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LC Group 2 - Jack Welch at GE

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MEI 2022
Ana Fitriana 21/489918/PEK/28045
Arie Pujakesuma 21/490963/PEK/28382
Eben Limbong 21/489998/PEK/28068
Shidiq Tegar 21/489680/PEK/27993
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the Best Leadership Style
to Connect
with Internal Audiences
Recognizing the Strategic
and Cultural Role of
Employee Communication
Transformational leaders influence:
1) the internal mindset of the people in the organization

2) the culture among the people of the organization

3) the culture beyond the people of the organization

Primary Embedding Mechanisms
1. What leaders pay attention to, measure, and control on a regular
2. How leaders react to critical incidents and organization crises
3. How leaders allocate resources
4. Deliberate role modeling, teaching, and coaching
5. How leaders allocate rewards and status
6. How leaders recruit, select, promote, and excommunicate
Secondary Articulation
and Reinforcement Mechanisms
1. Organizational design or structure
2. Organizational systems and procedures
3. Rites and rituals of the organization
4. Design of the physical space, facades, and buildings
5. Stories about important events and people
6. Formal statements of organizational philosophy, creeds, and charters
All employee communication
can and should accomplish the following basic objective
1. Educate employees in the organization’s culture, vision, and strategic
2. Motivate employee support for the organization’s goals.
3. Encourage higher performance and discretionary effort to achieve
those goals.
4. Limit misunderstandings and rumors that may damage morale and
5. Align employees behind the organization’s performance objectives
and position them to help achieve them.
Effective Internal Communication
Section 2
Establishing effective internal communication
Strategic Objective Communications used to reinforce strategic
objectives and to ensure employees understand
new direction

Supportive Management Top-level management involved in and actively

assuming responsibility for communications

Targeted Messages Targeted, consistent, frequently repeated messages

designed to clarify company vision, strategy, and

Effective Media / Forums More emphasis placed on informal, face-to-face

communications than on formal vehicles
Well-positioned staff
Employees positioned strategically and deployed as
change agents
On-going assessment Change communication success measured
frequently against clearly defined goals;
communication effectiveness included in individual
performance appraisals
Change communications integrated into business
processes with communication milestones
included in business plan
Targeted Message
5. 28
Ongoing Assessment
1 : 20
Using Missions and Visions to
Internal Communication
Using Missions & Visions to Strengthen
Internal Communication

Missions :
- We rise to the challenge of building a world that works
Source : https://www.ge.com/about-us

Visions :
- To become the best company in the world 00:02:08
- To Improve overall competitive position of every GE businesses 00:03:11

Strategic Objectives :
- Fix, Closed / Sell GE Business that failed
- Buying other company that lucrative
What are Missions & Vision?

The mission is why a company exists.

🚀 ● Define company’s basic business
Missions ● Ensure Employees are pointed in the right direction
● Establishes a single, noble purpose and an enduring reality

The vision is what the organization wants to become.

● Reflects the leaders’ willingness to project in the future
👀 ● Expresses aspirations
Vision ● Describes an inspiring new reality, achievable in a reasonable timeframe
● Guides internal actions
● Usually starts with the words “to become” or “to create”
How We Get the Missions?

🚀 👀 ♟
Missions Strategic
Why use Missions & Vision Statement?

🔍 Establish a firm foundation of goals, standards, and objectives to guide corporate planners and

🤩 Satisfy both company’s need for efficiency and employees’ need for group identity
💪 Inspire individual action, determine behavior, and fuel motivation
🎯 Provide direction to keep everyone moving in the same direction
Designing and Implementing
Effective Change Communication
Determining the Scope of Change Communication
All of the strategic program plus employee workshops to redefine
work habits and change employee behavior at all levels with
Level 3 - Major Change frequent program and performance feedback and assessment

Strategic messages, using all media but relying primarily

Level 2 - Strategic on interactive meetings with periodic program and
performance assessment

Targeted, strategic messages,

Level 1- Basic mostly one-directional, without periodic
Three Phased Change Communication Action Plan
Launch Change
Design Change Communication Monitor Results and Make
Communication and Ensure
Strategy and Plan Adjustments

● Form change ● Hold vision and ● Make adjustments in

communication team strategic objectives messages and plan
(CCT) meetings ● Continue to reinforce
● Assess current ● Begin message change messages
communications campaign ● Conduct job redefinition
● Develop change ● Launch cascading meetings
communication employee change ● Measure results
strategy (media, meetings
messages, timing,
spokespersons, etc.)
Work Out System on GE
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