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Cyst Anomalies LSP

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Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mrs. Tanima Verma Deeksha
Clinical instructor M.Sc. (N) II yr
KGMU College of Nursing KGMU College of Nursing
Submitted on:
Lesson Plan

Subject Obstetrics and gynaecology nursing

Topic Pregnancies complicating with these conditions: cyst , tumour, uterine prolapse .

Group M.Sc. (N) II year

Place Lucknow

Date & time 10/4/22 & 2-4 pm

Teaching method Lecture cum discussion

AV aids / instructional aids Power point presentation

Group Pre requisite Group may have some knowledge regarding the topic: Pregnancies complicating with these
General Objective At the end of the class group will have thorough knowledge regarding Pregnancies complicating
with these conditions.
 introduce the uterine anomalies.
Specific objective
 stated the types of uterine anomalies.
 enumerate the symptoms and diagnosis of uterine anomalies
 introduce the uterine prolapse
 enlist the causes and symptoms of uterine prolapse.
 Mention management and complication of uterine prolapse
 Introduce ovarian cyst
 Stated its causes and symptoms
 Enumerate its types
 Discuss its diagnosis and management .
S. No Time Specific objective Content Teaching learning Evaluation
1 2 minutes To introduce T-Teacher What do you
Uterine anomalies, uterine prolapse and introduces uterine
uterine anomalies , understand by
ovarian cyst:
prolapse and anomalies , prolapse uterine anomalies ,
ovarian cyst Congenital uterine anomalies are malformations and ovarian cyst via prolapse and ovarian
of the uterus that develop during embryonic life. PowerPoint cyst?
Congenital uterine anomalies occur in less than presentation
5% of all women, but have been noted in up to S. Students listening
25% of women who have had miscarriages and/or attentively
deliveries of premature babies

2 1minutes To define uterine DEFINITION T-Teacher defines What do you mean

anomalies , prolapse When a woman is in her mother’s womb, uterine anomalies , by uterine anomalies
and ovarian cyst her uterus develops as two separate halves that prolapse and ovarian prolapse and ovarian
fuse together before she is born. When a woman's cyst via power point cyst?
uterus develops differently from most women, it presentation
is called a uterine anomaly. S. Students listening
A uterine prolapse is a condition where the attentively
internal supports of the uterus become weak over
time. The uterus is one of the organs that makes
up part of your reproductive system.
Ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that
develop in a woman's ovaries. Most cysts are
harmless, but some may cause problems such as
rupture, bleeding, or pain. Moreover, surgery may
be required in certain situations to remove the
3 2 minutes To Enlist the Causes: T- Teacher describes What are the
causes uterine Most women with these malformations (more the causes uterine causes?
anomalies , than 90%) have a normal number of anomalies , prolapse
prolapse and and ovarian cyst
chromosomes, 46 XX.
ovarian cyst
Women who were exposed to DES while in their via power point
mother’s womb are at increased risk for having a
congenital uterine anomaly.
Uterine prolapse: S- Students listening
• Loss of muscle tone as the result of aging. attentively
• Injury during childbirth, especially if you
have had many babies or large babies
(more than 9 pounds).
• Obesity.
• Chronic coughing or straining.
• Chronic constipation.
Ovarian cyst:
• History of previous ovarian cysts
• Irregular menstrual cycles
• Obesity
• Early menstruation (11 years or younger)
• Infertility
• Infertility treatment with gonadotropin
4 To discuss the types Types: T-Teacher explains What are the types
2 minutes uterine anomalies , types uterine uterine anomalies ,
prolapse and Uterine anomalies: anomalies , prolapse prolapse and ovarian
ovarian cyst • Septate: a normal external uterine surface and ovarian cyst via cys?
but two endometrial cavities power point
• Bicornuate: an abnormal, indented presentation
external uterine surface and two S.Students clarifying
endometrial cavities the doubts
• Arcuate: a normal external uterine surface
with a 1 cm or less indentation into the
endometrial cavity
• Unicornuate: only one half of the uterus
has developed
• Didelphys: the two halves of the uterus
remain separate
Ovarian cyst:
• Follicular cyst
• Corpus luteum cyst
• Haemorrhagic cyst
• Dermoid cyst
• Endometriomas or endometrioid cysts
• Polycystic ovaries
5 5 minutes To discuss • Symptoms: T-Teacher explains What are the
symptoms uterine Uterine anomalies: symptoms uterine symptoms uterine
anomalies , prolapse • Some women may have pain with their anomalies , prolapse anomalies , prolapse
and ovarian cyst menstrual periods. Congenital uterine and ovarian cyst via and ovarian cyst?
anomalies typically do not cause a woman to power point
have difficulty getting pregnant. presentation
Uterine prolapse: S.Students clarifying
• A feeling of heaviness or pressure in the the doubts
• Pain in the pelvis, abdomen or lower back.
• Pain during sex (intercourse).
Ovarian cyst:
• Pain with sexual intercourse, especially with
deep penetration
• Lower abdominal or pelvic pain. This may be
intermittent, or can be severe, sudden, and
• Irregular menstrual periods
• A feeling of lower abdominal or pelvic
pressure or fullness.

6 5 minutes To Enumerate Diagnosis and treatment: T-Teacher Enumerate What are the
diagnosis and Imaging studies, such as a hysterosalpingogram diagnosis and diagnosis and
treatment and ultrasound, or an MRI, are required to treatment via power treatment?
visualize the uterus and confirm that a congenital point presentation
uterine anomaly is present. S.Students clarifying
Pelvis exam, ultrasound, laproscopic surgery, the doubts
serum CA125 assay, Hormone level ,
• Treatment:
Recommendations for surgical treatment of
congenital uterine anomalies depend on the
particular anomaly and the woman’s reproductive
• Uterine prolapse
Non-surgical options
• Exercise
• Vaginal pessary
Surgical options
• Hysterectomy and prolapse repair
• Prolapse repair without hysterectomy:
• Maintaining a healthy body weight.
• Exercising regularly. In addition, do Kegel
exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor
muscles. Remember, check with your
healthcare provider before starting any new
exercise program.
• Ovarian cyst
• Oral contraceptive, pain reliever
• Surgery: laproscopic, laparotomy, ovarian
To discuss current Two successful natural pregnancies in a patient
7 5 minutes T-Teacher explains What is the current
literature with severe uterine prolapse: A case report current literature via literature?
Uterine prolapse is a common gynecologic power point
condition that is rare during or before pregnancy. presentation
We report an exceptional case of two pregnancies
in a totally prolapsed uterus. A 36-year- S.Students clarifying
old Caucasian woman with a history of uterine the doubts
prolapse presented with pregnancy. A
vaginal pessary was applied to keep her uterus
inside the pelvis after manual reposition.
The pessary was removed at the 24th week. The
gravid uterus persisted in the abdominal
cavity because of its increased volume. Our case
shows that pregnancy during uterine prolapse is
possible and that careful assessment is required to
prevent complications during delivery. According
to our experience, an elective caesarean section
near term could be the safest mode of delivery.
Today I have discussed about the uterien anomalies , prolapse and ovarian cyst.

CONCLUSION: Congenital uterine anomalies are malformations of the uterus that develop during embryonic life. Congenital uterine
anomalies occur in less than 5% of all women, but have been noted in up to 25% of women who have had miscarriages and/or deliveries of
premature babies

Discuss about the nursing management of pregnacy complicating conditions.

➢ what is uterine anomalies?
➢ Define ovarian cyst ?
➢ what are thetypes of uterine anomalies and ovarian cyst ?
➢ What are the symptoms of anomalies and cyst ?
➢ expalin the surgical management of pregnancy complicating condition?


1. Dutta D.C. Textbook of obstetrics. Sixth edition. Calcutta, India; New Central Book agency (P) Ltd: 2004..
2. Pillitteri A. Maternal and child health nursing. Care of the childbearing and childrearing family. Sixth edition. Philadelphia; Lippincott
Williams & wilkins: 2010.
3. Jacob A. A comprehensive textbook of midwifery. Second edition. India; Jaypee Brothers Medical publishers (P) ltd.
4. VanRees, D, Bernstine, R L. and Crawford, W (1981 Ovarian cyst, prolapse : an ultrasonic study. J.Clin. Ultrasound, 9:55-57.
5. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/imagepages/19926.htm
6. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16030-uterine-prolapse

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