiences
are the ones that is able to accept any challenges, seek for adventures and willing to do out of the
box experiences for them to feel the uniqueness in everything and to learn something from the
different life.
Let us make a relevance in the future career in tourism and hospitality workplace, if an employee is
hired as front office clerk in a Hotel, but suddenly conflict arise. The hotel needs someone that can
handle back office tasks, a person who has openness to experiences will accept that changes. He/
she will able to adapt new environment, new task and new people. This personality is somewhat
related on being flexible to work, since he/she is able to do different task, it is for them to learn new
things and to have a more experiences to share and keep on.
Extroversion is referring to someone who is mostly active in ways of being outgoing, loud, bold, and
likely to be social in many ways and things. Therefore, the group of people who has the same personality
basically love to talk more aggressive in a way that more questions are likely to be asked than usual.
There are some negative or weakness that this person have like can be miss behave or too much lively
that is not all the time can be helpful in some situations. Besides its weakness the positive side of this
person is can quickly associate with other witch is can be so much useful to the associate all the task and
who should we calling to assess things because this person knew who to ask because they have a wide
range of sources.
The great example of this is in the situation in the hotel on how we have to approached and being
approachable, now in the hotel there are many co-workers and each has a dedicated job that they need
to do and soon to be done, like assisting guest, since they came from the parking lot, to the
entrance,lastly until reached their proffered room, the guest is for sure wanted to feel welcome as much
as possible the employee wanted them to feel at home. Everyone can say “welcome to our hotel” but
not as how and the way with a person who have the quality or personality of being extroversion, this
person can manipulate those sentence much approachable than the others. Like they can have enough
courage to say it genuinely with feelings because they ate used to have the attitude on how to approach
guest very well. The relevance of the personality extroversion in the hospitality it can do job actively
with its confidence to talk with each other about the task rather than “just forget it” because they are a
bit shy with co-worker, but in this diverse personality everyone has a room that they will surely fit in
whether and whatever their personality is dominant and everyone should respect it.
Agreeableness is a personality trait that describes a person’s ability to put others' needs before their
own. Those who are more agreeable are more likely to be empathetic and find pleasure in helping
others and working with people who need more help. It is commonly used to describe the level of
friendliness, kindness, and even politeness a person displays. Agreeableness is one of the five traits that
make up the Big Five personality model. Agreeable people are generally well-liked and prefer
cooperation to conflict, and scoring high in agreeable tendencies also means that you have the ability to
maintain relationships.
Being agreeable is a positive trait, but it can also cause you problems in the workplace and personal life.
Being too agreeable can make it difficult to assert yourself or take tough decisions. Overly agreeable
people struggle to progress in their professional careers because they are concerned with others'
progress. Like with the other personality traits, agreeableness can impact individuals in the workplace as
well as the workplace environment. Depending on the sector where you work, you may require more
agreeable personalities in order to deliver a product or service that meets the needs of the sector.
example of relevance in the future career in tourism and hospitality workplace;
If an employee or hotel employee is new to his or her job and still needs guidance after receiving
training, a hotel needs an employee who can be trusted to guide the new staff, and people with an
agreeable personality who never hesitate to help others are the ones they need. A People with the
quality of being mindful of others’ needs, considerate, cooperative, kind, and friendly. Having a staff
with high levels of agreeableness is really important to every hospitality industry because it tends to
contribute to supporting long-term relationships with hotel guests, reducing marketing costs, and
increasing overall profitability.
A simple way to think of neuroticism is how well an individual can manage stress and experience
negative emotions in relation to these circumstances. Another way to understand neurotic behavior is to
consider it as “emotional stability”. Neuroticism, like all other personality traits, lives on a sliding scale of
high to low and it isn’t uncommon to encounter these emotions and feelings in the course of your life.
When you hear that someone is neurotic, there can be a negative attitude applied to this description but
when you analyze neuroticism more closely, it does have advantages.
Tend to be intelligent, humorous, have more realistic (if cynical) expectations, a greater self-awareness,
drive and conscientiousness, they take fewer risks, and have a strong need to provide for others.
Awareness is frequently associated with conscientiousness. Conscientious people typically have
excellent time management skills, self-control, and organizational skills. They are known for being hard
workers and great team players.
There is a lot to be said about having a team or individual who is conscientious. Conscientious
individuals exhibit a strong work ethic, are dependable, on time, pay attention to detail, and
demonstrate commitment and purpose. They are frequently referred to as "the perfect personality for a
team." They are the characters who plan their work to the very last detail or even to the exact time
Here are the eight example of people that are conscientiousness in the workplace
Being on Time - Setting reminders for upcoming events on their calendar and breaking projects down
into smaller tasks so that they can work on them gradually up to the due date are two examples of
employees who are careful with their time.
One of the most prominent examples of diligence in the workplace is avoiding procrastination and
preferring to complete assignments much earlier. These are the individuals who have never missed a
deadline. People who are conscientious strictly adhere to rules and regulations.
It is relevance in the workplace especially in the future career in tourism because when a worker's
schedule and workplace are organized and tidy when they are high in conscientiousness. Any member of
the team can benefit from having this quality because it helps maintain order within the organization.
In tourism workplace being conscientiousness is a big help because, being proactive is a major quality
that sets conscientious people apart from others. They arrive on time and frequently use a to-do list to
track their responsibilities and objectives. They don't put things off and prepare based on their current
circumstances. They place a great deal of importance on order.
Conscientiousness is also beneficial to your health and can have a positive impact on your life overall.
Conscientious people are more likely to exercise and pay attention to what they eat, which can increase
alertness, mental ability, productivity and longevity.
Conscientious people consider the consequences of their decisions, and this helps them develop critical-
thinking and problem-solving skills in the workplace.