Additive Manufacturing: L. Dong, J.P.M. Correia, N. Barth, S. Ahzi
Additive Manufacturing: L. Dong, J.P.M. Correia, N. Barth, S. Ahzi
Additive Manufacturing: L. Dong, J.P.M. Correia, N. Barth, S. Ahzi
Additive Manufacturing
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Article history: Metal Laser Sintering (LS) is a powder bed fusion process that can be used to produce manufactured
Received 16 May 2016 parts of complex shapes directly from metallic powders. One of the major problems of such powder bed
Received in revised form 24 October 2016 fusion processes is that during the continuous movement of the laser beam, temperature distribution
Accepted 7 November 2016
becomes inhomogeneous and instable in the powder. It leads to greater residual stresses in the solidified
Available online 12 November 2016
layer. Thus, temperature analyses must be performed to better understand the heating-cooling process of
the powder bed as well as the interactions of different laser scanning paths within a sintering pattern. A
transient 3D Finite Element (FE) model of the LS process has been developed with the commercial FE code
Titanium powder
Laser sintering (LS)/powder bed fusion
ABAQUS. The model takes into account the different physical phenomena involved in this powder bed
Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) fusion technology (including thermal conduction, radiation and convection). A moving thermal source,
Process parameters modeling the laser scan, is implemented with the user scripting subroutine DFLUX in this FE code. The
Finite element method (FEM) material’s thermal behavior is also defined via the subroutine UMATHT. As the material properties change
due to the powder bed fusion process, the model takes it into account. In this way, the calculation of a
temperature-dependent behavior is undertaken for the packed powder bed, within its effective thermal
conductivity and specific heat. Furthermore, the model accounts for the latent heat due to phase change
of the metal powder. Finally, a time- and temperature-dependent formulation for the material’s density is
also computed, which is then integrated along with the other thermal properties in the heat equation. FE
simulations have been applied to the case of titanium powder and show predictions in good agreement
with experimental results. The effects of process parameters on the temperature and on the density
distribution are also presented.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction C.R. Deckard at the University of Texas, U.S.A., in 1986 [2]. In such
powder bed fusion technology, a thin layer of powder is spread
Additive manufacturing (AM) is driving emerging technolo- and is then selectively sintered with a laser beam. This process is
gies from the industry that have been developed to create repeated until the whole 3D part is fabricated. The powder bed
three-dimensional solid parts, of complex shapes, directly from fusion process was initially developed to produce polymer-based
Computer-Aided Design geometries. The common feature of these components. Nowadays, a wide range of powdered materials can
new technologies is that the final part is built by cumulative depo- be employed, for further details see the overview of this technology
sition of material, layer by layer, with no need for further heavy by Kumar [3]. LS of metal powders is also referred as Metal Laser
machining. Such processes made a breakthrough in the prototyp- Sintering (MLS). Metal components can be fabricated by different
ing practices since they allow to shorten development time and powder bed fusion sub-technologies, such as single- or double-
to decrease the costs [1]. Laser Sintering (LS) that belongs to the component metal powders processes. The present work is focused
powder bed fusion technology is an important branch of AM for on the LS for powder bed fusion process of single metallic powders.
potential application such cost-saving practices. It was invented by Titanium powders are very interesting since different functional
such as aeronautical parts [4] and medical implants parts can be
fabricated by LS processes. For example, titanium powders have
been used to fabricate dental implants using powder bed fusion
∗ Corresponding author. processes in Ref. [5]. One advantage of using powder bed fusion
E-mail address: (N. Barth).
2214-8604/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
38 L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48
technology in this case is that it is possible to fabricate implants ature dependent thermal conductivity and the specific heat are
with controlled porosity using appropriate processing parameters. taken into account in Ref. [17]. However, the density of the material
Laoui et al. [5] built dental implants with a porous surface layer was assumed to be constant in the FE predictions reported there.
surrounding a dense core. Their dental implants then possessed Xiao and Zhang [18] developed a 3D Finite Volume model of sinter-
a good osseointegration in the body (due to their porous surface) ing of single-component powder by partial melting. They assumed
and also good mechanical properties such as tensile and fatigue that melting and resolidification phenomena occur and affect sig-
strength (due to their dense core). As reported in the work of Kruth nificantly the temperature distribution during sintering. In their
et al. [6], the basic binding mechanisms of a single metallic powder work [18], a moving laser beam was considered and a parametric
that can occur in powder bed fusion processes are solid state sin- study was carried out using AISI 304 powder. Patil and Yadava [19]
tering and/or liquid phase sintering (also called partial melting in developed a 2D FE thermal model to determine transient tempera-
Ref. [6]). Moreover both mechanisms can also run simultaneously ture distributions in a single-component powder layer. The effects
in agreement with the work of Tolochko et al. [7]. As presented in of the following process parameters were also investigated [19]:
Ref. [7], the binding mechanisms acting in powder bed fusion pro- laser power, laser beam diameter, laser on-time, laser off-time and
cesses depend on the laser technology, on components of metallic hatch spacing. However, their thermal conductivity of metal pow-
powders and most importantly on processing parameters. However der and their specific heat were assumed to be constant. It should
Tolochko et al. [7] pointed out that it is difficult to realize this pro- be noted that the hatch spacing is a process parameter specifying
cess in practice because of the occurrence of “balling” (formation the distance between two parallel scanning paths by the laser beam
of large spherical liquid droplets at the surface). (the scanning being in the two different directions). Recently, Liu
Furthermore, the high intensity of laser beam used in LS pro- et al. [20] proposed a micro-scale approach to analyze the tem-
cesses leads to a rapid heating of a small region of powder layer, perature field within the porous powder bed during the sintering
which results in great changes of the distribution of temperatures of metal powders. Their micro-scale approach is based on a 3D FE
and then large temperature gradients. It causes residual stresses thermal analysis of three layers of powder. To study the mecha-
that affect part quality (such as curling defect). Consequently, LS of nism of laser sintering, two cases were simulated by Liu et al. [20]:
titanium powder remains a complicated process. In order to pre- the laser beam struck the last but one top layer of the powder, or
vent such defects and to ensure the achievement of the desired the top layer. The temperature variations throughout the powder
quality of the product, the processing parameters of the powder layer thickness were then predicted. However, predicted temper-
bed fusion technology must be carefully selected. Classically, the ature distributions were inhomogeneous owing to their discretely
choice of processing parameters can be determined empirically distributed particles.
with many tests and failures. This can be replaced by less costly In the present paper, the powder bed fusion process 3D FE model
numerical studies, which are more and more feasible, to improve proposed by Dong et al. [14–16] is extended to study the LS of
LS processes. titanium powders. The numerical model is developed with the
Numerical simulations were previously employed to determine commercial FE code ABAQUS where was implemented the ther-
the temperature field under LS of polymer powder bed fusion mal and sintering sub-models for this metal powder bed fusion
processes. The commonly used numerical methods for solving LS process. The simulation is operated by first resolving the density,
thermal problems are the Finite Difference (FD) and Finite Ele- thermal conductivity, specific heat and latent heat, in accordance
ment (FE) methods. To save computation time, a one-dimensional with Refs. [14–16]. All these properties are indeed function of tem-
numerical model can be developed. For example, Nelson et al. [8] perature, or even temperature and time. Secondly, all the updated
estimated the distribution of temperature and of density by using values are used as materials properties for solving the heat equa-
one-dimensional (1D) FD and FE methods for polycarbonate pow- tion. The material properties and the processing parameters, which
ders. However 1D models are not always enough to understand can affect the sintering quality, will be further studied to find out
the details of thermal and sintering phenomena occurring during the optimal sintering parameters. The results for the titanium pow-
powder bed fusion processes. Consequently, two-dimensional (2D) der are presented thereafter in terms of temperature and density
numerical models have been developed both for amorphous [9] and distributions. We also compare these predicted results to the exper-
semi-crystalline [10] polymers. In order to better simulate the LS imental ones from the literature [17,19].
process and to provide accurate information about thermal gra-
dient and densification in the powder bed, three-dimensional (3D)
models were developed. Papadatos et al. [11,12] predicted the den- 2. Modeling approach
sity and temperature variations in the built parts of amorphous
polymer by using a 3D FD method. A 3D FE model for LS of poly- The modeling approach developed in the work of Dong and his
mer powders was developed by Bugeda et al. [13]. In their work, co-workers [14–16] is briefly reviewed in the following section.
both thermal and sintering phenomena were taken into account In the LS process, the powder bed is pre-heated and we assumed
by rewriting the thermal and sintering equations for a steady state an initial temperature which is lower than the melting temper-
problem. As for amorphous and semi-crystalline polymer powders, ature of powder material. The laser beam scans the top surface
Dong et al. [14–16] developed more recently a 3D transient FE of powder bed following a prescribed direction with a constant
model to predict temperature and density distribution under LS. In velocity. Under the laser beam, heat is transferred to powder mate-
the model they presented [14–16], the preheating temperature and rial and then a sintering region is formed. After the laser beam
different laser process parameters are considered, such as its beam moves away, the sintering region cools, thus forming a zone of
velocity, power, and diameter. Moreover, this model is fully capa- larger density. Consequently, the numerical model of this powder
ble of taking into account the powder density and specific heat as a bed fusion process must include: optical, thermal and sintering
function of temperature, with the thermal conductivity and latent sub-models. The optical sub-model refers to the photon-matter
heat also considered here [14–16]. interactions, i.e. between the laser and the powder surface (facing
In contrast to polymer powders, only some numerical studies on the laser beam). The thermal sub-model refers to the heat transfer
sintering of metal powders are available in the literature. As there mechanisms occurring in the material due to the laser penetration
is no translational or planar symmetry in real sintering processes, within the powder bed, and heat dissipation at surface. The sinter-
Kolossov et al. [17] developed a 3D FE model to predict temperature ing sub-model refers to the sintering process, i.e. the densification
evolution during the sintering of titanium powders. The temper- phenomenon of the powder towards the fully dense solid material.
L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48 39
2.1. Optical sub-model where h is the heat convection coefficient, r the surface emissivity
of the powder material, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and Tz = s
LS systems usually use a powerful laser as the thermal energy the powder bed surface temperature. For surfaces far from the laser
source for inducing selective sintering. It is known from litera- scanning area (powder bed walls), they were assumed adiabatic.
ture [21] that the distribution of the laser intensity is Gaussian. Consequently, at the bottom surface of the powder bed (z = 0) we
In accordance with Patil and Yadava [19], the distribution of the have no Fourier flux:
laser intensity is taken as:
2 −k | =0 (7)
4.55P r ∂z z=0
I (r) = exp −4.5 (1)
R2 R It should be noted that, in Eq. (6), the heat convection coefficient
h was assumed to be equal to 25 W/m2 /K (based on the works of
Here, r is the distance from the center of the laser beam, R the
Papadatos [12]) and the surface emissivity of the powder material
known laser beam radius and P the known laser power. Since the
r taken equal to 0.63, see Ref. [23].
laser beam is moving during the powder bed fusion process on this
In the present work, the material properties appearing in Eq.
surface, the radial distance r appearing in Eq. (1) also depends on
(3) were assumed to be temperature-dependent, and the thermal
the beam velocity and scanning path. The scanning path thus under-
properties of titanium powder are defined by Kolossov et al. [17]
taken through the coordinate system detailed below may then also
as follows. The effective heat conductivity of Titanium powder, k,
obey characteristics of the scanning patter characteristics such as
depends on the temperature as:
the hatch spacing. Following the work of Dong et al. [15], r is defined
in the Cartesian coordinates as: k = (a + (b − a) ϕ) × ks (8)
r= (x − vx t − x0 )2 + y − vy t − y0 (2) where ks is the heat conductivity of solid titanium, a sintering
potential, a the ratio between the conductivity of loose powder
where x and y represent the planar coordinates of the point of the material and the conductivity of the equivalent solid, and b the ratio
powder bed surface, vx and vy the beam velocity components in x between the conductivity of the fully sintered material and the one
and y directions, respectively. The initial coordinates of the laser of the equivalent solid. Similar to the work of Kolossov et al. [17],
beam are represented by x0 and y0 . these two ratios (a and b) are assumed to be temperature inde-
pendent and are taken equal to: a = 0.01 and b = 0.6. The sintering
2.2. Thermal sub-model potential in Eq. (8) is defined in a point M by:
During the powder bed fusion process, a powder layer with a (M, t) = 1 − exp − (T (M, s)) ds (9)
very thin thickness is spread on the former powder layers and sin- 0
tered material. In the sintering region, the absorbed heat is partly
conducted into the powder bed and partly lost through radiation where t is the time and (T) a piecewise linear sintered rate defined
and convection on the powder bed surface, see Ref. [22]. The tem- as:
perature variation inside the current powder layer is governed by , T ≤ Ts
the classical heat transfer equation. In a 3D Cartesian domain where (T ) = (10)
the position of a point M is defined by the coordinates (x, y, z), the (T − Ts ) /180 , T > Ts
heat transfer equation is written as:
where Ts is the sintering temperature of titanium (taken equal
∂T to 1573 K). The calibration parameter 1/180 was chosen so that
Cp = ∇ (k∇ T ) + G (x, y, z, t) (3)
∂t = 0.86 when the titanium powder is held 1 s at 1933 K, which
produced a good fit of the experimental measurements [17]. In
where T is the temperature, t the time, , Cp , k are the effective
Eqs. (3) and (8), the heat conductivity, ks , and the specific heat,
density, specific heat and thermal conductivity of the powder bed
Cp , of solid titanium are temperature-dependent and their values
and G the internal heat source due to laser irradiation here for LS.
are taken from Ref. [24].
As a moving laser beam is considered, the internal heat source is
defined following the work of Patil and Yadava [19]. The quantity
of heat generated by laser irradiation is then expressed following 2.3. Sintering sub-model
Eqs. (1) and (2) as:
2 2 During the powder bed fusion process, the local bed density
I (r) 4.55P (x − vx t − x0 ) + (y − vy t − y0 ) evolves since a part of the solid particles of titanium in the powder
G (x, y, z, t) = = exp −4.5 (4)
s R2 s R2
layer are sintered. The material transformation from powder state
where s is the powder layer thickness. to solid state can be described by rate evolution law of the local
In the studied powder bed fusion process, the powder bed is material density. The rate of change of the titanium powder bed
assumed pre-heated at a uniform initial temperature T0 , becoming density is described by the following equation [25]:
the initial condition of Eq. (3):
d E
= (max − ) × A × exp − − ax ˛ (11)
T (x, y, z, t = 0) = T0 (5) dt RT
In order to solve the heat transfer equation, Eq. (3), the heat where is the current density of powder bed, max the full density
fluxes with the thermal surroundings have to be defined. The of the solid material, R the universal gas constant, E the activa-
energy lost through convection and radiation at the powder bed tion energy, A a pre-exponential factor, ax a calibration parameter,
surface is described by the following boundary condition (i.e. at and ˛ the solid fraction of titanium (over the total solid and liquid
z = s, where the coordinate z is the vertical axis with z = 0 at the titanium). The value ˛ = 0 corresponds to liquid phase; whereas
powder bed bottom): ˛ = 1 corresponds to solid phase. The value of E for titanium
material is roughly taken equal to 560 kJ/mol, see Ref. [26]. The
∂T pre-exponential factor A and calibration parameter ax are assumed
−k | = h (T0 − Tz=s ) + εR T04 − Tz=s
∂z z=s to be equal to 5 × 1011 s−1 and 100 respectively. These values
40 L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48
Fig. 3. Temperature distribution predicted for a laser power P = 2 W moving with a velocity v = 1 mm/s. The model is in the same configuration as Fig. 1.
Experiment Simulation
Temperature (K)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x (mm)
Fig. 4. Comparison between predicted (solid line) and experimental (dash line) temperature profiles along x-axis, with y = 2.5 mm.
Temperature (K)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Fig. 5. Comparison between predicted (solid line) and experimental (dash line) temperature profiles along y-axis, with x = 1.85 mm.
42 L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48
Temperature (K)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
y (mm)
Fig. 6. Temperature distribution along y-axis predicted by FE simulations for different values of laser power, with x = 1.85 mm [30].
Temperature (K)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Fig. 7. Temperature distribution along x-axis predicted by FE simulations for different values of laser power, at y = 2.5 mm.
Table 1 ature has a higher value in the left side of the powder bed surface
Titanium material properties and laser parameters used in the experiments of
than the other side. Fig. 5 illustrates the temperature distribution
Kolossov et al. [17] and in the FE simulations.
along y-direction at the coordinate of x = 1.85 mm. As expected, the
Titanium material properties maximum value of temperature is predicted at laser center. The
Activation energy (kJ/mol) 560
computed temperature distribution is symmetric because the dif-
Surface emissivity of the material r 0.6
Initial density 0 (kg/m3 ) 2931.5
fusion heat of the previous laser trace affects the temperature on
Full density of solid material max (kg/m3 ) 5605.2 either side of the laser center in this track. It is interpreted that
Latent heat (kJ/kg) 296 there is no subtle heat diffusion effect along the y-axis due to the
Melting temperature (K) 1933 high laser scan speed. At the two ends of the simulated temperature
Laser parameters and initial conditions curve, the inflexions represent the boundaries of the laser path.
Initial bed temperature (K) 293
Thickness of powder bed (mm) 0.5
4.2. Influence of process parameters
Laser average power (W) 2
Track length (mm) 1.5
Hatch spacing (mm) 0.1 Several independent process parameters can influence the sin-
Laser beam radius (mm) 0.025 tering process. Such parameters are: laser power, scanning speed,
Scanning speed (mm/s) 1
laser beam radius, hatch spacing and pre-heating temperature of
the powder bed. The effects of these key parameters on temper-
ature and density distributions of titanium powder material are
this figure, the maximum value of temperature (2741 K) is reached investigated by FE simulations and are discussed in the following
near the center of the laser beam. This figure also shows a grad- sections. During the FE analysis of each process parameter, one
ual decrease of the temperature with the distance from the laser parameter is studied and the others are kept constant to ensure
center. However, it should be noted that the temperature profile that the effect of the studied parameter is well captured within
is not symmetric in Fig. 4 since a steep decrease of temperature this sensitivity analysis. The parameters of this sensitive analysis
occurs in the right side of the powder bed surface. With the effect were chosen to mostly reflect the different kinds of influence on
of the previous laser trace and the small hatch spacing, the temper- the AM part density and temperature profile, using the process
L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48 43
Temperature (K)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
y (mm)
Temperature (K)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x (mm)
Fig. 9. Influence of scanning speed on the predicted temperature distributions along (a) y-axis at x = 1.85 mm; and (b) x-axis at y = 2.5 mm.
44 L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48
the heated area increases since more heat flux is transmitted to the 100%
powder bed when laser power increases. The increase of tempera-
ture is more obvious in Fig. 7. These results have the same trends 92%
Temperature (K)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
y (mm)
Temperature (K)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x (mm)
Fig. 11. Influence of laser beam radius on the predicted temperature distributions along (a) y-axis at a position x = 1.85 mm and (b) x-axis at y = 2.5 mm.
L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48 45
100% 100%
92% 92%
Relative density (%)
76% 76%
68% 68%
60% 60%
52% 52%
0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.01 0.015 0.02
Laser beam radius (mm) Hatch spacing (mm)
Fig. 12. Relative density predicted by FE simulations as a function of laser beam Fig. 14. Relative density predicted by FE simulations as a function of hatch spacing
radius (at the reference depth of 100 m). The initial density of the powder is at the (at the reference depth of 100 m). The initial density of the powder is at the bottom
bottom of the relative density axis (52.3%). of the relative density axis (52.3%).
4.2.2. Scanning speed and laser beam diameter (or radius). The effects of the two first
In their numerical study of polymer powder bed fusion pro- process parameters were studied above. Hence, we decided to
cess, Dong et al. [15] reported that the temperature of the powder study the influence of laser radius on temperature distributions
bed surface is significantly affected by scanning speed. Simulations and also on the densification of the powder bed. Three different
were also performed in this work to investigate this parameter with laser radius values (0.02 mm, 0.025 mm, and 0.05 mm) are used in
different scanning speed values, whereas the other process param- the FE simulations of the investigated powder bed fusion process.
eter values were kept constant. The chosen values of scanning speed The simulated temperature distributions of the powder bed surface
are: 0.5 mm/s, 1 mm/s, and 1.5 mm/s. The simulated temperature are presented in Fig. 11. The prediction along y-axis at a position
distributions of the powder bed surface are presented in Fig. 9. x = 1.85 mm is shown in Fig. 11a, while the prediction along x-axis
The prediction along y-axis at a position x = 1.85 mm is shown in at a position y = 2.5 mm is shown in Fig. 11b. It should be reminded
Fig. 9a, while the prediction along x-axis at a position y = 2.5 mm is that the laser scanned one and a half straight line on the powder
shown in Fig. 9b. We can see that the increase of the laser scanning bed as shown in Fig. 2. With the same laser power P = 2 W, scanning
speed lead to the decrease of the temperature, see Fig. 9. When speed v = 1 mm/s and hatch spacing of 0.1 mm, the increase of the
the scanning speed increases, the laser beam spends less time on laser radius leads to a decrease of the surface temperature in this
the powder bed surface. Therefore, the heat energy from the laser particular case, see Fig. 11. This decrease is difficult to envision from
transmitted to the powder bed surface decreases and the amount the used equations only. It is rather linked to several processing
of non-sintered powder particles tends to increase. Fig. 10 illus- and physical parameters involved in the simulated AM process. In
trates that the predicted densification of the powder bed decreases Fig. 11b, it can be noticed that the area sintered by the laser slightly
with increasing scanning speed. As expected, scanning speed has a decreases with the increase of laser radius. The FE prediction pre-
significant effect on density. However, from the speed of 1 mm/s, sented in Fig. 12 illustrates that the increase of laser radius should
the density and then the energy absorbed by the material is almost lead to a non-linear decrease of the relative density. It should be
stable. The predicted densification of the powder bed follows the noted that the same trend is also obtained with the effect of laser
experimental trend presented in the work of Song et al. [29] on the scanning speed.
LS melting of a titanium powder.
4.2.4. Hatch spacing
4.2.3. Laser radius Hatch Spacing (HS) is the distance between two neighboring
As it is well known, the laser energy density applied on the pow- scan lines on the powder bed surface. HS is usually less than the
der bed surface is function of laser power, laser scanning speed laser beam diameter. In the LS FE simulations performed, the pow-
Hatch spacing=0.01 mm
Hatch spacing=0.015 mm
Hatch spacing=0.02 mm
Temperature (K)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
y (mm)
Fig. 13. Influence of hatch spacing on the predicted temperature distributions along y-axis, x-coordinate located in the middle of the two neighboring laser paths.
46 L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48
Temperature (K)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
y (mm)
Fig. 15. Temperature distribution along y-axis predicted by FE simulations for different values of pre-heating temperature, at the coordinate x = 1.85 mm.
Temperature (K)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x (mm)
Fig. 16. Temperature distribution along x-axis predicted by FE simulations for different values of pre-heating temperature, at the coordinate y = 2.5 mm.
der bed fusion process parameters are also kept at the values listed process time, i.e. it is the sink temperature for the radiation of the
in Table 1 with the laser power P = 2 W. Three different HS (0.01 mm, surface as well as the ambient air temperature for convection. Such
0.015 mm, and 0.02 mm) are used in this study. Fig. 13 presents the powder bed fusion process parameter has a significant influence
effect of the HS on temperature distribution along the y-direction, on the LS-processed parts such as: relative density, dimension pre-
for an x-coordinate located in the middle of the two neighboring cision, mechanical properties, etc. It is also to be considered with
laser paths. The temperature distributions plotted in Fig. 13 show recycling strategies of the powder that may be subjected to aging
that the temperature decreases with the increase of HS. However, in the process.
the influence of hatch spacing on the predicted temperature dis- The FE simulations were carried out for extremely different pre-
tributions is weak since the chosen values of hatch spacing are heating temperatures: 293 K, 750 K and 1500 K. The two extreme
close. The effect of hatch spacing on the predicted relative den- values correspond to room temperature and to a temperature close
sity is shown in Fig. 14. The predicted relative density decreases to the melting temperature of titanium. The other process param-
slightly with the increase of hatch spacing. Nevertheless, the value eters are kept the same as in Table 1, with the laser power P = 2 W.
of hatch spacing must be chosen carefully. Longer hatch spacing Fig. 15 shows the FE predictions of temperature distribution of the
leads to discontinuous densification of the powder, and very short powder bed surface along y-axis at a coordinate x = 1.85 mm. As
hatch spacing will result in over-sintering. expected, the temperature profile increases with the pre-heating
temperature. Under laser irradiance, with the pre-heating tem-
perature of 1500 K, the temperature in our design of the powder
4.2.5. Pre-heating temperature bed is everywhere above the sintering temperature of titanium,
The last process parameter studied in the work is the pre- see Ts = 1573 K in Eq. (10). Fig. 16 shows the predicted temperature
heating temperature which is perhaps the most important process distribution along x-axis at a coordinate y = 2.5 mm. The numerical
parameter in the powder bed fusion process. It should also be noted trend presented in Fig. 15 is also naturally found in Fig. 16. Finally,
following Eq. (6) that the “pre-heating/initial” temperature is also the effect of this pre-heating/sink temperature on the maximum
considered in the heat dissipation phenomena during the whole
L. Dong et al. / Additive Manufacturing 13 (2017) 37–48 47
100% Acknowledgement
We would like to thank the Region of Alsace, France, for the
Relative density (%)
84% partial financial support of this project (PhD thesis of Lin DONG).
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