Ch10solution Manual
Ch10solution Manual
Ch10solution Manual
Chapter 10
Competitive Markets: Applications
2. What is the size of the deadweight loss in a competitive market with no government
3. What is meant by the incidence of a tax? How is the incidence of an excise tax related to
the elasticities of supply and demand in a market?
The incidence of the tax refers to who ultimately pays the tax. In general, when the government
imposes a tax, consumers and producers share the tax burden to some degree. The incidence of
the tax refers to how the tax is shared.
The incidence of the tax depends on the shapes of the supply and demand curves. If demand is
relatively inelastic compared with supply, consumers will bear most of the burden of the tax,
whereas if supply is relatively inelastic compared with demand, producers will bear most of the
burden of the tax.
4. In the competitive market for hard liquor, the demand is relatively inelastic and the
supply is relatively elastic. Will the incidence of an excise tax of $T be greater for
consumers or producers?
Since demand is relatively inelastic compared with supply, most of the burden of the tax will rest
with the consumers.
5. Gizmos are produced and sold in a competitive market. When there is no tax, the
equilibrium price is $100 per gizmo. The own-price elasticity of demand for gizmos is
known to be about –0.9 and the own-price elasticity of supply is about 1.2. In commenting
on a proposed excise tax of $10 per gizmo, a newspaper article states that “the tax will
probably drive the price of gizmos up by about $10.” Is this a reasonable conclusion?
No, this is not reasonable. The incidence of the tax can be summarized quantitatively as
P d Q s , P
P s Q d , P
Qs , P 1.2
Qd ,P 0.9
Qs , P
Qd ,P
This implies the price consumers pay will increase by about 1.33 times as much as the decrease
in the price producers receive. Thus, if the tax is $10, consumers will bear $5.70 of the tax and
producers will bear $4.30 of the tax. We would therefore expect the market price to rise by
$5.70, not the $10 the newspaper suggested.
If the government provides a subsidy, consumer surplus will increase and producer surplus will
increase. The market will have a deadweight loss, however, because these increases will be
outweighed by the impact on the government treasury.
7. Will a price ceiling always increase consumer surplus? Will a price floor always increase
producer surplus?
Price ceilings and price floors will not always make consumers and producers better off. In
particular, if the price ceiling is set above the equilibrium price or if the price floor is set below
the equilibrium price, the price ceilings and floors will have no effect. In addition, depending on
which consumers or producers are able to purchase in or supply to the market, consumer surplus
or producer surplus may be lower after the imposition of the price ceiling or price floor.
Producer surplus may increase. If the most efficient producers serve the market, producer
surplus will increase for some levels of the quota. However, if the quota is too low (for example,
close to zero), producer surplus could actually decrease.
9. Why are agricultural price support programs, such as acreage limitation and
government purchase programs, often very costly to implement?
One outcome of these programs is to increase farmers’ producer surplus. As the text states, a
government must often spend much more than one dollar to increase farmers’ surplus by one
dollar. Since these programs tend to be more politically palatable than direct cash payments to
farmers, however, governments tend to implement these types of programs.
10. If an import tariff and an import quota lead to the same price in a competitive market,
which one will lead to a larger domestic deadweight loss?
Because the government collects no revenues from a quota, deadweight loss will be greater with
the quota by the amount of the revenues collected from a tariff.
11. Why does a market clear when the government imposes an excise tax of $T per unit?
When the government imposes an excise tax, the price consumers pay increases, reducing the
quantity demanded, and the price suppliers receive falls, decreasing the quantity supplied. These
amounts fall to the point where the number of units supplied equals the number of units
demanded by consumers, clearing the market.
12. Why does a market clear when the government gives producers a subsidy of $S per
When the government provides a subsidy to suppliers, the price suppliers receive increases,
increasing the quantity supplied, and the price consumers pay falls, increasing the quantity
demanded. These amounts increase to the point where the number of units supplied equals the
number of units demanded, clearing the market.
13. Why does the market not clear with a production quota?
With a production quota the market quantity is held arbitrarily below the equilibrium quantity
raising the price above the equilibrium price. At this higher price, suppliers would like to supply
more than the quota will allow, creating an excess supply. Because of the excess supply the
market does not clear.
14. With a price floor, will the most efficient producers necessarily be the ones supplying
the market?
No, it is not clear which producers will supply the market. Because the price is held above the
equilibrium price there are many producers who will compete to supply the market, even more
than would exist in equilibrium. There is no reason to believe that the most efficient producers
will necessarily be the ones supplying the market.
Solutions to Problems
a) The market will clear. The excise tax will alter equilibrium price and quantity, but there
will be no excess demand or excess supply.
b) The market will clear. The subsidy will alter equilibrium price and quantity, but there
will be no excess demand or excess supply.
c) The market will not clear. A price floor set above the equilibrium price will create excess
d) The market will not clear. A price ceiling set below the equilibrium price will create
excess demand.
e) The market will not clear. A quota limiting output below the equilibrium level will create
excess supply since the price will be driven above the equilibrium price.
10.2. In Learning-By-Doing Exercise 10.1 we examined the effects of an excise tax of $6 per
unit. Repeat that exercise for an excise tax of $3.
Substituting into the equation for P d implies P d 10 . Substituting this price into the equation
for quantity demanded implies Q 5 million. At these prices and quantities, consumer surplus is
$25 million, producer surplus is $12.5 million, and government tax receipts are $15 million. The
deadweight loss is $1.5 million. The deadweight loss measures the difference between potential
net benefits ($54 million) and the net benefits that are actually achieved ($25 + $12.5 + $15 =
$52.5 million).
10.3. Gadgets are produced and sold in a competitive market. When there is no tax, the
equilibrium price is $20 per gadget. The own-price elasticity of demand for gadgets is −0.5.
If an excise tax of $4 leads to an increase in the price of gadgets to $24, what must be true
about the own-price elasticity of supply for gadgets?
P d Q s , P
P s Q d , P
From the given information, P d 4 , P s 0 , and Q d , P 0.5 . These price changes imply
that 100% of the burden of the tax is borne by the consumer, implying the elasticity of supply
must be infinite. Supply is perfectly elastic.
10.4. When gasoline prices recently reached a price of $2.00 per gallon, public policy
makers considered cutting excise taxes by $0.10 per gallon to lower prices for the consumer.
In discussing the effects of the proposed tax reduction, a news commentator stated that the
effect of tax reduction should lead to a price of about $1.90 per gallon, and, that if the price
did not drop by as much, it would be evidence that oil companies are somehow conspiring
to keep gasoline prices high. Evaluate this claim.
The incidence of a tax depends on the relative price elasticities of supply and demand. For
example, if the elasticity of demand is –0.5 and the elasticity of supply is +0.5, one would expect
the incidence of a tax reduction of $0.10 to be equally split between producers and consumers,
leading to a reduction of about $0.05 per gallon at the pump. The fact that the price does not fall
by $0.10 is expected in a perfectly competitive market, and does not, by itself, provide evidence
that producers are “conspiring to keep prices high.”
10.5. Consider the market for crude oil. Suppose the demand curve is described by Qd = 100 –
P, where Qd is the quantity buyers will purchase when the price they pay is P (measured in
dollars per barrel). The equation representing the supply curve is QS= P/3, where QS is the
quantity that producers will supply when the price they receive is P. The market for crude oil
is initially in equilibrium, with no tax and no subsidy. Because it regards the price of oil as too
high, the government wishes to help buyers by announcing that it will give producers a
subsidy of 4 dollars per barrel. A local television station reporter announces that the subsidy
should lower the price consumers pay by 4 dollars per barrel. Analyze the reporter’s claim by
determining the price buyers pay before and after the subsidy, and provide intuition to
explain why the reporter is correct or incorrect.
Before the subsidy, the price buyers pay is the same as the price producers receive; call this price
P. The equilibrium can be found by setting supply equal to demand: P/3 =100 – P. Thus, in
equilibrium buyers pay P = $75 / barrel.
In an equilibrium with the subsidy, the price producers receive (Ps) will be $4 per barrel more
than price buyers pay (Pd); thus PS=Pd+4. The market will clear when the quantity bought at a
price Pd (i.e., 100 – Pd) equals the quantity purchased at a price PS = (i.e., PS/3). Thus, 100 – Pd
= PS/3, or 100 – Pd = (Pd +4)/3. In equilibrium the price paid by buyers is $74, and the price
received by producers is $78. So the reporter’s claim is false; the subsidy reduces the price
buyers pay by only $1 per barrel (from $75 to $74 per barrel). The reason that the price does not
fall by $4 per barrel is that neither the demand nor the supply is totally inelastic. Thus the
incidence of the subsidy (akin to the incidence of a tax) is shared by buyers and sellers. The price
buyers pay falls by $1, while the price producers receive rises by $3.
10.6. The table in Application 10.1 indicates that revenues from gasoline taxes will increase
by about $14 billion (from $42 billion to about $56 billion per year) if the gasoline tax is
raised from $0.30 to $0.40 per gallon. Using the supply and demand curves in Application
10.1, show that the equilibrium quantity, price consumers pay, price producers receive, and
tax receipts are as indicated in the table when the tax is $0.40 per gallon. Draw a graph
illustrating the equilibrium when the tax is $0.40 per gallon.
Using the supply and demand curves from Example 10.1 and an excise tax of $0.40 implies
165 50( P s 0.40) 66 55 P s
P s 0.75
Substituting into the equation for P d implies P d 1.15 . Substituting P s into the supply
equation implies Q 66 55(0.75) 107.40 . Finally, the government tax receipts will be
tQ 0.40(107.40) 42.95 . These values correspond with those in Table 10.1.
3.50 Demand
3.00 Supply + 0.40
2.50 Supply
0 50 100 150 200 250
10.7. In a competitive market, there is currently no tax, and the equilibrium price is $40.
The market has an upward-sloping supply curve. The government is about to impose an
excise tax of $5 per unit. In the new equilibrium with the tax, what price will producers
receive and consumers pay if the demand curve is
a) Perfectly elastic
b) Perfectly inelastic
Illustrate your answers graphically.
a) With perfectly elastic demand, a $5 excise tax shifts the supply curve up as pictured
below. Producers will bear the entire burden of the tax. The end result is that the equilibrium
quantity falls from Q1 to Q2, the price consumers pay remains the same ($40), and the price
producers receive falls from $40 to $35.
b) When demand is perfectly inelastic, consumers will bear the entire burden of the tax. The
$5 tax has no effect on the equilibrium quantity. However, the price consumers pay rises from
$40 to $45. The price producers receive remains constant at $40.
10.8. In a competitive market, there is currently no tax, and the equilibrium price is $60.
The market has a downward-sloping demand curve. The government is about to impose an
excise tax of $4 per unit. In the new equilibrium with the tax, what price will producers
receive and consumers pay if the supply curve is
a) Perfectly elastic
b) Perfectly inelastic
Illustrate your answers graphically.
a) With perfectly elastic supply, a $4 excise tax shifts the supply curve up as pictured below.
Consumers will bear the entire burden of the tax. The end result is that the equilibrium quantity
falls from Q1 to Q2, the price producers receive remains the same ($60), and the price consumers
pay rises from $60 to $64.
b) When supply is perfectly inelastic, producers will bear the entire burden of the tax. Since
supply is inelastic, it is easiest to think about this problem graphically as shifting down the
demand curve. [Convince yourself you’d get the same result had we done this in part (a).] The
$4 tax has no effect on the equilibrium quantity. However, the price sellers receive falls from
$60 to $56. The price consumers pay remains constant at $60.
10.9. The current equilibrium price in a competitive market is $100. The price elasticity of
demand is −4 and the price elasticity of supply is +2. If an excise tax of $3 per unit is
imposed, how much would you expect the equilibrium price paid by consumers to change?
How much would you expect the equilibrium price received by producers to change?
P d Qs ,P P d 1
Using the formula, , we can see that (the negative sign is because the
P s
Qd ,P P s
two elasticities have opposite signs). Therefore, P s 2P d . Also, after the tax, the price paid
by consumers must rise, so the change in the price paid by them is positive. Similarly, the change
in the price received by producers is negative. Finally, the sum of the magnitude of these two
changes must equal the tax collected by the government, so that P d P s 3 . Combining the
two conditions we see that P d 1 and P s 2 . That is, the price paid by consumers increases
by $1, and that received by suppliers decreases by $2. Producers bear most of the tax, which is to
be expected given that supply is less elastic than demand.
10.10. Suppose that the market for cigarettes in a particular town has the following supply
and demand curves: QS = P; QD = 50 − P, where the quantities are measured in thousands
of units. Suppose that the town council needs to raise $300,000 in revenue and decides to do
this by taxing the cigarette market. What should the excise tax be in order to raise the
required amount of money?
Suppose that the required tax is $T. Then in equilibrium, P D P S T . This implies that
50 Q Q T , or Q = 25 – 0.5T. Since the required amount is $300,000, we must have T*Q =
600. (Remember that Q is measured in thousands of units). So, T(25 – 0.5T) = 600. Solving this
equation we get two possible values for the tax: T = $20 or T = $30. Either one would generate
$300,000 in tax revenues, though of course T = $20 would do so with a smaller deadweight loss.
10.11. Assume that a competitive market has an upward-sloping supply curve and a
downward-sloping demand curve, both of which are linear. A tax of size $T is currently
imposed in the market. Suppose the tax is doubled. By what multiple will the deadweight
loss increase? (You may assume that at the new tax, the equilibrium quantity is positive.)
Since the demand and supply curves are assumed to be linear, assume they take the form
Q d a bP d
Q s e fP s
a bP e fP
b f
a e
Q e f
b f
a b( P s T ) e fP s
a bT e
b f
a e fT
b f
a bT e
QT e f
b f
where QT represents the equilibrium quantity when the tax is T . Given these equilibrium prices
and quantities, the deadweight loss with this tax is
1 a e a bT e
DWT T e f e f
2 b f b f
1 fbT
2 b f
Now, to determine the deadweight loss when the tax doubles, repeat this exercise for a tax of 2T
. Completing the same steps implies
a 2bT e
b f
a e 2 fT
b f
a 2bT e
Q2T e f
b f
1 2 fbT
DW2T (2T )
2 b f
1 2 fbT
(2T )
DW2T 2
b f
DWT 1 fbT
2 b f
Therefore, doubling the tax will quadruple the size of the deadweight loss if the supply and
demand curves are linear.
If the government does not impose a price ceiling then the market will clear and the consumer
surplus will be area A + C. The highest that consumer surplus can be after the price ceiling is
imposed will be when the consumers with the greatest willingness to pay are able to buy the
good. With the price ceiling, the most that producers will supply is 100 units. If these 100 units
go the consumers with the greatest willingness to pay then consumer surplus will be area A + B.
However, if these 100 units go to the consumers with the least willingness to pay (but who are
still willing to buy the good at this price) then the new consumer surplus will be area F.
Therefore, the most that CS can increase by is (A + B) – (A + C) = B – C.
The most that CS can decrease by is F – (A + C).
10.13. In a perfectly competitive market, the market demand curve is given by Qd = 200 −
5Pd, and the market supply curve is given by Qd = 35Ps.
a) Find the equilibrium market price and quantity demanded and supplied in the absence
of price controls.
b) Suppose a price ceiling of $2 per unit is imposed. What is the quantity supplied with a
price ceiling of this magnitude? What is the size of the shortage created by the price
c) Find the consumer surplus and producer surplus in the absence of a price ceiling. What
is the net economic benefit in the absence of the price ceiling?
d) Find the consumer surplus and producer surplus under the price ceiling. Assume that
rationing of the scarce good is as efficient as possible. What is the net economic benefit in
this case? Does the price ceiling result in a deadweight loss? If so, how much is it?
e) Find the consumer surplus and producer surplus under the price ceiling, assuming that
the rationing of the scarce good is as inefficient as possible. What is the net economic
benefit in this case? Does the price ceiling result in a deadweight loss? If so, how much is it?
5 H
70 120 175 190 200
For the next three questions, use the following information. The market for gizmos is
competitive, with an upward sloping supply curve and a downward sloping demand curve.
With no government intervention, the equilibrium price would be $25 and the equilibrium
quantity would be 10,000 gizmos. Consider the following programs of government
Program I: The government imposes an excise tax of $2 per gizmo
Program II: The government provides a subsidy of $2 per gizmo for gizmo producers.
Program III: The government imposes a price floor of $30.
Program IV: The government imposes a price ceiling of $20.
Program V: The government allows no more than 8,000 gizmos to be produced.
10.14. Which of these programs would lead to a less than 10,000 units exchanged in the
market? Briefly explain.
Program I: The excise tax will increase the price consumers pay to a level above $25, and lower
the price producers receive to a level below $25; thus, the quantity exchanged in the market will
fall below 10,000 units.
Program II: With the subsidy, the price producers receive will increase to a level above $25; the
price consumers receive will fall below $25. Thus, the equilibrium quantity exchanged will rise
to a level above 10,000.
Program III. With the price floor of $30, consumers will buy less than 10,000 gizmos, so fewer
than 10,000 will be exchanged in the market.
Program IV. With the price ceiling of $20, producers will supply less than 10,000 gizmos, so
fewer than 10,000 will be exchanged in the market.
Program V. By government decree fewer than 10,000 gizmos will be exchanged.
10.15. Under which of these programs will the market clear? Briefly explain.
With the excise tax or the subsidy, the market will clear (Programs I and II).
With the price floor (Program III) there will be excess supply, so the market will not clear.
With the price ceiling (Program IV) there will be excess demand, so the market will not clear.
With the production quota (Program V) the price consumers pay will exceed $25, so there will be
excess supply. The market will not clear.
10.16. Which of these programs would surely lead to an increase in consumer surplus?
Briefly explain.
With the excise tax (Program I) the price consumers pay will rise, so consumer surplus will
surely fall.
With the subsidy (Program II) the price consumers pay will fall, so consumer surplus will surely
With the price floor (Program III) the price consumers pay will rise, so consumer surplus will
surely fall.
With the price ceiling (Program III) the price consumers pay will fall, but so will the quantity
produced. Consumer surplus may fall. This can occur if the price floor is so low that very few
units are produced (and thus available for purchase by consumers).
With the production quota (Program V) the price consumers pay will rise, so consumer surplus
will surely fall.
10.17. Suppose the market for corn in Pulmonia is competitive. No imports and exports are
possible. The demand curve is Qd = 10 − Pd, where, Qd is the quantity demanded (in millions
of bushels) when the price consumers pay is Pd. The supply curve is
where Qs is the quantity supplied (in millions of bushels) when the price producers receive
is Ps.
a) What are the equilibrium price and quantity?
b) At the equilibrium in part (a), what is consumer surplus? producer surplus? deadweight
loss? Show all of these graphically.
c) Suppose the government imposes an excise tax of $2 per unit to raise government
revenues. What will the new equilibrium quantity be? What price will buyers pay? What
price will sellers receive?
d) At the equilibrium in part (c), what is consumer surplus? producer surplus? the impact
on the government budget (here a positive number, the government tax receipts)?
deadweight loss? Show all of these graphically.
e) Suppose the government has a change of heart about the importance of corn revenues to
the happiness of the Pulmonian farmers. The tax is removed, and a subsidy of $1 per unit is
granted to corn producers. What will the equilibrium quantity be? What price will the
buyer pay? What amount (including the subsidy) will corn farmers receive?
f) At the equilibrium in part (e), what is consumer surplus? producer surplus? What will be
the total cost to the government? deadweight loss? Show all of these graphically.
g) Verify that for your answers to parts (b), (d), and (f) the following sum is always the
same: consumer surplus + producer surplus + budgetary impact + deadweight loss. Why is
the sum equal in all three cases?
a) Setting Q d Q s results in
10 P 4 P
P $7 per bushel
Substituting this result into the demand equation gives Q 3 million bushels.
b) At the equilibrium, consumer surplus is 1 2 (10 7)3 4.5 and producer surplus is
1 (7 4)3 4.5
2 . There is no deadweight loss in this case and total net benefits equal $9 million.
Demand Supply
5.00 B
0 2 4 6 8 10
Quantity (millions of bushels)
In the graph above, area A represents consumer surplus and area B represents producer surplus.
c) If the government imposes an excise tax of $2, the new equilibrium will be
10 ( P s 2) 4 P s
P $6 per bushel
Substituting back into the equation for P d yields P d 8 , and substituting P s into the supply
equation implies Q 2 million.
d) Now the consumer surplus is 1 2 (10 8)2 2 , the producer surplus is 1 2 (6 4)2 2 , the
tax receipts are 2(2) 4 , and the deadweight loss is 1 2 (8 6)(3 2) 1 (all measured in millions
of dollars).
Supply + 2
10.00 Demand
8.00 A
0 2 4 6
Quantity (millions of bushels)
In the graph above, area A represents consumer surplus, area B represents producer surplus, areas
C+D represent government tax receipts, and area E represents the deadweight loss.
Substituting back into the equation for P d yields P d 6.5 , and substituting P s into the supply
equation implies Q 3.5 million.
f) Now the consumer surplus is 1 2 (10 6.5)3.5 6.125 , the producer surplus is
1 (7.5 4)3.5 6.125
2 , the subsidy paid is 1(3.5) 3.5 (negative since the government is
paying this amount), and the deadweight loss is 1 2 (7.5 6.5)(3.5 3) 0.25 (all measured in
millions of dollars).
9.50 Demand
7.50 A
B Supply - 1
5.50 D
4.50 E
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Quantity (millions of bushels)
In the graph above, areas A+B+E represent consumer surplus, areas B+C+F represent producer
surplus, areas B+C+D+E represent the government subsidy payment, and area D represents the
deadweight loss.
g) For part (b), the sum of consumer surplus, producer surplus, budgetary impact, and
deadweight loss is 4.5 4.5 0 0 9 ; for part (d), the sum is 2 2 4 1 9 ; and for part (f) it
is 6.125 + 6.125 – 3.5 + 0.25 = 9. (As above, all are measured in millions of dollars.) These
sums are all the same because the deadweight loss measures the difference between net benefits
(in terms of CS, PS, and budgetary impact) under the competitive outcome and net benefits under
a form of government intervention.
10.18. In a perfectly competitive market, the market demand and market supply curves
are given by Qd = 1000 −10Pd and Qd = 30Ps. Suppose the government provides a subsidy of
$20 per unit to all sellers in the market.
a) Find the equilibrium quantity demanded and supplied; find the equilibrium market
price paid by buyers; find the equilibrium after-subsidy price received by firms.
b) Find the consumer surplus and producer surplus in the absence of the subsidy. What is
the net economic benefit in the absence of a subsidy?
c) Find the consumer surplus and producer surplus in the presence of the subsidy. What is
the impact of the subsidy on the government budget? What is the net economic benefit
under the subsidy program?
d) Does the subsidy result in a deadweight loss? If so, how much is it?
In this case, the after-subsidy price received by sellers is Ps = Pd + 20. The market-clearing
condition is: 1000 – 10P = 30(P + 20), where P denotes the market price. This implies P = 10
and Q = 900. Since sellers receive the subsidy, P = Pd = 10 and Ps = Pd + 20 = 30. The surplus
implications of the subsidy are shown below:
H S - 20
750 900 1,000
10.19. In a perfectly competitive market, the market demand curve is Qd = 10 − Pd, and the
market supply curve is Qs = 1.5Ps.
a) Verify that the market equilibrium price and quantity in the absence of government
intervention are Pd = Ps = 4 and Qd = Qs = 6.
b) Consider two possible government interventions: (1) A price ceiling of $1 per unit; (2) a
subsidy of $5 per unit paid to producers. Verify that the equilibrium market price paid by
consumers under the subsidy equals $1, the same as the price ceiling. Are the quantities
supplied and demanded the same under each government intervention?
c) How will consumer surplus differ in these different government interventions?
d) For which form of intervention will we expect the product to be purchased by consumers
with the highest willingness to pay?
e) Which government intervention results in the lower deadweight loss and why?
a) 10 – P = 1.5P P = 4 and Q = 10 – 4 = 6.
b) Under a $5 subsidy paid to producer, market price P = Pd and the after-subsidy price
received by producers is Ps = Pd+5. Thus: 10 – P = 1.5(P + 5) P = 1.
c) Consumer surplus under the subsidy will be greater than the consumer surplus under a
price ceiling. Under both interventions, consumers pay the same price, but under subsidies
consumers are supplied as much as they demand at the $1 market price, while under price
ceilings, consumers get less than they demand at the $1 ceiling price.
d) Subsidies. Under subsidies, because consumers get what they demand at the market price,
there is no possibility of consumers with a lower willingness to pay getting the good while
consumers with a higher willingness to pay do not get the good. This is a possibility with a price
e) The subsidy has the smaller deadweight loss. The deadweight loss under the price ceiling
(assuming efficient rationing) is area C+H+I, which equals 16.875. The deadweight loss under
the subsidy is area L, which equals 7.5.
I S-5
1.5 6 9 10
10.20. Consider a perfectly competitive market in which the market demand curve is given
by Qd = 20 − 2Pd and the market supply curve is given by Qs = 2Ps.
a) Find the equilibrium price and quantity in the absence of government intervention.
b) Suppose the government imposes a price ceiling of $3 per unit. How much is supplied?
c) Suppose, as an alternative, the government imposes a production quota limiting the
quantity supplied to 6 units. What is the market price under this type of intervention? Is
the quantity supplied under the price ceiling greater than, less than, or the same as the
quantity under the production quota?
d) Assuming that under price controls rationing is as efficient as possible and under the
quota, the allocation is as efficient as possible, under which program is the deadweight loss
larger: the price ceiling or the production quota?
e) Assuming that under price controls rationing is as inefficient as possible, while under the
quota the allocation is as efficient as possible, under which program is the deadweight loss
larger: the price ceiling or the production quota?
f) Assuming that under price controls rationing is as inefficient as possible, while under the
quota the allocation is as inefficient as possible, under which program is the deadweight
loss larger: the price ceiling or the production quota?
b) The quantity supplied under a price ceiling of $3 per unit is 6 units, as shown in the first
picture below.
d) Referring to the graph below, the deadweight loss under a 6 unit production quota
(assuming efficient allocation of quotas) and the deadweight loss under a $3 per unit price ceiling
(assuming efficient rationing) are the same and equal area C + F.
e) The deadweight loss under a $3 price ceiling with inefficient rationing is equal to areas
B+C+E+F, which works to be $32. This is necessarily bigger than the deadweight loss under the
production quota because inefficient rationing entails an additional deadweight loss (area B + E)
that is not present with a price ceiling with efficient rationing.
f) In this case, the deadweight loss under a production quota in which allocation is as
inefficient as possible is the same as the deadweight under a price ceiling in which the rationing
is as inefficient as possible. Here’s why. In the second picture below, producer surplus when the
quota is rationed to the highest cost producers willing to produce at the market-clearing price
with a 6-unit quota is given by the shaded triangle. The area of this triangle is equal to the area of
triangle G. Consumer surplus under the quota is area A, for a total surplus of A+G (this is more
easily seen in the first picture below). In the absence of a quota, total surplus is A+B+C+E+F+G.
The deadweight loss is thus B+C+E+F, the same as it would be with a price ceiling of $3 and the
most inefficient rationing possible.
6 10 20
6 8 10 14 20
10.21. Figure 10.18 below shows the supply and demand curves for cigarettes. The
equilibrium price in the market is $2 per pack if the government does not intervene, and
the quantity exchanged in the market is 1,000 million packs. Suppose the government has
decided to discourage smoking and is considering two possible policies that would reduce
the quantity sold to 600 million packs. The two policies are (i) a tax on cigarettes and (ii) a
law setting a minimum price for cigarettes. Analyze each of the policies, using the graph
and filling in the table on the next page.
a) Based on the graph, the government would need to set a tax of $2.00 per unit to achieve
the government’s target of 600 million units sold. By setting a tax at $2.00, the supply curve will
shift upward by $2.00 and intersect the demand curve at P $3.00 and Q 600 , the new market
equilibrium. Alternatively, the government could set a minimum price (price floor) at P = $3.00,
at which point consumers would only demand Q = 600 million units.
Tax Minimum Price
What price per unit would consumers pay? $3.00 $3.00
What price per unit would producers receive? $1.00 $3.00
What area represents consumer surplus? F F
What area represents the largest producer B B+C+E
surplus under the policy?
What area represents the smallest producer B G+H+L+T
surplus under the policy?
What area represents government receipts? C+E Zero
What area represents smallest deadweight G+L G+L
loss possible under the policy?
10.22. Consider a market with an upward sloping supply curve and a downward sloping
demand curve. Under a government purchase program, which of the following statements
are true, and which are false?
(a) The increase in producer surplus will exceed the size of the government expenditure.
(b) Consumer surplus will increase.
(c) The size of the government expenditure will exceed the size of the deadweight loss.
The areas referred to in the answer below are those in Figure 10.14 in the text
(a) False. The figure illustrates how the increase in producer surplus ($14 billion in the example)
can be less than the size of the government expenditure ($30 billion).
(b) False. Consumer surplus will decrease because the price is higher with the support. (In the
figure, consumer surplus decreases by $11 billion).
(c) True. The size of the government expenditure will exceed the size of the deadweight loss by
area G in the figure.
10.23. The market demand for sorghum is given by Qd = 500 − 10Pd, while the market
supply curve is given by Qs = 40Ps. The demand and supply curve are shown below. The
government would like to increase the income of farmers and is considering two alternative
government interventions: an acreage limitation program and a government purchase
d) As an alternative way to support a price of $15, suppose the government purchases the
difference between the quantity demanded at a price of $15 and the quantity supplied. How
much does the government spend on this price support program?
e) Fill in the following table for the government purchases program:
b) If the government designates a support price of $15, the quantity demanded would be 500
– 10(15) = 350 units, while the quantity supplied would be 40(15) = 600 units.
d) As shown in the figure below, the quantity supplied at a price of $15 per unit is 4(15) =
600 units, while the quantity demanded is 500 – 10(15) = 350 is the quantity supplied. Thus the
government will support the price of $15 by purchasing 250 units at a price of $15 or $3,750.
1 S
5 B C E
0 G
0 600
350 500
D + government
50 D
15 S
350 400 500 600
10.24. Suppose that in the domestic market for computer chips the demand is Pd = 110 −
Qd, where Qd is the number of units of chips demanded domestically when the price is Pd.
The domestic supply is Ps = 10 + Qs, where Qs is the number of units of chips supplied
domestically when domestic suppliers receive a price Ps. Foreign suppliers would be willing
to supply any number of chips at a price of $30. The government is contemplating three
possible policies:
Policy I: The government decides to ban imports of chips.
Policy II: Foreign suppliers are allowed to import chips (with no tariff ).
Policy III: The government allows imports, but imposes a tariff of $10 per unit.
Fill in the table below, giving numerical answers.
10.25. The domestic demand curve for portable radios is given by Qd = 5000 − 100P, where
Qd is the number of radios that would be purchased when the price is P. The domestic
supply curve for radios is given by Qs = 150P, where Qs is the quantity of radios that would
be produced domestically if the price were P. Suppose radios can be obtained in the world
market at a price of $10 per radio. Domestic radio producers have successfully lobbied
Congress to impose a tariff of $5 per radio.
a) Draw a graph illustrating the free trade equilibrium (with no tariff). Clearly illustrate
the equilibrium price.
b) By how much would the tariff increase producer surplus for domestic radio suppliers?
c) How much would the government collect in tariff revenues?
d) What is the deadweight loss from the tariff?
Domestic Demand
Domestic Supply
10.00 PW
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
In the free trade equilibrium, domestic demand will be 4000, domestic supply will be 1500, and
imports will be 2500 units.
b) The producer surplus with free trade would be 1 2 (10 0)(1500) 7,500 . With the tariff,
domestic supply will increase to 2250 and producer surplus will increase to
1 (15 0)(2250) 16,875
2 . So producer surplus will increase by 9,375.
c) With the tariff, domestic demand will fall to 3500 units and domestic demand will
increase to 2250 units. Thus, 1250 units will be imported. A tariff of $5 on each of those units
will result in government receipts of 6,250.
d) The deadweight loss from the tariff will come from two sources. First, the deadweight
loss associated the overproduction of domestic suppliers will be 1 2 (2250 1500)5 1,875 .
Second, the deadweight loss associated with the reduction in consumption by consumers due to
the tariff is 1
2 (4000 3500)5 1, 250 . Therefore, the total deadweight loss with this tariff is
10.26. Suppose that the supply curve in a market is upward sloping and that the demand
curve is totally inelastic. In a free market the price is $30 per ton. If an excise tax of $2 per
ton is imposed in the market, what will be the resulting deadweight loss?
If demand is perfectly inelastic, the demand curve will be a vertical line. The price will rise by
exactly $2 after the tax is imposed and consumers will take on 100% of the tax burden.
Consumer surplus will fall by $2 times the market quantity, which will be the same as the pre-tax
quantity given the vertical demand curve. Government tax receipts will increase by $2 times the
market quantity completely offsetting the reduction in consumer surplus. Producer surplus will
remain the same since consumers have 100% of the burden of the tax. Thus, since government
receipts completely offset the reduction in consumer surplus, there is nothing lost to society.
There is no deadweight loss from an excise tax when the demand curve is perfectly inelastic.
10.27. Suppose that the domestic demand for television sets is described by Q = 40,000 −
180P and that the supply is given by Q = 20P. If televisions can be freely imported at a price
of $160, how many televisions would be produced in the domestic market? By how much
would domestic producer surplus and deadweight loss change if the government introduces
a $20 tariff per television set? What if the tariff was $70?
When televisions can be freely imported at a price of PW = $160, domestic producers will
produce 20(160) = 3200 television sets. Domestic demand is 40,000 – 180*160 = 11,200 units.
When the import duty of $20 is introduced, the effective price of importing televisions is $180.
At this price, domestic firms will supply 20(180) = 3600 televisions, and demand will be 40,000
– 180(180) = 7600. Domestic producer surplus will increase by area C = (180 – 160)(3200) +
0.5(180 – 160)(3600 – 3200) = 68,000. The tariff creates a deadweight equal to area F + K =
0.5(180 – 160)(3600 – 3200) + 0.5(180 – 160)(11,200 – 7600) = 40,000.
An import duty of $70 raises the effective import price to $230. You can see from the graph that
this is above the equilibrium price of $200 that would prevail in the domestic market without any
foreign trade. Thus, imposing such a high import duty is equivalent to banning trade in this
industry altogether. The new price will be $200 and the quantity demanded 4000. Relative to
the free trade equilibrium, producer surplus would now increase by area B + C = 0.5(200)(4000)
– 0.5(160)(3200) = 144,000. The $70 import tariff creates a deadweight loss equal to area F + G
+ J + K = 0.5(200 – 160)(11,200 – 3200) = 160,000.
10.28. Suppose that the domestic demand for television sets is described by Q = 40,000 −
180P and that the supply is given by Q = 20P. Televisions can currently be freely imported
at the world price of $160. Suppose the government bans the import of television sets. How
much would domestic producer surplus and deadweight loss change?
When televisions can be freely imported at a price of PW = $160, domestic producers will
produce 20(160) = 3200 television sets. Domestic demand is 40,000 – 180*160 = 11,200 units.
Producer surplus is area C in the graph.
With imports banned, equilibrium occurs where domestic supply intersects demand: 40,000 –
180P = 20P which implies P = 200 and Q = 4000. Producer surplus has now increased by area
B = (200 – 160)(3200) + 0.5(200 – 160)(4000 – 3200) = 144,000. Banning imports creates a
deadweight loss equal to area E + F = 0.5(200 – 160)(11,200 – 3200) = 160,000.
10.29. Suppose that demand and supply curves in the market for corn are Qd = 20,000 −
50P and Qs = 30P. Suppose that the government would like to see the price at $300 per unit
and is prepared to artificially increase demand by initiating a government purchase
program. How much would the government need to spend to achieve this? What is the total
deadweight loss if the government is successful in its objective?
Without government intervention, equilibrium occurs where 20,000 – 50P = 30P, or P = 250 and
Q = 7500.
If the price were to be pushed up to $300, suppliers would like to produce 30(300) = 9000 units.
However, demand would be just 20,000 – 50(300) = 5,000 units. Therefore the government must
buy the difference, which is 4,000 units. At $300 each, total government expenditure is $1.2
million. Relative to no government intervention, area A remains consumer surplus and C
remains producer surplus, while area B is transferred from consumers to producers. To find
deadweight loss, note that area E + F represents potential benefits no longer captured by anyone,
while area G + H + J + K represents production costs that are incurred for units of corn that no
one consumes. Thus deadweight loss is equal to area E + F + G + H +J + K. Alternatively, you
can think of the deadweight loss as total government expenditures minus area L, or area (E + F
+ G + H +J + K + L) – L = 300(9000 – 5000) – 0.5(300 – 250)(9000 – 5000) = $1,100,000.
10.30. Suppose that demand and supply curves in the market for corn are Qd = 20,000 −
50P and Qs = 30P. Suppose that the government would like to see the price at $300 per unit
and would like to do so with an acreage limitation program. How much would the
government need to spend to achieve this? What is the total deadweight loss at the point
where the government is successful in its objective?
Without government intervention, equilibrium occurs where 20,000 – 50P = 30P, or P = 250 and
Q = 7500. As shown in the graph below, producer surplus is area C + F = 0.5(250)(7500) =
To fix the price at $300, the government needs to ensure that only 20,000 – 50(300) = 5000 units
will be supplied. At this price, producers would like to supply a total of 30(300) = 9000 units
and earn a surplus equal to areas B + C + E + F + L. To compensate the producers for limiting
production to 5000 units, the government must therefore transfer to producers a sum equal to
area E + F + L 0.5(300 – 167)(9000 – 5000) = $266,000. (To see that the lower corner of
triangle F occurs near P = 167, note that at Q = 5000 along the supply curve, 5000 = 30P or P =
500/3 167.) Since production is restricted to 5000 units, deadweight loss is simply equal to
the potential benefits that no one captures, or area E + F 0.5(300 – 167)(7500 – 5000) =