Experimental Study of Thermomechanical P
Experimental Study of Thermomechanical P
Experimental Study of Thermomechanical P
Experimental Study of Thermomechanical Processes:
Laser Welding and Melting of a Powder Bed
Yassine Saadlaoui *, Julien Sijobert , Maria Doubenskaia, Philippe Bertrand, Eric Feulvarch
and Jean-Michel Bergheau
University of Lyon, ENISE, LTDS UMR 5513 CNRS, 58 rue Jean Parot, 42023 Saint-Etienne CEDEX 02, France;
julien.sijobert@enise.fr (J.S.); maria.doubenskaia@enise.fr (M.D.); philippe.bertrand@enise.fr (P.B.);
eric.feulvarch@enise.fr (E.F.); jean-michel.bergheau@enise.fr (J.-M.B.)
* Correspondence: yassine.saadlaoui@enise.fr
Received: 4 March 2020; Accepted: 23 March 2020; Published: 26 March 2020
Abstract: In this study, an experimental approach was developed to analyze and better understand the
laser welding and melting of a powder bed process. Different optical diagnostics tools (high-speed
camera, infrared camera, pyrometer, etc.) were applied to measure different physical quantities
(molten pool morphology, temperature field, residual stresses, and distortions). As a result,
measurements during the laser welding process facilitated the building of a database of experimental
results (experimental benchmarks). The study of the melting of a powder bed enabled a better
understanding of the physics related to the formation and behavior of the molten pool. These results
can be used by researchers to improve and validate numerical simulations of these processes.
Keywords: melting of a powder bed; laser welding; optical diagnostics; molten pool; temperature field;
residual stresses
1. Introduction
The laser welding process is used widely in international industry. It involves using a laser
to assemble various metals (carbon steels, stainless steels, aluminum, and titanium). A laser is a
concentrated heat source that can provide a tight and deep weld bead. This process has different
advantages over other welding processes: the absence of chamfers and filler material, a high welding
speed, a controlled welding depth, a small thermal affected zone, and a low deformation of welded
parts. Recently, additive manufacturing processes have begun to occupy an increasingly important
place in the industrial world, especially those based on the melting of a powder bed. They consist
of producing parts through layer by layer deposition and selective melting of powder layers using
a laser. During the melting of a powder bed, different materials can be used: metals, polymers,
and ceramics. Metals are by far the most used materials in different industrial environments such as
medical, aerospace, automotive, and power.
The laser welding and especially the melting of a powder bed require continuous studying
to improve their performance. The experimental approach is often used to study and analyze
these thermomechanical processes [1–8]. These studies can be very expensive considering that the
processes parameters are numerous [9,10]. In this context, numerical simulation can be an alternative
solution. It facilitates the optimization of these parameters and predicting the final characteristics of
manufactured parts for a reasonable cost and time.
During the numerical simulation of these thermomechanical processes, several physical
phenomena must be considered. These phenomena include the formation of the molten pool,
heat transfers, metallurgical transformation, residual stresses, and distortions. Depending on the
aims targeted by the simulation, some physical phenomena can be neglected [11]. For example,
during numerical modeling that focuses on the formation of the molten pool (thermo-fluid simulation),
the mechanical computation (residual stresses and distortions computation) is often overlooked [12–15].
Thermomechanical simulation is generally used to estimate residual stresses and distortions,
thus providing very useful information for fatigue lifetime predictions. The thermal computation of
this type of simulation is often simplified (the formation of the molten pool is neglected) to reduce
the computation time [16–24]. Some studies have attempted to consider most of these physical
phenomena. For example, Saadlaoui et al. [25] developed a new strategy to simulate the interaction
between the fluid flow in the molten pool and the deformations in the base metal. Therefore, their
strategy enables the provision, at the same time, of thermal, fluid, and mechanical results (thermal
cycle, molten pool morphology, fluid flow, residual stresses, and deformations). As mentioned above,
the numerical simulation can be a useful solution in studying these processes for a reasonable cost
and time. However, the numerical simulation is based on different assumptions [11]. For this, a step
of validating the numerical models may be necessary. It involves testing the efficiency and reliability
of the simulation using experimental or numerical benchmarks. Frequently, researchers prefer to
validate their modeling using numerical benchmarks. That is mostly because of the reasonable cost
and the accessibility of these benchmarks (contrarily to experimental benchmarks). Here, the problem
is that these numerical benchmarks are often simple academic simulations. For example, the sloshing
problem was used by Saadlaoui et al. [15] to validate the fluid formulation of the molten pool formation
during the laser welding process. It involves tracking the oscillations of a liquid in a container [26].
Therefore, these benchmarks cannot be directly used to validate the results of a laser welding simulation.
In this context, several experimental measurements were developed to study and to build a database
(experimental benchmarks) of thermomechanical processes [27–32]. These experimental benchmarks
can clearly be used to improve and validate numerical simulations.
Some experimental studies have examined the formation of a molten pool during laser welding
and the melting of powder bed processes [10,30,33–35]. They have enabled the measuring of the
molten pool morphology. This may assist in validating the thermo-fluid simulation of these processes.
Gao et al. [36] studied the formation of a molten pool and the keyhole during ND: YAG laser welding
of stainless steel. They applied a coaxial visual sensing system to record images of the molten pool.
The same system was used by Kim et al. [29] to observe the morphology of the molten pool and keyhole
during a remote laser welding. The effect of the welding speed on the molten pool morphology during
a high-power laser welding was studied by Li et al. [37]. Lei et al. [32] used a high-speed camera
synchronized with an auxiliary laser light to study the effect of laser welding parameters on the molten
pool morphology. The same system was used by Trapp et al. [10] to follow the formation of the molten
pool during the melting of a powder bed. These authors and others have studied only the formation of
the molten pool. In addition, the molten pool images of these studies (especially for the melting of a
powder bed) are not always of sufficient quality to determine the molten pool morphology [10,38–42].
Therefore, these studies cannot be used to validate a complete simulation (thermo-fluid-mechanical
simulation) of thermomechanical processes. Indeed, information on the temperature field and the
residual stresses distribution may be necessary for such validation. These physical quantities were
measured separately by some studies [27,31]. Finding an experimental study that measured the molten
pool morphology, the temperature field, the residual stresses, and the distortions at the same time is
very rare.
In this paper, an experimental approach is proposed to study laser welding. It involves instrumenting
this process to measure different physical quantities (molten pool morphology, temperature field, residual
stresses, and distortions). These quantities can be used to build a database (experimental benchmark) to
validate the numerical simulation of this process. In addition, the formation of the molten pool during the
melting of a powder bed process was also studied using the same experimental approach. Here, the aim
was to analyze and understand this recent process better.
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2. Experiment Setup
2.1. Proposed Approach
A specific experimental setup (Figure 1) was designed and realized using different instrumentation
tools (high-speed camera, infrared camera, etc.).
For laser welding by conduction, the numerical simulation is well advanced and controlled.
It enables the consideration of the physical phenomena during this process [11,14,15,43]. For this,
the main objective of welding measurements is to acquire the necessary results to validate the numerical
simulation of this process. However, obtaining results of all physical quantities using the experimental
approach is not always easy. Hence, we will focus on the weld pool morphology, the temperature field,
residual stresses, and distortions.
Contrary to laser welding, the numerical simulation of the melting of a powder bed is not
sufficiently advanced [44–47]. Thus, the first interest of the experimental study was to understand
the physical phenomena involved better. This can help to improve the numerical simulation of this
process. We note that the same experimental setup was used to study both processes (laser welding
and melting of a powder bed).
Figure 1. Experiment setup: 1—High-speed camera; 2—Infrared camera; 3—Laser fiber; 4—Laser head;
5—Pyrometer; 6—Auxiliary laser light; 7—Samples support.
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Figure 3. (a) Focused laser beam; (b) Defocused laser beam of 5 mm; (c) Energy distribution of focused
laser beam; (d) Energy distribution of defocused laser beam.
Figure 4. Two welding configuration (images of high-speed camera): (a) welding by keyhole;
(b) welding by conduction (P = 2.5 KW, v = 600 mm.min−1 ).
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A FARO GAGE 3D measuring arm (with a precision of 0.025 mm) was used to measure the flatness
of the samples after welding. This measuring enabled us to determine the vertical displacements Uz of
the welded samples (Figure 6).
C Mn P S Si Cr Ni Mo N
0.022 1846 0.039 0.0004 0.319 16.97 20.01 2.01 0.0368
The melting of a powder bed involved filling a hollow 316L substrate of dimensions
60 mm × 60 mm × 10 mm (Figure 7) by a layer of 316L powder. Subsequently, the power laser facilitated
the formation of a bead by melting a zone of this layer (thickness of 2 mm). Two types of powder were
examined to study the influence of the size and granulometry of the powder on the formation of the molten
pool: a spherical powder with a diameter between 20 and 50 µm, and another irregular one with a size
between 100 and 150 µm (Figure 8).
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Figure 8. Granulometry of 316L powder: (a) spherical powder (20–50 µm); (b) irregular powder
(100–150 µm).
3. Methodology
3.1. Laser Welding
Laser welding tests involved creating a bead of length 90 mm on each sample. A maximal power
of laser of approximately 2.5 kW was set. Welding speeds of 600, 1600, and 2600 mm.min−1 were
tested. Three 316L samples were studied for each speed. 15CDV6 samples were also examined to
study the weld pool formation according to the welded material. A comparison of the weld pool
morphology of the two materials (316L and 15CDV6) was conducted.
As noted earlier, the aim here was to create a database (experimental benchmark) that enables
the validating of numerical simulations of laser welding. To achieve this, we were interested in the
weld pool morphology, temperature evolution, residual stresses, and distortions of the 316L samples.
The length and width of the weld pool were measured from the images of the high-speed camera.
However, to determine its depth and height, the approach proposed in Section 2.2.4 must be used.
The infrared camera enabled us to obtain the temperature distribution. At the same time, the pyrometer
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enabled us to measure the brightness temperature for each color given by the infrared camera (points
P1, P2, P3, and P4: Figure 5). Residual stresses related to the welding process were also measured
at three points (1, 2, and 3) on 316L samples (Figure 9). The welding conditions and measurements
performed for the two materials are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Machine parameters and measured quantities for both materials (316L and 15CDV6).
Material Power [kW] Speed [mm.min−1 ] Molten Pool Morphology Temperature Residual Stresses Distortions
316L 2.5 600, 1600, and 2600 measured measured measured measured
15CDV6 2.5 600, 1600, and 2600 measured not measured not measured not measured
Figure 10. Cross-section of the weld bead (microscopic images, v = 1600 mm.min−1 ): (a) 316L;
(b) 15CDV6.
Figure 12. Morphology of the weld pools of both materials (1600 mm.min−1 ): (a) 316L; (b) 15CDV6.
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The images captured by the optical microscope and the high-speed camera enabled us to build a
database of 316L (Table 3) and 15CDV6 (Table 4) weld pool morphologies. Tables 3 and 4 indicate a
significant effect of the welding speed on the weld pool morphology. As expected, the weld pool is
longer and shallower for the speed of 2600 mm.min−1 . In Figure 12, the weld pool, HAZ, and base
metal can be clearly distinguished. Because 316L steel is austenitic, it does not undergo a major
metallurgical transformation during welding (not HAZ). However, the HAZ is very remarkable for
the 15CDV6 material (bainitic steel). Figure 12 also shows that the weld pool morphology is sensitive
to the welded material. For example, using the same welding conditions, the 15CDV6 weld pool is
longer compared to the 316L weld pool (Tables 3 and 4). This may be justified by the fact that the two
materials do not have the same thermophysical properties (thermal conductivity, viscosity, surface
tension, etc.).
Figure 13. Temperature field given by infrared camera (316L): (a) v = 600 mm.min−1 ;
(b) v = 1600 mm.min−1 ; (c) v = 2600 mm.min−1 .
Figure 14. Effect of the welding speed on the brightness temperature evolution (316L).
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Figure 15. Measurement of the brightness temperature in different positions on the weld bead for
v = 1600 mm.min−1 : P1, P2, P3, and P4 (316L).
Residual stresses in the order of 100 MPa were observed before the welding of the 316L
samples. These stresses increased after welding to reach approximately 688 MPa for a speed of
600 mm.min−1 . This indicates that the residual stresses related to the laser welding process can be very
important. As shown in Table 5, these stresses are very sensitive to the welding speed. For example,
the longitudinal residual stresses decrease when the speed increases. The vertical displacements also
decrease when the welding speed increases (Uz = 0.411 for v = 600 mm.min−1 and Uz = 0.091 for
v = 2600 mm.min−1 ). This can be justified by the effect of the welding speed on the molten pool
morphology and thermal cycle.
The results of the laser welding process enabled us to conduct an experimental benchmark (molten
pool morphology, temperature field, residual stresses, and distortions). This benchmark can assist
in validating the different types of numerical simulations of this process. For example, the molten
pool morphology and temperature field results can be used to validate thermo-fluid simulations.
The molten pool morphology and especially the free surface shape can also indicate that the tension
surface gradient is positive (for used welding conditions). The mechanical results of the numerical
simulation can be validated using the residual stresses and distortion results.
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Figure 16. Formation of the molten pool during melting of a 316L spherical powder bed
(v = 1600 mm.min−1 ).
Figure 17. Effect of scanning speed on molten pool morphology (spherical powder): high-speed
camera images.
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Figure 18. Effect of scanning speed on molten pool morphology (spherical powder): infrared
camera images.
Figure 19. Effect of powder distribution on molten pool morphology (high-speed camera images,
v = 400 mm.min−1 ): (a) Spherical powder; (b) Irregular powder.
Figure 20. Molten pool morphology (microscopic images, v = 400 mm.min−1 ): (a) Spherical powder;
(b) Irregular powder.
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Figure 16 shows the formation of the molten pool during the melting of a spherical powder
layer. In this figure, the molten pool, the bead (consolidated material), and the unfused powder can be
distinguished. A denuded zone can also be distinguished; it appears between the bead and the unfused
powder. The videos captured by the high-speed camera can explain the causes of the appearance of
this zone. Indeed, the molten pool absorbs the powder around it. This absorption can be justified by
the mechanical flow of the powder which moves it towards the molten pool. This flow is probably less
important for low layer thicknesses.
Figure 17 shows the effect of the scanning speed on the formation of the molten pool. The latter
is longer and narrower for the higher velocities. The "balling" phenomenon appears from a speed
of 3600 mm.min−1 (Figures 17 and 18). Figure 19 shows the molten pool formation of both types of
powder (spherical and irregular powders). We note that the type of powder has a direct effect on
the formation and morphology of the bead. This can be justified by the influence of the size and the
granulometry of the powder on its mechanical flow. A standardized flowability test (ASTM) was used
to measure the rate of this flow. It involves timing the flow of 50 g of powder through a hole with a
diameter of 2.54 mm. The spherical powder flowed after 16 seconds while 38 seconds was required for
the flow of the irregular powder. These results confirm that the flowability of the spherical powder is
greater than that of the irregular powder.
The cross-section of the beads of the spherical and irregular powders are given in Figure 20.
We observed that the morphology of the bead is sensitive to the types of powder. For example,
gaps of 12 and 24% were observed respectively for the width (L1) and height (H) for the speed of
600 mm.min−1 . This difference can also be justified by the flowability of the two powders. We have
observed that the height of the spherical powder bead is greater than the initial thickness of the powder
layer (2 mm) for speeds of 400, 600, 800, and 1000 mm.min−1 . This can be explained by the flowability
of the spherical powder which facilitates its absorption by the molten pool. This absorption facilitates
the increase in the volume of the bead. For these velocities, the phenomenon of shrinkage of the layer
powder (shrinkage related to the variation of the density between the powder bed and the molten
pool) is, therefore, less visible. However, it begins to be observed from a speed of 1200 mm.min−1 .
Indeed, the powder quantity absorbed is less important for high velocities. The flowability of the
irregular powder and therefore its absorption by the molten pool are less important. For this reason,
the height (H) of the irregular powder bead is less than 2 mm, even for low velocities.
The study of the melting of a powder bed enabled us to analyze and understand this process
better. As the first remark, we have observed that the molten pool absorbs the unfused powder around
it. This phenomenon was very visible especially for the spherical powder, which has a significant
flowability. The absorption of the powder by the molten pool leads to the formation of a denuded zone
between the bead and the unfused powder. It also facilitates the increase in the bead volume, especially
for the spherical powder and at low velocities. Therefore, the shrinkage phenomenon simulated by
several studies [46,49] cannot always occur during the melting of a powder bed. However, considering
Crystals 2020, 10, 246 17 of 20
the material addition (related to the mechanical flow of the powder around the molten pool) during
the numerical simulation may be necessary according to manufacturing conditions. Considering the
fluid flows in the molten pool (related to the absorption of the powder by the molten pool) will also be
necessary. The formation of an interface between the molten zone and the unfused powder can also
be simulated.
5. Conclusions
An experimental setup was proposed to study the laser welding and melting of powder bed
processes. The first aim of this setup was to analyze and understand these two processes better.
The second aim was to build an experimental database (experimental benchmark) to validate the
different types of numerical simulations of laser welding. The study involved instrumenting a
laser welding machine to measure different quantities (molten pool morphology, temperature field,
residual stresses, and distortions). Different instrumentation tools (high-speed camera, infrared camera,
pyrometer, etc.) were used to achieve this.
In the first step, tests of laser welding were carried out on 316L samples. The effect of the welding
speed on the molten pool morphology, temperature field, residual stresses, and distortions was studied.
The measured quantities were very sensitive to this speed. For example, the weld pool was longer
and shallower for high velocities. The longitudinal residual stresses and distortions decreased when
the speed increased. The results of these different quantities will enable researchers to validate their
numerical simulations of this process.
In the second step, tests of the melting of a powder bed were carried out using a laser welding
machine. The idea was to fill a hollow substrate with a powder layer and then melt it using a laser.
The aim of these tests was to understand this process better. As a result, the bead dimensions of two
types of powder (spherical and irregular powders) were measured. These results, and especially the
height of the bead, depicted that the shrinkage of the powder layer after melting cannot always be
visible. Indeed, the height of the bead of the spherical powder exceeded the initial thickness of the
powder layer for low velocities. This can be explained by the high-speed camera videos. They indicated
that the molten pool absorbed the powder around it. This absorption facilitates the increase in the bead
volume and creating a denuded zone between the bead and the unfused powder. The shrinkage of the
powder layer was easily visualized with the irregular powder even for low scanning velocities. This can
be explained by its low flowability, which delays its absorption by the molten pool (less material
addition). The results also indicated that the bead morphology is sensitive to scanning velocities.
Finally, this study enabled us to understand the physics during laser welding and especially
during the melting of a powder bed process better. It also enabled us to build a database of experimental
results (experimental benchmark) of laser welding. This can assist in improving and validating the
numerical simulation of these processes.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.S., J.S. and J.-M.B.; methodology, Y.S., M.D., E.F. and J.-M.B.; software,
Y.S. and J.S.; validation, Y.S., M.D., E.F. and J.-M.B.; formal analysis, Y.S., J.S. and J.-M.B.; investigation, Y.S.;
resources, P.B., E.F. and J.-M.B.; data curation, Y.S. and J.S.; writing–original draft preparation, Y.S.; writing–review
and editing, J.S., M.D., P.B. and J.-M.B.; visualization, Y.S., P.B. and J.-M.B.; supervision, J.S., M.D. and J.-M.B.;
project administration, J.-M.B.; funding acquisition, P.B., E.F. and J.-M.B. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank ESI-GROUP and MELTED project for funding this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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